uvo lwethu express 28 april 2016

Post on 28-Jul-2016






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THURSDAY April 28, 2016 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | Facebook: Mthatha Express | Twitter: @MthathaExpress | elizabethg@media24.com or express@media24.com EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE





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ALFRED Nzo Development Agen-cy (ANDA), togetherwith theDe-partment of Labour, has afforded100 young people in the AlfredNzo District municipality

(ANDM) a chance to receive training in skillsmost needed to boost the economy in the dis-trict.

Officiating the programme at Ingwe FETcollege, Siteto campus inMbizana last Fridaywas Labour Deputyminister, Chief Phatheki-le Holomisa, alongside representatives fromseveral seta’s, ANDM officials and ANDA

board members.Holomisa said they have realised that the

youth go to school and pass, but struggle toget employment because the skills they haveare not needed in the industry.“Some races have always prioritised in

training their learners in vital skills such asplumbing and electricity, so we are now fol-lowing suit to close the unemployment gap,because we have realised that some of us arenot good on the theory side, hence we wantto accommodate everyone by empoweringthem with skills,” said Holomisa.He added that the programme also acts to

educate the community about ways to accessjob opportunities to fight unemployment.

“We are working together with differentgovernment sectors – in particular the educa-tion and authorities sector –where they assistus in training people on all the needed skillsto boost the economy,” he said.Alfred Nzo Development Agency CEO, In-

gonyama Madzikane II Diko, said that this isa response from the department of labour toANDA’s request for them to come and assistthe region.“We have 34 youth who will receive train-

ing on refrigeration and air conditioning, sowith the help of the Department of Labour,UIF in particular, they will be assisting us intraining more artisans,” said Madzikane.UIF will assist with funds of more than

R2 million to train the youth from MbizanaandMaluti in building and civil constructionand also get a monthly income.Ndumiso Msomi from Mzizi location, Mbi-

zana is one of the beneficiaries. “I registeredas a job seeker at the Department of Labour’swebsite and from that I received a call to un-dergoa learnershiphereatSitetoFETcollege.I am very thankful to the UIF and ANDA foraffording us this opportunity.”He said that it is a very good programme

and with the skills he will obtain here, hemight even start his own company and notwait to be employed somewhere and in doingso, also help in creating jobs by employing thelocal youth.



ALTHOUGH the top leaders of the ANC inthe OR Tambo region who were arrested onApril 18, in connection with an alleged plottokillMhlontloMunicipalityspeakerandORTambo ANC chairperson Xolile Nkompela,did not appear in their court case in theTsolomagistrates court, therewere still a lot of dra-matic scenes outside the court on Tuesday.

Outside the court there were two groupschanting – one was supporting Nkompela,present ANC chairperson, while the othergroup was supporting one of the accusedThandekile Sabisa, who is the former ANCchairperson.Sabisa, a predecessor of Nkompela in the

chairmanship of the ANC in the region andthe present OR Tambo deputy mayor, and

former ANC secretary Lawrence Mambilawere arrested on Monday, April 18, on thepremises of the OR Tambo District Munici-pality where they were working.Their arrest brought to four the number

held in connectionwith themurder of a body-guard of Nkompela, and the attempted mur-der of Nkompela and his other bodyguard.Nkompela and his bodyguards were am-

bushed near Tsolo at the end of last year. Inthis incident, Nkompela and one of his body-guardsnarrowly escapeddeath, but the otherbodyguard, Zukile Nyontso, who was driv-ing, was shot dead.The other men arrested were Masibonge

Mnyaka and Xolisa Mswelanto. Only Masi-bonge Mnyaka appeared in the Tsolo Magis-trate court.Sabisa and Mambila were absent and the

court was told that they were still in hospital

after they claimed that they were torturedand assaulted by the Hawks during their ar-rest.XolisaMswelanto has turned state witness

in this case.Outside court, both groups were chanting

songs in support of their respective leaders.Sabisa’s group demanded his release whileNkompela’s group demanded that the sus-pects not be granted bail.Thiscasehasdivided theANCandthecom-

munity at large in the Mhlontlo sub regionand OR Tambo as a whole.Both Sabisa and Nkompela are from Tsolo

which falls under Mhlontlo. Nkompela isfrom Ntshiqo locality in Tsolo while Sabisais from Kujengce Administrative area in thesame town as Nkompela.Nkompela was present in court under the

watchful eyes of his bodyguards.

At one stage the police were called to inter-vene when the two opposing groups werestoning each other outside the court. As a re-sult of the violence the main street and thestreet at the court were closed with heavilyarmed police officers in attendance.The town came to a standstill as both

groupswereshowingangerandawillingnessto strike first. Inside the fully packed courtroom the argument of releasing the accusedon bail was also heated.The defence team, led by Advocate Philip

Zilwa, won the first battle of getting accessto the statements of the accused. The state ob-jected to this, stating that if the statementsare given to the defence team itwould jeopar-dise the lives of thewitnesseswhoweremen-tioned in the statements.

