iowa legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... dec. 15, isg-1, when he...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. .. . . Standard Form For of 2. Marriage (s) date place 7 3. Significant events for example: 4. Church 6. Public Offices B. State ____________________________________________________ __ . C. National _____________________________________________________ 7. Oea 8. 9. Names of parents_

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Page 1: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.. . .

Standard Form For Hemb~rs of th~ L~91slature

2. Marriage (s) date place

7 3. Significant events for example:

4. Church

6. Public Offices

B. State ____________________________________________________ __

. C. National ____________________________________________________ _

7. Oea


9. Names of parents_ {jt,~,;,~

Page 2: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

11. Degrees

12. Other applicable

Page 3: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. '

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


source Non Applicable Applicable Information obtained

Page 4: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page 5: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

-- --, . ------a -;--- .-~---.-

i unoons<lit>us · ·

f(U'{(OttOI~. foi- men . the~uali-·

uuaa•"'' · Aucb as.'

Page 6: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

I· ;ependiUg·

:member, nn ..... ,., College.

Page 7: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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II It) T.O R y·



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;.. Bioornphical Dir-ectory of it!:; Citizens, \<Var• Rccor>d of its Vol­

tHJtt•t:,l'S in. the late Rebellion, GIH1Cl' •. .tl ••nd J ... ocal St~tistics,

Por>tt•aits or Ea!'ly·s and Pt'on·dnent Mon, His-

tor•y or th.e North·we!::lt, Histot•:,; ,.>f Iovvu; rthtp

of· Linn County, ConstitLlltc»1 of th~

United Stutes, Miscellutth>US

Matters, &t!.

_.._!.1_1 I/ a_ __

'I: L L 'lJ' S r.I' :!.:~ .A·-~· ;c: D.

---~-----•4:" .. ----

I 1

Page 8: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


ware, stoves, etc., l\Iarion j born in Marion Feb. 12, 1855. He married Anna Toms Feb. 12, 1878; she was bom Dec. 30, 1858. l\lr. Smyt.h is a son of William Smyth, deceased, who

· was Colonel of the :Hst I. V. I. during the war of the rebellion, and afterward l\lember of CongTess lrom this district ;

· he was one of the leading members of ' the bar of t.his State. l\'Ir. and l\Irs. · Robert Smyt.h are members of the Con" gr~ational Church.

SJIVTII, \\'ILLIAJI, liON. (deceased); the 11ubject of' this , was born Jan. 24, 1824, in County Ty- !

{ ·rone, Ireland; when 14 ycni->1 old, his '; parenta emigrated to Bradford Co., Penn.,

l·aod for the next ~ix years th~y lived f.,.bere-and in Huntingdon Co.; in 1845,

r:~~ ·. WiUia1u settled in l<'nnklin Tp., but soon \~ . '· . · ... · went to Iowa City, where be st.udied

7 {_'·kw under Judge James P. Carleton \._ .:~ .. ful' two :>:cars·; June 1, 1847, William

. · to the bar at the first term ': of court ever .bPld in Benton Co., the · committee and candidate sitting on a

n log near 'fhomas Ways' cabin, two miles ' Jioom Vinton, whilethcy exillllined him ; '' 'he began pnictice at )larion, where he v: t'esided till ·llis death.. lir •. Smyth was

lnarriecl to llary .Brier at La ~Fayet.te, • Ind., Nov.12, 185t1, by whom he bad Six ehildrcn-4Villimu, Jay J., Robert,

diana, said: ")lr. Speaker, I only de­sire to add a word to what has been so well said by the collea~ue;; of the deceased. I know little personally of the facts which make up his biol!raphy, and which are so honorable to his ca­ref'r as a man and a public character. hut it afl"ords me a real pleasure to be able to bear wittll'SS to his uncommon per­sonal worth and iote;.:rity. l~rom the beginning of the present Congress to the close of the last session, my relatit~n:< with him were must intimate and ti·iend­ly. He scn·ed with we on the !'lame committee, and during ltis brief service here was called Uj:.OU to fiacc :-;orne of the chk.f tempt:ltions which makt• public life a constant JJtoral danger. llis in­tegrity was never filund wanting, and he dischar!!cd all his duties with a fi•lclity and conscientiousness which tlid him tlw highest hotJOr. He proved by acts, B}lCakiug louder than any words, bow possible it Li fur an honet~t man to be a politician, and thus to rebuke the too prevalent popular skepticism in the virtue of public men. 'fhe example of 1\Ir. 8myth is worthy of all honor, and docs more than all el~ to reconcile his family :md friends to his untimely death in the midst of a most honorable and useful c-.treer." The death of l\Irs. Smyth occured Jan. 29, 1861.

Souders, R., laborer. $,,David B., John, Stephen and Louisa, ': · .. ~~e latter Jecetiscd. In ,1848, l\lr. Smyth

became Prasccuting .Attorney of Linn , Souder1 S .. }1., laborer. ST~UBUCii, JOSEI•l( A.,

house, sign and ornamental painter, Marion ; .born in Lojran Co., Ohio, Dec. 8, 18.1~ ; came to ~Iarion in the Spring

rl, <Jo., which he held till 1853, when he ' became J ndge .of the. F.ourth District ; ~he resigned io 1857.,' and resllmed the 'practice of ~aw j il:hl858, he was made

1 one oftbe oouuninionthat prepared the , code of 1860; in 1861, he was t'bosen as one of four to assist tile Governor in the mana~ewent and direction of the war and defimse bonds ~f. the State. He entered the army in the l!'nll of l~G2, 8fl Colonel of the 3ll:lt Inf.·mtry, and served with .dh1tinction and 'hunor till Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and resumed his L'lw pructicc till he was elected to Con; . .'Ttl21S -in the F:all of 18ci8.

