top ten things every vestry member should know. our goal: to raise awareness to raise questions to...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Top Ten Things Every Vestry

Member Should Know

Our Goal:

To raise awareness

To raise questions

To leave you with something to wonder about

#10 It’s Not About Money

How much time in vestry meetings is spent talking about money?

Does the Vestry leave teaching about money to the priest?

When it doesn’t seem like there’s “enough” money, does the Vestry mope around or

rejoice in what God has provided?


#9 It’s Not About Rules

Do your meetings follow a structure, or are they just a free for all?

Do you make clear decisions about things or leave meetings wondering what you decided?

Do you look at the Constitutions, Canons, Bylaws to help guide you or only when a problem arises that needs to be “fixed”?

Do we act like a board of directors for a business or trustees for a not-for-profit or as

elected leaders in God’s church?


#8 It’s Not About Leadership

Do you intentionally communicate with the congregation on issues? As often

as possible?

Do you take time to get to know each other better?

#8Do you show respect when someone

shares opinions? Especially if they are different than yours?

Are you at worship regularly? In a Bible study or at least be reading scripture

every day?Do you seek common ground, centered on the spiritual life of

individuals and of the vestry as a group?

#8 It’s Not About Leadership

Do you tithe or increase your pledge each year?

Do we develop lay leaders? Do we give them opportunities to lead?

Do we have a strong, broad-based leadership?

#8 It’s Not About Leadership

Have vestry members committed to a standard for

giving?Does anyone talk about pledging in specific and

concrete terms?

Have you communicated with members to “Remember the Church” in their Will”

#7 It’s Not about Stewardship


Ever done an energy audit, usually free through your utility company?

Do you have a policy to recycle, and do people know it?

Have you talked to folks from other congregations about what they do

for stewardship?

#7 It’s Not about Stewardship

Do you make sure new members (not newcomers or visitors) are asked to

pledge to the congregation.

Do you remind the congregation about God’s desire to want us to

give? Not just once a year, but year round?

Have you communicated with members to “Remember the

Church” in their Will?

#7 It’s Not about Stewardship

#6 It’s Not About Outreach and Service

Does the vestry look for ways to reach out to the community?

Do you encourage members to get involved in charitable

causes?Do you encourage giving to the

cleric’s discretionary fund?


Do you have mission trips?

Do we connect the congregation’s gifts with the

community’s needs?

Do we care for the sick, hurt, elderly, shut-ins?

#6 It’s Not About Outreach and Service

Do we access resources needed to do mission and ministry, whether from our

congregation or from outside resources such as the diocese and

national church?Are we adapting in appropriate ways to change our Christian community to respond to the needs of our local


#6 It’s Not About Outreach and Service

#5 It’s Not About Welcoming and Evangelism

Do we identify ‘Apostles’ for Evangelism? Conduct ‘spiritual gifts’

workshops?Are we welcoming new members? Do we provide what they need to

incorporate with our Christian community?

Are we intentional about conducting some type of


Do the members of our Christian community reflect the

demographics of our local community?

Do we know how to speak to others about the basics of our

Christian faith?

#5 It’s Not About Welcoming and Evangelism

#4 It’s Not About Clergy

Do we compensate our clergy at appropriate levels?

Do we provide appreciation to our clergy?

Do we include opportunities for continuing education support?

Sabbatical support?

Do we hold clergy accountable for time away

from their “job”?#4

#3 It’s Not About You

Do you resolve conflict by discerning God’s will, not your desires, and embrace others in


Do you put the health of the parish first and leave individual

differences at the door?#3

Are decisions made to appease, pacify or placate an individual or

to benefit the mission and ministry of the church?

Do we deal with conflict in ways that moves the Christian

community towards its purpose?

#3 It’s Not About You

#2 It’s About Mission and Ministry

Are we baptizing (the basis of membership in the church)?

Do we pray for the mission and ministry of the congregation regularly

or take it for granted?#2Are we confirming (the basis of mature

commitment in the church)?

Are we gathering together regularly for worship, prayer, education and

fellowship?Are we intentional about conducting

some type of outreach?

Do we offer strong spiritual development / Christian education

for all ages?

#2 It’s About Mission and Ministry

Do we offer corporate worship that is prepared and strives for

excellence in all aspects?

Do we offer opportunities for healing?

Do we have a strong, clear sense of purpose?

#2 It’s About Mission and Ministry

#1 It’s About God!

#1God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier IS what it’s really


When a Vestry forgets that God is what it’s really about, it can become just

another not-for-profit service organization

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one

another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks

must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the

strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things

through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. 1Peter 4:10-11

#1 It’s About God!

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