Continued on page 2

Tsolomurder case divides ANCANC members who supported Thandekile Sabisa outside the court in Tsolo on Tuesday. PHOTO: SIM MDLEDLE

2 NewsApril 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express

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BIZANARegionalCourt sentencedKhombel-akhe Luna (39) to life imprisonment on April15 for raping his eight-year-old neighbour in2014.

According to evidence that was presentedin court, Luna of Nyaka village near Bizana,knew that his adult neighbours were prepar-

ing for their relative’s funeral on September11, which meant that his young target wouldbe on her own when she returned fromschool. He then waited at his neighbour’shomestead and when the young victim re-turned from school, he locked her in one ofthe rooms at her home and raped her.

Afterwards Luna threatened to kill theyoung child if she reported the rape and gaveher a R2 coin. After four days the child’s

mother noticed that she was not walkingproperly and appeared to be in pain. Thedaughter, in apparent fear of the rapist, stilldid not tell her mother what had happeneduntil the mother took her to the doctor. Thedoctor confirmed that she had been violatedand the girl told them that the neighbour washer rapist.

During the trial, Luna pleaded not guilty,claiming that he had been attending a tradi-

tional ceremony inanothervillageon thedayin question, even calling his aunt as his wit-ness. However, Regional Court Prosecutor,Thamsanqa Vinindwa led evidence that con-vinced magistrate Zanekhaya Gxarhisa thatLuna was guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

The NPA welcomed this sentence with thehope that itwill serve as adeterrent towould-be rapists who prey on vulnerable childrenand women.

Bizana court sentences child rapist to life imprisonment


AXOLE “Maxamba” Ngxithi (24) was sen-tenced to life imprisonment by the MountFrere Regional Court on April 15 after thecourt found him guilty of rape.

He was sentenced to an additional tenyears for kidnapping and five years for rob-bery with intent to commit a crime. The lat-ter two sentences were ordered to run con-currently with the ten years.

The incident occurred on the night of Sep-tember 27, 2015 at Matyotyombeni Informalsettlement near Mount Frere when Ngxithiwent to the home of a disabled man who wasstaying with his girlfriend. Ngxithi had seenthe man walking with the girlfriend to his

shack during the day.Ngxithi knocked on his door and asked to

be let in. The man refused to open for himand he kicked down the door to the shack,threatened the man and the woman with anobject that looked like a gun and forcefullytook the woman to his shack, where he re-peatedly raped her.

The boyfriend of the victim used hiscrutches to walk to the police station abouttwo kilometres from his home. He reportedthe rape and the police went to Ngxithi’shome and found him sleeping on top of his32-year-old victim. During the trial, the wom-an testified that the rapist slept on top of herto prevent her from escaping.

Ngxithi, who has five previous convictionsof possession of drugs and housebreaking,

pleaded not guilty. He tried to convince thecourt that he had met the woman at a localtavern, bought her beers and the woman hadwillingly had sex with him.

He failed to explain the bruises on the vic-tim’s body and his inability to recall thename of the victim to the police when theypouncedonhim.Witnesses calledby the statepainted a picture of a man who was fearedby his community and did as he pleased, andthe court found him to be a very hostile andevasive witness before sentencing him.

TheNPA welcomed these sentences and theDirector of Public Prosecutions in the EC(MthathaDivision),BarryMadolo, commend-ed regional court prosecutor Chumile Mken-tane for the thorough prosecution and com-mitment in ensuring that justice is served.

Rapist sentenced to lifeplus tenyears

Continued from page 1

But Advocate Zilwa disputedthis and stated that the accusedare entitled to access or be fur-nished with the statements asobliged by the law and the courtruled on his side.

Advocate Zilwa also submittedthat the accused were under un-lawful detention so they need to beset free.

He said the accused could be de-tained for 48 hours after their ar-rest and the court should be ap-plied to for extension of detentionon their first appearance, whichwas April 20, but the state failedto do so.

He said their detention wastherefore unlawful.

Senior Public Prosecutor BettyMashilo, however, maintainedthat the accused caused the delaysbecause they are not cooperatingwith the investigators and they al-

so refused to have their fingerprints taken.

Magistrate Mnge ordered theaccused to be released but beforethey are released they must havetheir finger prints taken.

The case has been postponed toMay 19 in the Tsolo magistratecourt.

After the postponement bothgroups of supporters left.

Nkompela, escorted by hisbodyguards and some leaders ofthe ANC, went to the municipalhall where they were expected toaddress their supporters aboutthe outcome of the case.

This was, however, disruptedwhen tear gas was sprayedthrough a window. People cameout from the hall running andshouting, while inside the hallblows were exchanged when someof the people in the hall were ac-cused of being from the oppositiongroup.