· lie died at hi" lunue in ~lariun, ~l·pt. · .·, . ·ao1, 1870. Of hill ~~ervjtX~ in Congrellii,

w It'D the lliJition Willi made !Jv .\lr. .-\1. «._~ •· lison tlt:tt tlltl. llun~t· ~ttl•tJlt • th•~ n..;ual

bad~e of muurniu~. )I r. Julian, of ln- '

of 1866. Enlisted ia Co. C, ~d Ind. V. ~C., ()ct. 28, 1861 j mustered out July :!7, 1 ~65. )lr. Starbuck has been

· t engaged in his present business twenty years. He married Laura A. Cone ·Dec. 23, lSliS; she was born in this county ~lay 15, 18-15; they have three children-Albert I ... , born ~larch 21, 186!); ~lorrk )1., bo:·n Oct. ~. lSi~, and FrankL., born Jan. :!, lr:i7li. , )lr. Starbuck r.·sided three venrs at Duluth. l\linu. ;\1 rs. ~tarbuck ·is a member uf t.he Baptist Church.

SlCJlliiWk. \\' •• J. S't'•UI!JI·~~S, ll£1}31.'\.~ n ..

of .\l:u·iutl. i,. uno ut' the mnst prumi­ntmt IUl'D uf that city,; tho family tf.uu

Page 9: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


which he sprang is traced back in an unbroken chain to the y£1ar 1630, and a·· brief abstract of the gencalo~ical record will be found intcrc~ting, introducing, as it docs, so many historical characters. On t.he twelfth day of J unc, 1 G30, John Winthrop, lir:;t Gonrnor of )lassachnsetts Bay, landed at Salem with a company of 900. Among the number was Capt. John Gallup, who settled in Boston, and there became the father of a familv con~isting of several children. John; Jr., marri~d a relative of Governor Winthrop, afterward be­came a Captain and moved to Pt'quot, . Conn., where he raised a fitmily of four boys and fiye girk Capt. G<1ltup was killed Dec. 25, 1 G'i 5, in the swamp fight in northern Rhode Island with the NalT'agansett Indians, under King Phil­ip. His seventh ehild, Elizabetl1, mar­ried Henry Stephens, who ~ettled in ' Stovington, Conn; th~ir children were 'fhomas, born Dec. 14. 1 G78, and bap­tized Ji'eb. 18, 169:{; mcbard, Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f.<tmily tradition that Henry Stephens was the oldC!It son of Nicholas Stephens, an · officer · in Oliver Cromwell's army, who fled from Englaml to escape the perseeutiuns of the Royalists after the death of Cromwell; but that record rests only on a letter from one ruemher to another in that gt•neration ; this letter is still extant, and is in the posse~:sion of )Irs. Updyke, of New York City, a descendant. In· 1668. a cen:ms was taken of Stonin~ton, C~nn.', and of the li.1rty-three inhahitants, Henry Stephens and wife were t.wo. They became mem­bers _of the Congregational Church, org;mtzed there June ~, 1 G7 -l-. Thomas, a son . of Henry, married :Mary Hall ~lay 26, liO:!; their children were Thomas, Phineas, Uriah, born Jan. 21, } 7118; Andrew, Benjamin, Samuel and Z,·bulon; by a second wife had Jessie, who died in infancy; these children "'•'l'e born at Plainfield. Conn. The t:~~ler died at Canaan, a)!ed 1:! yt•ars, in I • .10. Ui·iah married hi~ cousin,Sarah _:-;:•·!·~lens, born )lay -l, 17118 (daughter '•I H 1ehart!); th.·ir children were 1; riah, .Jr .. l.orn Aug. :!i, 17::o; )Jary. ~arab l.u,·y ttlttl Phirwas, all boru at Canaan, ( 'uun., and admitted lo the churdlthcr•'-

Uriah held a Captain's comnusswn in the French war; was a men1her of the Susquehanna Compuny, and one of the Commissioners to purchase the Connect­icut claim from the Indian>' ; died in October, 17o-l-, at Canaan. Uriah, Jr., married )fartha Rathbun, and raised Sarah, Benjamin, who died in the Uevo­lutionary army; Polly, Uriah, also in the army; )lartha, John, born April 10, 1766; l)hineas, .Elijah, Charles, \Villiam and a twin si5ter, and Benja­min, born aficr the death of the first of that name. At Canaan a colonv uf eig-hty-lour person~, of whom nine '~ere of the Stephens fiunily. WllS fimued and settled at ~tillwatcr, N. Y.; Uriah was of this party;· was abo a member of the Susc1uehanna ColliJtany, and mo\·ed to \Vilke.sLarre in 177g; was a town officer at the fir>'t election at that pla'''\ !"

then called West moreland. 'l'lw Con:­necticut sPttlers were all dri n~n !i·mn the valley alon~ the ::iusr,uehanna. Uriah sdtlt!d at Unmcstock, N. Y., Dee. t5, 178U, and there died in 18WI. .John Stephens married Olive, dau~hter of . Russell Franklin, und niece of Capt· ,John Franklin. the hero of Wvomim::. Nov. ~4, 1 'j8.); their childr~n wer~ Cynthia, Frauklin, Uriah 1<'., Phineas, Elias, John II., Alexander H., bol'!l Sept. 8, 1801; Fredcriek', Daniel )lt·­Henry 11nd !'amelia. _ Alexunder H.

