unit four review

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ap world history


Chapter 231. Which of the following statements concerning the political philosophy of the Enlightenment is most accurate? Enlightenment thinkers challenged regimes that did not grant full religious freedom or that insister on aristocratic privilege.

2. The radical phase of the French Revolution led to all of the following EXCEPT the-- Full-scale attack on private property.

3. In what nation did socialism produce the strongest political party? Germany

4. As industrialization spread peasants in Europe improved their conditions by all of the following means EXCEPT Forming unions.

5. Which of the following statements could NOT be attributed to the political philosophy of Karl Marx? In the aftermath of the victory of the proletariat, the state would emerge permanently as a powerful dictatorship.

6. Which of the following statements concerning the impact of the French Revolution on the rest Europe is NOT accurate? The French Revolution and its subsequent empire created a general consensus after the defeat of France for a more liberal Europe.

7. Balkan nationalism initially exacerbated deteriorating relationships between what 2 powers with interests in the region? Russia and Austria-Hungary

8. Which political group listed below would espouse the following statement? The political goals of greatest significance are the establishment of constitutional rule and the extension of the parliamentary franchise to propertied men of the middle class. Liberals

9. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the French Revolution? The church seeking greater power over the royal government

10. American exceptionalism suggests that the United States Developed on its own terms with only incidental contact with Europe.

11. Above all, population pressure in the eighteenth century-- Drove many people into the working-class proletariat.

12. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between science and the arts in the later nineteenth century? Science continued the Western trend of traditional rationalism, but art adopted the more emotional and impressionistic theories of Romanticism.

13. Britains Australian colonies originated in 1788 as-- Penal settlements

14. Which of the following did NOT represent an expansion of government functions in the West following 1870? The establishment of mandatory national unions for laborers

15. Western expansion in the nineteenth century meant an extension of Western society itself, and not primarily a new cultural interchange. Which of the following regions was NOT an area of Western expansion? Malaya

Chapter 24

1.Which of the following Was NOT a result of the first contact between the Maoris and Europeans during the 1790s? ------extensive intermarriage between the Maoris and the white settlers

2. All of the following were reasons why India became the pivot of the great British Empire EXCEPT------------- the residence of more white settlers than any other British colony

3. Which of the following was the earliest example of a European empire built as a result of independent initiative of company agents?------------Java

4. Which of the following was a republic founded by the Boers in the 1850s?-------Transvaal

5. What englsih religious movement was cirtical to the social reform movement in the british empire by the beginning of the nineteenth century?----evangelical

6. Which of the following countries granted citizenship to educated inhabitants of their colonies?-----France

7. The jingoistic press and the extension of the vote to the lower middle and working classes-----made public opinion a major factor in foreign policy8.Which of the following statements concerining colonial society in India and Java prior to 1850 is most accurate?------ The dutch and british were content ot leave the social systems of Java and India pretty much as they found them.

9. Which of the following was NOT a motive for expansion in the late nineteenth century?-------The absence of influence of political leaders in the European countries

10. Which of the following descriptions most accurately defines the term tropical dependencies?----colonies in which small numbers of Europeans ruled large number s of non-western peoples

11. Which of the following is NOT a similarity between South Africa and Australia?-------Both were settled at approximately the same time

12. Which of the following is an example of White Dominion?--Australia

13. Which of the following incentives to greater production was commonly utilized by colonizers in the later 19th century?-----the imposition of head or hut taxes payable in commodities

14. The territories controlled by the British East India Company expanded concurrently with the collapse of the?----- Mughal empire15. Which of the following statements concerning the internal economies of the European colonies is most accurate?-----Colonial economies were steadily reduced to dependence on the European-dominated global market.

