university academic curriculum vitae 2014-2018

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University Academic Curriculum Vitae 2014-2018

Beate Weyland develops sustainable and innovative solutions to promote the relationship between pedagogy and architecture through research, teaching and fieldwork. Her research collates academic knowledge with contemporary practices in teaching and learning as evident in her first book on the subject matter: “Progettare scuole tra pedagogia e architettura”. Her teaching in premised on the belief that teaching is a creative endeavour and as such pursues a laboratorial and sensorial approach in her didactic practices.

Personal information

Office: Free University of Bozen | Faculty of Education Ratisbona Street, 16 | Brixen 30942 (BZ) Telephone office number: 0472.014852 E-mail:

Education since leaving school

Present appointment

1997 Bachelor of Education in Pedagogy; Università Cattolica del S.Cuore, Milano

1998 Postgraduate Certificate in “School Management”; Università Cattolica del S.Cuore, Milano

1999 Postgraduate Certificate in “Media Education”; Università Cattolica del S.Cuore, Milano

Postgraduate Certificate in “Communication and learning methods online”, Università di Firenze

2012 Habilitation (national): MIUR, Sector M-Ped 03 National Academic Qualification for Associate Professor of Didactics.

Associate Professor in Education; Faculty of Education, Free University of Bolzano.

Tenured since 2005.

Responsible for the development and delivery of seminars and courses for undergraduate and graduate student

Professional experience Participation in exhibitions

teachers. Supervision of PhD candidates (2005 – 2012 and from 2016). Supervision of undergraduate student dissertations. Research and publications in relevant areas of education and didactics. 1998 - 2003 Research Assistant for Prof. Cesare Scurati; Faculty of Education, Free University of Bolzano. 1999 - 2003 Contract Lecturer. Develop and deliver lectures on “Teaching and learning with media”, Leopold University of Innsbruck. 2002 - 2004 Contract Lecturer. Develop and deliver lectures on “Media Education”, Free University of Bolzano. 2002 – 2005 Full-time Primary School Teacher, Milan. 2014 Curator of exhibition: “Through”. Explores the spaces between teaching areas in mountain schools in relation to the project “Planning between pedagogy and architecture”. With Sandy Attia, architect, and Marco Pietracupa, photographer. Innovation Festival, Bolzano, September 2014. 2015 Curator of exhibition: “Planning schools in South Tyrol between pedagogy and architecture”. With Paolo Bellenzier. architect. Exhibition funded by the Department of Construction (School Buildings), Autonomous Region of South Tyrol. 2 – 20 October, 2015. 2017-2018 Curator of Exhibition: “Planning schools together”. With Kuno Prey, designer, and Paolo Bellenzier, architect. Funded by the Free University of Bolzano in conjunction with the Department of Construction (School Buildings), Autonomous Region of South Tyrol. 27 October 2017 – 1 April 2018.


2010-2014 Head of the project Pedagogy and Architecture: dynamics and planning proceedings of school spaces Free University of Bolzano. 2013 – 2016 Collaboration to the project Education and design – A collaboration between the faculty of design and the faculty of education, Free University of Bolzano 2014-2016 Head of the project Participatory processes to develop school between pedagogy and architecture. An international comparison, Free University of Bolzano. 2015 Head of the project Space for Music. This project involved leading the collaboration amongst key stakeholders from the Bolzano Conservatory of Music to develop its pedagogical concept to inform renovation design. 2015 Led, in conjunction with the Free University of Bolzano and the Faculty of Architecture, University of Innsbruck, a project that investigated student collaboration in the development of Learning Space design. 2017 Significant recognition of the results of this research approach was the publication of the book Beate Weyland, Sandy Attia, “Progettare scuole, tra pedagogia e architettura” (Guerini, Milano 2015), which was awarded the Premio Nazionale „Infanzia – Piccolo Plauto” 2017 – XII edition in relation to the field of learning and furniture for childhood. 2017-2020 Winner of the Erasmus+ Project “ Professional Support of learning ad school building development” PULS+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA203 – Strategic Partnership for higher education Applicant organization: University of Innsbruck

2018-2019 Cooperation projects initiated from principals or municipalities that want to develop new learning environments and new ways of teaching and learning at school between Pedagogy, Architecture and Design (PAD) - project Veroviva (private primary school in Rovereto), project Gasparchange (secondary economic school in Melfi), project Scuola Artigianelli (secondary graphic school in Trento), project Bosso Monti (secondary technical school in Torino), Tortoreto municipality (for a primary school in Tortoreto- Pescara), project Laives together (Italian and german primary school in Laives - BZ). Table 1: Research Income

