uplands school weekly newsletter - term 1 issue 9 - friday 23 october 2015

Post on 03-Dec-2015






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The weekly newsletter of the International School of Penang (Uplands)



To all in the Uplands Community, I was hoping that I would not be using the “haze” word this half term. It has become a word that is being used too frequently! As you are aware, all schools on the Malaysian Peninsular were closed on Thursday and schools in Penang were closed today for the second day. The school has continued to have many conversations about the situation here in Penang, with parents, staff, Board of Governors and other International Schools, both in Penang and Malaysia, as well as with the Ministry of Education. The school will continue to follow its guidelines on air quality and will continue to update all stakeholders should there be a significant change in the air quality. Please refer to the guidelines that were sent to all stakeholders last week. These have also be published on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Although the week has been truncated I am delighted to share the enclosed news in this newsletter. I expect the school to be open as usual on Monday. Please check for alerts from the school confirming this on Sunday evening. Yours sincerely,

Matthew Bristow Principal


Message from the Principal

Air Quality Monitor

Primary News

Year 7 Experiential Learning Trip

Year 8 Experiential Learning Trip

Year 9 Experiential Learning Trip

Year 10 Experiential Learning Trip

The Alice in Wonderland Prom

Japanese School Visit

Yellis & Allis Testing


Upcoming Events

The latest AQI Reading (It is on its way down!)


To help the school with its decision-making about the action it takes with changing air quality, Uplands is actively seeking to purchase a portable air quality monitor so we know the exact AQI readings at Uplands School in Batu Ferringhi. The monitor will have the ability to measure PM2.5 as well as PM 10 AQI readings. We will be able to record and log not only the outside air quality but also the quality of the classrooms and teaching areas. The monitor is being sourced from the manufacturer in America and will be delivered as soon as it can be shipped to Penang. We look forward to its arrival!

Our programme for the second half of this term has already been disrupted with School being closed yesterday and today. Monday’s Sharing Assembly hosted by Year 3 has been re-scheduled to Monday, 2nd November. There will be no rehearsal tomorrow for ‘Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits’. Primary Halloween Party: We hope many families will join us between 5:00 and 7:30pm on Thursday, 29th October. I know many children, and parents too, have already created their costumes. Parents have been contacted through the Class Parent Reps to contribute a small plate of finger food (each year group is different) so we can ensure that the children have a variety of healthier food and more to eat than just candy!

ALI BABA and the BONGO BANDITS Presented by Years 5 and 6

The International School of Penang (Uplands) Stage 1, penangpac, Straits Quay

Friday, 13th November 7:00pm


Tickets are ready for sales. Patrons can make purchases either via walk-in, phone or online through PPAC- STRAITS QUAY or at the Primary Office. RM 25 per ticket. One night only performance – be sure to get your tickets early. The online link as below: http://www.ticketpro.com.my/jnp/theatre/1710721-penangpac-alibaba.html Future Events and Important Dates October Friday, 23rd – Saturday, 24th October – ISKL Trick or Treat Swim Meet - cancelled Monday, 26th October – Sharing Assembly hosted by Year 3 – 2:00pm

– re-scheduled to Monday 2nd November Wednesday, 28th October – Year 1 visit to the Spice Gardens (am) Thursday, 29th October – Primary Halloween Party – 5:00-7:30pm Friday, 30th October – Reception – Year 3 – “The Way Back Home”

performance, PPAC, Straits Quay (am) Monday 2nd November – Sharing Assembly hosted by Year 3 – 2:00pm Thursday, 5th November – Year 4 visit – Dance Studio Thursday, 5th November – Year 5 visit – BRAUN, Bayan Lepas – 8:50am – 1:30pm Monday, 9th November – Sharing Assembly hosted by Reception/Year 1 – 2:00pm Tuesday, 10th November – Deepavali – School closed Friday, 13th November – Year 5/6 Production – Penangpac Theatre, Straits Quay Monday, 23rd November – Sharing Assembly hosted by Year 6 – 2:00pm Tuesday, 24th November – An Introduction to the IB PYP – for parents new to

Uplands Primary – 7:00pm Wednesday, 16th December – Whole School Christmas Concert – 6:30pm Alison Nicholson Head of Primary


