top natural ingredients for your skin with annimateo

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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Top Natural Ingredients for Your Skin with Annimateo

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Anti-aging wrinkle actives-packed cosmetics based on natural ingredients - affordable. All-in-one Anti-aging wrinkle cream with all the best anti-aging ingredients on the market in one jar.

Effective Natural Anti-aging ingredients

Green Tea Extract : The high level of antioxidants and polyphenols contained in green tea extract has been shown to reduce sun damage and also slows down the signs of aging. Lotions containing polyphenols aid in the aging process and also reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Vitamin C is another Ingredients for Skin

Vitamin C : Vitamin C aid in the making of collagen and elastin which is essential for the firmness of the skin. The antioxidant property in Vitamin C helps to fight free radicals and to eradicate the signs of aging. Natural anti-aging creams with Vitamin C will help fight and minimize the appearance of scars, wrinkles and fine lines.

The benefits of aloe vera are versatile, from the healing of sunburn, acne, scars to the soothing relief of itching sensation and inflammatory. The best Annimateo natural anti-aging wrinkle cream with aloe vera prevent the breakdown of collagen, rebuild collagen, reverse wrinkles and also prevent the appearance of new ones. Aloe vera detoxifies you from the inside.

Aloe Vera 

Coconut Oil

  Coconut oil is an antioxidant vitamin E and a natural moisturizer with an excellent skin healing and anti-aging properties. Coconut oil does not only reduce the signs of aging, it moisturizes the skin and it’s great for improving the epidermis against fading, cellulite and stretch marks. Coconut oil also act as a natural sunscreen, it protects your skin from the harmful rays of the skin.

Copper peptide

Copper peptide is a

wonderful natural anti-aging ingredient that boost the production of collagen in the skin, it has also been found to fight the signs of aging, reduce the appearance of wrinkles leaving the skin youthful and radiant.

Contact UsAddress :℅ Eva Rosberg Cody,

Ballynoe Cottage Barrys Boreen, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland

Email us: Phone no: 3353861720115


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