vapour :: interview

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Vapour Interview


VAPOURVapour is an Internationally known artist. Born, brought up and Based in the UK, He was Born in Barking Hospital, 1982 and Raised in The Romford area of Greater London and Essex. He began writing lyrics aged 13, when he was in school and it was clear that his talent stood tall with words and music, which would easily flourish over time. In late 1997 when Vapour was preparing to take his final school exams he became a member of local pirate radio station Force Fm. It was here that Vapour began to create an image for himself as a energetic, exciting, humorous young host that had an ability to amuse and entertain a crowd with his charisma and witty banter in a light hearted, yet clever and intelligent manner. Vapour grew quickly with an attitude that went down well with his listeners and acquired and vast listenership and a dedicated Fanbase within a short space of time, always keeping his radio show for consistency. In 2000 Vapour was introduced to a Producer of a local record label and they collaborated on a track called “Move your Body” which went on sale across Europe and sold 5000 copies over the first 2 weeks. They also released 2 compilation CD’s that went on mainstream sale. Vapour continued for many years to work and perfect his style, changing over the years from a hyperactive young host with witty, funny story like lyrics and jokes specifically for the purpose of entertaining his radio following, to concentrating more on writing lyrics to fulfil his own happiness. Vapour began to write lyrics about his knowledge and his personal experiences and feelings, always saying what he felt, and always keeping that element of being able to put his cheeky charisma into his lines for the added effects…Vapour worked for a year between 2001-2 with a crew of East London Mc’s who went by the name of the UnKnown Terrorists (UKT) of which Vapour was one of the front faces of the group. He also became involved in more radio stations and had landed shows on leading pirate stations such as Flava Fm ad DeJaVu Fm, moving to these stations also opened windows to new listeners for him to be discovered by! In 2003 Vapour moved away from his area and didn’t make contact with his music connections or anything he had been involved in for a whole year, as a result of this his music suffered as his following was left almost bewildered and didn’t know where Vapour had disappeared to, during this time garage had become quiet and new scenes, like grime and dubstep, were evolving and creating different groups and catergories for the people to follow. In 2004 Vapour moved back to the London area. Vapour spent most of 2004/5 living in North London where he began producing music and working with lots of DJ’s and radio stations to promote himself, He spent a lot of time drifting and creating, and being in a different area to where he grew up his style began to change. Vapour found himself writing more hip hop over time, making backing tracks to go with lyrics he’d written and thinking of chorus’ to work with the verses, MC Vapour was becoming Vapour the Artist.

In 2005 Vapour signed to Peromi records, an independent record label started by friends, he was required to write a 14 track album. 22 tracks in all were written over the course of the year as he was becoming more settled and The Taylor Made album was put together. Vapour appeared in Magazines such as Blues and Soul Mag, RWD, Hip Hop Connection, DJ magazine and more, but In March 2006 the terminated ended and was discontinued. He then went alone, after years of watching and learning, he began to produce his own mixtape using tracks he had made at Peromi ad tracks throughout 2004 and onwards, and in 2007 Vapour released the unmastered version of the Taylor Made Mixtape, using all old recording he had collected along his travels, without spending a penny for studio time etc, it was like his scrapbook. But Vapour being a perfectionist wasn’t happy with the low quality release and felt it didn’t boast his ability or make him sound his best, he saw it as a way for fans that had missed his work to catch up with where he had been, but not everybody was so ready for the rapid changes and ageing Vapour had returned with. Vapour Saved money made from the proceeds of the Taylor Made Mixtape, bought some Studio essentials and invested in his music.The Equipment he purchased was used to make his latest 2 al;bums, the now rapidly selling V=MCs SCARED album, all of his music from 2009 and his most latest album, Bohemian RapsofV.MC Vapour is an international Underground Inspiration to literally Thousands of people all over the world and has loyal fans everywhere and many aspiring artists in the UK. One of the Cleverest, most accurate, charismatic, most respected and entertaining artists of our time, and hopes to one day go mainstream without changing a thing about himself or his music.WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION?Being around music and musically talented people on a daily basis, creating new music all the time and performing it tothe people who appreciate watching you.WHAT DO YOU LIKE LEAST?The administration that comes with being an artist. it dulls the creativity at times.HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS?Since 1997, 14 years to date.SHOULD YOUR PARENTS HAVE BEEN MORE OR LESS STRICT?I had the ideal upbringing to be the person i am today... a million words could describe me.

ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?Yes with where i've got to on my own, but don't feel i've embraced what i fully deserve from what i've put in!IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU DO DIFFERENTLY?I wouldn't have moved to the coast in 2003 during the short time where garage disappeared and grime evolved.IF YOU HADN'T BEEN BORN IN THIS CENTURY, WHEN AND WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE LIVED?Maybe in the Tudor times, during the reign of King Henry VIIIWHO ARE YOUR HEROES?My Parents, May sound corny, but i wouldn't put anyone else before them on that list.

