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Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University to Fulfill One of the Requirements for Getting the Undergraduate

Degree of Education in English Department








This thesis is written to: 1) identify whether and to what extend tactile and kinesthetic resource improves students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, and 2) describe the class situation when tactile and kinesthetic resource is applied in the English class.

This research which is conducted through action research is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of three meetings at Cycle 1 and two meetings at Cycle 2. In two cycles, it has been provided with tactile and kinesthetic resource, especially learning circle and pic-a-hole, during the teaching and learning process. The data which are collected through this research include qualitative data (observation, teacher’s diary, interview, audio recording, photograph, document analysis), and quantitative data (tests). The data are analyzed using constant comparative method and descriptive statistic. Qualitative data are analyzed using constant comparative method; while tests are analyzed using descriptive statistic.

The research finding proves that tactile and kinesthetic resource is an effective and suitable technique to improve students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, and also the class situation in the teaching and learning process. The research findings include: 1) students’ spelling ability improves after using tactile and kinesthetic resource in terms of rearranging the jumbled letters into correct word; writing words involving double consonant letters (buffalo, grass, rabbit, etc.); writing words without making transposition of letters (elephant, crocodile, goat, etc.); writing a correct spelling of the meant word not another word (now, goat, Tuesday, etc.); and writing words with complete letters (month, swallow, lizard, etc.); 2) students’ pronunciation awareness improves after using tactile and kinesthetic resource in terms of pronouncing words based on its sound not letters; reading sentence aloud using correct stress and intonation; pronouncing words/sentence faster and louder; responding and pronouncing the words/sentences loudly without being afraid of making mistakes; and repeating the teacher’s saying well; 3) the class situation improves when tactile and kinesthetic resource is applied in the English class in terms of students’ readiness in starting the lesson, they prepare the materials (books, pencil, ruler, etc.) before the teacher enter the class; asking permission to go to the toilet. During the lesson, the students especially boys don’t ask permission to the toilet; students’ activeness/participation during teaching and learning process (students respond question/command; students are brave to ask question); students’ attention during teaching and learning process (they aren’t noisy anymore, they aren’t sleepy when following the activity in the class); and students’ activeness in doing exercise/homework provided by the teacher.





No success without hard effort and praying



The writer dedicates this thesis to:

· My beloved parents

· My brother and sister

· My dearest YW

· My uncle BGBC

· All the English lecturers



Praise be to God, the Lord of universe, who has given the blessing to the

writer, so that I can accomplish the writing of this thesis as a partial requirement

for achieving the undergraduate degree of education in English Teacher Training

and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

The writer is also fully aware that this thesis can never be finished without

the help of others during the process of writing. Therefore, in this occasion, I

would like to express the deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1) The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

2) The Head of the Art and Language Education Department, and the Head of

English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

3) Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D., the first consultant for her

patience, guidance and suggestions.

4) Drs. Bambang Agus Purwanto, M.Ed., the second consultant for his

patience, guidance and suggestions.

5) Amanto, A.Ma.Pd., the Headmaster of SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari.

6) My beloved parents that always support and pray for me.

7) The students of class 5 B of SD Negeri Pojok 02.

8) My lovely friends, Lia, Dhinar, Rina, Sukma, Makmuroh, Riyani, Vita,

Fita, Novi, As, Tetri, Bena, and Rini who always support me.

9) Adit who is never tired to accompany and help me in doing this thesis.

Surakarta, May 2009




TITLE OF PAGE......................................................................................................i

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL........................................................................................................... iii

APPROVAL OF THE EXAMINERS ....................................................................iv

MOTTO ...................................................................................................................v


ACKNOWLEDGMENT....................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………viii

LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………...x

LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………….xi


A. Background of the Study ……………………………………...1

B. Problem Statement …………………………………………..11

C. Aims of the Study ……………………………………………11

D. Benefits of the Study ………………………………………...12


A. Young Learners ……………………………………………...14

1. The Nature of Young Learner …………………………….14

2. The Characteristics of Young Learners …………………...15

B. Spelling ………………………………………………………17

1. The Spelling System……………………………………….17

2. The Spelling Program……………………………………...21

3. Spelling in the School Curriculum…………………………22

C. Pronunciation ………………………………………………...26

1. The Nature of Pronunciation ……………………………....26

2. Pronunciation Awareness…………………………………..27

3. Features of Pronunciation …………………………………29

D. Learning Style ……………………………………………….36


1. The Nature of Learning Style ……………………………...36

2. Kinds of Learning Style …………………………………....36

E. Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources …………………………...38

1. The Nature of Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources …………38

2. Tactile and Kinesthetic Learners Responsive to Tactile and

.........Kinesthetic Resources……………..……………………….39

3. The Direction and Procedure of Tactile and Kinesthetic


4. Teaching Spelling and Pronunciation using Tactile

………and Kinesthetic Resources ……………….………………..43

5. The Strengths of Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources………..47


A. Research Method …………………………………………….50

1. The Nature of Action Research…………………………….50

2. The Characteristics of Action Research……………………51

3. The Features of Action Research…………………………..52

4. The Model of Action Research…………………………….52

B. Context of the Research ……………………………………...57

C. Techniques of Collecting Data ………………………………58

D. Techniques of Data Analysis…………………………………59


A. Process of the Research………………………………………63

1. Pre research………………………………………………..67

2. Research Implementation………………………………….70

B. Result Findings and Result Discussion………………………96


A. Conclusion………………………………………………….112

B. Implication………………………………………………….116

C. Suggestion…………………………………………………..119





Spelling patterns.....................................................................................................25

The basic vowel patterns........................................................................................32

The modified vowel patterns..................................................................................32

The pronunciation of consonants...........................................................................33

The features of Action Research............................................................................52

Table of Collecting Data........................................................................................58

The Summary of Process of the Research..............................................................64

Summary of Research Implementation of Cycle 1 and 2......................................71

Research Findings..................................................................................................97

The Improvement of Students’ Achievement…………………………………..102

The Sample of Students’ Achievement…………………………………………102



Appendix 1 Pre Research Observation

Appendix 2 Field Notes

Appendix 3 Observation Sheets of Teaching and Learning Process

Appendix 4 Transcript of Interview

Appendix 5 The Diary of Action Research

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan

Appendix 7 List of Students’ Name

Appendix 8 Result of the Study (Students’ Achievement)

Appendix 9 Photograph (Sample of Teaching and Learning Activity)

Appendix 10 Standard Competence and Basic Competence for Class V of

Elementary School

Appendix 11 Sample of Students’ Worksheet

Appendix 12 Letters of Permission




Chapter I provides a description about background of the study, problem

statements, aims of the study and benefit of the study. In background of the study,

it introduces the reader toward the problem related to the scope of the study. It

exposes and describes about the fact that spelling and pronunciation are needed to

learn from the beginning. At the next section, it describes about the research

question which is summarized into problem statements. Then, the aims and

benefits of the study are also described in the last part of the chapter. Each section

is described as follows.

A. Background of the Study

English as one of languages used to communicate both oral and written,

has widespread throughout the world. In Indonesia, English plays an important

role to help the Indonesian people to face the globalization era. It is an opportunity

for people all over the world to prepare themselves to come along with this reality.

Education is one of fields which will be one of the main focuses on developing

and preparing the good human resource. Facing this fact, the Indonesian

government is aware about the importance of English to prepare the good human

resource which has skills to communicate using English better, so that it is applied

in education. Primarily, the Indonesian government decides that English is a

subject learnt from secondary school to university. After years, English is applied


in elementary schools from the forth grade until the sixth grade as a local content.

It is clearly stated in GBPP Muatan Lokal Bahasa Inggris (1994) cited in

Kasihani (2007: 1) that English lesson can be taught formally in elementary

schools as a local content. Temporarily, it is given at grade 4, 5, and 6. Nowadays,

English has invaded in every level of education in Indonesia, such as it is also

introduced in a kindergarten or even in a play group. It can be seen that English is

important to help the development of knowledge and technology, science, art, and

the relationship among countries throughout the world.

Teaching English for elementary school is directed to provide students

simple skill in expressing written and oral expressions in English. It also helps

them to obtain basic knowledge of English in order to have a better understanding

to learn English more at secondary school. Therefore, students are expected to

have language competence. Language competence is all skills and abilities which

are oriented for the using of language in a real life, such as speaking, reading,

writing, and listening. Since they are still young learners, they are expected to be

able to perform those competencies in a simple form. Thus, English lesson in the

elementary school is directed to develop those skills in order to gain graduates

who are able to communicate well. As stated in ‘Standar Kompetensi dan

Kompetensi Dasar Tingkat SD/MI’ (2007) that the scope of English lesson in

elementary school covers communicative competence finitely in the school

context, including some aspects like listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Furthermore, writing and reading skill are intended for supporting oral

communication learning. In writing skill, the learners are expected to write


English words properly, and it is still in the simple form matched with their needs.

For example, they study some vocabularies about fruits. In this context, they write

the names of fruit like an apple, an orange, a mango, etc., in the correct spelling.

Whereas, in reading skill, young learners are expected to read the English words,

phrase, or sentences aloud, with proper pronunciation. In other words, they are

expected to be aware and be able to pronounce correctly any written text.

Teaching English for young learners is mostly beginning from establishing

vocabulary, then, followed by teaching alphabet. Kasihani (2007: 49) suggests

that English alphabets have to be presented earlier to the children. For children,

the English alphabet is a totally new one, then there is a lot to learn, but it is clear

that every new symbol needs to be taught with its pronunciation. It means that the

teacher should present vocabularies which are followed by modeling how to spell

and pronounce the words correctly. It is therefore, teaching in elementary school

is oriented and emphasized on the language component first. These language

components are to support the writing and reading skill. It is as a base to

recognize and read the words with proper pronunciation.

Teacher needs to make students learn about spelling and pronunciation. It

is important to introduce spelling and pronunciation in the early age, especially for

elementary school students. There are some theories underlying it. First coming

from Schutz (2008) who says as follows:

“In the absence of a good model and without guidance, the learners will perceive, produce, and internalize words and sounds of the target language based on the native language sounds. For this reason, if not given emphasis at the very beginning, pronunciation will never be acquired well. Since pronunciation habits are formed early, it seems obvious that


it is at the point that the development of a good pronunciation should be emphasized” (p.10).

Meanwhile, Harmer (1991: 23) states that the teaching of pronunciation

aims to give students communicative efficiency. Furthermore, he explains that the

teacher need to be sure that the students can understand what they speak. They

need to be able to say what they want to say. This means that their pronunciation

should be at least adequate for that purpose. It is therefore, pronunciation should

be introduced from the early age. Beside the pronunciation, spelling is also

important to learn earlier. The ultimate goal in spelling instruction is to enable

students to spell correctly the words needed both in and outside school in their

present students’ status and later as literate adult (Horn in Petty and Jensen, 1980:

441). In addition, Hanna and his colleagues in Petty and Jensen (1980: 441) point

out that the ability to acquire and use the skills basic to written communication is

a requisite in modern society and indeed it is to some extent basic all forms of

human communication. This means that spelling ability is a fundamental factor to

be able to master written language.

In a daily life, pronunciation is also important. As a social human, people

always make socialization by having interaction with others. In the process of

interaction, they make conversation with each other, to share their opinion, etc.

People cannot ignore that interaction can run effectively when the people can

communicate each other communicatively. It deals with how people convey their

words. When people can pronounce the word appropriately, the others can accept

and appreciate what they mean. Meanwhile, when people cannot pronounce the

words using correct pronunciation, the other will be confused, and it can arise


miscommunication. This reality opens the teacher’s mind that how important

studying spelling and pronunciation earlier is. Then, it encourages the teacher to

introduce children how to spell and pronounce the English words accurately.

By knowing the importance of spelling and pronunciation, the teachers

have to concern on it. However, teaching spelling and pronunciation is not an easy

duty. The students themselves find out many difficulties when they spell and

pronounce the English words. It is a general problem often faced by many

students, without the exception of grade 5 students of SD Negeri Pojok 02

Tawangsari. It is not surprisingly that studying spelling and pronunciation is

difficult that causes the learners find errors. The learners’ errors of pronunciation

derives from various sources, such as a particular sound may not exist in the

mother tongue, some letters represent different sound, and different intonation

between students’ mother tongue and target language (Ur, 1996: 52). Burns and

Broman (1975: 361) state as to the difficulty of the words presented at a grade

level, words may vary greatly in the degree of difficulty for pupils. In addition, in

a survey of 500 adult students about what most difficult subject in English, shows

that pronunciation is a substantial majority (Haycraft, 1978: 55). Those encourage

me to do a research. Beside that, I am interested in doing a research which focuses

on improving students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness since the

students’ competence is still low in writing and reading the English words,

whereas spelling and pronunciation are two essential aspects of language

components that are needed to learn earlier, especially at the fifth grade of

elementary school students. In addition, they need innovation which facilitates


them to study spelling and pronunciation more easily and enjoyably. Through this

research, the students are expected to be able to write and read aloud the words

better than before.

Based on the phenomenon raised above, the study is suitably conducted

through an action research study. According to Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns

(1999:32) action research typically consists of a number of phases which often

recur in cycles. Action research usually does in the class to change and improve

the quality of teaching and learning process to be better. The problem that

becomes the focus of the study is that the students have low spelling ability and

pronunciation awareness. This problem is indicated through the following

indicators, which include competence and classroom situation point of view. From

competence viewpoint, I find some indicators dealing with the low of the

students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness. The indicators of problem

coming from spelling ability are: (1) when the teacher asked them to rewrite a

given word or sentence, they wrote it with incorrect spelling. For example, the

students asked to rearrange the jumbled letters into correct words, they cannot

rewrite it well; (2) students often made a lot of mistakes when they wrote words

involving double consonant letters such as ‘aple’, ‘pineaple’, ‘bufalo’, ‘ofice’, etc.

(3) students made transposition of letters such as from for form, gose for goes, gril

for girl; (4) students wrote a correct spelling of another word, such as the words

are tree, food, head they write three, foot; hat, etc.(5) when students took notes

from the whiteboard, their writings were incorrect. There were some missing

letters and or different letter made by students. It meant they wrote the words with


incomplete letters or changing the letters. For examples, they write dring, swep,

Sunday, etc. Meanwhile, from pronunciation viewpoint, there are 5 indicators of

problem which include: (1) students couldn’t pronounce the words appropriately.

They often pronounced it by looking at its letters. For example, the word ‘bag’

pronounced /a/, ‘potato’ /potato/, ‘banana’ /banana/, and so forth; (2) students

pronounced or read the words and sentences flat, whether it was a question, or a

statement. They couldn’t read sentences with correct stress and intonation; (3)

when the teacher asked students to read, their speed of reading was slow and their

voice was very low; (4) the students didn’t do what the teacher asked them to do,

such as when they asked to read, they kept silent and looked at the teacher in a

long time; and (5) the students made a lot of mistakes in pronouncing the words

when the teacher asked them to repeat what the teacher said. For example, the

teacher said /ka:(r)/, the students said /ker/, the teacher said /bυk/, the students

said /bok/, etc.

Regarding to classroom situation, there are some indicators of the

problem, namely: (1) when the teacher came to the class, some students were not

ready yet. They did not prepare the English book before teacher asked them to do

it; (2) during the lesson, some students especially boys, often asked permission to

the teacher to go to lavatory; (3) the students tended to be passive in the teaching

and learning process. They did not respond the teacher’s questions, and they did

not ask questions dealing with the material. Therefore, the learning situation was

not quite interactive and communicative; (4) the students made a noise in the

class, and some of them were sleepy. They did not pay attention to the teacher’s


explanation. Most of them talked with their seatmate, and some of them drew or

wrote something in their own book when the teacher explained the lesson. This

was out of the lesson being learnt at that time; and (5) the students were lazy to do

exercise or homework given by the teacher.

Furthermore, the problem derives from some causes which may come

from students’ side and teacher’s side. The possibility causes coming from the

students’ side is they consider that the teachers’ explanation for pronunciation and

spelling are boring (they have nothing to do in a learning process but to listen to

their teacher only). As there is no activity involving students’ participation, and it

tends to teacher-oriented rather than students-oriented, so the teacher does not

make the students learn by themselves. Beside that they live in a rural, so they are

less enthusiastic in learning English. It shows that there is no motivation in the

learning process. Therefore, they do not really know what they learn, and this

makes them consider that English is the most difficult subject and they will be

afraid whenever they meet the English class. Furthermore, they have a short term

memory problem or attention deficiency problem. Since it is different from

students’ mother tongue, they often forget how to spell and to pronounce the

words correctly. It means students find difficulty in memorizing the spelling and

pronunciation of words. Regarding to teacher’s side, the causes of the problem is

there are no enough media or facility to support the teaching and learning process;

it can be pictures, real objects, visual aids, etc. In addition, the teacher only gives

the examples of the words, utters it, and then asks them to repeat it once. The

students gain little chance to recognize the words and to repeat it more than once.


It shows that the teacher only brings the knowledge without giving experience to

the students to learn by themselves. Beside that the technique used is not quite

interesting for the children since the teacher often uses presentation technique.

The teacher inclines to explain the material without doing pace to make children

relax and avoid the boredom. This does not motivate the students to engage the

lesson. As the result, they will be noisy and do what they like. It means they need

more activities or exercises to practice their ability in spelling and pronunciation.

In this case, the teacher should create some activities that stimulate students to be

active and excited to study. This is the duty of the teacher to organize the

technique of learning spelling and pronunciation more motivating and suitable for

elementary level. Therefore, in this research I propose a technique which can be

used to improve students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, namely

tactile and kinesthetic resource.

After finding the causes of problem, I consider that the main cause is on

the technique used. Then, I determine that the solution to overcome the problem is

by using tactile and kinesthetic resource. Therefore, the research focuses on the

improving students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness using tactile and

kinesthetic resource (T&K R). T&K R is certain materials which are conducted

by involving students’ touching and movement. It deals with out of seat activities.

There are various kinds of tactile and kinesthetic resources, which include

learning circle, task cards, flip chute, pic-a-hole, bookgames, and electroboard.

The main reason of using T&K R is it motivates the children to learn

English, especially spelling and pronunciation, since this technique considered as


gamelike qualities. Motivation is the key factor of second language teaching.

When students have high motivation to learn, they will learn excitedly and

naturally without forced by anyone. Certainly, children will enjoy while using

T&K R, to learn spelling and pronunciation. Second, this resource responds to

individuals’ sociological preference because they can be used alone, in pairs, or

with a group. The third characteristic is it involves students’ participation actively.

It is applied by making use of students’ movement and belongs to hands-on-

activities. Beside that, it offers more perceptual concrete, and easy to do by the

students. It insists all students to participate in the learning activities, so it

encourages the shy students become brave and show up their ability. Therefore,

the English class will be fun, active, and more interesting. Next, it concerns with

children’s characteristics since this technique is primarily directed to facilitate the

children to learn English more easily and enjoyably. According to Halliwell

(1992: 3) children like to take great pleasure in finding and creating fun in what

they do. This technique provides many chances to the students to participate and

involve in the learning activity. Furthermore, it will make them more confident in

attempting the sound of foreign language and they are also delighted in playing

with sounds. The last characteristic is that T&K R is both technique and material,

so it will be easier to conduct for young learner. As stated before, there are various

kinds of T&K R, used as a material to teach spelling and pronunciation. Each of

the materials has their own sequence activities, which represents the application of

the technique. All of them are self-corrective. It means the students learn by

themselves and realize their own answer, whether or not it is correct. It is


emphasized that T&K R is the technique providing some materials which includes

touching and moving activities. Therefore, there is a balance between students’

brain and their motor coordination. Undoubtedly, T&K R stimulates as well as

motivates the students, so that they can enjoy learning spelling and pronunciation.

B. Problem Statements

Based on the background of the study, it focuses on how the technique of

improving students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness can be achieved.

Therefore, the problem statements are as follows:

1) Does and to what extend tactile and kinesthetic resources improve

students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness?

2) How is the class situation when tactile and kinesthetic resource applied

in the English class?

C. Aims of the Study

Based on the problem statements above, this research is conducted in order

to fulfill the following aims:

1) To identify whether and to what extend tactile and kinesthetic resources

improves students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness.

2) To describe the class situation when tactile and kinesthetic resource is

applied in the English class


D. Benefits of the Study

The research always desires to provide benefits which are useful for the

others that are related to the scope of the study. This research is expected to


1) The writer

For the writer, this research contributes a useful experience. The result

of this research can be used as a reflection dealing with the writer’s

duty as a teacher in SD Negeri Pojok 02. The writer knows whether or

not the students enjoy and improve themselves, especially on spelling

and pronunciation.

2) Teachers

The English teachers are expected getting a better understanding about

how to teach spelling and pronunciation by implementing tactile and

kinesthetic resource. It means that they obtain new idea in handling

teaching spelling and pronunciation, and can apply it much better in

the teaching and learning activity. The research finding is also

expected to ensure and encourage the teacher that they can do

innovation to refresh their teaching, for example by trying other

techniques to make an English lesson more interesting.

3) Teacher Training and Education Faculty

It is expected that the finding of the research can produce the next

generation who is innovative and creative in teaching English. It also

can increase and enhance education in Indonesia, which is originally


promoted by teacher training and education faculty as a formal place

for anyone to have knowledge and education, exactly an English

teacher. Beside that, it is hoped can be a good consideration and input

for teacher training and education faculty, especially English

Department to introduce this teaching technique found in the research,

in the syllabus as one of the topics to be learnt.

4) Other Researchers

It is expected the finding of research can contribute input about the

importance of doing action research to solve certain problems in

different situation. By doing the research directly, people can gain

experience and insight about the application of tactile and kinesthetic

resources in school.




The research is about improving students’ spelling ability and

pronunciation awareness through T&K R. Therefore, the research is supported by

some theories that are used as a framework of theory in doing the research. In this

chapter, there are some theories related to the scope of the research, which include

young learners, spelling, pronunciation, learning style, and T&K R. Each theory is

described as follows:

A. Young Learners

1. The Nature of Young Learner

The teaching of English to young learners has become especially

important in recent years. One reason for this has been the introduction of primary

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching in a number of elementary schools,

even kindergartens or playgroups. However, early learning of foreign language is

not aimed at achieving the sort of complete mastery, which would allow the pupil

to move on a different foreign language or another subject at the end of primary

schooling (Brewster, Ellis, and Girard., 1992: 47). Therefore, the teaching

approach required for young learner is obviously different from that for adults.

According to Scott and Ytreberg (1992: 1), children are classified into two

groups: five to seven years old and eight to ten years old. Each group has their

own level. Level one consists of children at the age of five to seven, while


children of eight to ten belong to level two. Both of these levels assumed as

beginner stage. Piaget in Kasihani (2007: 6) identifies four types of cognitive

development, namely: (a) sensorymotor stage (0-2 years old); (b) preoperational

stage (2-8 years old); (c) concrete operational stage (8-11 years old); (d) formal

stage (11-15 years old). Children learn English at elementary school starting from

the forth or fifth years. It means they are in the concrete operational stage.

Therefore, they need much illustrations, models, pictures, etc.

2. The Characteristics of Young Learners

Young learners do not come to the language classroom empty-handed.

They bring with them an already well-established set of instincts, skills, and

characteristics that help them to learn another language. In relation to this, Scott

and Ytreberg (1990: 1-2) state some special characteristics of children depend on

their groups. There are eight characteristics of five to seven years old. They are as


At their own level, children can: 1. talk about what they are doing 2. tell what they have done/heard 3. plan activities 4. argue something and tell you why they think what they think 5. use logical reasoning 6. use their vivid imaginations 7. use a wide range of intonation patterns in their mother tongue 8. understand direct human interaction

Children at the age of five to seven are little children, while children of

eight to ten are relatively mature children with an adult side and a childish side. It

is proved by their characteristics listed by Scott and Ytreberg (1990: 3-5):

1. their basic concepts are formed. They have very decided views of the world.


2. they can tell the difference between fact and fiction. 3. they ask questions all the time. 4. they rely on the spoken word as well as the physical word to

convey and understand meaning. 5. they are able to make some decisions about their own learning. 6. they have definite views about what they like and don’t like

doing. 7. they have a developed sense of fairness about what happens in

the classroom and begin to question the teacher decision. 8. they are able to work with others and learn from others. In general, children have a very short attention and concentration span

(Scott and Ytreberg, 1990: 2). They could not concentrate well in a long time as

they are easy to feel bored. Therefore, the language learning should involve their

participation and the task given should be short, varied, motivating, interesting,

and offering concrete perceptual support.

To support the previous theories, there are some other characteristics of

young learners, mentioned by Halliwell (1992: 3-8), namely:

a) Children have ability to grasp meaning.

They are already very good at interpreting meaning without necessarily

understand the individual words. It means they are able to understand

what is being said to them even before they understand the individual

words. Intonation, gesture, facial expressions, actions, and circumstances

are all the things that help to tell them what the unknown words and

phrases probably mean.

b) Children are creative enough in using limited language sources.

This implies that they are creative with grammatical forms. They are

also creative with the concepts. Children also create words by analogy,


or they even invent completely new words which then come into the

family vocabulary.

c) Children have capacity for indirect learning.

Children sometimes seem to notice something out of the corner of their

eyes and remember it better than what they were actually supposed to be

learning when teacher controls an activity fairly closely. At this

situation, teacher should take and create language activities involving

children’s participation, such as guessing. It is indirect since the mind is

engaged with the task and is not focusing on the language.

d) Children have instinct for play and fun.

They take great pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do.

e) Children delight in imagination and fantasy.

They test out their version of the world through fantasy and confirm how

the world actually is by imagining how it might be different. The

capacity for fantasy and imagination has a very constructive part to play

in the language classroom.

B. Spelling

1. The Spelling System

The higher the spelling inconsistency is, the more negative the influence

on pronunciation will be (Schutz, 2008). However, the English spelling does not

serve a guide to pronunciation. On the contrary, it can often be misleading. It is

since spelling is the writing of word or words with all necessary letters and


diacritics present in an accepted standard order (A Wikimedia Project, 2008). It is

one of the elements of orthography and a prescriptive element of language. Most

spellings attempt to approximate a transcribing of the sounds of the language into

alphabetic letters. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that the spelling of a

word is not always an accurate guide to how it is pronounced. Similarly, the

pronunciation of a word is not always helpful when working out how the word

should be spelt.

From a linguistics perspective, English spelling is based on the alphabetic

principle (Petersen and Hayden, 1961: 202). In alphabetic writing system, letters

are used to represent speech sounds or phonemes. For example, the word pat is

spelled with three letters: p, a, t; each representing a phoneme, respectively: /p/,

/æ/, /t/. According to Kenworthy (1987: 94-96) there are five basic features of

language spelling systems, namely:

a) Feature 1

The English writing system is an alphabetic one. It follows the

convention that there is a correspondence between letters and individual

sound. However, unlike the spelling system of some other languages

which use an alphabet, several of letters in English can have more than

one value sound. So, there is not always a strict one-to-one

correspondence between sound and letter. Some letters do have only one

value – called ‘single valued’ (e.g. d, p, and m); some letters can have

two or more values – called ‘multi valued’ (an example is ‘c’ which

represent the sound in ‘cat’ or the sound in city).


b) Feature 2

In the English spelling system, a ‘root’ or ‘base’ is always spelled the

same. Each root or base has a unique spelling. This feature makes

English spelling a highly ‘visual’ system in the sense that reader can

very easily recognize related words. For example, when a person sees

the word ‘photogravure’, he or she will immediately recognize the root

p-h-o-t-o and know that this word is somehow related to ‘photograph’,

‘photography, or ‘photographic’, even though the person has never seen

the word before.

c) Feature 3

Some of the symbols used in the writing system are combinations of two

or more letters from the alphabet. It is called composite symbol. The

composite symbol can be single-valued or multi-valued too. For

instance, ‘-ph-‘represents the sound in /f/ as in fish, phase, phone, etc.; ‘-

th-‘ can represent 2 sounds: the one in ‘thick’ or the one in ‘three’.

d) Feature 4

Some of the symbols are used to signal something about another symbol.

It means that they have no sound value themselves when they are

functioning in this way. The clearest example is the letter ‘e’ at the end

of a word; it tells the reader something about the value of preceding

vowel letter or consonant. In the word ‘feet’, it signals that the preceding

‘e’ is pronounced as /i:/. In ‘ice’, it signals that the letter ‘c’ is

pronounced as /s/.


e) Feature 5

Position and surrounding are extremely important in the English system.

When position and surroundings are taken into account, some very

regular pattern and sound values for letters emerge. For example, ‘wh’

can only occur at the beginning of word; ‘ng’ can only occur at the end.

Moreover, there are also certain features of the English spelling systems

that may be new to the learners. Fitzpatrick (1995: 17) outlined them broadly as


a) By contrast with some spelling systems, the English one is not generally

phonetic as one letter does not always represent only one sound.

Compare, for example, the pronunciation of ‘p’ in the words ‘stop’ and


b) It is largely alphabetic system, and the learners therefore have to

decipher the various letter combinations that represent given sound in

order to reproduce them. As the example above, one letter may have

more than one value.

c) Patterns can be established from the way a basic word is built up with

prefixes and suffixes, as in the following example of the letter ‘a’:

act, action, react, reaction, interaction (pronounced /æ/)

part, depart, department, partly, particle (pronounced /a:/)

d) There are a few ‘oddities’ that the learner will be faced with, such as the

fact that certain vowel combination have more than one pronunciation

pattern; consonants can join together to form one sound only; some


letters are pronounced or silent depending on their position in a word;

and some letters have no phonetic value, but act as silent modifiers.

2. The Spelling Program

Some spelling programs are based on the theory of social utility; that is,

the words are selected on the basis of their importance in the different spelling

activities of life (Burns and Broman, 1975: 359). Horn in Burns and Broman

(1975: 361) suggested the following criteria for introducing the basic word in the

spelling program:

a) The most important words should be introduced in the beginning grades and those of lesser important in the later grades.

b) The simplest words should be introduced in the beginning grades and the more difficult words in the later grades.

c) Those words that are used often or needed in the curriculum activities of children should be introduce when appropriate.

Justification for the social utility approach to selection and grade

placement of words is evident when two factors are considered:(1) the

permanence of the words, and (2) the amazingly small number of words used in

the average person’ writing vocabulary.

Careful attention should be directed toward the content of the spelling

program. The method of determining spelling content is to base the entire spelling

program solely upon the words for which children have an immediate need

(Petersen and Hayden, 1961: 202). For example, if a class is studying

things/objects in the classroom (surrounding the classroom), the words needed to

be spelled will probably include whiteboard, chalk, table, chair, map, eraser, ruler,


etc. It is then, becoming the content of spelling program for that week and no

standardized list is used. Furthermore, it presents that this type of spelling

program offers three advantages: (1) all children are taught the words which they

probably will use most frequently in their writing; (2) spelling is integrated with

other curricular areas by using words derived from immediate classroom needs;

and (3) the use of the supplemental list provides opportunity for the

individualization of the spelling program according to specific needs and abilities.

A good spelling program includes enrichment activities for children who

learn spelling words easily and who make few spelling mistake in writing. The

activities during the learning process can involve visual, auditory, tactile, and

kinesthetic imagery. Thus, the pupils will not lose interest and the teacher will not

waste instructional time.

3. Spelling in the School Curriculum

In most school, the systematic program of spelling instruction usually

begins in the second grade. It does not mean that many first grade children do not

acquire a fairly extensive spelling vocabulary. However, this is the result of

instruction in reading and handwriting rather than the formal teaching of spelling.

In a first grade handwriting lesson, for example, the teacher is actually developing

spelling ability as the teacher names each letter and writes it on the board for

children to copy. The children will have memorized the sequences of letters and

thus spell the words. It is therefore, a systematic program in spelling begin in the

second grade that is at grade 4-6 (Petersen and Hayden, 1961: 203).


Most students of elementary school less confidence and getting frustration

when they learn something new that they feel difficult, like learning spelling.

When it does so, they will not enjoy in engaging the lesson, and even they feel

afraid and consider it as something like specter. To eliminate students’ frustration,

the teacher can build children’s self-confidence by: (1) making sure that each

child has a definite and efficient method of learning; (2) teaching words that are

necessary for the children’s writing; (3) making certain each child recognizes his

or her progress in learning new words; (4) making spelling instruction meaningful

and interesting, and (5) developing in each child an interest in language and a

desire to spell and use words correctly.

a. Goal of the Instructional Program

The basic goal of spelling instruction is to teach children to spell correctly

all of the words they write. Petty and Jensen (1980: 442-443) said that the

objective of every spelling program should be stated in terms of attitudes, skills,

or abilities, and a desire habits, as shown here:

I. Attitudes

Each child should:

1) Recognize the necessity for correct spelling in effective


2) Show a desire to spell all words correctly.

3) Believe that spelling correctly is something he or she can accomplish.

II. Skills and abilities

Each child should be able to:


1) Recognize all the letters of the alphabet in capital and lowercase

forms in both printed and hand written materials.

2) Write all the letters of the alphabet is a legible manner in both capital

and lowercase form.

3) Alphabetize words.

4) Hear words accurately as they are spoken.

5) Pronounce the words clearly and accurately

6) See printed words accurately

7) Group and connect the letters of a word properly.

8) Use punctuation elements that are necessary for spelling.

9) Use a dictionary including diacritical markings and guide words.

10) Pronounce unfamiliar words properly.

11) Use knowledge of sound and symbol relationship.

12) Use knowledge of orthographic patterns that recur in English.

13) Use the most effective spelling rules

14) Use the effective procedures in learning to spell new words.

III. Habits

Each child should habitually:

1) Proofread all writing carefully.

2) Use reliable sources to find the spellings of unknown words

3) Follow a specific study procedure in learning to spell new words.


b. Spelling Rules

The spelling program should provide a list of basic words for the

elementary grades. The list accommodates individual pupils’ needs and challenges

according to their ability. In this case, the teacher must adjust the list of spelling

words to fit the needs and abilities of learners. Adjustment should reflect the

relative importance of the words in the basic list for a specific grade level or for

the school. Dealing with this, Lamb in Burns and Broman (1975: 367) presents

five spelling patterns often recommended by linguist for studying by elementary

school children. They are as follows:

Pattern Example Exceptions C-V-C (short vowel) cat, drip, dent C-V-C + e (long vowel, silent e) save, drove love, give, come, have C-V-V-C (long 1st vowel) rain, leaf, coat, need relief, break C-V + r (controlled, preceding vowel) far, bird, clear heard, burn, third C-V (long vowel) go, be, by to, do, too

Table 2. 1. Spelling patterns

Teaching rules to which there are many exceptions, particularly with

respect to the words children most often need to spell, has proven to have little

value. Horn in Burns and Broman (1975: 375) suggests some rules that have few

exceptions and thus are practical value, namely:

· Words ending in silent e usually drop the final e before the addition of

suffixes beginning with a vowel, but they keep the final e before the

addition of suffixes beginning with a consonant (make – making; time –


· Words ending in a consonant and y change the y to i before adding all

suffixes except those beginning with i. The y is not changed to i when


adding suffixes to words ending in a vowel and y, or when adding a suffix

beginning with i (busy – busily; stay – stayed; enjoy – enjoying).