Date Granted

Award holder/s

Funding Body

Title Amount

October 2010 – March 2013

Beate Weyland

Free University of Bolzano

Pedagogy and Architecture

27882 Euro

May 2011 –

May 2014

Beate Weyland


Kuno Prey

Free University of Bolzano and The Free University of Bolzano Foundation

Pedagogy and Architecture (extended)

12000 Euro

+ 20000 Euro

September 2014 – February 2016

Beate Weyland

Free University of Bolzano

Designing Learning Space in the European Context

10851 Euro

October 2015 – September 2016

Beate Weyland

University of Innsbruck and Free University of Bolzano (Euregio funds)

Learning Environments

2225 Euro

July 2016 – January 2017

Beate Weyland

Free University of Bolzano

Space for Music

3000 Euro

Juli 2018 - 2020

Beate Weyland for the

European Commission (Erasmus +)

“Professional Support of learning and

60000 Euro

Publications Books authored Books edited

Free University of Bolzano

school building development” PULS+

2018-2019 Beate Weyland

Schools and


new learning environments and new ways of teaching and learning at school between Pedagogy, Architecture and Design (PAD)

32.000 Euro ca.

B. Weyland, Media e spazi della scuola, Ed. La Scuola, Brescia, 2013. B. Weyland, Fare Scuola. Un corpo da reinventare, Ed. Guerini, Milano, 2014 B. Weyland, S.Attia, Progettare scuole Tra pedagogia e architettura Ed. Guerinii Milano, 2015. B.Weyland, Didattica Sensoriale. Oggetti e materiali tra educazione e design, Guerini, Milano, 2017. Beate Weyland, Alessandra Galletti, Lo spazio che educa, Spiaggiari, Bologna, 2018. Attia S., Weyland B., Bellenzier P., Prey K., Progettare scuole insieme, tra pedagogia, architettura e design, Guerini, Milano, 2018. B.Weyland, S.Attia (Ed.), Costruire Pedagogie, numero monografico di Turris Babel sulle scuole dell’infanzia e primarie, Rivista della Fondazione Architettura di Bolzano, nr. 93, Gennaio 2014. B.Weyland, S.Attia (Ed.), Pedagogie da costruire, numero monografico di Turris Babel sulle scuole secondarie, Rivista

Chapters in books

della Fondazione Architettura di Bolzano, nr. 97, Marzo 2015. B.Weyland, J.Watschinger (Ed.), Lernen und Raum entwickeln, Klinkhart, Monaco, 2017. B. Weyland, Costruire il ponte tra pedagogia e architettura. Esperienze altoatesine, in Dirigere tra pedagogia e architettura, Annuario di Dirigenti Scuola, Ed. La Scuola, Brescia, 2014. B. Weyland, Il corpo della scuola. Una metamorfosi verso l’innovazione, Dirigere tra pedagogia e architettura, Annuario di Dirigenti Scuola, Ed. La Scuola, Brescia 2014. B.Weyland, Verso nuove architetture degli ambienti di apperndimento, in Education2.0. Esperienze, riflessioni e scenari, P. Calidoni e C. Casula (Ed.), Cuec University Press 2015. B.Weyland, Verso nuove architetture degli ambienti di apprendimento, in Viste da vicino. Dinamiche dell’innovazione digitale nella didattica, P. Calidoni e F. Ghiaccio (Ed.), Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2015. B.Weyland, Progettare la media education nella scuola: il riferimento alle Indicazioni Nazionali, in Progettare la media education, R.Trinchero e D.Felini (Ed.), Franco Angeli, Milano 2015. B.Weyland, A. Galletti, Organizzare gli spazi e i tempi della scuola inclusiva, in Ianes D., Cramerotti S., Dirigere scuole inclusive, Erickson, Trento, 2016. B.Weyland, “Cruise” durch die Praxis, in B.Weyland, J.Watschinger (Ed.), Lernen und Raum entwickeln, Klinkhart, Monaco 2017. B.Weyland, Schulen gemeinsam planen zwischen Pädagogik und Architektur, in B.Weyland, J.Watschinger (Ed.), Lernen und Raum entwickeln, Klinkhart, Monaco 2017. B.Weyland, Fare scuola tra pedagogia e architettura, in G. Mondaini, Spazio e formazione, Quaderni di architettura

