unidade didatica cinderela versao final · cinderela provou o sapatinho, serviu! o pai de cinderela...

Post on 28-Jan-2019






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o you believe in destiny? And in happy end?

Do modern people believe in fairy tales?

A fairy is a creature that guide or changes the destiny of people. The word

fairy is from Latim : “fatum”, that means destiny. (Machado, 1994, p.44).

Let’s read about fairy tales! Fairy Tales are found in oral and literary form.

The history of the fairy tale is difficult to trace

because they have existed for thousands of years, for this

reason the history of their development is obscure.

But we can’t talk about fairy tales without talking

about Perrault (France 1697), Brothers Grimm (German

1812) were first collectors to attempt to preserve not only the

plot and characters of the tale, but also the style in which

they were preserved, and Hans Chistian Andersen that is

considered the trua creator of childen’s literature.


Search on the site http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/contosdefadas;


http://wwwgraudez.com.br/litinf/autores/grimm/grimm.htm, or other site you

know about the origin of fairy tales, and answer the following questions.

What was the Charles Perrault’s aim when he wrote the collection tales of

mother goose?

What differs about the fairy tales written by Perrault and Brothers Grimm?

Who was considered the father of Children’s Literature? Why?

Write ( True ) or ( False ) according to the search.

(….) The most popular version of Cinderella was written by the French

author Charles Perrault in 1697.

(….) The older fairy tales were intended for an audience of children.

(….) In the modern era, fairy tales were altered by the Brothers Grimm so

that they could be read to children.

(….) Fairy Tales with very similar plots, characters and motifs are found

spread only in a specific culture.

(….) In the contemporary literature, many authors have used the form of

fairy tales for various reasons such as historical documents, transmission of moral

values, educational purpose, ideological instrument, the wonderful in children’s

literature and so on.

Fairy tales, because of their fanciful character, induce in children the

pleasure for reading.

Fairy tales are considered a simple gender, they show the same narrative



Basic Structure of Fairytales

A – Match the column according to the structure of fairy tale. ( 1 ) Start ( 2 ) Rupture ( 3 ) Confrontation or overcome of obstacle and danger ( 4 ) Restoration ( 5 ) Upshot

( ) It’s when the hero / heroine

unties from his/her concrete life, goes

out of protection and dives in the

unknown complete

( ) In it the hero/heroine appears in

his/her difficulty (problems tied a

reality, like need, indigence) that

unbalances the initial tranquility.

( ) Comeback to reality. Join of

opposites, flowering, crop and


( ) Search of solutions in the plane of

fantasy with the introduction of

imaginary elements.

( ) Start of process of discovering

the new, opposite, possibilities,



The text you are going to read is a Fairy Tale “Cinderella”. Tick the words

that in your opinion will be show in the text:

( ) stepmother ( ) the sleeping beauty ( ) king

( ) prince ( ) fairy ( ) castle

( ) little mermaid ( ) dwarfs ( ) wolf

( ) witch ( ) enchant ( )magic wand

Read the text and circle ten words that you know and underline ten words that

you don’t know.

Compare with a classmate the words that you have underlined.

Now read the fairy tale “Cinderella” and enjoy yourself!

nce upon a time there was a beautiful girl called

Cinderella. She lived with her father that was a

widower. Cinderella’s father got married again with a

widow that had two daughters.

Cinderella was a beautiful young lady when her father

died. Her stepmother and stepsisters started to mistreat her.



Listen, Tell and Read stories. It’s a Pleasure! It’s an Adventure! It’s a Remembrance!


They took their beautiful clothes and gave her old patched clothes for her to wear.

Cinderella became a maid, doing all the housework. Every night she cried because

she felt lonely and nobody loved her and protects her from the meanness of her


One day the king decided to make a dance and invited every young lady of

the kingdom. In this dance, the prince would choose a wife.

The daughters of the stepmother spent hours in front of the mirror dressing for the

party. Cinderella helped them: combed their hair and adjusted the dresses.