Chapter 251. In what way was the government of independent Brazild different that those of the other newly created Latin American nations?---- Brazil was a monarchy rather than a republic

2. By what date had all of Spanish South America gained its independence?---- 1825

3. In what way were both Liberal and Conservative parties in Latin America similar?----- the social orgins of their leadership

4. Which of the following was NOT one of the beliefs that Latin America shared with the West during the 19th century?---- belief in absolute monarchy

5. What European nation was the first to offer recognition of the newly independent nations of Latin America?----- Britain

6. Under Juan Manuel de Rosas, the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata---- adopted the federalist program of a weak central government and local autonomy

7. For whom did the independence of Haiti serve as a symbol of freedom and hope?----- the slaves

8. Which of the following statements concerning the Diaz government in Mexico is most accurate?--- Under the guise of modernization, the forms of Liberal government were maintained but were subverted in order to keep Diaz in power

9. Following the 1830s, the literary and artistic style preferred in Latin America was --- Impressionism

10. Which of the following factors did NOT account for the economic stagnation in Latin America from 1820-1850?---- Absence of foreign markets for raw materials

11. IN which of the following areas did slavery NOT exist following 1854?---- Mexico

12. Which of the following characteristics is most accurately associated with the centralist theory of government in Latin America?--- Strong national governments with broad power

13. The Spanish American war that broke out in 1898 centered on ---- Cuba

14. What was the new export crop in Brazil that made up over 40% of Brazils exports by 1840?---- Coffee

15. How was Brazilian independence achieved?---- Pedro, the prince regent of Brazil, declared independence.

Chapter 261. What European nation supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent other European powers from gaining to the Mediterranean?-----Britain

2. What Ottoman sultan successfully eliminated the Janissary corps as a military and political influence?---Mahmud II

3. The first region to successfully rebel and achieve independence from the Ottoman Empire was ---- Greece

4. The dynastic name taken by the Manchu dynasty was---- Qing

5. All of the following signs of dynastic decline were apparent in the Qing Regime by the beginning of the nineteenth century EXCEPT---- Failure of foreign commerce

6. In what year was the last emperor of china deposed in favor of a republican form of government?------ 1912

7. The Khedival government of Egypt was threatened in 1882 by a rebellion of Egyptian military officers under--- Ahmad Orabi

8. By 1801 what ruler had succeeded in establishing his dominance over Egypt?---- Muhammad Ali, an Albanian officer in the Ottoman army

9. In which of the following areas did Sultan Abdul Hamid continue to press for increased Westernization?---- military reform and the introduction of Western Technology

10. Which of the following statements concerning the improvement of womens status as a result of the Tanzimat reforms is most accurate?--- Despite widespread discussion of the practices of seclusion, polygamy, and veiling, few improvements in womens social status were won in the 19th century

11. The new groups of merchants that developed in china under the more relaxed commercial system of the Manchus was called---- compradors

12. Which of the following reforms resulted from the coup in the Ottoman empire of 1908?---- Constitution of 1876 was restored

13. The semi-Christian rebellion that broke out in southern China in the 1850s and early 1860s was the --- Taiping rebellion

14. On what basis did Muhammad Achmad claim leadership of the Sudanic resistance to Egyptian rule?----- He claimed direct decent from Muhammad

15. European financiers lent money to the profligate successors of Muhammad Ali because they desired access to Egypts cheap cotton and, by the 1850s, share in the ------Suez canal.

Chapter 271. What nations were linked together in the Holy Alliance that grouped conservative monarchies together in defense of religion and the status quo in 1815? (Russia, Prussia, Austria)

2. What was the name of the Russian revolt inspired by Western values in 1825? (The Decembrist uprising)

3. Which of the following accounts for Russias lack of significant revolution in 1830 and 1848? (political repression)

4. What war in the mid-nineteenth century dominated Russias widening gap with the West? (Crimean War)

5. All of the following were reforms introduced in Russia in the 1860s and 10s EXCEPT (The creation of the Duma, a national parliament)

