title of you presentation date team name member names

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Title of You PresentationTitle of You Presentation


Team NameTeam Name

Member NamesMember Names

Research: Stay FocusedResearch: Stay Focused

• Why study the topic?• Research as much as you can… BUT• Stay focused - Avoid information glut• Background Information • History• Chemical Principles• Facts• Applications• Pros and Cons

SlidesSlides1) Title Page, Date, Team Name, Member


2) Goals and purpose of your presentation

3) Chemistry background

4) Text should be short – Do not try to put whole sentences.

5) Diagram/Pictures/Tables

6) Short summary

7) References and sources for your topic

ReferencesReferenceso Provide All References Used. At least one


o Books: Author 1; Author 2. Chapter Title. Book Title, Edition Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, Year; Volume Number, Pagination.

o Walker, J.M.; Cox, M. The Language of Biotechnology: A Dictionary of Terms, 2nd ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996; pp 56-57.

ReferencesReferenceso WWW: Provide Author, Title of Site, URL (Accessed

Date), and other identifying information.o ACS Publications Division Home Page.

http://pubs.acs.org (accessed Feb. 2005).o Journal Articles: Author 1; Author 2; Author 3. Title of

Article. Journal Name Year, Volume, Pagination.o Hill, M.; Fott, P. Kinetics of gasification of Czech brown

coals. Fuel 1993, Volume 72, pp 525-529.

SlidesSlides• Label graphics, tables, charts, diagrams, or

pictures• Use margins.• Spelling check!

• Subscripts and superscripts (Mg2+, CO2)

• Simple colors and big fonts are more appealing.• Pick a good background color.• Make sure it looks good!

PresentationPresentation• 5-10 minutes will be given to each team.

• Everyone should speak at least 2 minutes.

• Stay relaxed and use humor.

• Maintain eye contact and show enthusiasm.

• Give audience time for questions and answers.

• Practice, practice, practice! Set aside at least one hour for the final dress rehearsal!


• Team evaluation form from each team – Evaluate your own team members.

• Presentation evaluation from the instructor – evaluates the presentation and the slides.

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