u nit 1: h ealth c are of the p ast, p resent & f uture principles of health science ms. thieman...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Ms. Thieman


LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define at least 10 words relating to health care of the past,

present, and future. Identify 3 socioeconomic factors that influence the health

care industry. Describe at least 3 advantages to following a career in the

health care field. Describe a career ladder for at least 1 health care

occupation. List at least 3 factors to be considered when choosing an

occupation. Identify at least 5 milestones in the advancement of health

care. Describe at least 2 factors that have contributed to the rising

cost of health care. Describe at least 2 methods being used to reduce health care

costs. Describe at least 3 types of health care services.

KEY TERMS Accreditation Career Certification Diagnosis-related

grouping Health Insurance Licensure Litigation Occupation

Pandemic Paraprofessional Profession Quackery Registration

EARLIEST CIVILIZATIONS Health needs were met by a specific person or

group The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates

that 80% of the world’s population use plants or herbal treatments as part of their primary care.

According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), about 118 of 150 prescription drugs sold in the U.S. originates from plants, fungus, bacteria, and extractions from animals.

Some of these remedies are still in use today. Quinine for Malaria Digitalis for heart conditions

PAST FACTS Hippocrates (460-277 B.C.) is

considered the father of modern medicine, and initiated the oath of practice that most physician’s still use today. Hippocratic Oath

Plagues and epidemics caused millions of deaths, but many of these diseases are now preventable through vaccination and improved methods of cleanliness and sanitation.

The patient of the past was considered a passive recipient, often accepting treatment without questioning their health care providers.

PAST FACTS CONTINUED… Florence Nightingale is credited with

taking nursing education to a new level, helping to gain respect for nurses & their recognition as professionals. Opened the Nightingale School of Nursing Believed nursing was an art that must be founded

on organized, practical, & scientific training The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese

who practiced the art of surgery or were witch doctors or neighborly herbalists all enjoyed stature in their communities.

Arts of the past have become professions of today.

CURRENT TRENDS A shift from the prevention of

contagious diseases to those

that are a result of lifestyles

(such as cancer, drug abuse,

and heart disease). Health care is one of the largest industries in

the U.S.; creating many opportunities and job security in several avenues of health care.

The cost of health care continues to rise: Advanced technological developments Growing elderly population Increase in malpractice litigation

*litigation: legal dispute; lawsuit

INSURANCE A third party/company covers most

health care cost. Medicare Medicaid Options:

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)

*There are various plans available, depending on the company, individual needs, and special circumstances.

A rise in malpractice insurance has contributed greatly to an increase in health care costs. Has led to “defensive medicine”, in an attempt to

prevent the risk of liability.


Things to consider: Nature of the duties Working conditions Educational level *including experience Opportunities for advancement

Other important factors: Number and location of jobs (rural vs. urban) Methods/qualifications for employment Psychosocial factors involved

Perks of the job: Opportunity to work with people, data, or things

to complement the interests & abilities of the worker

THE WORLD OF HEALTH SCIENCE Stop & look around… chances are you’ve been to the

doctor or dentist lately… or had a family member in the hospital recently… new developments in biotechnology may have affected the food you ate for breakfast today.

There are many opportunities in health science. Interested students need to have a solid background in

math and science, as well as communication, technical, & teamwork skills.

Education and training can be obtained in high schools, community colleges, universities & technical schools.

Through training programs, learners gain knowledge and skills that lead to workplace learning experiences like job shadowing and internships.


Opportunity to meet new challenges Enjoy a stable salary & employment Move to new locations (these jobs are

everywhere!) Good working environment Workers are respected by others Opportunities for

advancement (based on experience, education, & training)

NATIONAL HEALTH CARE SKILL STANDARDS The health care worker of the future must be

trained for a broad range of skills & know many areas of care.

Core Knowledge Academic foundation Communication systems Employability skills Legal responsibilities Ethics Safety practices Teamwork

HEALTH SCIENCE CAREER PATHWAYS Pathways are grouped by common

knowledge & skills required for occupations in these career fields.

Each pathway provides instruction as a basis for success in an array of careers and educational pursuits.

Pathways Therapeutic Diagnostics Services Health Informatics Support Services Biotechnology Research & Development

THERAPEUTIC SERVICES Careers are primarily focused on maintaining

or changing the health of the client over time (dental or medical assisting, home health, pharmacy, nursing).

Health professionals work directly with patients and may provide care, treatment, counseling, and health education information.

DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES These careers help to creates a picture of

the health of the client at one point in time (cardiology, radiology, laboratory technology).

Use tests and evaluations that aid in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, injuries or physical conditions.

HEALTH INFORMATICS These careers help to document client care

(records or risk management, unit coordination).

Careers may range from health care administrators who manage health care agencies, to individuals responsible for managing patient data, financial information, and computer application related to health care processes and procedures.

SUPPORT SERVICES Provide a therapeutic environment for the

delivery of health care (facility maintenance, supply personnel, housekeeping).

Career opportunities range from entry level to management including technical & professional careers.

BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Use bioscience to study diseases, improve

health and the human condition (genetics, molecular biology, clinical trial research).

Discover new treatments, invent medical devices, improve accuracy of diagnostic tests.


On the job training Assistant

Up to 1 year of classroom and clinical preparation Technician

A 2-year community college or vocational training program

Technologist A 3- to 4-year college program

Professional A 4-year degree, advanced degree, and clinical


CERTIFICATION, LICENSURE, & REGISTRATION Certification- may be given by an agency or a

training program, indicates successful completion of a particular course.

Licensure- controlled by the state and is usually based on successful completion of an examination.

Registration- may be earned through the state or an agency, and is for individuals who have met a criterion of excellence or legal responsibility.

NOTE: It is illegal to practice without holding the proper credentials in the professions that are regulated. Regulations vary from state to state.

Accreditation- determines if a training program meets acceptable standards (usually by the health care occupation professional association)


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