u.s. supreme court cases. marbury v madison 1803 established judicial review— allowing for the...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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U.S. Supreme Court Cases

Marbury v Madison1803

• Established judicial review— allowing for the court to rule on whether or not a law is allowed by the U.S. Constitution.

• An extension of the powers listed in Article III.

McCulloch v MarylandMcCulloch v Maryland18191819

• Stated that Stated that implied implied powerspowers allow allow for federal for federal authority over authority over the state.the state.

Gibbons v OgdenGibbons v Ogden18241824

• Concluded Concluded that congress that congress regulates regulates interstate interstate commercecommerce (trade).(trade).

Plessy v FergusonPlessy v Ferguson18961896

• Upheld separation of people based Upheld separation of people based on race as long as on race as long as equal facilitiesequal facilities were provided.were provided.

• Idea of “Idea of “separate but equalseparate but equal””

Korematsu v U.S.Korematsu v U.S.19441944

• Placing of Japanese-Placing of Japanese-Americans in Americans in internment campsinternment camps in in OR, WA, CA, and AZ OR, WA, CA, and AZ during WWII which was during WWII which was upheld by the court.upheld by the court.

• Connects to Connects to Article IIArticle II (president’s power of (president’s power of executive orders)executive orders)

Brown v Board of EducationBrown v Board of Education19541954

• Struck down “Struck down “separate but equalseparate but equal” ” because it violated equal protection because it violated equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the of the laws guaranteed by the 1414thth AmendmentAmendment..

Mapp v OhioMapp v Ohio19611961

• EvidenceEvidence obtained by obtained by illegalillegal means means cannot be used in cannot be used in a trial.a trial.

• Connection to the Connection to the 44thth Amendment Amendment..

Engel v VitaleEngel v Vitale19621962

• Court outlawed Court outlawed prayerprayer in in schools.schools.

• Important in Important in 11stst Amendment’s Amendment’s freedom of freedom of religion.religion.

Gideon v WainwrightGideon v Wainwright19631963

• Ruled that the Ruled that the accused has the right accused has the right to a to a lawyerlawyer even if even if he/she cannot afford he/she cannot afford to pay for one.to pay for one.

• Important addition to Important addition to the the 66thth Amendment Amendment..

Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v U.S.1964

• Court ruled against racial discrimination in privately owned facilities.

• In connection to the 14th Amendment.

Miranda v ArizonaMiranda v Arizona19661966

• Court ruled that Court ruled that an accused an accused person must be person must be informedinformed of his of his or her rightsor her rights..

• Outlined in the Outlined in the 55thth Amendment Amendment..

Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education


• Forced busing in schools to lower segregation.

• Part of the 14th Amendment.

Tinker v Des MoinesTinker v Des Moines19691969

• Upheld the right Upheld the right of of studentsstudents in in schools.schools.

• Symbolic speech Symbolic speech protected by protected by 11stst AmendmentAmendment..

Furman v GeorgiaFurman v Georgia19721972

• OutlawedOutlawed the death penalty. the death penalty.

• Connected to the Connected to the 88thth Amendment Amendment..

Gregg v Georgia1976

• Reinstated the death penalty.

• Connected to the 8th Amendment.

Regents of the University of Regents of the University of California v BakkeCalifornia v Bakke

19781978• Race could be Race could be

used as a factor in used as a factor in admission to admission to college but college but quotasquotas cannot.cannot.

• Related to Related to affirmative affirmative actionaction..

New Jersey v T.L.O.New Jersey v T.L.O.19851985

• Schools have the Schools have the right to conduct right to conduct searches and searches and seizuresseizures without without warrants if conditions warrants if conditions are present for are present for cause.cause.

• Related to the Related to the 44thth AmendmentAmendment..

Hazelwood v KuhlmeierHazelwood v Kuhlmeier19881988

• Schools have the right to Schools have the right to censorcensor the information that the information that it presented in a school it presented in a school newspaper.newspaper.

• Principal can act as an Principal can act as an editoreditor..

• Related to the Related to the 11stst Amendment’sAmendment’s freedom of freedom of the press.the press.

Texas v JohnsonTexas v Johnson19891989

• BurningBurning of of flag protected flag protected by 1by 1stst Amendment’s Amendment’s freedom of freedom of speech speech (expression).(expression).


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