It was Tuesday morning when we left our school On our way to the roots where there was a pool We got on the bus and off we go To an amazing place called Ipoh We arrived at the roots at 12pm as planned We walked along the path with our suitcase in hand We played some games for an hour or so We got paint on our faces if we were too slow For lunch we had spaghetti bolognese Fortunately there wasn’t much haze We were happy to be in this really cool place Everybody was hungry and stuffed food in their face The next morning we woke up quite early This way of living makes my hair so curly The trekking we did was really good fun Although at the time we just wanted it to be done We were taken to Orang Asli by a guy we called Mr. Janet It was a whole different world, a brand new planet This place was outstanding I have to say I know we had to leave but the memories will stay The rooms we stayed in there made of bamboo Everything was covered except for the loo Rafting was hard we had to work as a team The zip line was amazing you just had to scream Ipoh is great, who needs beaches But we could’ve done without the bloodsucking leaches We want to thank Mr. Pavin and his Ecoteer friends We will remember them all till the very end.

More photographs at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.543949575753197.1073741838.500828300065325&type=3



Inspite of the pollution that threatened our Year 8 experiential learning trip we had a great trip. From the long journey to the Cameron Highlands and a night in a hotel, to the actual campsite and the dark depths of Tiger Cave, the students of Year 8 were extremely sensible, well behaved and full of enthusiasm for the challenges they faced. And the challenges came on a daily basis! Dealing with leeches, cold water showers, tent life, bat poo and unfamiliar food. Let’s also not forget abseiling, bat poo (yes more of it) and spending 24 hours a day with friends and teachers! A challenge for one student was swimming through dark, cold water and for another it was the lack of home comforts. For many, being away from home comforts and family, in this less than comfortable setting was a constant challenge, but once again every student did their best to be resilient, and most importantly, be a risk-taker. I certainly hope that you as parents try and encourage your children to reflect on the highs and lows of the trip, but most importantly that you praise them for surviving and more than meeting the expectations of the teachers and Ecoteer staff. Please consider visiting the Ecoteer Facebook page for their own collection of images and reflections on the trip and SGI who lead our caving and abseiling also have a page with more photos on. I will also be making our trip photos available for the students to select and take home as treasured memories. I am sure more than a few children came home smelling as bad as their bags…exhausted from camping and full activity days…starving for some ‘proper’ food. But I also hope they came home with stories of their time away which reflect a learning process, a growing maturity and a better understanding of the rainforest and its inhabitants both animal and human. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Mac, Ms Lim, Mr Johnstone, Ms Marshall, Mrs Pearson, Mr Butterfield, Mr Double and Mrs Shefalika for their unstinting support and energy that week. We all showed resilience and we should all be proud of what we achieved! Lynsey Collis Head of Year 8 & 9

More photographs at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.543949849086503.1073741839.500828300065325&type=3



After travelling almost 300 km by land and sea, Year 9 arrived on the beautiful, coral-fringed islands of Perhentian to be greeted by the enthusiastic volunteers of Ecoteer, who had an exciting range of activities lined up for the eager students. There were three main foci for the week; service, conservation, and culture and teaching. As part of the service group, students helped in the local village by painting houses. The conservation group gave students the opportunity to learn more about the plight of coral and the marine life which inhabits it, including the rapidly-declining green turtle. Students then snorkeled around some of the reefs surrounding the islands, spotting turtles, rays and even reef sharks! The culture and teaching group learnt about how local delicacies such as kuih are made, before spending the afternoon working with children at the local primary school. Each evening was capped with team-building activities which strengthened relations between students and provided an opportunity to reflect on the day’s activities. Over the course of the week, the Year 9 students gained a much greater perspective of their role in society and how they can contribute positively to the lives of those less fortunate than themselves. Above all, there was a sense of enjoyment and achievement which will hopefully continue throughout the school year. You can find more pictures from the Year 9 trip on the Uplands Facebook page. There are also photos on Ecoteer’s Facebook page. More photographs at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.543949475753207.1073741837.500828300065325&type=3



