transportation transformation

Post on 05-Nov-2015






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An inquiry concerning the technomechanical system of movement.




Behold, a Pale HorseThose who distrust the life-giving force [chi] within them, or who have none, are driven to compensate through such substitutes as money. When a man has confidence in himself, when all he wants in the world is to live out his destiny in freedom and purity, he comes to regard all those vastly overestimated and far too costly possessions as mere accessories, pleasant perhaps to have and make use of, but never essential. Bruce Lee1As an introduction, let us revisit the founding of The United States of America; to begin, not as the textbooks would have us envision it, not as the television projects the event, but as the propagated literary inscriptions of those who were there shall lead us to believe. In his journal, Christopher Columbus described the Arawak (a.k.a. Tainos) Indians, the people who greeted him when he landed in the Bahamas; how they waded to sea in order to greet him and his men and brought many gifts. They do not bear arms, and do not know them for I showed them a swordthey took it by the edge and cut themselves.2 In a letter to a Spanish patron, Columbus wrote: They are very simple and honest and exceedingly liberal with all they have, none of them refusing anything he may possess when he is asked for it. They exhibit great love toward all others in preference to themselves. Columbus declares They would make fine servants. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. Here the values are contrasted between Columbus and his men to those of the Arawak, perfectly illuminating the principles of the social framework (Columbus) that the Venus Project theoretically liberates humanity from and the social principles it will empower (that of the Arawak). What conditions bring about such behavior, and what, if anything, can people do to reorient those conditions? The following is an overview of the Venus Project by principle members, the philosophical foundations, the technical compensations, and culminating in The Venus Projects principles of social reorientation.Principle MembersPatriotism, weapons, armies, navies all that is a sign that we are not civilized -yet. Jacque Fresco3 Jacque Fresco is the founder and director of the Venus Project (est. in the 1970s)4. His technical creations include, but are not limited to: integrated social systems; systems for noiseless and pollution-free aircraft; a new aircraft wing structural system (patented by the US Air Force); a three-wheel automobile of only 32 parts; he designed and developed the Aluminum Trend House for Mike shore and Earl Muntz; in addition, Mr. Fresco has also developed components and systems for architectural construction, various equipment spanning from 3-dimensional x-ray units to electronic surgical instruments, a technique for viewing 3D motion pictures without glasses, and he has also designed and built many variations of reinforced concrete structures. Mr. Fresco has assumed varying professional positions: design consultant for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company; research engineer for Raymond De-Icer Corp.; he served in the Army Design and Development Unit, Wright Field Dayton, Ohio; he was an industrial design instructor at the Art Center School in Hollywood, California; and Mr. Fresco is the creator of Revel Plastics Company. A drastic reduction of his academic portfolio is such: addressed Princeton Universitys sociology department on the Sociology of the Future; guest lectured at the University of South Florida; guest speaker at the 10th symposium for the Civil Engineering Department of TEC of Monterrey University in Monterrey, Mexico; in addition to other academically relevant positions, he was the guest of honor at The Futurists Summit 2008 in Istanbul, Turkey. There is no human nature, theres human behavior and thats always been changed throughout history. Youre not born with bigotry and greed, and corruption and hatred you pick that up within a society. Roxanne Meadows5Roxanne Meadows is an associate of Mr. Frescos for over 30 years. Ms. Meadows assisted in the development and completion of The Venus Project research center in Venus, Florida; she assists in model development, photography and media communications, lecturing, and will most likely assume the role of director when the time is necessary to shift the position. Roxanne Meadows and Jacque Fresco may be considered the technical branch of the Venus Project.[W]hether it is dumping toxic waste, having a monopoly enterprise, or downsizing the work force the motive is the same profit. They are all different degrees of the same self-preserving mechanism which always puts the well-being of people second to monetary gain. Therefore, corruption is not some by-product of monetarism, it is the very foundation. -Peter Joseph6

