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Post on 16-Nov-2015






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  • Bir Tre Cinayetinin yks

    The Story of a Killing

    Diyarbakr'n nar ilesinde yaklak 3 ay nce ilenen ve Glistan Gm'n yaamna mal olan cinayetin nedeninin ''tre''den kaynakland belirtildi.

    It has been stated that the reason for the murder committed three months ago in the town of nar, in Diyarbakr that cost Glistan Gm her life, was traditional ethics.

    nar'n Alatosun beldesine bal Srmkesen kynde oturan Gm ve Ta aileleri arasnda, yrede ''berdel'' olarak bilinen bir gelenek olan karlkl kz alp verme evlikleri yapld.

    Between the families of Gm and Ta, who live in Srmkesen, a village in the region of Alatosun near the town of nar, a pair of couples were married through a custom known locally as berdel, an exchange of daughters.

    Glistan Gm'n, mer Ta ile evlendirilirken, Ta'n kz kardeinin de Gm'n aabeyi Memduh Gm ile evlendirildii belirtildi. mam nikahl ve ayn zamanda zrl olan ei mer Ta'tan bir kz olan Glistan Gm'n erkek ocuunun olmamas nedeniyle einin ailesi tarafndan sk sk eletirildii kaydedildi.

    Glistan Gm was married to mer Ta (who was physically handicapped), while Ta sister was married to Gm elder brother, Memduh Gm. It has been stated that Glistan Gm, who was wedded to mer Ta by an Imam and had a daughter with him, was often criticized by her husbands family for not having a male child.

    Ei mer Ta'n tedavi edilmesi amacyla stanbul'a giden Glistan Gm'n ailede yaanan skntlardan uzaklamak iin stanbul'a yerlemeye karar verdii belirtilirken, bu isteine einin kar kmas zerine kz Sibel'i yanna alan Glistan Gm'n kimseye haber vermeden, daha sonra stanbul'a kat bildirildi.

    The family went to Istanbul in order for Glistans husband to receive medical treatment and later she decided to move there in order to get away from the ongoing problems in the family. Later, when her husband objected to her plan, she took her daughter, Sibel, with her and fled to Istanbul without telling anybody.

    Glistan Gm'n stanbul'a yerlemesi mer Ta ve onun ailesi ile kyller arasnda ''Bakasyla ilikisi bulunduu'' eklinde yorumlanarak, Glistan'n babas Abdulkadir Gm'n psikolojik basklara maruz kald belirtildi. ''Berdel''in bozulmamas iin kzn telefonla arayan baba Gm'n,

    Her move to Istanbul was interpreted by mer Ta, his family, and the townpeople as though she were in a relationship with someone else, which subjected Glistans father, Abdulkadir Gm, to psychological pressures. In order to not break berdel, father Gm called his daughter by phone and asked Glistan Gm to come

  • Glistan Gm'ten geri dnmesini istedii kaydedilirken, Gm'n babasna, ''Ben stanbul'da alyorum. Eimi hibir zaman aldatmadm. Senin boynunu bkk brakmamak iin geleceim. Ama eim mer Ta'n ailesine yakn oturmam'' diyerek ksa bir sre sonra kyne dnd, babasnn tuttuu ayr bir evde yaamaya balad belirtildi.

    back home. Ive been working in Istanbul. I never cheated on my husband. I will come back, just to keep your head up but I wont live close to my husbands family, she said to her father and returned to her town after a short time, and began to live in a separate house that her father rented for her.

    Eya Paylamak Bahanesi

    Aradan geen 2 gnn ardndan babasnn evinde bulunan Glistan'a kardei Memduh Gm'n, ''mer eyalar paylamak iin seni evde bekliyor'' dedii, bunun zerine Glistan'n kardei Songl ve annesi Hamziye'nin de kendisiyle gitmek istedii, ancak, kardei Memduh Gm'n, annesi ile kz kardei Songl'n Glistan ile gitmesine izin vermedii bildirildi.

    The Pretext that They Would Share the Household It is reported that two days after her arrival, while Glistan was at her fathers house, mer is waiting for you at home to share the household, said her brother Memduh Gm to Glistan, and that Glistans sister, Songl, and her mother, Hamziye, wanted to go with her but her brother, Memduh Gm, didnt let his mother and sister go with Glistan.

    Durumdan phelenen Songl Gm'n kz kardei Nurcan' evin arka penceresinden dar kararak, Glistan ile gitmesini istedii renildi. Eyalarn paylam srasnda mer Ta'n tabancayla Glistan'a ate ettii, merminin isabet etmedii renilirken, Nurcan'n ablasna ate eden zrl mer Ta' iterek etkisiz hale getirdii belirtildi.

    It was discovered that Songl Gm, who suspected that something was wrong, wanted their sister Nurcan to go with Glistan and helped her out the back window. It was also discovered that while they were sharing the household, mer Ta fired at Glistan with his gun but the bullet didnt hit her and that Nurcan immobilized the handicapped mer, who had just fired at her sister, by pushing him back.

    Bunun ardndan evin dnda bekleyen mer Ta'n kardei Mehmet ah Ta'n ieri girerek, yerden ald tabancayla Glistan'a ate ettii bildirildi. Kolundan ve bacandan yaralanan Glistan'n, evin penceresini krmay baararak, annesinin evine kat, annesi tarafndan Glistan'n kolu ve

    Following this incident, mer Ta brother, who was waiting outside the house, entered the house, picked up the gun that was lying on the floor and fired it at Glistan. Despite being injured in the arm and in the leg, Glistan managed to break the window and run to her mothers house where her injuries

  • bacandaki yaralarn bezle sarld belirlenirken, anne Hamziye'nin kz Glistan' korumak iin evdeki eyiz sandnn ierisine kitledii belirtildi.

    were wrapped up with cloth by her mother, and in order to protect her daughter, mother Hamziye locked her inside the dowry chest in their house.

    Kalanikofla ldrd

    Silahl saldrganlarn kapnn kapal olmas dolaysyla cam krarak eve girdikleri ve Glistan'n sandkta olduunu tespit etikleri, Mehmet ah Ta'n, eyiz sandna kalanikof marka silah ile ate ederek, sandkta yaral bir halde bulunan Glistan' ldrd kaydedildi.

    Killed with a Kalashnikov It was documented that the gunmen entered the house by breaking the window because the door was locked, that they found out that Glistan was inside the chest, and that Mehmet ah Ta fired at the dowry chest with a Kalashnikov and killed the injured Glistan, who was lying inside the chest.

    Cinayetin ardndan olayla ilgisi bulunduu gerekesiyle aralarnda Glistan Gm'n imam nikah ile birlikte yaad mer Ta'n da bulunduu 8 kiinin tutuklanarak cezaevine konulduu bildirildi.

    After the murder, eight people were arrested due to their involvement in the incident and put in jail; among them was mer Ta whom Glistan had lived with, owing to their religious marriage.

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