two letters from the rev. henry miles f. r. s. d. d. to mr. henry baker f. r. s. concerning the heat...

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Two Letters from the Rev. Henry Miles F. R. S. D. D. to Mr. Henry Baker F. R. S. concerningthe Heat of the Weather in July and September LastAuthor(s): Henry MilesSource: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 46 (1749 - 1750), pp. 571-572Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 14/05/2014 12:37

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VIII. l*to Letters from the Res. Hcnry Miles F. R. S. D. D to Mr. FIenry Baker F*ReSo concernirg the Heat of the Weattler ies JutXy and September laJi.

r 1Devr Sir,

ttadNo 22vt S E N D you a brief Acce3tant of the Statc 750* - 1 of tlle AA7cather, in tllis Place, cn thc

1 xth Inttant, sz hen thc renarkable Storm happcncd; wllich, if you thirlk fit, nzay bc comnaunicated to tlle Rcyal Soriety) xvllen they tucet; as thcrc nvill probalDly be other Particlliars relatin^, to it feJtt in.

Tlle ^NIorning at 4* had l1otllint7 rcmarkable: At 2 p. m. the Heavells moftly clcar, and no Ind ication.s of aStorm; theBarometerllas7inc,failcn butt6,, Illch fincc 4 a. m. it then Rood at 30, 20. the Thermomc- ter at 87z, and before 3 lt. w. at 88<, s-vIliwll is tllc hotte{:t l emperatllrc of tllc Air I cver kncsrr.

At 4 p. w. ute had acrar dillant bllulldr; foon aftcl it came a little nearerX and was olle colltinued Murmurw witllout any pcxcivalJle IntermiIElon for great Part of an Hollr: Tlle Li:,htnint, acconnpany inr it, xlot much. The NVinel was llearly S. W. and darln Clouds palEcd by on cach Sidc c)f us till tlley vIniced in the N7. for^ming one of tlre blaclzefl: (Llollds I ever fawX over tlle citwr) as ncar as I corlld guels. \07e 11ad not one Drop of llain, nor did there fali eitllcr Rain or H2il for rlear 3 Miles to the b7, of us tosvards Lo7sdon: A fe>r Hail-fl:ones, I am inr formed, fell iLl follle Parts of Claple6l^Ss) stthat the

D d d d Extent

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t 572 ] of the Storm might be oll othcr Sidcs of tllC titr

I have not heard. By tlle Obfcrvation I madc, therc did not appear

any conEfderabic Change in tllc Statc of tTlc Ail-, as to the AA/-csight or FIcAt of it.- Whe Eal^omctct fcl} little, and the Thcrmomcte:r no morc thaal ufual at that time of the Evening. Mrt 6'anton wrltcs mc that lliS Thetmomctcr in Spital Square (of the fan. Confirud:tion witla rnille, a1zd kept too ill thc opc} Alr) fell tlo lcEs than X 7 Dcgrces. I a1m,

mootix3, 7Jly 18, 23ear Sir, 7;o

Moxr, and fhe Joyal Soc.CryasX

moJ? obedrent, vzd

fflo/? haznJle Scrvan>

t4, bIilesw


rOOtt3fg, Se,§tetb'tr7, 17yo.

A T 4, a, ?ne the \57ind- bxg caRctly) and biow- n ing {troIlgX accompaSind with f-vveral dlort Showers of ltain, the Baromctcr bting at 2 ^,97¢ I obrerved nzy Thermometcr abroad tO and at 6I : A Degree of Heat exceeding any I 11ave takcll notice: of during thz whole Stlmmer at that tinae o£ elac vMOtMDg.

1H. Miless


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