Peter Joseph works in the activist arm of the Venus Project, otherwise known as The Zeitgeist Movement. The movement has produced two documentaries, Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist: Addendum, with a third Zeitgeist: Moving Forward to be released approximately within January of 2011. Mr. Joseph lectures across all boarders geographical and ideological -on the Zeitgeist Movements interpretations of society (e.g. institutions, fundamental relationships, economics, politics, etc.), history, and the future.Philosophical FoundationsIf you dont want war or killing, most crimes, you have to redesign the way society works you have to declare all the Earths resources as the common heritage of all the worlds people. Now, we have to remove the money system, which is basically corrupt. After that we have to gradually outgrow the need for all the artificial boundaries that separate people so we have one world working cooperatively toward preserving the environment and all life as we know it. Jacque Fresco7To change the way society works, one must come to understand the nature of society. All social systems - regardless of political philosophy, religious beliefs, or social customs - ultimately depend upon natural resources; i.e. clean air and water, arable land, and the necessary technology and personnel to maintain a high standard of living.8 Government has become recognized as the institution responsible for the regulation of these resources for the maintenance of high living standards (economics). In the United States, the government is essentially owned by the private, non-government, international-banking cartel known as the federal reserve. The regulation of resources and living standards thus is subject to the will of the real owners of this institution. Their control of resources for employment, production, distribution, and the consumption of goods and services is achieved through the use of a limited intermediary exchange medium (money), which has no actual worth as it is created out of thin air. Such use of an intermediary medium of exchange is known as a monetary system of economics. Within a monetary system, Whats in it for me is what people think. And so if a man makes money selling a certain product, thats where hes going to fight the existence of another product that may threaten his institution. Therefore, people cannot be fair; and people do not trust each other.9 Let us consider the Arawak Indians again. Dominican priest Bartolome de las Casas (who arrived in the new world shortly after Columbus, remaining in the Hispaniola region for 40 years) in his The Devastation of the Indies writes: ...of all the infinite universe of humanity, these people [the Arawaks] are the most guileless, the most devoid of wickedness and duplicity...yet into this sheepfold...there came some Spaniards who immediately behaved like ravening beasts.... Their reason for killing and that the Christians have an ultimate aim which is to acquire gold... Those who were killing, raping, torturing, and converting these most guileless people were acting as their culture taught them to behave. Cultures educate their members to serve some function of that particular culture, so if one is brought up by the headhunters of the Amazon, as a baby, if you never saw anything else, youd be a headhunter. If you were raised in Nazi Germany, where all you see is Hail Hitler youd be a Nazi. Democracy is not possible in a monetary-based economy. If you have more money to advertise your position, the position you desire in government, that isnt a democracy it serves those in positions of differential advantage. So its always a dictatorship of the elitists, the financially wealthy. Industry is essentially a fascist institution, since when one is on the clock one has subjected ones self to a dictatorship. So you see, you have built-in corruption. Were all chiseling off each other. And you cant expect decency in that sort of thing.10 The Venus Project, according to Roxanne Meadows, seeks to eliminate the processes that produce greed and bigotry, and prejudice, and people taking advantage of one another, and elitism; eliminating the need for prisons and welfare. Weve always had these problems because weve always lived within scarcity and barter, and monetary systems that produce scarcity. Scarcity is based on keeping products valuable slowing up production on oil raises the price; maintaining scarcity of diamonds keeps the price high - they burn diamonds at the Kimberly diamond mines and made it carbon that keeps the price up. With a monetary system, the economic conditions are such that, If sustainability and efficiency were indeed embraced, as Peter Joseph put it, there wouldnt be a multi-million dollar-a-year service industry for automobiles; nor would the average life-span for most electronics be less than three months before theyre obsolete. According to the laws of supply and demand, if a diamond company finds ten times the usual amount of diamonds during their mining, it means the supply of diamonds has increased, which means the cost and profit per diamond drops. Thus, in accord to monetary structure, abundance, sustainability, and efficiency decrease profit. Technical CompensationsFrom hunters and gatherers, to the agricultural revolution, to the industrial revolution the pattern is clear. It is time for a new social system which reflects the understandings we have today. The monetary system is a product of a period of time where scarcity was a reality. Now, with the age of technology, it is no longer relevant to society; gone with the aberrant behavior it manifests. Your personal beliefs, whatever they may be, are meaningless when it comes to the necessities of life. Every human being is born naked needing warmth, food, water, shelter. Everything else is auxiliary. Therefore, the most important issue at hand is the intelligent management of the Earths resources. Peter Joseph11Industry, and thus the government which is controlled by the industrialists, cant afford to be ethical. So, your system is not designed to serve the well-being of people; if you still dont understand that - there would be no outsourcing of jobs, if they cared about people. Industry does not care, they only heir people because it hasnt been automated yet.12 Within the monetary system, people are motivated by self-interest to gain profit. The pursuit of profit is only relevant when there is scarcity, because if there was no scarcity, one could not sell anything. In a Resource Based Economy, that is, an economy in