Cinderella asked to go to the dance, too. The stepmother forbids her. She and her

daughters left for the dance making fun of her. Cinderella was alone and started to


Suddenly, her fairy appeared and said: -Don’t cry, Cinderella you will go to

the dance.

The fairy touched one pumpkin with her magic wand and it became a nice

coach. The mice became horses and the dog became a coachman.

The old Cinderella’s clothes turned into a wonderful dress and crystal shoes

appeared on her feet. The fairy warned Cinderella: -Remember, Cinderella the

enchant will finish at midnight. Cinderella got into the castle and went to the

ballroom. Everybody was impressed with her beauty.

The prince danced all night long with Cinderella. When the clock of the

tower announced it was midnight, Cinderella left running. On the stairs of the palace

Cinderella lost one of her shoes.

The prince that fell in love with Cinderella took the

small shoe.

One the next day the prince ordered his herald to

visit every house of the kingdom and to try the shoe on

every young lady. One by one, all the girls tried to put on, even the daughters of the

stepmother. But when Cinderella tried the small shoe on, it was perfect!!! Cinderella

was taken to the palace and there she met the prince.

Cinderella and the prince got married and they lived happily aver after.

Discuss with a classmate:

Do you like Fairy Tales? Why? Why not?

Who usually tells children fairy tales?

Do you remember any special story?

Do fairy tales influence our lives? How?

Write T (true) or F (false) according to the text. Indicate in the text where the

information is.

( ) Cinderella became a maid.

( ) Cinderella came back home before midnight.

( ) The prince fell in love with Cinderella’s youngest stepsister.

( ) Cinderella asked her stepmother to go to the dance.

( ) Cinderella lost one of her shoes on the stair of the palace.

( ) A prince got married to Cinderella.

( ) Cinderella’s stepmother was a nice person.

( ) The enchantment will finish at midday.

Read the text again and underline the equivalent in English to the following

sentences in Portuguese.

Cinderela provou o sapatinho, serviu!

O pai de Cinderela casou-se novamente com uma viúva que tinha duas filhas.

Todas as noites ela chorava, sentia-se só, sem ninguém para amá-la e protegê-la das

maldades de sua madrasta.

De repente, apareceu sua fada madrinha que disse: - não chore Cinderela! Você irá

ao baile.


After reading the fairy tale, answer these questions about the text and

about you.

Why must Cinderella comeback home before midnight?

What would you do if you were her? Why?

Do your obey your parents /teachers? Why? Why not?

In your opinion, fairy tale ha educational values? Why? Why not?

Gerações inteiras de crianças leram contos de fadas, nos quais

aprenderam o que acontecia a príncipes, princesas,

lenhadores, bruxas e crianças ao mesmo tempo que

assimilavam padrões de comportamento, sistema de

valores, formas de prever as conseqüências de deter_

minados atos ou circunstâncias.

(Márcia K.Lieberman) Retirado do site: http://tapetedesonhos.wordpress.com/2007/09/06a-aculturacal-feminina-atraves-do-


The quote above is a reflection about the Fairy Tale as a way of

transmiting values.

Let’s think about these sociological themes, answering the following

questions in English or in Portuguese.

What’s your opinion about Cinderella’s behavior? Is there a place to Cinderellas

in our society nowadays? What defines someone as submisse? Only Cinderellas

are submisse? Can you compare it to your behaviour?

What do you do to resolve your problems? Do you believe in magic elements to

solve them?

Reflecting About the Fairy Tale


Do you think that “in the end” good people are always rewarded and bad people

punished? Why?

Which difficulties must you go thru to have your dreams come true?

A New Cinderella (br: A Nova Cinderela ) is a teen romantic comedy,

directed by Mark Rosiman and starring the pop star Hilary Duff.

The film takes place in a modern high school in

California, U.S. Its plot is based on the classical fairy tale


A Cinderella Story is a teen romance movie starring

Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray. A modern-day take

on the classic story of Cinderella, the plot involves a lost cell

phone, rather than the traditional glass slipper.