Heavily armed police officerswere present to control thesituation during the courtappearance of the ANC leadersin Tsolo. PHOTO: SIM MDLEDLE

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3NewsApril 28, 2016

Uvolwethu Express










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INGQUZA Hill local municipality, com-prising Lusikisiki and Flagstaff, has heldthe IDP and budget meetings throughoutits wards to report back to the communi-ties and give them a platform to give theirinput.

Last Thursday Exco member, PhangisaKhango, led a delegation to ward 9 inSphaqeni locality, Flagstaff to meet withthe community there to explain the princi-pals of public participation.This gave residents the opportunity to

voice their views on service delivery andon what the municipal budget must bespent.Khango said that this participation proc-

ess greatly enhances transparency andcultivates a spirit of inclusivity and socialcohesion, by delivering a budget of the peo-ple.“This is our chance to meet the masses

and share with them what we have in storefor them on our IDP. Here in ward 9, wehave started with the construction of theNgqandulo access road with the bridge,RDP houses and water,” said Khango.He added that they acknowledge the

challenges people on the ground are fac-ing, but they also take into account thatthey are grateful for the little they haveachieved as the municipality.Among the issues communities raised

were the transparent EPWP programmesand access to proof of residence letters, ac-cess to roads, running water, as well asbudget proposals related to capital pro-jects across Ingquza Hill.Ward 9 has also benefitted through the

Sipaqeni substation currently under con-struction and through funding for Sakhok-uhle and Vusisizwe project.Residents used themeetings to give their

input, to influence how development intheir area should happen and which pro-grammes must be funded from the budget.

IHLM takes IDP to communities


THEmajorhealthcare centre in thePondolandis facingmanychallenges,with the latestbeingthe lack of access to running water.

Patients from the Holy Cross Hospital, situ-ated 20 km outside Flagstaff, were seen carry-ing water buckets on their heads, entering thehospital from thenearby locations. Sources re-vealed that sometimes patients have to bath incold water.It is alleged that a cleaner in thehospital told

the female patients they should go out andfetch water themselves as there was no waterin the hospital. According to the Departmentof Health officials, this is not true.

A photo of female patients from thematerni-tywardcarryingwaterbuckets on theirheads,surfaced on social networks recently, but thisis apparently a misunderstanding.HealthSpokesperson, SiyandaManana, said

there was a problem with the hospital’s waterpipes, but it was immediately fixed. Further-more, the cleaner who ordered the patients tofetch their ownwater,will be dealtwith, addedManana.“It was just a silly comment from one of the

cleaners who was just lazy to get water fromtheback-up tanks to thewardsand for that, shewill face adisciplinaryhearing,” saidManana.He furtherapologised to theaffectedpatients

for any embarrassment and inconveniencecaused.

Patientsordered tofetchownwater

Patients in their hospital gowns from Holy Cross hospital are seen carrying water on their headsfrom outside the hospital. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


KINGS in the Eastern Cape converged onNkululekweni, Mthatha, last week to dis-cuss the issue of pardoning jailed ThembuKing, Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo and to de-cide on further steps they would take aftergetting no response to a plea for a presiden-tial pardon.

Dalindyebo is serving a 12-year jail sen-tence for fraud, murder, attempted murder,kidnapping and arson.The kingswho attended themeetingwere

from nations including AmaRharhabe, Am-aGcaleka, AmaMpondo aseQawukeni, Am-aMpondo aseNyandeni, AbaThembu base-

Bumbane and AbaThembu baseRhoda.According toChiefNtandoyesizweNdam-

ase of Nyandeni, they had decided to sitdown to discuss the issue of Dalindyebo be-ing released from prison.“In this discussionwe decided to take fur-

ther steps and engage our people from allthese monarchies if the government doesnot adhere to our demand to release theking,” Ndamase said.He said they had drafted another letter

asking to meet with six of the ANC leaders.“We sent our letter to Gwede Mantatshe

to set up ameetingwith themwherewewillraise a lot of dissatifaction at the way thegovernment treats traditional leaders,”Ndamase said.

Kingsmeet over Dalindyebo pardon

Chief Ntandoye-sizwe Ndamaseaddresses themedia at Nkulu-lekweni. PHOTO:YANGA SOJI


THE South African Army is conductingvigorous training in Port St Johns, inpreparation for deployment in the East-ern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)as part of the United Nations’ Force In-tervention Brigade.Members from four South African In-

fantry Battalion in Middelburg inMpumalanga have been going throughvarious operational manoeuvres andtactics to get ready for the mammothtask ahead.A Jungle Warfare training open day

was held for the media in Port St Johnson Tuesday. The aim of this day was toshowcase the achievements of the spe-cialised training activities before de-

ployment to the DRC.Meanwhile, the two members of the

South African National Defence Force(SANDF)whowentmissing at sea in PortSt Johns on Saturday, April 16, have notyet been located and are still declaredmissing at sea.They are Staff Sergeant Mcedisi Rud-

olf Mandyu (48) from Worcester whoworks at the SA Army Infantry Schoolin Oudtshoorn and Private Themba Nel-son Sithole (27) from Rustenburg. Heworks at 1 Para Battalion in Bloemfon-tein.Their family members have been in-

formed and have visited the scene of theincident. At time of going to print thesearch and rescue mission was still ac-tive.

