user manual idrb dam alert - kerala manual.pdf... · page 1 user manual idrb dam alert ... idrb...

Post on 29-Mar-2018






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Developed by,

National Informatic Center,

Kerala State Centre,



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1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................3 2. Dam alert through website...............................................................................................4

2.1. IDRB Login....................................................................................................................4 2.2. Reservoir Level...........................................................................................................5 2.3. SMS master................................................................................................................9 2.4. Quarterly Inspection.................................................................................................11 2.5. Edit Profile................................................................................................................13 2.6. Blog.............................................................................................................. ............14 2.7. Log out......................................................................................................................16

3. Dam alert through SMS....................................................................................................16 4. Dam alert android application..........................................................................................17

4.1. New Reading……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…....19 4.2. Edit Reading…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…19 4.3. View Reading…………………………………………………………………………………………………….….….20 4.4. Synchronize……………………………………………………………………………………………………….....…21 4.5. Exit…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….……...21

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As part of modernisation of IDRB we introduce the online facilities for submission of data for the design of various irrigation structures and design drawing submission, monitoring of dams, quarterly inspection report, National Water Mission and blog facility. The introduction of this online design indent in the modified website helps in reducing the time delay in the completion of the design and drawing submission. The online dams monitoring provide us with an up-to-date knowledge about the variation in water level of the reservoir, preventing the occurrence of disasters. The blog facility provided here, helps to bring all the Engineers in this department under an umbrella. The national water mission provides a common platform for various departments’ such as Agriculture, Industries and Commerce, Fisheries etc for the preparation of state specific action plan. With the introduction of all these facilities the design wing of the Irrigation department keeps pace with latest developments in the field of information technology.

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2.1. IDRB Login

1)To Login in to the official website of IDRB, first provide the correct Username and Password in the respective fields, then type the security code correctly and click the login button. Now you can able to login.

(i) Login Screen

2) If you are a valid user, then you will be successfully logged in with the following page on the screen with the User Type specified at the right. 3) Incase if you are not a valid user then you will be notified with an error message.

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(ii) Home Screen

2.2 Reservoir Level

1) Move your mouse pointer and select Reservoir level. If you select the Reservoir level, you will see a form shown below.

(iii) Reservoir Level Form

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2) If you like to view the dam readings move your mouse pointer and select the View tab. This tab provides the view of dam readings .The screen shot of View dam reading is shown below.

(iv) Reservoir Level View Screen

3) It is also possible to find the readings between two dates. The view of dam reading contains the details such as date of reading, time of reading, Present water level and Storage level, previous water level and Storage, Seepage etc.

4) You can also select the view, either on Grid representation or on Graph representation. Colour changes are provided to identify different escalating levels.

(v) Reservoir Level New Reading Screen

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5) To add new dam readings move your mouse pointer and select the tab New Reading. Fill all the required details as shown in the above image and click the submit button. The readings entered will be saved.

6) To edit dam readings move your mouse pointer and select the tab Edit Reading. Then you can see a form like this and you can click the edit button on the right side of the table.

(vi) Reservoir Level Edit Reading Screen

7) If you click the Edit button you will see a form like this, fill all the required details .It is also possible to edit the dam reading for two days from the date of readings added. The screen shot of edit dam reading is shown below.

(vii) Reservoir Level Edit Reading Form

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8) Then if you need to send SMS when the reading added meets with any of the escalation levels move your mouse pointer and select the tab SMS. Then you can see a form like this and a Send SMS button.

(viii) Reservoir Level Send SMS Screen

9) By clicking Send SMS button you are redirected to another form shown as below. Here you can edit the message if you want and click Send Button, the SMS alert will be sent to the group of users for the corresponding dam.

(ix) Reservoir Level Send SMS Form

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2.3 SMS Master

1) To set the group of numbers who should receive alert message, move your mouse pointer to Master and select the SMS Master tab. Then if you like to view users list then select the List tab, then you can see a form like this.

(x) SMS Master Screen

2) Select the dam name on the drop down list then select Go button.

(xi) SMS Master List Screen

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3) Then if you like to add users then select the Add tab, and then you can see a form like this.

(xii) SMS Master Add Screen

4) Then fill all the required details and you can tick the selected alert group where the user belongs. Then click the save button to save the user.

5) Then if you like to edit users then select the Edit tab and you can see a form like this.

(xiii) SMS Master Add Screen

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6)Then Select the Edit button corresponding to the user’s .Then you can see a form like this, fill all the required details and select the save button as shown in the below image.