6. What Tsar began the process of reform in the 19th century? (Alexander II)

7. What was the first step toward industrialization in Russia? (The creation of an extensive system of railways)

8. Failure in what war led to the Russian revolution 1905? (Russo-Japanese)

9. Which of the following statements concerning t eh capitalization of Russian industry is most accurate? (By 1900 approximately half of Russian industry was foreign-owned by British, German, and French industrialists)

10. Which of the following statements concerning Tokugawa intellectual and cultural life is most accurate? (Literacy in Japan reached levels higher than anywhere else outside of the West)

11. Which of the following groups in Tokugawa Japan advocated interest in Western scientific advance? (Dutch Studies group)

12. Which of the following was NOT an advantage of Japan over China in the competition to assume leadership and to establish industrialization in Asia? (Japans leadership was less secular and bureaucratic than that of China)

13. One of the major similarities between Japanese and Russian industrialization was the fact that (scarce capital and unfamiliarity of new technology compelled state direction)

14. Huge industrial combines put together in Japan by the 1809s were called (Zaibatsus)

15. Which of the following statements concerning Japanese industrialization prior to WWI is correct? (Japan needed exports to pay for machine and resource imports)Chapter 23:

1. The chief intellectual cause of the French and American Revolutions was the Enlightment

2. The class most responsible for the intellectual ferment and forces of change in Europe between 1750 and 1914 was theMiddle Class or Bourgeoisie

3. All of these were forces for change in Western Europe during the period 1750 1914 EXCEPTReligious innovation.

4. Which statement is a FACT about the world-wide influence of the American Revolution and early American government?The American Revolution and early government impacted the later French, Haitian, and Latin American revolutionaries and their ideas.

5. All of these led to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 EXCEPT:An invasion of France by Prussia and Austria.

6. The ideas of the French Revolution spread most widely throughout Europe as a result ofThe advances of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic armies.

7. The political ideology most favored by the victorious allied powers at the Congress of Vienna was:Conservatism

8. The older European loyalty to established religions and God was often replaced after the French Revolution byNationalism and loyalty to the nation-state.

9. All of these are ideas favored by 19th century European liberals EXCEPT:State regulation of tariffs and trade.

10. The most significant change caused by the Industrial Revolution was theMechanization of production and application of power to manufacturing.

11. Which of these statements is a FACT about Europes Industrial Revolution?A major feature was the high pace of technological change and inventions.

12. All of these were disruptions caused by the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT:Increased birthrates and the rise of the middle class.

13. Which revolution(s) was (were) directly influenced by the European Industrial Revolution during the Modern Period?The European Revolutions of 1848 1849

14. All of these demands were advocated by the 1848 revolutionaries EXCEPT:Liberal constitutions with political rights and protections.

15. The new European power, which benefited from industrialization and nationalism, and which came to rival Great Britain in the 19th century, wasThe German Empire.

16. the social questions, demands for reform, and the need for monies to support the construction of railroads during the 19th century led toThe expansion of and increasing intervention by governments in society.

17. All of these conditions led to the outbreak of World War I EXCEPT:International courts of justice and organization such as the Red Cross.

Chapter 24:

1. Prior to 1830, the largest European colonial empire wasGreat Britain.

2. Prior to the Industrial revolution, most colonial acquisitions by European statesTended to be improvised and influenced by local officials and local actions.

3. British had first acquired its empire in India during the 18th centuryFollowing successful wars against France for possessions in the South Asia.

4. Traditionally, British colonial practice in India during the 19th century was toleave defeated princes on the throne and control them through advisors.

5. The most important British colonial possession in the 19th and 20th centuries wasIndia.

6. All of these institutions and technologies were transmitted by the British to India through their colonial rule EXCEPT:An alphabet and an advanced literate culture.

7. European-style language schools and education had the greatest impact on which colonial peoples?The children of the elite groups.

8. French educational policies of its colonial peoples were designed toAssimilate French-speaking Asians, Africans, and Pacific Islanders as citizens to offset Germanys higher birthrate.

9. The European educated colonial peoples tended toCling to their European rulers but became the leaders of future independence movements.