SAArmy hosts junglewarfaretraining in Port St Johns

4 NewsApril 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express


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MTHATHAHighCourtJudgeLusindisoPha-kade has sentenced aWalter Sisulu Universi-ty student to life imprisonment for the mur-der of a correctional services officer stationedin Ngqeleni.

Siphesihle Ngozi was sentenced to life im-prisonment for the murder, plus 18 years forrobbery.Officer Dumisa Tiya of Lurhasini location

in Libode was attacked and murdered whilehe was on his way home.His body was found in the Ginyabantwana

Dam near Dan’s Lodge after the location waspointed out by the accused.HisVWCiti Golfwas found inEast London

in possession of Ngozi and he was arrested.Ngoziadmitted incourt thathehadblocked

Tiya’swaywith rocks and thenattackedhim,hitting him on the head with a spanner.Ngozi told the court that he had tied him

up and put him on the passenger seat with arope around his neck.He drove to a nearby forest, planning to tie

Tiya to a tree, but realised that Tiya was al-ready dead, so he decided to throw his bodyinto the dam and drove to East London.Phakade said people like Ngozi needed to be

isolated fromthepublicbecause theyweredan-gerous,andthatwaswhyhedeserveda lengthyjail term.Tiya’s familywelcomed the sentence, saying

that it had been a traumatic time for them dur-ing the three years that the case kept on being

postponed.Tiya’s elder brother, Bonisile, said: “I am

happy that the case is over because the post-ponements of the case were haunting us as afamily.”However, he said he was still concerned,

claiming that there was another guilty person

whowas still at large, despite having confessedto the police that he had been involved in thismurder case.According to Tiya, this person handed him-

self over to the police, but was later released.“We are not safe as a family if this person

is still out there,” he said.

SiphesihleNgozi.PHOTO:YANGA SOJI

Prisonwardenkillergets life sentence


A MAN who survived an alleged petrol-bomb attack on a bus in Mthombetsitsa lo-cation in Libode last week has vowed thatfrom now on he will come closer to God byattending church every Sunday.

Yolisa Nonzaki, 23, said by doing so hewould be thanking God for saving his lifein this incident in which two other mendied.He said the occurrence of the incident

had perhaps been a sign from God callinghim to be close.He added that if he had the means, he

could also slaughter a big ox to thank hisancestors for savinghis life in this dreadfulincident.Nonzaki narrowly escaped death when

the bus which he and his colleagues wereguarding, was allegedly petrol-bombed.Nonzaki said it had been about midnight

when they saw a car passing by.It had come back a short while later, but

they had not seen where it went after that,he said.A fewminutes later theyheard abig bang

from underneath the bus.“The blast was from in front, so we ran

to the back of the bus,” he said.“The flames were starting to engulf the

bus and Imanaged to break awindowwithmy head and I jumped out, rushing to thenearest homestead, where the driver wassleeping.“Whenwe cameback our colleagues had

already broken the backwindow, butwereunable to come out because the smokewasall over and the flames were already sur-rounding them,” he said.ZamvaZithithi andMlwandileMgweny-

eni died in the fire.The owner of Umanyano Transport Ser-

vices, Mncedisi Qaba, said he had no ideawhat the reason for the petrol-bombing ofhis bus had been.He said that earlier on there had been a

suggestion from the owners of the bakkieswhich transport people in the area that hestopworking duringweekends and on holi-days.“But I told them that they must inform

the communities because they were theones who had requested a bus in the area.“I even went to the communities myself

informing them about the suggestion fromthe owners.“By the time of this incident the bakkie

owners had not yet met the communities,”

he said.Police spokesperson, Colonel Mzukisi

Fatyela confirmed the incident, statingthat a case of malicious damage had beenopened.He further said the inquest might lead

to a murder investigation, depending onthe investigation.By the time of going to print there had

been no arrests.

Narrowly escaping death led him to church

Yolisa Nonzaki escaped death by inchesduring the bombing of a bus he wasguarding. PHOTO: SIM MDLEDLE

Amapolisa ase Lusikisiki(SAPS) awazi-phathanga kakuhle izibotshwa eziseleniecharge office.Izibotshwa ziyalamba zityaipapa ne khaphetshu eyomileyo.Neziva-kashi ezizobona izibotshwa ziphathekakakubi ngamapolisa ingakumbi ulutshalwamapolisa kude kubengcono abafana ku-nolutsha olungamantombazana ngokup-hatha izivakashi rhabaxa,bathetha aphobathanda khona.