(xiv) SMS Master Add Screen

2.4 Quarterly Inspection.

1)If you like to add the Quarterly inspection then move your mouse pointer to Quarterly Inspection and select the tab Add Inspection.

2) Then you will see a form like this, select year and quarter for which the new reading can be added, then select submit button.

(xv) Quarterly add Inspection Screen

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3) You will see a form like this, fill all the required details and select save button.

(xvi) Quarterly add Inspection Form

4) The Executive engineer of the dam is responsible for adding the quarterly inspection report. Assistant Engineer can view the inspection report.

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5) Then if you like to view the Quarterly inspection, move your mouse pointer to Quarterly inspection and select the tab View Inspection.

6) Then you will see a form like this, fill all the required details and select submit button. Here you can find the various inspection reports by selecting dam, year and quarter etc.

(xvii) Quarterly View Inspection Screen

2.5 Edit Profile

1) To edit your profile first move your mouse pointer over Profile and select Edit Profile. If you select the Edit Profile you will see a form like this and click the edit button on the right side on the table.

(xviii)Profile Edit User Screen

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2) If you click the Edit button you will see a form like this, fill all the required details as shown in the below image.

(xix) Profile Edit User Form Screen

3) The edit profile menu allows you to change your password, full name and mobile number. When you tick the check box on the right side of the password, you can edit the password also.

2.6 Blog

1) Move your mouse pointer and select Blog. If you select the Blog you will see a form like this.

(xx)View Blog Screen

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2) When you like to comment for a particular blog, then you can add comment by clicking comment button on the right side of the table and you will see a form like this and can able to type the corresponding comment.

(xxi) Add Blog Form Screen

3) If you like to start a new discussion, select the Add Blog specified at the left of View Blog. Then you will see a form like this, fill all the required details as shown in the below image and click the submit button.

(xxii) Add Blog Screen

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2.7 Logout

When you complete your works on IDRB, then they can securely logout from this session of work through the logout menu.


Reservoir Level data can be entered through SMS .This provision only for assigned AE or EE whose

Mobile number Stored in System

Format is given below.

SMS Format


Eg: DAMS WL 82 ST 54 SP 54

If seepage reading is absent then you can stop with ST (storage).

Send SMS to 537252

When we send SMS using above format User will receive a confirmation message which contains 4 digit numbers.

You have to send this 4 digit number again to confirm

Confirmation SMS Format

DAMS [SPACE] 4 digit numbers.

E.g.: DAMS 1234

Send SMS to 537252

The readings will be stored in system

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Reservoir Level data can be entered through android application also.

Click the IDRB icon shown below to open the IDRB Android Application. You have be connected to the internet for downloading dam settings of the mobile.

(i) IDRB icon

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If the Dam settings are downloaded successfully an interface shown below is seen.

You have to follow 3 steps to enter the dam readings to the IDRB web Application.

1) New readings Entry

2) Edit Reading and Make sure values

3) Synchronize with the server.

IDRB Application has 5 Buttons Shown below

1) New Reading 2) Edit Reading 3) View Reading 4) Synchronize 5) Exit

(ii) Home Screen

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4.1) New Reading

To add new dam readings, select the button New Reading and fill all the required details as shown in the below image and click the Save button. The readings entered will be saved in mobile.

(iii) New Reading add form

4.2) Edit Reading

To edit dam readings select the button Edit Reading and fill all the required details as shown in the above image and click the Update button. The readings entered will be saved.

(iv) New Reading Edit form

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4.3) View Reading

If you like to view the dam readings select the button View Reading. This button provides the view of dam readings. Here you can see the dam readings status. If the status shown no (Red mark) it means data might not be synchronized or reached at server. The screen shot of View dam reading is shown below.

(v) View Reading Screen

If the status shown yes (Green mark) it means the data send to the server successfully. The screen shot is shown below.

(vi) View Reading Screen

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4.4) Synchronize

Switch on Internet access of the Mobile handset then select the button Synchronize. The screen shot is shown below. Here you can see a new single form “Do you want to synchronize with Server?” select the tab Yes.

Now only your dam readings send to the server. If the water level meets any of dam’s escalation level automatic SMS will be send to the corresponding numbers which registered for the dam.

(vii) Synchronize


4.5) Exit

When you complete your works on IDRB, then you can securely Exit from this session of work through the Exit button.

Note-The App can be downloaded in the official phone provided from IDRB by downloading the application from the corresponding mail id’s.

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