which all the worlds resources are acknowledged as the common heritage of all people, the questions of cost and gain are irrelevant because there is no cost or gain. This is not communism, for communism uses money, it has social stratification, it has banks, it has armies and navies, prisons and police we dont have any of those.13 The idea is not to establish another nation: All nations are corrupt all of them. Not one nation knows enough about ecology to handle the problems. All politicians are basically ignorant men all of them, all the way back in history. Our problems are not political, they [political answers] were good 100 years ago, but today theyre [problems] technical. Rather than addressing superficial symptoms, the Venus Project approaches the problems of war, deception, greed, starvation, and poverty by approaching the source that is, the way we live. There may not even be enough money available to pay for the required changes, but there are more than enough resources. This is why The Venus Project advocates the transition from a monetary-based society to the eventual realization of a resource-based global economy.14 To put it simply, a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing resources instead of money, providing an equitable method of distributing those resources most efficiently in relation to the entire population. It is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of debt or servitude. This is achieved through the freeing of people from drudgery and repetitive incentive-based jobs. The environment, the cities, have been designed by Mr. Fresco to be extremely flexible. They allow for constant upgrades and changes; the cities are fully integrated systems which have been designed to evolve like a living organism. All laborious processes of resource production, distribution, and maintenance are cybernetically automated. The precedent for this kind of society is emerging slowly but surely within our own society today. Fundamentally, this is why a monetary system is self-defeating. Our current monetary system is not capable of providing a high standard of living for everyone, nor can it ensure the protection of the environment because the major motive is profit. Strategies such as downsizing and toxic dumping increase the profit margin. So, what is bad for people is good for industry; take automation for example. More and more people are being replaced in the workplace by machines and as a result, fewer people will be able to purchase goods and services even though our capability to produce an abundance will continue to exist and steadily be refined. The Venus Projects aim is to capitalize, so to speak, on this trend and build a society along those lines. Building new cities from the ground up is recognized as more effective than restoring old ones, and this is exactly what would be done. The old, currently existing, cities will be mined for resources and some, according to Fresco, will be kept as museums. The development of new cities is primarily concerned first and foremost with the restoration and protection of the environment, the efficient application of energy resources, ease of fabrication, and being relatively maintenance-free. The citys configuration will be a reflection of the function it serves. For example, the circular model (Figure 1) permits the most efficient use of resources, travel techniques, and general functionality, with a minimum expenditure of energy.15 The outermost region of the city is dedicated to gardens, parks, aquatic sports, and other outdoor recreation. The next section is the agricultural belt, which uses outdoor and indoor (hydroponic) agricultural methods, in order to grow food all year round. Moving inward to the next section, one finds green areas which are region specific, providing clean-renewable energy to the entire city. These energy sources include (relative to region) geothermal, wind, solar, wave, and tidal power. The largest green area includes the residential belt, which contains unique homes and apartments. According to the Venus Project: The residences are constructed by extrusion technology and other methods of high-tech prefabrication. The days of bricks and wood being stuck together are no more. Structures of the future can be near solid units, extruded as a whole. Efficiency is part of the very structure of these cities. The outer surfaces of the structures serve as photovoltaic generators that convert solar radiation directly into electricity. The homes are built of fire resistant material, impervious to water and other environmental influences, and require little to no maintenance. The effects of floods, earthquakes and hurricanes are also considered and incorporated into the design, respective of the characteristics of the region of the earth employed. Passed the residential district (still referring to figure 1) are the education, science, and research centers. Along with those are the production and distribution centers that are to be integrated by automated inventory systems. Without the problem of money and value, limits on production would not exist. In a Resource Based Economy it is conservative to say that about 90% of all current occupations could be phased out by machines freeing humans to live their life without servitude. For this is the point of technology itself.16 Furthermore, occupations specifically relating to monetary economics accounting, banking, police, advertising, judges and lawyers, etc. will lose the basis of their existence. Since there is no money, there is no need for money management, no need for advertising products, and no need for law enforcement. Virtually all forms of crime are a consequence of the monetary system, either directly, or by neurosis