· One-syllable words and words accented on the last syllable, if they end in a

single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant

when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel (run – running; begin –


· The letter q is always followed by u in common English words (quite,


· English words do not end with v (believe, give).

· Proper nouns and most adjectives formed from proper nouns should begin

with capital letters (France).

C. Pronunciation

1. The Nature of Pronunciation

Language is humankind’s distinctive feature. Whether people think of

rationality or sociability, they are thinking of language. It is language that makes

human different from other species. Speech is therefore the basic form of

language. This leads to the conclusion that speech should be emphasized on

second language teaching (Hammerly in Schutz, 2008). Pronunciation is the part

of speech. People need to be able to say what they want to say. This means that

their pronunciation should be good and adequate that purpose. Pronunciation is a

substantial majority of English language since it is the way a word is usually

spoken, or a manner in which someone utters the word (A Wikimedia Project,


2008). Moreover, Diah Kristina (2006: 1) defines that pronunciation is the act or

manner of pronouncing the words; utterance of speech. In other words, it is a way

of speaking a word, especially a way that is accepted or generally understood. It

entails the production and reception of sounds of speech and the achievement of

the meaning. In the English alphabet, there are 26 letters but there are many more

sounds in the English language. This means that the number of sounds in a word

is not always the same as the number of letters. For example, the word ‘cat’ has

three letters and three sounds, but the word ‘catch’ has five letters but still only

three sounds. It can be illustrated as follows:

CAT is written - /k æ t/ CATCH is written - / k æ tò/

In ‘CATCH’ the three letters TCH are one sound represented by one symbol /tò/.

2. Pronunciation Awareness

Awareness means having knowledge of or bearing in mind, whilst

pronunciation is the way the words uttered (A Wikimedia Project, 2008).

Therefore, pronunciation awareness means having knowledge of utterance of

speech or understanding of the way the words uttered/spoken. It is dealing with

the awareness of basic features of English pronunciation, which include sounds,

stress, and intonation. This indicates that people should be aware with the sound

of language, where the words stressed, and how the intonation of statements,

questions, or commands. Therefore, the hearer will understand the speaker’s

intention, and the message will be delivered. Furthermore, Szynalski (2008) state

that there are 3 levels of English pronunciation, as follows:


§ Level 1 People often do not understand what you want to say. You use the wrong sounds in English words.

§ Level 2 People understand what you want to say, but it is unpleasant to listen to you.

§ Level 3 People understand you, and your English is pleasant to listen to. This level is called ‘good pronunciation’. Good pronunciation does not mean that people could speak with perfect American or British accent.

In addition, there are 5 points of grading the criteria for oral exam (Jane

and Brave, 2008: 2). They are as follows:

§ A (8.5 – 10) very good pronunciation, clear and intelligible, students

approximate target pronunciation with very few noticeable errors.

§ B (7.0 – 8.4) generally good pronunciation, but with some noticeable errors

(for example, consonant pronounced at the end of words, nasal “m”‘s and

“n”‘s pronounced as consonants, lack or required links, etc.)

§ C (6.0 – 6.9) some frequently repeated errors.

§ D (5.0 – 5.9) several words are difficult to understand.

§ E (< 5) very difficult to understand.

The primary goals of pronunciation training are intelligible speech and

effective communication – not nativelike pronunciation. Although pronunciation

courses vary in their duration, focus, and scope, most classes build awareness, an

essential component of any habit change. Therefore, students need to know what

they want to change before they can change it. It deals with pronunciation

awareness, an ability to understand the process of sound perception and

production applicable to the language. It means the students should be aware how


the words are pronounced appropriately. In gaining pronunciation awareness,

students should learn the significant features, rules, and guidelines for

pronouncing English (Miller, 2000). Thus, pronunciation deals with sounds,

phonemic symbol, vowel, consonant, word stress, etc. Furthermore, Danchenko

(2008) states that to build pronunciation awareness, students should (1) notate and

use items from a written source, (2) practice reading it, and (3) read it to their

partner in class. It indicates that students be aware of how the words or sentences

sound, and then concentrate on its meanings. They also need to practice a lot how

to read the words or sentences. In addition, to provide a lot of repeating, most

pronunciation experts also recommend the use of body movement to internalize

the sound patterns of English (Miller, 2000). It is emphasized that in improving

pronunciation awareness, it does not mean that the students will pronounce like a

native, but simply, it prepares them for future pronunciation changes to be better.

3. Features of Pronunciation

a. Speech Sound

According to Haycraft (1986: 57), the most important parts in the mouth

for the production of sound consist of: a) nasal cavity. It is a central in the

production of specific consonants and vowels. All forms of Standard English have

24 consonants and 20 vowels (long vowels, short vowels, and diphthongs); b)

alveolar ridge: It is a part of the roof of the mouth that contains the roots of the

teeth (Lehman, 1983: 42). It is a hard ridge that can be left behind upper incisors;

c) hard palate. It is a hard bony structure in the front part of the roof; d) velum. It

is the roof of the mouth from uvula toward the lips which do not cover the


underlying bone. This is the continuation of the palate in the back of the mouth,

and e) the tongue, which is divided into four parts: tip, front, center, and back.

b. Phonemes

Phonemes are the different sounds within a language. The use of one

sound may change the meaning of the word. Take one example, the word ‘live’ /I/,

and ‘leave’ /i:/. English phonemes are divided into two features, that is, vowels

and consonants.

c. Vowels

Phonetically, the meaning of vowel is a sound which is produced without

audible friction or blockage in the flow of air along the central line of breath from

the lungs through the mouth. All the vowels are typically voiced. Vowel has two

significant characteristics or feature, that is, quality and quantity. The quality of

vowels is determined by the particular configuration of vocal tract. Different part

of the tongue may be raised or lowered. The lips may be spread or pursed. The

quantity of vowel sound shows the duration or pitch and loudness. For example,

/i:/ and /I/ are two sounds that differ either the quality or the quantity of vowel.

The shape and resonance chamber are determined by the position of the tongue

and lips. The tongue helps in forming the resonance chamber in two cases: (1) the

height of raised tongue, and (2) the part of raised tongue. The height of raised

tongue consists of close, half close, half open, and open, whilst the parts of raised

tongue consist of the front, the central, and the back. The position of vowel can be

seen in the diagram below:


Front Central Back Close · /i:/ /I/ /u:/· · /υ/ Half Close · /e/

/з:/ /ә/

Half Open · /ɔ:/ · /Ù/

· / æ / · /ɒ/ Open ·

/ ɒ:/

Diagram 2. 1. Representation of the position of English vowels

The horizontal line shows the height of raised tongue. The vertical line shows the

parts of the tongue, that is front, central, and back. There are four classifications

of the height of raised tongue: close vowel, half-close vowel, half-open vowel,

and open vowels. Vowel also classified based on lips position, that is, unrounded

and rounded vowel.

The basic features of vowel pronunciation can be seen in one-syllable

words that have the shape ‘(Consonant) + Vowel + Consonant’ (C-V-C). In such

word, the middle vowel has a consistent pronunciation, as the table below:

a /æ/ e /е/ i /I/ o / ɒ / u /Ù/

at, bat egg, bet it, bit odd, cot up, cut Table. 2. 2. The basic vowel patterns


Beyond the basic vowel patterns are those that involve a modification of

the original vowel sound, depending either on the word-ending or a letter

combination within the word. These can be divided into groups according to the

modifier. They are: (1) ending modifiers (the ‘silent “e” ‘; the ‘magic “y” ‘;

the ‘-le‘ modifier); (2) internal modifiers (the ‘radical “r” ‘; the ‘troublesome “w”

‘; the ‘lazy “l” ‘); and (3) invisible modifier (the “y” sound). The examples of

these modifiers can be seen as follow:

Groups of modifier Original sound Modified sound ‘silent “e” ‘ hat /æ/ ; cut /Ù/ hate /eI/ ; cute /u:/ ‘magic “y” ‘ tin /I/ ; pond /ɒ/ tiny /aI/ ; pony /әυ/

‘-le‘ modifier tab /æ/ ; not /ɒ/ table /eI/ ; noble /әυ/

‘radical “r” ‘ ten /e/ ; run /Ù/ term /ɔ:/; turn /ɔ:/ ‘troublesome “w” ‘ net /e/ ; cot /ɒ/ new /u:/ ; cow /au/

‘lazy “l” ‘ bad /æ/ ; cot /ɒ/ ball /ɔ:/ ; cold /әυ/ Table 2. 3. The modified vowel patterns

d. Consonants

Consonant is described in terms of physical dimensions, that is,

positioning the tongue, lips, and teeth in order to modify the passage of air

through the mouth. Most consonants have only one sound value. They are b, d, f,

j, k, l, m, n, r, v, z. It is important to note that the pronunciation of these letters

does not vary even when they are doubled, for example: happy, middle, hotter,

etc. However, as well as their normal sound value, some consonants may also

appear as silent consonants. They may be silent at the beginning of a word, within

it, or at the end. Here are some examples of silent consonants:

Letter Beginning Internal End b doubt, debt climb, lamb c scissor, muscle d Wednesday bridge g gnome, gnaw sign, daughter, thought sing, belong


h hour, heir rhyme, ghost, daughter k knew, knee l talk, half, would n column, autumn p psychology cupboard, receipt r more, part teacher s island t watch, listen, often w write, wrong answer, sword, two yellow, saw

Table 2. 4. The pronunciation of consonants

Consonants are classified into three parts: (1) according to the position of the

vocal cord (voiceless and voiced); (2) according to the place of articulation

(bilabial, dental, alveolar, palatal, velar, labiodental, and glottals); (3) according to

the manner of articulation (stops, affricate, fricative, nasal, liquid, and glide).

These can be represented as a diagram below:

Diagram 2. 2. Classification of consonant Place of Articulation


















voiceless p t k stops

voiced b d g ?

voiceless f q s ò h fricatives

voiced v d z ʒ voiceless tò

affricates voiced ʤ

voiceless nasals

voiced m n ŋ voiceless

liquids voiced l r




of A




glides voiced w y

Some consonants when combined with the letter ‘h’ undergo changes in

their original sound value. These changes can be either fixed or variable. First, the

letters ‘p’ and ‘s’ undergo a permanent change when they are combined with ‘h’.

The ‘ph’ is pronounced as /f/ like in the word telephone; while the ‘sh’ is


pronounced /ò/ as in shop. Second, the combination ‘ch’ has 2 possible

pronunciations, that is, /tò/ and /k/ sound as in kitchen and headache. Third, the

combination ‘gh’ at the end of a word that can be silent (e.g., high), or pronounced

as /f/ as in rough. Next, the combination ‘th’ can be pronounced as /q/ or /d/ as in

brother and bath. Last, the combination ‘wh’ is usually silent as in wh-questions

(what, when, etc); but it can be silence the ‘w’ with the help of the letter ‘o’ as in

who, whose, etc.

e. Word Stress

Word stress is an important part of pronunciation since it is used to

highlight certain syllables. Fortunately, the primary stress in most English words

is on the first syllable.

Window Market London Beautiful Hospital

This is also applied to genuine compounds:

Bookshop Post office Sitting room

Words borrowed recently from other language often have stress on the last


Cigarette Magazine Hotel Address Shampoo

When a word is stressed, three things tend to happen (Brewster, et al.,

1992:86). They are as follows:

1. the stressed word sounds slightly louder than others

2. the vowel in the stressed word is clearly pronounced

3. tends to sound longer


f. Intonation

Intonation is referred as ‘speech melody’ (Brewster, Ellis, and Girard,

1992: 88). Some of the most important functions of intonation in English are to

help the most strongly stressed word in a sentence; to show the grammatical

function of what is being said, for example whether something is a statement or

question; and to show feelings and emotions.

There are two kinds of intonation patterns, namely falling tone and raising

tone. The most usual intonation pattern in English uses a falling tone. This is used

to make a short statement, a questions with words such as who, what, why, etc.,

command, and exclamation to show surprised or anger. Whilst, the raising tone is

used to make a request, a question from statement, in yes/no question, and in

clauses/phrases that come before the main clause.

g. Phonemic alphabet

Phonemic alphabet does simplify the relation between spoken and written

English. Furthermore, it provides a reliable visual connection to the spoken

language. Each phoneme is visually identified by its symbol. Phonemic symbol

looks intentionally different from regular characters to avoid interference in

writing. Phonemic alphabet is always enclosed in slashes to distinguish it from

conventional orthography. Thus, it can be captured the fact that it perceives all of

the words as having the same vowel by transcribing them, for example: pea /pi:/,

see /si:/, me /mi:/, and key /ki:/.


D. Learning Style

1. The Nature of Learning Style

Learning styles are the manner in which people’s brain learn and store

information (Burbine, 2002). It is the way an individual characteristically

acquires, retain, and retrieves information. In line with this, Vernon (2008)

described learning style as the more or less consistent way in which a person

perceives, conceptualizes, organizes, and recalls information.

There are also some definitions given by expert. Learning style is defined

as the manner in which students of all ages are affected by sociological needs,

immediate environment, physical characteristics, emotionally and psychological

inclinations (Carbo, Dunn and Dunn, 1991: 20). Meanwhile, Orlich et.al. (1998:

163) defines learning style as cognitive and psychological traits that learners

exhibit as they interact in the classroom.

In short, learning style determine the preference of the students of how

they learn something, affected by internal (genetic) and external (environment)

factors, as well.

2. Kinds of Learning Style

According to Bandler and Grinder (2008), there are four learning styles:

students may prefer a visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (moving), or

tactile (touching) way of learning. These influenced by their genetic make up,

their culture, and the society they live in. Each person is born with tendencies

toward learning styles. So, there is no right or wrong learning style.


The data of Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey published by

Reid (1987) show that most ESL students in Indonesia preferred tactile and

kinesthetic leaning. This is supported by Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (1992: 114)

which state that active participation by the pupils (leaning by doing) is a great

activity and must contribute to the general aim of English lesson in primary

teaching and is also important criterion for selection of materials. Tactile learners

are students who learn best through their sense of touch, such as using their hands

and finger (Carbo, Dunn and Dunn, 1991: 146). They learn best by writing,

drawing, taking notes, and involving their emotion and feeling while learning.

Kinesthetic learners are students who learn best through movement or doing

something (Kelly, 2000). They are naturally good at physical activities. They

enjoy and learn well when activities are varied during a class period. It means that

movement includes learning while doing, being involved in learning activity and

learning while standing up, or using the large arm muscles.

There are some characteristics of tactile and kinesthetic learners listed by

(Dunn and Dunn, 1991: 22), as follow:

§ Touch and movement are


§ Learn by imitation and practice

§ Love games

§ Impulsive

§ Remember what was done

§ Memorize or learn by heart

with walk and see

§ Mostly use gesture

§ Use the fingers as indicator in


§ Respond to physical attention


E. Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources

1. The Nature of Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources

Insight from brain research on the essential role of physical movement can

enhance learning in the ESL classroom. Hannaford in Reid (1998: 31) states that

movement impacts learning by “waking up” the brains and preparing them for

incoming information. Hannaford also emphasized that physical movements not

only strengthen the body but are crucial to brain and nervous system development,

and are vital for maintaining alertness and learning readiness (1995: 31). As

reported by the teachers of elementary school that children could improve their

ability in listening, writing, and reading, after the teachers apply some activities

involving students’ movement.

Most learning in the early years after birth is a result of touching, feeling,

moving, and experiencing. Piaget in Kasihani (2007: 7) states that the way of

children’s thinking grows up and develops through their direct involvement with

objects or environment surrounding them. The direct involvement here can be

applied through tactile and kinesthetic resource. Tactile and kinesthetic resource

provides some materials conducted through students’ physical movement. Tactile

and kinesthetic resource should be developed and incorporated into regular

instruction for those who are having difficulty learning to read. Learning to read is

dealing with some aspects of reading, like spelling and pronunciation. Both of

these aspects can be improved by using tactile and kinesthetic resource since this

technique provides some assistance visual materials, which can be implemented to


some activities. Certainly, the activities are involving students’ touching and


2. Tactile and Kinesthetic Learners Responsive to Tactile and Kinesthetic


Tactile and kinesthetic materials can be used anywhere in the instructional

environment. They respond to individual preferences for quiet sound, low or

bright light, an informal or formal design, and warmth or cool, while learning. In

fact, because they can be moved easily from one section of the room to another,

children who require variety many alternate how they use such resources.

Because of their gamelike qualities, the resource tends to be motivating to

students who previously have been unsuccessful academically. Learning occurs

rapidly when information is understood, absorbed, translated into another form,

and then applied. Thus, it is important that the young learners to whom tactile and

kinesthetic resource is assigned are positive about them. Therefore, are willing to

follow directions for their use, case, and replacement. If they begin to enjoy

learning, through a hands-on approach, they will become persistent and will

continue using materials until they have achieved the stated goals outlined for


Tactile and kinesthetic resource is various materials used as a resource to

maximize tactile and kinesthetic learners. The teacher makes use of tactile and

kinesthetic resource to improve students’ spelling and pronunciation ability

(ability to read). According to Carbo, Dunn and Dunn (1991: 147) there are

various kinds of tactile and kinesthetic resources, namely learning circles, task


cards, flip chutes, pic-a-holes, electroboard, and bookgames. Each kind of

resources can be applied to teach students to read. Thus, the teacher can choose

one of the resources freely since there is no rule to choose those resources; only

one or more than one. Teachers use many different ways to teach children to read;

they read to them and let them hear and see words and sentence simultaneously;

they explain how to combine the sounds of letters to form words; they describe

how different groups of letters from word families; and they use familiar, real

experiences that are described verbally as the basis for initial decoding

experiences. These activities will be more interesting by applying the tactile and

kinesthetic resources.

3. The Direction and Procedure of Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources

LC and PAH are two kinds of tactile and kinesthetic resources used in this

study. According to Burn and Burn (1991: ), the direction and procedures of each

resources are illustrated below, as follows:

a. Learning circle

§ The direction of constructing “learning circle”:

1) Cut poster board into circles or any shape related to the topic being


2) Boldly print task content on the front side of the card and self

corrective (color-code or shape-code) answers on the back side of the



3) Laminate before cutting each card into the parts which separate the

task from the answer, then package, organize, and label card set for


§ The procedures of “learning circle”:

1) Begin by pointing the words/sound symbols attached on the learning


2) Model the spelling/the sound symbol and ask the learners to repeat it.

3) Take off the words cards/sound symbol cards

4) Invite the learners to the learning circle and say the word

5) Let the learners to choose the correct spelling/sound symbol have been

prepared in the form of cards.

6) Ask the learners to attach it with push pin in the edge of learning


7) Let the learners to check the answer by moving back the learning circle

and seeing the code on it.

b. Pic-a-hole

§ The direction of constructing “pic-a-hole”

1) Cut a colorful pieces poster card 24-3/8 inches by 6-1/2 inches

2) Measure and mark the cardboard (on the wrong side) to the dimension

given. Use a boll point and score the lines heavily.

8 inches 8-1/8 in. 8 inches 5 inches 1 – 3/8 inches


3) Remove the shaded areas. Use a ruler and knife to get a straight edge.

The piece of poster card should look like the illustration below:

4) Working on the wrong side of the center section only.

5) Remove the shaded areas with a ruler and knife.

6) Fold on all the drawn lines using a ruler as a guide to obtain sharp,

straight fold lines

7) Punch two or three holes as shown in the diagram

8) Place an index card under the center section. Trace the openings onto

the cards. Remove the same areas from the index card. This will serve

as a guide for placement of questions and answers which can be

written on 5 x 8 index cards in appropriate places. Punch the holes.

9) Using 5 x 8 index cards, mark holes and punch them out.

10) Fold over the first side under the center section; then fold up the

bottom flap; now over the last side. Paste or staple them together,

being certain that the bottom flap is between.

8 inches 8-1/8 in. 8 inches

1 inch

Write question here

Write answers here


§ The procedures of “pic-a-hole”

1) Invite the learners to come to the class

2) Let the learners to read the questions and the options

3) Get the learners to place the point below the option they believe to be


4) Get the learners to lift the card to check their answer. If correct, the

card can be lifted easily.

4. Teaching Spelling and Pronunciation using Tactile and Kinesthetic


Spelling and pronunciation belong to aspects of language components.

Spelling is related to the alphabet constructing a word. It presents the writing of a

word with all necessary letters and diacritics. Spelling ability is dealing with the

way people write words based on a standard order correctly. Therefore, if people

write words correctly by paying attention on its letters, that words can be read

clearly and the message could be delivered and accepted by the addressee. While,

pronunciation is related to the way the word uttered. It is dealing with the sound

symbols representing in a phonemic transcription (/ /). For example the word is

written ‘BUFFALO’, this is pronounced as /’bÙfәlәυ/. Therefore, in English, the

way to write and to read a word is different. These have to introduce earlier at the

elementary level in order to provide them the appropriate writing and

pronunciation of words. In other words, it is the basis for the higher level, so it is

hoped that their writing and pronunciation become better.


Teaching spelling and pronunciation means making the students learn

about the way the words are written and spoken. Through teaching spelling, the

students are hoped to be able to write words in English better and more carefully.

Whilst, through teaching pronunciation, the students will be more aware about

how the words pronounced. They will be more familiar with the sounds of English

language. However, the final goal does not demand them to native-like, but it is

directed to improve their pronunciation better than before. Certainly, the words

that they should learn are limited on the scope of their needs and the lesson


Children can learn spelling and pronunciation easier by applying the

technique that provides some activities. Those activities should engage the

students to learn actively. Simply, the students will be learning by doing. It will

motivate and attract the children when there is a visual aid associated with

spelling and pronunciation transcription. The technique that is suitable to teach

spelling and pronunciation is tactile and kinesthetic resources. Tactile and

kinesthetic resources are one of the techniques used to improve students’ spelling

ability and pronunciation awareness. As stated by Carbo, Dunn, and Dunn (1991:

147) there are various kinds of tactile and kinesthetic materials including learning

circle, task cards, pic-a-hole, flip chute, electroboards, and bookgames. There are

no rules of choosing one or more than one materials. The teacher is free to choose

and use it as they desire. Learning circle and pic-a-hole are kinds of tactile and

kinesthetic resources, chosen as equipments or materials to improve students’

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness. The alternative materials are used to


maintain the students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning spelling and


Learning circle is a large round. It is divided into 8 triangular sectors. Each

of the eight sectors has words with certain sounds and completed with pictures.

The pictures are attached to represent the words. In other words, learning circle

associate pictures with sound and spelling, and then conducted in the learning

activity which involves students’ touching and movement. Learning circle has two

sides, front and back face. The front face shows the words and their sound, and

pictures. The rear side of each triangular sector has a code on it. On the rear of the

clothespins, each has one of the same codes found on the back side. The code here

can be colour or shape-code such as round, square, star, etc. By knowing the

concept of learning circle, the teacher can make use of the learning circle to teach

spelling and pronunciation. It can be illustrated as follow: for example the

students will learn the names of animals. Firstly, the teacher model new words

dealing with the names of animals (snake, elephant, buffalo, etc), presented with

pictures in the learning circle; the teacher shows the spelling of the words, and

then get choral and individual repetition to utter the words one by one. When the

teacher is modeling the words, he or she can use gesture, etc. After that coming to

the use of learning circle by the students (the core activity); the teacher brings

some word cards attached with clothespin/paper spin, and then a student must

brows the cards that is suitable with the picture, and then places the

clothespin/paper spin onto the matching triangular sector on the front side. If the

word chosen is correct or suitable with the picture, the code on the back side


match with the code on the card; but if the word is incorrect, the back shape does

not match. Thus, by doing such activity, the students directly know the correct

word and its pronunciation.

Pic-a-hole is another attractive material used to teach spelling and

pronunciation. It contains questions (on the top), and offers choices from among

two or three options (on the bottom). Similar with learning circle, pic-a-hole is

also self-corrective since the students will know their own answer whether correct

or not by lifting the card. If the card can be moved easily, the answer is correct,

but if the answer is incorrect, the card will not budge. The teaching of spelling and

pronunciation by using such material can be illustrated as follows: for example,

the students will learn the long and short of letter A. Firstly, the teacher prepares

some cards and writes questions and alternative options on it. The questions are

related to the topic being learnt. Then, by using a series of card with printed

questions, the teacher asks students to consider the answer by looking at the three

possible options at the bottom. By using a nail, they place the point directly below

the option they believe to be correct. Finally, students attempt to lift the card. If

the answer is correct, the card lifts easily and can be removed; if it is incorrect, the

card will not budge. It can be seen that learning circle and pic-a-hole are self-

corrective. It is so because the learners realize that they are able to monitor their

own spelling and speech, and also can make adjustment without teacher’s

interference. Obviously, it can be concluded that learning circle and pic-a-hole as

kinds of tactile and kinesthetic resources, are designed to learn spelling and

pronunciation simultaneously by creating some activities as stated above. It must


be noted that the activity used is not limited; this can be varied relied on the need

or the topic being taught. The teacher should be creative to create other activities

that can be applied through this technique. The resource can be used at all stages

of the lesson (Vernon, 1993). They respond to the mobility needs because students

may work as long as they are able to, may stop, and then return to the resource as

their energy is revitalized. It is emphasized that tactile and kinesthetic resource

provides a useful way for familiarizing children with some of the sounds and

spelling rules.

5. The Strengths of Tactile and Kinesthetic Resources

This point is coming to the question ‘why use tactile and kinesthetic

resources’. There are some features indicating the strengths of tactile and

kinesthetic resources as listed by Kelly (2000):

a. The tactile and kinesthetic resources insist students to do things, so that

they have the best chance of learning.

b. The use of such resources make the learners remember best the things they

experience. The learners understand well what they do with their hands

and movement.

c. Enjoy using material which involves practical participation. Since tactile

and kinesthetic resource provides attractive material and equipment, the

learners feel happy and enjoy engaging their participation in the learning

process. This encourages them become active and brave. Beside that, the

use of tactile and kinesthetic resource involves students’ physical

movement, touching and moving. It means, when learning English,


students not only use their brain, but also their physical movement.

Therefore, there is a balance between students’ brain and their motor


d. In the teaching process, the teacher stands up and uses gestures when

giving explanation.

According to Lewis (1953: 7) the foundation of learning spelling pattern is

intellectual – and this intellectual foundation has a good deal with physical or

bodily learning. It trains the development of accurate and automatic muscular

responses through the actual writing of a word. Furthermore, he says that one of

techniques used to learn spelling is by sharpening the kinesthetic or tactile

memory or resource since it is part of human equipment. Therefore, tactile and

kinesthetic resource is a suitable technique used to learn reading aspect, such as

spelling and pronunciation, since it associates visual aids and students’ physical


The strengths of tactile and kinesthetic resources also offer many

advantages for students. Carbo, Dunn and Dunn (1991: 177) say that tactile and

kinesthetic resources make learning fun and provide an easy-to-see and

understand overview of small amounts of information. When students experience

difficulty with spelling and pronunciation, the opportunity to work with the

resource facilitates their understanding and skill development. Most primary

young learners learn more easily through a hands-on approach, and these

resources prove extremely valuable to any beginning reading program including

spelling and pronunciation. Dunn, Beaudry, and Klavas (1989: 52) also find that


children taught with tactile and kinesthetic resources that matched their

preferences modalities achieved statistically higher test score. Another benefit is

all kinds of tactile and kinesthetic resources are self corrective. When the learners

experience difficulties, they can manipulate the parts to find out the correct

answer. Meanwhile, when they learn through such materials and are successful,

these materials tend to be motivating to the learners.

In addition, Jones (1998) lists some advantages gained from the use of

tactile and kinesthetic resources, namely: (a) the students could enjoy hands-on

activities; it motivates students to learn actively since they gain space and chance

to move around, not only sit for a long time; (b) the students could enjoy the

opportunities to build and physically handle learning materials; students obtain

more opportunities to make use of their body and hands to do a given activities;

and they can build knowledge by themselves as it is self-corrective; (c) the

students remember and understand best what the do very well; it is known that

none of people always remember what is seen or heard, and most even all people

remember best what they have had an opportunity to do, as an old Chinese

proverb: ‘I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand’.




Chapter III is presenting about the method which is used in the research.

The method used in this research is based on the aims of the study, that is an

action research study. Furthermore, this chapter is divided into some parts which

include research method, context of the research, technique of collecting data, and

technique of data analysis. Each section is elaborated as follows.

A. Research Method

1. The Nature of Action Research

The research used in this study is an action research (AR). Wiersma (2000:

11) says that action research is a research usually conducted by the teachers,

administrators, or other educational professionals, for solving a specific problem

or providing information for decision making at the local level. The research

designed to overcome the real problems which are not confined to a particular

methodology or paradigm with effective ways. Mills (2000: 5) also defined that

action research is a systematic inquiry done by the teachers or other individuals in

teaching and learning environment to gather information about and subsequently

improve the ways their particular school operate, how they teach, and how all

their students learn. In addition, McKay (1992) in Dewi Rochsantiningsih (2007:

4) states that action research is an effective strategy for engaging educators in the

change process. Educators involved in action research think about specific group


in a particular setting with the main goal of finding better ways to do their job.

Furthermore, Carr and Kemmis (1985: 220-221) in Nunan (1989) offer the

following definition:

“a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situation in which these practices are carried out” (p.12).

Meanwhile, Gwynn Mettetal (2001) defines that classroom action research

is a research designed to help teacher find out what is happening in his or her

classroom, and to use that information to make wise decision for the future.

Classroom action research is a way for the instructor to discover what works best

in their own classroom situation, thus, allowing informed decision about teaching.

Based on the definition above, it can be synthesized that action research is

a systematic study of effort to overcome and change things related to educational

problem for the improvement of the quality of system. The problem here is

situational and contextual, so that the result cannot be applied in another situation

and context.

2. The Characteristics of Action Research

Burns (1999: 30) suggests a number of general features considered to

characterize action research:

a. Action research is contextual, small-scale, and localized – it identifies and investigates problems within a specific situation.

b. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and improvement in practice.

c. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of colleagues, practitioners and researchers.

d. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which provides the impetus for change.


Considering the background of the problem and based on the

characteristics of action research above, this research is appropriately conducted

as classroom action research. The purpose of the research is to bring about

educational change and the improvement of students’ ability and pronunciation

awareness, and also the classroom situation in English class.

3. The Features of Action Research

Tinker-Sach (2000: 71) in Dewi Rochsantiningsih (2007) quotes several

features of action. There are several points of action research feature. The features

are described visually as follows:

Table 3.1. The Features of Action Research

Features Action Research

Duration Usually conducted over a short period of time Size of project Usually small skill Key investigator Involves one or more teachers from a school several school Ethical consideration Usually informal consent is given as the students participation are

known to the teachers and the purpose is beneficial to the parties involved

Focus Investigates one or more practical teaching/learning factors Design Practical and manageable in design to allow for teacher workload

and teaching purposes Research tools and data collection procedures

Utilizes one or more research tools to collect and analyze data Usually simple and straightforward procedures

Results Usually localized to a specific class/teaching/learning community or context with practical implications

Sharing of result May be formal or informal and reported in local international referred journals for the benefits of those who teach

Context Classroom-based or school-based and may involve one or more school contexts usually within the same region

4. The Model of Action Research

Action research occurs through a dynamic and complementary process

which consists of four essential phases. They are planning, action, observation,


and reflection (Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns, 1999: 32). These phases are

meant to form part of an ongoing cycle. Those four phases can be elaborated as


a. Phase I (Planning)

In this step, the researcher develops a plan of critically informed action to

improve what is already happening.

b. Phase II (Action)

The researcher acts to implement the plan.

c. Phase III (Observation)

In this phase, the researcher observes the effects of action in the context in

which it occurs.

d. Phase IV (Reflection)

After doing observation, the researcher continuous to the next step, that is

reflection. The researcher reflects how the teaching and learning process runs. By

reflecting it, the researcher will know and find the strengths and limitation of the

teaching and learning activities in the classroom. It is important to know the

strength and limitation since the result of reflection will be useful for revise the

plan (for the next cycle).

Based on the model of action research above, the process of the classroom

action research includes four steps, namely: (1) identifying the problem and

planning the action; (2) implementing the action and observing or monitoring the

action; (3) reflecting the result of the observation; and (4) revising the plan for the

following step. This cycle can be visually reflected as the figure below:


Plan Reflection Cycle I Action and observation Revised Plan Reflection Cycle II

Action and observation Revised Plan


Cycle III

Action and observation Next

Figure 3. 1. An illustration of action research spiral

5. The Procedures of Action Research

The model of action research above is the framework in undertaking action

research. Those four steps of the model can be expanded into six steps, namely:

(1) identifying the problem; (2) planning the action; (3) implementing the action;

(4) observing the action; (5) reflecting the action; and (6) revising the plan. Those

six steps are taken in each procedure. They can be explained below:


a. Identifying the Problem

Before making a plan, I identify the problem occurring in the classroom.

The problem here refers to the fact that students’ spelling ability and

pronunciation awareness are still low. The problem is caused by the technique

used to present the material is less suitable and attractive to the students. There are

three elements used to identify the problem, as follows:

1) Observation

The observation was held during the teaching and learning process.

It was done in order to know the students’ competence on spelling and

pronunciation, the students’ behavior during teaching and learning

process, and the classroom situation before the technique applied.

2) Interview with the Students

The interview was held in order to know the students’ interest in

English lesson and the students’ feeling about the way the teacher teach.

3) Using test

The pre test was provided in order to know the students’

competence on spelling and pronunciation.

b. Planning the Action

There are some planning made before implementing the action. I prepared

everything related to the action, as follows:

1) Preparing materials, preparing classroom observation sheet both for

the researcher and the observer. It is to know the class situation and

the students’ behavior during teaching and learning process.


2) Making lesson plans and designing the steps in doing the action.

3) Preparing teaching aids, like pictures, task contents (word cards and

sound cards), learning media, text book, board marker, ruler etc.

4) Preparing exercises and post test. It is to know whether students’

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness improve or not.

5) Preparing audio recording. It is to record the students’ pronunciation.

c. Implementing the Action

I implemented the action. I perform teaching and learning process by

implementing tactile and kinesthetic resources in teaching spelling and


d. Observing the Action

I observed and wrote all activities and events happened during the teaching and

learning process in a field note.

e. Reflecting the Action

After doing the action and wrote it in a field note, I made an evaluation

based on the observation result to find out the positive result (the strengths) and

the limitation of the teaching and learning process during the action that have been

carried out using tactile and kinesthetic resources. The limitation coming from the

indicators of problem which is not reached yet, can be refined in the next cycle, so

that the final goal, that is to improve students’ spelling ability and pronunciation

awareness, can be reached using tactile and kinesthetic resources.


f. Revising the Plan

I revised the plan for the next cycle based on the limitation found in

reflecting process. This research was carried way in two cycles. Each cycle used

tactile and kinesthetic resources. The first cycle used learning circle, while the

second cycle used pic-a-hole. Pre test was held at the beginning of the cycle to

measure the students’ competence on spelling and pronunciation before the action.

Post test was held in the end of the cycle to measure the improvement of students’

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness after the action.

B. Context of the Research

SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari is a school where I will conduct a

research. Its address is at Pojok, RT 2/II, Pojok, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo. It is

about 8 km from Sukoharjo. It was established since 1975. Most students in this

school come from Pojok village. They have learned English since class four.

