venturing, sea scouting and exploring newsletter since ... · 2014-venturing program update 2014...

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The FORUMVenturing, Sea Scouting and Exploring Newsletter since 2003

July 2014 Issue

0514 Central Point Newsletter Higjlights0614-Area 3 Newsletter highlights0914 Chippewa Valley and Samoset Councils

Powder Horn Course

0714 Law Enforcement Conference0714 Fire and Emergency Services Conference0714 International Rover Week2014 Northern Tier2014 SEAL TrainingWebsites and the FORUM Concept

0814-Venture Week Patriots’ Path0814 Camp Nautical0814 National Youth Leadership Training0814-Seabadge Course1114 BSA Outdoor Ethics Conference

0714 Sea Scout Weekend0714 Law Enforcement-Summerfest1114 Central Florida Council Fire Service Explorer Weekend1114 Central Florida Council Law Explorer Weekens0215 Winterfest

Memorial Day Flag Disposal Crew 561 Honor Corp0814 Western Region Youth Exravaganza

The Current FORUM newsletter:

The Current FORUM Attachments

The FORUM Back Issues

This issue’s attachments include:

0514 Central Point Newsletter0614-Area 3 Newsletter

0714 National Fire and Emergency Services Conference0714 National Law Enforcement Conference2014-Venturing Program Update2014 SEAL Training Application2014 SEAL Training Game Plan

0714 Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic Training Application0814 Five Rivers Powder Horn Course0814 Sea badge Booklet

1014 Area 4 Powder Horn

The May 2014 Central Region Venturing newsletter written by the region'sVenturing officers is now available on our website newsletter page at or at directly at It is also in the FORUM downloads.

Articles this month include:Scouting 500

Working with Youth/AdultsHigh Adventure Bases

A Year in ReviewSea Scout updatePresident's CornerCaption ContestName that Camp

Website highlight -Trainings

There will be a special edition of the Central Point on May 25th - "Meet theCentral Region Venturing Officers Association". The URL for that issue willbe - however there will be noemail notification from this distribution list when it is published. The June issuewill also not be announced this way. It's URL will be If you want publication announcements for these 2issues, please sign up for the Facebook group or the Yahoo group (listed below).We'll resume this announcement distribution list for the July 1 edition of the Cen-tral Point.

Yours in Venturing,Emily MausshardtCentral Region Venturing Vice President -

CommunicationDeb KeyesCentral Region Venturing Associate Advisor -


Greetings from Central Region Area 3 Venturing Officers,The June Central Region Area 3 Newsletter is in the FORUM Downloads/

Welcome 2014-2015 Central Region Area 3 Venturing OfficersPlease welcome the following youth in their new positions:Katie Bruton as the Central Region Area 3 Venturing PresidentEmma O'Donnell as the Central Region Area 3 Venturing Vice-President of AdministrationAmanda Sander as the Central Region Area 3 Venturing Vice-President of ProgramChance Ziegler as the Central Region Area 3 Venturing Vice-President of CommunicationAlso congratulate past Area 3 Officers moving into different positions:Emily Mausshardt as the Central Region Venturing PresidentLizzie Schneider as the Central Region Venturing Vice-President of Administration

Venturing Program UpdateAs of June 1, 2014, you can work on the new Venturing Awards. The new Venturing Awards aredesigned to help Venturers grow in the areas of adventure, leadership, personal growth, and ser-vice.This is a reminder for those youth that if you are wanting to earn the Bronze, Gold or SilverAwards then you need to complete them before December 31. That is just SIX months, so get go-ing if you want to have these awards.Now if you want to start earning the new awards, get on your mark, get set... go! You can beginworking on the new Venturing awards program. Venturing, Discovery, Pathfinder, and SummitAward. More Information: click here

Highlights of the MagazineUpcoming Events, Venturing Updates, Youth Officer Bios, Venturing NYLT, Sea Scouts, andmore.

Links to Activities and Events in Area 3Venturing NYLT - St. Louis, MO July 21st-27, 2014

For more information: click hereFall Fun Rally- St. Louis, MO September 26-28, 2014

For more information:click here

Chippewa Valley Council and Samoset Council, in Wisconsin, invite Scouters totheir 2014 Powder Horn Course. Outdoor and high adventure experiences providedparticipants, and the resources they’ll be put in touch with, can be applied to everylevel of Scouting, from Webelos on up.

