unit six the making of a surgeon designed by shi yuan book Ⅱ the second two periods reading and...

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Unit Six Unit Six The Making of A SurgeonThe Making of A Surgeon

Designed by Shi Yuan


The Second Two Periods

Reading and Translation

Reading and Translation

• Review—Memorize the new words • Comprehension of the text• Chinese and English phrases • Words and expressions • Difficult sentences • Assignments

Comprehension of the text Part Division of the Text

• Part one: (para. 1-2): • the author brings up the question--- what quality

is essential in the making of a surgeon and tells us the answer is self-confidence.

• Part two: (para. 3-6): • produces examples and evidence to support his

viewpoint from his own experience.• Part three: (para. 7): • a conclusive paragraph which further stresses th

e importance of self-confidence.

the style of the article

• an argumentative writing

• writing skill:

1. brings up the question

2. examples and evidence to support his viewpoint

3. conclusion

Blank Filling

Directions: Read the second part again and fill in the information to show the changes of the author.

Changes Past Now Reason for change

Sleeping Had trouble getting back to sleep.


Sleeping was no longer a problem.__________________________

Learned to accept decision making as a constant problem for a surgeon and could live with it.


Making decisions

Reviewed all the facts of the case and wondered if he had made a poor decision.


Any decision he had made was bound to be a sound one.


Had knowledge and experience._____________________________

Comprehension of the text

Changes Past Now Reason for change

During operation

There were butterflies in his stomach and he sweated through the operation.


No need to sweat any more and could handle whatever he found.


Had the knowledge, the skill and the experience to handle any surgical situation in practice.


Making mistakes

Was afraid of it._____________ Still dreaded errors—would do best to avoid them.


Knew they were part of a surgeon’s life._________________________________

Head Matching

This text has seven paragraphs. Choose the suitable heading for each paragraph from the list of headings (1-7). Write the appropriate number after each heading. There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them.


The time when a doctor finally becomes a “surgeon”.Self-confidence is the key to the making of a surgeon.A surgeon needs conceit to encourage him.Decisions I had made were sound ones.Examples to show the lack of confidence.Dreaded the ringing of the telephone call.Had butterflies in stomach when performed operation.Not afraid of making mistakes.Equally confident in the operating room.Mistakes are part of a surgeon’s life.Sleeping was no longer a problem.Sweated over operations for five years.

Comprehension of the text


Example Para 1 Answer I

Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 Para 7


XI ___IX___



• 1. Why did Dr. Nolen dread the ringing of the telephone during the first few months of his year as chief resident?

• Because it meant he had to give up rest and made another critical decision.

• 2. Why did he lose a lot of sleep at night during those months?

• Because in those months, he would review all the facts of the case and wonder of he had made a poor decision.

Comprehension of the text Questions

• 3. How did he try to find the peace of mind he needed to relax?

• He would have to get out of bed, dress and drive to the hospital to see the patient by himself at two or three in the morning.

• 4. How did Dr. Nolen come to think that he didn’t need to sweat any more?

• He told himself that he had sweated over them for five years. He had enough knowledge and experience to handle any case.

• 5. Why wasn’t he afraid of making mistakes when he was out in practice?

• Because he realized that mistakes were part of a surgeon’s life, and he believed if he wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, probably no other surgeon could avoid it.

• 6. Do you agree with Dr. Nolen that a surgeon needs conceit?

• Yes. A surgeon does need conceit to encourage him in trying moments when he’s bothered by the doubts and uncertainties.

Words and expressions

• making: n.• 1) the process of being made or coming into being• 只有艰苦的工作才能造就他。 Hard work will be the making of him.• The making of the Chinese is an interesting subject.• 2) the qualities needed • He has the makings of a doctor.• Einstein had in him the makings of a great scientist.• Collocation: • make believe 假装;假扮• make for 匆匆走向;扑向• make out 写出;辨认出;理解• make up 补充;捏造,编造;组成• make up for 补偿;弥补

• surgical • adj. of, by, or for surgery 外科的;手术的• e.g. Surgical masks and gloves prevent infection.• The surgical patient was attended (to) by tw

o nurses.

• recognize: vt.

