venezia8 details of a sunny day: in giro con il vaporetto

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Public transport is provided by water buses (vaporetti) and private water taxis, and many tourists explore the canal by gondola

Claude Monet San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk 1908

National Museum of Cardiff

Venice laguna

Venice laguna

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Costa Classica is a medium ship, carrying 1308 passengers and 920 crew

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca and Fermata Marittima (cruise terminal) of the People mover, a driverless tram system that connects the Piazzale Roma with Tronchetto )

The Marittima cruise terminal

Carinthia VII

Carinthia VII is one of the largest luxury yachts in the world and certainly one of the most beautiful yachts.

Carinthia VII

Carinthia VII

Carinthia VII

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca.

Car ferry San Nicolo and Le Soléal cruise ship

Le Soléal  is a cruise ship operated by the French cruise line company Compagnie du Ponant having 132 cabins and suites for 264 passengers and 140 crew members

Car ferry San Nicolo in the Canale della Giudecca

Le Soléal  cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Le Soléal  cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

ex Cotonificio Olcese, ora Istituto Universitario di architettura di Venezia, Canale della Giudecca

IUAV - Istituto Universitario di architettura di Venezia, Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Molino Stucky, (19th century factory complex), Canale della Giudecca

Hilton Molino Stucky Venice Hotel, Canale della Giudecca

Hilton Molino Stucky Venice Hotel, Canale della Giudecca

The Giudecca Canal is a body of water that flows into the San Marco basin in Venice. It is one of the major canals in the city, it bisects the sestieri of Dorsoduro, separating Giudecca island and district from Dorsoduro district. The huge flour mill, the Molino Stucky, has been converted into a luxury hotel and apartment complex

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca and Redentore church (by Andrea Palladio) 1576

Hilton Molino Stucky Venice Hotel

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca

Canale della Giudecca and Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore

Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (Basilica of St Mary of Health) - left and Campanile di San Marco (bell tower of St Mark’s Basilica) - right  

Santa Maria della Salute and St. Mark's Campanile seen from the Giudecca Canal

Canale della Giudecca

The Gesuati church or St. Mary of the Rosary (Zattere), Canale della Giudecca

Cruise ships in the Canale della Giudecca

Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore

St. Mark's Square as seen from the Giudecca Canal

Santa Maria della Salute, Canale della Giudecca

St. Mark's Square as seen from the Giudecca Canal


St. Mark's Square and Riva Degli Schiavoni as seen from the Giudecca Canal

San Giorgio Maggiore, lighthouse at the marina entrance

San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore

Car ferry San Nicolo in the Canale della Giudecca

Car ferry San Nicolo in the Canale della Giudecca


San Giorgio Maggiore is a 16th-century Benedictine church on the island of the same name

San Giorgio Maggiore

Marco Polo water bus

The leaning tower of San Giorgio dei Greci (Saint George of the Greeks)

San Giorgio dei Greci (Saint George of the Greeks), Greek Orthodox church with its leaning campanile (left); and Santa Maria della Visitazione or della Pietà), the “Vivaldi church” (right)


Punta della Dogana

Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore

Canale della Giudecca

Stazione Santa Lucia


Ponte Rialto

Venice, Punta della Dogana where Giudecca Canal and theGrand Canal meet

St. Theodore of Amasea, patron of the city before St Mark atop the western column at the south end of Piazzetta di San Marco.

The columns belonged to the spoils of war won by Constantinople with the help of Venetians and in the original plan should have been three, embarked on three different ships. Legend has it that one of these was shipwrecked and lost the column in the lagoon's slimy posts; such was the mass of mud that the wrecked column could never be found. The other two were left on the shore by St. Mark's square and there remained for over a century because nobody was able to hoist them. Only around the 12th century, Nicolò Barattieri, constructor from Bergamo, raised them exactly at the place where we see them today by means of a clever system of levers and ropes

The winged lion - the Lion of Venice - the symbol of St Mark

Between the two columns there was a legally recognized area, unique in Venice, where gambling was allowed, but in the 18th century that became the place where executions took place. Still today there is a Venetian idiom that reads: "Do you want me to show you the time?" Used as a threat, it refers to the fact that executions used to be carried out by holding the convict's back turned to the waterfront, so that the last thing he saw before death was the clock tower

Venice clock face after restoration (2006)

Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli

Santa Maria Miracoli

Giovanni Giorgio Lascaris

Virgin and Child - 1480-1489

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: Music from Venice - the best Italian songs from Venezia (Italian favourites songs) Music from Venice - the best Italian songs from Venezia (Italian favourites songs) 2015

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