vasudha, 2 issue

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Vasudha, 2 issue


Be Active, Healthy, and Happy!

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Tuesday: Health is Wealth

VasudhaThe producer and giver of wealth,

our Mother EarthWe all understand the adage – Health is wealth!! Food toxins are everywhere – from pesticides in bottled water, soft drinks, residues in blood, lead in paints, antibiotics in honey & chicken to toxic toys, trans fat in oils, mercury in fish and cosmetics, energy drinks to junk food – we are living in a world overshadowed by consumerism and profit driven industries. It’s impossible to give up on everything and live a frugal life (literally and figuratively). But it is useful to be aware of things that we can do and adapt as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

The second issue of the Vasudha newsletter aims at bringing to you ideas from T&Fers, tips from the cookbook superheroes, health buzz from India and abroad, ideas for healthy recipes and toxins and much more!!

I am personally very excited about the Create from Waste competition that kicks off tomorrow and the Eat Green Recipe Booklet in making that the green heroes are compiling currently. The Green Heroes have been working round the clock to make this a success and I’d like to say to them that we are all very proud of what you have done. It has been a learning experience for the Green team as well – from arranging for a very tough marathon permissions with the police (Bhawana, Swati and Namita), getting the programme live coverage on Green TV, preparing a skit to arranging full participation for all the other programmes – they certainly deserve a standing ovation. Thank you everyone.

Enjoy this issue of the newsletter – best coupled with a cup of steaming hot coffee!!

Shafina SegonMarketing Head - South Asia Journals & Online Resources

We thought it would be interesting to see staff response during earlier Green Weeks, when employees were asked to submit Health Tips that they found useful based on personal experience. Looks like T&Fers have always been health conscious! Here a few tips that caught everyone’s attention.

1) I drink a cup of Dahi (yogurt) everyday. I started doing this after I suffered a back injury and was asked to increase the amount of calcium in my diet. Dahi tastes great and is rich in calcium which helps make your bones and teeth stronger. Dahi is also a probiotic food, it’s rich in good bacteria which help in maintaining good digestion, boosts immunity and a healthy body weight. Dahi (yes, there’s more) is also rich in protein, which helps build muscles and and essential vitamins that help keep your skin, nails and hair in good condition and looking great. So include a cup of Dahi in your daily diet and you’ll be the richer for it!

2) AMLA!!!! The Indian Gooseberry. The wonder berry. My entire life I have lived from one cold-and-cough onslaught to the next. Then last year I discovered Amla – in capsule form –

People Speak: Then and Nowand have caught a cold only twice this year! The other unexpected outcome has been that my rather brown, limp hair – a colour/state I have had for the last 20 years – has suddenly turned black and shining. An excellent source of Vitamin C (very good for the heart), a great antioxidant and an immunity booster, this wonder drug can be taken as a capsule – Himalaya, Fabindia or other companies, or in liquid form – juices available from many companies at your local chemists. I try and ensure that I take a dose of this every single day. The freedom it has given me from the runny nose and weeks of staying up all night coughing has been so liberating. It’s so simple, yet so effective.

3) What can be more healthy than climbing up your way to the 8th or the 9th floor? Instead of waiting endlessly for the lift to take you to your destination, why not take matters in your own hand and climb up those stairs! I think it’s a great morning exercise to keep you active and on your feet for the rest of the day.

4) I dance for half an hour every day in the morning!

5) Best healthy habit I try to practice is to “make at least one person smile/laugh in a day” and when I am alone for a day, I just make myself laugh. Simple as that! I acquired the habit it when I was attending the technology led

Taylor & Francis India | Green Week 2014 | 15-19 September 2014

entrepreneurship programme at Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (June 2009) where I realized that I have the quality to make other people smile and that’s what I can give to other people.

6) Even if I am on top of a snow laden mountain or in the middle of a desert nothing can deter me from taking a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach early in the morning. This makes sure that our digestive system is ready for food, it helps hydrate the body after so many hours of sleep, and rids the body of toxins which have stored up overnight. It also improves skin tone, and helps maintain weight loss. What a healthy start! There is a funny history behind acquiring this habit. My dad had this habit which led my sister to follow the same routine. Being young enough (when I started it) to understand the benefits of this habit, I started so that I do not stay back when my sister was following this habit (why she and why not me factor which usually exists among siblings!). Gradually it became a habit and now I follow it religiously especially after knowing the benefits.

