trinity in action - february 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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“Frequently Asked Questions” is the link that companies and websites often use to provide answers to the most common questions that they are asked. The questions range from things like, “How much does this cost?” to “How do I change my address and password?” Questions like these are then followed by the answer.

That got me wondering, what FAQ’s might be on God’s webpage? There would certainly be a question regarding evil happening to “good” people and perhaps more questions about the future for us. What would yours be? If you’re like me you have started a list!

A book I read entitled, 8 Questions God Can’t Answer really got me thinking differently. While certainly God knows all answers due to His omniscience the book reviews the questions that God asks us to answer!

Have you ever thought about that? What do you think God’s FAQ’s would be to you? How would you answer? Our Sunday morning staff team has been working through this book for the last six months, and I can tell you that the discussions and self reflection that we have encountered have been powerful.

This Lent for our Sunday WORSHIP we will journey together through this series entitled, “God’s FAQ’s.” On Feb. 8 we will hear the first of these FAQ’s: “What do you want?” (see for a weekly listing of the entire series.)

If you know someone in your life that is looking for a much needed change and transformation why not invite them along with you?

God has some significant FAQ’s for us. Through the power of God’s Holy Spirit they can change our lives and transform our hearts.

During Wednesdays in Lent we will be doing a different series that looks at Parables. Be sure to plan your schedule accordingly so that you are blessed this Lenten season as we journey to the cross and empty grave!

See you in Worship!

by Pastor Chris Singer

VBS IS COMING SO SAVE THE DATE!! JUNE 15-19, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Jambo! At Camp Kilimanjaro, this year’s VBS, three-year-olds through sixth grade will have an epic expedition through the book of Proverbs!

Everyday our kids are faced with choices—will they choose wisely or foolishly? As they safari up Mt. Kilimanjaro, your trekkers learn that true wisdom comes only from the one true all-wise

God, who wants us to be wise! He’s filled the book of Proverbs with wise sayings for us! As they study Proverbs, our hikers will learn to have:

• ears that hear and do the Word of God; • hearts that trust in the Lord; • tongues that are tame; • hands that get to work; • feet that walk with the wise!Set your compasses for Africa and prepare for an epic expedition at Camp Kilimanjaro VBS!

Registration information coming soon!!!

MEET GOD Worship@


A few months ago I was driving home and happened to look down at the odometer. 77,777. Fortunately, I was sitting at a stop light and so had the opportunity to really burn the image of those numbers into my head. A small piece of me didn’t want to go any further because I knew the numbers would change and I would never see these five number sevens ever again. Hmmm. Made me start to think. This odometer example became the first of four related categories I came up with before the next stop light.

1) Things that we see and will never see again (77,777)2) Things that we see and will see again (e.g. our own reflection)3) Things we have not seen and will never see (e.g. a sunrise on Neptune)4) Things that we have not seen but will see

Number 4 of course is the mystery category; the one which involves hope, dread, wonder, fear, and faith, and one which I think is most intriguing. As we stand on the doorstep of a new year we are all going to see a good bit of things that we can file under number four; of course once we see them – they may move directly in number one or two.

While I can choose to be fearful or thankful for each category, I choose the latter. I am thankful for those special unique things which I was privileged to witness once (#1), I am thankful that I can see the beauty of God’s world over and over – like bluebonnets (#2), I am fortunate that God has spared me from seeing some of the horrors of this sinful world (#3,) but mostly I am filled with joy that God is His mercy has rescued me and will someday bring me to a place which no one on earth has seen - but we know full well that it is there (#4). How incredibly blessed am I as are all God’s children.

Aww – it just flipped over to 77,778. No worries, I will just look forward to more stimulating numerical delights – 78787, 88888, etc. and am also looking forward to sharing more substantial delights with all of you in 2015.