inflicted through financial deprivation. A vital ability required for survival is adaption to the demands of ones environment. Without changing the environmental conditions people will continue, regardless of any law or treaty, to adapt to violence, to adapt to stealing within scarcity, to adapt to deception and fraud; people will continue to adopt war, cruelty, selfishness, ignorance, and so on and so forth as their way of life. No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; these are all learned behavior patterns. If the environment is unaltered, similar behavior will reoccur.17 It is not laws that people need, it is the essentials of life; when people have these, crime will be virtually non-existence; one needs only to consider the Arawak to prove this. It may seem that the Venus Project is over-estimating the applications of technology; however, many of the technologies which are required exist today in a repressed state. With the limitations of monetary economics removed, an exponential progression in the capabilities of technology will result. This, again, is already emerging today. Tiny spherical solar cells, developed by Sphelar, 1.8mm in diameter can be modified to fit many different applications - including acting as windows.18 Obstacles to clean and renewable energy are becoming irrelevant. A PowerSat is the combination of a solar collector that orbits the earth (which captures up to 20X more energy than is available from the ground) and a power transmission system which transmits power from the collector, through antenna, to a receiving station on the ground19. The power beam is not harmful and not affected by climatic obstructions. The receiving station is a vertically raised antenna (more or less), which allows for the ground beneath it to remain suitable for other uses. Even more efficient, Mannvit engineering has Geothermal Power Plants in Iceland that provide up to 22% of the countrys electrical needs.20 Figure 2, taken from their website, shows the Nesjavellir plant. Geothermal power plants utilize heat energy from the Earth to generate electricity and can also be designed as combined heat and power (CHP). According to The Future of Geothermal Energy, a report published by MIT in 2006, there are 13,000 zetajules of energy available in the Earth, with 2,000 ZJ readily accessible with improved technology. All the nations on the Earth use about .5 zetajules a year meaning 4,000 years of clean, free, energy can come of this medium alone; not to mention Earth constantly regenerates this power.21Well, great, our consumer goods can be powered by geothermal energy forever what of our transportation systems dependence on fossil fuels? The technology to have battery powered automobiles, which can travel at 100 mph, for 200 miles, on one charge has existed for many years now.22 However, control of battery patents, by the oil industry, limits the potential of this technology.23 Since private wealth, big corporations with grants, and government are, according to Noam Choamsky, so interlinked with corporate power that you can barely distinguish them profit-deteriorating technologies such as these will continue to be suppressed.24 Despite the suppression, the potential remains. MagLev trains, trains that use magnetic propulsion, have been established by an organization connected with the Venus Project, ET3, which travel in a motionless, frictionless tube-based system that can run overland or underwater at 4,000 mph Figure 3.25 The Reorientation of Society It is common in our mass-media to read and to hear commentators talk about the number of social problems that face us today, such as global warming, destruction of Earth's environment, unemployment, crime, violence, poverty, hunger, and the population explosion. Yet, how often do we hear of workable plans for alleviating many of these social problems? J. FrescoFranklin Delano Roosevelt once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." One can learn a lot from this statement, not just about the way our society deceives us, but about the way one can forge a new society. As the declaration of independence clearly states: That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.26 The implication here is that our social reorientation must be a cooperatively orchestrated effort between individuals and organizations all across the planet. The Venus Project does not represent some template to be dogmatically adhered to and progressively misunderstood. Rather, it presents what all scientific explanations present: a useful metaphor for dealing with experience. To move toward a Resource Based Economy, as proposed by the Venus Project, it requires the understanding of the current state of affairs. It requires that people see the flaws of monetary economics, because if there is no motivation to change, no change will occur; similarly, if there is no need to change, changing is inefficient. There are insignificant technical barriers left to overcome, the greatest obstacle is ones preconception of human ability and limitation. You are only limited by your thought process. Many people think that human nature reigns over our despair; however, if human nature was as static as people make it out to be, we would still be living in caves. It is often the case that people are simply confusing human nature with culture. Culture, as described by Terence McKenna, is something we put on like an overcoat; culture is the collective consensus about what kind of neurotic behaviors are acceptable. Language, parents, educational institutions, entertainment, social peers, and especially religion and government all sync to indoctrinate children into the pre-established culture. You have to raise children, because children can learn