My JourneyMost of the things in life happen accidently, but whatever happens is always for the best and there is a reason for it. My journey with meditation started almost seven years back and it all happened accidentally. Since then I’m practicing it regularly. It has transformed me completely, my whole perception towards life, towards people, towards GOD has changed and I feel totally contended and blessed. Most importantly I now face every problem, whether it’s small or big, with a smile and in a positive way. Here is my secret:Are you seeking calmness, peace of mind, joy, vibrant health, greater energy, positive relationships and fulfillment in life? Do you wish to be stress-free and worry-free?If Yes, You can enjoy all these benefits and much more, with meditation. Meditation offers innumerable benefits for your body, mind and spirit. The rest you gain in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep. The deeper your rest, the more dynamic your activity is.

De-stress with Meditation Meditation has two important benefits:• Meditation prevents stress from getting into the system• Meditation releases accumulated stress that is in the systemBoth of these happen simultaneously, leaving one refreshed and joyful.

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Mental Benefits of MeditationMeditation brings the brainwave pattern into an Alpha state that promotes healing. The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful. With regular practice of meditation:

Meditation makes you aware - that your inner attitude determines your happiness.

Hold Your BreathHe paused his breath for a while. It could not have been more than a few seconds but it felt almost like a few hours. He straightened his brand new Tom Ford suit and walked right through the cloud of smoke. Another day, another flight to somewhere. This was his life. It was difficult to tell what he did, but people in his office called him the negotiator.His office paid for his condo, his airfares, his expensive shoes and watches, and even the fuel for the luxury four-wheeler that dropped him to the airport that day. He walked in, picked up his boarding-pass and straightaway headed for the smoking room. Old habits die hard.But each time it was the same, even after all these years. He had to hold his breath for a little while before getting adjusted to that chamber. Sometimes the room would be so crowded with smokers that no one could see each other’s faces. They all became dusty voices and foggy silhouettes; like smudged ink on paper, unidentifiable letters.This was the strangest thing about that place, the more the number of people the less recognizable they became.He lit his cigarette, tried recollecting his thoughts, maybe he had an important meeting coming up. He looked around the room, there were two tables placed in the middle where people hurdled and talked, loud sounds of chatter came from one end. There was a small pot with a plant kept at one corner, a man in a hat smoked with a magazine in his hand standing beside that. Ash from the head of the tobacco rod flicked on the dying leaves of the plant. God knows who kept that thing inside a place like this, he thought.Three more people entered from the other side. He held his breath again.There was a large bin kept near the entrance for the convenience of the travelers; but nobody had the time, cellophanes from cigarette packs lay all around the floor like dead ants, burnt down stubs butted on the side tables. These were a busy bunch of people.He had smoked half his cigarette, but his eyes had started watering, a constant gush of blood in and out of his retinal veins. So he decided to let the rest be and leave. He walked out of that gas chamber and went to the men’s room to splash some fresh water on his face.There was a queue. Hordes of men in suits lined up, all from the smoking room, waiting in columns with blood-red faces to reach the wash basin. He saw there were about eight men in front of him on the queue, and estimated in his head that the amount of water they collectively would use in that “post-surgical” exercise would be enough to slake a day’s needs for any of the slums in his city.He felt a splurge of disgust and walked out of there.Two weeks later he went to visit his uncle who lived in a small settlement in the hills. One day when he was walking past a mountain river and a gentle breeze blew through the pine trees, he took a deep breath. He sucked in so much air that his lung felt bottomless. He felt like he was holding his breath since that day, and only now let it go.The river carried both wanted and unwanted elements in its stream; he knew it would deposit them all safely where they belong. He thought of the bin near the entrance, only two paces away but everybody pretended to be busy.If he tried to scream out loud that evening, he would probably have gone unheard. The loud chatter, the unmelodious music from the speakers, the announcements outside, they would all have teamed up and swallowed his voice inside a gaping hole of vacuum and nothingness.But that day in the valley, he knew that even if he whistled, the hills would tenderly echo it back towards him; the sound of his voice reverberating in the air of the place. Another enchanting spell of nature? Or a silent reminder that whatever we give to her, she will give it back many times over.

Sayantan Ghosh

How to get the benefits?To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. It takes only a few minutes every day. Once imbibed into the daily routine, meditation becomes the best part of your day!Meditation is like a seed. When you cultivate a seed with love, the more it blossoms. Similarly, the sapling of consciousness is within you. It needs to be nurtured with simple meditation techniques. Some palm trees yield in three years, some in ten years. And those that aren’t nurtured - never yield! They simply exist.Busy people from all backgrounds are grateful to pause and enjoy a refreshing few minutes of meditation each day. Dive deep into yourself and enrich your life.