As the trip leader for Year 10 to Bintan, Indonesia, I believe it would be an understatement to say that the trip has truly exceeded our expectations, i.e. the students as well as the staff in terms of the learning that took place, the ways in which we challenged ourselves as well as how we had the opportunity to forge stronger bonds with classmates and as a community in general. But rather than telling you, please allow me to show you through the comments I received from student’s reflections (I omitted the names as I did not want the students to feel uncomfortable, after all, the reflections are personal): “I experienced many new things on this trip; I learned to take care of myself. I’ve learned to be open-minded, so that I can learn and try new things. I liked the activities, taking risks to try new things. I loved it! I learned that I like new things, to do activities that are exciting. What I did not like was that we only had five days!” “I learned that being open-minded towards things is great. Everything has positive and negative sides to it. It’s just the way you think about it. Life isn’t always perfect, some days are great and some are not. Just think by the end you will be fine. These skills could be applied in real life. Having a principled mind towards things is always important. If you set a goal in life, both in school and work, when you achieve it, you feel good and accomplished in life. This will be important later on because people with goals set have higher chances to accomplish something. Being open-minded towards things, will make your life go better. When things go wrong, always remember that there is a bright side and let it go from your heart. Your life would be better and you would be able to enjoy life to the fullest.” “I personally thought this trip was quite fun. It wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. When we first heard of the eco-friendly resort, where we were not allowed to bring phones, all of us complained about it and we thought that we couldn’t live for a week. Without all the electronic devices, we actually did communicate more with our friends and spent more time with them. The thing that I liked most were the activities that we did, I think all the activities were much better that last year’s. The thing I disliked about this trip was the toilet and the food. The water pressure was too small to wash our hair and we had to queue for a long time. I tried out a lot of new activities during this trip, which was quite fun and exciting. I learned to be a risk taker, communicator, to have a caring attitude and to be open-minded throughout the trip by doing all the different activities.” “From my perspective, this trip has by far been my favourite, and also it has been one of the most beneficial. When I left home, I dreaded the thought of being without my phone or any electronic devices. However, in fact I really enjoyed without them. The simplicity of the place was a pleasant experience, and I enjoyed being with people whose lifestyle was quite alien to me at first. During the trip it really dawned on me how fortunate I am to have many things that make everyday life very comfortable; whether that be a warm water shower, a cold room to sleep in at night, a comfortable bed and even having your dirty dishes washed by a machine. I learnt to cooperate with a vast number of people and realised how to be a more efficient communicator. However,


it wasn’t easy and I was forced to wake up at ungodly hours in the morning. Despite not having many of the pleasures I am blessed with at home, I was already starting to become accustomed to the lack of them after the first day, and I was growing quite fond of the experience. I learnt a lot of things about myself, and many skills through the many activities, which I shall apply later on in life. The favourite part of the trip for me was stepping out of my comfort zone to do a lot of activities, which I then discovered I loved. I will always remember how my friend and I completed the rock climb step by step together after me being afraid in the beginning, and really realising the importance of teamwork and having a caring attitude.” These are just some of the many positive reflections I had the pleasure to read. We are now working on further improving the programme for next year, and I must say, I feel very excited about the future. It was a pleasure to spend time with such amazing young people, and it really did not feel a task. It was not nearly as exhausting as I believed it would be. I came back energised from the trip and very much looking forward to working with the people who truly make Uplands great! I sincerely hope the students felt the same, and I’m sure they did from the example of their reflections. Thank you! Kind regards, Kim Derudder More photographs at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.543696745778480.1073741835.500828300065325&type=3



For payment of RM110 only:

Name of sibling attending Prom at RM120: ____________________________________ of tutor

group ______ with student ID number __________________

The Uplands Student Council is delighted to inform you that the highly anticipated event of the year, the Annual School Prom will be held in the Eastern & Oriental (E&O) Hotel’s Grand Ballroom on Friday 11th December 2015 from 7pm – 12am. Please take note that this event concludes at 10:30pm sharp for all year 7 students. All secondary students are hereby invited to an evening styled Through the Looking Glass, inspired by the timeless classic ‘Alice in Wonderland’. All students must be picked up promptly by their respective parents/guardian upon the conclusion of this event. If any parent/guardian is unable to do so, alternative transport must be arranged for your child. Should this be the case, their respective Head of Year must be informed of your arrangement, at the latest a week prior to the School Prom. The dress code for this event is strictly formal. Students may choose to dress according to the theme, though this is not mandatory. The price to attend the School Prom this year per student is RM120. If more than one child per family chooses to attend, they will receive a discount of RM10. This will result in a price of RM110 for each additional child. Please complete the form below and return it to your tutor by Wednesday 4th November 2015. We hope you will join us for a whimsical night to remember. Yours sincerely, Aniqah Chen and Dong Joo Kim (President and Vice President of the Uplands Student Council)