September 5-7 Scouters will be housed at Samoset Council’s Crystal LakeScout Reservation. They can expect tips on physical fitness, opportunities forC.O.P.E., climbing and scuba diving, as well as presentations on bicycling,backpacking, communications, winter sports, first aid, trip planning, fishing, landnavigation and watercraft activities.

During the second three days, September 26-28, there will be a road trip inthe Chippewa Valley Council. It starts with a presentation on caving, moves on toequestrian, settles in for a LNT overnight with an outdoor cooking presentation, thenmoves out the next day for a presentation on ecology and a sample of river canoeingbefore rolling into Phillips Scout Reservation for the night. The final day will be on theshooting ranges.

More information is available at the Chippewa Valley Council’s website,; at the Facebook page!/groups/607016162675639/; by emailing Jim Nosker, course director,, or telephoning him at 715-962-4237.

Fact SheetJuly 2014

National Law EnforcementExploring Conference

BACKGROUND: The National Law Enforcement Explor ing Conferenceis conducted every other year and is attended by thousands of Law Enforcement Explorers andtheir adult leaders from throughout the country. The conference program provides a week ofteam and individual competitions, seminars, demonstrations, exhibits, recreation and fun.

DATES: July 14-19, 2014LOCATION: Indiana University – Bloomington, INCOST: The conference fee is $475 per Explorer or adult, plus a non-refundable Postregistration fee of $100.CONFERENCE PROGRAM:Team Competitions: Law Enforcement Response Team Events: Arrest and Search, BombThreat Response, Burglary in Progress, Crime Prevention, Crime Scene Search, CrisisNegotiation, Domestic Crisis Intervention, Judgment Pistol Shooting: Shoot/Don’t Shoot,Officer Down: Emergency Field First Aid, Traffic Accident Investigation, Traffic Stop, WhiteCollar Crime. Special Team Events: Drill Team, Non-Emergency Vehicle Operations Course(NEVOC).Individual Competitions: Police Physical Fitness Test, Air Pistol Competition, Pistol (.40caliber) Competition, Sample Police Written Exam, Bike Policing Competition.Seminars: Bomb Investigations, Combating Terrorism in America, Executive Protection,Leadership Development, Fugitive Investigations, Gang Recognition and Identification, HateCrimes, Narcotics Trafficking and Interdiction, Protecting our National Borders, ProtectYourself: Self-Defense, Psychological Profiling, Surveillance Methods and Technology,Advisor Seminars, and other presentationsConference Features: Dynamic opening and closing shows, exciting enter tainment night,Career Fair, Exploring U.S.A., Rally Demonstration, nightly Jump Club dance, election ofNational Youth Representatives and retail Cop Shop.

REGISTRATION: All Law Enforcement Explorer Posts registered with Learning forLife are eligible to attend the conference. The 2014 National Law Enforcement Exploring Con-ference registration forms and Guidebook are available on the Learning for Life website The guidebook contains detailed information aboutthe conference along with an Advisor Checklist to assist with the registration process. The conferenceis usually a “sell-out” event and registration is on a first come, first served basis. Make plans to join usat Indiana University for another incredible conference!

We are excited and ready to have another great conference in 2014! You are now able to regis-ter for the 2014 National Law Enforcement Exploring Conference to be held at Indiana Univer-sity, Bloomington, IN at All rooms are air-conditioned!!!!!!!

Forest Corps participants bravely join their two fearless Instructorsventuring out into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness(BWCAW),embracing both the trials and triumphs of the trail. Whileenjoying a canoe trip in the Wilderness, participants challengesthemselves mentally and physically by helping the US Forest Ser-vice perform vital trail and campsite repair and attending educa-tional sessions to learn about the ecology of the area.

Designed to teachyoung adults about important concepts ofresponsible land management, practicalconservation skills, and the ethics of Leave NoTrace, the Forest Corps program is an amazingco-educational offering Northern Tier providesfor Scouts and Venturers ages 14 to 21. Whilefocusing on environmental educationcomponents, leadership principles are infusedthroughout the program to aid the students inbecoming young outdoor leaders. Specificallytargeted to Venturers, the elements of thisprogram allow for scouts to complete various components of their Ranger Award while onthe trip.