Aman Pilani

My Green StoryI would like to share my experience where wheatgrass juice helped me get rid of a skin ailment. I heard about this wonder plant first when I was a child when I would see my elders using it occasionally though I never used it. However I rediscovered the wheat grass juice when I was infected with a skin problem (Psoriasis). My elders told me to grow this plant at home and use its juice regularly for a couple of months. I took their advice seriously and used it continuously for three months. To my surprise I discovered that this juice completely cured my disease.The best part of the whole exercise is that it is not just cheaply available but that it is completely unadulterated too. Not much is known about this humble plant which can easily be grown at home. I then read about it and found that wheat grass juice is not just useful in treatment of small diseases but also killer ones such as cancer, which is increasing at an enormous rate nowadays. A very lowly wheat grass has suddenly become a life saver.

Anand Goyal

Coming to 2014, here is what T&Fers have to share:

• With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases.• On a physical level, meditation:• Lowers high blood pressure• Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks

• Decreases any tension-related pain, such as, tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems• Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior• Improves the immune system• Increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy

• Anxiety decreases• Emotional stability improves• Creativity increases• Happiness increases• Intuition develops

• Gain clarity and peace of mind• Meditation sharpens the mind by gaining focus and expands through relaxation• A sharp mind without expansion causes tension, anger and frustration

GREEN – that is how we would like the world to be

Does the thought of coming to work fill you with dread? Do the tea/coffee and samosas make you belch? Do you have problems sitting all day on that chair? The fact is these are the problems faced by almost 80% of office-goers.The T&F India Green Food team brings together a list of common ailments faced by most of us and ways to counter them!!For all you office-goers, here is the list:

• Lemon juice and warm water• Apple cider vinegar (1tsp–2 tsp) in a glass of water• Vitamin C (orange, lemon, gooseberry (amla), cabbage and others)• Green tea• Peppermint tea (Soak mint leaves in boiling water)

• Yogurt and honey• Apples• Beans• Hibiscus tea (dried petals boiled in water; add lemon or honey)• Soaked almonds• Curry leaves in buttermilk

• Mango and milk• Figs and raisins• Peanut butter

• Potato• Banana and milk• Cheese

• Dried fruits• Chicken

• Ginger Tea (ginger boiled in water with honey)• Peppermint • Gooseberry (amla)• Tulsi leaves• Pomegranate • Coconut water• Cucumber

• Pumpkin juice and sugar• Apple cider vinegar (3 tsp) with water and honey• Clove and cardamom• Glass of water with a pinch of baking soda• Green leafy vegetables and fruits

• Ginger• Gooseberry (amla)• Eggs• Mushrooms

• Green tea• Tulsi tea• Turmeric• Aloe Vera

• Probiotics like yogurt• Garlic

• Lavender oil• Peppermint oil

• Tulsi (Basil) tea• Scalp massages with oil

• Apple• Yogurt• Sweet potatoes• Tomatoes

• Walnut• Spinach• Banana• Kiwi

• Papaya• Oyster• Carrot• Raisins

• Garlic• Ginger• Turmeric

• Gourd juice• Oatmeal• Fish

• Almonds• Olive oil• Onion

• Exercise (use your tea breaks to stretch and walk around)• Peppermint tea

• Green tea• Cherries• Ginger• Cranberry juice

• Salmon • Turmeric• Yogurt• Soya Bean

Reduce weight:

Weight Issues

Increase weight:

Digestion (Bloating, Acidity)

Chills/Coughs in closed spaces:




Skin Problems:

High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Body Pain

Jayendrina, Moasenla and Antara(The T&F India Green Food Team)

Eat Healthy, Work Better

Taylor & Francis India | Green Week 2014 | 15-19 September 2014

Tuesday would see some Green T&F Chefs coming up with healthy, interesting, creative and easy to make Green Recipes.

Disclaimer: This recipe has been made by experts who can handle not only the heat of the food but the hotness of the chefs! Please do not try this at home and if you do, the author shall take no responsibility of the perfection of taste.

Essential Ingredients:

Here goes: Pour the chardonnay and take big loooong sip, now place the glass down carefully, remember its past midnight and you don’t want to wake people up, if there are any in that house…if not, go ahead make a ruckus! Take another sip!

Take a bowl, tear the bread into it, yes please, go ahead take that anger out on the bread. Of course, you are angry about something, if you are not think hard, you’ll find something! Sip your chardonnay.

Now chop the tomatoes, onions , paneer and peppers as haphazardly as you can, you don’t care if they don’t look pretty…Sip the chardonnay.

Mix with your hands, yes, I mean it…feel the food, use your hands…Sip the wine.

Now is the tricky part, you have had enough wine, so steady your hand and look closely –this is really tricky - Stir in 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and about 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Yes, carefully read again - 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and about 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. If you do the opposite, you will know and so will the person sleeping next to you! Or the one nearest to your desk, the next morning! Go back to that wine now, get a sip.