• 1) know or identify (somebody or something) again that one has seen or heard before

• 你变化太大了,我几乎认不出了。 I can hardly recognize you because you’ve changed such a lot.

• Jane recognized Mary in the photograph. • 2) admit or be willing to accept somebody or something

as being real• They refused to recognize our government.• 我们承认他的行为是不对的。 We recognized that his act

was not right.

• draw to a close: come to an end, draw to an end

• 这学期就快结束了。 This semester is drawing to a close.

• The debate drew to a close finally.

• conclude: vt.

• 1) come to believe after consideration of known facts• The jury concluded that the man was not guilty.• 医生们经过讨论,认为病人太虚弱,不宜手术。 Doctors concluded after the discussio

n that the patient was too weak to be operated on.• 2) come or bring to an end • We concluded the meeting at 8 o’clock. 我们 8 点结束了会议。• He concluded his speech by saying “thank you”. 3) arrange; bring about The two countries concluded a peace treaty. Jim was all smiles since he had just concluded a large contract with the local builder.

• NB:• conclude 的名词形式是 conclusion 。 conclusion 常与下面的动词、介词搭配,如:• arrive at /come to /draw/ reach a conclusion 得出结论 • in conclusion 综上所述,总之• jump to a conclusion 轻率地下结论

• treat: vt. use drugs, exercises, etc. in order to cure a person of a disease or heal an injure

• It is said that he was being treated for a rare skin disease.

• 西医往往是治标不治本。 Western medicine tends to treat symptoms and not cause.

treat, cure: To treat someone medically is to accept him as a patient, to diagnose his i

llness to help relieve it. To cure someone( of an illness), on the other hand, is to bring him back to health, stressing the positive result of medical treatment. We can also say “to cure a disease” meaning“ to get rid of a disease”.

• 1. Which doctor is treating her for her illness? • 2. Doctor cured him of his disease.

• emergency: sudden and dangerous happening needing immediate action

• -an emergency exit/bell/telephone/room

• -Ring the bell in case of an emergency.

• -She was sent to the emergency room because she fainted in the street.

• encounter: vt. meet unexpectedly, be faced with (something bad, especially a danger or difficulty)

• 他们在旅行中遇到许多困难。 They encountered many difficulties during their trip.

• I encountered an old friend of mine on my way home.• CF: • encounter & meet 这两个动词都有“碰到、遇到”的意思。• Encounter is a synonym for meet. it is amore formal word and stron

gly implies a casual and unexpected meeting. • encounter 注重强调一种偶然和意外,还强调遭遇之意。 meet 是常

用词,不如 encounter 正式。 • 1. Many men were lost in the forest when they encountered a lion.• 2. It was so kind of you to come all the way to meet us.• 3. They encountered the enemy in border clashes.

• critical: adj.

• 1) of a crisis; at a turning point of danger or difficulty • 他的情况很危险。 His condition is reported as being criti

cal.• We are at a critical time in our history.• 2) finding fault, judging severely • 她用挑剔的眼光去看每一件事。 She looks on everything

with a critical eye.• He made a critical remark on the latest shown film.

• particular

• i). belonging to some person, thing, or occasion (特定的,某一的)

• In this particular case, what you can do is only wait. • ii). special • The particular nature of his job keeps James Bond on gu

ard all the time. • Particular attention was given to the orphan girl. • iii). hard to satisfy • He is very particular about his friend, so she often compl

ains about it. • iv). (n.) detail • Time is limited so don't go into particulars now.

• have trouble doing something: have difficulty (in) doing something

• 我的汽车发动不起来。 I had trouble getting my car started.

• 这小男孩转不动球。 The little boy has trouble getting the ball moving.

• Collocation: • have difficulty (in) doing something 做某事有困难• have good time doing something 有足够时间做某事• have problem doing something 做某事有问题• have fun doing something 做某事有趣• EX: P149

• case n.

• (1) instance of disease or injury 病例• e.g. There has been several cases of yellow fever in the past month.• Emergency / urgent cases must be treated first. • (2) actual state of affairs; instance of the occurrence of sth. 情况;事例;实情• e.g. Suffering can have beneficial results and certainly I know that was true in my cas

e.• That being the case, she has to cancel her appointment. • (3) question to be decided in a law court 案件;诉讼• e.g. The jury will hear this case soon.• The case is still under police investigation.