anything at all. They can learn anything at all they can learn geology, physics, chemistry but we give them garbage. We have mickey mouse clubs in America how shameful. We have children and we read to them Dicky Dare and his sheep, on the way he met a cow moo moo said the cow - thats no way to raise children.27 Unfortunately, the education system within the current social system supports this kind of indoctrination, which is ultimately limiting us as a species. Earl Lee, librarian at Pittsburg State University, observes that textbooks do more to misinform and mislead than almost any other print media. Some of our most basic beliefs, including our conception of ourselves as Americans, are shaped and distorted by the school textbook.28 Even Albert Einstein took note of this:It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.29Without the cooperation of those who are involved in this, and other, culture-incepting enterprises, there stands little chance of making any real progress toward anything but martial law. If too many people seek a new direction then the existing government calls upon the military and the police to manage society thats called fascism.30 The method of making change without enticing military presence (and without actually changing anything), as establish currently, basically amounts to writing your congressmen. However, how many congress members or cabinet members, or any politician, knows how eco systems operate? Very few, if any. How many understand the psychological impacts of various information media? Well, this is debatable. If we look to Edward Bernays Propaganda, he tells us that it is in fact the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the masses which is the true rule of our political system. It is also the unknowing participants within the political structure, who unconsciously are enforcing this agenda, that constitute this subjugation to what appears to be democracy. But, again, one cannot have a democracy within a monetary economy. A money based economy produces incentive. But it also produces incentive for corruption, pay offs, paying off senators, various corporations, buying senators its never been a democracy. Weve never had a democracy, no nations ever had it. If you dont have equal purchasing power, you cant have a democracy. Again, you are only limited by your thought process. The change from monetarism to a Resource Based Economy may occur in successive steps.32 To start, we develop automated farms and associated communities that implement the available technologies which provide free and clean energy. As a second part of this stage, is the unification of existing communities world-wide. Since, at this point, operation is within a monetary system, this requires investments which could be received by various organizations (e.g. EU, UN, universities, local governments, etc.). The next step is one which is half baked today starting alternative energy companies. This will reduce the cost of resources and management for the communities established in step one. Step three is the design and construction of automated factories, where machines that are necessary are designed and built. Step four is the establishment of a transportation system which connects these communities. Step five involves establishing facilities that ensure necessary resources. These communities are trained in the most efficiency methods of recycling and waste management (things which will progress far beyond their current scope). Finally, step six, is the further development of this network of self-sufficient, technologically advanced communities. This allows for the refinement of remaining services, such as education, space programs, oceanic exploration, creativity refinement, and so on and so forth.Changing the way society works requires individuals to change the way they work. The question for projects and programs needs to be not how much something will cost, but whether or not we have the resources. And we have the resources today to house everyone, build hospitals all over the world; build schools all over the world; the finest equipment in labs for teaching and doing medical research. So you see, we have all that, but were in a monetary system, and in a monetary system theres profit. Bruce Lee inscribed the axiom that to change with change is the changeless state. This change should be gradual and include all people, every day displacing our current habitual ceremonies of daily habit and global consumption with cooperative research, design, and fabrication activities. We have the communications technology necessary to create a global network for sharing progress, ideas, criticism, and other relevant information. So long as you and everyone you know continue with their relatively mundane and relatively repetitive existence, we will become extinct. We will become extinct by the very nature of natural laws and by the very nature of the monetary system. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.33 Freedom is liberation from self-imposed limitation. To achieve this on an individual level Krishnamurti proposes that: All you can do is be aware of yourself, as you are, without judgment. See what is. Similarly, Gurdjieff34 asserts: The most important thing is self-remembering. Always, at every moment be aware of what you are doing. Watch yourself constantly - and never, never be absent minded. So all day you realize I am doing this and I know I am doing it, and this means Im not asleep. Every day, according to Robert Anton Wilson, you can find new aspects of yourself, if you allow yourself to change and grow. And the best way to allow yourself to change and grow is to realize how little you know and pay attention to whats going on around you.