With the education and guidance of their leaders, the students are placed in a uniquelearning environment where they are free to discover and make connections about howtheir actions can impact the greater world. Through the medium of experiential education,students are able to grasp the notion that wilderness areas, like the BWCAW, would notexist if their generation did not care about protecting and managing these beautiful, naturalplaces. One of the aims for the Forest Corps program is to create land stewards who have apositive connection with the land around them. The program teaches scouts to develop apassion for conservation and advocate for the protection of natural places so thesespectacular recreation areas exist for the enjoyment of generations to come.

Why participate? This program is an incredible opportunity to learn about interestingtopics such as forest fire ecology, geology, natural history, ecosystems and low impactwilderness travel in a fun and non-traditional way - through experiences outside in nature!You get to work and play outside for two weeks - rain or shine - working alongside some ofthe coolest people you will ever meet. You also will gain practical conservation and landmanagement skills while working with the US Forest Service.

Why send your Scout/Venturer? wo trained,highly knowledgeable outdoor professionals willinstruct participants on the different elements ofthe trip and train them in the proper handlingand use of conservation tool. In addition toenvironmental education, both instructors havetraining in wilderness medicine, Leave NoTrace and group management skills. Thesecertifications are industry standards and provideinstructors with the proper guidelines foreffectively leading and developing the potentialin participants.

This two week co-educational experience has the capacity to educate today’s youthabout important environmental concepts and inspires the confidence to become aneffective leader- not only in the outdoors but in every aspect of their life. Participants areencouraged to take what they learn home and educate their communities at about theseimportant environmental concerns explored during their time serving and playing in theBWCAW. The elements of this program hope to inspire corps members to freely learnabout their relationships with ecosystems, and what they can do to protect them. TheForest Corps program will most definitely deliver a wilderness experience that lasts a life-time!

For more information visit, email or call 218.365.4811.

See you Up North!

Now in its fourth year, Kandersteg International Scout Centre is proud toannounce International Rover Week 2014: Summer Edition! Come and joinRovers from around the world as they engage in fun and interesting activities,working together as a team to cook and live in a unique multiculturalatmosphere in the heart of the beautiful Swiss Alps.

Dates: 13th - 23rd July

As an international event, International Rover Week aims to bring togetherpeople, both individuals and groups, from different countries within Scoutingand Guiding. During your stay you will be offered a wide range of activities outin the Swiss Alps around Kandersteg. You can expect to have an individual,customized experience while practicing real team work with new found friendsfrom all around the world. If you are into making new experiences and gettingto know new cultures, the International Rover Week is the right event for youthis Summer!

All Rovers, Rangers and Leaders, 18-30 years old, belonging to a NationalScout Organisation recognized by WOSM or WAGGGS. You can participateindividually or as a group. We keep the right to limit the amount of participantsper country if too many people from one country apply, in order to ensure thecultural diversity of the event.

If you think this event is exactly what you would like to make your Summer thebest it can be, you can register now over at via the link below!



Who would like to go to SEAL 2014? Let your Skipper know now.

I, as Commodore, see the high importance of preparing as many crew members aspossible to graduate from SEAL 2014. Most youth who complete SEAL had a fun time,met new friends, gained a high degree of personal skills and confidence, have gainedworld view of Sea Scouting, and come back to the Ship energized to be a leader.

That being said, how can you achieve this goal?

Potential SEAL Candidates please fill out attached 2014 application as a draftwith your parents.. This is a small commitment; a starting point for 204 finalapplication.

Pick your port of departure. Bring draft application, questions and parent to SeaScout SEAL Program Kickoff Meeting at your next Ship meeting.

Newport Beach, CA June 13-22, 2014) ____ (Chesapeake Bay, MD June 21-29,2014) _____

(Galveston Bay, TX June 27- July 6, 2014) _____ (Long Island Sound, NY July 12-20, 2014) ____

(Seattle, WA July 24- August 1, 2014) ______

Northern Tier National HighAdventure Programs

Ely, MN - Atikokan, ON - Bissett, MBBoy Scouts of America

Northern Tier is your launching point for high adventure treks into the wilderness waterways of the remote Northwoods. Northern Tier’s three summer canoe bases offer a wide variety of wilderness adventures, fully-outfi tting crews for 6 to 10 day wilderness treks. A trained staff member accompanies each group, teaching new skills and customizing the trip to suit the needs and desires of every participant.