. married -'Iary ~1. Davis; their children were R('dman D., born Xov. :!, 18:!!_1 ; :\Iary Charlotte, )lerritt and Sabre~·. Hedman D. came to )!arion -'larch ::n. 1~55, after completing his education fi1r the legal profe,-sion at Alfred Uollc~e and the Albany !JaW School, ant! being admitted tit the bar at Rochester, X. Y.; he practiced law in )[arion, and wa~ the fir~t teacher of a !!l'adcd ~chool at that place, voluutcc~i;1g until a re)!ular teacher came. Was married to ,\liss Louisa Brier, who came to ;\farion in 1 '_<;)l, Ott. i, 18;)7; .\Irs. Stephens \\'as born in Fountain Co., lruliana, Jan. :!-l, 183-L l\lr. ::'l!'phen,; obtained tlw third charter ever i~stwd fi,r a Natiuual l•auk in this :-itate, aud instit.utcd the Fir~t National Bank of -'lariun in t"o;:;; since that time, h·~ ha:o ;:i,·en up law }ll':tetil·e, nntl tll'Yvt.c•l his entire tinu• tu banking. 'fl11· chiltlreu of this Ulll•>ll


l I I I

Page 10: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. i

,--------········· 634 DIRECTORY OF LIX~ COt:XTY: ·1

arc l\Iary, born April 7, 1"868 ; Louisa, horn )[arch 31, 1871, and Redman D., Jr., horn )lay 30, 1814. ~Ir. Ste­phens, like the members of his family for all generations, is a Congre)!ntionnl­ist in faith, and was largely instrumental in placing that society in its present elevated position in )!arion ; he l1as accumulated a large fQrtune, and is one of the respected und influential citizens , of the cit)• in which he resides. He i hns never held political office,· except i that of' 'Supervisor, at which time his · counsel in the Board was very valuable, and several of his suggestions ar~ still heeded. in public matters ; he ts an active Republican in politics, and a tYJiical Western man in his succe~sful business enterprise11. He is still in tlte prime of life, with every .reasonable ·}trospeet. of enjoying the fruits of a careful, judicious and l10norable career.

STIXGEB, F. n., proprietor of the Newhall House ; transient 1-ates only $1.00 per day ; house pleasantly ~>itu­ated, weU fumiFhed, etc. llr. :::ltinger was 'born in J:o'ayette Co., Penn., in Nov., 1844; came to Marion in 18&4. Mar­ried Harriet Rundall; she was born in Ohio, March 17, 1847 ; they have two 1

cbildnn-l•'rederick J., born June 2, 186S,and :Effie}<;., Xt>v. 25, 1874.

STOJIRS, XOU:U . .\X 1<.1, dealer in flout and fbtd, )lariou ; born iu Westport, Essex' Co., N. 'Y ., )larch 11,1834; mowd to Clinton ·eo., N. ¥., in Ui59; came to )larion in 1868. )(arrieJ Jane )1. Finney; Jan. 10. lKl;); she was born in CJipton Co., N. ¥.. )lay 6, 1831; they

~ h.ave bad three' cllildrcn; . one dau;thtcr ..;..JJ:tttie L., died Au!!. 19, 1868, aged 12 )'c<~rs :md onl' month ; tbe Ji,·ing: are Cltu·n. H., born in Clinh•n l'o., ~- Y ,. Nov. 111. 18tH. aut\ Lil•Lie Jane, boru in )lari~n, July HI, ltitiS. )lr. nnd )Irs. ~tnrrs are uwtubcrs of the Ba}Jtist Church.

Stow~·. f,~>uard. T·l·•ldh•r. st.rTUf~IU •. -\XU. IIRXUY . .\.,

attorn•'\' nt law: ! ... rn ju Tut1>Utu, Can­ada X~•"· W. 1~1:0:: rctum·t·tl with his

far;nt!' tu .\tlam~ 'l't· .. Jld;twar,• C'u., · ow:1, llc•t•. I;,, I ~-:•i ; itt the ~J•riu~ of

}f;{;H,1tt' l'lltl!III<'IICnlatlt'll•liu;_! •·t'lltaJI at CunH·Il r .. u,.!!'''· ut ~h. \" ~·mun, Li1111

t'u., luwa: in.Juu.·, l"i·l, Ill' ).!ra•lU<ll••tl

from that institution ; . he has taught in the )lnrion High School since Sl'pt., 1875; read law with Thompson & Davis and Alexander Campbell, :md was ad­mittetl'to the bar in March, 1876.

Sutzen, H .. retired. TAYLOR, F. L., sewing macltin(' agent.