Something My Odometer Taught Meby Dr. William Brusick

Miss Jordan is enjoying some

snuggle time with this

little MOPPET

baby! Did you know Nursery

has over 50 children on

our rosters for MOPS


February Nursery Hours:Sunday: 8:20 a.m. to end of 11:00 a.m.

service (Ages 2 months- PreK)Tuesday: 8:00 -11:30 a.m.

(Precepts and MOPS Bible Study)Wednesday: 9:00 -11:30 a.m.

(Ladies Bible Studies and GriefShare)6:00-8:15 p.m.

(Bible Class & Church)

Nursery is offered for other Ministry Programs as they specify in their


Contact Sarah Dill at if nursery care is needed. Nursery is offered for other Ministry Programs as they specify in their advertising. (For additional Sunday

School information contact Jeanette Singer at or


We appreciate donations of Goldfish, animal crackers, Cheerios, raisins, pretzels, Kleenex, baby wipes, Clorox wipes, and

small disposable drinking cups.

Toys needed The Nursery toys are getting a little worn. If you have gently used more

recent toys you are looking to donate, we will happily accept them. We cannot

accept fabric toys.


Grow to Know GodKid’s GROW Groups are back in action, and Trinity Klein is busting at the seams! At the end of last year, GROW Groups finished off with 128 kids, and started back up on Jan. 14 with 183! It is so great to have so many kids not only wanting to hear the Word of God, but being excited to form relationships with each other.

One parent posted on Facebook, “I took my kids to GROW Groups tonight at Trinity. They had so much fun. They are both looking forward to next week.”

Anyone at Trinity on Wednesday nights can see, hear (and feel) the energy across campus, from the little ones to the big kids.

Joel Eisenbraun had the leaders stand in the front of the Pier before calling out the students’ new small groups. Afterward he said, “It was humbling to watch all of the leaders stand in front of the students last night. With over 102 kids and 32 leaders, [just between seventh and eighth grade] something good is happening.”

Without a doubt, something great is happening here at Trinity through GROW Groups! Students start off in large groups, worshiping and playing games. They have a time of teaching, and then break into their GROW Groups to dive into deeper discussion of the lesson.

GROW Groups will continue until Lent to allow families to worship together, then start back up after Easter. With so many kids, volunteers are always welcome. If you are interested in volunteering or want to learn more about GROW Groups, feel free to talk to Jeanette Singer or Joel Eisenbraun.


New Faces OfT R I N I T Y

Jeanette Singer is the new Director of Children’s Ministry here at Trinity. Jeanette has been in Lutheran education and ministry for 17 years. She graduated from Concordia University, Irvine, CA. where she received her teaching credential. After teaching for four years at a public secondary school, getting married and having children, she decided to enter full-time church ministry as the Minister to Families with Children. Jeanette started a brand new Children’s Ministry at St. John’s Lutheran Church and developed a team of over 300 volunteers and 1,000 kids. Jeanette is married to our Senior Pastor, Chris Singer. They have 5 children: Caleb (20); Hanah (18); Rachel (16); Benjamin (14) and Jacob (14.) Jeanette’s mission is to support parents in their God-given role to raise their children in the Christian faith. “There’s nothing I love more than teaching kids about Jesus and giving them opportunities to experience His love and grace; and helping them serve Him with their whole heart.” Jeanette wants to encourage all families with children to let us know how we can better serve you and your kiddos! One of her favorite Bible verses that she loves to pass on to kids is: I Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”


Serve and Love GodLenten Dinners The Lydia Guild is working with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to provide a meal before the Wednesday evening Lenten services. The meal on Ash Wednesday will be baked potatoes with brisket, salad and delicious desserts. Hot dogs will also be available. Meals for the remainder of the Lenten services will be homemade soups, sandwiches, hot dogs and a variety of desserts. Proceeds from the free will donations will be used to purchase items for baby care kits to be distributed by Lutheran World Relief. Each kit costs about $15. In 2014 we were able to make 310 kits thanks to your generous support and we would like to meet or exceed that number in 2015. Meals are served from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in FLC 116. Please join us for wonderful food and fellowship!

