u72 lesson 01

Post on 06-May-2015






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Japanese Word of the Week (14)


Aims:Students will exemplify types of storytelling within games and interactive media

Objectives:All students will identify 3 forms of storytelling Most students will identify 3 forms of storytelling and describe 1 form in detailSome students will identify 3 forms of storytelling and describe 2 forms in detail

Aims & Objectives

Computer Game Story Development

12 April 2010

Unit 1 Research Techniques for Media IndustriesUnit 2 Pre-Production for Media Industries

Unit 70 Computer Game Design (part)

Computer Game Story Development

1 Understand storytelling for games

2 Be able to produce a story for a game

3 Be able to produce game dialogue

4 Be able to reflect upon own narrative work.

Understanding Storytelling

• Historical texts for interactive media and games• Narratology • Plot devices• Examples of ‘storyplay’ for QTEs• Linear and non-linear experiences• Strength of characterisation – ‘letting the characters speak for themselves’

Understanding StorytellingEarly Storytelling

• Cave paintings• Campfire legends• Old Wives Tales• Songs

• Gods, Paganism & Mythology• Fear• Control• Heroism

Understanding StorytellingEarly Storytelling

Film 1

Understanding StorytellingOral Traditions

• Beowulf• Sea Shanties• Folklore


How reliable are oral traditions in the telling of historical fact?

Allow me to demonstrate!

Examples of Oral Tradition

• Canterbury Tales• Cycles and Passion Plays• Robin Hood!• Arthurian Legend• Homer’s Odyssey• The Stories of Lord Krishna• Journey to the West and the Teachings of Buddha• Jūratė and Kastytis and Eglė the Queen of Serpents• The Dream of Grand Duke Gediminas and the founding of Vilnius

Understanding StorytellingPost-Colonial Cultures

• Native English speaking• North America• India, African Nations,



Can you give me 3 examples of how oral traditions of storytelling have made their way into games and interactive media?

Understanding StorytellingDigital Storytelling

• New traditions, old formats• Challenging environments for

developing stories• More reliance upon the player.

Understanding StorytellingDigital Storytelling

Film 2

Understanding StorytellingCultural Influences

• Ethnicity / Gender Roles• Religion• War

There’s loads more, but here’s the big three to get your cogs turning. More next week!

Film 3


What are 3 main cultural implications of making stories based on some of the influences mentioned in the previous slide and any other influences that you can think of?

Understanding StorytellingCultural Implication

• Controversy• Localisation costs• Research

Film 4

Overview – What Have We Learned?

• The origins of storytelling• The development of storytelling• Getting it right and wrong

Have we met our outcomes?

Next Week

Your assignments, how to write for games and interactive media part one, and the X-Men!

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