However, during the teaching and learning process, they were passive, the

interaction was not life, they were difficult to write the English words correctly,

and they were difficult to read the English words orally. One of the causes of the

problem is the lack of the teaching technique used in English class.

The research was conducted from January to March 2009 at the fifth

grade students of SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari in 2008/2009. The reason of

choosing the fifth grade students as the subject of research is because their

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness are still low. When they wrote their


answers at the mid-term test or final test, they write it with incorrect spelling; and

when the teacher asked them to read, they cannot pronounce it properly.

C. Techniques of Collecting Data

There are two kinds of instruments used to collect data, namely test and

non test. The tests provided are pre test and post test. The pre test was held at the

beginning of the cycle before the action done, and the post test was held at the end

of the cycle. The results of both tests are presented in a list of pre test and post test

results. The data of the research were also collected through non test, which

include observations, interview, diaries, document analysis, and audio recording.

Audio recording was taken during the implementation of the action, to record

students’ pronunciation. The photograph was also taken to provide more accurate

data. The data which were collected in this study consisted of the information in

pre-research, the process and the results of action research implementation, and

the result of the discussion between teacher and observer. The application of the

data collection in this study is summarized in the table below:

Table 3.1. Table of collecting data

Steps of study Participants Techniques Data Data analysis Pre-research Teacher-



Observation report Constant comparative method

Research implementation

Teacher-researcher Students Students

Observation Diary Audio recording Document analysis Tests Interview

Field notes Research diaries Students’ pronunciation record Lesson plan, students’ written work (notes) List of students’ pretest and posttest result, Transcript of interview result with students

Constant comparative method Constant comparative method Descriptive statistic Constant comparative method

Discussion result


Document analysis

Data of all document results (based on research findings)

Constant comparative method


D. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, I collect the data by using observations, diary, interview,

audio recording, and tests. In this study, to analyze the data I use two techniques

of data analysis, namely constant comparative method and descriptive statistic.

1. Constant comparative method

This method is used to analyze the data obtained from observations, diary,

interviews, and audio recording. Goetz and LeCompte in Dye, et.al. (2000) state

that constant comparative method combines inductive category coding with

simultaneous comparison of all social incidents observed. Meanwhile, Glasser and

Strauss in Hopkins (1993: 149) describe constant comparative method as a means

of analyzing sociological data, which is applied in the same study to any kind of

qualitative information including observations, documents, interviews, books,

article, etc. Furthermore, they describe the constant comparative method as the

following distinct stages:

a. Comparing incidents applicable to each category

The main rule in this stage is while coding the incidents for a certain category;

compare the data to the previous incidents in the same and different group

which is coded in the same category (Moleong, 1990: 210). Coding is a

process of attempting to reduce the large amount of data that may be collected

to more manageable categories of concepts, themes, or types (Burns, 1990:

157). The code here is written in the edge of field notes. There are various

kinds of codes that can be used to categorize the incidents: activity codes,

event codes, strategy codes, and relationship and social structure codes.


Therefore, in this stage the researcher starts by coding every incident in the

data into many categories.

b. Integrating categories and their properties

At this point, the researcher comes at comparing the data gained from

observation and interview. It is done by identifying the relationship and

connection between the different sources of data. This comparison will

produce knowledge accumulation related to properties of category that is ready

to integrate.

c. Delimiting the theory

At this stage, the researcher moves beyond describing, categorizing, coding,

and comparing to make some sense of the meaning of the data. Delimiting

theory means construct the theory by taking at the hypothesis and relating it

either to theory, the norms of accepted practice, and the teacher’s own

intuition as to what comprises good teaching. In short, the researcher

constructs the theory based on the daily observations.

d. Writing the theory

The final stage involves presenting and interpreting an account of the research

finding and outcomes that are supported with examples from the data.

Therefore, in this stage, the researcher arranges and outlines the research

finding based on the daily observations.


2. Descriptive statistic

This method is used to analyze the data gained from tests. In other words,

the results of the tests are analyzed through descriptive statistic. The computation

formula to know the score of students’ achievement is as follow:


S = X 100 N Notes:

S: students’ score

R: the sum of the correct answer

N: the sum of the test items

After that, the teacher compares the score of pretest and posttest to gain the mean

score. The mean of pretest and posttest can be calculated with the formula as


Σ x x =


Σ y y = N


x : mean of pretest score Σ x: sum of pretest score

y : mean of posttest score Σ y: sum of posttest score

N : the number of sample


The result of the score analysis of such test is a numerical device or

usually written in a number. Then, it is used as quantitative data to interpret the

students’ improvement. The interpretation here belongs to descriptive data since it

is described in a category system or convey with words. As stated by Syakur

(1999: 7) that there are several ways in labeling the degree of students’

achievement: numerical device (1 to 4; 1 to 10; 1 to 100), and category system

(excellent, very good, good, average, poor).

Finally, by analyzing the observation result and test results, the writer can

make a conclusion whether or not through tactile and kinesthetic resources can

improve students’ spelling and pronunciation ability




The research investigates about the improvement of students’ spelling

ability and pronunciation awareness through tactile and kinesthetic resource. In

conducting the research, I propose the aims of the research. The aims of the

research are to identify whether and to what extend T&K R improves students’

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, and to describe the class situation

when T&K R is applied in the English class. Those findings are described in this

chapter. It is divided into two parts which include the process of the research, and

result findings and result discussion. Each part is described as follows:

A. Process of the Research

I am an English teacher at SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari. I have been

teaching for about two years. I teach from class four to six. Especially for class

five, there are two classes, that is class 5 A and 5 B. In this study, I choose class 5

B to be the subjects of the research since they have problem as stated in chapter I.

For this research, I do the teaching learning (TL) process three times a week, that

is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Each meeting is for about 90 minutes.

During TL process, I observe that students of class 5 B are difficult in

writing and pronouncing the correct words. They write it using incorrect spelling.

They also often make mistake in pronouncing the words. In other words, their


spelling ability and pronunciation awareness are still low. Therefore, I conduct an

action research study to overcome the problem.

The research is conducted collaboratively with the collaborator, LPS. I ask

her to help me to be an observer since she is a student of English Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty in UNS that is doing an action research,

too. However, it is different problem and level. Therefore, I am easy to discuss

and share everything related to the research. LPS is involved in the research from

beginning until the end of the research. LPS and I collaboratively designed,

planned, implemented, revised the research procedures, and discuss the research

result as a final reflection.

The research is carried out two cycles, which is done through some

sequence processes from beginning until the end of the research. It is

accomplished based on the research procedure. The procedure of the research

consists of pre research, research implementation, and the research discussion.

The whole research was conducted through the following process:

Table 4. 1. The Summary of Process of the Research

Pre research 1. Observation LPS and I observing the TL process Aims: to identify

· the problem occurred during TL process concerning to students spelling ability and pronunciation awareness

· the class situation before applying T&K R Results:

· students had low spelling ability and pronunciation awareness · the class situation was not life and not quite interactive

2. Interview I interview the students Aims: to know

· their interest toward English lesson · their feeling about teacher’s technique · their opinion about spelling and pronunciation of English words


Results: · students were interest toward English lesson · students felt bored and sleepy during TL process since they often took

notes and listened to the teacher · students were difficult to write and read the English words

3. Pre test I provided pretest for 21 students Aim: To know students’ competence on spelling and pronunciation Result: Students gained low score; under the passing grade, 60.

Implementation of Research

LPS and I collaboratively implemented the research which is carried out two cycles

Cycle 1 Planning: prepared materials, media of T&K R, audio recording, photograph, lesson plans, students’ exercises, posttest, and everything related to the action.

Actions: using T&K R Meeting 1: Names of Animals · I introduced T&K R (LC) and explained how the procedure of it is · I presented vocabulary related to the topic by modeling the spelling and

pronunciation of each word by using LC · I asked students to practice individually to find out the correct

pronunciation of each word by using LC, and then pronounce it aloud · I pointed some students to write names of animals on the whiteboard · I provided an exercise

Meeting 2: Animals Produce Sound · I reviewed the lesson · I asked students to work in group to use LC · I asked the group to find out the correct spelling of word on LC · I asked student in group to write the word and sentence based on the word

with correct spelling on the whiteboard · I provided chance to the group to read the word and sentence aloud · I corrected their pronunciation and asked students to repeat it

Meeting 3: Foods for Animal · I reviewed the lesson · I asked students to work in pairs in using LC · I distributed paper sheets about incomplete sentence · I asked them to find out the correct spelling of word and attach it on LC · I asked a student in pairs to complete the sentence with the chosen word,

and then read it aloud · I provided an exercise (complete dialog) · I experienced students to perform the dialog in front of the class

Observation: LPS and I observed the implementation of Cycle 1 · T&K R encourages students to involve practically in learning activity · T&K R lets students to learn by themselves since they can make

adjustment of their idea without teacher’s interference · T&K R makes students are easy and happy to learn · Classroom situation becomes living · Students become enthusiastic toward English lesson · Students have prepared the books when teacher enters the class · Students pay attention to the lesson · Students do exercise/homework · Students don’t often ask permission to go to toilet · Students don’t be noisy, they’re noisy when discussing the lesson, not

chatting with their friends · Students can write the words/sentences correctly; they are rarely to write


incorrectly (they write words/sentences carefully) · Students don’t pronounce words as the Indonesian one · 50% students are active during TL process · 11 students reached the passing grade

Reflection: LPS and I reflected the observation results Positive improvement: · The improvement of spelling ability · The improvement of 3 indicators of problem concerning to pronunciation

awareness · The improvement of 4 indicators of problem regarding to classroom

situation Limitations: · Students still couldn’t read sentences with correct intonation · Students still read sentences slowly · Some students were still passive

Revision Plan: LPS and I revised the plan. The next cycle focused on: · Improving students’ pronunciation awareness in terms of intonation of

sentences and students’ speed of reading by conducting another kind of T&K R, PAH.

· Creating activities which are more joyful · Stimulating students to be confident and brave · Creating simple and short posttest

Cycle 2 Planning: prepared materials, media of T&K R, audio recording, photograph, lesson plans, students’ exercises, posttest, and everything related to the action.

Action: using T&K R (PAH) Meeting 1: Days and Months · I introduced PAH and explained its procedure · I presented the names of days and months while modeling the

pronunciation of each word, and then students repeated it · I invited students individually to use PAH in learning names of days and

months, in front of the class · I wrote simple sentences related to the topic on whiteboard and explained it

briefly; e.g. It is Sunday, It is May, etc. · I provided chance for students to make a sentence orally

Meeting 2: Days and Months · I reviewed the lesson · I invited students individually to answer questions on PAH · I provided chance for students to pronounce words about names of days

and months aloud · I asked students to do an exercise (completing dialog) · I invited students to perform dialog in front of the class

Observation: LPS and I observed the action of Cycle 2 · Students are able to read sentences with correct intonation · Students’ speed of reading is faster than before · The classroom situation becomes more life, interactive, joyful, and

conducive. · Students are very pleased and excited in learning using T&K R · Students are more active, confident, and brave to involve in the TL

process; e.g. they respond the question without waiting teacher calling their name first

· 90% students gained the score above the passing grade General reflections:

· the improvement of spelling ability


· the improvement of pronunciation awareness · the improvement of classroom situation after T&K R applied · the improvement of students’ achievement · the improvement of students’ behavior toward English lesson

Result Discussion

LPS and I discussed the result findings based on data gathered from field notes, interview, teacher’s diary, and audio recording. Then, concluded the result as a final reflection, as follows: · T&K R is an effective technique to teach spelling and pronunciation for

children · T&K R stimulates students’ motivation and braveness in joining the lesson · T&K R changes the class atmosphere become interactive, active, and

joyful to learn · There is a good improvement and achievement concerning to students’

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness · All the indicators of problem derived from competence and classroom

situation viewpoint can be solved and improved · T&K R can improve students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness · Stop the cycle at Cycle 2 since the limited time, and the problem has been


The process of the research stated in Table 4. 1. is discussed in the

following section:

1. Pre- Research

Pre research was held before conducting the research. It aimed to identify:

1) the problem occurred in the class during TL process regarded to the

improvement of students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, before

applying different technique; 2) the students’ learning activity during TL process;

3) the students’ behavior during TL process; 4) the class situation before applying

the technique. There were some ways used in the pre research which include

observing TL process, interviewing students, and providing pre test.

The observation and interview result in the pre research indicated that the

problem arose was the students had low of spelling ability and pronunciation

awareness. It could be identified from the indicators of problem in relation to

competence which include: spelling ability and pronunciation awareness. From


spelling ability, the indicators of problem are students: 1) couldn’t rewrite a

jumbled letters/words; 2) made mistake in writing words involving double

consonant letter, e.g. rabit, bufalo, carot, etc.; 3) made transposition of letter, e.g.

elepahnt, croocdile, etc.; 4) wrote a correct spelling of another word, e.g. food-

foot; eat-it, etc.; 5) wrote words incompletely or with different letter, e.g. Sanday,

rhinoseros, Teusday, etc. Meanwhile, the indicators coming from pronunciation

are students: 1) pronounced words by looking at its letters; 2) didn’t know the

stress and intonation of words/sentences; 3) speed of reading was slow and their

voice was very low; 4) kept silent and looking at the teacher in a long time; 5)

couldn’t repeat the teacher said well. Regarding to classroom situation, there were

also some indicators, namely students: 1) didn’t prepare materials (book, pencil,

etc.) yet when I entered the class; 2) especially boys often asked permission to go

to toilet; 3) were passive during TL process; 4) made a noise and some of them

were sleepy; 5) were lazy to do exercise/homework.

From the observation result, it could be concluded that there were some

causes of problem that came from students and teacher as stated in chapter I.

However, this study more focused on the technique used by the teacher to

overcome the problem.

In the interview result, it can be interpreted that students like with English

lesson because they cannot use English well. They found difficulties when they

asked to write words and to read words aloud. Most of them said that they

confused since the writing of words was different from its pronunciation.

Moreover, they often feel sleepy and bored since they often take notes from the


whiteboard and sit down to listen to the teacher’s explanation. However, most of

them said that they are happy and interested in English lesson. It is because they

feel that they cannot use English well.

I also provide a pretest after doing observation and interview. It consisted

of 20 questions both written and oral test. The pretest was provided for 21

students. The result of pretest showed that 10 students gained the score under the

passing grade, 60. The mean score was 58. It could be concluded that 48% of 21

students had the low competence in spelling and pronunciation.

Considering the causes of problem, I decided to bring about the alternative

technique that was never applied before in teaching English. It did not only aim to

overcome the problem, but also to refresh the technique in the teaching English.

Therefore, I proposed to use T&K R as a technique to improve students’ spelling

ability and pronunciation awareness and also to change the classroom situation

became more life and fun. There were some reasons in using T&K R. the

fundamental reason was it was considered as gamelike qualities, so it will arise

students’ motivation. Motivation is the important factor to study English as a

second language. Students who had high motivation will learn naturally and

enjoyably. As children characteristics, they like learning by doing something.

Therefore, children will be motivated to engage the activity during TL process.

Based on the explanation above, T&K R was handled as a technique to

solve the problem occurred in class 5 B. The class consisted of 21 students. Since

T&K R consisted of six resources which include learning circle, pic-a-hole, flip

chute, task card, electroborad, and bookgames; I chose and used learning circle


(LC) and pic-a-hole (PAH). I had undertaken 2 cycles. The first cycle used LC,

while the second cycle used PAH.

2. Research Implementation

The research was implemented after conducting pre research. It was done

by applying T&K R at cycle 1 and 2. I cooperated with LPS to implement the

research. I taught the students of class 5 B, while LPS observed the whole

activities done during TL process from pre research, cycle 1, and cycle 2.

As stated before, the research was carried out 2 cycles. Each cycle

consisted of six steps which include: 1) identifying the problem; 2) planning the

action; 3) implementing the action; 4) observing the action; 5) reflecting the

observation results; and 6) revising the plan. The whole process of research

implementation could be visually seen at Table 4.1.

In cycle 1, the research was held in three meetings. It discussed about “At

the Zoo” with the topic: “Names of Animals”; “Animals Produce Sound”; and

Foods for Animals”. Meanwhile, cycle 2 was held in two meetings which

discussed about “Days and Months”. Each of the meetings took 90 minutes. It was

held three times a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The first cycle was

conducted on February, 17th, 26th and 28st 2009; whilst the second cycle was held

on March 12th and 14th 2009.


Table 4. 2. Summary of Research Implementation of Cycle 1 and 2

Topic introduced · At the Zoo: - Names of Animals - Animals Produce Sound - Food for Animal · Days and Months

Class used for AR 5 B Problem identified The low of students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness Proposed solution Using T&K R in learning spelling and pronunciation Implementation In two cycles Cycle 1 3 meetings Planning

Prepared materials, media of T&K R, audio recording, photograph, lesson plans, students’ exercises, posttest, and everything related to the action.

Actions Observation

Meeting 1: Names of Animals · I introduced T&K R (LC) and explained how the procedure of it · I presented vocabulary related to the topic by modeling the spelling

and pronunciation of each word by using LC · I asked students to practice individually to find out the correct

pronunciation of each word by using LC, and then pronounce it aloud

· I pointed some students to write names of animals on the whiteboard

· I provided an exercise Meeting 2: Animals Produce Sound · I reviewed the lesson · I asked students to work in group to use LC · I asked the group to find out the correct spelling of word on LC · I asked student in group to write the word and sentence based on the

word with correct spelling on the whiteboard · I provided chance to the group to read the word and sentence aloud · I corrected their pronunciation and asked students to repeat it Meeting 3: Foods for Animal · I reviewed the lesson · I asked students to work in pairs in using LC · I distributed paper sheets about incomplete sentence · I asked them to find out the correct spelling of word and attach it on

LC · I asked a student in pairs to complete the sentence with the chosen

word, and then read it aloud · I provided an exercise (complete dialog) · I experienced students to perform the dialog in front of the class LPS observed the action (the whole TL process), and I wrote it in field notes. The observation results of Cycle 1 are as follows: · T&K R encourages students to involve practically in learning

activity · T&K R lets students to learn by themselves since they can make

adjustment of their idea without teacher’s interference · T&K R makes students are easy and happy to learn · Classroom situation becomes living · Students become enthusiast toward English lesson · Students have prepared the books when teacher enters the class


Reflection Revision

· Students pay attention to the lesson · Students do exercise/homework · Students don’t often ask permission to go to toilet · Students don’t be noisy, they’re noisy when discuss the lesson, not

chatting with their friends · Students can write the words/sentences correctly; they are rarely to

write incorrectly (they are more carefully in writing words/sentences)

· Students don’t pronounce words as the Indonesian one · 50% students are active during TL process · 11 students reached the passing grade The reflections are as follows: · The improvement of spelling ability · Students still couldn’t read sentences with correct intonation · Students still read sentences slowly · Some students were still passive The next cycle focused on: · Improving students’ pronunciation awareness in terms of intonation

of sentences and students’ speed of reading by conducting another kind of T&K R, PAH.

· Creating activities which more joyful · Stimulating students to be confident and brave · Creating simple and short posttest

Cycle 2 2 meetings Planning Prepared materials, media of T&K R, audio recording, photograph,

lesson plans, students’ exercises, posttest, and everything related to the action.

Actions Meeting 1: Days and Months · I introduced PAH and explained its procedure · I presented the names of days and months while modeling the

pronunciation of each word, and then students repeated it · I invited students individually to use PAH in learning names of days

and months, in front of the class · I wrote simple sentences related to the topic on whiteboard and

explained it briefly; e.g. It is Sunday, It is May, etc. · I provided chance for students to make a sentence orally

Meeting 2: Days and Months · I reviewed the lesson · I invited students individually to answer questions on PAH · I provided chance for students to pronounce words about names of

days and months aloud · I asked students to do an exercise (completing dialog) · I invited students to perform dialog in front of the class

Observation The observation results of Cycle2 are as follows: · Students are able to read sentences with correct intonation · Students’ speed of reading is fast than before · The classroom situation becomes more life, interactive, joyful, and

conducive. · Students are very pleased and excited in learning using T&K R · Students are more active, confident, and brave to involve in the TL

process; e.g. they respond the question without waiting teacher calling their name first

· 90% students gained the score above the passing grade


Reflection The reflections are as follows: · Students were enthusiastic in engaging the lesson · Students could read the sentence with correct intonation · Students could read words/sentences faster than before · Students became more active, brave, and confident in joining the

lesson (asking question, responding question, etc.) Findings as the whole The research findings after implemented the research in two cycles are

as follows: · the improvement of spelling ability · the improvement of pronunciation awareness · the improvement of classroom situation after T&K R applied · the improvement of students’ achievement · the improvement of students’ behavior toward English lesson

The more detail explanation about the research implementation of Cycle 1

and Cycle 2, could be reported as follows:

Cycle 1

1) Identifying the Problem

This was the fundamental stage of doing an action research since the

teachers could do an action research when they found a problem in the class.

Based on the analysis of data obtained from pre research observation, interview,

and pre test result, it could be identified that the problem faced by grade five of

SD Negeri Pojok 02 was in the scope of language components, namely spelling

and pronunciation. It meant the problem was their spelling ability and

pronunciation awareness was low.

2) Planning the Action

In the planning stage, LPS and I made some action plans for the first cycle.

This planning was made based on the problem that was identified on pre research.

Based on the problem, I found some indicators that appear during TL process in

the classroom. The indicators of problem could be seen from competence

viewpoint and classroom situation. By finding the indicators of problem, the


research would be more directed and clear. To overcome the problem, I decided to

conduct an action research by carrying T&K R in teaching spelling and


Before implementing the action, I prepared the materials, the media of

T&K R (LC and PAH), lesson plans, students’ exercise, teaching aids (pictures,

word cards, and pronunciation cards), text book, post test, audio recording and

everything related to the action. Dealing with the material, I prepared it after

considering a number of class meeting that were done in the research. The

materials used were taken from the compulsory book (‘Enjoy’ English book) for

elementary school students of class 5. I chose the most appropriate material, that

is material for the second semester. The materials were as follows: “Names of

Animals”, “Animals Produce Sound”, “Foods for Animals”, and “Days and

Months”. Then, in this research I myself would teach the students since I am the

teacher of class 5 students of SD Negeri Pojok 02, while LPS would observe the

whole activities during TL process to gain the result. I also made some

documenters by taking some photos and recording students’ pronunciation.

3) Implementing the Action

The action was divided into 4 parts, namely: warming up, presentation,

practice, and production. In the first cycle which was conducted in 3 meetings, I

taught three topics: “Names of Animals”, “Animals Produce Sound”, and “Foods

for Animals”. Each meeting spent 90 minutes.


a) First Meeting

(1) Warming Up

The lesson started at 10.35. I came to the class together with LPS. As

usual, after put my bag on the table, I greet the students. After greeting, I

checked their attendance. At that time, all students were present. Beginning

the lesson, the students looked tired because it was the last lesson on that day.

Even many of them were noisy and some of them looked sleepy. They also

did not prepare the book yet. Seeing this condition, I did asking and question

as starting point to stimulate students’ interest about the topic was being

learnt. I pointed some students to answer the questions. One of the questions

was ‘Mention 3 names of animals which has 4 legs!. The questions were also

repeated into Indonesian in order to make the students understood well and

students could answer it. After that, I take the LC and put it on the table in

front of the class.

(2) Presentation

I told to the students that they were going to learn about “Names of

Animals”. I also told that they would learn it by using LC. While pointing LC,

I explained about what LC was and how to use it briefly. Some students

looked curiosity with LC, it might be because it was the first time they saw

and found such media. LC has two sides, front and back side. On the front

side of LC, there were some animal pictures. Then, I presented the names of

animals by pointing some animal pictures attached on LC. When doing this

activity, I did not present it directly, but I stimulate the students to name the


pictures. I pointed the picture one by one and asked students to name/guess it.

Actually, most of them could name it, but they couldn’t pronounce it

correctly. They gained difficulties in pronouncing some animal names like

elephant, rabbit, and giraffe. Then, I modeled the pronunciation of each word

by pointing the pronunciation symbol on LC.

(3) Practice

I invited students randomly to come to the class. They were asked to

practice pronunciation of words. Firstly, I said one name of animal in English

and student who came to the class chose and take the correct pronunciation

symbol of 4 alternative answers. After student was sure with the answer, it

was put on LC beside the animal picture. To know whether their answer was

correct or incorrect, I let the student to check the answer by seeing the code on

the back side of LC with the code on the answer code, whether same or not.

Next, I asked the students to pronounce it based on the pronunciation symbol

they chose. Students practiced to pronounce it. Most of them still pronounce it

incorrectly. After that, I called other students who did not participate yet to

write the spelling of animals’ name based on the pronunciation symbol they

chose, on the white board.

The next activity, the students practiced spelling by taking notes from the

whiteboard about the names of animals. When they took notes, I moved

around and checked their writing. Few students still wrote it with incorrect



(4) Production

I asked students to pronounce the words about names of animals aloud in

front of the class. I recorded their voice while they pronounce the words.

b) Second Meeting

(1) Warming Up

The lesson started at 10.30. I came to the class, greet the students, and

followed by checking their attendance. I reviewed the previous lesson by

asking about what we had learnt in the previous meeting. I also asked 4

students to guess the name of animal’s picture which was shown in pictures.

When, they answered it, I recorded their voice.

(2) Presentation

I told to the students that today they were going to learn the next

materials/topic by using LC again. I told that today’s topic was “Animals

Produce Sound”. While pointing the animal’s pictures on LC, I asked students

to guess how the sound of animal was. I also asked it in Indonesia, so students

could answer it well. Then, I explained the sound produced by each animal.

For example, menyalak is bark; mengeong is meow, etc. Then, I asked them to

repeat it. After that, I presented some examples of sentences dealing with the

animals produce sound. The sentences were simple, such as: ‘The dogs bark’;

‘The cats meow’; ‘The horses neigh’, etc. I introduced the sentences which

consisted of two main words: name of animal and its sound. I modeled the

pronunciation of each sentence while pointing the animal’s pictures on LC. I

also asked students to repeat after me.


(3) Practice

I divided student randomly into 8 groups. Each group consisted of 2 or 3

students. I invited the group to come to the class one by one. The students

practiced spelling and pronunciation with LC again. The activity was rather

different from the first meeting since the students should cooperate with their

partner in group. Each student in group had their own task. Students 1: chose,

took, and put the answer on LC after I pointed one animal picture on LC.

Then, students 1 checked the answer together with the group. Students 2:

wrote the name of animal and the sentence as example before, on the

whiteboard. For example, the card is bark; the student wrote: The dogs. The

dogs bark. Student 3: pronounced the sentence loudly. For the group which

consisted of 2 students, one student put the card on LC and wrote the

word/sentence, and another student pronounced the sentence. Most groups had

chosen the spelling of animal’ sound correctly. However, there were many

students who still made mistake in pronouncing the sentence. By doing such

activity, the students gained more opportunity to explore their ability since

they learnt by doing something directly.

(4) Production

After all group practiced spelling and pronunciation by using LC. I asked

the students randomly to read the sentences which had been written on the

whiteboard aloud. I invited them to read it in front of the class since I was

going to record their pronunciation. In this stage, most students could


pronounce it correctly since they had practiced it before by using LC. Finally,

I distributed copies of exercise that should be done as homework.

c. Third Meeting

(1) Warming Up

The lesson started at 7.30. It was the first lesson at that day. When LPS

and I came to the class, the class situation was rather different. All students

had sat on their on desk, and few of them had prepared the book, although

they still talked with their friend. After putting the media and book on the

table, I asked the captain of the class to lead praying. As usual, I greet students

and checked their attendance. There were 4 students who were absent; 1

student was sick, and 4 students followed a sport competition; so there were

17 students were present. Before starting the lesson, I let students to discuss

the homework while reviewing the last lesson at the previous meeting. I asked

students to read the answer orally. I observed that all students who present did

the homework.

(2) Presentation

I distributed copies of paper about sentences. I told that the students would

learn about Foods for Animal. I explained that they were going to study about

kinds of food which were eaten by animals, like grass, banana, carrot, meat,

fruit, insect, frog, etc. These words were applied in sentences, for example

“The monkey eats banana”, “The tiger eats meat”, The rabbit eats carrot”,

etc. After all students accepted the paper, I presented the sentences and

explained them. In this case, the students learnt sentences that consist of 3


words which include noun (subject), verb (predicate), and noun (object). I also

explained it in Indonesian, so the students could understand it well. Then, I

modeled the pronunciation of each sentence by reading it aloud, and asked

students to repeat it. When doing this activity, I appointed the picture of

animal food and its pronunciation symbol. For example, the picture was

banana, the pronunciation was /bәna:nә/.

(3) Practice

I divided students in pairs with their seatmate. LPS and I distributed each

pair copies of card about incomplete sentence, such as “The tiger eats …….”.

I explained what they should do with the card. I also told the task of each

student in pairs. As the previous meeting, the students practiced to read the

names of food and sentences by using LC. The difference was they worked in

pairs not in group. The activity was nearly the same: student 1 chose, took,

and put the card had been prepared on the table. After checking the answer,

student 1 pronounced the word had been attached on LC. Meanwhile, by

bringing the card (incomplete sentence), student 2 completed the sentence

with the word had been chosen and directly read it aloud. The students in pairs

came to the front of the class randomly. They practiced the pronunciation of

word and sentence related to the topic excitedly, even though sometimes they

forgot the pronunciation, so they should repeat it more.

(4) Production

I distributed copies of paper about incomplete dialog, while LPS help me

to distribute animal picture and its food picture to the students. Each student in


seatmate gained the same pictures and dialog. The students did the exercise by

completing the dialog with the word as represented in the pictures they

gained. Firstly, they named the pictures and wrote it in the space provided.

After that, they completed the dialog by writing the words in the blanks. After

finished it, the students performed it with their seatmate in front of the class.

They seemed tried hard to pronounce the sentence in the dialog. Most of them

still read it with incorrect intonation, their intonation between a question or a

statement was the same, such as when they said, “Is it a buffalo?”, “Does it

eat mouse?”.

4) Observing the Action

When the technique of teaching spelling and pronunciation through T&K

R was being carried out, I observed the whole activities helped by LPS, and then

wrote it in field notes. The result of the observation could be explained as follows:

Generally, the TL process became more life and more fun when the

activity was applied with LC. The students’ response was good. They looked

excited and enthusiastic in engaging the lesson. They did the activities created

enjoyably. They could work individually, in group, or in pairs cooperatively when

they practiced to learn spelling and pronunciation of word/sentence related to the

topic. Beside that, it arise the interaction between student-student and teacher-

student. For instance, when the students learnt about names of animal, teacher

asked to correct their friends’ answer and there were 2 students who corrected it;

and when performing the dialog, there was an interaction between students.


T&K R was a technique that made the students were easier to learn

English, especially spelling and pronunciation. By using T&K R, they were free

to do the learning activities created by touching and moving, so it was out of seat

activities. This meant, they didn’t only sit and listen to the teacher’s explanation,

but gained more opportunities to involve and practice the materials directly in the

TL process, even it used attractive media. Therefore, children feel happy and

enjoy doing it. Beside that, T&K R was self-corrective, so the students knew their

answer directly. By so doing, they could remember best what they had done.

Through T&K R, the students were able to write words or sentences

correctly. I observed that when they wrote words and sentence on the whiteboard,

they could write it correctly. They also could complete the dialogue with proper

spelling. They could write words involving double consonant letters and they

didn’t make transposition of word anymore. They also could rewrite jumbled

letter and words into a good order. It meant their spelling ability improved.

Meanwhile, from pronunciation viewpoint, students were able to pronounce the

words correctly without looked at its letter as read the Indonesian one. They could

repeat the teacher’s saying well. When doing the activity using LC in group, I

asked students to pronounce/read the sentence aloud; they didn’t keep silent, but

responded my instruction although at the first time they still pronounced it

incorrectly. After many times they practiced it, using T&K R, they were aware the

way of writing and reading the English words were different. However, some of

students’ pronunciation awareness didn’t improve well. It was because there were

2 indicators of problem that was not good yet. Some students still read the dialog,


in this case in the form of question or statement, with incorrect intonation. They

also read it slowly. There were 11 students who improved their pronunciation

awareness, while 10 students didn’t improve yet.

Furthermore, the students became more motivated in studying English. It

was shown from the students’ behavior during TL process. There were no

students asked permission anymore to go to the toilet. The students participated in

the learning activities. However, I still should call their name first in order to

make them respond my questions or command. They kept silent if I said, “Who

wants to answer?”, but when I call their name they responded it although

sometimes their answer was incorrect. Therefore, the students were still passive

and were not quite brave to respond the question or command directly. Beside

that, the class situation was not continually occurred well. After the use of T&K R

finished, some students became passive and the attention decreased. In other

words, the students were active and motivated when the activity using T&K R

(LC) did, but, when it finished; they seemed bored and were not quite attention to

the lesson, so they became passive.

In addition, the result of posttest from the whole topic showed that the

students’ score were better compared with the pretest result. The mean score of

pretest was 58 and the mean score of posttest 1 was 72. However, from 21

students, there were 67% students who were able to reach the passing grade. It

meant that there are 14 students who reach the score above 60.


5) Reflecting the Observation Result

LPS and I reflected the result of action based on the observation result.

From the observation result, I obtained the results as follows:

(1) Classroom situation

Regarding to classroom situation, the reflections are as follows: a) the

activities of TL spelling and pronunciation using T&K R generally ran well.

When, they practiced to learn spelling and pronunciation using LC, they looked

enjoy and they cooperated with their partner cooperatively. By so doing, there

were teacher-student and student-student interaction. It could arise their self-

confidence in engaging the activity with their partner; b) the students had prepared

their book before I entered to the class; c) the students didn’t ask permission to go

to the toilet anymore; d) most of students, especially shy students were not brave

to respond my question directly, so I should call their name first in order to make

them responded it. However, some of them were brave and confident to express

their answer without being afraid of making mistakes. In short, the class was still


(2) Students’ competence

Concerning to the students’ competence, the reflections are as follows: a)

the students improved their spelling ability. It proved that after learning spelling

using LC, students could write words/sentence correctly. They didn’t make

mistake anymore, as stated in the indicators of problem. Therefore, the indicators

of problem coming from spelling ability improved. Dealing with the posttest

result, 62 % or about 14 students could reach the passing grade. It showed that


their achievement was good enough compared with pretest result; b) from

pronunciation awareness, there were two indicators of problem that didn’t’

improve yet, that is, when performing the dialog in front of the class; they still

read it with incorrect intonation. They were difficult to distinct the intonation of

questions and statements. When they read it, their speed of reading was slow even

though their voice was aloud. Therefore, they read it flat and slowly.

From the reflection above, it could be stated that Cycle 1 provided

improvement in the scope of spelling ability, but in pronunciation viewpoint, there

were still 2 indicators of problem that did not improve yet. Beside that, regarding

to classroom situation, there was also 1 indicator of problem that did not improved

yet. Some of students were still passive. Therefore, it should be created other

activities and alternative resource of T&K to refresh and encourage students’

attention and interest in learning pronunciation.

