uses and gratifications theory

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Lauren Menage

In 1948 Lasswell suggested a theory that the media had different functions for individuals and the society. These were

• Surveillance

• Correlation

• Entertainment

• Cultural transmission

Bulmer and Katz (re-searchers) expanded on this theory and came up with their own- the ‘Uses and Gratification’ theory. They said that individuals might choose a media text for one of the following reasons. (uses and gratification)

Diversion – to escape from everyday complications or problems and to relax

Personal Relationships – using media for emotional and other interaction i.e. replacing soaps for family life

Personal Identity – finding reflections of yourself in the media text and learning behaviour and values from this

Surveillance – gathering information which may be useful for everyday living – the news, weather reports, etc.

The Uses and Gratifications theory has since, been extended as we now use the internet, games, magazines etc. for uses and gratification.

DIVERSION: Top Of The Pops magazine allows the young readers to forget about what's happening around them and they can relax and read about the celebs they like and all the gossip and music around them.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: by reading about celebs and gossip in TOTP magazine you can keep up to date with your friends, peers and family.

PERSONAL IDENTITY: In TOTP magazine they often try to get the reader involved whether its using the word ‘We’ or containing parts in the magazine to do with some of the readers. Young readers could also just find a celeb in TOTP that relates to them or is similar to them.

SURVEILLANCE: TOTP magazine allows the audience to get the latest information on celebrities and their lifestyles. In this issue we will get the updates on One Direction and other celebs featured.

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