Journal Papers in refereed academic journals

Journal papers in professional journals

dell’ANCE, Ediz. Edilstampa, 2018 pp. 38-58. B.Weyland, Comfort a scuola? Per una pedagogia della materialità, in Scuola Deocratica – Lerning for Democracy, Special Issue 1/2016 edited by Paolo Landri and Assunta Viteritti, p. 215-226. 978-88-15-26330-8 B.Weyland, Il corpo della scuola in movimento tra pedagogia e architettura, Formazione&Insegnamento Vol 14 N. 1 Supplemento p. 107-118, 2016. B.Weyland, Animare la scuola digitale. Spazi e tempi per una didattica mediaeducativa, in Pedagogia Oggi Vol 2, 2016 B.Weyland, Progettare scuole insieme: strategie e processi tra spazi e didattiche, Contributo pubblicato nella rivista RTH - Vol 4/2017. Weyland B., Pedagogy and Architecture in Action:the Power of a Common Language, RPD Journal of Theories and Research in Education, Vol. 12 n. 3, 2017. Pp 149-168. B.Weyland, Designing school together between pedagogy and architecture, in Educa n. 4, 2018 ”Reinventing the school: expectations and experiences” B.Weyland, Nuovi nomi per Spazi e didattiche, Turris Babel nr.97, Bolzano 2015. B.Weyland, Architetture e paesaggi di apprendimento: cambiare le idee attraverso gli spazi, in Scuola Italiana Moderna, Ed. La scuola, Aprile 2016. B.Weyland, Dwelling Schools, in Estetiche ed epistemologie del contemporaneo", in "I castelli di Yale online", IV, 2016,1, ISSN: 2282-5460. B.Weyland Un laboratorio tra spazi e didattiche, in SIM, Scuola Italiana Moderna, nr.8, Aprile 2017. Pp. 49-56 B.Weyland, S.Attia, Il corpo della scuola come punto di

contatto del rapporto tra pedagogia e architettura, FA Magazine, Vol. VII n.37 Luglio-Settembre 2016, pp. 56-68 56 ISSN 2039-0491

Experience in academic teaching with a precise indication of the dates

2011-2016: Media Education (BSc course: German and Italian) 2011-2018: Learning Environments and Methods of Learning (BSc laboratory: German and Italian) 2013–current: Language plurality and learning / learning with the five senses / didactics laboratory (BSc laboratory: Italian, German) 2014 – 2018: Social Media Marketing (BSc course: Communication Science) 2015: Methods for Learning through Group-work (BSc course: German)

Other academic responsibilities Memberships

I developed and delivered seminars and courses for student teachers and PhD candidates (2005 - 2012) Since 2005 I have supervised in excess of 50 BSc dissertations. I have supervised five PhD projects to completion, all on education-related topics. Member of the PHD council from 2005 to 2011 and from 2015 – current Member of the Erasmus commission for the Faculty of Education 2005 – current Coordinator of the exchange Programme Erasmus + for the Communication Science course since 2015 Member of the Study Plan Commission for the German section since 2013

Member of the commissions for the assignment of external teaching since 2005 Member of the council of the TFA (MSc course) 2017/2018 Member of the Editorial Board of the prestigious journal Scuola Democratica (Il Mulino). Member of the Scientific Committee and Chief Editor of the book series “Ambienti educativi” (Guerini, Milano). Executive member of the South Tyrolean inter-institutional network Space and Learning. Member of the international research group PULS – (Professionelle Unterstützung von Lernen und Schulraumentwicklung), which partners with the Free University of Bolzano, The University of Innsbruck, Art University of Linz, Alanus School of Education, Bonn. Member of the Cultural Council of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. Member of the Board of Evaluation for the Scientific outcomes of Italian Universities (VQR 2011-2014) Member of the italian scientific society of education SIPED Member of the Italian scientific society SIREM Member of the italian scientific society SIEMeS

Conferences Direction and coordination

Bilingual international conference “Space&Learning” at the Faculty of Education, Free University of Bolzano, 10 .11.2012 Study seminar "Fare didattica per EAS, Episodi di Apprendimento Situati" at the Faculty of Education of UNIBZ with Piercesare Rivoltella, Università Cattolica del S.Cuore, 29.5 2013. International study seminar “Visual Literacy”, at the Faculty of