Izibotshwa zilamba imini nobusuku ezis-eleni nezivakashi ezibaphathela ukutya zi-jikiswa nako kuthiwa akuvumelekanga bakungene ukutya okusuka ngaphandle ek-ubenibebahlalisaimininobusukubelambi-le.Into seyisenziwa ngamapolisa avumisa

isuspects icase ngenkani,bayabethwa ab-antwana babantu,bengqutywa nobuso nga-ma plastic bebethwa bevunyiswa intoabangayaziyo ngenkani echarge office yaseLusikisiki.Sisafake isikhalazo kwi SAPShead office

ngalomba kodwa sisalinde iimpendu-lo.onke lamapolisa ahlukumeza izibotshwasiyawazi ngamagama futhi ibangala eshiftyasemini.nalamantombazana asiphathangadalala xasiyobona izibotshwa ziwa re-portile siyawazinayongamagamaawongo-ba akasiniki ntlonipho xasiye echarge of-fice.

Ferrida Gwaja


The owner of a petrol-bombed bus Mncedisi Qaba and the driver Mlande Mngcotyelwa. PHOTO:SIM MDLEDLE

IGWETYWEiminyakaeli9emjivaindodaefunay-aniswe inetyala lokudlwengula isinqanda mathesayo.UMawande Ngubethole ufunyaniswe enetyalayonkundla kamantyi yaseWillowvale emva kok-udlwengula obencumisana naye one 19 leminy-aka.Ingxelo zithi ixhoba eli lahlangana nomrhanelwangenyanga kaJanuary ngorhatya lwangomhlawama 25 kwisithili saseLurhwayizo, kwilali yaseNtlangano. Umrhanelwa utyholwa ngokunyanze-lisa ixhobaukuba labelanenayengesondo, laze ix-homa alavuma kwesisinyanzeliso.Kulapho ke uNgubethole andlobongolise ixhobaelirhuqela kwityholo elikufuphi walidlwengula.Ixhoba liye labikela amapolisa aseWillowvalengesisehlo nekulapho kuthe kwavulwa khona it-yala lokudlwengula.Abezophando olunxulumene nokuhlukunyezwakwabantwana kunye nezehlo zokuhlukunyezwangesondo iButterworth Family Violence, ChildProtection and Sexual Offences baye basiphandaesisehlo baze bambama umrhanelwa.UMawande Ngubethole uye wavela phambi kwa-mantyi ngeityholo zokudlwengula yaze inkundlayamfumana enetyala. Kungoku nje sele eqalisileukutsala isigwebo asinikwe yinkundla.– BUNTU GOTYWA

Ifunyenwe inetyalaindodaedlwenguleobencumanayo

5NewsApril 28, 2016

Uvolwethu Express

THEANCintheORTamboregionhasexpressedits shock and sadness following the arrest of twoof its top leaders in the OR Tambo region.

Former ANC OR Tambo regional chairper-son, Thandekile Sabisa, who is also deputy may-or in the OR Tambo District Municipality, andformer regional deputy secretary, LawrenceMambila were recently arrested by the Hawksin connection with a plot to kill present regionalchairperson, Xolile Nkompela.

Nkompela was ambushed near Tsolo last De-cember while on his way home.

His bodyguard was killed and Nkompela andanotherbodyguardescapeddeathwhentheirve-hicle was shot at.

Regional secretary Lulama Ngcukayitobisaid: “We are saddened because they are com-rades who are highly regarded and occupy sen-iorpositionsof trustwithintheorganisationandour local government.”

He said even though they were shocked, theywelcomed the progress by the investigators andfurther applauded them for such a break-through.

“We hope the breakthrough will bring closer(the resolution of) the matter the ANC has beengrappling with since December 2015,” Ngcukay-itobi said.

Hesaidtheyhadeverytrust that theinvestiga-tors and judiciary would leave no stone un-

turned in revealing the truth about the murderand attempted murder case.

Meanwhile, the Independent Police Investiga-tive Directorate is to investigate allegations thatHawks members tortured and assaulted the twoleaders.

It is alleged the two accused failed to appearin court last week as they were in hospital dueto the injuries they sustained during the allegedassault. – SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

ANCspeaksoutafterarrest of top leaders

CORRUPTIONintenderprocesses,political in-fighting and failure to retain talented youngprofessionals in the province were stated assome of themain causesof servicedelivery fail-ures in the OR Tambo region, in particular inMthatha.

The issue topped the agenda in a debate host-ed by Walter Sisulu students recently.

The debate was held at Walter Sisulu NelsonMandela campus in Mthatha.

The programme was designed to galvanise

young people to participate in the 2016 localgovernment elections.

The event also gave a platform to the youthto engage on service delivery issues.

In attendance were public policy and politi-cal analyst, Dr Somadoda Fikeni and youth ac-tivists Baxolise Dlali and Lumnyanyo Manent-sa.

About 50 young people from across the uni-versity’s faculties and former WSU SRC presi-dent, Zincedile Tiya facilitated the discussion.