Tavlor. ,J. J .. f.·muer. TiiOJU•SOX, (;:f~O. \l~., Marion,

dealer in choice hartly fruit trt'c!l and ;_!en­eralnuJ-sery~tock, from Whitewater, Wi.~ .• grown by a rcliahle nut:;er)'lllan in the North. )Jr. Thurupson was born in Uamptou, Orange Co., N. Y., 1-'t·b. 15, 1824; in the Sprin~of 1850, he removt>d to Waukesha Co., Wi!l.; li-fl>d in Wi~­eon~;in ~ix years, and eame to :Marion in the Sprin~ of' 1851i ; Cll)!:l~f>d in manu­facturing and dealing in fanning mills until 18U2 ; he has been en;,!aged in present business tor eleven years ; he has been Township Constable, etc. Mar­ried Augusta A. Ru!lscll, 1-'ch. !l. 185-J.; she was born in Gcauga Co., Ohio, Oct. 13, 18:13; they- have ·two children­Chester R., born Sept. 7, 1855, and Arthur ~I., July 24, 18Gl; Chester re­sides in Racine Co., Wis., and Arthur in )I arion. Mrs. 'fhomt•:>on is a Seventh Day A«hcntit4.

THOltl•sox, \\'JJ.O.,nttorneynnd counselor at law, )f arion ; bt'rn in Butler Oo.,Penu.,Jau.l'i,ll-131; cameto)larion in Dec. 1853 ; he was· prosecutinl! at­torney for J.inn Co. from 1854 to 185li; was State Senator from this district. from 1856 to 1859. :\Ir. Thompl'on <'nlistcd in the :!flth luwa Y. 1,, Aug. :!5, 1862; was commi~<siorl('d )lajor at the time of the or~:mization of the regiment ; had eommaud of the r<'giment two years; was wt>undul at the battle of Prairie Grove, disabled for about thirtv da'\"'s ; was in ull en .. un·ements his rc .. in;<'nt par~ ticipatcd in, ;:x~pt the battle ~f nh\kcly; was mnstcrcu out as )Jajur in .\u!!., 1 SG-l ; he wns Presidl·ntial Elcetor in 18U-l, and served as District .Atturncy fol' the 8l}J Jutlicial District frutn J 8tii to 1Si-L

'l'.otu;;, G. \\'., druggist. · Trot!, lla'>id. 'l'wn~rt~ml. .J. l' .. clerk. T\\"0(~000, \\'JJ. S.,oith«-firmof

Twoguud & Downie, merdu.nts, )briun;

Page 11: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


; I c / ·1

_,/ .:. .

LINN COUNTY lO\tV A --·-·------2..:. l ----~


. Full Page ·Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representatire Citizens of the County,







Page 12: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.::. ,, .. .i.:;:. ;:;~ t ::.. :.. •• ~ 'l

LINN COUNTY. sst·•li

:son withdrew, and since which time our su.bject hns c:trried on the business alone.

)!r. Bishop wa.s married, Sept. 15, 1857, to Eliza J. Cook, a nath·e of Henry County, Iowa, who bore him se,•en children: Jonathan was united in marriage with Cynthia .J. Wink, and they are living in Anamosa; Alva R. married Alice Long and they are residents of Springville; Lena :u. ia the wife of James H. Chattin, of .Jones County, Iowa; Corwin S. is working in his father's shop; l\Iattie died when three years old; Frank 0. is learning the printer's trade; Norris G. is the youngest. lirs.. Bishop died at Springville, liay 14, 187:2, and our subject wa.s again married, liay 21, 1876, lfiss II. E. Stone being the other contracting party. Sbe is the daughter of Z. Stone, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work, and was bon1 in Brown Township. Of her union with our subject three ehil(lreu have been born-Orville R., H. Z. and Sarah E. Mr. Bishop is a n1ember of the Masonic fraternity and also holds fellowship with William Carbee Post No. 270, of Springville. In politics he is a Republican, and religiously he and his wife are both believers in the tenets of the Methodist

. Episcopal Church, of which they are worthy mem­bers.

A lithographic view of Mr. Bishop's x-esidence is shown on another page~


:.-, ON. ·It Dd!l'i!:;tl:'PltENS. The biography of Redman Davis Stephens properly begins ten years ~ter the ~rst p~rmanent white settle­ment m the Vmted States; when, o~ June

12, 1630, there lauded at Sulem, with John Win­throp, Capt. John Gallup, who settled in Boston, and whose son, John, Jr., mar1ied a relative of Gov. Winthrojl, and later, l.oecoming a Captnin, moved to Pequot, Conn. He was killed Dec. 25, 1675, in a battle witb King Phillip, in the swamps of Northern Rhode lsland, and left a family of four b~s and :6.\"C girls, the seventh of thc~c cbil!lrcn being Eliztlhetb, who mnrl"icd llcm·y Stepheus. l" pon the testimony of _a letter now in the p•J~~es­sion of l\lr>~. lJ pdyke, or ~ ew Yurk City, it is kuown that llenry was the oldest sun of Nichola:; Stnphens, llll ulllrer in Crnmwell's army, who llml tu Amcri£'11

upon the retum ·of the Royalists to power; trndi­tion says thnt either·Nieholas or Henry bad broth­ers, from whom descended Alexander H. Stephens, of G eorgin, and indeed, all the Stephenses in America.