Bibliography1.) Lee, Bruce. "Self-Actualization." Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living. Comp. John R. Little. Boston: Tuttle Pub., 2000. 177. Print.2.) Zinn, Howard. Columbus and Western Civilization. You Are Being Lied To, Edited by Russ Kick, 205-213. New York, NY: The Disinformation Company Ltd, 2001.)3.) "ZMCA Media Page - ZDAY 2010 Venus Project - Key Concepts." ZMCA Homepage. Ed. Peter Joseph, Jacque Fresco, and Roxanne Meadows. Web. Dec. 2010. .4.) "Resume." The Venus Project. Web. Dec. 2010. .5.) Ibid. ZMCA 6.) Ibid. ZMCA7.) Sanchez, Marcelo. RT Interviews Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project. Web. Dec. 2010. .8.) "About." The Venus Project. Web. Dec. 2010. .9.) Ibid. ZMCA10.) Ibid. ZMCA11.) Ibid. ZMCA12.) Ibid. ZMCA13.) Ibid. Sanchez14.) Ibid. About15.) Zeitgeist - Observations and Resoponses: Activist Orientation Guide. Web. Pg. 6416.) Ibid. ZMCA17.) Ibid. ZMCA18.) "Spherical Photovoltaic Solar Cell - Kyosemi Corporation." Think Round. Web. Dec. 2010. .19.) PowerSat | Space Solar Power. Web. Dec. 2010. .20.) "Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Plant." Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Power | Mannvit Engineering. Web. Dec. 2010. .21.) Ibid. ZMCA22.) Valdes-Dapena, Peter. "5 Electric Cars You Can Buy Now - Tesla Roadster (1) -" Business, Financial, Personal Finance News - Dec. 2010. .23.) "Mercedes Sues Cobasys Battery Supplier; ML450 Hybrid SUV Delayed - Wide Open Throttle - Motor Trend Magazine." Wide Open Throttle Auto Blog | Car Blogs & Auto News Motor Trend Magazine. Web. Dec. 2010. .24.) Seeley, Katharine Q. "White House Joins Fight Against Electric Cars - New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 10 Oct. 2010. Web. Dec. 2010. Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies: Et3 Network : Space Travel on Earth. Web. Dec. 2010. .26.) United States of America. National Archives and Records Administration. Declaration of Independence. Web. 27.) Ibid. Sanchez28.) Lee, Earl. School Textbooks: Unpopular History vs. Cherished Mythology?. You Are Being Lied To, Edited by Russ Kick, 73. New York, NY: The Disinformation Company Ltd, 2001.29.) Einstein, Albert. Albert Einstein: Quotes on Knowledge. 24 Jan. 2004. University of Nebraska Medical Center. 30.) Ibid. Sanchez31.) Ibid. Sanchez32.) "Transition Plan - 23 Translation(s) | DotSUB." Featured Videos | DotSUB. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. .33.) Andrew McCullough For Governor of Utah. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. .34.) Gurdjieff's Fourth Way Work. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. .

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3

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