Directed by Mark Rosman, thefilm also includes Jennifer Coolidge, Dan

Byrd, Regina King, Julie Gonzalo and Lin Shaye. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Cinderella_StoryWhat

The story of “Cinderella” has been written and rewritten in many languages and has been the inspiration for many notable works like: painting, Opera, Ballet, Pantomime, Musical, Comedy, Films, Television, Books and Songs.


What’s the purpose of this synopsis?

What kind of people would be interested in this film? Why?

It’s an innovating and hilarious version from classic fairy tale “Cinderella”. Let’s see what happen with Sam? May her fairy tale come true?



Watch the scene about the ball and number the statements according to the

sequence of the facts.

( ) That night was the most amazing night for Sam.

( ) Sam ran away.

( ) Austin Ames wants to see Sam again.

( ) The cell phone rings in a very special moment for them.

( ) Austin Ames didn’t recognize Sam at the ball.

Complete the sentences according to the dialog between Sam and Austin in the

beginning of the scene.


Let’s see the Film?!


If I ask you to ________________. Do you believe in ________________ at

Does that ________________ as a question? first sight?

There’s no ________________. I’ll let ________________ know.

________________? But I’ve _______________ you before?

All out of ________________? ________________.

Are there similarities and differences between the film “Cinderella” in the

modern times and the text that you read? How did Sam solve her problem to go to the ball? How kind of ball is it? How does Sam act to deal with her problems? The fairy tales show actions related to the interior aspects of people’s existence.

What was Cinderella and Sam’s dream? And what were their attitudes to make their dream come true?

Do you have a good memory?

Let’s remember other fairy tales!

In this activity you are going to read the summary famous fairy tale and match the columns. ( 1 ) Snow white ( 3 ) Three Litlle Pigs

( 2 ) Rapunzel ( 4 ) Sleeping Beauty

(….) Mother Pig sends her children out into the world to make the strongest

house for the family but they get into a fight so they all make three different houses.


Reflecting About the Film and the Fairy Tale

The first one builds a house of straw, but a wolf blows it down and eats him.

The second one builds a house of sticks, has the same conversation with the

wolf, and the wolf eats him too.

The third one builds a house of brick. The wolf cannot huff and puff hard

enough to blow the house down. He attempts to trick the third little pig out of his

house, but he outsmarts him at every turn. Finally, the wolf threatens to come down

the chimney, whereupon the third one boils a pot of water into which the wolf

plunges, and the third pig eats the wolf.

(….) A lovely child, baby girl who is born. She gets a spell casted on her by a witch,

and then is cursed to sleep forever until she gets kissed by her true love. She gets

kissed and she lives happily ever after with her prince.

(….) A childress couple who wanted a child lived next to a walled garden which

belonged to an enchantress. The wife, at long last pregnant, noticed some rapunzel

or, radishes, planted in the garden and longed for it to the point of death. For two

nights, the husband went out and broke into the witch's garden to gather some for

her, but on the third night, as he was scaling the wall to return home, the enchantress

(Dame Gothel) appeared and accused him of thievery. He begged for mercy, and the

old woman agreed to give him some, on condition that the child his wife was

pregnant with be surrendered to her at birth. Desperate, the man agreed; a girl was

born; the enchantress appeared, and the child was taken away. When the girl reached

her twelfth year, the enchantress shut her away into a tower in the middle of the

woods, with neither stairs nor door, and only one room and one window. When the

witch went to visit the girl, she stood beneath the tower and called out.

(….) A young princess finds herself on the run from her wicked stepmother and finds

refuge in a small cottage out in the forest with seven pint-sized men who

immediately decide to adopt and protect her with their lives.

What happened to Little Red Riding Hood? Here you have the beginning of a well known fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a little girl that was granted a red cloak with a

hood by her grandmother. She liked the present so much that she wore it every day. Because of this, people called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said to her –Your grandmother is

sick. Take this basket full of candies to her. Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother lived on the other side of the wood.

In the forest, Little Red Riding Hood was walking straight to her grandmother’s when she felt tired. So she diced to sit down and rest for a while.

As she was resting she heard a voice: “Good morning, miss little Red Riding Hood! Are you alone in the wood?” She turned and saw a big wolf behind a tree. Then…


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