tuesday december 7, 2010 (review for test 5). the launch pad tuesday, 12/7/10 no launch pad today

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TuesdayDecember 7, 2010

(Review for Test 5)

The Launch PadTuesday, 12/7/10

No Launch Pad Today.

AnnouncementsWe will have a test tomorrow.

You now have the option of giving me your electronic projects by using my flash drive...

just ask for it.All project filenames should be in the

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Assignment Currently Open Pages Date of Notes

on Website Date Issued Date Due

Five Multiple Choice

Questions on Plate Tectonics

11/11 11/12

Project – Decade

Volcanoes11/15 11/19

Project – Killer Earthquakes

11/17 12/1

Project – Greatest

Mountains11/19 12/3

Project – Fossils

12/2 12/9

Review for Test 5

Tectonic Plate Movement

Introduction to Geology

Relative DatingUnconformities


1Name two processes that contribute to the

creation of the driving force behind the movement of tectonic plates.

the Earth’s heatsea floor spreading at mid-oceanic ridges

2What energy source is thought to drive the

lateral motions of Earth's lithospheric plates?

export of heat from deep in the mantle to the top of the asthenosphere

3List three pieces of evidence that support the

theory of plate tectonics.

ocean floor drillinghot spots


4Cooler, older oceanic lithosphere sinks into the

mantle at ________.

subduction zones along convergent plate boundaries

5When Earth’s plates move, they cause a deformation in the

Earth’s crust. When deformation occurs at a point on Earth’s surface, the point’s position changes. This position change

can be measured using high-precision _______________________.

GPS instruments

6Name two major divergent plate

boundary zones.

sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Atlantic

Ridgesea-floor spreading

at the Eastern Pacific Ridge

7Several models for plate movement

have been proposed. The picture below

illustrates which model?

the Slab - Pull & Ridge - Push


8The drawing at right is a guess

as to the positions of the

continents:250 million years in the


9Catastrophists believed that Earth’s

landscapes had been developed primarily by great catastrophes. James Ussher, in the mid-1600s, concluded that the Earth

was created about:6 000 years ago

10James Hutton’s Theory of the Earth put forth a

fundamental principle of geology called “uniformitarianism.” This principle states that:

the physical, chemical, and biological laws that operate today have also operated in

the geologic past.

11Relative dating means placing rocks in their proper sequence of formation.

This technique:tells us only that events took place

one after the other.

12In the picture to

the right, the column that is

labeled “Younger” and “Older” describes:

relative dating.

13According to the Law of Superposition, put the

layers in the correct order from oldest to youngest.

Supai GroupHermit Shale

Coconino SandstoneToroweap Formation

Kaibab Limestone

14The Law of Superposition states that: in an undeformed sequence of

sedimentary rocks, each bed is older than the one above it and younger

than the one below.

15If you apply the Principle of Original Horizontality

to this picture of the Grand Canyon, what statement could you make that would be


The layers of rock have not been deformed

since they were deposited.

16The rock layers is this picture are folded at a steep angle, therefore:

they must have been moved into that

position by crustal disturbances

sometime after their deposition.

17We know that Dike A

is younger than any of the rock layers

because of:

the Principle of Cross - Cutting Relationships

18The small inclusions in the intrusive igneous rock layer prove that:

the intrusive igneous rock layer is

younger than the layer above it in

Picture A.

19An unconformity represents a long period during which deposition ceased, erosion

removed previously formed rocks, and then deposition resumed. In other words, it’s a

break in the rock record. Which of the following is not an example of an


[Know the three types of unconformities]

20The unconformity in this picture can

be classified as:a disconformity.

21The unconformity in this picture can

be classified as:a nonconformity

22, 23, 24The point labeled A represents a(n):

nonconformityThe point labeled B represents a(n):

angular unconformity

The point labeled C represents a(n):


25List all features in this picture

in order from oldest

to youngest.


26This picture

best illustrates


27Fossils are important inclusions in sediment and sedimentary rocks.

Fossils can be defined as: the remains or traces of prehistoric


28The study of fossils is called



29The fossils in the picture could best be

described as:unmodified fossils

30Which of the following fossils would

yield the greatest amount of information about the ancient


31The fossil in this picture is most



32This picture shows a single fossil that

has been:cast in a mold

33These three fossils are all considered

to be:impression fossils

34List four example of indirect fossil



35What’s does this

picture show?

a coprolite


these fossils in

order from

oldest to youngest






37What two things were most useful in

creating the Geologic Time Scale?rock layers


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