this new seo tool can save your next website relaunch

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Learn how searchVIU saves your SEO performance when you relaunch your website.

The tool crawls your current website and the staging environment of your new website.

It checks if all of the content of your current website can be found on the new website.

If content is missing, it shows you exactly what is missing.

searchVIU calculates how many impressions and clicks* you would lose without the missing content.

*Based on data imported from Google Search Console

It can also calculate how much traffic, revenue, or how many conversions you would lose.*

*If your Google Analytics account provides the necessary data.

Next, it checks which keywords that are

currently driving traffic* are

missing on your new version.*Based on data imported from Google Search Console

searchVIU provides you with automatic redirect recommendations for the relaunch.

Yes, you got that right.

No more manual matching of old and

new URLs.

The recommendations are based on the previous

findings and additional data, such as external links.

Also, if there are any changes to your internal linking that may affect your SEO, searchVIU warns you.

Last but not least, searchVIU checks all

redirects you have already implemented

on your staging server.

Website relaunch?Save your SEO performance withsearchVIU

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