Paper presentations

Education of UNIBZ, 18.12.2013. International conference “Metamorfosi della scuola: cultura della formazione e ambienti di apprendimento in trasformazione – Metamorphose der Schule: Bildungskultur und Lernräume im Wandel ” at the Faculty of Education, UNIBZ 29.11.2014. Internetional study seminar “Lernen und Raum entwickeln” at the Faculty of Education, UNIBZ 27.11.2015. International conference "Progettare scuole insieme/Lernräume gemeinsam planen" with the co-direction of Ulrike Stadler Altmann, at the Faculty of Education, UNIBZ, 27.10.2017. "3ème Conférence Internationale Education, Economie & Société / 3rd International Conference on Education, Economy & Society", paper and presentation titled “PEDAGOGY AND ARCHITECTURE: between awareness and responsibility”, 20 – 23.7.2011. ECER 2011 – Urban Education, Berlin Network 19, paper and presentation titled “Pedagogy and architecture: an interdisciplinary research”, 13-16.9. 2011. ECER 2012 – The need for Education Research to champion Freedom, Education and Development for All, Cadiz, Network 19, paper and presentation titled “Spaces and Learning - A Pedagogical and Architectural Analysis of Threshold Spaces in Primary and Elementary Schools in South Tyrol.” 18-21 .9.2012. Schulleitungssymposium, HBB Institut, Zug (CH), Nell’ambito del Workshop ”Kooperative Schulraum Entwicklung”, paper and presentation titled „Wie läuft ein Schulraumentwicklungsprozess ab? Welche Akteurgruppen sind wann führend und bestimmend?” 27.9.2013. Archiv der Zukunft AdZ, "ORTE UND HORIZONTE - BILDUNG BRAUCHT GESELLSCHAFT", Bregens (A) “Tanzen ohne Tanzkleid: Das pädagogische Konzept als Keimzelle des Schulwandels”, in the workshop seminar titled

Invited speaker

“Orte bilden”, 26.10. 2014. Schulleitungssymposium, HBB Institut, Zug (CH), organisator and coordinator of the workshop “Schule als Gestaltungs, Lern- und Lebensraum – Schulleitung zwischen Pädagogik und Architektur“ with Arch. Andreas Hammon, 2-4.9. 2015. International conference of the OEFEB (A) “Lernräume gestalten”, paper and presentation titled “Professionelle Unterstützung von Lernaum-und Schulentwicklung: pädagogische Perspektiven“, Klagenfurt, January 2015. International annual conference of SIREM, paper and presentation titled “Ripensare la media education tra spazi e didattiche”, Napoli 17-18.3. 2015. International conference Inclusive School Design, University of Padova, paper and presentation titled “Progettare contesti scolastici per una didattica urbana e umana” 12-13 .11.2016. International Conference EMEM ITALIA, paper and presentation titled “Abitare i media. Indicatori per valutare lo spazio mediaeducativo”, at UNIBZ Bolzano 31.8 - 1 .9. 2017 International conference “Le scuole del domani ispirate dall’architettura, guidate dalla pedagogia”, Università del Salento, relation on: “Esperienze italiane in corso: il progetto della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano”, Lecce, 12.9. 2013. National Conference “Interrogando pinocchio” organized by Fondazione Collodi, relation on “Architettura e pedagogia. Come modificare gli ambienti di apprendimento. Esperienze internazionali”, Collodi 25 .10. 2013. international seminar “Forschungsnetzwerkes - Kooperative Lern-RAUM-Entwicklung“, organized by the Foundation MONTAGSTIFTUNG in Bonn, relation on “Das Organisationskonzept mit pädagogischer Ausrichgung: eine Chanche für die Schulentwcklung und Lernraumentwicklung”, 2-3.12.2013. Provincial conference “I luoghi della crescita”, organized by the Order of Architects of the municipality of Bergamo,relation

on “Progettare scuole tra pedagogia e architettura”, 19 . 6. 2014. National conference “Verso una scuola digitale”, University of Sassari, Dipartement of History, Human Sciences and Education, relation on “Media e spazi della scuola”, Sassari, 26.6. 2014. Seminar on School Innovation organised for School principals by the german Ministery of Education of the Province of Bolzano relation on “Die Rolle/Aufgaben der Schulführungskräfte am Bsp. einer italienischen GS im Schulsprengel Meran”, 17.10. 2014. Conference “Lettori si diventa” XI Forum del Libro “Passaparola” relation on “Leggera la scuola in modo nuovo. Per una cultura degli ambienti scolastici tra pedagogia e architettura”, Milan, 14.11 2014. National conference Futur Text 2014 “E tu quale originale sei?” promoted by the research institute INDIRE with Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Lucca, relation on “Progettare scuole originali”, 20.11.2014. Cycle of seminars organized by the Faculty of Ingenieering and Architecture DCAM of Trento relation on „Fare buone scuole tra pedagogia e architettura“ il 7.10. 2015. Conference „Zona Comfort“ organized by the Southtirolean Research Institute TIS, relation on „Comfort e benessere. Un diritto per la qualità della vita“ il 16.10. 2015. 2nd Workshop and Conference organized by the Region of Sardinia on the ISCOLA regional school building programm, relation on „Progetto organizzativo a indirizzo pedagogico“, l’8.10. 2015. National conference „Natura a scuola“ organized fron the Municipality of di Trieste with Unicef e Slow Food, relation on “Paesaggi e architetture di apprendimento. Cambiare le idee attraverso gli spazi“, at MIB of Trieste, 20-21.11. 2015. International conference „Estetiche e Epistemologie del contemporaneo“ relation on “La corporeità della scuola tra