6) Revising the Action

To solve the problem that appeared in cycle 1 which included: (1) some

students still read the sentences (in the form of questions or statements) with

incorrect intonation; (2) some students read the sentences slowly; and (3) some

students still passive, especially shy students; LPS and I improved the students

pronunciation awareness and classroom activities during TL process by applying

another T&K R. It was pic-a-hole (PAH). PAH was an alternative resource that

could be used to improve students’ pronunciation awareness. It could create a new

atmosphere and maintain students’ interest since this media was different from

LC, but nearly the same. The differences were: (1) the shape (square); (2) task


content (printed question and answer were displayed on the media, so I was not

necessary to read the question orally for them; (3) the activity/way of using it.

When using PAH, the students read the question and chose the answer by placing

the nail on the hole and checked the code by lifting the card (task content).

Meanwhile, the similarities were: (1) self-corrective; and (2) the students touched

and moved when using it (learning by doing).

LPS and I then, created PAH which focused on practicing intonation of

sentence and reading it faster in order to improve students’ pronunciation

awareness. I also created the task content in short, so that all students could join

and participate well.

Moreover, the various media and activity, like using PAH would attract

the students’ motivation and attention in engaging the lesson. By so doing, they

would not easy to be bored and kept in attention, so they could follow the lesson

well. Beside that, they would be brave to respond the questions or command,

without being afraid of making mistakes. Therefore, it was expected that the

classroom situation would improved.

b) Cycle 2

1) Planning the Action

Based on the result of Cycle 1, the action plan for the second cycle was

made. It was made to be done in Cycle 2 since there were some indicators of

problem that did not improve yet. They included: (1) the students could not read

the dialog with correct stress and intonation; (2) the students’ speed of reading

was slow; and (3) some students are still passive, I should call their name first


when asking something. Considering the problem and time, I decided to do action

in Cycle 2 during 2 meetings. It was conducted on March, 12th and 14th 2009.

Before doing the second cycle, I, helped by LPS, prepared the materials,

the media of PAH, lesson plans, audio recording, observation sheets, students’

exercise sheet, and posttest 2. The material, exercise sheet, and posttest 2 were

suited and related to the topic. I discussed with LPS about the topic was going to

learn at cycle 2. After discussing, we decided to continue the next topic, that was

“Days and Months”. In this case, the students studied about names of days and

months, and also the sentences and dialog about days and months. By preparing

everything was needed at cycle 2, the action could be done well and the objectives

stated on lesson plan could be achieved.

2) Implementing the Action

As stated in Cycle 1, I used PAH as alternative media of T&K R in

delivering the material. In this cycle, the material covered names of days and

months, which were expanded into sentences and dialog. I created and varied the

learning activities by using PAH, such as I asked students to make simple

sentence based on the answer at PAH, in front of the class. Such activity provided

students to explore their pronunciation awareness and braveness.

As the previous action, the implementation consisted of 4 parts: warming

up, presentation, practice, and production. The first day of Cycle 2 would learn

about names of days and months from January to June, and then it was expanded

with learning simple sentences like It is January, Today is Monday, etc. In the

second meeting, the students continued to study names of months from July to


December and it also varied with dialog (asking and question about the names of


a) First Meeting

(1) Warming Up

The lesson started at 10.30. After greeting and checking students’

attendance, I did asking and question related to the topic. For example: “We

don’t go to school on …”; “New year comes at …”, etc. I also said it in

Indonesia, so the students understood the question and could answer it in

English. This activity stimulated students to start the lesson that was going to


I stated that the class would move on the next unit that the topic was

“Days and Months”. I told them that they were going to learn about the names

of days and months, and then followed by studying making a very simple

sentence and reading it aloud with correct intonation. Furthermore, I said that

they would study by using PAH. I explained how the use of it briefly to make

the students more familiar.

(2) Presentation

I asked students to open ‘Enjoy English Book’ on page 66. It was about

names of days and months. I presented the names of days and months. I

modeled the pronunciation of it and asked students together to repeat after me.

Then, I distributed 21 copies of paper about sentences related to days and

months, such as ‘It is May’, ‘Tomorrow is Sunday’, etc. After all students

received the paper, I asked some students to try to read the sentences. It aimed


to know their awareness in pronouncing sentences before I modeled it. Some

of them could read it well and some of them could read it but slowly.

Therefore, I presented the pronunciation of each sentence and asked students

to repeat it together.

(3) Practice

The students learnt about days and months by using PAH. When doing the

activity using PAH, the students had to pay attention on the question and its

possible answers printed on the card, and then placed the nail on the hole in

the answer they thought correct. After the nail put on the hole, students

checked the answer by lifting the card. If it was correct, the card could be

lifted easily and vice versa. Finally, they should pronounce the answer or

make a sentence based on the answer and then read it aloud.

The students started to learn using PAH. The students did it individually,

so they were freer to express their idea toward the question/answer. Without

calling their name first, I invited who wanted to come to the class and answer

the question by choosing the best answer of 2 or 3 options. I did not expect

before; the students’ response was good. They were enthusiastic. Nearly all

students raised their hand and came to the class to answer it. Even, shy

students that often passive, get hurry to come to the class. They wanted to gain

the first chance than the others. They were excited to do it although they did it

individually. It showed that their confidence increased. They came to the class

one by one. They read the question by their selves and answer it. Then, they

practiced to read the answer aloud. Before they sit down, I asked them to


practice making a simple sentence directly without writing it, as the previous

example, and then reading it loudly. When they pronounced it incorrectly, I

modeled the correct one and asked them to repeat it. From 15 students who

answered the questions, there was a student who answered it incorrectly.

(4) Production

After the students practiced to pronounce the words and sentence about

days and months many times, I asked them to come to the class randomly and

bringing the paper they gained before. I asked them to read the sentences.

Each student had chance to read 3 words or sentences. When they read it, I

recorded their pronunciation. Most of them could read it with correct

intonation, but still slowly.

b) Second Meeting

(1) Warming Up

The lesson started at 7.30. I came to the class together with LPS. I asked

the leader of the class to lead praying. After putting the media on the

whiteboard, I greet students and checked their attendance. To review the

lesson of the previous meeting, I asked some students to mention 3 names of

days and months orally. Some students raised their hand and said, “Saya,

Bu….”, loudly. I was happy to see it. Then, I moved forward their table asked

them to answer while I recorded their voice. The students could answer it


I told to the students that they would study by using PAH again. They

looked happy when I told it. Some students said, “Hore…!”. Then, I told that


they were going to continue the previous topic, namely names of months from

July to December, but, it also still related to months from January to June. The

students also would learn the dialog about ‘What month is it?’.

(2) Presentation

I asked students to look at “Enjoy English Book” on page 67, and paid

attention on the names of months from July to December. I read it and the

students in choral repeat it after me. Then, I wrote a simple dialog related to

the topic. I modeled how to perform the dialog. I emphasized on the

intonation used to read a question or a statement. I reminded them again that it

was different, so they should pay attention on it.

(3) Practice

I put some cards which contained printed question and its options in the

PAH. I invited students individually to come to the class and answer the

question. As the previous meeting, the students looked impatient to gain the

first turn in answering the question on PAH. They did the activity fast. One by

one the students came to the class, took the nail, and placed it on the hole.

Without my instruction first, they lifted the card. At that occasion all student’

answer were correct. After they answer it, they practiced to pronounce the

answer loudly. They looked so confident when they pronounce it. It could be

stated that the students were happy to do it. They moved from their seat to the

front of the class and did something.


(4) Production

I distributed copies of dialog. The dialog was about ‘What month is it?’. I

asked students to do it in pairs. Firstly, they should fill or complete the dialog

with the correct name of month which was suitable with the number on the

paper. Each student in pairs gained the same number. For example the number

was 10, so the students had to write October on the blank space in the dialog.

When they did the exercise, I moved around while checking their writing. It

was done to ensure whether students’ spelling ability really improved. Most of

them had been able to write it correctly.

After finished it, I asked students randomly to perform the dialog with

their seatmate in front of the class. For example, one student said, “What

month is it?”, and another student answered, “It is August”. When performing

it, I recorded their voice in order to obtain the accurate data of students’

pronunciation. Most students could read the dialog with correct pronunciation

and intonation.

3) Observing the Action

In Cycle 2, I used another alternative material of T&K R, pic-a-hole

(PAH). I applied it and implemented the action in the class. During the

implementation and application of PAH, the students’ pronunciation awareness

became change. The indicator of problem could be solved, so that their

pronunciation awareness improved. It showed that they were able to read

sentences and perform the dialog with correct pronunciation and intonation. They


became aware that when they read a question or statement, the intonation should

be different, so it was clear and acceptable.

The result of learning process or class situation was also better. When the

technique of T&K R applied, the TL process was more living and fun. It was

because the students were more active and brave to join the lesson from the

beginning until the end of the lesson. Therefore, the students’ attention increased

and they were not sleepy during TL process. By conducting such resource, it

could maintain the students’ interest since it used various material of T&K R, so it

was not monotonous. Furthermore, the students gained new situation in TL

process. They found many experience in learning pronunciation when using PAH.

It created different atmosphere that was different from everyday lesson which did

not use certain media, and tended to text book. Through T&K R, the students had

chance to learn by themselves and they did not only gain knowledge but also

experience. The use of T&K R also balanced the students’ brain and physic/motor

coordination since they learnt by touching and moving to gain the knowledge.

During applying the technique, a good atmosphere created in the class.

The students participated in TL process actively. They were more confident to

respond the questions/instruction. It could be proven that when I asked who

wanted to try to answer the question displayed on PAH, 90% students raised their

hand and wished to gain the turn. It showed that nearly all students really

enthusiast to involve in the learning activity. In the end of the lesson, I always

asked about their feeling toward the lesson. All of them said that they felt happy

and enjoy the lesson. They also said that the lesson became fun.


The result of pronunciation activity was better than the previous cycle.

Students were able to read the dialog using correct pronunciation and intonation.

The score of oral test at posttest 2 ranged from 70 to 80. Generally, most students

had a good pronunciation. Their speaking was understandable, but sometimes they

made a little error in pronouncing plural noun/verbs for singular noun. It meant,

they sometimes still pronounce words with some noticeable errors. However, for

their level as beginner, it is still acceptable. There was also an improvement of

posttest 2 result. The score of post test 2 showed that 90% of 21 students obtained

the score above the passing grade, 60. The result increased from 67% at posttest 1

became 90% at posttest 2; both written and oral test.

4) Reflecting the Observation Result

I reflected the result of the second cycle with LPS, based on the

observation result which was gathered from field notes. The reflections were as

follows: 1) the class situation became more living, there were interaction between

student-student and teacher-student; 2) the students were active to participate in

the TL process. They were more enthusiasts in following the lesson. They also

responded the question or command even tough I didn’t call their name first.

Even, the shy students became more confident and brave to compete with other

students to gain opportunity to answer the question on PAH. Therefore, during TL

process their attention increased and they were not sleepy since they had many

fun activities; 3) the students’ pronunciation awareness improved. The students

could pronounce the sentences correctly. The intonation of reading a question and

a statement was correct, so it was acceptable. There were 80% of 21 students who


improved their pronunciation awareness. The percentage showed that more than

half of all students’ pronunciation awareness improved, so it could be stated that

T&K R was a technique that could be applied in English lesson to improve

students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness.

LPS and I reflected that many opportunities and practiced using T&K R

could motivate and encourage students to study spelling and pronunciation of

English words. After applied T&K R, the student could write words/sentences

easily. They also could pronounce the words/sentences in English correctly, even

though their accent was not as good as native-like.

The posttest 2 in Cycle 2 showed the improvement result. It was much

better than before. The score gained by the students ranged from 70 to 90. Most of

them could reach the passing grade. The percentage showed that in posttest 1of

Cycle 1, there were 67% or about 14 students of 21 students who reached the

passing grade, while at posttest 2 of Cycle 2, there were 95% or 20 students

reached the passing grade.

5) Final Reflection

From the observation results of cycle 1 and cycle 2, it could be concluded

that using T&K R could improve the students’ spelling ability and pronunciation

awareness at the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pojok 02. It could be seen that

the indicators of problem, both from competence and classroom situation

viewpoint, improved. The percentage showed that over than 70% of 21 students

reached the passing grade. In other words, the posttest score at cycle 2 showed

much better achievement compared with the posttest score at cycle 1. It also


showed that more than 70% of all students participated actively in the TL process.

They were more active and brave in learning English by doing some various

activities using T&K R. They also became more enthusiast and paid attention

during TL process.

LPS and I then, decided to stop the cycle since all the indicators of

problem had improved, and the time was limit, even though not all students

showed the improvement.

B. Result Findings and Result Discussion

1. Result Findings

After analyzed the research result which were gathered from several

sources of data which include pre observation report, field notes, interviews,

research diaries, audio recording, photograph, lesson plans, and the score of

pretest and posttest; I obtained several findings which answered the research

questions as stated in chapter 1. The research findings were as follows: the

improvement of students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, and the

improvement of classroom situation in the English class when the technique was

applied. Furthermore, I found the other findings were occurred during and after

the research implementation by using T&K R. The findings were summarized at

Table 4. 3. as follows:


Table 4. 3. Research Findings

Research Findings Before AR After AR 1. The improvement of

students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness

Students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness was low

Students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness improve

a. Students’ spelling ability

· Students couldn’t write the jumbled letters or words

· Students are able to write the jumbled letters or words into a good order

· Students often made a lot of mistake in writing words involving double consonant letters (rabit, bufalo, cofe, gras, etc.)

· Students are able to write words involving double consonant letters (buffalo, grass, rabbit, etc.)

· Students made transposition of letters (elepanht, croocdile, gaot, gilr, etc.)

· Students are able to write words without transpose the letter (elephant, crocodile, goat, etc.)

· Students wrote a correct spelling of another word (now: no, eat: it)

· Students wrote words incompletely and sometimes changing the letters (dring, sanday, swallo)

· Students write a correct spelling of the meant word (now, eat)

· Students write words completely and without changing the letter (drink, Sunday, swallow)

b. Students’ pronunciation awareness

· Students pronounced words as the Indonesian one/by looking at its letter

· Students are able to pronounce the words based on its sound not its letter

· Students didn’t read sentence using proper stress and intonation

· Students are able to pronounce the words/sentences with correct stress and intonation

· Students read the words/sentences slowly with low voice

· Students read the words/sentences faster and louder

· Students kept silent and looked at me in a long time when I asked to read

· Students respond and read the words/sentence loudly without being afraid of making mistakes

· Students couldn’t repeat what teacher’s saying when reading words/sentences

· Students are able to repeat it well

c. The achievement of students’ test score

· The achievement of spelling and pronunciation test (pretest) was low. Students gained score under the passing grade, 50% students reached the passing grade

· The achievement of spelling and pronunciation test (posttest 2) increase. Students gain the score above the passing grade, 95% reach the passing grade

2. The improvement of classroom situation during TL process by using T&K R

· Students had just prepared the materials (English book, note book, pencil, etc.) when I had asked to do it

· Students have prepared the materials before I enters the class

· Some students especially boys often asked permission to go to

· No students ask permission to the toilet when TL process run


toilet when TL process run · Students were passive during TL


§ Most of students waited me called their name first to respond my question/command § Students seldom to ask

question related to the topic

· Some students are more active, brave, and confident during TL process § Students respond my

question/command directly

§ Most students are brave

to ask question related to the topic

· Students made noises

§ Some of them were sleepy when TL process run

§ Students lacked in attention

to the lesson

· Students are not noisy anymore, they are noisy because they discuss with their friend about the lesson § Students are not sleepy.

T&K R attract their interest to join the lesson § Students pay attention to

the lesson · Some students were lazy to do

exercise or homework · Students do the exercise and

homework 3. The teacher’s behavior · I often used traditional method;

presentation technique · I used various technique

· I had little interaction with students

· I get closer and interact with students frequently

4. Students’ behavior outside the class

· After ending the lesson, students immediately went out the class

· After ending the lesson, most students are still in the class and play the T&K R again

· Students didn’t look for me when the English lesson was in progress and I came late

· Students look for me in the teacher’s room and tell me that the time is for English lesson

· Students just smile when meet me on the way

· Students smile and call my name when we meet each other

Based on the Table 4. 3. above, it could be seen that there were some

findings found in the research, which include:

(1) The improvement of students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness

a) The improvement of students’ spelling ability

T&K R improved both students’ spelling ability and pronunciation

awareness. Dealing with spelling ability, the improvement showed that students

were able to write English words even sentence correctly. After practicing by


using T&K R many times, they were accustomed to write words using correct

spelling. They wrote words involving double consonant letter correctly. They also

were able to write words without transpose the letters or wrote a correct spelling

of another word. Formerly, they often wrote ‘elepahtn’, elephatn, croocdile,

sneak, foot (food), tree (three), six (sick), etc. Now, they didn’t gain difficulties in

writing such words. Beside that, when they asked to rewrite the jumbled

letter/words, they wrote it into a good order. Before applying the technique, some

students often forgot to write words completely when they took notes from the

whiteboard or wrote the answer in test. After practiced it using LC and PAH, they

became more carefully, so that their writings were readable and understandable.

Another good impact of applying T&K R in studying spelling and pronunciation

was for about 80% students wrote the answer with correct spelling on posttest 1

and 85% on posttest 2. It could be concluded that from 21 students there were 18

students improved their spelling ability, and it increased 5% from posttest 1 to

posttest 2. It really showed a good achievement and improvement on spelling


The achievement of spelling ability is reflected on written test which is

conducted through posttest 2. It can be seen from the score of students on written

test. The written test here tends to emphasize on students’ ability when they wrote

the answers in written form. In this case, I checked their writing in answering the

question. After that, I gained the score. The score here then, I added with the score

of pronunciation test. The score was very good since there was an improvement

from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2.


b) The improvement of students’ pronunciation awareness

Meanwhile, regarding to pronunciation viewpoint, it showed that 80%

students improved their pronunciation. It was proven that all indicators of problem

dealing with students’ pronunciation awareness could be overcome well. At the

first cycle, there were 50% students whose their pronunciation improved. There

were also 2 indicators of problem which were not solved, namely students read

dialog using incorrect intonation and read it slowly. Then, the action was done at

Cycle 2. It was done by applying the alternative material of T&K R, which

expanded with various activities. By using it, the students’ pronunciation

awareness became better. It showed the improvement of students’ pronunciation

awareness; students were able to pronounce words and sentences correctly

although it wasn’t as perfect as native. However, when it was compared with

students’ pronunciation before applying T&K R, the students’ pronunciation

underwent change and better than before. Based on the indicators of problem

found in pronunciation viewpoint, the improvement of students’ pronunciation

awareness could be elaborated as follows: through T&K R, students had more

opportunities to engage the lesson, they could learn by themselves, and they also

gained chance to practice their pronunciation after doing the activity by using LC

and PAH. By having these experiences, the students’ pronunciation awareness

improved. First, students were aware that the way to pronounce the English words

was different from the Indonesian one since in English one letter had more than

one sound. Therefore, they didn’t look at its letter anymore when pronouncing the

words/sentence. Second, the students were able to read the words/sentence and


dialog with correct stress and intonation. They could differentiate how to read a

question or a statement with correct intonation. The data showed that teacher

experience inspiring moment during carrying out the research can be seen from

the teacher’s diary. In my diary, I wrote: “Aku sangat senang hari ini, semua

siswa bisa perform dialog dengan lancar. Tanpa malu-malu mereka

mempraktikannya di depan kelas. Hal yang paling membuatku senang adalah

mereka bisa membaca kalimat baik statement maupun question dengan

pronunciation dan intonasi yang benar. Aku benar-benar lega karena saat Cycle

1, mereka tidak bisa mengucapkannya dengan baik. Akhirnya di Cycle 2 ini,

mereka bisa menunjukkan bahwa mereka bisa. T&K R memang is the best”. From

that diary, I’m happy and satisfied with the result of students’ pronunciation

awareness at Cycle 2. I, myself, as the teacher always expect that this result could

be kept well, and the students always remember and do it better and better from

day to day when pronouncing English words. Third, they were more confident

when reading words/sentences aloud. Their speed of reading was faster than

before and their voice was louder. Next, students were not afraid in making

mistakes when they pronounced words, so that they didn’t kept silent and looked

at the teacher in a long time, but they read it aloud when I asked them to read.

Beside that, in the TL process, I always modeled the pronunciation of

words/sentences first. When I asked them to repeat after me, they could repeat it

correctly, whereas before applying T&K R in the class, most of them often made

mistake in repeating it.


Related to the improvement of students’ achievement on spelling and

pronunciation from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2, it can be summarized at Table 4. 4. and

Table 4. 5 below:

Table 4.4. The Improvement of Students’ Achievement

Subcycle Observation Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Kind of test Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2 Mean of students’ score 54, 29 67,81 82,05 Increasing of students’ mean score

13,52 14,24

Table 4. 5. The Sample of Students’ Achievement

Students’ initial name S P S M S R Pre test 65 65 45

Posttest 1 86 84 59 Posttest 2 90 88 83

Mean score 80,33 79 62,33

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that students has a good

achievement at posttest 2. Their score increased from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. That

score was score which was gained from written test and oral test, and then divided

into two, and gained the result as shown in the table.

(2) The improvement of classroom situation

The classroom situation during TL process improved after the application

of T&K R in the English class. Through T&K R, especially LC and PAH, the

students were free to learn by themselves. They learnt by doing something

individually, in group, or in pairs. T&K R attracted the students’ motivation and

interest to involve in the English lesson, so that, before I entered the class, they

had prepared the materials like English book, notes book, and pencil. Even, there


were no students who asked permission anymore to go to the toilet during the


Their participations increased during TL process. In the third meeting of

Cycle 1, when the students learnt using LC, there is a student who said, “Asyik,

jadi enak ya?”. The student’s comment indicated that the student feel happy and

enjoy learning with T&K R. They seemed accustomed to use it. The students’

participation also could be seen when I invited them to read the words/sentences

on the whiteboard. Without calling their name first, some students raised their

hand and said, “Saya, Bu”, “Saya dulu, Bu”, “Bu, nanti ditambah It is gitu baru

dibaca?”, etc. It showed that T&K R stimulated and provide impulse for the

students to participate actively during TL process. Moreover, in applying T&K R,

I made the students to work together with their friend or alone. Therefore, they

could work individually, in group or in pairs cooperatively. This created an

interaction between student-student and made them get closer each other. Beside

that, their attention to the lesson increased. They seemed noisy only when they

discussed with their partner about the topic which was being learnt at that time.

Furthermore, the students did the exercise and homework I gave for them. They

were diligent in doing it. For instance, after discussing the homework, the students

said, “Bu, nilainya dimasukkan ya?”, this showed that they did the homework


Meanwhile, in the second cycle, the students became more active than

before. They were active in responding the question/command, and in asking

question related to the topic. They also participated in learning activity when


using PAH before I called their name first. I opened opportunity for students to

answer the question displayed on PAH. As I expected, the students’ response was

good. The students came to the class while running one by one. They competed

each other to gain the turn. Even, there was a student who gained the turn to use

PAH twice. It could be seen that nearly all students expected to participate in the

learning activity. They looked so enthusiast and excited. When all questions had

been answered, one student said, “Yach, wis enthek. Lagi Bu?”. It showed that

they want to learn again using PAH. It could be seen from their comment during

the lesson. Their comments were various as found at the filed note, “Bu, enak

banget belajar pakai itu”,“Iya, lagi dong Bu…”, “Enak iki yo, luwih nyenengke”,

“Enak kabeh nek aku”. It can be seen that the students like to learn English using

T&K R very much. It was proved when I interviewed about their feeling after

learning using T&K R, they felt that their studying become fun and pleasing. All

of them said that they feel very excited and enjoy in learning English. It can be

quoted from the interview of the students’ comment as follows:

WPNS :“Jadi enak Bu belajarnya, jadi lebih mudah gitu”.Jadi bisa membaca dan menulis yang betul”.

PFH : “Senang Bu belajar bahasa Inggris. Soalnya ada gambarnya”. INC :“Lebih mudah belajarnya. Jadi semangat belajar, apalagi kalau

disuruh menulis jawaban, saya jadi suka”. NW : “Saya juga Bu. Belajar jadi asyik dan menyenangkan”. MEC : “Jadi semangat belajar. Nggak gampang ngantuk Bu”.

Furthermore, some students were brave to ask questions about the topic. It

indicated that they followed and concentrated on the lesson well. For example,

when I asked them to complete the dialog, there were some students raised their

hand and asked something, for example as seen in the field note, “Bu, nanti


dibaca terus direkam nggak?. They seemed gain a new situation of doing activity

using PAH in the class. It also changed the classroom situation becoming more

life and joyful. During the implementation of action in Cycle 2, the students’

activeness and motivation increased. It proved that from 21 students, there were

90% of them participate actively in the TL process, such as in answering the

question, in asking question, in performing dialog, and so forth.

(3) The improvement of teacher’s behavior

The teacher’s behavior improved. Formerly, I often used presentation

technique, and sometimes I used pictures when presenting new vocabularies.

There were not various activities which could be explored during TL process.

Instead, the students sat and listened to my explanation. After applying T&K R, I

was accustomed to create some activities which combined with T&K R. Beside

that, there were interaction between students and me, so I felt that I was closer

with the students. The interaction made the lesson became live. The data showed

that teacher experience inspiring moment during conducting the research can be

seen from the teacher’s diary. For example, in the process of TL at the first day of

Cycle 2, I wrote in my diary: “Aku tak menyangka kalau aku bisa melakukan

pendekatan dengan murid-muridku seperti ini. Aku bisa lebih dekat dengan para

siswa. Mereka tidak takut atau malu lagi berkomunikasi denganku. Aku betul-

betul happy. Suasana jadi lebih hidup dan rasanya tidak seperti pelajaran

sebelumnya yang tampak tegang dan pasif. Ada interaksi yang bagus antara

siswa dengan guru maupun siswa dengan siswa. Kalau seperti ini rasanya waktu

cepat sekali berlalu. Ternyata T&K R benar-benar membantu aku dalam


mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas. Thanks for T&K R”. The quotation of the

teacher’s diary showed that the class was really better than before in the term of

teacher-student or students-student interaction. Therefore, the lesson becomes

interactive and communicative.

(4) The improvement of students’ behavior outside the English class

There was also the improvement of students’ behavior outside the English

class. At the end of the lesson, after I said good bye, usually students immediately

went out the class, but after the application of T&K R, they didn’t went out in

hurry. For example, when using LC, in the second day of Cycle 1, most of

students was still in the class and played with LC. Moreover, the students became

closer and care with English lesson. When the English lesson was in progress and

I came late to the class, some of them met me in the teacher’s room and told that it

was the time for English lesson and asked mo to teach them soon. The teacher’s

diary showed that the students were not patient to have the English lesson soon.

For instance, I wrote in my diary: “Hari ini aku masuk ke kelas agak terlambat

karena harus menyiapkan semua materi pelajaran dulu. Tapi untungnya ada LPS,

sehingga tidak terasa berat dan terburu-buru. Saat aku akan melangkah ke luar

kantor, ada beberapa siswa yang menghampiri dan berkata, “Bu, jadwalnya

bahasa Inggris lho…”. Aku diam sejenak karena tak menyangka kalau siswa akan

berkata seperti itu. Dalam hati aku betul-betul senang tak terkira karena ini

adalah perubahan yang bagus dan harus dipertahankan”. From that data, it could

be seen that T&K R changed the students’ behavior. Beside that, when they met

me on the way they didn’t only smile but also call my name. It indicated that the


use of T&K R did not only provide a positive improvement inside the English

class, but also outside the English class.

Based on the data analysis above, it could be interpreted that using tactile

and kinesthetic resources improved students’ spelling ability and pronunciation

awareness at the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pojok 02. It also made the

classroom situation became more life, fun, and interactive.

2. Result Discussion

The last step of action research was discussing the research result. Based

on the data obtained from the research findings, I construct theories and then write

selected theories. The theories are gained from the research data which are

collected during conducting the study. Those theories can be presented as follows:

a) T&K R improves students’ ability on spelling

T&K R was an effective technique to improve students’ spelling ability.

Through this technique, the problem could be overcome effectively. It proves that

T&K R can active the students in participating during TL process. It stimulates

and motivates the students to learn English words easily. They become brave and

confident in writing English words without afraid of doing mistakes. Through

T&K R, the students can see directly the spelling of words together with its

picture. This does not only attract the students, but also facilitate them in

identifying the correct spelling of words since the students gain opportunity to

learn spelling of words by choosing one of the alternatives. They do something

with T&K R when choose the correct spelling, so they can remember well what


they’ve done. As the explanation before, the improvement showed that students

changed and improved their ability in spelling. It could reach the goals, even

much better than the target planned before. The improvement showed that

students could write words/sentences with correct spelling at Cycle 2. For

example, a group of student could write the word and sentence simultaneously on

the whiteboard correctly, such as ‘The dogs. The dogs bark’; most of students

completed the dialog by writing the answer with correct spelling

b) T&K R improves students’ pronunciation awareness

T&K R was also an effective technique to improve students’ pronunciation

awareness. Regarding to pronunciation awareness, the students could pronounce

and read the words/sentences aloud appropriately. The students can identify the

pronunciation of words directly through T&KR. They learn it by doing some

activities that involve their touching and moving. Therefore, they practically and

directly learn the pronunciation of words by themselves. The result is they could

read using correct pronunciation and intonation, although there was still one

student who couldn’t read well. The student belonged to level 2. It meant that

people could understand what the student said, but it was unpleasant to listen as

the student read the word unclearly. Concerning to grading criteria, the student

gained score C or about 6,5. It was because the student frequently made repeated

error. However, there were still more than half of all students who could read

words/sentences using correct pronunciation and intonation. Most of students

gained score B or about 7,0 - 8,4. It indicated that generally, their pronunciation

was good, but sometimes with some noticeable errors; for instance when they


pronounced plural nouns, like the word goats. Furthermore, seen from the quality

of product, in this case posttest result, it showed that the mean score was 72 at

Cycle 1 and 87 at Cycle 2. In addition, there were 90% of 21 students or about 20

students which underwent spelling ability and pronunciation awareness

improvement at Cycle 2. It could be concluded that from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2,

there was a positive improvement and a good achievement of posttest result. It

also indicated that the TL process was run well since the output was fulfilling.

c) T&K R improves English class situation

The result of the study showed that using T&K R as a teaching technique

provide stimulator in building the students’ motivation to learn spelling and

pronunciation. When the student had high motivation, they could learn well and

reach the goals as stated in the lesson plan. High motivation influenced their

braveness. The students became brave in responding the teacher’s

questions/command or in asking question to the teacher. They also brave in

joining their selves in the whole activities created by the teacher. They looked

enthusiast and pleased in doing the activities. The data gathered from interview

with students proved that they felt happy and excited when they learn by using

T&K R. They said that their studying became easy and fun. They gained

opportunity to do something during TL process, so they gained direct experience

in studying English especially spelling and pronunciation. Therefore, after using

T&K R, they had high motivation and braveness in joining the lesson.

The English class was different. There was a positive change compared to

the class before the technique applied. T&K R was also the technique that


provided positive influences to the classroom situation. The technique stimulated

and motivated the students to involve practically during TL process. The results of

the activities in the last cycle were good and pleasing. A good atmosphere was

created in the classroom. It made the students being comfort and active to join the

lesson and asking question with the teacher. In the second cycle, there were 90%

of 21 students who did the activities using PAH. They responded the question on

PAH by coming to the class and chose the best answer. They also practiced to

pronounce the answer aloud. At that time, I didn’t call their name first as usual,

but directly and spontaneously, they came to the class. It implied that T&K R

stimulated and attracted the students to join the activities during TL process. The

students did not only answer the question, but also asked questions to the teacher;

so the interaction was life. The using of T&K R also motivated the students to

have a will to participate actively in the TL process. Therefore, the class became

more life and made the students comfort to study in the class until the end of the

lesson. In short, T&K R changed the class atmosphere became interactive, active,

and joyful.

LPS and I also reflected that based on the research findings, the

application of T&K R provided the other findings that were not expected before.

It derived from teacher and students side. Both of the findings presented a good

changed in the terms of teacher’s behavior, and students’ behavior outside the

English class. The application of the technique built a good condition in

implementing the TL in the class, especially English class. Such condition could

impulse the students’ mind and emotion in viewing the English lesson. They


would feel comfort and calm whenever they met the English lesson. Therefore, it

could influence their achievement, in this case English score, since they learn

English because they need and desire to, not because a compulsory that must they

do as a student. When they felt that they learn is because an obligatory, it was

seemed hard to do, but when they learn because they need and desire to from their

selves, they would learn naturally and easily. In short, T&K R was very good

technique since it’s not motivated and stimulated but also balanced the students’

brain, psychic, and motor coordination simultaneously.

LPS and I decided to bring to an end the cycle at Cycle 2 since the

indicators of problem coming from competence and classroom situation viewpoint

had been overcome well and effectively, so it found a good improvement and

achievement as well, on the term of spelling ability and pronunciation awareness,

and classroom situation. Moreover, the result of posttest 2 at Cycle 2 showed a

better improvement. There were 95% of all students or about 20 students who

gained the score above the passing grade. Beside that, the research was stopped

since the limited time. The research was expected not bother the students to face

the mid test of second semester, so it was ended at Cycle 2.




The chapter discusses about the conclusion of the research, the

implication, and the suggestion for the teacher, the students, the Institutions of

Education, and for the other researchers. Each section is described as follows:

A. Conclusion

The research is about the application of T&K R to improve students’

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness. This research is conducted in two

cycles. The findings of the research show the improvement of students’

achievement on spelling and pronunciation, and also the improvement of English

class situation. In short, the research findings obtained from this study can be

concluded as follows:

1. Competence viewpoints

The improvement of students’ spelling ability:

· Students are able to write the jumbled letters or words into a good order

· Students are able to write words involving double consonant letters (buffalo,

grass, rabbit, etc.)

· Students are able to write words without transpose the letter (elephant,

crocodile, goat, etc.)

· Students write a correct spelling of the meant word (now, eat)


· Students write words with complete letters and without changing the letter

anymore (Sunday, drink, December, month)

The improvement of students’ pronunciation awareness:

· Students are able to pronounce the words based on its sound not its letter.

· Students are able to pronounce the words/sentences with correct stress and


· Students read the words/sentences faster and louder.

· Students respond and read the words/sentence loudly without being afraid of

making mistakes.

· Students are able to repeat the teacher’s pronunciation well.

2. Class situation

· Students have prepared the materials before I enters the class.

· No students ask permission to the toilet when TL process run.

· Some students are more active, brave, and confident during TL process:

students respond my question/command directly; most students are brave to

ask question related to the topic.

· Students are not noisy anymore, they are noisy because they discuss with

their friend about the lesson: students are not sleepy. T&K R attract their

interest to join the lesson; students pay attention to the lesson.

· Students do the exercise and homework

Based on the point above, it can be concluded that the research result

shows a positive improvement of spelling ability and pronunciation awareness,

and the classroom situation when the technique is applied in the English class.


