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UK-Canada CCS Mission August 20, 2012


About ICO2N


About ICO2N

Wide range of industry participants Air Products BP Canada Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. ConocoPhillips Enbridge Husky Energy TransAlta Shell Statoil Suncor Energy Syncrude Total

CCS policy leadership in Canada • Source of thoughtful CCS knowledge for 7 years

Grounded analysis • Leading CCS technology analysis • Integrated CCS economics


Leading CCS Technology Analysis • Alberta CO2 Purity Project • Net GHG Impact of Enhanced Oil Recovery Integrated CCS Economics • Model of integrated CCS infrastructure • Consistency in cost analysis • Cost comparison of CCS to other GHG reduction technologies

Voice for CCS in Canada • Leadership on CCS Development Council and Albertan/Canadian

CCS Task Force • Role in Regulatory Framework Assessment • Voice of CCS in media and public

Forefront of CCS in Canada

Presentation Notes
Editorial boards, responding to press


Canadian Context


A Strategic Investment for Canada

• A critical component of Canada’s GHG reduction strategy

• A critical component of Canada’s energy strategy; for both coal and oil

• A ‘Made in Canada’ solution that supports a “Clean Energy” approach


Provincial Emissions


CCS Vision for Western Canada

Presentation Notes
Meant to represent a broad perspective Not a pipeline story, a vision for the future Integrate markets – EOR and sequestration tied to capture across Western Canada Captures all sources – oil sands, coal, facilities, etc. Ideal location for CCS given point source emission locations near EOR and vast long term storage potential (WCSB) ICO2N modeling – extended to Saskatchewan and Brtish Columbia


Canada is a World Leader

Proven Experience • Cenovus EOR/Storage project in Weyburn – operating since 2000

Financial Support for Large Scale Demonstration

• ~$3.5 billion for CCS through various funding programs to support commercial scale projects:

• 3 in Alberta in the 2015 time frame • 1 in Saskatchewan by 2014

• R&D funding across Canada for CCS technology development

Regulatory Support • Comprehensive CCS regulation developed through multi-stakeholder

approach – Alberta Regulatory Framework Assessment • Clean Energy Dialogue with the United States


Only Certain Industries Can Pursue CCS


CCS in the Oil Sands


Funding Gap

Provincial and Federal leadership is needed during the transition period

Presentation Notes
The economic gap means that projects will not yet move forward on their own and support is required for initial projects An illustrative but complicated graphic that is based on ICO2N forecast and modeling work, supported by economic analysis Start with the cost of a CCS project and look at the ways to meet that amount of money required At the bottom, what industry is faced with in terms of a CO2 penalty; this number will inevitably go up Represents the cost industry faces for reducing emissions and can represent any mechanism In Alberta, it is $15/t EOR provides a revenue stream There is only so much EOR potential but capture volumes will continue to come online Economic gap is substantial Case for government-industry partnership and commitment Ultimately capture costs will improve and emission reduction costs will go up making CCS proceed without initial funding required Capture cost reduction will not likely be linear as predicted (4-5% per year in graphic) Unknown which technologies will be “winners” and therefore how much deployment needs to happen to get significant reduction


1. Ensure the initial projects move forward

2. Policy and incentives for the next wave of projects

3. Develop a strong EOR industry to help defray costs

4. Transition infrastructure towards an integrated CCS system

5. Put in place robust CCS regulations and policy

6. Advance necessary studies and research

7. Public engagement

CCS must be considered a long-term priority

Steps to Large-Scale CCS Deployment


Thank You Contact: Kali Taylor 403-296-6376 twitter: @ICO2N


Supplementary Material


CO2 Capture and Storage Overview

Presentation Notes
Point source emission Dense phase (2200 psi, could be as low as 1500 psi in the pipe) Scale is not quite right because it is difficult to show how deep storage actually is (the reason the emissions source is so small) Shell Quest is 1500m to the Basal Cambrian horizon It is not as though there is one cap rock – various horizons and traps


Long-Term Vision of CCS Across Canada


Canada’s CO2 Reduction Target

Absolute reduction of 17% below 2005 emissions


Canada’s 2005 Emissions

747 million tonnes of CO2

25.3% above 1990 total of 596Mt

32.7% above the Kyoto target

Emissions associated with oil and gas exports to US were 73 Mt


Reaching Our Target

17% equals 127 million tonnes of CO2

(and that’s with no growth!)