• Note: • in any case 无论如何 • in case 假使,免得,以防(万一)• in case of 假使,万一,以防万一 • in no case 决不,在任何情况下都不• in the case of 就 ... 来说;至于• in this /that case 在这(那)种情况下,如果这样• a case in point 恰当的例子,例证• be the case 是真实的

• relax become less tense

---His face relaxed in a smile.

---Hot bath helps people relax.

---Slowly he relaxed his grip on his murderer and fell to the ground.

• constant

• i. happening all the time • -A clock makes a constant ticking sound. • ii. remaining the same • -The temperature should remain constant in the l

aboratory. • iii. faithful • -a constant friend/companion • (n.) number or quantity that does not vary 常量• e.g. “G” is a gravitational constant in physics.

• resolve: vt.

• 1) find an answer to• One way to resolve the present financial problem is t

o practice economy.• 2) decide or determine • 他决心要成功。 He resolved to succeed.

• (n.) sth. that has been decided; decision• ---On New Year’s Day, he made a resolve to go joggin

g twice a week. By March his resolve was so weakened that he jogged twice a month.

• live with: accept something unpleasant without complaint

• 我不能忍受噪音了。 I can’t live with the noise.• Collocation: • live for 为…而生活• live high 过奢侈生活• live up to 遵守(诺言);不辜负(期望);• live with oneself 保持自尊心• live on 靠…生活

• dwell on: think about, speak or write a lot about • -He dwelt upon his adventure in his

autobiography. • -Let bygones be bygones. Don't dwell so much

on the past. • -He was dwelling on his personal problem,

without hearing the ringing of the telephone.

• dwell in/at: live in/at

• bound:

• 1. adj.• 1) be certain; be sure• 只要你像我一样努力,你一定会成功的 . You are bound to succeed if

you work as hard as me.• Hitler was bound to fail because of evil acts.• 2) going (for, to) • The bus is bound for Shanghai at 2:30.• 3) obliged to do (sth.) or having the duty to do (sth.)• Tom felt bound to tell Joanna the truth.• 2. vi. jump upward or forward • 他欣喜万分。 His heart bounded with joy.• The ball struck the wall and bounded back to me.

• Sound

• i. correct, based on good judgment • -You can depend on him for a sound choice. • ii. healthy, in good condition • -Her heart is sound as a drum. • -I doubt if he is sound in his mind. • iii.(adv.) deep • -After a whole day of hard work, he fell sound asl

eep at once.

• confident a. sure of oneself and one’s abilities 自信的

• e.g. The applicant feels confident that he will be accepted.

• During the interview, the coach said he was confident of his team’s winning the game.

• Note:• in confidence 秘密地 • have / lose confidence in 对…有(失去)信心 • break sb.’s confidence 辜负某人的信任 • with confidence 满怀信心地

• handle

• (v.) (1) manage; deal with 处理 , 应付,对待• e.g. A manager must know how to handle his men.• This book handles the problem of inflation.• (2) touch; take up 触,摸,拿• e.g. Glass – handle with care.• The stamp collector washes his hand before handling stamps.• (3) operate; direct; train 操作• e.g. After two months’ training, the worker now handles the machine w

ith ease.• Napoleon is very good at handling troops.

• (n.) part of a tool, cup, bucket, door, drawer, etc. by which it may be held in the hand 柄 , 把手

• e.g. the handle of a cup• the handle of a bicycle• a door handle

• in practice: while performing my professional skills as a surgeon

• i. “Practice” here means “exercising or performing the profession of medicine,” i.e., “regular work of a doctor”.

• ii. in reality (←→in theory)

• -In practice, the theory does not work.

• butterflies in one's stomach: a feeling of fear or anxiety

• -When the young man walked into the office to see headmaster, he had butterflies in his stomach.

• -When he was called to see the general manager, he had butterflies in his stomach.

• open up: intensive form of “open”; disclose, reveal, talk

• -He opened up the apple and gave one half to the boy.