Before conducting AR, the students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness

is low. They can’t write words with correct spelling, and also often make mistakes

in pronouncing words/sentences. It causes the low of students’ achievement in the

test. The students who gained the score above the passing grade is 50% or about

11 students of 21 students. After doing AR through T&K R, the students’ spelling

ability and pronunciation awareness improve. The students are able to write any

words with correct spelling, related to the topic of English lesson for class 5. It is

proven that the students can determine the correct spelling of 3/4 alternative

answers, and they also can write sentence based on certain word correctly. When

doing the exercise, they write the words based on pictures and rewrite the jumbled

letters correctly. Furthermore, after learning and practicing many times using

T&K R, students are able to pronounce words/sentences using correct

pronunciation, stress, and intonation. They are also able to read it fast and louder.

It is proven that they are able to perform the dialog appropriately in front of the

class. In short, during TL process, from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2, students undergo an

improvement. They are better than before, both on spelling ability and

pronunciation awareness. Therefore, the achievement of posttest increases from

Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. In Cycle 1, the mean score is 72 and there are 67% students

who gain the score above the passing grade; while the mean score in Cycle 2 is

87 and there are 19 students who reach the passing grade. It could be concluded

that there is an improvement for about 23% of 21 students.

The technique of T&K R also influences the classroom situation occurred

in during TL process. The process of TL improves from passive to be more active


and interactive. There is new situation and a good atmosphere in English class.

The class become more life and joyful during TL process. From day to day, the

students who make a noise decrease. They more pay attention and concentrate to

the lesson. They also join the lesson actively, so they are not sleepy and bored.

Even, the shy students become brave and confident to do the activity or respond

the question/command. The percentage shows that 90% students participate

actively during TL process. In addition, dealing with the diligence of doing the

task, the students do the exercise or homework well when the teacher provide it.

Therefore, the TL process run well since the students and the teacher can work

well as their own duty.

After implementing the action, there are other findings dealing with

teacher’s behavior, in this case myself as the teacher, and students’ behavior

outside the English class. The findings gathered from teacher’s diary shows that

teacher experience inspiring moment when creating activity for students. In the

diary, I write: “T&K R adalah tehnik yang memberi inspirasi kepadaku dalam

membuat aktivitas selama proses pembelajaran. Aku merasa menjadi lebih kretaif

dalam membuat main activity yang aku tulis dalam lesson plan. Aku bisa

menggali banyak event yang bisa aku ciptakan dengan menggunakan T&K R”.

The diary shows that I become more creative in conducting learning activities in

the class since I don’t make the students sit and listen to the lesson, but they have

activities to do out of their seat. By using T&K R, the relationship between

teacher and student is closer since I am not only present the materials, but also

make an interaction with them. Meanwhile, regarding to the students’ behavior


outside the English class, it can be interpreted that students become friendlier to

the teacher and they still in the class to play T&K R although the English lesson is

over. When I don’t come to the class, some students looks forward me to tell that

the time is for English lesson. It means, they expect to meet the English lesson


B. Implication

Based on the conclusion above, it can be implicated that the research

shows a good findings that is very pleasing. T&K R can be developed and

explored in the process of TL language. T&K R is really a technique that is

suitable conducted to the children or elementary school students since it is

associated with pictures or visual aid. This can be combined with various

activities in the class depending on the objectives which are going to achieve.

T&K R proves can help students and me in solving the problem on spelling and

pronunciation. Therefore, teachers need to do an action research in their class.

It is also implicated that during the implementation of T&K R in the TL

process, there are some benefits of using T&K R for the students, which include:

1. T&K R can improve students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness

when applied in the TL activity. Students learn spelling and pronunciation

easily and enjoyably. By using LC, students know the writing of each word

and its pronunciation displayed on the front side of LC. LC provided the

students different experience of learning by doing. They can learn by

themselves since directly they monitor and check the answer about spelling or


pronunciation by moving back the LC and see the code on it, whether match

or not. It indicates that LC associates pictures, words, and its pronunciation

simultaneously. Beside that, I use another kind of T&K R, namely PAH. As

LC, it is also self-corrective, so the students directly know whether the

spelling/pronunciation symbol they chose, correct or incorrect. The use of

alternative kind of T&K R aims to maintain the students’ interest and avoid

the students’ boredom toward the English class;

2. T&K R provides the students many opportunities to practice the language. They

can practice many times individually, in groups, or in pairs. In doing the

activity by using T&K R, the students can explore their mind and their

mobility to learn spelling and pronunciation. It implies that they do not only

think the correct writing or pronunciation of words with doing nothing, but

they think it while touching and moving from one side to another side.

Therefore, their brain and motor coordination work simultaneously and their

development will be balanced; 3) T&K R improves students’ self confidence

and braveness in the English class, so that they are active engaging the lesson

during TL process. T&K R indirectly insists the students to do things since the

technique deals with touching and moving. In other words, it is out of seat

activities. Because they are accustomed to join actively during TL process;

their self-confidence increase, and they are more brave to express their

opinion without afraid of making mistake. Therefore, during TL process, the

students listen to the teacher’s explanation in a little time and the time is more

used to do activities which are related to the use of T&K R. It means they


have more chance to do something by touching and moving from one place to

another place;

4. T&K R improves the students’ memory/brain. The use of such technique makes

the students remember best the things they do during TL process. It stimulates

the students’ brain work through the activities done by students frequently, so

the students can remember it well and become understand well how to write

and pronounce the English words correctly;

5. T&K R improves students’ motivation. T&K R provides some

materials/equipments that attract students’ interest to join the lesson from the

beginning until the end of the lesson. Because of that, the use of T&K R

makes their motivation become higher. They enjoy and feel happy when

learning spelling through T&K R. They gain space and chance to move

around, not only sit for a long time. By having high motivation, the students

study English excitedly and enthusiastically. Therefore, during TL process,

they follow the activity well;

6. T&K R improves students’ achievement. After studying English lesson using

T&K R, students can do the test well. The process of learning they do during

using T&K R influences their achievement. By doing something when

learning in the class, students can remember best how to write and pronounce

the English words/sentences. The result of their achievement increases from

the first cycle to the second cycle. It implicates that the TL process occurred

in the class, run well.


C. Suggestion

Having concluded the result of the research, I would like to propose some

suggestion for the teachers, the students, the Institution of Education, and the

other researchers. The suggestions can be put forward as follows:

1. For the Teachers

Suggestions are given especially to the teachers who teach

beginner/children. All teachers should learn how to enhance their competence in

teaching and to establish a good atmosphere in the class, so that the students feel

comfort to learn in the class. Especially for the English teachers, the suggestions

are as follows: (a) they should be creative to use various techniques in teaching

English in order to maintain students’ interest toward the lesson. They can use

T&K R as a technique which is combined with various activities. By so doing, the

students are motivated in joining the lesson and are not easy to be bored in TL

process; and (b) they should create an enjoyable situation of TL process and

experiences to involve practically in order to make the students willing in

improving their English.

2. For the Students

Studying English as the second language is not difficult for the children if

there is a will and motivation to learn it. The key factor of learning second

language is motivation. If the motivation is high, there is a will to be success, so

studying English will be easy. Therefore, they should have a will and motivation

in their selves. Beside that, they should be active and practice it frequently

everyday and everywhere they gain chance. If it is done, it will be a good habit.


3. For the Institution of Education

Education institution as a formal place to obtain knowledge and

experience should provide facility and media that support the TL process. By

having enough facility and media that is used in the class, the TL process can run

effectively. The institution of education also should socialize and introduce the

attractive technique in a seminar, for example, that can be applied in every school,

so that the class will not monotonous but dynamist.

4. For the Other Researchers

Action research is a research conducted in the class to solve certain

problem through certain technique/way. The other researchers should conduct the

action research to improve their class becomes better. Beside that, by doing the

research directly, they will gain experiences and insights about the application of

technique in school.



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Appendix 1

Pre Research Observation

Class : V B

Teacher : R. E.

Day/Date : Tuesday, 13th January 2009

Topic : At the Street

Students : 21

Time : 10.35 – 12.05

The lesson began at 10.35. This was the first meeting after the long

holiday of the first semester. After praying, the teacher started the lesson by

greeting the students and checking their attendance. “Good morning,

Students…How are you today?”, said the teacher. The students answered loudly,

“Good morning, I am fine, thanks, and you?”. The teacher answered the students’

greet and asked the students again, “Who is absent today? Siapa yang tidak masuk

hari ini?”. The students said, “Nihil, Bu…”. Then, the teacher reminded the

students, “Not nihil, but ‘no one’. OK?”. “Yes, Mom”, said the students.

Before telling the topic, the teacher gave warming up by asking and

question to the students about their holiday. “Suci, what’s about your holiday?

Where did you go?”, asked the teacher. The teacher also said it in Indonesian, so

the students understand the teacher’s questions. The student answered, “ I am

happy, Semarang, Bu…”. Teacher asked again, “How did you go there?”. The

students said, “bus”. That asking and questions was to introduce the students

about today’s lesson. The teacher, then, asked the students to mention what they

seen at the street. The students’ answers were various, but they pronounced the

words incorrectly. Therefore, the teacher corrected it and asked students to repeat

it. After that, the teacher asked students to open their English book and look at the

pictures on it. The teacher appointed some students to name the pictures orally.

Some of them could answer it, but most of them answered it in Indonesian. After

the students mentioned it one by one, the teacher wrote the correct words on the

whiteboard. The teacher modeled and guided the students how to pronounce it.


The students repeated it after the teacher. When doing this activity, there were

some students who did not pay attention to the teacher and did not pronounce the

words, but they were daydreaming, and did another activity like writing

something. Then, the teacher explained about the use of ‘there is and there are’.

The teacher wrote some examples on the whiteboard. The teacher explained it and

read it for the students. Then, the teacher gave chance to the students to ask

something. However, there was no student who asked to the teacher. Seeing this

condition, the teacher checked their understanding by asking students to translate

the sentence into English. The teacher said, “What is the English of ‘Ada seorang

polisi?’, ‘Ada 10 bus’?. The students answered it after the teacher pointed them,

when the teacher asked who want to answer; no students rose up their hand and

answered it. Then, the teacher asked student to take notes from the white board to

their notebook. After that, students started to do the exercise. The class was

getting noisy. Most of them discussed the answers with their seatmate; others

called their friend’s loudly to borrow pencil or dictionary, and two girl students

asked permission to go to the toilet.

After they finished it, the teacher asked some students to write the answer

on the whiteboard. Some students still wrote the words incorrectly, and some of

them wrote incorrect plural or singular nouns, so it was not suitable with the

questions. Then, the teacher and students checked the answers together. The time

was over. Before ending the lesson, the teacher reviewed the lesson, and asked

students to study today’s lesson at home and read the next page. She ended the

lesson by saying “Good bye, Students…See you…”. The students responded by

saying “Good bye…”.


Appendix 2


Catatan Lapangan Nomor : 01

Waktu Pengamatan : Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Pukul 10.35 – 12.05

Tempat Pengamatan : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Objek Pengamatan : Pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar Bahasa

Inggris di kelas V B

Pengamat : LPS

Catatan Lapangan dibuat : Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Pukul 20.00 WIB

Situasi Latar

SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari, tempat dilaksanakannya pengamatan,

terletak di desa Pojok RT 2/II, Pojok, Kecamatan Tawangsari, Kabupaten

Sukoharjo. SD ini terletak di sebelah barat Kalurahan Pojok, menghadap ke

selatan. Dilihat dari kondisi lingkungan, sekolah ini berada di pinggir jalan desa,

sehingga sebagai tempat KBM cukup memberikan kenyamanan karena tidak

banyak kendaraan yang lalu-lalang. Selain itu, di depan kelas terutama di teras

kelas, ada berbagai macam tanaman hijau dan bunga-bunga. Sehingga suasananya

tampak teduh dan asri.

Sekolah ini cukup luas, dengan 7 ruang kelas, 1 laboratorium komputer, 1

ruang guru dan kepala sekolah, serta 1 ruang perpustakaan yang cukup besar.

Namun, ruang perpustakaan belum dimanfaatkan karena baru selesai dibangun.

Selain itu, bangunan sekolah ini layak digunakan karena sudah direnovasi,

sehingga tidak ada lagi lantai yang pecah atau atap yang bocor.

Ruang kelas di SD Negeri Pojok 02 ini berjumlah 7 ruang kelas yang

masing-masing 1 ruang kelas untuk kelas I, II, III, IV, dan VI. Sedangkan untuk

kelas V terdapat 2 ruang kelas, jadi kelas V merupakan kelas parallel yang terdiri


dari kelas V A dan V B. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah siswa kelas V ada 42 siswa,

sehingga tiap kelas berjumlah 21 siswa.

Kelas V B adalah kelas yang dijadikan sebagai objek pengamatan, dengan

jumlah siswa sebanyak 21 orang yang terdiri dari 7 siswa putra dan 14 siswa putri.

Kelas ini terletak di tengah-tengah di antara laboratorium komputer dan kelas IV,

yang menghadap ke timur. Kelas ini tidak begitu jauh dari kantor guru, hanya

terpaut 3 ruang. Ruangan di kelas V B cukup luas dengan jumlah meja sebanyak

11 buah, dan kursi 21 buah. Di dalam kelas ini juga ada beberapa gambar

pahlawan, gambar Presiden dan Wapres, serta kata-kata mutiara yang ditulis

dalam ukuran besar, seperti “Tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi”, yang ditempel di

tembok sebelah kanan dan kiri. Ada juga 1 almari kayu yang digunakan untuk

menyimpan buku-buku paket atau inventaris kelas V B, terletak di sebelah kanan

meja guru. Papan tulis berwarna putih besar berada di bagian tengah depan,

sehingga semua siswa bisa melihat dengan jelas. Sapu dan sulak diletakkan di

bagian pojok paling belakang. Selain itu juga ada dua lampu neon, sehingga tetap

terang di saat cuaca mendung.

Jalannya Kegiatan

10.35 – 10.40

Pukul 10.30 bel berbunyi. Anak-anak berhamburan ke dalam kelas.

Namun, masih ada juga beberapa anak yang tidak segera masuk, tapi berdiri di

depan pintu kelas. Sementara itu, para guru juga belum bersiap-siap dan bergegas

masuk kelas. Ada beberapa guru yang masih mengobrol dan ada pula yang sibuk

mengerjakan tugas. Saya pun mendahului mereka masuk kelas, “Mangga, Pak,

Bu”. Saya berjalan menuju kelas V B. Saat melewati kelas V A, ada satu siswa

putra yang tiba-tiba bertanya, “Bu, nggak ngajar sini?”. Saya tersenyum dan

jawab, “Besok, ya?”.

KP: Ada sebagian guru yang kurang disiplin karena sudah bel masuk tapi masih berada di kantor guru. Masih ada pula anak-anak yang berada di luar kelas yang mungkin karena menunggu gurunya masuk kelas dulu. Hal ini berarti telah banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia.


10.40 – 10.50

Sampai di kelas V B, masih ada beberapa siswa yang berlarian, bercakap-

cakap, dan ada pula yang menulis di papan tulis. Saat saya masuk, mereka

bergegas duduk di tempat duduknya masing-masing. Namun, masih dalam

kondisi yang belum siap. Mereka juga belum mengeluarkan buku pelajaran.

Setelah meletakkan tas dan buku, saya mengucapkan salam kepada siswa, “Good

morning, Students…How are you today?”. Secara bersamaan mereka menjawab,

“Good morning, I am fine, thanks, and you?”. Saya pun merespon salam mereka

dan menanyakan siapa yang absent pada hari itu, “Who is absent today?” “Siapa

yang tidak masuk hari ini?”. Sebagian siswa menjawab, “Nihil, Bu”. Saya lalu

mengulangi jawaban mereka, “Bukan nihil, tapi bahasa Inggrisnya ‘no one.”

Siswa pun mengulangi kata no one, dan ada juga yang menjawab, “Yes, Bu”.

KP: Kelas V B sangat gaduh meskipun guru sudah masuk ke kelas. Kesadaran mereka kurang karena saat guru datang, mereka tidak segera mempersiapkan diri untuk mengeluarkan buku pelajaran, tapi kebanyakan masih bercakap-cakap dengan teman-temannya. Para siswa sudah membalas greeting dengan baik karena sudah terbiasa dilakukan sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

10.50 – 11.00

Hari Selasa ini adalah pertemuan pertama setelah liburan semester I. Saya

melakukan warming up dengan menanyakan seputar liburan para siswa. Saya

menunjuk salah satu siswa putri yang bernama Suci, “Suci, How’s about your

holiday? Where did you go?”. Saya kemudian mengucapkannya ke dalam bahasa

Indonesia. Suci menjawab sambil tersenyum, “I am happy”, “Semarang, Bu”.

Saya bertanya lagi, “How did you go there? Kamu ke sana naik apa?” Dia

menjawab, “bis”. Saya merespon jawabannya denagn mengatakan, “Good,

thanks”. Kemudian, saya menunjuk satu per satu siswa untuk menyebutkan apa

saja yang bisa mereka temui di jalan. Ada yang menjawab taxi, car, bus, dll.,

dengan pengucapan yang masih keliru, ada yang menjawab dengan bahasa

Indonesia, dan ada pula yang diam saja.


KP: Guru melakukan tanya jawab dengan siswa untuk menstimulasi siswa terhadap materi yang akan dipelajari. Guru merespon jawaban siswa dengan mengatakan good agar siswa tetap semangat dan tidak merasa down. Guru masih menunjuk siswa yang akan menjawab pertanyaan, sehingga terkesan siswa aktif menjawab karena perintah guru bukan karena keinginan mereka. Sebagian besar siswa masih pasif. Siswa masih kesulitan saat mengucapkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris, sehingga mereka sering melakukan kesalahan saat menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan.

11.00 – 11.30

Saya menjelaskan bahwa materi hari ini adalah tentang “At the Street”.

Para siswa saya minta untuk membuka buku mereka masing-masing dan melihat

gambar yang ada di buku. Saya juga menyuruh mereka untuk memberi nama dan

menyebutkannya secara lisan. Ada beberapa siswa yang bisa menjawab, tapi

kebanyakan masih dalam bahasa Indonesia. Saya membetulkan jawaban mereka

dan menuliskan kata-katanya di papan tulis. Saat saya menulis, suasana menjadi

gaduh. Mereka mulai bercakap-cakap, memanggil-manggil teman untuk

meminjam bolpoint, dan ada pula yang bertanya, “Bu, dicatet?”. Saya jawab,

“Iya, tapi nanti saja”. Selesai menulis, saya membacakannya satu per satu dan

siswa saya minta untuk mendengarkannya dulu. Mereka saya minta untuk

mendengarkan bagaimana pengucapan tiap kata. Setelah itu, semua siswa saya

perintahkan untuk mengulangi apa yang telah saya ucapkan. Sebagian besar siswa

mau mengikuti dan mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut, tapi ada beberapa siswa yang

menulis, berbisik-bisik dengan teman sebangkunya, dan ada pula yang melamun.

Kemudian saya menerangkan tentang penggunaan “there is” dan “there are”

beserta contohnya. Saya menuliskan contohnya di papan tulis. Saat saya

menerangkan, ada beberapa siswa yang mengantuk dan minum. Saya segera

menegur dan meminta mereka untuk memperhatikan pelajaran lagi. Saya

memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya. Tidak ada satu pun siswa

yang bertanya, mereka hanya diam dan ada sebagian yang menggelengkan kepala.

Saya meminta siswa untuk mengartikan kalimat ke dalam bahasa Inggris secara

lisan. Tetapi tak ada yang menjawab, mereka hanya berbisik-bisik dengan

temannya, atau ada juga yang menunduk. Akhirnya, guru menunjuk 2 orang siswa

untuk menjawabnya.


KP: Siswa ramai dan tidak memperhatikan pelajaran saat guru menulis dan kemudian menerangkan pelajaran. Siswa cenderung lebih sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan. Interaksi antara guru dan murid kuarng hidup, karena saat guru meminta mereka menjawab pertanyaan, tidak ada respon dari siswa sebelum guru menyebut nama mereka. Siswa merasa bosan dan mengantuk mungkin karena kegiatannya monoton, guru hanya menerangkan dan siswa hanya mendengarkan, jadi kurang ada kegiatan yang bisa melibatkan siswa secara aktif. Sehingga, siswa tampak pasif.

11.30 – 11.45

Siswa mengerjakan soal di buku tugas. Saya memberikan waktu 15 menit

untuk mengerjakan 5 soal. Suasana pun kembali gaduh, kebanyakan mereka

mediskusikan jawaban dengan teman sebangku, ada yang meminjam buku atau

kamus temannya, ada juga 2 siswi yang ijin ke toilet. Saya berkeliling melihat

pekerjaan mereka. Saat saya sampai di meja siswa putri yang bernama Wiwid, dia

bertanya,”Bu, ini betul nggak?” sambil menunjuk jawabannya yang no 1. Saya

lalu menjawab,”Ya, nanti kita bahas”. Saya lalu berpindah dari 1 meja ke meja

lainnya. 15 menit telah berlalu, saya meminta para siswa untuk berhenti

mengerjakan dan meletakkan alat tulis mereka.

KP: Saat siswa mengerjakan latihan biasanya merupakan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas yang membuat mereka bisa beranjak dari tempat duduknya. Sehingga suasana pun sering gaduh dan ramai. Guru telah melakukan pendekatan dengan siswa dengan berkeliling melihat pekerjaan siswa.

11.45 – 12.00

Pembahasan soal dimulai. Guru memanggil 5 orang siswa untuk

menuliskan jawabannya di papan tulis. Satu per satu siswa menuliskan jawaban

mereka. Setelah semuanya selesai, guru menyuruh siswa lainnya untuk melihat

apakah jawaban yang ditulis sudah betul. Pada saat itu ada 1 siswa putra yang

merespon pertanyaan saya. “Tulisannya masih salah, Bu, yang no. 2”, katanya.

Saya pun melihat tulisannya dan ternyata ada tulisan yang tidak lengkap.

Kemudian saya memintanya untuk membetulkan tulisannya. Setelah semua

dicocokkan, guru mengecek berapa soal yang bisa siswa kerjakan.


KP: Siswa kurang teliti dalam menuliskan kata dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, sehingga menimbulkan kesalahan arti. Oleh karena itu, siswa perlu banyak diberi latihan dan guru perlu menggunakan teknik yang membuat siswa bisa belajar secara aktif tentang spelling dan pengucapan kata yang tepat. Ada 1 siswa yang berani membetulkan jawaban tanpa guru sebut namanya.

12.00 – 12.05

Saya bertanya kepada siswa tentang pelajaran yang telah dipelajari hari ini.

Sebagian besar siswa bisa menjawabnya. Kemudian saya memberi tugas kepada

mereka untuk mengulang kembali pelajaran di rumah dan membaca halaman

selanjutnya. Saya pun menutup pelajaran dengan ucapan Good bye.

KP: Guru tidak lupa untuk mereview pelajaran sehingga guru bisa mengetahui apakah siswa benar-benar konsentrasi dalam mengikuti pelajaran.



Catatan Lapangan Nomor : 02

Waktu Pengamatan : Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Pukul 09.05 – 12.00

Tempat Pengamatan : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Objek Pengamatan : Pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar Bahasa

Inggris di kelas V B

Pengamat : LPS

Catatan Lapangan dibuat : Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Pukul 14.00 WIB

Situasi Latar

Jam menunjukkan pukul 09.05. Suasana sekolah masih sangat ramai saat

saya tiba di sekolah. Hal ini dikarenakan pukul 09.00 – 09.30 adalah jam istirahat,

sehingga banyak siswa yang masih bermain-main di halaman sekolah. Saat saya

masuk kantor, ada beberapa guru yang sedang bercakap-cakap dan ada pula yang

menonton TV. Saya pun menyapa dan menyalami mereka. Kemudian saya

meletakkan tas dan media yang saya bawa di meja.

Jalannya Kegiatan

09.10 – 09.30

Setelah meletakkan tas, saya mengambil media yang akan saya gunakan

untuk mengajar spelling dan pronunciation. Saya membawa media tersebut di

ruang tamu sebelah kantor guru. Saya mulai mengecek dan meneliti apa saja yang

telah saya tempel (gambar, kartu kata dan kartu suara) di atas media yang disebut

“learning circle”. Media ini saya buat dari gabus. Setelah selesai, saya

mempersiapkan kartu yang isinya adalah jawaban-jawaban yang akan digunakan

untuk belajar spelling dan pronunciation.


KP: Guru tampak telah mempersiapkan perangkat mengajar dengan matang karena saat tiba di sekolah, guru tinggal mengecek dan meneliti saja untuk memastikan apakah semuanya telah siap. 09.30 – 10.30

Jam 9.30 bel berbunyi, pertanda jam ke 4 segera dimulai setelah jam

istirahat. Anak-anak berlarian menuju ke kelasnya masing-masing. Saat itu saya

masih berada di ruang guru. Seperti biasa, masih ada beberapa guru yang belum

beranjak dari tempat duduknya. Saya segera masuk ke kelas VI untuk mengajar.

KP: Guru sudah terbiasa masuk ke kelas telat 5-10 menit dari bel masuk, sehingga banyak juga siswa yang masih berada di luar kelas. Kondisi ini tidak kondusif karena banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia. Guru baru akan mengajar kelas VB setelah selesai mengajar di kelas VI.

10.35 – 10.40

Saya segera bergegas masuk ke kelas V dengan membawa media learning

circle. Pada saat saya masuk kelas, beberapa siswa masih ada yang mencatat, dan

ada pula yang bercakap-cakap dengan temannya. Setelah meletakkan perangkat

mengajar di meja, saya meminta perhatian anak-anak untuk duduk di tempatnya

masing-masing. Setelah mengucapkan salam dan mengecek kehadiran siswa, saya

menyampaikan bahwa hari ini akan mempelajari tentang “The names of animals”

dengan menggunakan media learning circle sambil menunjukkan media tersebut.

Saat saya menyebut kata learning circle, banyak siswa yang mengerutkan dahi

dan saling bertanya dengan teman sebangkunya. Dua siswi yang duduk paling

depan berkomentar, “Asyik, nganggo kaya ngana barang, apik ya?”. Saya lalu

memerintahkan mereka untuk mengeluarkan buku pelajaran dan buku catatannya


KP: Saat pergantian jam pelajaran, suasana kelas gaduh. Kebanyakan siswa belum siap dengan pelajaran berikutnya. Mereka tidak segera menempatkan diri dan mengeluarkan buku pelajaran meskipun guru sudah datang. Beberapa siswa tampak senang dengan media yang guru bawa.


10.40 – 10.55

Saya mengadakan tanya jawab seputar nama-nama hewan yang diketahui

siswa. Hampir semua siswa bisa menyebutkan nama-nama hewan tersebut dalam

bahasa Inggris, namun dengan pronunciation yang kurang tepat. Setekah itu, saya

menunjukkan media learning circle ke seluruh siswa dan menjelaskan secara

singkat tentang media tersebut. Kemudian saya menunjuk gambar-gambar hewan

yang telah ditempel di learning circle, dan meminta beberpa siswa untuk

menebaknya. Saya bertanya pada salah satu siswa dalam bahasa Inggris, “What is

it?” sambil menunjuk gambar gajah di learning circle. “Elephant”, jawab siswa

itu. Saya melengkapi jawaban tersebut dan mencontohkan pengucapan yang tepat.

Saya meminta siswa untuk menirukan pengucapannya. Kemudian saya meminta

para siswa untuk melihat kembali simbol pengucapannya, dan mendengarkan

bagaimana saya mengucapkan tiap kata. Setelah itu, mereka mengucapkan nama-

nama hewan itu secara bersama-sama. Namun, masih ada beberapa siswa yang

diam dan tidak ikut mengucapkan.

KP: Dengan media learning circle, siswa bisa tahu bagaimana pengucapan dan penulisannya, sehingga bisa mempermudah siswa mempelajarinya. Simbol pengucapan yang guru buat sudah disesuaikan dengan kemampuan siswa SD, sehingga mereka tidak terlalu kesulitan untuk membacanya. Saat diminta untuk mengucapkan kata secara bersama-sama, masih ada beberapa siswa yang mengucapkan dengan pengucapan yang salah dan bahkan ada yang tidak ikut mngucapkan kata. Hal ini mungkin karena mereka belum begitu paham dengan simbol pengucapan tiap kata atau takut salah. Selain itu, siswa masih menjawab pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang belum sempurna/lengkap.

10.55 – 11.10

Para siswa mencatat penulisan nama-nama hewan dan simbol bunyinya.

Saat mencatat, tak ada suara gaduh, dan tak ada siswa yang minta ijin ke toilet.

Saya berkeliling melihat catatan mereka. Setelah selesai mencatat, saya menyuruh

siswa untuk mempelajari penulisan dan simbol pengucapannya sekali lagi. Saya

kemudian melepaskan tempelan kertas yang ada di learning circle, sehingga

hanya tinggal gambarnya saja.


KP: Siswa yang biasanya ramai saat di suruh mencatat, kali ini mereka bisa duduk tenang dan mencatat dengan serius, meskipun jam pelajaran terakhir. Guru berkeliling kelas dengan tujuan untuk mengecek penulisan siswa apakah masih ada kesalahan atau tidak, dan ternyata sebagian besar siswa sudah menuliskannya dengan betul meskipun masih ada beberapa siswa yang kurang teliti menuliskannya.

11.10 – 11.35

Saya menata beberapa kartu jawaban (sounds cards) yang dibuat dalam

suatu kertas kecil yang berupa alternatif jawaban tentang simbol bunyi atau

pronunciationnya. Kartu-kartu tersebut saya tata di meja yang sudah dipersiapkan

di depan kelas. Alternatif jawaban itu terdiri dari 1 jawaban betul dan 4 jawaban

salah yang masing-masing telah diberi kode di belakang kartu. Saya menyuruh

siswa secara individu untuk maju ke depan dan memilh jawabannya. Giliran

pertama yang saya tunjuk adalah Rahmad. Setelah dia maju, saya mengucapkan 1

nama hewan,”Sekarang kamu cari simbol pengucapan ‘a rabbit’”. Rahmad mulai

mencari-cari, setelah menemukan jawabannya, saya menyuruhnya untuk

menempelkannya di bagian tepi lingkaran yang sesuai dengan gambarnya. Saya

perlihatkan ke seluruh siswa untuk menilai apakah simbol pengucapannya sudah

betul. Ada yang menjawab sudah betul, dan ada juga yang hanya diam. Kemudian

Rahmad membalik sisi belakang learning circle dan melihat kodenya. Kodenya

sama antara yang ada di sisi belakang lingkaran dengan di kartu jawaban.

Kemudian saya memerintahkan Rahmad untuk mengucapkan kata tersebut dengan

melihat simbol pengucapan yang telah dia pilih. Saat siswa mengucapkan nama

hewan, saya merekamnya. Saat siswa yang lain belum mendapat giliran, sebagian

besar tampak mengantuk, tapi ada juga beberapa anak yang tampak berdiskusi

dengan teman sebangkunya tentang jawaban selanjutnya. Saya melakukan

kegiatan ini sampai giliran terakhir.

KP: Sebagian siswa sudah mengucapkan tiap kata dengan benar meskipun dengan penekanan yang belum tepat, namun sebagian masih mengalami kesulitan. Hal ini mungkin karena baru pertama kali siswa menggunakan media seperti itu, sehingga perlu adaptasi. Dengan teknik seperti ini, mereka bisa belajar secara mandiri dengan bimbingan guru. Saat kegiatan ini berlangsung, guru bertindak sebagai fasilitator karena guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk memilih


bagaimana pengucapan yang betul kemudian mencocokkan secara langsung jawaban yang dipilih dengan melihat kodenya. Mereka juga diberi kesempatan untuk mengucapkan kata tersebut, dan ketika masih salah mengucapkannya, guru memberikan contoh pengucapan yang betul. Selain itu, beberapa siswa tampak antusias dengan mengikuti kegiatan ini mungkin karena mereka bisa terlibat langsung dalam proses pembelajaran, tapi ada juga yang masih ramai dan kurang memperhatikan saat kegiatan berlangsung.

11.35 – 11.45

Saya menunjuk 8 orang siswa untuk maju ke depan dan menuliskan nama-

nama hewan berdasarkan simbol pengucapan yang telah ditempel pada media

learning circle. Saya menunjuk siswa yang bernama Latifah, Novita, Marlinda,

Untung, Irfan, Seno, Tri Prihatin, dan Mulis. Mereka maju satu per satu. Saya

mulai mengucapkan nama hewan tersebut, kemudian memerintahkan mereka

untuk menuliskannya di papan tulis. Setelah semua selesai menulis, saya

mengajak siswa yang lain untuk melihat dan mengecek apakah penulisannya

sudah betul. Ada 2 orang siswa yang masih salah menuliskannya. Beberapa siswa

berani membetulkannya secara lisan. Salah seorang siswa yang bernama Pepy

membetulkan dengan berkata, “Bu, itu masih salah yang ‘a elepahnt’, kurang

huruf n dan tulisannya kebalik, h dulu baru a”. Siswa yang lain juga

membetulkan penulisan ‘a crocodile’. Saya pun merespon jawaban mereka

dengan mengatakan,”Good”.

KP: Suasana sedikit gaduh, siswa mulai bosan. Tapi saat membahas penulisan kata yang ditulis di papan tulis, beberapa siswa kembali semangat. Interaksi antara guru dan siswa pun bisa terjalin dengan baik, karena siswa sudah berani merespon pertanyaan guru tanpa disebut namanya dulu. 11.45 – 11.55

Saya mulai membagikan fotokopian latihan soal kepada para siswa. Saya

memerintahkan mereka untuk mengerjakan latihan tersebut langsung di lembar

soal itu. Saya memberikan waktu 10 menit untuk mengerjakan 10 soal. Siswa

mulai mengerjakan soal latihan tersebut. Setelah selesai, saya meminta para siswa

untuk mengumpulkannya.


KP: Siswa tampak tenang saat mengerjakan, hanya terdengar satu atau dua siswa yang berbisik-bisik, entah untuk saling sharing jawaban atau sekedar bercakap-cakap.

11.55 – 12.00

Waktu segera habis. Saya mereview pelajaran dengan menanyakan apa

yang telah mereka pelajari hari ini. Kemudian saya menanyakan bagaimana

perasaan mereka dengan pelajaran hari ini. Setelah itu,saya meminta ketua kelas

untuk memimpin do’a sebelum pulang. Saya mengakhiri pelajaran dengan

ucapan, “Good bye…”.

KP: Siswa tampak senang dengan pelajaran hari ini karena mereka tidak hanya duduk manis mendengarkan dan mencatat tetapi mereka bisa melakukan aktivitas yang membuat mereka bisa bergerak aktif, meskipun kebanyakan masih pasif. Dengan kata lain, karena ada aktivitas yang baru, mereka tidak cepat bosan seperti biasanya.


Catatan Lapangan Hasil Pengamatan

Catatan Lapangan Nomor : 03

Waktu Pengamatan : Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Pkl. 09.30 – 11.00 WIB

Tempat Pengamatan : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Objek Pengamatan : Pelaksanaan KBM Bahasa Inggris di kelas 5B

Pengamat : LPS

Catatan Lapangan dibuat : Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Pkl. 16.00 WIB

Situasi Latar

Saya tiba di sekolah jam 09.05 WIB. Waktu itu sedang jam istirahat

sehingga suasana sekitar halaman sekolah sangat ramai karena banyak anak yang

sedang bermain-main. Saya langsung menuju ruang guru dan menyapa beberapa

guru yang berada di kantor. Tak berapa lama kemudian, teman saya, LPS datang.