The names of Henry and .Elizabeth Stephens tip­pear among the forty-three inhabitnuts enumerated by the census of Stonil1gton, Conn., in 1668, and they were among those who orgnnizcd tbe first Congregational Church of that plnce Jnnt' 3, 16i4. Ou Dec. 14, 1671:!, was bom their eldest son, 'l'homas, who was b.'\ptized l<'eb. 18, 1G93. He was

succeeded by !Uchnrd, Henry, l~liztlbeth and Lucy. On May 26, 1 702, Thomas ruurried l\lary llall antl they located at l'lninficld,- Conn., where were bont Thomas, Phine.'\s, Uriah, Jan. :21, 1708; Andrew, Benjamin, Samuel and Zebulon; and by a second· _ wife, Jessie,· who died in infancy. Thomas, 1-;r., died at Cannan, Conn., in 1750, aged seventy-two years; Uriah, son of Thomas, marrierl his cousin Sarah, daughter of Richard, who was born lluy 4, 1708; their children were Uriah, Jr., bom Aug. 27, 1730; liary, Snrab, Lucy and Phineas; all belonged to the churcb at Cannan. Uriah, Sr., was commis­sioned a Captain during the ~·rench nud Indian War, was a member of the Susquehanna Com­pany, and one of the Commissioners to purcbn.."tl the Conneuticut Claim of the Indians. He <lie(l at Canaan, in October, 176·1. Uriah, .Jr., mnn-ietl :Martha Rathbun, and to them wet·e born the fol· lowing children: Sarah; Benjamin died in the Rt'\"· olutionary Anny; Polly; Criah, who was also in the army; ~Iartha; .John. bom April 10, 17G6; Phineas, Elijah, Charles. Willium, a twin sistet•, and another, Benjamin. l:riub, Jr., and eight other 1:4ephen;;es were among the eighty-four colouists from C:m:um who settled at Stillwnter, N. ¥. He belonged ~o

the Su~quehruma Company, mul in 177:l, moved to

\\~ilkes Burre, then cnlled Wt••tmot·elund, Pa., when· he was made a toll'll ofllcer at the first election. With the other Commetieut settlcN the fnmily suf­fered denth nn<l '""~ in the valley~ of Wyoming aml the Sn~qndt:mnn, :md were grnduruly driven up into New York, where, Hce. :::!:i, 17x!l, l."riuh :;ettled nt Comstock; he died in HIOO. ,John Stepbuns and Olive Frnnkliu were nll\rrietl, Nov;. 24, 17x5, uud A lexnmlPr II. Str·pheu .. , the fathet• of It D., was

Page 13: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


d I

f l


their son. Olive J:!'ranklin wns the daughter of Russel l<'ranklin, a bt·othcr of Capt. John Franklin, the Hero of Wyoming. He was bol'll at Wood­bury, Conn., anil was twice married. His life was one of terrible. hardship amid the wildcmess and the most sa tribes of America; yielding at last to an insane impulse, al;out 1791-92, he shot hilllSelf. His children were Joseph, born 1764; Ol­ive, 1767; Russeii, 1769; Susannah, 1771; Thank­ful; Stephen, 1777, and Ichabod, 1779. Thankful died o! smallpox in 1778. At the age of twelve years Joseph was left in tl:je care of a neighbor, who was kille1l, his house burned, and his family captured by the Indians;· the boy ran for the river but was wounded in the thigh and carried away. Sore and worn out, the next day he was left be­hind with two Indians, who murdered and scalped him. While yet children, Russel lll)d his cousin Arnold were captured ; together they ran the gauntlet and escaped to the British gan·ison at Ft. Niagara., where the former served as an officer's waiter, and later, barely escaped sealping by au Indian in Canada. In the spring of 1781, at the age of twelve yean, be was exchanged as a prisoner of war, and returned to his father, to learn of his moth­er's death and the loss of baby Ichabod. April 8, 1781, 8.3 Susammh was going to the 'spring for water, she was taken by an ambush of Indians, who then rushed Ul)()n the house, fired it, and hurried the mother and childt·en into the forest. Severn! days later they were overtnken by a party of res­cuers, and in 'the battle which ensued the prisoners

· carne between two fires. Lying close to the ground the children eseaped, but the mother, anxious for the result of the conflict, exposed hm·self. Susan­nah saw a large lndim~ approach and warned her rnpther to lie down, but ere the wamiug could be obeyed she was shot, anci died l\'ithout speaking. 'J'he babJ' bad beeu tnken into the forest by the Indians, aud wa~ never seen agnin. Olive, l':iusan­nah and Stc}lheu luy low by the dead mother until they heard the cry: "!tun! yon •lear souls, run!" 'Olive s:licl afterwm·rl: "1 had Stephen on nay back, and whtm we heard the voices of tmt· friends we flew to meet them." Such arc the hanlship.~ d eumudt•ll of those who build au empire. Un~sel mnrriPd aud lived ~u Cayuga Cuunty, N. Y., :uul Olive, ws before

stnted,.marricd John Stephens; she lived to a ripe old age; near ·Seneca Lake, N.Y. Their childreu were Cynthia, l<'rnnklin, Uriah .F., l'hinens, Elin;. John H., Alexander H., Frederick, Daniel licHenry aud Pamelia.