CCS Economics are Challenging

Costs of CCS system components are variable and site specific. Key drivers are:

• Pipeline – Distance of transport and pipeline size

• Capture – Facility specifics and chosen capture technology

• EOR – Productivity of EOR field

• Compliance – Strictness of government regulations

• Tax Savings – Individual corporate finances and economic loss associated with respective CCS operation

Presentation Notes
Gives a picture of the cost/revenue distribution for a CCS project Segway to capture cost graphic


The Challenge: Cost of Capture

Presentation Notes
Dark fuels vs. light fuels Oil Sands has a great variety in capture cost depending on application Upgrading is the first application in the oil sands In situ is one of the most expensive from a capture perspective (dilute CO2 streams) but this is also a large area of emissions growth


CCS Challenges in the Oil Sands

CCS Economics • Capture for oil sands are relatively high cost

Demonstration of Technology • Imperative that proposed projects move forward so technological

improvement can occur • Incentives for a new wave of projects need to be encouraged

Public Engagement

• Needs to continue to be a priority to ensure public is confident with the science and technology

Presentation Notes
CCS has various applications in oil sands with varying costs Extraction applications are most expensive but also represent a large portion of the new emission growth and investment in the industry (in situ) There is no plan for a next phases Short-sighted given projections for CCS emission reduction in Alberta climate strategy Public engagement can make or break a project Berendrecht


CCS Opportunities in the Oil Sands

CCS is technically feasible • CCS is an accumulation of known technologies • Research underway worldwide

CCS may be driven by factors other than carbon prices • Low carbon fuel standards at market • Shareholder activism and/or corporate value structure • Environment Canada regulation in 2011/12 timeframe

CCS is a risk mitigation technology for companies

CCS is the biggest tool in the toolbox

• Large volume potential • Industry and governments understand this


Canada’s CCS Projects

Project Location Project Type Volume

1. Weyburn-Midale Enhanced Oil Recovery Project

Weyburn, Saskatchewan

• CO2 from a Gasification facility in North Dakota transported via pipeline

• Home of the IEA GHG Monitoring Research Program

• 2.2 Mt/yr • EOR

2. Shell Quest Edmonton, Alberta • Bitumen Upgrader • Post- combustion amine solvent

• 1 Mt/yr • EOR & Sequestration

3. Enhance Pipeline

Industrial Heartland, Alberta (3 facilities)

• Large-scale CO2 pipeline • CO2 from fertilizer plant &

bitumen upgrader

• 1.7 Mt/yr initially • Pipeline for up to 14Mt • EOR

4. Swan Hills Synfuels

White Court, Alberta

• In-situ coal gasification • (syngass for 300MW of co-


• 1.3 Mt/yr • EOR

5. SaskPower Boundary Dam

Estevan, Saskatchewn

• Coal-fired electricity power plant • Post Combustion Amine

• 1 Mt/yr • EOR

6. Spectra Energy Fort Nelson, British Columbia • Capture at a natural gas plant

• 1 Mt/yr • EOR & Sequestration

Presentation Notes
Spend a bit of time on each project as this is the type of thing that will interest the audience Oil Sands project examples Explain upgrading as part of oil sands “production” First application in oil sands is not at extraction Reference oil sands backgrounder


Quest Project

• Project Lead: Shell Canada

• Project Partners: Athabasca Oil Sands Project Shell Canada (60%) Chevron Canada Ltd (205) Marathon Oil Sands L.P (20%)

• Expected Start Date: 2015

• Location: Scotford Upgrader near Edmonton

• CO2 source: Bitumen Uprgrader

• Capture Process: Amine Solvent will capture CO2 from hydrogen production

• Volumes: 1 MT CO2/y for EOR and Sequestration

• Public Funding: Canada $120 Million & Alberta $750 Million


Alberta Carbon Trunk Line

• Project Lead: Enhance Energy

• Project Partners: North West Upgrader, Agrium Fertilizer

• Expected Start Date: 2012

• Location: 3 major facilities

• Compressor facility at Agrium Complex- South of Redwater

• A compression facility at NWU site

• Pump station west of Bruderhiem

• CO2 sources: Bitumen Upgrader and Fertilizer plant

• Volumes: 1.7 MT CO2/y for EOR

• Public Funding: Canada $63 Million & Alberta $495 Million


Swan Hills Synfuels ISGC

• Project Lead: Swan Hills Synfuels

• Project Partners: To be determined

• Expected Start Date: 2015

• Location: White Court, Alberta

• CO2 source: In situ coal gasification from unmineable coal seams

• Volumes: 1.3 MT CO2/y for EOR and syn-gas for 300 MW of co-generation

• Public Funding: Alberta $285 Million


Boundary Dam

• Project Lead: Sask Power

• Project Partners: Many

• Expected Start Date: 2015

• Location: Estevan, Saskatchewn

• CO2 source: Retro Fit of 100 MW Coal-fired electricity power plant

• Capture Process: Post Combustion - Amine

• Volumes: 1 MT CO2/y EOR

• Public Funding: Canada $250 Million


Spectra Energy

• Project Lead: Spectra Energy

• Project Partners: Many

• Expected Start Date: 2016

• Location: Fort Nelson, British Columbia

• CO2 source: Natural gas

• Capture Process: Capture at a Natural Gas Plant

• Volumes: 1 MT CO2/y for EOR and Sequestration

• Public Funding: British Columbia $3.4 Million



• Project Lead: Cenovus, Apache

• Project Partners: Dakota Gasification Company (CO2 supplier), Petroleum Technology Research Center, IEAGHG (monitoring research program), others

• Start Date: 2000

• Location: Weyburn, Saskatchewan

• CO2 source: Gasification facility

• Capture Process: Pre-combustion capture

• Volumes: 2.2 MT CO2/y for EOR

• Public Funding: USA $3M, Canada $2.2M (for the IEA GHG monitoring project)

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