The issues discussed included corruption,political infighting and young graduates wholeft theprovince, insteadofworkingorcreatingbusinesses in the Eastern Cape.

Also on the agenda was the importance ofWSU specialising and localising its academicand training courses.

Fikeni, WSU academic Professor, Peggy Lus-wazi and SRC members agreed there was aneed to establish a faculty of agriculture andrural development at the university in order to

produce local experts in farming and rural de-velopment.

Fikeni and Luswazi provided insightful con-tributions to the conversation in terms of en-couragingstudents tostudyagricultureandru-ral development.

“This is the critical tool to unlocking theEastern Cape, which is still mostly rural andnotasdevelopedasitcanbe,”saidTebohoMak-hetha, VIP public participation and engage-ment coordinator. – SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

Students debate poor service delivery

SEWUSHE Senior Secondary School principal,Thobeka Ndamase Dokvelt, said the Restless De-velopment campaign has come in the nick oftime, when the school needed it the most.

Restless Development is a youth-led develop-ment agency which puts the interests of youngpeople at the forefront.

The agency visited Sewushe recently to ad-dress and interact with young people to provideadvice about their day-to-day challenges. It also

offered life skills advice and a career exhibitionfor the school and neighboring schools.

Ndamase said children at their school, in Cor-hana, Mthatha, had been hit with heavy challen-ges this year. “We do believe this programmehas come when we need it the most, especiallyafter a pupil committed suicide after learningshe was pregnant.

“And this is because of not being aware of howto react to these situations. They don’t realise

that subjects like life orientation are there to as-sist them.”

Ndamase said it was better for pupils to listento their peers for advice about young people’sproblems. “When they are told by the teachers,they sometimes don’t realise what applicationsthey can make to substantiate whatever we tellthem,” she said.

“When you have these organisations of youngpeople, these peer educators of the same age,

their advice makes lot of sense to them, ratherthan coming from us as mothers.”

She added that taverns and nightlife had beena huge challenge for the pupils at the school.

“Our kids engage in risky lifestyles, withmany going to taverns, and we want to keep ad-dressing safety around school, since most of ourkids have to look out for themselves. Havingthese organisations gives us hope,” she said.– BUNTU GOTYWA

RestlessDevelopmentdealswith learnerdifficulties

6 NewsApril 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express

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STUDENT leaders need to take ownership oftheir futureand therefore guide thepolicies onstudents’ needs, Deputy CommunicationsMinister, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams said.

Shewasaddressingapackedhall at theKingHintsa TEVT in Idutywa during a post-state ofthe nation address (Sona) seminar.She was leading the post-Sona information

seminaratMbhasheLocalMunicipalityinlinewith the 2016 Sona pronouncement.The post-Sona seminar affords the govern-

ment the opportunity to engage and reflect onplans,milestonesandchallengestodateaspartof ongoing feedback to communities.Ndabeni-Abrahams said student leaders

should not focus on fighting for T-shirts andthe small resources they had, but rather focuson building a proper constituency that wouldrespond to what South Africa experienced.“Since student leaders talk leadership, they

should lead in the right direction. By doing soyouwill have established a brigade that is able

to respond to the growth of the economy andtherefore we will defeat poverty and unem-ployment in our country.”She said the government could only hire so

many people and it was up to students to em-power themselveswith the relevant skills thatthe national development plan talked about.“We can give you NSFAS (bursaries), but

you will not get employment, simply becausethe skills you produce do notmeet themarketrequirements.”She urged the students to use knowledge

gainedathigherinstitutionstobecreativeandinnovative anduse it to play a role in advisingthe government.“We do not want people who say they have

qualifications, but don’t get employment. Thegovernment can only hire so many, not all ofyou. That’s the reality. You need to come upwithmeasures tohelpusrespondto thedigitalsociety we are heading to,” she said.Mbhashe mayor, Nonceba Mfecane, said

studentsshouldavoidpeoplewhousethemforulterior motives as their agents in the questto fulfil their selfish aims.


STUDENTS at King Hintsa TVET Collegeused the post-state of the nation (Sona) semi-nar platform to request themayor ofMbhasheMunicipality to look into the accommodationof students at the college.

The Sasco leader at the college, SphenathiSayisi, said the environment the studentsfound themselves in was not conducive forstudying.He said lack of accommodation was affect-

ing many students academically.“The issue of accommodation is very bad

here. We have situations where you get 10 to15 students cramped into a single room andthat is not a situation students should findthemselves in,” he said.

“This is an issue that has been raised fora very long time, but to date there is nochange and we can’t be expected to performwell in such conditions.”Sayisi appealed to the mayor to put her fo-

cus on the accommodation issue as theycould not continue to suffer from the unbear-able conditions.In response,MbhashemayorNoncebaMfe-

cane said the municipality was ready to offerassistance with land for any developer whosought to assist with student accommoda-tion.“The municipality realises the issue of ac-

commodation is a problem formany studentsbased in Mbhashe.“We are unable to build for students, but

we can offer sites for developers to build stu-dent digs,” she said.