Requirements to attend: 218.365.4811

Please see our website for updated fees. All fees include stoves, fuel, tents, rain fl y, cook kits, packs, all food while on the trail and 2 nights on base.Also included are aluminum canoes (lightweight upgrades are available for additional fee), paddles, life jackets and emergency communications device.


Minimum of 14 years of age, or 13 and completed the 8th grade by the date of attendanceMust be classifi ed as a swimmerMust weigh less than 295 lbs. and strongly recommended each participant weigh at least 100 lbs. Minimum of 6 and maximum of 8 people for a crew (Ely Base)Minimum of 6 and maximum of 11 people for a crew (Atikokan and Bissett Bases)Minimum of 2 adult leaders - 1 trained in CPR and Wilderness First Aid

Please "Save the Date" for a Super-Regional Outdoor Ethics Conference,scheduled for November 6-9, 2014, at Camp Alpine in northern NewJersey. Council Outdoor Ethics Advocates, and supporters of Leave NoTrace and Tread Lightly! Programs are welcome and encouraged toattend. We will help to arrange carpools, and shuttle service from the NewYork City airports will be available. This conference is a great opportunity tolearn about BSA’s Outdoor Ethics awards and other programs, and how tomost effectively implement programs in your council that will help toprotect and restore your council camp properties and other natural places.Meet experts and peers from many different councils for idea sharing andfun. Please watch for more details, and please watch for and respond toour survey as we gather input regarding the program and scheduling.Contact David O’Leary ( for more information.= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Thanks,David O’LearyOutdoor Ethics / Leave No Trace CoordinatorNortheast Region, BSA

Each summer, several week-long sailing-based leadership development pro-grams are offered for Sea Scouts, a co-ed branch of Boy Scouts aged 14 – 20. Estab-lished in 1996, the program, called SEAL for Sea Scout Experience Advanced Leader-ship, provides leadership training while sailing on the water on private yachts thathave been made available for Sea Scout use by boat owners. Training locations in-clude Long Island Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Galveston Bay, Newport Beach (CA), andPuget Sound.

Twenty-five to thirty five Scouts are selected for this program on a national ba-sis. For these Scouts, entry into the program requires a strong working knowledge inseamanship (boating skills) and coastal navigation and advancement through the firsttwo Sea Scout ranks of promotion.

Last summer, Connecticut proudly sent five Scouts for SEAL training, two fromWestbrook (Ship 1784) and three from Groton (Ship 584) to boats in Long IslandSound, Galveston Bay and Chesapeake Bay. Grouped into crews of five to sevenScouts per boat, they sailed for eight days under the supervision of the knowledgea-ble boat owners plus two instructors per vessel.

Their duties and responsibilities ranged from planning and provisioning allmeals, as well as cooking and clean up, to overall boat management, determiningcourses to sail, selecting harbors and marinas to visit, coastal navigation, sail trimand line handling. On each successive day, these jobs were rotated through theScout crew so that every Scout could experience each job.

In addition to the seamanship skills gained from this experience, the SEAL can-didates learned invaluable leadership techniques that can serve them well throughouttheir adult lives. These lifetime skills include evaluation, training, team building, com-municating, motivating, leadership, goal setting, planning and preparing, managing,supervising and commanding. On completion of the SEAL course, candidates becomegraduates and are recognized for their accomplishments with a special uniform insig-nia showing them to be SEAL graduates.

This coming summer, one Scout from New Haven (Ship 1) will represent Con-necticut as she attends SEAL training in Puget Sound. She will serve as part of acrew of Scouts from all over the USA who will work together as a team to learn theSEAL skills offered. Additionally, she will meet several new Scouts who will be herfriends for life, having shared together the pleasures of sailing and the challenges andsuccesses of the SEAL program.

Young adults with an interest in learning more through Sea Scouts about boatsand the sea are welcome, as are seasoned adult mentors. For more information aboutSea Scouting, please contact New England Flotilla Commodore Marshall Parsons at860-983-7681 or



Ordinary training Requirements Able training requirements

Quartermaster teaching requirements

When: Sunday AM, August 4 through Saturday PM August 9, 2014Where: June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation, Ashford, ConnecticutCost: $350.00 per Sea Scout (includes meals, 2 person tents w/cots)

Details: Camp Nautical is an opportunity for any Sea Scout attending to gain skills andexperience. Advancement can be a source of pride and measure of your success in Scouting.Advancement in Sea Scouting is a measure of your nautical knowledge and your performanceas a leader.