WHO DO YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR?People who are famous for being Talentless.WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?Music everyday...ARE YOU POLITICALLY ACTIVE?I'm politically opinionated, not sure about active though...DO YOU DO ANY VOLUNTEER WORK?My first 5 years of my career was mainly volunteer work, which is why now that i'm established,I charge for my services.HOW HAS THE UK MUSIC SCENE CHANGED IN THE LAST TEN YEARS?Massively... Grime has evolved into a fully established genre, Records and CD's took a back shelf for the download, Artists can now be their own company instead of believing they have to rely on record labels to distribute their music. Its now a very independant industry, but obviously has its cons too, nowadays anyone who is anyone can call themselvesa musician. you have to sift through the rubbish to find the talent nowadays.

HOW HAVE YOU CHANGED?Massively, i've gone from being an MC that rhymes over live DJ sets to a fully blown artist, writing, performing, producing, engineering, even singing my own chorus' lol... I'm a one man band, and TAYLOR MADE MUSIC is the name of my band! WHAT'S THE SIDE OF YOU THAT THE PUBLIC NEVER SEES?My Romantic side... I save Mr Loverman for the girlfriend!DO YOU THINK THE PUBLIC AND CRITICS EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM YOU?People judge in their own ways, everyone’s expectations differ, some people ask me to go back to doing the old garage stuff that i was doing some 12 years back, and that in my opinion is too much to ask!to be honest, most of the criticism i get isn't criticising my music. WHEN ARE YOU COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH YOUR WORK?When it either makes me jump around like an idiot, or when i can be totally fixated on it regardless of having played it 30 times. When you have played a track 30 times and still haven't had enough of it, you know you like it!

WHY HAVE YOU SUCCEEDED IN A FIELD WHERE SO MANY OTHERS HAVE FAILED?firstly and most importantly you have to be good at what you do, and if you are.... Persistence... I have persisted through times of sacrificing eating and all sorts, everyone who was doing this with me when i started out gave up somewhere along the way due to the struggle.WHAT'S THE MAGIC FORMULA FOR SUCCESS?There isn't one. Everyone has had their own unique path. X Factor isn't the answer.

WHAT'S THE FIRST SONG YOU EVER REMEMBER HEARING?Blimey...errrmmm... I think it was "Do they know its christmas" by all the english artists...WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO LATELY?Taylor Made Music primarily... but i listen to what catches my ear, no names imparticular.WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ALBUM BY ANOTHER ARTIST?Genesis - Busta RhymesWHAT SONG OF YOURS ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF?To name one song might insult my others, they are all my babies, but if i had to say one id have to say my newest track which is called MEMORIES.

WHY?Because of everything ive taught myself to do, its a combination of where i am today, its written from real experience and is the latest in technological ability with my writing, production, engineering, singing etc... to me, its a real gem. could impress your kid brother, or your nan! all rounder!ARE THERE ANY SONGS YOU'VE DONE THAT YOU WISH YOU HADN'T?Yes, Killer Instinct with Mark Ryder. That pile of rubbish makes me cringe. Oh, and that Halloween download... it haunts me... excuse the pun!

IS IT POSSIBLE TO BE OUT ON THE ROAD AND NOT EAT ANY JUNK FOOD?Depends on the person... Its always avoidable but most people dont want to avoid it!PEOPLE HAVE THE IMAGE THAT IT'S NON-STOP PARTYING OUT THERE. IS IT TRUE?Not for me, i party while i work, so any time i get to myself is not spent partying,believe it or not im a night in person rather than a night out person!

ARE YOU MARRIED OR INVOLVED WITH ANYONE?Not at this moment in time, No...IS IT HARD TO MAINTAIN A RELATIONSHIP WHEN YOU'RE OUT ON THE ROAD?Yes it is. Trust is a major player in any relationship at all times, so as a performer you need someone who fully trusts you and understands what you do and the commitments you have to make to it. With this kind of job description, having a partner could either help you or hinder you depending on the person. They could be a credit to you if they fully understand it, but if they dont they will be making an obstacle of/for themself!!HOW OFTEN ARE YOU IN THE STUDIO?4 or 5 days out of a 7 day week.WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING IF YOU WEREN'T A MUSICIAN?Ive been obsessed with music since my highchair days, so who knows....OTHER THAN THE PEOPLE YOU'RE WITH NOW, IF YOU COULD GET ANY MUSICIAN TO WORK WITH, LIVING OR DEAD, WHO WOULD IT BE?Phil Collins.... Super Talented song writer with no flash imagery or novelty assets, just a guy in shirt and jeans who could get the worlds attention with his words.

HOW MANY SONGS IN YOUR HOME COLLECTION?Are you serious?? several thousand!!!HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT CENSORSHIP?Its necessary.DO YOU CENSOR YOURSELF? HAVE YOU EVER WRITTEN ANYTHING AND THEN DECIDED IT WAS TOO HARSH?Im not one to swear tooo much in my lyrics, i tend to find swearing is a cop out where there is millions of words to chose from to replace swearing... swearing is only used by me to emphasise emotion in what im saying!WHAT'S NEXT FOR YOU?Wait and see!! Since BOHEMIAN RAPSofV did so well, a new album in the making is what im focusing on, i wont reveal the name yet... There is a lot in the pipeline, most of which im sworn to secrecy with for now... but im definitely excited to see where it all takes me in the near future!!


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