Alcxaudet· Hamilton Stephens was bor11 Sept. 8, 11'101, and married l\Iary l\1. Davis. He was a

j farmet· anti miller, tmd an early settll'r at the yiJ. lla,.,<FC of G1·eenwood, Steuben Co., N. Y. He spent

I several winters in the W'est with his son, R. D., and ·in early life was a member of the New York Legis-

! lature. Industrious, ecouornicnl and shrewd, he ac­quired a cousiclerable fortune, and lived to be a

j hale, cheerful old man; dying in the fall of 1881. 1 His wife, who died many years ago, was a sister of j the late Hon. John Davill of Greenwood, and a

II daughter of Le,·i S. Davis, who, with Ira Oaveuport,

erected and opernted one of the pioneer taverns of Steuben County. Bet des U. D. their children were Mary M., l\Irs. Joseph Woodberry, born Dec. 23, 1832, clied in 1881; she resided in Greenwood; Charlotte A.; Mrs. William A. Crandell, Lorn Nov. 5, 1837; she lived 1.1ear Elmira, and about 1866 removed to llarion, Iowa, where she died May 3, 1871; Merrit A., boru in l\Iarch, 1845, was drowned in 1847; Sabrey H. was born at Greenwood, and spent several winters in the "rest with her brother; she married ·william G. Porter, a merchant, in 1872-73, and rernoveil to Iowa in the latter part of 1880, but upon the death of l\Ir. Stephens returned to New York and located at Canisteo, where )lr. Porter is engaged in banking; she was born in March, 1852 ..

Redman D. Stephens, our :subject, wws born at Greenwood, Nov. 2: 1829. He workeil upon the farm and in the mill, attencling the villnge school in winter. lib futher designed for liim to be a mer­chant, but the boy·wns ambitions; he prepared for t•ollcge, nnd grndullted from Alfred Seminary, Al­ft·cd Center, N. Y., with the class of HSiil. Jle taught school at Cuba, in AIIegauy County, ami in 11Si)2 began to renil law in the office of R. J •. Ill'un­tlagc, at Ilornellsville, being admitted t<J the hnr in ~ptemhcr, Hl;;3, During the winters of 18ii4-4li, be attcmlcil lectures nt the Albany Lnw School. Ilc arrived in 1\[arion, Iowa, lntt• on the night of Murda :u, lli4ii, with a t•n~h c~apitul of ¥2:1. He



Page 14: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

> "~! 1 i I""· I!< l II --.,...:.;·; ___ _::


was entitled to come by stage, hut he came much of the way from Big Creek, carrying a lanteru so as to direct the stag£> dri\•er from the deep snow drift$. He enterecl the law fim1 of Isb£>1L & llub­b:trd, from which l\Ir. Isbell retired to the Supreme Bench of Iown, and practiced until 18li3, and when he died was rt.g:trded as thorough in commercial l.'\W. He was no orator, but stated ·his facts and cvnvictions with force and precision. In N ovem.­bcr, 1855, 1\Iaj. Robert Holmes and he examined an applicant fot· the principalship of the first graded school at Marion. The gentleman was unsatisfac­tory, and 1\Ir. S. organized the school, being its Principal for one month. and receiving ~40. He' n1ways felt a deep interest in eclucntion, was for-

:-d in pt·omotiug the public school system, and \9. Trustee of Iowa College, at Grinnell, and of College at Cedar Rapids. He manifested this

interest by constant self-education, particularly in the sciences and trnYels; caring little for belleslettres or purely speculative philosophy. By the purchase of the works of the best authors he accumulated a large and fine library, and kept acquainted with each new progress through papers and periodicals. He possessed a powerful memory, and rare ability to assimulate knowledge rapidly and effecti!ely.

At 1\Iarion Mr .. Stephens met Miss Louisa G. Brier, who came "'est in 1852, and Oct. 7, 1857, they were mnrried,.at the home of the late Judge G-regury, J..a l''ayette, Ind. They lost one child in infancy. and three are still living: l\Iary, born April27, 1868; Louisa, 1\larch 31, 1871; Redman Davis, 1\Iay 30, 1874 .. .1\fr~. Stephens was horn in Fountain Vounty, Ind., Jnn. 28, 1834. l\1r. .Stephens was eminently a ho1~e man, and no one ever e~oyed n frolic "Cith. his children more than he, anO,no matter how busy or dull the clay, he wrote to his fnther, during each day of absence from him. Soon after marriage he insure•! his life for ('1:)0,000, which secured him fl'Um anxiety for the future of life. L'lte in the liftie,; he entered the banking firm of \\'inslow, Hubbard & Stephens, nnd in 1863 organized and became Cnsbicr uf the First National n.~nk of l\Iarion, charter No. 117, the third one e~t.'\hli.-;hed in Iowa. In l Hli·l he Lcc:nnc

(~~\its President, aml Hl remained till his dettth, hPing­, ··,·jcceetll••l hy hi~ wirlow, the thir<llntly who t.>vet·lwl<l

the position .of a Nntional Bank Presiclent. Ahout 18fi7 he became one of Linn County's Supervisors, and as such performed much vnlunble and lusting service. In 186::1 ht.> participated in the organiza­tion of the Sabula, Ackley & Dakota Railway Com­pany, and became its President. The road was huilt from 'snbula to )!arion, and some years hter was sold to the C. )!. & St. P. R. R. C9. During the great county seat war between Marion and Cedar Uapids, in 1871, )lr. Stephens was one of the most vigorous of the remonstrants. Several yenrs later he becnme !Jlll('h interested in the development of the Iowa dairy industry, and died Treru;urer of the Cedar Hnpids Dairy Board of Tmde.