The Seamanship Program will allow you to experience most of the requirements needed for the Rank ofOrdinary; Able and satisfy teaching requirements for rank of Quartermaster. With structured courses inthe morning and evening, you will learn about boats, marlinespike seamanship, ground tackle, signaling,quarterdeck leadership training, ornamental rope work, and environmental concerns. You will find funin the afternoons devoted to free time. You will graduate with a report of your accomplishments, newfriends and memories to last a lifetime.

More Information & Registration Contact:

Allen Iott, Skipper Sea Scout Ship 584 “Dragon”Cell: (860) 912-1417 or

In August of 2013, a large group of scouts arrived at Camp Turrell in upstate New York for a week of training in leadership skills. While many arrived unsure of what the experience would hold for

them, most left wishing they could stay another week. From the very first night, the staff unveiled their most innovative and creative program to

date. The entire camp had been decorated by the staff in the week before everyone arrived, and the enthusiasm was palpable. The course rests on the foundations of leadership, teaching participants the essentials of what a leader ought to be, know, and do. Over the duration of the week, staff members taught their peers how to find visions, set goals, and lead themselves. The presentations, designed by the youth staff, were mixed in between activities designed to reinforce the skills being taught. The days were long and energetic, ending in camp-wide events like Songfest or Movie Night before participants headed off to sleep before the next day. In 2014, the staff has reassembled bigger and stronger than ever. They’ve created a better

program, using feedback from previous participants and staff to tighten up every aspect of the week. They’ve meticulously evaluated each presentation and activity as a part of their vision for this year’s course. They’re introducing new initiatives to improve communication, increase on-course efficiency, and more accurately target personal growth.

Interested in joining us for NYLT 2014?

Register now at

Date: August 17-23, 2014

Eligibility: Open to all Scouts and Venturers 14 and up (First Class for Scouts) by August 1.

Contact: Christian Emering, Course Director --

Venture Week

For more information, or to make a reservation for Venture Week Visit or

Contact John Dorn at 973-765-9322 x 238 or

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Make Venturing Memories of a Lifetime! Be Part of Camp Somers Venture Week

A One of a Kind Experience at Mt. Allamuchy Scout Reservation August 3-9

A Premier High Adventure Destination in Northern New Jersey Come as a unit or as an individual!

Camp Somers is taking the lead with a unique set of programs specifically tailored to Venturing Crews and individual Venturers. Daily activities are fully customizable to meet each unit's or partici-pant's Scouting goals and interests. Choose from a wide variety of Leadership, Teaching, Service and Personal Growth opportunities. Whether you're looking for rank advancement, high adventure or skills development...AND just plain FUN, we have the answer for you!

NRA/Winchester Trapshooting

Movie Night

Rifle Shooting

Mountain Biking

Wilderness Survival


NJ Hunter Safety Program

GPS Course


High Angle Search & Rescue


Night COPE

Leave No Trace

First Aid & CPR


Auto Shop Basics

Venturing Equestrian Elective


BSA Lifeguard




Metal Working

Astronomy party

Trek Opportunities


K9 Nosework Demonstration

Emergency Response Crew Demo

Shotgun Shooting

Cat's Eye Hike

Pistol Shooting


NRA Award Programs




41st Annual BSA WINTERFESTFebruary 6-8th, 2015

What is BSA Winterfest? Winterfest isthe world’s largest gathering ofExplorers, Sea Scouts and Venturers.It is held in the beautiful mountains ofGatlinburg, Tennessee. Each year over3,000 participants come to participate inover 70 events and competitions.Competitions include specialties, suchas various Law Enforcement, Fire,

Engineering and Medicalcompetitions. Shooting sportsare also offered in Shotgun, Rifleand pistol. Sporting events in-clude volleyball, bowling, basket-ball, dodgeball, ultimate Frisbeeand more. High Adventureactivities include repelling,climbing, bouldering, outdoorcooking, navigation skills andmuch, much more.

An Awards Ceremony and dance areheld on Saturday night and is second tonone!