……………………………………………………………………………………….................. I, _______________________________, give my son/daughter _______________________, of tutor group ______ with student ID number ____________ permission to attend the 2015 Annual USC Prom. I agree to have the payment of RM 120/110 billed to my school account. Signature of Parent/Guardian: __________________________ Date: __________________________


On the morning of Monday, 28th September, Mr. Urae (Principal of Penang Japanese School) visited Uplands, and he observed Year 8 and Year 9 Japanese lessons. Mr. Urae was very impressed with the students’ knowledge of language, and students engaged in the many class activities, which the Principal himself participated in and enjoyed. As a Japanese teacher at Uplands, it was a pleasure to have him visit us. We also discussed the Japanese language programme offered here at Uplands, as part of his enquiry into Japanese language provision at Uplands and in Penang generally. Year 8 and 9 Japanese language learners are lucky once again, to have an opportunity to visit Penang Japanese School in late November this year as part of the exchange culture programme, and we are all looking forward to this event. Head of Japanese Yoshiko Fox

This week, Year 10 and Year 12 students were issued with a letter outlining a request for them to sit their Yellis and ALIS Computer-Adaptive Tests on Tuesday, October 27th. This has been purposely set so that students can sit the test at a convenient time throughout the day in accordance with their Parent Teacher Conference bookings, thus also avoiding any disruption for classes at this key time of year. If you have not already had the chance, please take the time to review the information in the letter issued to your son or daughter. I look forward to seeing many of you next Tuesday. Paul Rose Head of Curriculum and Assessment


We are pleased to announce our next SOCIAL event will be a COFFEE MORNING to be held at TIFFINS restaurant, PARK ROYAL Hotel in Batu Ferringhi on November 3rd from 8.30am to 10.30am. This will be a great opportunity to meet other parents, teachers, members of the school leadership team and hopefully the governors too. If you can RSVP to coffee@upta.my this would be appreciated. Volunteers Required:

Secondary School Disco 30rd October- Please can you provide finger food for the children which UPTA is happy to finance- 7pm

Primary School Disco 29th October- Please can you volunteer to assist with decorations – 11:00am

Translation services- Mainly for parent/teacher evenings to help other parents understand better their children’s progress. All languages requested, but most popular required are specifically Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese please.

Please email volunteers@upta.my if you can help with any of the above.

Regarding our UPTA Community Privilege Programme, we are pleased to welcome the following additional vendor to our list of suppliers offering discounts, and an amendment to an existing vendor (both effective from 29th October 2015, with usual condition of showing your UPLANDS card and not in conjunction with any other offers: VALERIE EE OPTICAL AND CONTACT LENS No.333, Jalan Burma, Pulau Tikus, (Tel 04 228 5370)

20-25% Discount for selected spectacle frames and sunglasses.

20% Discount for prescription glasses

ASICS SPORT SHOP, Gurney Plaza or Queensbay Mall (Tel 04 2266068 or 04 6424368)

• 10% off listed prices for Shoes only, including any shoes with existing 10 or 20% discount. • 15% off listed prices for apparels, not including socks. • Apparels with existing discounts are entitled to an additional 10% off. For a full list of vendors in our programme, please refer to our Facebook page and notice board in school. If there are any vendors you would like us to approach to extend our list of community suppliers please email community@upta.my


For a full list of social and sports clubs with their contact details that UPTA runs for Parent, Teacher and Staff members please refer to our Facebook page. If you are interested in the UPTA, its Committee and what we do or any general help about life

in PENANG please email committee@upta.my

Primary Halloween Party – 5:00-7:30pm Thursday 29 October 2015 Deepavali – School Closed Tuesday 10 November 2015 U15 FOBISIA Games – Dulwich College Suzhou Thursday 12 - Saturday 14

November 2015 Year 5/6 Production – PenangPAC Theatre, Straits Quay Friday 13 November 2015 An Introduction to the IB PYP – for parents new to Uplands Primary – 7:00pm Tuesday 24th November Whole School Christmas Concert – 6:30pm Wednesday 16th December Term 1 ends at 12.00 noon Friday 18 December 2015 Boarding House closes at 12.00 noon Saturday 19 December 2015

Orientation Day for all new students – morning Monday 11 January 2016 Boarding House re-opens at 2.30 pm Monday 11 January 2016 Term 2 starts for all students – 8.00 am Tuesday 12 January 2016

FOR FULL INFORMATION PLEASE SEE SCHOOL CALENDAR http://www.uplands.org/school/?page_id=14006

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