1\Ir. and .Mrs. Stephens were Congregntionttlists, and were prominent workers in the church at l\Inrion. "'hen, in 1877, it was· decided to build a new church edifice, 1\Ir. R agreed to bear­one-sixth of the cost, if ' .e church was made lnrge enough for extraordinary u..casions. He 1-,rnv~ much labor and attention to its construction, and Inter, to liquidating the society's debt. He was a Deaeon in the church when he died. His sentiments wf:'re deep and strong, bnt he rnrely spoke of them. He hated shams and affectations, and had ample humor :md sarcasm with which to mock at them; vice pained him and lie was fearless in its denunciation. lie ft·eely aided those who showed the spirit to aid themseh·e~, but felt that it was effort wasted to aid th08e who had not. }Ie was very compnnionable and fond of so­ciety, and knew the nnme of everyone for miles nround. He wtts a liberal patron of every puulic eutcrprise that promi8ed success. In 1879 he was elected to the I.egblnture, where he won high dis­tinction for good tiense and business ability; a brilliant political cnreer seemed in store for him, and he was re-nominated. The campnign wa~ pe­cnlinrl,r hitter. every advantage bl'in~ taken of the popular prejudice n~nin,t. Lnnkers nnd .wealth, and he wetS benten. lu 1880 he wns largely instru­mental in ba\·ing th<' C. )L & St. P. U. R. extended from l\l:trion to Council HlniT~, and in l ~~2, from Cedar H.npiu~ to Knnsas City.

During the fall of 1 S80 a committee. of Cedar J{apids lmsiu<'~s men wnited upou :\Ir. Stephens and u.'<k<·d him to come tu C'Nlar Hnpids and est.'\blish :1 J,mk. llc gave them n list of twenty nnmes of

Page 15: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

85-l LlN.N COUNTY.

lending business men, and tol<l them if they would get t11ose gentlemen to go into the combination to start a, bank he would go to Cecl:tr Rap1ds and

· orgnnizc and mn it. The combination was macle, and in the spring of J 8tH the 1\Ierchant's National Bank was organized with twenty-one stockholders and a capit:\1 of tn 00,000, with $:!0,000 surplus paid up, 1\Ir. Stephens lteing elected Pt·esideilt. Up to that time this wns the only bank ever opened with a paid-up surplus of twenty per cent, and it at once took rank among the solid institutions of the West. With accustOmed energy he entered into the business life of biB new home. He was, when he die4, President of the )lerehant's National Bank of Cedar l'mpicls, President of the }'irst };ational Bank of Marion, and l"rt'sident of the Cedar Rapids ·Linseed Oil Company; ·of the Cedar Rapids Lin­seed Oil I>aint Company, and the Cedar Rapids Grain Biuder Company, local Treasurer of the Union lUutnnl Aiel Insurnnce Company of Water­loo, and a Director of the Cedar Uapi!]s Board of 'frade 1\Jlcl the }~a~rle W oolcn :\lills, a mem­ber of Patmos Commamlery Knights Templars, of 1\larion, the lat•gest land-owner in Linn County, and hn.d banking and lanclc<l interests in Dakota, Kansas and New York; and in none of these affairs WIIS his position merely nominnl.

About. 10 o'clock the night of liarch 7, 1883, while running to catch a train at :Marion. he slipped on some icc ancl fdl upon some stone~; le;lpiug up he hurried on, feeling jan·Nl and hurt. The

• pain became more intens<• after his arrival home, nnd toward moming a phy!'icinn wns summoned, when it wns lcnnwd thnt his right <•lbow wns dislo­cated and that he wns otherwise brukc<l. His· in­juries beak>d mpi<lly, an<l all were looking forward tO his recovery, hut the pain incrensetl, ancl symp­toms of purpura appeared. Convineccl that <Ieath 1V'M near, lw c:qwcsscd bim>'elf as re:tcly to die, ancl during his lucid monwnt.s direeted tlw prepnration of his business atruir~ for the end. During a small part of the time he Wll<' uncon.-cious, ami in that con­dition Sftnk quietly into death, at l! o'clock A. li., 1\Iarcla 30, 1~1!3, jn"t twenty-eight ycnrsaftcr his ar­ri vnlat 1\larion, nne 1 in the fifty -f om"th year of his lire. He ha!lnecinirccl wc•:tltb and clistinctiou, with 11~mor to bim~el£ n111l benelit to his fcllow-uwu.

e J. !YES, one of the most prominent and (\\ m well-known citizens of I.inn County, hn.s at­~ tnined especial pl'Ornincnee in railroad cir­cles through his ability and competency as an offi­cial He is President and Gcnernl St•i1crintendcnt of the B., C. R & N. R. R., with residence at Cedar Rapids.

lir. Ives was born at Wallingford, Rutland Co., Vt., Oct. 4, 1831, and is a son of Johuaml Lucre­tia (Johnson) Ives. His parents were also nath·es of the Green lloilntain State, where the father of our subject was engaged in men,antile pursuits. Of the parental union sL" children were born, two of whom are yet living, the subject of this biogt"Rphy, and Nathaniel L. ·