Saya mengajaknya duduk di ruang tamu dan memintanya untuk membantu saya

mengecek semua bahan pengajaran hari ini. Setelah selesai mengecek semuanya,

saya diskusi dengan LPS tentang RPP sambil menunggu bel masuk.

Jalannya Kegiatan

09.35 – 09.40

Bel masuk berbunyi. Saya dan LPS segera bergegas menuju kelas 5B

sambil membawa media learning circle (LC). Sesampai di kelas, terlihat beberapa

siswa laki-laki masih berlarian di dalam kelas dan belum duduk di tempat

duduknya masing-masing. Namun sebagian siswa sudah mempersiapkan buku

pelajaran di atas meja tanpa saya suruh sebelumnya. Saya kemudian

mempersilakan LPS untuk menempatkan diri. Setelah meletakkan LC di atas

kursi, saya memberi salam kepada semua siswa dan mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Setelah itu saya menyampaikan bahwa hari ini mereka akan belajar dengan


menggunakan LC lagi. Siswa putra yang duduk paling depan berkomentar, “Yes

kuwi meneh!”. Ada juga yang berkata, “Tenan tho, asyik…”.

KP: Siswa tampak senang saat tahu bahwa mereka akan belajar dengan LC lagi. Siswa sudah mau menyiapkan buku pelajaran sebelum guru masuk kelas atau sebelum pelajaran dimulai. Hal ini merupakan suatu peningkatan yang positif jika dilakukan terus menerus. 09.40 – 09.50

Saya mereview pelajaran yang lalu. Saya menunjukkan gambar binatang,

dan siswa harus menyebutkannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Saya menunjuk 4 orang

siswa untuk menjawabnya. Saya mendekati meja mereka dan merekam suara

mereka saat menyebutkan jawabannya. Saya menuju ke salah satu meja siswa

putri yang bernama PFH dan menunjukkan gambar gajah dan jerapah. PFH

mengucapkan /en elefen/, /e jeraf/. Dia mengucapkan dengan penuh percaya diri.

Kemudian dilanjutkan oleh 3 siswa lainnya. Setelah itu saya menyampaikan

bahwa hari ini mereka akan belajar macam-macam suara binatang.

KP: Guru mereview pelajaran dan merekam suara siswa untuk mengecek apakah siswa masih konsisten dalam mengucapkan kata yang dimaksud.

09.50 – 10.00

Siswa mulai belajar tentang macam-macam suara binatang. Saya

menempelkan LC di atas meja yang telah disiapkan di depan kelas. Saya

menyuruh siswa untuk memperhatikan gambar yang ada di LC dan menyebutkan

bagaimana suaranya. Pertama, saya menunjuk gambar anjing, kemudian

mengajukan pertanyaan pada siswa tentang suara yang dihasilkan anjing. “Kalian,

sering dengar suara anjing kan? Gimana suaranya?”, tanyaku pada semua siswa.

Tak ada jawaban, semua diam membisu. Akhirnya saya menunjuk salah satu

siswa putri, “Wid, anjing suaranya gimana sih?”. “Menggonggong, Bu…”. Saya

pun merespon jawabannya, “Ya, good. Menggonggong bahasa Inggrisnya

‘bark’” . Saya meminta semua siswa menirukannya. Kemudian kegiatan


dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab suara binatang lainnya, seperti kucing, burung,

kambing, kuda, dll.

KP: Siswa tampak pasif karena tidak mau merespon pertanyaan guru sebelum guru menyebut namanya. 10.00 – 10.10

Saya memberikan contoh kalimat yang berhubungan dengan kata-kata

yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya. Saya menyuruh siswa membuka buku Enjoy

halaman 55 dan memperhatikan penjelasan saya dari tiap kalimat. Kalimat-

kalimat tersebut adalah sbb: 1) The dogs bark; 2) the cats meow; 3) The horses

neigh; 4) The birds chirp; 5) The snakes hiss; 6) The goats bleat; 7) The lions roar;

8) The tigers roar. Saya membacakan kalimatnya satu per satu dan menyuruh

siswa menirukannya. Setelah itu, secara acak saya menunjuk 3 siswa untuk

mengulanginya lagi. Ada satu siswa yang membaca dengan suara sangat pelan

sehingga saya kurang bisa jelas mendengarnya. Saat semua siswa saya minta

untuk mengucapkan kalimatnya, rata-rata masih salah dalam mengucapkan plural

noun (dogs, cats, horses, dll). Bunyi s dalam plural noun tidak mereka ucapkan

sehingga seolah-olah subjeknya singular noun dan terdengar tidak pas jika

digabungkan dengan kata kerjanya. Saya pun menekankan pada pengucapan s

pada plural noun. Saya mengucapkannya dan siswa mengulanginya 3 kali.

KP: Siswa tampak belum bagus dalam mengucapkan plural noun. Mereka cenderung mengabaikan bunyi s pada subjek plural noun. 10.10 – 10.20

Saya mengartikan kalimat-kalimat tersebut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

secara lisan. Setelah selesai 1 kalimat, saya mengajak siswa untuk mengartikan

kalimat-kalimat selanjutnya. Sebagian besar siswa mengikuti dengan tertib,

namun masih ada beberapa yang tidak memperhatikan dan bercakap-cakap

dengan teman sebangkunya.


KP: Dengan mengajak siswa ikut mengartikan kalimat bersama-sama, guru telah melibatkan partisipasi siswa secara langsung, meskipun masih ada beberapa yang tidak merespon. 10.20 - 10.25

Saya membagi siswa ke dalam 8 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok ada

yang terdiri dari 2 atau 3 orang siswa. Saat saya membagi kelompok, banyak

siswa yang protes dan tidak setuju dengan anggota kelompoknya. Mereka protes

dengan bermacam-macam kata, “Bu, saya tidak mau sama dia”, Bu, saya sama

Suci”, dll. Setelah saya memberi pengertian, mereka bisa menerima walaupun

masih ada yang tampak cemberut.

KP: Suasana sangat gaduh saat pembagian kelompok. Guru tampak kuwalahan menanganinya. Hal ini adalah sesuatu yang wajar dan sering terjadi, jadi ini adalah salah satu tugas guru untuk bisa melakukan pendekatan dengan siswa-siswanya.

10.25 – 10.50

Siswa mulai menggunakan LC untuk belajar mengenal macam-macam

suara binatang. Saya memanggil tiap kelompok satu per satu untuk maju ke depan

kelas. Tiap anggota dalam 1 kelompok mempunyai tugasnya masing-masing yang

terdiri dari mencari kata dan menempelkannya di LC; menulis kalimat

berdasarkan kata yang telah dipilih, dan mengucapkan kalimat dengan keras. Jika

dalam satu kelompok hanya ada 2 siswa maka 1 siswa harus mendapat 2 tugas dan

itu terserah pada siswa untuk menentukan siapa yang harus mendapat 2 tugas.

Tiap kelompok maju dan melaksanakan tugasnya masing-masing. Saat menulis

kalimata, ada 2 kelompok yng masih keliru dalam menuliskannya. Saat mereka

mengucapkan kalimat, saya merekam suara mereka. Rata-rata siswa

mengucapkannya dengan suara keras.

KP: Kegiatan ini berjalan lancer. Siswa tampak senang saat maju ke depan. Mereka tampak sudah terbiasa menggunakan LC karena setelah menempelkan jawaban mereka langsung membalik bagian belakang LC untuk mencocokkan jawabannya.


10.50 – 11.05

Semua kelompok telah melaksanakan tugasnya masing-masing. kemudian

saya menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk maju ke depan. Mereka saya minta untuk

maju mengucapkan kalimat yang telah tertulis di papan tulis tadi. Siswa yang saya

tunjuk adalah siswa yang belum mendapat giliran membaca. Saya pun merekam

suara mereka saat mereka mengucapkannya kalimatnya.

KP: Ada siswa yang sudah mengucapkan bisa mengucapkan kalimat dengan betul, namun masih ada beberapa yang sering lupa dalam mengucapkan plural noun. Kadang mereka tidak mengucapkan bunyi s pada akhir kata yang menunjukkan plural noun.

11.05 – 11.10

Jam pelajaran sudah habis. Sebelum mengakhiri pelajaran, saya

memberikan PR pada siswa. Kemudian saya menanyakan perasaan mereka,

“Gimana perasaan kalian hari ini? Are you happy? Kalian senang nggak?”.

“Yes, Bu”, “Senang banget, Bu”, jawab mereka. Saya pun mengakhiri pelajaran

dengan ucapan Good bye.

KP: Dari jawaban siswa tentang perasaan mereka menunjukkan bahwa mereka menikmati belajar dengan T&K R yang guru terapkan di dalam kelas. Mungkin mereka juga merasa senang karena dilibatkan secara langsung di dalam pelajaran, mereka tidak hanya duduk manis mendengarkan, sehingga tidak cepat merasa bosan.


Catatan Lapangan Hasil Pengamatan

Catatan Lapangan Nomor : 04

Waktu Pengamatan : Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Pkl. 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

Tempat Pengamatan : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Objek Pengamatan : Pelaksanaan KBM Bahasa Inggris di kelas 5B

Pengamat : LPS

Catatan Lapangan dibuat : Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Pkl. 15.00 WIB

Situasi Latar

Saya dan LPS tiba bersama-sama di sekolah jam 7.10 WIB. Karena belum

bel masuk, suasana halaman sekolah masih sangat ramai. Kami kemudian masuk

kantor dan menyapa Pak S dan Bu EW. Kantor masih sepi karena sebagian guru

belum datang. Seperti biasa, sebelum masuk kelas, saya dan LPS mengecek

semua materi yang dijadikan bahan ajar, termasuk LC sebagai bahan utama untuk

mengajar. 20 menit berlalu dan bel masuk pun berbunyi.

Jalannya Kegiatan

07.00 – 07.30

Saya dan LPS bergegas masuk kelas. Saat kami masuk, ada sesuatu yang

berbeda. Semua siswa sudah menempatkan diri dan menyiapkan buku di atas

mejanya masing-masing. Setelah saya meletakkan tas, saya meminta ketua kelas

untuk memimpin doa. Selesai berdoa, sambil berdiri saya mengucapkan salam

pada para siswa dan mengecek kehadiran mereka. Para siswa menjawab salam

dengan kompak dan lantang. Setelah itu saya meletakkan LC di papan tulis.

KP: Suasana kelas mulai berubah. Semua siswa tampak siap menerima pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Hal ini mungkin karena masih pagi atau jam pelajaran pertama sehingga siswa masih fresh atau mungkin juga karena mereka tahu kalau akan belajar dengan LC lagi.


07. 35 – 07. 45

Saya menanyakan apakah ada PR atau tidak. Hampir seluruh siswa

menjawab, “Ada Bu…”. Kemudian saya mengajak siswa untuk membahasnya

bersama-sama sambil mereview pelajaran lalu. PR dibahas satu per satu secara

lisan. Setelah selesai membahas PR, ada beberapa anak yang bertanya sambil

menunjukkan pekerjaan mereka, “Bu, nilainya dimasukkan nggak?”. Saya hanya

menyampaikan kalau PR tersebut untuk latihan jadi belum dimasukkan sebagai

nilai tugas.

KP: Seluruh siswa mengerjakan PR. Mereka tampak antusias dengan tugas yang harus mereka kerjakan sampai berharap kalau nilanya dimasukkan. Ini suatu peningkatan yang cukup bagus karena berarti siswa bertanggung jawab dalam mengerjakan tugasnya.

07.45 – 08.00

Saya membagikan fotokopian kalimat dengan tema ‘Foods for Animals’.

Kalimat-kalimat tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

1) The monkey eats banana

2) The tiger eats meat

3) The bat eats fruit

4) The buffalo eats grass

5) The rabbit eats carrot

6) The cat eats mouse

7) The snake swallows frog

8) The lizard swallows insect

Setelah semua siswa mendapatkan fotokopiannya, saya meminta mereka untuk

menyimak dan mendengarkan penjelasan dari saya. Sambil membacakan kalimat,

saya menunjuk gambar yang ada di LC. Gambar-gambar yang tertempel di LC

adalah gambar macam-macam makanan binatang seperti banana, fruit, carrot, dll.

Saya membaca kalimatnya satu per satu dan siswa menirukannya bersama-sama.

KP: Saat guru membacakan kalimat, ada 2 anak putra yang duduk paling belakang tidak memperhatikan. Namun, saat guru menyuruh seluruh siswa untuk menirukan, tampak semua siswa menyimak dan menirukan sambil melihat fotokopiannya. Guru membacakan kalimat dengan lantang sehingga semua siswa bisa mendengar dengan jelas.


08.00 – 08.30

Saya membagi siswa secara berpasangan dengan teman sebangkunya. Tak

ada yang protes dengan pembagian kelompok ini. Semua bisa menerimanya.

Setelah itu, saya dan LPS membagikan setiap pasangan 1 lembar kertas

fotokopian soal kalimat yang belum lengkap (incomplete sentences). Kemudian

siswa yang duduk paling depan berkata, “Asyik, jadi enak ya?”. Saya

menjelaskan tugas masing-masing siswa. Tiba-tiba ada yang nyeletuk, “Bu, saya

nanti yang mengucapkan kalimatnya ya?”. Saya tersenyum dan mengatakan,”Iya,

terserah boleh siapa saja”. Selesai menjelaskan masing-masing tugas siswa, saya

mengacak siapa yang akan mendapat giliran pertama. Siswa maju satu per satu

sesuai urutannya. Saat kelompok ketiga maju, ada sedikit perdebatan diantara

mereka karena semuanya ingin mengucapkan kalimat yang harus dilengkapi

dengan kata yang telah dipilih. Akhirnya, saya meminta mereka untuk

hompimpah dan siapa yang menang, dia yang kebagian untuk membaca kalimat.

“Saya menang, Bu. Jadi saya yang baca ya?, kata WPNS, salah satu anggota

kelompok itu. Kegiatan pun berlangsung sampai giliran kelompok terakhir.

KP: Siswa tampak semangat dan antusias sekali. Semua siswa berpartisipasi aktif sesuai dengan tugasnya masing-masing. Mereka tampak lebih kompak saat bekerja kelompok meski ada sedikit perdebatan, namun tidak mempengaruhi kekompakan mereka. Hal ini mungkin karena mereka lebih nyaman jika satu kelompok dengan teman sebangkunya.

08.30 – 08.45

Saya membagikan potongan-potongan gambar (flash card) berupa gambar

binatang dan makanannya, serta fotokopian soal tentang dialog. Saya menjelaskan

apa yang harus mereka kerjakan. Setelah itu siswa mulai mengerjakan soal.

Suasana tampak tenang. Saya berkeliling memeriksa pekerjaan mereka. Semua

siswa diam mengerjakan, kadang mereka tersenyum saat saya melihat pekerjaan


KP: Siswa tampak serius mengerjakan tugas. Mereka tidak lagi ramai untuk meminjam pensil atau penggaris. Mereka sudah tertib dan tanggap dengan perintah guru sehingga sangat cepat dalam mengerjakan tugas.


08.45 – 08.55

Saya mempraktikan dialog, kemudian saya meminta siapa saja yang berani

maju ke depan dan mempraktikan dialog seperti yang sudah saya contohkan.

Semua hanya diam dan tak ada yang berani memandang saya. Akhirnya, saya

harus memanggil nama mereka lagi. Ada beberapa siswa yang saya tunjuk berani

maju ke depan, namun ada juga yang tidak berani. Saya pun membatasi jumlah

siswa yang harus maju ke depan. Saat mereka mempraktikan dialog, saya

merekam suara mereka. Ada beberapa siswa yang masih kurang tepat intonasinya

dan ada juga yang masih sangat pelan mengucapkan kalimat.

KP: Siswa masih tidak mau merespon perintah guru secara langsung. Mereka tampak takut atau gelisah saat guru meminta mereka untuk maju. Hal ini tampak dari sikap yang ditunjukkan siswa saat guru memerintah mereka untuk mempraktikan dialog di depan kelas.

08.55 – 09.00

Waktu hampir segera habis. Saya mengulang pelajaran sebentar dan

menanyakan perasaan mereka. Setelah itu memerintahkan siswa untuk

mempelajari materi selanjutnya. Saya mengakhiri pelajaran dengan ucapan



Catatan Lapangan Hasil Pengamatan

Catatan Lapangan Nomor : 05

Waktu Pengamatan : Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Pkl. 09.30 – 11.00 WIB

Tempat Pengamatan : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Objek Pengamatan : Pelaksanaan KBM Bahasa Inggris di kelas 5B

Pengamat : LPS

Catatan Lapangan dibuat : Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Pkl. 19.00 WIB

Situasi Latar

Hari itu cuaca agak mendung. Namun aku tetap semangat untuk

melaksanakan penelitian karena ini sudah memasuki cycle 2. Aku langsung masuk

ke kantor dan menyapa guru-guru yang berada di kantor. Tak berapa lama

kemudian LPS datang dan menghampiriku. Karena ini sudah cycle 2, aku lebih

mempersiapkannya dengan matang. Seperti biasa aku meminta LPS untuk

membantuku mengecek semua bahan pengajaran sambil menunggu bel masuk.

Jalannya Kegiatan

10.30 – 10.35

Aku dan LPS langsung menuju ke kelas 5B. Sesampai di sana, semua

siswa baik putra maupun putri sudah duduk rapid an menyiapkan buku pelajaran

serta alat tulisnya di atas meja. Saat aku masuk, semua siswa tersenyum padaku,

aku pun balas tersenyum. Setelah meletakkan tas, seperti biasa, aku mengucapkan

salam dan mengecek kehadiran mereka. sebelum memulai pelajaran, aku

menempelkan PAH di papan tulis. PAH ini adalah alternatif T&K R yang akan

digunakan untuk belajar spelling dan pronunciation.

KP: Semua siswa sudah tertib. Mereka mau mempersiapkan buku pelajaran sebelum guru masuk kelas. Hal ini merupakan suatu peningkatan yang bagus.


09.35 – 09.45

Saat aku menempelkan PAH di papan tulis, UP tiba-tiba berkomentar,

“Baru lagi ya Bu? Apik yo?”. Setelah itu, saya mengatakan bahwa hari ini mereka

akan belajar tentang nama-nama hari dan bulan. Aku melakukan tanya jawab

dengan siswa seputar topik. Salah satu pertanyaannya adalah, “Today is…, Hari

ini hari apa?”. Dengan kompak mereka menjawab, “Kamis…”. Saya

melanjutkan jawaban mereka, “Kamis Inggrisnya apa?”. Tak semua siswa

menjawab, hanya ada beberapa yang menjawab, salah satunya MPH, “Thursday,

Bu”. “OK, good, Thursday ya anak-anak”. Saya pun meminta semuanya


KP: Saat guru mengadakan tanya jawab, sebagian besar siswa sudah berani menjawab dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini menandakan bahwa minat belajar mereka meningkat setelah mereka belajar dengan T&K R sehingga bisa menjawab pertanyaan guru.

09.45 – 09.50

Sesudah tanya jawab, saya melanjutkan pelajaran. Saya menerangkan

bahwa hari ini mereka akan belajar dengan menggunakan PAH. Saya kemudian

menerangkan tentang PAH secara singkat. Saya menjelaskan bahwa mereka harus

maju ke depan kelas, membaca soalnya, lalu memilih jawaban dengan mencoblos

lubang di bawah jawaban yang betul. Lalu ada siswa yang bertanya, “Dicoblos

pakai apa Bu?”, “Ngecek jawabannya gimana?”. Berbagai pertanyaan muncul

dari siswa, saya pun menjawab pertanyaan mereka. Setelah itu, pelajaran

dilanjutkan lagi.

KP: Siswa tampak begitu ingin menggunakan PAH karena mereka begitu semangatnya melontarkan banyak pertanyaan seputar penggunaan PAH. Mereka sudah punya keberanian untuk bertanya. Hal ini menimbulkan interaksi positif antara siswa dengan guru sehingga tampak hidup dan komunikatif.

09.50 – 10.10

Saya memberi kesempatan kepada semua siswa/siapa saja untuk maju ke

depan kelas secara individu. Mereka belum memberikan respond dan saling


memandang teman sebangkunya. Saya mencoba menarik respon mereka dengan

mengatakan bahwa PAH ini hamper sama dengan LC namun sedikit berbeda

karena PAH jauh lebih simple dan enak untuk belajar. Lalu saya bilang. “Ayo,

siapa berani?”. Akhirnya, satu siswa yang bernama INC maju ke depan. Setelah

itu dia mengecek jawaban dengan mengangkat kertas soalnya. “Gimana, mudah

kamu angkat?”, tanyaku. “Iya, Bu”, jawabanya. Setelah itu, semua siswa berebut

untuk maju ke depan, mereka tunjuk jari dan bergegas ingin lari ke depan kelas,

“Saya, Bu”; “Saya dulu ya Bu?”, banyak siswa yang benar-benar ingin mendapat

giliran maju. Karena mereka saling berebut, suasana menjadi gaduh, tapi gaduh

bukan karena ramai. Saya pun mengatakan siapa yang bisa sampai duluan berarti

dia yang mendapat kesempatan itu. Kemudian, tanpa tunjuk jari, siswa langsung

maju ke depan. Bahkan ada satu siswa yang maju dua kali. Setelah semua

terjawab, MKS berkomentar,”Yach, wis enthek, lagi Bu?”,

KP: Awalnya siswa tampak ingin maju tapi kurang berani memulai. Namun, setelah ada satu siswa yang memulai, semua siswa jadi ikut tertarik dan sampai berebut untuk maju. Mereka tampak lebih tertarik dan antusias karena seluruh siswa tunjuk jari untuk mendapat giliran. 10.10 – 10.15

Kegiatan menggunakan PAH telah selesai. Semua siswa kembali duduk di

tempatnya masing-masing dan memandang gurunya. Tiba-tiba TP berkomentar,

“Bu, enak banget belajar pakai itu”. Kemudian sebagian siswa menambahi, “Iya,

lagi dong Bu…”. Ada juga ynag nyeletuk, “Enak iki yo, luwih nyenengke”.

Namun ada juga yang bilang, “Enak kabeh nek aku”. Aku tersenyum mendengar

berbagai komentar mereka.

KP: Sebagian besar siswa sudah berani mengungkapkan pendapatnya sehubungan dengan teknik yang guru terapkan. Semua tampak senang dan belum puas karena mereka sangat menikmati belajar menggunakan PAH.

10.15 – 10.30

Aku menuliskan 2 contoh kalimat di papan tulis: It is Sunday, It is

January. Saya membacakannya untuk siswa dengan hati-hati/pelan namun dengan


suara keras. Saya juga menyuruh siswa menirukan ucapan kalimat tersebut.

Selanjutnya saya mengundang beberapa siswa untuk maju ke depan kelas dan

membaca kalimat tentang nama-nama hari/bulan dengan keras. Kali ini siswa

langsung maju tanpa saya sebut namanya. Saat mereka mengucapkan kalimat,

saya merekam suara mereka. Kemudian saat giliran RPP, dia bertanya, “Sudah

betul Bu?”. Saya merespon positif, “Ya, good, thank you”.

KP: Siswa sudah mulai berani merespon perintah guru tanpa guru harus menyebut nama mereka dulu. Siswa sudah bisa mengucapkan kata dengan betul meskipun masih terdengar dialek Jawanya.

10.30 – 10.55

Kegiatan saya lanjutkan dengan memberi kesempatan kepada siswa lain

yang belum mendapat giliran mengucapkan kalimat. MNS tunjuk jari dan

bertanya, “Bu itu ditambah It is… dulu?”. Saya pun menjawabnya. Kemudian

secara bergiliran siswa yang belum mengucapkan kalimat, maju ke depan dengan

sendirinya. Saat giliran UP, dia belum betul mengucapkannya, dan saya

memberikan contoh yang betul lalu menyuruh UP mengulanginya.

KP: Kegiatan berjalan lancar. Banyak siswa yang sudah paham dengan perintah guru sehingga tampak komunikatif.

10.55 – 11.00

Sebelum mengakhiri pelajaran, saya menanyakan secara singkat pelajaran

apa hari ini yang telah mereka dapatkan. Kemudian tak lupa menanyakan

perasaan mereka setelah belajar dengan PAH. Berbagai jawaban muncul lagi dari

mulut siswa yang intinya mereka sangat senang dan menikmati pelajaran hari ini.

Saya pun mengakhiri pelajaran dengan ucapan goodbye.

KP: Berbagai komentar siswa sangat membantu untuk merefleksikan pelajaran yang telah dilakukan, sehingga bisa menjadi input yang bagus untuk guru.


Catatan Lapangan Hasil Pengamatan

Catatan Lapangan Nomor : 06

Waktu Pengamatan : Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Pkl. 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

Tempat Pengamatan : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Objek Pengamatan : Pelaksanaan KBM Bahasa Inggris di kelas 5B

Pengamat : LPS

Catatan Lapangan dibuat : Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Pkl. 13.00 WIB

Situasi Latar

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir aku mengadakan penelitian di kelas. Aku

datang bersama-sama dengan LPS pkl. 07.15. Kami langsung menuju ke kantor.

Di sana sudah banyak guru yang datang. Kami pun menyapa mereka dan duduk di

ruang tamu. Sambil menunggu bel masuk, aku dibantu LPS mengecek semua

materi pelajaran hari ini.

Jalannya Kegiatan

07.30 – 07.35

Seperti hari sebelumnya, saat saya dan LPS masuk, semua siswa sudah

mempersiapkan buku pelajaran dan duduk rapi di tempatnya masing-masing.

Sebelum memulai pelajaran, saya meminta ketua kelas memimpin doa. Setelah itu

dengan lantang saya menyapa siswa, “Good morning, students. How are you

today?. Mereka menjawab dengan serempak, “Good morning, teacher. I am fine

thanks, and you?”. Saya juga mengecek kehadiran mereka. Saat saya akan

mengatakan pelajaran hari ini, PFH bertanya, “Bu, pakai yang kemarin lagi

kan?”. Saya mengangguk dan spontan semua siswa bilang, “Hore…”.

KP: Siswa tampak tidak sabar belajar menggunakan PAH. Mereka sangant senang saat guru mengatakan kalau mereka akan belajar dengan PAH lagi.


07.35 – 07.45

Saya mereview pelajaran dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan, seperti

“Mention names of days. Sebutkan nama-nama hari coba”. Tanpa saya sebut

namanya, ada beberapa siswa yang tunjuk jari dan menjawabnya dengan benar.

Seperti SR, sambil berdiri, dia langsung tunjuk jari dan menjawab, “Saya Bu.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday”. That’s good, OK”, respon saya. Selesai mereview

pelajaran, sambil menempel PAH di papan tulis, saya mengatakan bahwa mereka

akan melanjutkan pelajaran yang kemarin.

KP: Siswa masih bisa mengucapkan kata dengan baik, mereka tidak membuat kesalahan yang banyak seperti sebelumnya.

07.45 – 08.05

Saat belajar menggunakan PAH tiba. Saya menyampaikan bahwa

kegiatannya sama seperti kemarin namun hari ini sedikit berbeda karena ada

variasi kegiatan. Siswa tidak hanya menjawab pertanyaan dalam PAH tapi juga

harus menuliskan kembali jawaban yang telah dipilih di papan tulis baru

mengecek jawabannya. Jadi, ada 2 aktivitas yang akan dilakukan siswa. Seperti

kemarin, saya tidak akan memanggil nama siswa satu per satu tapi saya

memberikan kebebasan pada siapa saja yang mau maju. “Ayo, siapa yang akan

dapat giliran pertama?”, kata saya. Hampir 90% siswa tunjuk jari dan bersiap

maju. Karena anak putra lebih cepat geraknya, jadi giliran awal direbut oleh siswa

putra. Salah satu siswa bernama RS mendapat giliran pertama karena duduknya

paling depan. Dengan cepat dia mencoblos jawabannya. “Sekarang tuliskan lagi

jawaban yang kamu pilih”, perintahku. Setelah itu dia mengangkat kertasnya

untuk menegeck jawabannya. “Good, betul ya?”. Saat akan duduk, SR terus

mengucapkan kata yang dia tulis. Saya lalu bertanya, “Kenapa?”. Nggak, Bu.

Senang aja”, jawabnya. Kegiatan ini berlanjut sampai giliran terakhir.

KP: Siswa betul-betul aktif dan antusias saat melakukan kegiatan ini. Bahkan ada siswa yang terus mengucapkan kata yang telah mereka tulis berkali-kali. Guru juga tidak perlu memanggil nama siswa dulu agar mau maju ke depan kelas.


08.05– 08.15

Setelah semua belajar menggunakan PAH dan menuliskan jawabannya di

papan tulis, saya mengundang beberapa siswa untuk maju ke depan dan

mengucapkan 3 kata dari kata ynag telah ditulis di papan tulis. “Siapa yang mau

mengucapkan kata ini? 3 saja”, ucapku. “Saya, Bu”, kata MNS. MNS kemudian

maju ke depan dan mengucapkannya dengan keras, “Sepetember, October,

November”. Kemudian siswa yang lain juga maju dan mengucapkan kata-katanya.

KP: Siswa berani dan penuh percaya diri mengucapkan kata dengan keras. Mereka tidak tampak takut kalau membuat kesalahan padahal guru belum memberikan contoh pengucapannya. Namun, saat siswa keliru, guru segera membetulkan dan meminta siswa mengulanginya.

08.15 – 08.25

Saya membagikan selembar soal tentang incomplete dialog. Saya

menerangkan apa yang harus mereka kerjakan dan bagaimana. Saya menyuruh

mereka mengerjakannya kemudian mempraktikannya di depan kelas. Saya

memberikan waktu 10 menit untuk mengerjakannya. Tiba-tiba ada yang nyeletuk,

“Sudah selesai, Bu. Soalnya mudah”. Saya lalu memintanya untuk latihan

dialognya sambil menunggu teman yang lain. Saya berkeliling kelas dan

memeriksa pekerjaan mereka. Sampai di meja seorang murid yang benama NF,

saya dipanggil, “Bu, nanti dibaca terus direkam nggak?, tanyanya. “Tentu dong,

suka kan?, respon saya. Dia pun mengangguk dan tersenyum. Waktu 10 menit

habis. Saya meminta siswa meletakkan alat tulisnya dan bersiap maju ke depan


KP: Siswa tertib dalam mengerjakan soal. Mereka tampak sungguh-sungguh mengerjakannya.

08.25 – 08.55

Saya meminta siswa secara berpasangan untuk maju ke depan dan

mempraktikan dialog tentang What month is it?. Karena semua siswa akan

mendapat giliran, saya menentukan bahwa siswa yang duduk paling belakang


akan mendapat giliran pertama dan seterusnya secara urut. Setiap siswa maju dan

saya merekam suara mereka. Rata-rata siswa sudah membawakannya dengan

baik. Saat giliran SR dan UP, mereka bertanya, “Sudah bagus, Bu?”. “OK”,

jawabku sambil tersenyum. Dengan kompak mereka melompat dan berteriak,

“Yes”. Mereka pun terus praktik di meja meski sudah dapat giliran maju.

KP: Siswa tampak bangga dengan usaha yang mereka lakukan sehingga mereka latihan dialog terus meski sudah dapat giliran. Mereka sudah bisa mengucapkan dialog dengan intonasi yang benar, baik statement maupun pertanyaan.

08.55 – 09.00

Waktu akan segera habis. Saya menanyakan apa yang mereka pelajari hari

ini. “Kalian belajar apa hari ini?”, tanyaku. “Days and months”, jawab mereka.

Suasana agak sedikit gaduh karena mereka menjawab bersama-sama dan tidak

urut sama. Saya juga menanyakan perasaan mereka, Gimana hari ini?Jauh lebih

asyik kan?”. “Menyenangkan sekali, Bu”. Wuenak tenan”, berbagai jawaban

terlontar dari siswa. Setelah itu, saya pun menutup pelajaran.

KP: Guru tidak pernah lupa untuk melakukan refleksi sebelum menutup peljaran. Hal ini adalah sesuatu yang sepele tapi sangat berguna untuk kemajuan pembelajaran di dalam kelas.


Appendix 3

Lembar Pengamatan Jalannya Kegiatan

Tahapan Waktu Nama Tindakan yang Dilakukan Contoh Kalimat yang Diucapkan Opening 10.35


Guru Siswa Guru Guru Siswa Guru Guru Guru Siswa

Mengucapkan salam Menjawab salam Merespon salam Mengecek kehadiran siswa Menjawab Menceritakan topik hari ini Memperkenalkan media learning circle Menyuruh siswa menyebutkan nama-nama hewan yang mereka ketahui Menjawab pertanyaan

“Good morning, Students… How are you today?” “I am fine, thanks, and you?” “I’m fine, thanks” “Who is absent today?” “Nihil/No one” “Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang ‘The Names of Animals’ “ “Media yang saya bawa ini adalah learning circle” “Coba sebutkan hewan apa saja yang kalian ketahui” “Cat, dog, buffalo, chicken, etc”

Main activities

10.45 11.05 11.10 11.35 11.40 11.45

Guru Seno Guru Guru Seno Guru Siswa Guru Guru Guru Guru Siswa Guru Guru Rahmad Guru Guru

Memerintahkan untuk menyebutkan nama-nama hewan yang ada di learning circle Menyebutkan nama hewan Menyempurnakan jawaban dan membetulkan pronunciationnya Memerintahkan untuk menirukan jawaban Menirukan jawaban Memerintahkan untuk mengucapkan tiap kata bersama-sama Mengucapkan bersama-sama Menunjuk dan memerintahkan beberapa siswa untuk maju ke depan Memerintahkan untuk mencari simbol pengucapan dari kata yang di ucapkan guru Memerintahkan untuk menempelkan jawaban Meminta siswa lain untuk melihat jawabannya Menjawab Memerintahkan untuk melihat kode di sisi belakang lingkaran Memerintahkan mengucapkan kata Mengucapkan kata Menunjuk 8 siswa dan memerintahkan untuk menuliskan kata di papan tulis Mengajak siswa mengecek

“Seno, what is it?”, etc. “Elephant” “It is an elephant” “Coba tirukan lagi jawabannya” “It is an elephant” “Sekarang ucapkan kata-kata ini dengan keras” “A goat, a rabbit, a crocodile”, etc. “Rahmad, come here please” “Sekarang kamu cari pengucapan ‘a rabbit’” “Tempel di tepi lingkaran” “Coba kalian lihat jawabannya, sudah betul?” “Sudah, Bu” “Balik lingkarannya dan lihat kodenya” “Sekarang ucapkan” “A rabbit” “Yang namanya saya sebut maju ke depan satu per satu” “Latifah, tulis ‘an elephant’ “ “Sekarang mari kita lihat


Pepy Guru Guru

tulisan yang ada di papan tulis Membetulkan jawaban Merespon jawaban Memerintahkan siswa mengerjakan soal latihan

jawabannya” “Is it correct?” “Bu, itu masih salah yang ‘a elepahnt’, kurang huruf n dan tulisannya kebalik, h dulu baru a”. “Good” “OK, class. Sekarang kerjakan soalnya. Let’s do it”.