Mbhashe mayor NoncebaMfecane responds tostudents’ cries for accommo-dation. PHOTO: BUNTU GOTYWA

Ndabeni-Abrahams calls for stronger leadership among students

Deputy Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams addresses King Hintsa TVET students.PHOTO: BUNTU GOTYWA


THEMthatha branch of Premier Brandsmade12 000 sandwiches for charity in the town.

Thechallengeby thebaking company toben-efit the less fortunate is now in its second year.Branches all over South Africa are partici-

pating in the challenge, with the target being200 000 sandwiches for this year.

Last year Premier made 132 742 sandwichesaround the country.Event organiser, André de Beer of Rac

events, said the whole point of the challengewas giving back to the community.He said vol-unteers were given four hours to do as manysandwiches as possible.“Todaywearedoing jamandbutter, chutney

and polony and vienna and tomato sauce sand-wiches,” he said.

Brand managers of each branch identifycharities that will benefit from the challenge.The beneficiaries start collecting their sand-

wiches as soon as the teams finish.Mthatha charities that benefited from this

year’s challenge are the Effata School for theBlind andDeaf, Ikhwezi lokusa, ThembisaSpe-cial School, Mpilweni Home Care, KhanyisaChildren’s Home, Zingisa Rehabilitation Cen-tre, Msobomvu HIV and Aids Organisation,

Church in theLastDays and theCatholicAsso-ciation.Thembisa Special School administrator

Nondebe Bubu said she was very happy withthe efforts made by Premier in supportingcharities.She said the pupils had to be fed every two

hoursand the lowbudget theygot fromthegov-ernment was not enough to support their dailydiet needs.

Premierbread internal challengebenefiting charities

; Staff at Blue Ribbon play their part in thesandwich-making challenge. PHOTO: BUNTU GOTYWA

Studentsplead forbetteraccommodation

Send your news to express@media24.com or contact 039 251 0834Send your news to express@media24.com or contact 039 251 0834

7EntertainmentApril 28, 2016

Uvolwethu Express


Umhlobo Wenenemaskandi DJGudlabatshakaziMbangi withZameka Goli at anevent held atMkhankatholocation in Libode.

Mercy Zandi, Zam Gwayise, Mabuyie Mbangi,Unathi Mbelu and Xolie Ndakisa were capturedby the Express crew at an event in Libode.

Members of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa werephotographed at a church service in Ngcobo over theweekend. PHOTOS: SIM MDLEDLE

Fundy Kokani, Patido Magadla, Nozizwe Sigenuand Nomfundo Madlelisa at an event in Libode.

OW!! What a fight for fatty la-diesBafethu niyazi akubukeki ukubo-na oomama if not ladies fightingon the street, but it’s what we sawlast Friday when we were drivingpassing ngaseMthini near Old Sa-voy. We were driving our Turu-tu-ru silahlekelwe ngu-line sisafunaiinyosi ukuva ukuba zingena phixa sibona two stout womenbegxwithana okwezinja zilwangethambo. Bebede bavusanee-dustin.Hayi zinyathelene iintombi ezin-kulu hayi kancinane and iyancedanale nto xa beyosela banxibe iib-rukhwe kuba besobona okunye la-phaya if they were wearing dress-es. Ayibukeki ke la nto sisters ben-iyenza ama-lady a-descent theydon’t fight in the street in front ofthe people nehlisa isidima soosisinoomama bethu. Izinto zithethwangomlomo nokuba ukuthathele in-doda na don’t fight you are dis-crediting the fazland.

Yemadoda kunzima kulo mhla-ba siphila kuwoKubangcono xa izinto uzenza elub-ala ungabe uzimele ngenkonzookanye ngobufundisi kanti behindthe scenes you don’t practice whatyou preach. I wonder what theseboys are going to say? Kaloku thi-na kwiindawo ekuthengiswa kuyoutywala singena nje singabi nax-hala kuba akukho nto sizibizangayo siphinde futhi ebumnyame-ni si-act ngenye indlela.By the time we experienced what

we are going to say dear reader, wewere at New Savoy where we weregoing to buy few quarts of what wedrink.Then it was already late and whenwe entered the Tops liquor storewe saw a guy whom we used to at-tend church with together.The guy was a born again personwhereas thina sasiziyela nje ecaw-eni siyokucela intethelelo kubanaxa kuthiwa makuphakanyisweizandla samkele inkosi asizangede siziphakamise sibalekela ukuz-ibophelela entweni esingazukuy-imela.Kucacukuba urheme usibone ku-qala ngoku uzama ukufihla le ntoebezoyithenga singayiboni marathina besekudala siyibonile qhasabetha ngathi asiyibonanga.Okay, sazithengela iziphuzo zethusaphuma kuba asoyiki mntu nga-zo ngaphandle kwamapolisa na-khona xa sizisela kwindawo enga-vumelekanga. Kuthe kanti simiseecaleni kwakhe. Nanko umfo om-khulu ezithi ngesigqamama se-whiskey. Kuyatsho indoda ibisey-inxanwe kakhulu. Mara ke akuk-ho nto besizamenza yona, but uthewakusibona kwakhona nanko qulo whiskey phantsi emotweni nan-gona ebesele simbonile. I wonderizakuba njani ukunuka ijiki imotoka son of the God. Shame, abanyeabantu baziphilisa ubomi bent-shontsho bafethu. Akukho mntuazakwenza nto nje nokuba un-gangayifihli into yakho yokuselautywala. Shame baziphilisa nzimaabanye abantu.