Women’s STARS Retreat

Registration is open for the retreat February 26

through March. Sign up at

S is for “sacrifice” T is for “trust”

A is for “adoration” R is for “reconciliation”

S is for “service”

Retreatants will have the opportunity to experience all of these at the S.T.A.R.S.

Retreat. Registration is online.


Go & Share God

This past spring, when I was asked if I wanted to go to Kenya as part of the vision clinic missionary team I was honored and excited to be able to share my faith and serve others in the name of my Savior. When I arrived with my clinic team in Ngong, we were quickly put to work as an overwhelming number of patients came to see us during that five days. Throughout the week I was kept busy from open to close at the clinic, but despite the long hours, I never tired at the joy of helping someone to regain their ability to see clearly.

One of the most heartwarming things to experience was the moment that you could hand someone their newly made pair of glasses to try on for the first time. I will never forget the looks on the faces of the people as they would look out into the distance and we would ask them, “Can you see clearly?” Their eyes would light up, a smile would come to their face, and they would look back at you and say, “Clear.”

It was during this time also that we could share our faith, and it was heartwarming to find that not only were many of them already brothers and sisters in Christ, but that they were confident in their faith in Christ. Through the work of the local missionary teams, vision clinic staff and volunteers we were able to help over 1800 Kenyans regain or improve their vision and share with them the love of Christ. It was also special to know that while we were there that week in Ngong, over 30 more people also came to faith in Christ at the clinic evangelism station. I marveled at their patience while waiting long hours to see the doctors, and the joy on their faces when we spoke to them about Christ and helped them once again not only in sight to see “clear”, but also in their faith.

TAIK will be taking another trip May 28-June 7. Applications are due by Feb. 22. Contact Ray & Flora Taquard at

Trinity Ablaze in Kenyaby Matt HolmanNgong, Kenya Vision Clinic Team June 2014

Can’t join us for worship on Sunday morning? Follow the

link on our home page to watch from your computer

or phone.

Baby Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief

Lydia Guild is collecting new and gently used baby items for Lutheran World

Relief. As you clean out your baby items or explore garage sales, we take sizes

six months to two years. Kits include the following items: sweatshirts, jackets, sweaters, receiving blankets, cloth

diapers, hand towels (large, clean golf towels work great), t-shirts, sleepers,

socks and new, wrapped bars of soap. The items can be dropped off at the

Church Office or given to Jean Webber or Janelle Oberg. All items are needed

by March 18. Thank you for your donations!


Altar FlowersMembers who wish to

commemorate a special occasion may donate a flower arrangement

for a Sunday church service. Please sign the book located

on the table on the west side of the Sanctuary. A member of the Anna Circle will call and verify all the information and order the arrangement for you. The florist will send you an invoice afterwards. The cost is $50 per


Submission deadline for the March issue of Trinity In Action will be February 15. Please send your content to Melissa Kasper at

Plan on fun and fellowship at the 21st Annual Booster Club Golf

Tournament, to be held Monday, March 2, 2015, at Willow Creek

Golf Club.10:00 a.m. tee time

Registration opens at 8:30 a.m.

Proceeds go toward funding the Booster Club’s support of Trinity’s

PE class equipment, facilities, all of the athletic teams, and the

basketball teams and cheerleaders trip to the LBAA National

Championship Tournament, in Valparaiso, IN, in March if the

teams qualify.

We are looking for golfers, sponsors, underwriters and


Registration rates: $125 per golfer, or $500 a foursome.

You can register or sponsor online

by following the link below.


“Be strong and courageous, the Lord goes before you every day. Be strong and courageous, the Lord went before you, even before you were you. His For Life work through you becomes

clearer every day. Hearts and minds are changed. Our life-affirming younger generation inspires us all. More pastors connect the Gospel to the life issues. More educators teach our

children to value every life. We have the most powerful and positive For Life message in the universe and nothing can stand against it! Be strong and courageous!” - Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb,

executive director of Lutherans For Life – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life

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