Mix really hard, use force, hands…some will fall on the floor, that’s ok. We will deal with it tomorrow. And yes, please Add salt , if you remember to.

Now just flop on that bed, switch the tv on. Eat. And finish that wine. That’s as green as you can get.

You must be thinking, there was an egg somewhere. Please remember you need breakfast too. Place the egg back in the fridge.

Copyright:*A very travelled Journals Team, that has had the good fortune of arriving at odd hours to homes, where wives/mothers/partners/flatmates don’t care!

Go Green in your Kitchen Today!

Neeti Verma’s Green Recipe is here:

1. One very haggard sales person2. An Airline ticket that lands you at the home airport, just a few minutes past midnight.3. A fridge that has a. One tomato, b. One egg, c. One onion, d. Half eaten blob of paneer, if you are luckye. 2 slices of bread left, from what you bought before you went on that work trip, f. A pepper if you were sensible enough to remember you would land past midnight to a home with no cook

4. A bit of olive oil – come on, you must have some…it must be there somewhere…look carefully.5. A bit of red wine vinegar – Now, now don’t make that face, if you stay alone, you are bound to have picked up beautiful looking bottles from the store, just for the fun of it…if not, surely your worse halfs must have.Optional Ingredients (strongly recommended)6. Half a bottle of chardonnay in the fridge, if you are lucky it’s still there7. Or open a new one, and feel like Cameron Diaz – pour it on ice in a tall glass!

Latest study by CSE’s Pollution Monitoring Lab finds antibiotic residues in chicken:

Indians are developing resistance to antibiotics — and hence falling prey to a host of otherwise curable ailments. Some of this resistance might be due to large-scale unregulated use of

antibiotics in the poultry industry, says a new study released by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the New Delhi-based research and advocacy think-tank. Releasing the findings of the study, Sunita Narain, director general, CSE, said: “Antibiotics are no more restricted to humans nor limited to treating diseases. The poultry industry, for instance, uses antibiotics as a growth promoter. Chickens are fed antibiotics so that they gain weight and grow faster.” The CSE lab study found residues of antibiotics in 40 per cent of the samples of chicken that were tested. More at

Smartphones Ruin More Than Your Sleep — They May Also Be Destroying Your Vision: If you are buying a new iPhone, don’t use it in bed — and not just because nighttime smartphone use messes up your sleep cycle. The blue light from personal electronic devices has also been linked to serious physical and mental health problems. Blue light is part of the full light spectrum, which means we’re exposed to it by the sun every day. However, nighttime exposure to that light, which is emitted at high levels by smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other LED screens, may be damaging your vision. It also suppresses production of

Research Speaksthe hormone melatonin, which throws off your body’s natural sleep cues. When your melatonin levels and sleep cycle go haywire, your risk goes up for a wide range of ailments, from

depression to cancer. Full story at

Your face can reveal your heart condition: A new study has revealed a technology developed for detecting atrial fibrillation, a treatable but potentially dangerous heart condition, by observing a person’s face with the help of a web camera and software algorithms. The research demonstrated that subtle changes in skin colour could be used to detect the uneven blood flow caused by atrial fibrillation. The technology described in the study employed a software algorithm developed by Xerox, which scans the face and can detect changes in skin color that are imperceptible to the naked eye, and sensors in digital cameras, which are designed to record 3 Colors: red, green, and blue. The study found that the video monitoring technique, which Researchers have dubbed “videoplethymography,” had a 20% error rate, comparable to the 17 to 29% error rate associated with automated ECG measurements. Read more at

Did you know?

This newsletter has been put together by Namita Singh, Ramaswamy Sesdhary and Anjali Maggon. Design by Deepak Chhabra.

1) Biologists have identified a gene that can slow the age-ing process when activated remotely in key organ systems. The life scientists, working with fruit flies, activated a gene called AMPK, which increased the fly’s life by about 30 per-cent, and the fly stayed healthier longer as well.

2) It may be possible to train the brain to prefer healthy low-calorie foods over unhealthy higher-calorie foods, according to new research. We don’t start out in life loving French fries and hating, for example, whole wheat pasta!

3) When Ben McMahon went into a coma after a car crash, he spoke English; when he woke up, he spoke only fluent Mandarin. Although the Australian man had taken Man-darin in high school, he was never fluent, and doctors are still trying to figure out exactly why he completely lost the ability to speak his native language and suddenly became the “best non-native speaker” .

4) If your infant is super stressed, there’s a baby spa for that. A new kind of spa is taking over and it is exclusively for ba-bies. Float Baby in Houston, Texas, has gained international attention after opening this past February.

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