8 SportApril 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express


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WALTER Sisulu University FC are throughto the ABC Motsepe League promotion play-offs after they won Amathole SAB RegionalLeague Play-Offs games at the weekend intheir own back yard at Bika Campus in But-terworth.

WSU won two games and drew one in their

way to progress to the ABC Motsepe Leaguepromotion play-offs that will be played nextmonth atEast London’sBuffaloCity Stadium.The students defeated Executive Academy

FC 4-1, after they edged outUniversityOf FortHare FC by two goals to zero. In their lastgame they played to a one-all drawagainst thestrong side Try Again FC.The results took the head of sport at the uni-

versity, Banzi “Bra Ace” Siyongwana’s boysto the top of the group with seven points, fol-lowed by University of Fort Hare FC with sixpoints.Try Again FC took position three. The

whippingboysof the group,ExecutiveAcade-my FC, stay at the bottom.TwoWSUFCplayers received awards after

the tournament. Pikolomzi Noqaza wasnamed player of tournament, while AndileMatolengwe received the goalkeeper of thetournament award.Bathandwa Zondani from University of

FortHare,who scored six goals in the tourna-ment, was top goal scorer.

WSUwinAmatholeSABRegional Leagueplay-offs

Walter Sisulu University won the Amathole SAB regional play-offs at the Bika Campus, Butterworth,at the weekend. PHOTOS:ANELE RAZIYA

From left, are top goal scorer BathandwaZondani (Fort Hare), goalkeeper of the tourna-ment Andile Matolongwe and player of thetournament Pikolomzi Noqaza, both from WSU.


COACH Eddie Dyaloyi says his MthathaBucks charges need to learn how to kill agame, as they head to another crunchgame against Cape Town All Stars on Sat-urday.

Bucks salvaged a point at home to FCCape Town last week as their escape fromrelegation continues.However, the two dropped points at

home by Bucks allowed 15th placed Mor-oka Swallows to close the gap to threepoints.Continuing to drop points could prove

disastrous for Bucks who enjoy a massivefollowing from soccer lovers in andaround Mthatha.Losing the only club in the NFD would

bebitter pill to swallow formany would be starved oftop- flight football in theregion.Dyaloyi knows this

week’s game is anothertough task even thoughthey play in front of a

home crowd. “It’s a tough game, bearingin mind they (Cape Town All Stars) havea new coach and theywill want to impress.“All Stars is a team that plays football

and therefore we need to ensure they donot get the spaces.“Going to this gamewe just need toman-

age to kill the game in the first half. Weneed to go to this game with the power toscore the goals.Dyaloyi rues missed chances by his

team, especially in their last game.“We are trying our best. We just need to

take one step at a time, but its hard espe-cially as we concede early,” he said.Bucks are only three points from safety

with four games remaining in the leagueand Swallows’ new-found form could spelldisaster for the Mthatha side should theycontinue dropping on home turf.

Mthatha Bucks living dangerously

Mthatha Bucks doing theirpost match ritual.


On the attack: Mthatha Bucks forward Sbongiseni Madikane in action during their one-alldraw against FC Cape Town FOTO: BUNTU GOTYWA


ABC Motsepe League leaders Lion Cityneed only one win in their last two remain-ing games in order to progress to playingin the National First Division League pro-motion play-offs.

This comes after City punished MorningStars by 3-0. Meanwhile league contendersTornado FC dropped a valuable point whenthey played to a 3-3 draw against YoungIdeas at Sisa Dukashe Stadium over theweekend.Port Elizabeth outfit City have 64 points

now with two games remaining, whileMdantsane outfit Tornado FC have 60pointswith the samenumberofmatches re-

maining.The way things stand, Motsepe rookies,

City have a better opportunity to win theleague of 2015/16 in their first season.

Other results fromABCMotsepeLeague:Future Tigers 2 SUBS 0Kokstad Liverpool 0 Mthatha City 0Zimbane Killers 1 EC Bees 2Highbury 0 Matta Milan 1FC Elliot 1 Emperors 7

LionCity need onemorewin

;Matta Milan defeated Highbury 1-0 intheir ABC Motsepe League Clash over theweekend. PHOTO: ANELE RAZIYA

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