• -After we had opened up the package, we found that it had nothing in it of importance.

• -We tried to question him about the purpose of his new mission abroad, but the ambassador refused to open up.

• anticipate: vt. see beforehand• Don’t anticipate your income before you finish th

e job.• 他期待着一个美丽的夜晚。 He anticipates a bea

utiful evening.• NB:• anticipate 后面不可加不定式,可跟动名词和名

词。例如:• Do you anticipate meeting any trouble? 你预料

会有麻烦吗 ?

• In advance

ahead of time; beforehand

---You have to pay the rent in advance.

---Children with bad hearts must be studied carefully so that the surgeon will know in advance what type of operation he will have to perform on them.

• sweat (v.) ( the body) give off moisture through the ski

n; perspire---He sweated heavily during the marathon race.---Let’s eat out. I don’t want to sweat over the st

ove. (n.) perspiration---The sweat broke out on his forehead.---We were all in a cold sweat over the test.

• operate on: cut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part

• -The doctors decided to operate on him immediately

• sit on: neglect; do nothing about• 我们不应忽视那些急需我们帮助的人。 We shouldn’t sit o

n those people who need our help urgently.• I sent my complaints to the store manager just in time, b

ut he had sit on it for a long time.• Collocation: • sit down 坐下• sit for 参加• sit up 熬夜• sit in 静坐示威• sit in on 列席,旁听

• responsibility: n. duty, obligation

• 他拒绝为错误承担责任。 He refused all the responsibility for the mistake.

• Everyone should learn to take responsibility for his own actions.

• Collocation: • accept (a)/assume (a)/take (a)/ share (the)/ bear (the)/ exe

rcise (the)/ responsibility for 承担责任• refuse ( the) /shirk (the) responsibility for拒绝、逃避责任

• avoidEscape; keep or get away from

---For fear of kidnappers, parents tell their children to avoid speaking to strangers in the street.

---Nurses speak in a low voice to avoid wakening the patient.

• chances are / were (that): it is / was likely (that)

• 他有可能要摔下来。 Chances are that he will fall down.

• Chances were that they had departed.

• trying moments: moments that cause severe strain; moments that try one's nerves

• trying : that strains one's temper or patience • a trying person to deal with (难对付的人) • have a trying day( 度过难过的一天 )

• conceitedFull of pride in one’s power, abilities, etc.

---The conceited doctor behaved as if he were the greatest man in the world.

---The conceited rabbit was beaten by the turtle in their race.

• Bother

(vt.) annoy; trouble---I am sorry for bothering you with so many questions.---Those flies bother me.(vi.) worry---That will be way out. Don’t bother about it.---I don’t see any reason for bothering with such a pett

y matter.(n.) worry; trouble---Did you have much bother in finding this address?---What a lot of bother about nothing!

Difficult sentences

• There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon.

• 没有任何外壳病人我不能胜任治疗,我的治疗跟其他外科医生一样高明,甚至比任何外科医生都更为高明。

• Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular situation, I'd have trouble getting back to sleep.

• 经常时在我告诉沃尔特或拉里对于某一特殊情况该怎么做之后,我就很难再重新入睡了。

• I'd review all the facts of the case and, not infrequently, wonder if I hadn't made a poor decision.

• 我会会议一下那位急诊病人的所有病情,并且常常会怀疑自己是否做出了不妥的决定。

• Reviewing it wasn't going to help and I knew that with my knowledge and experience, any decision I'd made was bound to be a sound one.

• 再想也不会有什么帮助,而且我知道,凭我的知识和经验,我做出的任何决定肯定都是稳妥的。

• I knew that even if the case was one in which it was impossible to anticipate the problem in advance, I could handle whatever l found.

• 我知道,及时碰上事先无法预见其问题所在的病例,我也能应付我所发现的任何情况。

• I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had had to take sole responsibility for a mistake in judgment.

• 如果我不得不为一次判断上的失误负全部责任的话,我是没法容忍自己的。

I could accept this fact with calmness because I knew that if I wasn‘t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either.



• Read the new words by heart after class, next time we’ll have a dictation.

• Read the phrases again and again.• Do the rest exercises.• Preview Writing.

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