C. J •. Ives was brought up a far~cr's l,loy, and received the advantages affordcii .by the common sehools. Developing into "'\aJlhood, he ooiltinued at .agricultural pursuits in • ·i~< native State until 1847, when he came to Iowa and settled o1f a farm in Lee County,.and continuing at his chosen voca­tion, met with fair success. Oct. 1, 1862, l\lr. lves entere(l the railway service, and from that time until ,July 1, 1870, was engaged ou the BurlingtOn & 1\lissonri Uiver road in various OO}lacities. }'rom the former date· uutil April 5, 1863; he was clerk for that compnny at llt. J>leasant, this State, ancl from Apl'il 5, 1863, until Jau. 15, 1864, served in that capncity at Ottumwa. He was then clerk at the local freight otfice at Burlington, Iown, until Jan. 1, 1867, and then clerk in the genernl freight office until July, H>70. Siucetbat time he has been connected with the BurlingtOn, Cedar Uapids & 1\Iinuesota, and its sncct'SSor, the Burlington, Cednr &pills & Northern Hailroml. Until 1871, llc was General Freight Agent of the first division of the road from Burlingtou to Ceclnr llapids. He was then, until Oct. a. 11:174, Geneml Passenger and Tieket Agent. Jo'rom Oct. 1ii, HH-l, to Oct. l!S, 11:145, be was General l''J·eigbt, Passenger and Ticket Agent. From Oct. 21!, ttJ Nov. 26, 1875, he was acting Su­}Jerintenclent and Ocnernl l~reight, J>nsseuger and 'l'ieket Agent. 1-'1'0111 Nov. 26, 187ii, until Nov. :!1:1, 1879, he wns Superintemlent and General Freight, J>nssenger and Ticket Agent. }'1·om Nov. 28, 11:179, to Jnue 14, 181:14, be was Geneml Snperintendent, nml at the latter thte, wns elected l't-esiclent ann

Page 16: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


1850 United States Federal Census-

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1850 United States Federal Census

Name: Redman D Stephens

Age: 21

Estimated birth abt 1829


Birth Place: New York

Gender: Male

Home in 1850 Greenwood, Steuben, New York


Family Number: 1629


Members: Name

Alexander H Stephens

Mary Stephens

Redman D Stephens

Mary Stephens



40 21




Source Citation: Year: 1850; t"'.ensus Place: Greenwood~ Steuben, New York; Roll M432_599; Page: 302B; Image: 1,38.

Ancestry. com. 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.

Original data: Seventh Census of the United States. 1850; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, 1009 roHs); Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29; National Archives~ Washington, D.C.

Description: This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the the Seventh Census of the United States. Census takers person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; fifteen, and more. No relationships were shOY\'Tl between the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the Federal Census. Learn more ... Blog Affiliates Advertising

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1860 United States Federal Census-

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1860 United States Federal Census



New York

Marion, linn, Iowa





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Page 18: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


1880 United States Federal Census-

~ ancestryo You searched for Redman D. Stephens in Iowa

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1880 United States Federal Census

Name: Redman D. Stephens

Home in 188o: Marion, Linn, Iowa

Age: 50

Estimated birth abt 1830


Birthplace: NewYork

Relation to Head Self (Head)

of Household:

Spouse's name: Louisa B.



Marital Status:



Cannot readtwnte:

Blind: Deaf and dumb:

Othe~is.e -d!satnea:

Idiotic or insane:





Household Name

Members: Redman D. Stephens

Louisa B. Stephens

Maty Stephens

Louisa Stephens

Redman D. Stephens

Mariah L. Wagor - .

Anuie Shobaskey

George Mur:phey

Source Citation: Year: 188o; Census Place: Marion, Unn. Iowa; Roll 351; Family History Film: 1254351; Page: 310B; Enumeration District: 271; Image: 0623. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line}. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. AH rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.

Original data: Tenth Census of the United States, t88o. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archive.o:;, Washington, D.C.

Description: This database is an index to so million individuals enumerated in the t88o United States Federal Census. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address1 occupation, relationship to the head of household, race, sex, age at last bhthday, marital status, place of birth, parents' place ofbirth. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1880 Federal Census. Learn more ..• Blog Affiliates

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Page 19: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Born: 2 Nov 1829 Greenwood, Steuben, New York, USA

Died: 30 Mar 1883 Marion, Linn, Iowa, USA

Family Groups Spouse

LouJsa Born: 28 Jan 1834 in Fountain, Indiana, USA Died: 4 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Marriage: 7 Oct 1857

Children Sex Birth

7 Apr 1868 in Marion, linn, Iowa, USA

31 Mar 1871 in Marion, Linn, Iowa, USA

M 30 May 1874 in Marion, Linn, Iowa, USA

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Page 20: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Iowa Cemetery Records -

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Iowa Cemetezy Records

Name: Redman D. Stephens

Death Date: 1883

Page#: 306

Birth Date: 1829

Cemetery: Oak Hill

Town: Cedar Rapids

Level Info: Tombstone Records of Linn County, Iowa

Source Information: Cemetery Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry. com Operations Inc) 2000.

Original data: Works Project Administration. Graves Registration Project. Washington, D.C.: n.p., n.d.

Description: These cemetery records represent seventy-six counties and Graceland Cemeter~y of Sioux City, Iowa, in the united States~ that were transcribed by the Works Project Administration. Records in this database generaUy include the page number where the record can be found in the WPA index, the name of the deceased. birth date, death date, age~ cemetery name, town name, and additional comments if any. Learn more ... Blog AffiliateS Advertising

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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Page 22: Iowa Legislature · ref'r as a man and public character. hut ... Dec. 15, iSG-1, when he r&>i;.:ucd and ... Henry, Elizabeth and Lucy. It is a f

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



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