Closing 11.55 Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa

Menanyakan pelajaran hari ini Menjawab pertanyaan Menanyakan perasaan siswa Merespon Mengucapkan salam Merespon

“Apa yang kalian pelajari hari ini?” “Nama-nama binatang, Bu…” “Kalian happy hari ini?” “Happy, Bu…” “Good bye…” “Good bye…”

Comment of the observer:

1. Situasi Kelas

Kelas masih belum bisa dihandle dengan baik. Masih ada beberapa siswa

yang selalu ramai selama guru menerangkan pelajaran. Namun, saat menggunakan

LC, siswa mau memperhatikan sehingga suasana sedikit tenang.

2. Materi

Materi yang guru sampaikan masih sangat sederhana. Guru masih sebatas

memperkenalkan vocabulary pada siswa, belum diperluas dengan yang lain

seperti kalimat atau dialog sederhana.

3. Penyampaian materi

Guru sudah menyampaikan materi dengan cukup baik karena penyampaiannya

dilengkapi dengan memberi contoh-contoh real, misalnya dengan disertai gambar


4. Keaktifan siswa

Siswa masih terlihat pasif. Mereka tidak mau merespon pertanyaan yang

guru ajukan. Kebanyakan hanya diam dan sibuk dengan aktifitasnya sendiri.

Namun, jika guru memanggil nama mereka, mereka mau merespon.

5. Pengaturan waktu

Guru kurang bisa menggunakan waktu dengan baik, sehingga jam

pelajaran sudah habis masih digunakan untuk membahas pelajaran. Hal ini


mungkin karena siswa masih sulit dikendalikan, sehingga waktu tersita untuk

membuat anak-anak diam.

6. Saran

Guru sebaiknya lebih mengembangkan materi agar siswa juga lebih kreatif. Guru perlu mencari cara untuk membuat siswa lebih aktif. Tapi penggunaan LC cukup membuat siswa tertarik dan memperhatikan pelajaran


Lembar Pengamatan Jalannya KBM

Tahapan Waktu Nama Tindakan yang dilakukan Contoh kalimat yang diucapkan

Opening 09.35 Guru Mengucapkan salam “Good morning, students. How are you today?”

Siswa Menjawab salam “I am fine, thank you, and you?”

Guru Mengecek kehadiran siswa “Who is absent today?” Siswa Menjawab “No one” Guru Mereview pelajaran “Sekarang coba tebak gambar

apa ini?” Siswa Menjawab “an elephant, a giraffe, etc” Main Activity

09.50 Guru Tanya jawab tentang suara binatang

“Gimana suara anjing?”

Siswa Menjawab “Menggonggong, Bu” Guru Merespon jawaban “Good” Guru Menjelaskan macam-macam

suara binatang dalam bahasa Inggris

“Menggonggong bahasa Inggrisnya bark”

Guru Mengajak semua siswa untuk mengucapkan bersama-sama

“Sekarang ucapkan bark, bleat, meow, etc.”

Siswa Mengucapkan bersama-sama “Bark, bleat,meow, etc.” Guru Membacakan contoh kalimat

dan menyuruh siswa menirukannya

“The dogs bark, The cats meow, etc.”

Guru Mengartikan kalimat ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

“Arti dari The dogs bark” adalah anjing menggonggong”

10.10 Guru Membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok

“Saya akan bagi kalian ke dalam kelompok”

Guru Menjelaskan tugas yang harus tiap kelompok lakukan

“Tiap kelompok akan punya tugas masing-masing”

Guru Meminta siswa mengucapkan kalimat

“Coba ucapkan kalimatnya”

Siswa Mengucapkan kalimat “The tigers roar, The horses neigh, etc.”

Closing 11.05 Guru Memberikan PR “Kerjakan halaman 56 buku Enjoy sebagai PR”

Guru Menanyakan perasaan siswa “Are you happy?” Siswa Menjawab “Yes, Bu, senang Bu” Guru Menutup pelajaran “Good bye”


Comment of an observer: 1. Situasi kelas

Sudah cukup baik karena siswa mau mengikuti kegiatan seperti yang

tercantum pada lesson plan, meskipun sempat ada kegaduhan saat pembagian

anggota kelompok siswa. Namun, secara keseluruhan, KBM berjalan lancar.

2. Materi Materi sudah cukup baik karena diambil dari buku wajib mata pelajaran

bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 5 sehingga tidak menyimpang dari kurikulum dan

sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.

3. Penyampaian materi Guru sudah menyampaikan materi dengan cukup baik. Penyampaian

dimulai dari pengenalan kata baru diperluas dengan contoh kalimat sehingga

siswa mudah untuk menangkapnya.

4. Keaktifan siswa Siswa cukup aktif karena mereka bekerja dalam satu kelompok dan

masing-masing mempunyai tugas sendiri-sendiri. Namun, saat guru melontarkan

pertanyaan, mereka masih susah untuk meresponnya karena guru masih perlu

menyebut nama mereka dulu dan baru mereka mau merespon.

5. Pengaturan waktu Waktu kurang bisa digunakan dengan baik karena kegiatan belum selesai

saat jam pelajaran sudah berakhir, sehingga waktu yang digunakan melenceng

dari yang telah direncanakan.

6. Saran Secara keseluruhan KBM berjalan lancar, namun guru masih perlu

memancing siswa agar mau merespon pertanyaan/perintah guru secara langsung

tanpa harus disebut namanya. Saat menerangkan pelajaran, pandangan guru

sebaiknya menyeluruh, tidak hanya pada arah itu-itu saja, sehingga semua siswa

merasa diperhatikan.


Lembar Pengamatan Jalannya KBM

Tahapan Waktu Nama Tindakan yang dilakukan Contoh kalimat yang diucapkan Opening 07.35 Guru Mengucapkan salam “Good morning students. How are

you today?” Siswa Menjawab salam “I am fine, thanks, and you?” Guru Mengecek PR “Ada PR tidak?” Siswa Menjawab “Ada Bu…” Guru Membahas PR dan mereview

pelajaran “Sekarang kita bahas PRnya”

Siswa Merespon “Baik, Bu” Main activity

07.50 Guru Membacakan kalimat dan menerangkannya

“The monkey eats banana artinya monyet makan pisang”

Guru Membagi siswa in pairs “Sekarang bentuk kelompok dengan teman sebangku”

Guru Menjelaskan tugas siswa dalam kelompok

“Tiap siswa dalam 1 kelompok punya tugas masing-masing”

Siswa Merespon perintah guru “Asyik, jadi enak ya?” Guru Memerintahkan siswa untuk

membacakan kalimat “Read the sentence please. Baca kalimatnya coba”

08.30 Guru Menjelaskan exercise “Gambarnya ini isikan padadialognya”

Guru Mempraktikan dialog “Saya beri contoh membaca dialognya, ya?”

Guru Memerintahkan siswa untuk praktik dialog di depan kelas

“Coba praktikan di sini”

08.55 Guru Mengulang pelajaran hari ini “Tadi belajar apa?” Siswa Merespon jawaban “Macam-macam makanan hewan” Guru Merespon “Good” Guru Refleksi “Senang belajarnya hari ini?” Siswa Menjawab “Yes, senang banget”

Guru Mengakhiri pelajaran “Good bye”

Comment of an observer:

1. Situasi kelas

Situasinya lebih bagus dibandingkan sebelumnya. Hal ini dikarenakan

siswa sudah lebih terbiasa menggunakan LC. Mereka tampak semangat sekali

melakukan akitivitasnya. Suasana kelas menjadi lebih menyenangkan.

2. Materi

Materi yang disajikan berbada namun tetap berhubungan sehingga siswa

selalu mendapat hal yang baru/fresh.


3. Penyampaian materi

Sudah disampaikan dengan cukup baik, guru tampak menguasai materi.

Suara guru sudah cukup keras sehingga satu kelas bisa mendengar.

4. Keaktifan siswa

Saat menggunakan LC siswa cukup aktif. Namun, saat tiba pertanyaan/

perintah guru, lagi-lagi guru harus menyebut nama mereka dulu.

5. Pengaturan waktu

Waktu sudah digunakan dengan cukup baik. Pelajaran berakhir tepat

waktu dan kegiatan bisa berjalan sesuai waktunya.

6. Saran

Guru perlu berusaha lagi untuk memancing dan mengeluarkan keberanian

siswa agar mau merespon perintah/pertanyaan guru.


Lembar Pengamatan Jalannya KBM

Tahapan Waktu Nama Tindakan yang dilakukan Contoh kalimat yang diucapkan Opening 09.30 Guru Mengucapkan salam “Good morning, Students. How

are you today?” Siswa Membalas salam “I am fine thanks, and you?” Guru Mengecek kehadiran siswa “Who is absent today?” Siswa Menjawab “No one” 09.35 Guru Menceritakan tujuan pembelajaran

hari ini “Hari ini kalian akan belajar nama-nama hari dan bulan”

Guru Tanya jawab seputar topik “Today is…” Siswa Menjawab “Thursday” Main activity

09.45 Guru Menceritakan tentang PAH dan penggunaannya

“Dengan PAH kalian memilih jawaban dengan mencoblos lubang jawabannya”

Siswa Bertanya tentang PAH “Dicoblos pakai apa Bu?” Guru Memerintah siswa untuk maju

menggunakan PAH “Ayo, siapa berani?”

Siswa Menggunakan PAH “Gini Bu?” Guru Merespon “That’s right, betul” Guru Memberikan contoh pengucapan kata “Sunday, Monday, May, etc” Guru Memerintah siswa untuk menirukan “Sekarang tirukan” Siswa Mengucapkan kata “Sunday, Monday, May, etc” 10.15 Guru Membacakan contoh kalimat “IT is Monday, It is January” Guru Memerintah siswa untuk

mengucapkan kalimat di depan kelas “Sekarang, siapa berani?”

Siswa Mengucapkan kalimat “It is May, etc.” Closing 10.55 Guru Menanyakan pelajaran hari ini “Hari ini belajar apa?” Siswa Menjawab “Nama-nama hari dan bulan” Guru Menanyakan perasaan siswa “Senang hari ini?” Siswa Menjawab “Senang banget, asyik” Guru Menutup pelajaran “Good bye and See you”

Comment of the observer:

1. Situasi Kelas

Kelas lebih hidup dan tidak monoton. Dengan adanya variasi media dan

kegiatan, siswa mendapat atmosphere dan suasana baru, sehingga kelas tampak

lebih menyenangkan.

2. Materi

Cukup bagus karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan materi yang

ditetapkan untuk semester II.


3. Penyampaian materi

Cukup jelas dan lancar karena suara guru juga keras. Guru tampak

menguasai bahan pelajaran sehingga bisa menyampaikan dengan

bervariasi/dengan nada dan intonasi yang berbeda.

4. Keaktifan siswa

Siswa sangat aktif. Mereka sudah mau merespon perintah/pertanyaan guru

secara langsung. Mereka juga berani berpendapat dan mengajukan pertanyaan

seputar pelajaran.

5. Pengaturan waktu

Sudah baik dan sudah dipertahankan seperti hari sebelumnya. Sehingga

antara kegiatan awal, inti, dan penutup bisa terlaksana dengan lancar, meski agak

sedikit meleset tapi tidak mempengaruhi jalannya kegiatan.


Secara keseluruhan sudah cukup baik dan mengalami peningkatan, dan

guru harus terus menciptakan kegiatan yang bervariasi agar murid tidak mudah



Lembar Pengamatan Jalannya KBM

Tahapan Waktu Nama Tindakan yang dilakukan Contoh kalimat yang diucapkan Opening 07.30 Guru Mengucapkan salam “Good morning, Students. How are

you today?” Siswa Menjawab salam “Good morning, I am fine, thanks,

and you?” Guru Mengecek kehadiran siswa “Who is absent today?” Siswa Menjawab “No one” Guru Review pelajaran “Mention names of days” Siswa Menjawab “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday” Guru Merespon “That’s good. OK.” Guru Menceritakan topik pelajaran hari

ini “Hari ini kalian akan melanjutkan pelajaran kemarin”

Main Activity

07.45 Guru Menceritakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa dengan PAH

“Setelah mencoblos, kalian tulis lagi jawabannya di papan tulis”

Guru Memerintahkan siswa untuk maju ke depan kelas

“Ayo, siapa yang akan dapat giliran pertama?”

Siswa Merespon perintah guru “Saya, Bu” 08.05 Guru Memerintahkan siswa untuk

mengucapkan 3 kata di depan kelas “Siapa yang mau maju ke depan?”

Siswa Merespon perintah guru “Saya Bu” Siswa Mengucapkan kata “September, October, November” 08.15 Guru Menjelaskan exercise “Kalian lengkapi dialog dan

praktikan di depan kelas” Siswa Merespon perintah guru “Sudah selesai Bu, soalnya

mudah” Siswa Bertanya pada guru “Bu, nanti dibaca terus direkam?” Guru Menjawab “Tentu dong, suka kan?” 08.25 Guru Memerintah siswa untuk perform

dialog “Coba praktikan dialog di depan kelas”

Siswa Perform dialog dan bertanya pada guru

“Sudah bagus Bu?”

Guru Menjawab “OK, good” Siswa Merespon jawaban “Yes” Closing 08.55 Guru Menanyakan materi pelajaran “Kalian belajar apa hari ini?” Siswa Menjawab “Days and months” Guru Menanyakan perasaan “Gimana hari ini?jauh lebih asyik

kan?” Siswa Menjawab “Wuenak tenan” Guru Menutup pelajaran “Good bye” Siswa Menjawab “Good bye”

Comment of the observer:

1. Situasi kelas

Kegiatan yang dilakukan bervariasi dan siswa bisa merespon dengan baik

sehingga situasi kelas benar-benar hidup, menyenangkan, dan komunikatif.


2. Materi

Cukup bagus karena materinya adalah lanjutan dari materi sebelumnya.

Guru tidak hanya memberikan vocabulary tapi juga mengaplikasikannya ke dalam


3. Penyampaian materi

Disampaikan dengan cukup bagus dan jelas. Ada interaksi antara guru

dengan siswa sehingga materi yang disampaikan bisa diterima siswa. Selain itu,

guru juga memberikan contoh yang jelas.

4. Keaktifan siswa

Pada pertemuan terakhir ini siswa benar-benar aktif selama proses KBM,

baik dalam merespon pertanyaan maupun mengajukan pertanyaan pada guru.

5. Pengaturan waktu

Waktu digunakan dengan cukup baik. Semua kegiatan berjalan lancar dan

sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan dalam lesson plan sehingga tujuan

bisa tercapai.

6. Saran

Situasi dan kondisi seperti ini perlu dipertahankan. Aktivitas yang

melibatkan siswa harus dibuat bervariasi terus sehingga siswa tidak mudah bosan

dan selalu mendapat suasana baru dan KBM bisa berjalan dengan menyenangkan.


Appendix 4

Transcript of Interview

Pada hari Sabtu, 16 Januari 2009, pukul 07.30, saya datang ke SD Negeri

Pojok 02 untuk mengadakan interview dengan siswa-siswi kelas V B. Interview

dilakukan pada saat jam istirahat, sehingga tidak mengganggu jalannya KBM.

Saat itu pukul 09.05, saya menghampiri beberapa siswa putri yang sedang

bermain di dalam kelas sambil bercanda dengan teman-temannya. Saya masuk

dan menyapa mereka. Mereka pun balas tersenyum dan menyapa saya. Saya

menjelaskan maksud kedatangan saya. Saya meminta mereka untuk menjadi

responden. Saat itu, ada 3 siswa putra yang masuk kelas dan mereka pun saya

panggil untuk interview. Interview dilakukan untuk mengetahui minat siswa

terhadap pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang

diajarkan oleh guru R.E. Interview pun dimulai.

Peneliti: “Pagi, semua…”.(sambil tersenyum)

Siswa : “Pagi, Bu…”

Peneliti: “Boleh ganggu sebentar ya?”

Suci : “Ada apa Bu?”

Peneliti: “Saya mau ngobrol-ngobrol dikit ni ma kalian”.

“Coba kamu, Suci. Kamu suka nggak dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?”

Suci : “Hmm…suka, Bu”. (sambil tersenyum)

Peneliti: “Kenapa kok suka?”

Suci : “Soalnya saya nggak bisa bahasa Inggris, Bu…”

“Saya pengin bisa bahasa Inggris…”.

Peneliti: “Pengin bisa apa, bicara dengan bahasa Inggris maksudnya?”

Suci : “Iya, Bu. Tapi susah cara ngomongnya, kan orang Jawa…”. (tertawa).

Peneliti: “O…gitu”. (mengangguk-angguk).

“Terus kalau pas guru ngajar di kelas itu jelas pa nggak?”

Suci : “Lumayan, tapi sering ngantuk Bu, saya.” (tertawa).

Peneliti: “OK, thanks”.


Peneliti: “Nah, sekarang kamu, Mulis”. (sambil menunjuk ke Mulis)

“Menurutmu pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan nggak sich?”

Mulis : ”Menyenangkan.”

Peneliti: “Kenapa menyenangkan? Mudah ya?”

Mulis : “Nggak, menyenangkan tapi susah, Bu”.

Peneliti: “Lalu susahnya gimana?”

Mulis : “Mengucapkannya itu saya nggak bisa”.

Peneliti: “Memang penulisan dan pengucapan suatu kata dalam bahasa Inggris itu

berbeda, nggak kaya’ bahasa kita, sama aja”.

Mulis : “Iya, Bu. Itu maksudnya”.

Peneliti: “Kalau pas guru menerangkan itu jelas nggak?”

Mulis : “Jelas, tapi saya sering ngantuk…”. (tertawa).

Peneliti: “Kok ngantuk?” (mengernyitkan dahi).

Mulis : “Soalnya banyak nyatet”.

Peneliti: “OK, makasih”.

Peneliti: “Kalau kamu gimana Hani, tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?”

Hani :”Tertarik, Bu…”.

Peneliti: “Kenapa?”

Hani : “Pelajarannya gampang-gampang susah”.

Peneliti: “Yang sulit yang bagian apa?”

Hani : “Kalau kata-katanya panjang saya lupa hurufnya”

Peneliti: “O…maksudmu menulis kata-kata pake bahasa Inggris itu susah?

Hani : “Iya…”

Peneliti: “Kamu suka nggak diajar guru bahasa Inggris?”

Hani : “Suka”.

Peneliti: “Kenapa?”

Hani : “Suka ngasih tebak-tebakan.

Peneliti: “OK, good”.

Peneliti: “Kalau kamu gimana, Wid? Suka nggak dengan pelajaran bahasa


Widya : “Suka”.


Peneliti: “Yang kamu sukai apa?”

Widya : “Bisa tahu bahasa Inggrisnya macam-macam. Banyak pokoknya, Bu”.

Peneliti: “OK. Lalu menurutmu, susah nggak belajar bahasa Inggris itu?”

Widya : “Lumayan. Tapi cara mbacanya membingungkan”.

Peneliti: “Membingungkan gimana?”

Widya : “Susah ucapannya, Bu, nggak sama dengan tulisannya. Jadi,

menghafalnya juga sulit”.

Peneliti: “Hmm…ya. Terus katanya tadi kamu suka bahasa Inggris, kenapa?”

Widya : “Saya pengin jadi guru bahasa Inggris, Bu”.

Peneliti: “Well, thanks ya”.

Peneliti: “Linda, gimana dengan kamu? Suka nggak dengan pelajaran bahasa


Linda : “Suka”.

Peneliti: “Apa yang kamu sukai?”

Linda : “Bahasanya”.

Peneliti: “Maksudnya gimana?”

Linda : “Bahasanya bagus”.

Peneliti: “Terus kamu juga pengin jadi guru bahasa Inggris?”

Linda : “Nggak, Bu”.

Peneliti: “It’s OK. Terus pas guru ngajar itu kamu ngantuk nggak?”

Linda : “Kadang-kadang”.

Peneliti: “Kok ngantuk sich?”

Linda : “Soalnya sering nyatet”.

Peneliti: “Maksudnya kebanyakan nyatet?”

Linda : “Iya, jadi bosan”.

Peneliti: “Ya, thanks…”

Peneliti: “Sekarang gantian yang putra”

Peneliti: “Coba, Ibnu dulu. Menurutmu pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu bagaimana?

Susah atau mudah?”.

Ibnu : “Mudah”.

Peneliti: “Oya? Kok bisa? Kamu suka ya dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?”


Ibnu : “Suka. Soalnya mudah”.

Peneliti: “Soal testing kaya’ gitu maksudnya?”

Ibnu : “Iya”.

Peneliti: “Terus menurutmu pas kamu belajar bahasa Inggris di kelas itu gimana?”

Ibnu : “Senang, tapi kadang juga bosan”.

Peneliti: “Kenapa?”

Ibnu : “Penjelasannya banyak dan cepet”.

Peneliti: “OK, good. Makasih”.

Peneliti: “Sekarang kamu Untung. Kamu suka atau tertarik nggak dengan bahasa


Seno : “Lumayan”.

Peneliti: “Lumayan gimana?”

Seno : “Soalnya susah pas mbaca kata itu. Nggak bisa”.

Peneliti: “Maksudnya pengucapannya gitu?”

Seno : “Iya”.

Peneliti: “Terus apa lagi? Ada nggak?”

Seno : “Nulisnya juga susah, Bu”

Peneliti: “Sering lupa gimana nulisnya”

Peneliti: “Kalau kamu pas diajar ngantuk nggak?”

Seno : “Kadang-kadang kalau pas nyatet”.

Peneliti: “Baik, makasih”.

Peneliti: “Terakhir kamu, Rahmad. Seperti yang lainnya ya. Kamu suka nggak

dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?”

Rahmad: “Kadang suka kadang nggak”.

Peneliti: “Sukanya pas apa dan nggak sukanya pas apa?”

Rahmad: “Kalau ada tebak-tebakan suka”.

Peneliti: “Jadi kalau nggak ada tebak-tebakannya, nggak suka gitu?”

Peneliti: “OK, nggak papa. Berarti kamu sering ngantuk donk di kelas?”

Rahmad: “Kadang”.

Peneliti: “OK. Semuanya sudah menjawab pertanyaan dari Ibu. Kalau gitu

makasih semuanya ya, dah bel masuk tuch”.


From the interview above, it can be interpreted as follows:

1) Students’ interest toward English

Most students are interested in English lesson. It is because they cannot

use English well. Most of them says that they like with English lesson and desire

to learn English. However, they are afraid with the lesson since they feel that

English is the most difficult subject. They are afraid if they make mistake when

learning English. Therefore, they cannot concentrate when learning English.

2) Students’ competence on spelling and pronunciation

In this case, I ask about students’ opinion dealing with their ability in

writing and reading English words. From the interview, it indicates that their

spelling ability and pronunciation awareness are low. It is because they are

difficult to distinct the writing of words as well as the pronunciation of words.

They often say English words as the Indonesian one, and they often write English

words as the Indonesian one, too. They are difficult to read word when they ask to

read and they are difficult to write the answer on a test, although they know the

answer but often forget how to write it correctly. In short, they are confused to

distinct the spelling and pronunciation of English words.

3) Students’ opinion about teacher’s technique

Regarding to the way the teacher teach in the class, most students says that

they feel bored and sleepy. It is so since there is no activity that involves their

participant actively. They are often asked to take notes and listen to the teacher’s

explanation. Therefore, they can’t remember the lesson has been learnt well. They

also can’t concentrate on the lesson maximally. It indicates that the students need

various activities which involve their participant. It means that the activity needs

the students’ mobility. In short, students are learning by doing and the activities

are out of seat activity.


Transcript of Interview

Hari Sabtu saya melakukan interview dengan para siswa. Saya

memanfaatkan jam pelajaran Matematika yang saat itu gurunya sedang

berhalangan hadir. Interview ini saya lakukan setelah posttest dilakukan pada hari

yang berbeda. Saya melakukan interview pada beberapa siswa secara tidak

langsung atau seperti bercakap-cakap biasa. Interview yang saya lakukan adalah

seputar penerapan T&K R yang telah berjalan selama 5x pertemuan. Interview

pun dimulai dan bisa dikutip sebagai berikut:

Guru : “Menurut kalian setelah kalian belajar dengan menggunakan media

yang saya bawa kemarin gimana?”

WPNS : “Jadi enak Bu belajarnya, jadi lebih mudah gitu”.Jadi bisa membaca

dan menulis yang betul”.

PFH : “Senang Bu belajar bahasa Inggris. Soalnya ada gambarnya”.

INC : “Lebih mudah belajarnya. Jadi semangat belajar, apalagi kalau disuruh

menulis jawaban, saya jadi suka”.

NW : “Saya juga Bu. Belajar jadi asyik dan menyenangkan”.

MEC : “Jadi semangat belajar. Nggak gampang ngantuk Bu”.

MPH : “Kalau jawab soal jadi gampang ingat. Belajar jadi mengasyikkan”.

MKS : “Saya jadi semangat belajar dan pengin pelajaran Inggris terus gitu”.

MP : “Jadi asyik dan tidak cepat bosan. Bisa bareng teman-teman saat

njawab soal”.

TP : “Belajar jadi asyik dan tidak ngantuk. Belajar juga jadi gampang, Bu”.

UP : “Saya jadi semangat belajar. Kalau di rumah suka latihan membaca”.

SR : “Saya juga Bu. Saya sering latihan menulis juga kadang membaca

kalau di rumah”.

Guru : “Jadi kalian suka dong kalau belajar menggunakan alat-alat seperti


NW : “Suka banget Bu soalnya ada gambar dan tulisannya, jadi enak”.

NF : “Iya, suka. Kalau saya suka karena gambarnya lucu dan ada cara

membacanya. Sekarang jadi lebih enak belajarnay”.


RPP : “Suka, karena banyak kegiatannya, jadi nggak gampang ngantuk”.

RS : “Suka, karena bisa belajar langsung sama temen-temen. Saya suka dua-


IF : “Saya suka semuanya dan senang karena asyik, menyenangkan, dan

bisa sambil bermain”.

VS : “Iya, jadi lebih mudah dan asyik”.

Guru : “Terus kalau disuruh membaca atau menulis jadi gimana? Masih

kesulitan atau kadang lupa?”

SKS : “Kadang masih sulit, tapi saya jadi lebih ingat tulisannya kalau pas

menjawab soal”.

UPR : “Jadi lebih mudah Bu. Jadi gampang ingat kalau disuruh membaca”.

UP : “Nggak sulit, tapi kadang lupa”.

WPNS : “Jadi mudah”

PFH : “Gampang tapi kadang juga masih agak lupa”.

MPH : “Jadi lebih mudah Bu. Saya jadi semangat kalau disuruh membaca”.

LF : “Lebih mudah, tapi kadang juga sulit. Tapi lebih gampang dari pada

dulu rasanya sulit”.

Y : “Jadi gampang dan asyik. Nggak sulit kayak dulu”.

INC : “Kalau tes kayak kemarin jadi lebih bisa. Menulisnya jadi lancar,

membaca juga jadi enak”.

Guru : “Enak gimana?”

INC : “Jadi nggak takut. Lebih santai”.

Guru : “Jadi intinya, kalian jadi lebih gampang menulis dan membaca

kata/kalimat bahasa Inggris?”

Siswa : “Betul, Bu…”.

Guru : “Terus kalian pengin lagi belajar pakai alat bantu seperti kemarin?”

Siswa : “Mau, Bu. Lagi ya?”

Guru : “OK. Makasih ya semuanya. Good bye”.

Siswa : “Good bye”.


Based on the summary of interview above, it can be interpreted as follows:

1) Students’ opinion about their studying after using T&K R.

All students like and feel happy when they learn using T&K R. They feel

that their studying become fun and pleasing. All of them said that they feel very

excited and enjoy in learning English. Beside that, they become more diligent and

active in learning English at home. They often practice their English, especially

writing and reading English words. Moreover, when they learn with T&K R, they

are not easy to get bored. They do not feel sleepy during the lesson since there are

some activities that must be done by them both in group or individually.

2) Students’ interest toward T&K R.

Based on the interview about the students’ interest toward T&K R, most of

them said that they like both LC and PAH. They like it very much. They are

attracted with T&K R since there are visual aids like pictures, printed-word, and

printed-sound of the words. It makes them easy to learn. In addition, they can do

many activities with T&K R. They do it by moving and touching. It means, it is

out of seat activities. They feel that they are learning by playing, so they enjoy it.

They also like it since they can do the activities cooperatively using T&K R with

their friend. Therefore, their studying become fun, relax, and pleasing.

3) Students’ opinion about their competence in spelling and pronunciation

After using T&K R during the lesson, they can read and write the English

words more easily. When they do a test, they write the answer more easily since

they can remember well the spelling of words as they learn by doing something.

Beside that, they are happy when they ask to read since they feel that they are not

afraid in making mistakes. Furthermore, they said that by doing many activities,

they are easy to remember something. Therefore, when they ask to read or write

English words, they do it enjoyably.

In short, the students’ spelling and pronunciation improve after learning

using T&K R. Then, they expect that they always learn using T&K R with various

activities everyday they meet English class.


Appendix 5

The Diary of Action Research

Time Notes Monday, 12th January 2009 Tuesday, 13th January 2009 Thursday, 14th

January, 2009 Saturday, 16th January 2009

Hari ini aku melakukan konsultasi dengan Bu Dewi tentang proposal skripsiku. Bu Dewi memberikan banyak masukan dan kritik terutama untuk bab 1. Untuk melakukan action research, aku harus menentukan beberapa hal diantaranya: § Problem § Indicator of problem § Causes of problem § Solution of problem § Reasons of choosing the solution

Bu Dewi juga menekankan bahwa indicator masalah itu harus 3D (dapat dilihat, diraba, dan diterawang). Jadi, indicator masalah harus sesuatu yang jelas dan konkret. Hari ini aku melakukan pre observasi di SD Negeri Pojok 02. Dari hasil pre observasi ini ada beberapa poin: § Siswa kurang aktif selama pelajaran berlangsung § Siswa baru menjawab pertanyaan kalau guru sudah

menyebut namanya § Siswa sering ramai saat guru menerangkan § Siswa masih kesulitan saat mengucapkan kata-kata dalam

bahasa Inggris (pronunciation siswa masih rendah) § Sebagian siswa masih kesulitan menuliskan kata-kata dalam

bahasa Inggris saat menjawab pertanyaan

Hari ini aku telah mengadakan pre test dengan hasil: § Siswa salah dalam menuliskan kata-kata yang menggunakan

double konsonan letter, seperti rabbit (rabit), buffalo (bufalo), dll.

§ Siswa masih membuat transposisi huruf, missal elephant (elepahnt)

§ Siswa cenderung mengucapkan kata berdasarkan tulisan/hurufnya

§ Tes menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan spelling dan pronunciation siswa masih rendah

Setelah mengadakan pre-test, hari ini aku melakukan wawancara pada beberapa siswa putra dan putri kelas VB. Tujuan wawancara ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat siswa terhadap pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas yang telah siswa terima. Hasil wawancara tersebut menunjukkan bahwa: § Siswa suka dan tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris § Siswa cenderung suka dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris

karena mereka merasa tidak bisa bahasa Inggris § Siswa merasa kesulitan saat membaca kata-kata dalam

bahasa Inggris § Siswa merasa bingung dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris


Monday, 19th January 2009 Friday, 30th January 2009 Wednesday, 5th February 2009 Wednesday, 11th February 2009

karena berbeda dengan penulisannya § Ada beberapa siswa yang kesulitan saat menuliskan kata-

kata dalam bahasa Inggris § Siswa sering mengantuk di kelas karena kegiatannya sering

mencatat Setelah merevisi proposal, aku mengkonsultaiskannya lagi dengan Bu Dewi. Indikator masalah yang aku tulis ada 5, masing-masing dari segi kompetens (spelling dan pronunciation) dan classroom situation. Indikator-indikator masalah tersebut adalah hasil dari pe observasi, pre-test, dan wawancara yang telah dilakukan di kelas. Bu Dewi mengatakan bahwa indikator itu harus 3D karena nantinya indikator itulah yang akan mengarahkan kita dalam melakukan penelitian action research. Setelah bab 1 beres, Bu Dewi mengoreksi proposal bab 3. Beliau menyarankan aku untuk mencari teknik analysis data yang cocok untuk menganalisa data qualitative. Aku telah merevisi proposal bab 3 tentang teknik analysis data. Constant comparative method adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data qualitative. Setelah aku mengkonsultasikannya dengan Bu Dewi, beliau langsung meng-ACC proposal skripsiku. Sebelum melakukan penelitian, Bu Dewi menyarankan aku membuat blueprint penelitian atau garis besar rencana penelitian yang akan aku laksanakan di kelas. Blueprint tersebut dibuat dalam bentuk tabel yang isinya: § Steps of study § Participants § Instruments § Items § Data § Analysis

Setelah konsultasi dengan Bu Dewi, hari ini aku melakukan konsultasi dengan Pak Bambang. Aku menanyakan tentang format penulisan blueprint beserta contohnya. Beliau menjelaskan dan memberikan satu contoh seperti ini:

Instrument Items Data Analysis Post test Spelling

Pronounciation Post test result

Descriptive analysis

Aku telah membuat blueprint penelitian dan hari ini aku telah mengkonsultasikannya dengan Bu Dewi. Aku merencanakan 2 cycle, cycle pertama 3x pertemuan dan cycle kedua aku buat 2x pertemuan. Bu Dewi menyarankan aku untuk menulis diary sejak pre-research sampai akhir penelitian, sehingga bisa jelas tertulis apa saja yang dilakukan selama penelitian. Beliau akhirnya menyetujui blueprintku. Bu dewi kemudian menyarankan aku untuk terjun langsung ke kelas untuk melakukan meeting pertama,


Friday, 13th February Tuesday, 17th February 2009 Thursday, 26th February 2009

dengan membawa perangkat mengajar, seperti lesson plan, observation sheet, dan field note. Setelah dilaksanakan aku harus menuliskannya dalam bentuk laporan tertulis, dan mengkonsultasikannya dengan Bu Dewi. Aku mempersiapkan beberapa perangkat mengajar untuk meeting pertama cycle pertama. Seperti yang telah Bu Dewi sarankan aku mempersiapkan: § Materi ajar § Lesson plan + teaching scenario § Media learning circle § Gambar-gambar binatang § Words cards & sounds cards (spelling&pronunciation) § Answer cards § Lembar observasi § Lembar pengamatan untuk observer § Hand record

Hari ini aku telah mengimplementasikan action di kelas untuk meeting pertama dari cycle 1. Sub topik: names of animals Waktu : 2 x 45’

Instrumen: gambar binatang, answer cards, Words cards & sounds cards (spelling and pronunciation), exercises sheet, media learning circle.

§ Tujuan pencapaian a. Siswa dapat menuliskan nama-nama binatang dengan

ejaan yang tepat b. Siswa dapat mengucapkan nama-nama binatang dengan

pengucapan yang benar c. Membuat siswa lebih aktif berpartisipasi di dalam kelas

§ Hasil penelitian a. Sebagian besar siswa sudah teliti dalam mencatat dari

papan tulis ke buku catatan mereka b. Sebagian siswa sudah bisa mengucapkan nama-nama

binatang dengan lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya pada saat pre test, dan sebagian masih belum bisa, seperti an elephant, a goat.

c. Tactile & kinesthetic resource bisa membuat siswa lebih aktif berpartisipasi, mereka menjadi lebih semangat dan beberapa siswa lebih berani untuk mengungkapkan pendapatnya tanpa guru harus menyebut namanya dulu.