10. Following the first Industrial Revolution, all of these nations challenged British traditional leadership in industry EXCEPT:Canada.

11. Generally, European leaders saw colonies asSources for raw minerals and potential markets.

12. Active colonial policies seemed most popular with EuropeanLower middle and working classes.

13. The most likely reason for the success of European colonial acquisitions during the 19th century would beSuperior European military and transportation technologies.

14. By 1914, all of these nations remained independent of European control EXCEPT:India.

15. Most European, American, and Japanese colonial possessions could BEST be classified asTropical dependencies.

16. With regard to social policies towards their colonial peoples, European governing officialsLegally mandated racial and ethnic segregation.

17. Economically, European colonial powers encouraged their colonies toRemain dependent on the mother country.

Chapter 25:

1. Which group led the independence movements in most of Latin America?American-born whites or creoles.

2. All of these events helped cause Latin American independence EXCEPT:The Congress of Vienna.

3. Haitis independence differed from other Latin American movements in thatIt began as a slave revolt against slave owners and led to independence.

4. Leaders of Latin American independence revolts were generallyModerates, who wanted some democratic institutions but feared the masses.

5. Brazils independence differed from the rest of Latin America in that it wasDeclared and led by the Portuguese regent in Brazil, who became emperor.

6. Throughout Latin America, the Indian populationRemained largely outside the national political life.

7. The new maps and divisions of Latin American countries after 1820 reflectedGeographic barriers, the great distances, and isolated regions.

8. In many 19th century Latin American nations, governments were in the hands ofIndependent leaders or army commanders, who ruled regions by force.

9. What statement about 19th century Latin America politics is a FACT?Federalists wanted tax and commercial policies set by local governments.

10. The Monroe DoctrineWas proclaimed by the U.S. and supported by British navies.

11. The country that had the greatest commercial and financial investments and interests in Latin America in the 19th century wasGreat Britain.

12. The 19th century economies of Latin America can be described as largelyDominated by slave labor.

13. The economic resurgence in Latin America at the end of the 19th centuryEncouraged liberal reforms modeled after American or European examples.

14. The Roman Catholic church in Latin AmericaSided with the ruling elites and usually opposed liberal reforms.

15. Brazil was different than most Latin American nations in the 19th century for all of these reasons EXCEPT:Brazil remained a centralist state with few local autonomous institutions.

16. After independence Latin America nationsEnded legal systems of discrimination but strong social barriers persisted.

17. All of these led to increased U.S. interest in Central America and the Caribbean EXCEPT:The suppression of the slave trade and slavery in the region.

Chapter 26:

1. The decline of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries can be traced to all of these reasons EXCEPT:Religious divisions within Islam.

3. The group that opposed most internal Ottoman reforms was theRuling religious, political, and social elites.

4. The Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman EmpireImproved the empires ability to fend off foreign aggressors.

5. Reforms under the late Ottoman sultans and Young Turk leadersEmphasized westernization and copied western models openly.

6. Muhammad Alis attempts to reform Egypt in the 19th century failed becauseHe spent too much time attempting to conquer lands and fialed to implement real reforms.

7. The strategic importance of Egypt changed byBuilding the Suez Canal.

8. The Muslim Sudanese revolted under the Mahdi for all of these reasons EXCEPT:The conquest of the Sudan by the British.

9. Although they were nomadic tribesmen from beyond the Great Wall, the Manchus, when they conquered ChinaRetained the Confucian gentry-scholars and much of the political system.

10. Socially, the Manchu (Qing) rulersReinforced much of the Confucian value system including the family.

11. The sector of the Chinese economy and society over which the Qing rulers exercised the least control was theMerchants and commercial interests.

12. All of these incidents were signs of the decline of the Qing Dynasty in China EXCEPT:Rise of a wealthy group of merchants.

13. The British reversed their imbalance of trade in the 18th century with China bySelling Opium to the Chinese.

14. When the Chinese decided to end the illegal drug trade destroying their countryThe British attacked China to protect their Opium trade.