pedagogia e architettura“, University of Ferrara, 4-5.12.2015. Training seminar, Fare scuola tra pedagogia e architettura, Liceo Fogazzaro ,Vicenza, 15.2.2016. Training seminar, Lo spazio come terzo educatore, at ALEF, Dipartimento di Antichistica, Lingue, Educazione Filosofia, Area Educazione, Parma 16.3.2016. Conference organized by the municipality of Brentonico (TN), relation on “ Fare scuola tra spazi e didattiche”,20.5.2016 National conference of the Scientifico Society of educational movement SIEMeS, relation on “Scuole in movimento” Enna, 25-26.5.2016. Study Seminar on School Building programmes organized by the Order of architects of Pescara, relation on “Progettare scuole tra pedagogia e architettura”, 26.5.2016. National conference #Scuole Innovative, organized by the office for school building of the italian Government, relation on “Progettare scuole: esperienze e processi” with Paolo Bellenzier, Roma, 8.6.2016 National conference organized by CDE, Municipality of Cesena “La Scuola Diffusa nella Città Educante”, relation on “Oltre i confini – la progettazione condivisa per tracciare nuovi sentieri e significati”, 12.9.2016. School building fair Munich, relation on “„Partizipation im ländlichen Raum – Phase Null und ihre Folgen“, 17.11.2016. Study seminar “Embodied Cognition Design” organized by the Order of Architects of Napoli with Liceo Ginnasio G.B Vico of Napoli, relation on “Scuole in movimento” , Napoli 20.4.2017. Study seminar “Nella città del noi, scuola e territorio in dialogo” organized by Fondazione Vittorio Razzetti with Fondazione della Comunità Bresciana, relation on “Progettare insieme la scuola diffusa e aperta” with workshop, Brescia, 12.5.2017.

National Conference “La città con i bambini. Buone pratiche di partecipazione nell’infanzia, nell’adolescenza e nelle politiche urbane”, organized by Gruppo Palomar and INU in cooleration with the municipality of Trento the Order of Architects of Trento, relation on “Il terzo educatore: percorsi di progettazione condivisa di scuola diffusa tra pedagogia e architettura”, Trento 7.6.2017. Fair and International Conference DIDACTA ITALIA, relation and workshop in cooperation with INDIRE titled "Progettare la scuola insieme", Firenze 27-29.9.2017 Macerata School Festival II Ed., Forum «Il patrimonio edilizio scolastico della provincia di Macerata di fronte alla sfida della ricostruzione post-sisma: bilanci, modelli e prospettive», organized by the University of Macerata with INDIRE and the Order of Architects of Macerata, relation on "Progettare scuole insieme: tra pedagogia, architettura e design", 2-3.10.2017 31^ National Conference DISAL “Generare cambiamento. Dirigere oggi la scuola di domani”, relation on “Tecnologie e spazi per una scuola viva”, Torino, 2.2. 2018. Conference on "Trasformare la scuola: la biblioteca come volano del cambiamento. Consigli pedagogici per gli acquisti”, organized by the association Torino Rete Libri, Torino, 1.3.2017. Conference organized by the Region of Sardinia on the ISCOLA regional school building program "IL DESIGN DELLE SCUOLE PER IL NUOVO MILLENNIO", relation on "Trasformare la scuola tra spazi e didattiche: consigli pedagogici per gli acquisti", 21-22.3. 2018 National Conference Sfide- La scuola di Tutti, organized by the Association Fai la Cosa Giusta with Fiera Milanocity and the Editor Terre di Mezzo, relation on “Progettare insieme la scuola di domani” 23-25.3. 2018 TEDX Montebelluna, relation on “Progettare scuole insieme, tra pedagogia architettura e design”, 26.5.2018.


My research activities are directed towards helping schools develop flexible, sustainable and innovative approaches to the relationship between pedagogy and learning space design. This work requires working closely with schools, teachers, administrators, architects and politicians. My teaching focuses on using my research to help student teachers to develop innovative ways of teaching and learning in suitable learning spaces using the body’s five senses engaging with materials and three-dimensional objects to achieve new knowledge and collaboratively develop culture. Technology and social media are central to this enterprise, and crucial to a culture’s active life, and so are fundamental to my teaching and learning activities.

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