Implementasi meeting ke 2 dari Cycle 1 aku rangkum sbb: Subtopik : Animals Produce Sound Waktu : 2 x 45’ Instrument: gambar, LC, printed-word card, sound card. Tujuan Pencapaian: 1. Siswa bisa menulis nama binatang sesuai gambar


Thursday, 26th February 2009 Thursday, 26th February 2009

2. Siswa bisa menulis kalimat berdasarkan kata tertentu (bark, bleat, meow, dll)

3. Siswa bisa membaca kalimat tersebut dengan pronunciation dan intonasi yang tepat

4. Siswa tidak ramai saat pelajaran Hasil Pencapaian: 1. Siswa bisa menuliskan nama binatang dengan spelling yang

tepat 2. Sebagian siswa bisa menuliskan kalimat meskipun masih ada

beberapa yang keliru sedikit 3. Masih ada beberapa siswa yang kesulitan saat membaca 4. Sebagian kecil siswa masih gaduh saat pelajaran berlangsung Aku hari ini telah melakukan meeting ke dua dari Cycle 1. Tadi saat mengimplementasikan LC dalam proses KBM, sebagian besar siswa mulai senang dan enjoy, meskipun ada sedikit hambatan. Saat aku membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok, ada sebagian siswa yang protes karena anggota kelompoknya tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Namun, setelah saya bujuk, akhirnya mereka mau bergabung dan melakukan aktivitas dengan menggunakan LC secara berkelompok. Saya cukup senang dengan hasil pelajaran hari ini karena saya lihat semua siswa bisa bekerjasama dengan baik dan yang lebih penting mereka enjoy melakukannya. Aku berharap semoga ini bisa terus memicu semangat mereka sehingga KBM akan berjalan lancar. Hari ini aku masuk kelas agak terlambat karena harus menyiapkan semua materi pelajaran dulu. Tapi untungnya ada LPS, sehingga tidak terasa berat dan terburu-buru. Saat aku akan melangkah ke luar kantor, ada beberapa siswa yang menghampiri dan berkata, “Bu, jadwalnya bahasa Inggris lho…”. Aku diam sejenak karena tak menyangka kalau siswa akan berkata seperti itu karena biasanya mereka cuek bahkan senang kalau pelajaran bahasa Inggris telat. Dalam hati aku betul-betul senang tak terkira karena hari ini adalah perubahan yang bagus dan harus dipertahankan.

Saturday, 28th February 2009

RPP yang aku buat kemarin telah aku implementasikan hari ini. Rasanya sedikit lega karena Cycle 1 sudah selesai aku lakukan. Implementasi meeting ke 3 ini aku rangkum sbb:

Subtopik : Foods for Animals Waktu : 2 x 45’ Instrument: gambar, LC, printed word cards/sound cards, exercise

sheet. Tujuan Pencapaian: 1. Siswa bisa menulis nama-nama makanan binatang dengan

ejaan yang benar 2. Siswa dapat membaca kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan

nama makanan binatang (carrot, meat, banana, dll) dengan pronunciation yang tepat

3. Siswa dapat membaca kalimat dengan intonasi dan pengucapan


yang benar 4. Siswa aktif selama pembelajaran Hasil Pencapaian: 1. Siswa sudah bisa menulis kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan

topik dengan ejaan yang benar 2. Siswa bisa membaca kata-kata dengan benar 3. Sebagian siswa (50% siswa) bisa membaca kalimat dengan

pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar 4. Siswa masih harus disebut namanya baru mau merespon

pertanyaan/perintah guru Sunday, 1st March 2009

Kemarin aku telah menyelesaikan meeting dalam Cycle 1 ini. Ada beberapa hal yang membuatku lega dan senang, tapi ada juga yang masih mengganjal. Hal yang membuatku senang adalah indicator masalah pada spelling sudah teratasi/terselesaikan karena siswa sudah menunjukkan beberapa peningkatan yang positif. Aku betul-betul lega sekali, rasanya ingin meluapkan kegembiraan dengan berteriak senang. Namun, hal yang masih mengganjal membuatku urung untuk bersorak gembira Karen aku belum bisa menyelesaikan indikator masalah pada pronunciation dan class situation. Ada 2 indikator dari kedua aspek tersebut yang belum terselesaikan, yaitu sebagian besar siswa masih belum bisa mengucapkan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar dan masih pelan dalam mengucapkannya, kemudian hanya ada sedikit siswa yang mau merespon perintah/pertanyaan guru, sehingga masih banyak ynag pasif. Oleh karena itu aku memutuskan untuk lanjut ke Cycle 2. Aku berharap semoga di Cycle 2 ini bisa terselesaikan semuanya.

Thursday, 5th March 2009

Hari ini aku konsultasi dengan Bu Dewi tentang RPP dan hasil penelitian. Bu Dewi memberikan banyak saran mengenai hasil penelitianku. Ada beberapa point penting sbb: a. RPP harus dibuat lengkap dan jelas baik isi maupun

exercisenya, juga harus disertai answer key b. Pada lembar pengamatan jalannya KBM harus disertai

komentar observer c. Aku harus menyertakan bukti rekaman suara siswa saat mereka

mengucapkan kata/kalimat Beliau juga menyarankan aku untuk mengambil 3 orang siswa yang aku amati secara intens. Tapi walaupun begitu aku harus memperhatikan keseluruhan siswa karena ini adalah action research, bukan penelitian kuantitatif.

Saturday, 7th March 2009

Aku mulai melakukan persiapan untuk Cycle 2. Aku menyiapkan sagala sesuatu yang diperlukan untuk melancarkan meeting pada Cycle 2 nanti. Persiapan yang aku buat meliputi: · Lesson plan · T&K R (PAH) · Students’ exercise sheet · Audio recording · Text book · Photograph


· Observation sheet, dll. Semuanya itu aku persiapkan untuk 2 meeting sekaligus karena rencana meeting pada Cycle 2 adalah 2 meeting. Pada Cycle 2 ini aku menyampaikan topic yang berbeda dan media yang berbeda pula dengan aktivitas yang lebih bervariasi, namun tetap dengan teknik yang satu jalur. Aku membuat seperti itu untuk memunculkan suasana baru dan menghindari kebosanan siswa, sehingga KBM akan lebih berwarna.

Thursday, 12th March 2009 Thursday, 12th March 2009

Hari ini aku telah melakukan penelitian untuk meeting 1 dari C.2. Pada meeting ini aku mencapai beberapa tujuan yang bisa dirangkum sbb: Subtopik : Days and Months Waktu : 2 x 45’ Instrument : PAH, printed question+answer Tujuan Pencapaian: 1. Siswa dapat menulis kembali nama-nama hari/bulan 2. Siswa dapat membaca nama-nama hari/bulan dengan benar 3. Siswa dapat membaca kalimat sederhana tentang Days &

Months dengan intonasi yang tepat 4. Siswa lebih aktif dan berani merespon pertanyaan/perintah

guru Hasil Pencapaian: 1. Siswa bisa menuliskan kembali nama-nama hari/bulan 2. Siswa bisa membaca nama-nama hari/bulan dengan

pronunciation yang tepat 3. Siswa dapat membaca kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar 4. Sebagian besar siswa sudah aktif selama pembelajaran

khususnya saat merespon perintah guru atau pun bertanya pada guru sehubungan dengan topik pelajaran

Aku tak menyangka kalau aku bisa melakukan pendekatan seperti ini pada murid-muridku. Aku bisa lebih dekat dengan para siswa. Mereka tidak takut atau malu lagi berkomunikasi denganku. Aku betul-betul happy. Suasana jadi lebih hidup dan rasanya tidak seperti pelajaran sebelumnya yang tampak tegang dan pasif. Ada interaksi yang bagus antara siswa dengan guru maupun siswa dengan siswa. Kalau seperti ini rasanya waktu cepat sekali berlalu. Ternyata T&K R benar-benar membantu aku dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas. Thanks for T&K R!

Saturday, 14th March 2009

Setelah Kamis kemarin mengadakan meeting I, hari ini aku telah mengadakan meeting ke 2 dari C.2. Sesuai rencana awal bahwa C.2 hanya akan ada 2 meeting, berarti pertemuan hari ini tadi adalah terakhir dari C.2. Implementasinya dirangkum sbb: Subtopik : Days and Months Waktu : 2 x 45’ Instrument : PAH, printed question & answer, exercise sheet Tujuan Pencapaian: 1. Siswa dapat membaca nama-nama bulan dengan tepat 2. Siswa dapat melengkapi dialog


3. Siswa dapat membaca dialog dengan pronunciation dan intonasi yang tepat

4. Siswa lebih aktif lagi selama KBM Hasil Pencapaian: 1. Siswa dapat membaca nama-nama bulan dengan tepat 2. Siswa dapat melengkapi dialog 3. Siswa dapat membaca dialog dengan pronunciation dan

intonasi yang benar 4. Seluruh siswa berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran

Saturday, 14th March 2009

Lega sekali rasanya… Akhirnya C.2 ini telah terlaksana dengan baik. Setelah penantian yang lumayan panjang, aku bisa segera mngerjakan bab 4 dan baba 5. hal yang aku tunggu-tunggu karena aku ingin segera lulus. Banyak hal yang aku alami selama penelitian di kelas 5B. Hal yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah banyak pelajaran dan penglaman langsung yang aku dapatkan selama melakukan AR ini. Satu hal yang aku pelajari adalah bahwa guru perlu memberi ruang gerak pada siswa untuk mengeksplore pikiran dan fisiknya secara seimbang agar anak menjadi lebih nyaman belajar dengan disesuaikan dunianya, yaitu belajar sambil bermain. Aku semakin yakin bahwa T&K R adalah teknik yang bisa meningkatkan kinerja otak dan fisik siswa secara seimbang karena kegiatan dengan T&K R mengharuskan siswa touching & moving (out of seat activities) untuk belajar sesuatu. Dengan T&K R ini, anak-anak lebih semangat belajarnya karena teknik T&K R mengalihkan perhatian siswa yang tidak bisa duduk diam dengan kegiatan positif, namun siswa tetap belajar sambil bermain.

Saturday, 14th March 2009

Aku sangat senang hari ini, semua siswa bisa perform dialog dengan lancar. Tanpa malu-malu, mereka mempraktikannya di depan kelas. Hal yang aku paling membuatku senang adalah mereka bisa membaca kalimat baik statement maupun question dengan pronunciation dan intonasi yang benar. Aku benar-benar lega karena saat C.1 mereka tidak bisa mengucapkannya dengan baik. Akhirnya di C.2 ini mereka bisa membuktikan bahwa mereka bisa. T&K R memang is the best!.

Thursday, 19th March 2009

T&K R adalah teknik yang memberikan inspirasi kepadaku dalam membuat aktivitas selama proses pembelajaran. Aku merasa menjadi lebih kreatif dalam membuat main activity yang aku tulis dalam lesson plan. Aku bisa menggali banyak event yang bisa aku ciptakan dengan menggunakan T&K R.

Friday, 20th March 2009

Aku mulai mengerjakan bab 4 & 5. Setelah semua data terkumpul analisa sudah dilakukan, aku menyususn research findings. Aku senang sekali karena akhirnya aku bisa mengerjakan bab 4 & 5, meski rasanya sulit untuk menyusun kata-kata yang bagus dan bisa diterima dengan baik. Pada chapter 4 ini, aku menyajikan proses penelitian, temuan hasil penelitian yang akhirnya menemukan suatu teori berdasarkan data yang telah dirangkum pada research findings. Data tersebut berasal dari pre observation, fieldnote,


interview, audio recording, teacher’s diary, photograph, and posttest result. Teori tersebut merupakan hasil dari problem statement yang ada pada chapter I.

Tuesday, 31st March 2009

Aku telah mengkonsultasikan bab 1 – 3 dengan Pak Bambang dan akhirnya hari ini telah beliau ACC. Dari hasil konsultasi bab 1 – 3 banyak hal yang aku dapat dan menjadi masukan yang bagus untuk skripsiku. Pak Bambang menyarankan beberapa hal sbb: · Aku harus menyertakan alas an kenapa aku tertarik untuk

melakukan penelitian yang sesuai dengan judul penelitianku. Alasan ini harus aku masukkan dalam bab I.

· Aku harus lebih teliti dalam memilih diksi dan harus menulis kalimat dengan structure yang sama, contohnya kalau dalam 1 kalimat itu menggunakan verb, maka selanjutnya juga harus verb (misal: I am happy and enjoy harusnya I feel happy and enjoy, dst); lalu kalau menggunakan present tense harus konsisten dengan present tense terus.

Wednesday, 22nd April 2009

Hari ini aku mengkonsultasikan bab 4 & 5 pada Bu Dewi. Aku masih harus merevisi bab 4 karena ada beberapa hal yang harus aku perbaiki. Bu Dewi menyarankan untuk: · Membuat summary of proses of the research dalam bentuk

table · Membuat pengantar pada awal chapter IV sebelum masuk isi · Meringkaskan hasil implementasi C.1 & C.2 dalam bentuk

table (harus dijadikan 1 table saja) · Membuat table research findings dengan format yang lebih rapi

Tuesday, 28th April 2009

Aku mengkonsultasikan hasil revisi yang kemarin dan Bu Dewi sudah mengACC. Selanjutnya untuk bagian result discussion, aku harus lebih jelas lagi menerangkannya, tidak boleh in around tanpa ada sub headingnya. Bu Dewi menyarankan aku harus reader-friendly sehingga tulisanku harus memudahkan pembaca untuk mencari informasi yang mereka butuhkan. Selain itu, aku juga harus memperjelas bab 5 khusunya bagian conclusion. Aku tidak mengulangi dari awal lagi alias aku harus langsung menulis hasil temuan secara singkat dan padat tanpa harus ada tabelnya lagi karena nanti malah double. Aku pun merevisi tulisanku lagi.

Friday, 8th May 2009

Aku mengkonsultasikan hasil revisianku lagi. Aku berharap Bu Dewi segera mengACC bab 4 & 5. Ternyata Bu Dewi belum terlalu senang dengan hasil revisianku, aku harus menambahi critical incident/komentar siswa yang hubungannya dengan classroom situation improvement. Aku pun harus memperbaikinya lagi. Namun, bab 5 sudah Bu Dewi ACC. Aku pun senang sekali dan yang membuatku senang, Bu Dewi mengatakan kalau skripsiku sudah bagus dan aku lancar mengerjakannya, hanya penyampaiannya kurang luwes dan harus dilengkapi sehingga pembaca senang membaca skripsiku.

Saturday, 9th May Rasanya aku ingin segera pendadaran, tapi aku masih harus


2009 merevisi tulisanku. Aku betul-betul merasa kesulitan dan putus asa karena rasanya bab 4 ini sulit untuk aku taklukkan. Aku harus menyusun isinya dengan bahasa yang bagus dan tidak ambigu, sehingga aku harus revisi lagi. Aku berharap semoga skripsiku segera di ACC.

Sunday, 10th May 2009

Aku mengerjakan apa yang Bu Dewi sarankan. Aku menambah critical incident dari siswa dan membuat format tulisan yang lebih rapi. Setelah aku renungkan, ternyata semua saran dari Bu Dewi adalah input yang benar-benar membangun karena setelah aku lihat hasilnya memang lebih jelas dan reader-friendly. Thank you Mrs. Dewi…

Tuesday, 12th May 2009

Bu Dewi menyarankan aku untuk menyusun totalan. Rasanya aku senang sekali karena sebentar lagi akan ada lampu hijau untuk aku pendadaran. Aku pun mulai membuat totalan dari awal sampai lampiran akhir. Ingin rasanya segera aku perlihatkan pada Bu Dewi untuk segera di ACC.

Thursday, 14th May 2009

Hari ini aku menemui Pak Bambang untuk mengajukan bab 4 & 5. Pak Bambang sedang dalam kondisi lemah karena beliau sedang dirawat di RS dr. Moewardi. Beliau menyarankan aku untuk berkonsultasi dulu dengan Bu Dewi dan beliau juga mengatakan dengan bijaksana bahwa beliau serahkan semua yang berhubungan dengan skripsi saya kepada Bu Dewi dan kalau saya akan ujian, untuk Pak Bambang ujiannya menyusul. Aku merasa lega sekaligus sedih dengan keadaan Pak Bambang, namun beliau sudah memberi keputusan yang bijaksana. Cepat sembuh Pak Bambang, amin…

Thursday, 14th May 2009

Karena aku belum selesai mengedit dan menyusun hasil totalan, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk berkonsultasi bab 1 – 3 dengan Bu Dewi karena dulu setelah proposal di ACC, Bu Dewi menyarankan aku untuk melakukan penelitian dulu. Jadi sambil menyelesaikan totalan, aku konsultasi bab 1 -3 dulu.

Friday, 15th May 2009

Hari ini aku langsung mengkonsultasikan hasil bab 1 – 3 pada Bu Dewi. Setelah diteliti oleh Bu Dewi, tidak ada kesalahan yang cukup banyak, hanya aku masih perlu memperbaikinya sedikit. Bu Dewi menyarankan bahwa tiap awal chapter harus diberi pengantarnya dulu sehingga pembaca tahu apa yang akan dibicarakan pada masing-masing chapter.

Monday, 18th May 2009

Aku hari ini mengajukan totalan pada Bu Dewi. Bu Dewi memeriksa skripsiku mulai dari awal sampai belakang. Beliau memberikan komentar yang menyenangkan bagiku. Beliau mengatakan skripsiku sudah siap untuk diujikan. Aku pun lega….sekali dan ingin berteriak sekencang-kencangnya karena akhirnya skripsiku goal juga.


Appendix 6

Lesson Plan

(Cycle 1)

School : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Class/Smt : V B/II

Subject : English

Topic/Meeting : Names of Animals/1

Time allotment : 2 x 45’

A. Standard Competence

§ Identifying the writing of very simple English words

§ Spelling and rewriting simple English words and sentences

B. Basic Competence

§ Reading aloud with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation which

include phrase, word, sentence, and very simple text

§ Spelling and rewriting very simple words and sentences

C. Indicators

§ Identifying spelling or writing of very simple words

§ Rewriting jumbled letters

§ Pronouncing very simple words

D. Instructional Goals

In the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:

§ Pronounce the names of animals with proper pronunciation

§ Write the names of animals correctly

E. Materials

§ Vocabularies: a rabbit, a tiger, a crocodile, a lion, an elephant, a zebra,

a buffalo, a goat, etc.

§ The spelling of each words (word cards), for example:

A rabbit A tiger A lion

A buffalo A giraffe A crocodile

An elephant

A zebra


§ The pronunciation of each words (sound cards), for example:

F. Teaching and Learning Process

Steps Activities Time allotment

Opening § Teacher greets students § Teacher checks students’ attendance § Teacher does asking and questions about the topic § Teacher tells the objectives


Main activities

§ Teacher shows a big circle containing pictures and task contents (the words and the sound symbols). Teacher tells that it is a learning circle. § Teacher asks some students to guess what pictures attached

on the learning circle. § Teacher models the pronunciation of the words while

pointing the sound symbol on the learning circle. § Students recognize its sounds and repeat it in choral § Teacher asks students to rewrite the writing of the words and

its sound symbols in their note book. § Teacher tells the procedure of learning circle and students do

it individually: Ø Students come to the front of the class Ø Teacher says the name of animal and the students choose

the correct sound symbol (sound cards) (enclosed) Ø Students attach the sound card on the edge of circle Ø Students check the answer by moving back the learning

circle and seeing the code on it. Ø Students pronounce the word § Students write the names of animals based on its sound

symbol on the whiteboard. § Check it together




5’ 10’



5’ Closing § Teacher reviews the lesson.

§ Teacher asks students’ feeling about today’s lesson (reflection)


G. Techniques

§ Tactile and kinesthetic resource

§ Three phase technique

H. Media/Source/Teaching Aid

§ ‘Enjoy’ English book § Learning circle




/’elIfәn/ /’krokәdaIl/


/’zebrә/ /ʤәra:f/


§ Pictures

§ Pronunciation/sound


§ Copies of exercise

§ Push pin

§ Whiteboard and


I. Evaluation

§ Students’ written work

§ Students’ performance (pronunciation)

Enclosed: The alternative sound cards: 1. /’ræbIt/ : /ribet/, /rebit/, /rabit/ 2. /’elIfәn/ : /elepen/, /elpent/, /ileven/ 3. /’krokәdaIl/ : /krekedel/, /krakedeil/, /crocodile/ 4. /’zebrә/ : /zebri/, /zebra/, /zibri/ 5. /’bÙfәlәυ/ : /bafelo/, /baveleo/, /bafelu/ 6. /’laIen/ : /liyen/, /laiyon/, /leyen/ 7. /’taigә(r)/ : /tager/, /tigor/, /tiger/ 8. /ʤәra:f/ : /jiref/, /jiraf/, /jierav/


Lesson Plan

(Cycle 1)

School : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Class/Smt : V B/II

Subject : English

Topic/Meeting : Animals Produce Sound/2

Time allotment : 2 x 45’

A. Standard Competence

a. Identifying the writing of very simple English words

b. Spelling and rewriting simple English words and sentences

B. Basic Competence

a. Reading aloud with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation

which include phrase, word, sentence, and very simple text

b. Spelling and rewriting very simple words and sentences

C. Indicators

a. Writing words and sentences correctly related to topic

b. Reading sentence aloud with proper pronunciation

c. Identifying animals’ sound

D. Instructional Goals

In the end of the lesson, students are able to:

a. Write the names of animals based on the picture

b. Write sentence about animals produce sound

c. Reading sentence about animals produce sound using proper


E. Material

a. Vocabulary:

Noun: birds, snakes, goats, lions, tigers, cats, dogs, horses

Verb : chirp, hiss, bleat, roar, roar, meow, bark, neigh

b. Printed-word cards/sound cards:

Word cards: Sound cards:
















F. Teaching and Learning Process

Steps Activities Time allotment Opening § Teacher greets students

§ Teacher checks students’ attendance § Teacher reviews the lesson by asking students to

mention names of animals § Teacher tells the objectives


Main activities § Teacher asks about sound produced by each animlas while the pictures on LC § Teacher models the pronunciation and give

example in sentence (bark: The dogs bark, etc.) § Teacher asks students to repeat it in choral § Teacher divides students into groups § Teacher tells the procedures of LC and the

students’ task: Ø Teacher asks students to decide the member

into Students 1, 2, 3 (S1, S2, S3) Ø Each member of the group has their own task:

S1: choose, take, and put the word card on LC (enclosed) S2: write the name of animal and sentence related the e.g. the dogs: The dogs bark S3: read the sentence aloud

§ When the students read a sentence, teacher record it § After all group perform, teacher invites some

students to come to the class and read the sentence on the whiteboard






Closing § Teacher gives a homework on Enjoy English book § Teacher reviews the lesson § Teacher asks about students’ feeling



G. Technique

§ Tactile and kinesthetic resource

§ Three phase technique

H. Media/Source/Teaching Aid

§ Learning circle

§ Picture

§ Enjoy English book

§ Printed-word cards/sound


§ Push pin

§ Whiteboard and


I. Evaluation

§ Written work (the group write sentence on whiteboard)

§ Performance (students pronounce the sentence individually)

Enclosed: · Word cards (the correct answer and its destructions):



Lesson Plan

(Cycle 1)

School : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Class/Smt : V B/II

Subject : English

Topic/Meeting : Foods for Animals/3

Time allotment : 2 x 45’

A. Standard Competence

a. Identifying the writing of very simple English words

b. Spelling and rewriting simple English words and sentences

B. Basic Competence

a. Reading aloud with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation

which include phrase, word, sentence, and very simple text

b. Spelling and rewriting very simple words and sentences

C. Indicators

a. Identifying kinds of foods for animals

b. Writing the names of foods for animals

c. Pronounce the words and sentence about foods for animals

D. Instructional Goals

In the end of the lesson, students are able to:

a. Write the names of animlas’ food using correct pronunciation

b. Read the words about animals’ food with correct stress and


c. Read the sentence related to the topic using correct pronunciation

and intonation

E. Materials

a. Vocabulary (kinds of animals’ food): fruit, insect, grass, meat,

banana, frog, carrot, mouse.

b. Word cards (attached on LC): FRUIT, INSECT, GRASS, MEAT,



c. Sound cards (attached on LC): /fru:t/, /Insek/, /gra:s/, /mi:t/

/bәna:nә/, /frog/, /kærәt/, /maʊs/

d. Sentences related to the topic:

- The monkey eats banana

- The tiger eats meat

- The buffalo eats grass

- The rabbit eats carrot

- The cat eats mouse

- The snake swallows frog

- The lizard swallows insect

- The bat eats fruit

F. Teaching and Learning Process

Steps Activities Time allotment Opening § Teacher greets students

§ Teacher checks students’ attendance § Teacher reviews lesson while discussing the

homework § Teacher tells the objectives


Main activities § Teacher distributes a copy of sentences § Teacher read it to the students while pointing the word

and pictures on LC § Teacher asks students to repeat it § Teacher divides students in pairs § Teacher distributes a piece of paper to each pairs about

incomplete sentence. Students must fill it orally (enclosed). § Teacher tells the task for each student: Ø S1: choose, takke, and put the word card about

animlas’ food on LC (point E). Read the selected word aloud

Ø S2: Fill the paper (incomplete sentence) directly with the selected word. Read the sentence aloud.

§ Teacher distributes pictures about animals and its food, and also exercise sheet (dialog) § Teacher asks students to write the pictures and the fill

it in the blank space on the dialog § Teacher models the dialog § Students perform the dialog in pairs




Closing § Teacher reviews today’s lesson § Teacher asks students’ feeling



G. Technique

§ Tactile and kinesthetic resource

§ Three phase technique

H. Media/Source/Teaching Aids

§ LC

§ Pictures

§ Printed word cards/sound


§ Push pin

§ Exercise sheet

§ Enjoy English book

I. Evaluation

§ Written work (complete the dialog)

§ Performance (students perform dialog)

Enclosed (exercise when using LC): 1. The tiger eats …

2. The buffalo eats …

3. The rabbit eats …

4. The cat eats …

5. The snake swallows …

6. The lizard swallows …

7. The bat eats …

8. The monkey eats …




1. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2

A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.

2. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2

A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.

3. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2

A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.

4. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2


A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.

5. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2

A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.

6. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2

A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.

7. Picture 1:

Picture 2:

1 2

A: Is it a ……..?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Does it eat ……?

B: Yes, it does.


Answer Key:

1. Picture 1: banana

Picture 2: monkey

A: monkey, banana

2. Picture 1: grass

Picture 2: goat

A: goat, grass

3. Picture 1: carrot

Picture 2: rabbit

A: rabbit, carrot

4. Picture 1: meat

Picture 2: tiger

A: tiger, meat

5. Picture 1: cat

Picture 2: mouse

A: cat, mouse

6. Picture 1: bat

Picture 2: fruit

A: bat, fruit

7. Picture 1: lizard

Picture 2: insect

A: lizard, insect


Lesson Plan

(Cycle 2)

School : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Class/Smt : V B/II

Subject : English

Topic/Meeting : Days and Months/1

Time allotment : 2 x 45’

A. Standard Competence

a. Identifying the writing of very simple English words

b. Spelling and rewriting simple English words and sentences

B. Basic Competence

a. Reading aloud with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation

which include phrase, word, sentence, and very simple text

b. Spelling and rewriting very simple words and sentences

C. Indicators

a. Identify the names of days and months

b. Read the names of days and months appropriately

D. Instructional Goals

In the end of the lesson, students are able to:

a. Rewrite names of days and months correctly

b. Read names of days and months using proper pronunciation

c. Raed sentences about days and months using proper pronunciation

and intonation

E. Materials

a. Vocabulary:

Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,


Months: January, February, March, April, May, June

b. Sentences about days and months:

It is Monday, It is Tuesday, It is Wednesday, etc.


It is January, It is February, It is March, etc.

b. Question related to days and months (enclosed: evaluation)

F. Teaching and Learning Process

Steps Activities Time allotment Opening § Teacher greets students

§ Teacher checks students’ attendance § Teacher does asking question related to topic (In

a week there are… days; What are they?, etc.) § Teacher tells the objectives


Main activities § Teacher puts the media of PAH on the whiteboard with its questions (enclosed) and explain it briefly § Teacher invites students to come to the class

individually § Teacher tells the procedure of PAH: Ø Students read the question on PAH Ø Students choose the answer by placing the

nail on the hole below the answer Ø Students check the answer by lifting the card § Teacher asks students to rewrite the answer on

whiteboard § Teacher writes 2 sentences on whiteboard and

model the pronunciation (It is Sunday, It is January, etc.) § Teacher asks students to repeat it § Teacher asks students to make the sentences

about days and months by adding It is… (It is Monday, etc.) orally in front of the class



Closing § Teacher reviews today’s lesson § Teacher asks students’ feeling


G. Technique

§ Tactile and kinesthetic resource

§ Three phase technique

H. Media/Source/Teaching Aids


§ Task content (printed

questions and answers)

§ Enjoy English book

§ Whiteboard &



I. Evaluation

§ Answering questions on PAH


Question and answer related to days and months:

1. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is …. (Monday, Tuesday)

2. /mandeI/ (Mondey, Monday, Manday)

3. After Wednesday is …. (Tuesday, Thursday)

4. /ʤu:n/ (June, Juli, Juni)

5. March (/mach/, /march/)

6. Thursday (/cusde/, /thesde/)

7. /ʤenyueri/ (January, Januari)

8. April (/eiprel/, /iprel/)

9. Before Monday is …. (Sunday, Saturday)

10. Selasa (/tesde/, /cusde/)

11. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Today is …. (Thursday, Tuesday)

12. Wednesday (/wensde/, /wesdey/)

13. Friday (/fridai/, /fraide/)

14. It is … (May, Mey, Mai)

15. Before June is …. (/julai/, /mei/, /eiprel/)


Lesson Plan

(Cycle 2)

School : SD Negeri Pojok 02 Tawangsari

Class/Smt : V B/II

Subject : English

Topic/Meeting : Days and Months/2

Time allotment : 2 x 45’

A. Standard Competence

a. Identifying the writing of very simple English words

b. Spelling and rewriting simple English words and sentences

B. Basic Competence

a. Reading aloud with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation

which include phrase, word, sentence, and very simple text

b. Spelling and rewriting very simple words and sentences

C. Indicators

a. Writing names of months using correct spelling

b. Completing dialog

c. Reading dialog

d. Reading names of months

D. Instructional Goals

In the end of the lesson, students are able to:

a. Read names of months

b. Complete dialog with names of months

c. Read dialog using correct pronunciation and intonation

E. Materials

a. Vocabulary: July, August, September, October, November,



b. Dialog: What month is it? (enclosed)

c. Question and answer sheet (enclosed: evaluation)

F. Teaching and Learning Process

Steps Activities Time allotment Opening § Teacher greets students

§ Teacher checks students’ attendance § Teacher reviews the lesson § Teacher tells the objectives


Main activities § Teacher puts PAH on whiteboard § Teacher invites students to answer questions on

PAH individually § Teacher tells the procedure of PAH (same as the

previous meeting) § Students rewrite the answer on whiteboard § Teacher asks students to read 3 words written on

whiteboard § Teacher distributes a sheet of dialog and ask

students to complete it based on the number on it § Teacher model the dialog § Students perform the dialog in pairs



Closing § Teacher reviews toda’s lesson § Teacher asks students’ feeling


G. Technique

§ Tactile and kinesthetic resource

§ Three phase technique

H. Media/Source/Teaching Aids


§ Exercise sheet

§ Printed questions and answer

§ Whiteboard & boardmarker

I. Evaluation

§ Performance (read dialog)



Question and answer related to days and months:

1. /oktobe/ (October, Oktober, Oktobe)

2. /ʤulaI/ (Juli, Julai, July)

3. After November is…. (December, Desember)

4. Before August is …. (/jun/, /jul/, /julai/)

5. /ogest/ (Agust, August)

6. …, October, November. (Sepcember, September)

7. The tenth month is …. (/ogest/, /novembe/, /euktebe/)

8. December (/dicembe/, /decembe/, /disembe/)

9. It is… (Februari, February)

10. /februeri/, …., /eiprel/ (/mach/, /mast)

11. It is May. Next month is … (June, Juni, July)

12. September (September, Sepcember)

13. October, November,… (Decembe, December, Desember)

14. ….., February, March (Januari, January)

15. Sunday, Monday,…. (Tuesday, Thursday)

16. 10-6-2008 (Jun, June, July)

17. Minggu, 17 April 2009 (Sunday, Saturday)

18. The forth month is… (Eiprel, April, Epril)

19. The first month is … (December, January)

20. u – g – s- t – a – u (Agust, August)



1. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (January)

2. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (March)

3. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (May)

4. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (April)

5. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (July)

6. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (September)

7. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (October)

8. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (December)

9. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (November)

10. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (August)

11. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (June)

12. A: What month is it?

B: It is … (February)














Appendix 7

List of Students’ Name

No Name

1. Untung Purwanto

2. Ibnu Nur Chasan

3. Irfan Fernando

4. Latifah Fuadiyah

5. Marlinda Kurnia Sari

6. Mulis Paryani

7. Mutiara Nuraini Suci

8. Muh. Pepy Budiyanto

9. Monica Eni Octaviani

10. Nur Fatimah

11. Novita Widyaningrum

12. Pri Fahrum Hani

13. Rahmat

14. Rista Putri Pamungkas

15. Seno Rahmanto

16. Silvia Kurnia Sari

17. Tri Prihatin

18. Umu Puji Rahayu

19. Vemi Soniawati

20. Widya Pramita Nur Salsabila

21. Yulianto


Appendix 8

Result of the Study

(Students’ Achievement)

No Nama Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

1 UP 50 73 75

2 INC 60 74 86

3 IF 45 59 75

4 LF 50 70 82

5 MKS 60 74 85

6 MP 50 72 82

7 MNS 60 71 81

8 MPB 65 84 88

9 MEC 60 72 85

10 NF 50 60 81

11 NW 60 71 81

12 PFH 65 86 90

13 RS 50 59 78

14 RPP 45 59 83

15 SR 45 74 82

16 SKS 45 56 79

17 TP 60 63 85

18 UPR 45 58 84

19 VS 50 52 72

20 WPNS 65 78 90

21 Y 60 59 79

Total 1140 1424 1723

Mean score 54, 29 67, 81 82, 05


Appendix 9 Photograph

Sample of TL Process

T&K R (Learning Circle)

Teacher explains material using LC



Students do in group

Students attach answer on LC


Students take notes

Students discuss the exercise


Students do the exercise Students find the correct answer (do in pairs)

Students check the answer by matching the code on LC


Students perform dialog

Students are writing a sentence


Students’ writings

T&K R (pic-a-hole)

Students answer questions on PAH


Students check the answer by lifting the card


top related