15. The most immediate result of the Opium Wars wasChina was forced to open its ports to European trade and grant Europeans extraterritoriality.

16. All of these ideas were supported by the Taiping rebels EXCEPT:Outlawing Christian missionaries.

17. In the last decades of the 19th century, the Chinese inability to reform or modernize was largely due toElites and the Dowager Empress, who would do nothing to limit their authority.

Chapter 27:

2. In Russia, the supporters of Westernization and radical ideas were oftenNobles.

3. In the 19th century and into the early 20th century, RussiaRemained a largely peasant society with an agrarian economy.

4. Russias 19th century underdevelopement was most dramatically revealed byThe Crimean War.

5. Despite the emancipation of the serfs in Russia,Russia was careful to preserve imperial and aristocratic power and influence.

6. Industrially and socially, Russia was most transformed byThe construction of railroads, which opened markets, jobs, and movement.

7. Russia was assisted in its modernization and industrialization byGiving aristocracy, church, and imperial lands to landless peasants.

8. All of these influences led to 1905 Revolutions EXCEPT:Anarchist assassinations and agitations amongst peasants and workers.

9. Prior to the arrival of the American fleet and Commodore Perry, JapanWas in self-imposed isolation.

10. Westernization and modernization in Japan was most opposed by theLanded aristocrats.

11. Which of these statements is a FACT about the policies of the Meiji Restoration?Political power was centralized and the Emperors authority was restored.

12. Japan avoided the fates of Qing China and the Ottoman Empire byReforming, modernization,westernization, and industrialization.

13. Industrialization in JapanRelied heavily on government-supported and financed plans.

14. All of these social and cultural changes were the results of the Japanese Industrial Revolution EXCEPT:Secularization of Japanese society.

15. Japanese imperialismSought natural resources for industry and gave ex-samurai jobs in the military.

16. As a way to smooth over strains within Japanese society caused by the Industrial Revolution, the governmentSupported Japanese nationalism and foreign expansion.

17. The nation which threatened Japanese colonial aspirations most in the late 19th and early 20th centuries wasRussia.

Chapter 23

1.Protoindustrialization refers tothe employment of laborers who worked at home but in a capitalist system dependent on urban merchants.

2.Which of the following was a cause of the American Revolution?

restriction on free movement into frontier areas

3.Which of the following was a cause of the French Revolution?the middle class demand for greater political representation

4.Which of the following was not a liberal gain confirmed by Napolean Bonaparte?universal manhood suffrage

5.The radical phase of the French Revolution led to all of the following except

a full-scale attack on private property.

6.In what year did the final phase of the French revolution begin?1799

7.The meeting of the victorious powers at Vienna in 1815 resulted inconservative attempts to restore the principle of monarchy.

8.Which of the political groups listed below would espouse the following statement? "The chief goal of any constitution should be to secure the vote for all men, regardless of class or wealth."radicals

9.Belgium became an independent nation for the first time as a result of a revolution in1830.

10.Middle class women, traditionally active partners to merchants,

withdrew from formal jobs to new roles in caring for children and the home.

11.Which of the following statements concerning the British Chartists is most accurate?The Chartists were primarily artisans and workers who sought universal male suffrage.

12.Which of the following statements concerning the revolutions of 1848 is most accurate?Nationalist agitation failed, as the armies of Prussia and Austria-Hungary restored the political status quo.

13.What scientist was responsible for the discovery of germs?Louis Pasteur

14.Which of the following statements concerning the general prosperity of Europeans by 1900 is most accurate?By 1900 nearly two-thirds of the European population lived above the subsistence level.

15.Peasants improved their conditions in all the following ways exceptjoined workers' strikes.

16.One of the reforms that conservative politicians were most willing to enact in order to gain the support of both liberals and the working class wasuniversal manhood suffrage.

