user manual for tsp module. - madhya...

Post on 12-Jun-2020






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User Manual For TSP Module.[Type the document subtitle]

TCAF Registration & Check list


Tcaf User Manual

Form 1

Training Centre Registration:

Create Centre Based on the TSP Logged-in.

User need to choose the item from Centre dropdown and need to select “Add new Centre” if want to create new centre and select existing centre if need to update centre Detail.

Based on the option choose user need to upload the associated document or photo as attachment in form and click on the submit button.

Screen of the Centre Registration

Training Centre Qualification Pack (QP) :

This form used to create the Qualification pack for the specific centre based on the TSP logged-in.

User need to choose centre from centre dropdown and need to select the sector for which it need to create the QP.

Provide the Name of QP , Qp-Reference Id ,Total no batches to run QP-NOS.

Select Trainer to Trainer ratio based on the option provides.

Screen of Training Centre Qualification Pack.

Form 3

Training centre classroom detail.

This form used to the classroom detail for the specific centre based on TSP logged-in.

User need to choose centre from centre dropdown and need to select the item inside the classroom dropdown for create new classroom choose “Add new Classroom” and for update the existing choose the classroom item.

Provide the necessary detail for the classroom and based on the option select for the different entity of form need to provide the specific images for that.

Also need to provide the Qualification pack for which classroom created or updated and click on the submit button.

Screen of classroom

Form 4

Training centre lab.

This form used to provide the lab detail for the specific centre based on the TSP logged-in.

User need to choose centre from centre dropdown and need to select the item inside the lab dropdown for create new lab choose “Add new lab” and for update the existing choose the lab item.

Provide the necessary detail for the lab and based on the option select for the different entity of form need to provide the specific images for that.

Also need to provide the Qualification pack for which lab created or updated and click on the submit button.

Screen of lab.

Form 5

Training centre Trainer.

This form used to provide the Trainer detail for the specific centre based on the TSP logged-in.

User need to choose centre from centre dropdown and need to select the item inside the classroom dropdown for create new Trainer choose “Add new Trainer” and for update the existing choose the Trainer item.

Provide the necessary detail for the Trainer like certified by NIESBUD, Type of trainer, experience also needs to provide qualification detail with SSC criteria and provide image for that.

Also need to upload the image for trainer certificate, highest qualification and experience click on the submit button.

Screen for Trainer Detail.

From 6

Trainer Staff detail

This form used to provide the staff detail for the specific centre based on the TSP logged-in.

User need to choose centre from centre dropdown and need to select the item inside the classroom dropdown for create new staff choose “Add new staff” and for update the existing choose the staff item.

Provide the necessary detail for the Type of support staff, name, and experience also need to provide resource type and click on the submit button.

Screen of staff detail.

Form 7

Trainer Centre Training capacity detail.

This form used to provide the trainer capacity detail for the specific centre based on the TSP logged-in.

User need to choose centre from centre dropdown and need to select the item inside the classroom dropdown. Need to choose sector and based on that need to choose Qp and also provide the capacity value.

For the update the QP detail need to click on the edit button inside grid.

Based on the grid link item clicked that line item data filled on the form and

Provide the necessary detail for the Type of support staff, name, and experience also need to provide resource type and click on the submit button.


Login Window....

Go to the website and Click on login option after you will get login window

Enter User name and password.

Once You login you will get option

1. Select TSP 2. Select Centre

Both option you will get drop down button and will select one Unique ID as mentioned in below screen shot...

Form :- 1

User will get following option in display screen shot. also user can click on view option to see complete detail of respective centre ...

Once the information is verified by Affiliation officer they need to put remark and click on Accept Button. follow this processor to all forms ...

Once you Accept all forms , user will get final submit option, After final submit form will send to MPSSDM Team.

Form :- 2

Form 3

Form :-4

Forms 5

Forms 6

Forms 7

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