17.Which of the following was NOT found in Bismarck's united Germany?

abolition of the monarchy and limitation of aristocratic rights

18.What Western intellectual would have endorsed the following statement? "History is shaped by the available means of production and who controlled them leading to inevitable class conflict."Karl Marx

19.In what nation did socialism produce the strongest political party?Germany

Chapter 241.Which of the following was not an aspect of imperialism in the period following European industrialization?the absence of Christian missions

2.Which of the following groups were most responsible for the early stages of colonization in Java? overseas agents

3.In what way was the intrusion of the British East India Company in India similar to the Dutch entry into Java? the intervention into local squabbles among indigenous princes in return for authority over land

4.In what year did the British East India Company win the critical battle of Plassey? 1757

5.The bulk of the territories that the British East India Company ruled directly were administered through the three presidencies.

6.Which of the following statements concerning the Indian resistance to British colonialism is most accurate? Indian princes continued to fear and fight with each other despite the ever growing power of the British Raj.

7.The intrusion of Europeans into early colonial society left the old ruling families in charge of day-to-day administration.

8.Nabobs were representatives of the British East India Company who went out to secure sudden wealth, often through corruption.

9.Lord Cornwallis introduced sweeping reforms to reduce the power of local administrators in India in the 1790s.

10.What was the most critical issue for reformers in the 1830s? the ritual immolation of Hindu wives on the funeral pyres of their deceased husbands

11.What nation dominated overseas trade and imperial advance in the first half of the nineteenth century? Britain

12.Which of the following nations did not enter the competitive race for colonial empire and industrial supremacy after 1870?


13.Which of the following statements is most accurate? African and Asian peoples often fiercely resisted colonial rule, although without realistic chances of permanent success.

14.Which of the following definitions most accurately defines the term "White Dominions"? colonies with substantial majorities of white, European immigrants

15.Which of the following is an example of a "contested settler colony"? New Zealand

16.What was one of the greatest changes in relationships between European colonizers and indigenous populations after 1870? Laws were passed forbidding sexual relations between Europeans and the indigenous population.

17.Which of the following statements concerning the internal economies of the European colonies is most accurate? Colonial economies were steadily reduced to dependence on the European-dominated global market.

18.In what year did the United States annex the Hawaiian islands as a colony? 1898

Chapter 251.In what way was Latin America different than the other regions that remained outside the direct control of Western imperialism? During the century of imperialism, Latin America cast off previous colonial controls through revolution.

2.Which event did the Creole elite reject as a model of revolution because of its threat to the social hierarchy? the Haitian Revolution

3.Toussaint L'Overture led the rebellion on the island of St. Domingue.

4.What title was taken by the Creole military commander Augustin de Iturbide in Mexico? Emperor

5.Who was the leader of the independence movement in northern South America? Simon Bolivar

6.How was the experience of the Napoleonic Wars different for Portugal than Spain? The entire royal family fled from the French to Brazil and established their capital there.

7.In which area did slavery continue to exist after 1854? Cuba

8.Which statement concerning the political organization of Latin America to 1850 is most accurate? Most attempts at consolidation and union failed.

9.Caudillos wereindependent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies.

10.Which concept was associated with Latin American Liberal groups? rights of individuals and belief in private competition

11.The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was proclaimed by the United States to keep European nations out of Latin America, but enforced by the British navy.

12.Which of the following factors did NOT account for the economic stagnation in Latin America from 1820 to 1850?the absence of foreign markets for raw materials

13.Which of the following descriptions of the politicians who led Liberal governments in the post-1860 Latin America is accurate?

They represented a new generation of politicians who had matured after independence.

14.Benito Juarez wasan Indian who led La Reforma.

15.In 1840 coffee became a major export product of Brazil.

16.Prior to the 1830s, the artistic and architectural style preferred in Latin America was


17.Which of the following groups benefited in the social and political climate of post-1850 Latin America?

large landholders and urban businessmen

18. Which of the following beliefs is NOT associated with the concept of "modernization" or "westernization"? Change would take place through radical or revolutionary transitions rather than gradually.

19.Which of the following sectors of the Latin American economy fueled the boom of the post-1880 period? export of raw materials

Chapter 261.In the eighteenth century, unlike the Manchu dynasty of China, the Ottoman Empire was in full retreat.

2.Which statement concerning the impact of the West on other civilizations is most accurate? By the end of the nineteenth century, the West was the primary cause of the destruction of other global civilizations.

3.Which European power seized territories of the Ottoman Empire in the early decades of the eighteenth century? Austria-Hungary

4.In the later 1700s, Russia became the main threat to the Ottoman's survival.

5.Which state first successfully achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire? Serbia

6.Why did the British attempt to prop up the Ottoman Empire in the face of other European nations' desire to destroy it? Britain feared that the Russians would successfully establish a port on the Mediterranean.

7.The Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II successfully eliminated the Janissary corps as a military and political influence.

8.In what year was the revised constitution introduced as part of the Tanzimat reforms? 1876

9.The Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid attempted to roll back the Tanzimat reforms and restore an absolute monarchy.

10.The Society for Union and Progress led the rebellion that overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid.

11.The Napoleonic invasion of 1798 signaled the demise of whose rule in Egypt? the Mamluks

12.In1811, which ruler had succeeded in establishing his dominance over Egypt? Muhammad Ali, an Albanian officer in the Ottoman army

13.Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Muhammad Ali? Muhammad Ali invaded Syria and thus flouted the authority of the Ottoman Empire.

14.Ahmad Orabi was the Egyptian army officer who led a revolt against the Khedival government in 1882.

15.What nation intervened militarily in Egyptian affairs in 1882? Britain

16.The Mahdist revolt in the Sudan was crushed at what battle? Omdurman

17.Which statement concerning the Manchu government is most accurate? Though Manchus occupied a disproportionate number of the highest political positions, there were few limits on Chinese promotions within the imperial bureaucracy.

18.What was the impact of the British opium trade on China? Within years China's favorable balance of trade was reversed and silver began to flow out of the country.

19.What rebellion was clandestinely supported by the Qing imperial court under Cixi? the Boxer rebellion

Chapter 271.Which region defied the common pattern of increasing Western domination in the nineteenth century? Russia and Japan

2.Which of the following statements concerning the development of Russia and Japan prior to 1914 is accurate? Both Russia and Japan had programs of industrialization underway by 1914, but were unable to rival the industrial might of the West.

3.The Stolypin reforms granted greater freedom to the peasantry from redemption payments.

4.Which of the following statements concerning Russia's territorial expansion is NOT accurate? Russia supported nationalist movements in Poland to create a buffer zone between Russia and the West.

5.The Crimean War was won by Western nations because of industrial advantages over Russia.

6.What was NOT a consideration in the reform of serfdom? It was the purpose of the tsar to sweep away the peasant communities on which serfdom depended.

7.Local political councils introduced as part of Alexander II's program of reform were called zemstvoes.

8.One of the important results of the establishment of railway systems in Russia was the opening of Siberia.

9.Count Witte served as minister of finance from 1892 to 1903.

10.Which of the following was present during the Russian program of industrialization?

rich natural resources

11.The political goal of the Russian anarchists was the abolition of all formal government in Russia.

12.Which group used terrorism as their chief political method? anarchists

13.Russian Marxists believed that Russia could have a proletarian revolution without going through a distinct middle-class stage.

14.Which statement concerning the nineteenth-century Tokugawa Shogunate is most accurate? The Shogunate continued to combine a central bureaucracy with semi-feudal alliances with regional daimyos and the samurai.

15.Which group in Tokugawa Japan advocated concentration of specifically Japanese culture? national studies group

16.Which was NOT a policy of the new Meiji government? reinforcing the daimyos

17.Which of the following was NOT an effect of industrialization in Japan? rejection of traditional values

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