Estimated conference cost for the 2015Conference is $45 per participant. Tofind out more about the 2015 BSAWinterfest and see event details fromthe 2014 event, go to Facebook, searchand “like” BSAWINTERFEST to getupdates as they are posted. If you havespecific questions you can call SusieRyan, Winterfest Staff Advisor at770-962-2105 Ext: 229.

Firing Range Activity added to Summerfest 2014 Regional LawEnforcement Exploring Competition Agenda

(Savannah, Georgia) Summerfest 2014 Regional Law EnforcementCompetition will take place on Friday, July 18-Saturday, July 19, 2014 at theChatham County Sheriff’s Complex in Savannah, Georgia. In addition to eight LawEnforcement Competitions, A Team Maze Competition and a .22 Rifle Firing Rangehave been added to the Summerfest 2014 agenda. In order to participate in theFiring Range activity on Saturday morning, all participants must attend the safetybriefing at the Friday evening Meet-N-Greet.

Friday evening’s barbeque dinner is included in the price of your admission toSummerfest, but we will need your dinner reservation numbers by Monday, July 14th.Also, a concession stand with reasonably priced picnic meals will be offered duringthe lunch hour on Saturday, so that you will not need to leave Summerfest to buylunch elsewhere.

Early Bird Rates of $20.00 for youth and $10.00 for adults have been extendedto July 1st. For registration information, agenda, Leader’s Guide and competition de-tails, visit

Submitted by:Barbara Foley, M.Ed.Outreach DirectorCoastal Georgia Council Boy Scouts of America

FFire Service Explorer Weekend

Camp La-No-Che November 7-9, 2014


LLaw Enforcement Explorer Weekend

Camp La-No-Che November 7-9, 2014


TTo register, visit or call 912-927-7272.

Agenda for Summerfest:

o Friday - 6pm-8pm - Barbeque Dinner, Meet & Greet, Select Your Competitions o Saturday - 8:30am-Noon - Competitions, Hands on Demonstrations & Activities, with

Competitions to include Bomb Threat Response, Warrant Service, DUI Traffic Stop, Rapid Dress/Cell Extration, Felony Traffic Stop, Uniform Inspection, Crime Scene Inspection, Suspicious Person

o Saturday – 1:15pm – Award Ceremony o Saturday after 2:00pm- Free time to explore Historic Savannah and beautiful Tybee Island!

What can I expect when I visit Savannah?

Have a great time competing with other Law Enforcement Explorer Post groups from throughout the southern region. Then, spend the rest of the weekend exploring and having fun! Savannah is a city of rare natural beauty—from her distinctive park-like squares with stately oaks draped in Spanish moss to

her cobblestone streets and the magnificent architecture of her storied antebellum architecture. Tybee Island, located 20 miles east of Savannah features sandy beaches, fun water sports activities,

historic sites such as Fort Pulaski & the Tybee Lighthouse.

What are the Registration Fees?

Early Bird Special includes Friday night Barbeque Dinner! Now through July 1, 2014 - $20.00 per Youth/ $10.00 per Adult

After July 1, 2014 - $25.00 per Youth/ $15.00 per Adult

Attention LLaw Enforcement Explorers!

Register now for Summerfest 2014 Regional Law Enforcement Competition!

Friday, July 18 - Saturday July 19, 2014 Location: Chatham County Sheriff’s Complex

1050 Carl Griffin Drive, SSavannah, GA!

Coastal Georgia Council Boy Scouts of America, 11900 Abercorn St., Savannah, GA 31419 (912) 927-7272


Brunswick, GA

REGISTER NOW FOR Sea Scout 2014!

Sea Scout Competitions

Water Sports & Other Outdoor Activities For Sea Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Crews

& Explorer Posts

Camp Tolochee has a large Swimming Pool, a Boating Area, a Team Building Challenge Course, a First Aid Lodge, a Camp Store, Climbing & Bouldering Walls, a lake full of fish, Small Bore Rifle & Shotgun Shooting Ranges, an Archery Range, Trail Bicycles, a Campfire & Assembly Ring,

a Chapel, a full-service Group Dining Facility & Kitchen, modern Restrooms and Shower Facilities, Nature Trails, Camp Sites and much more...

July 11-13, 2014

Early Bird Specials: $35/Youth & $10/Adults through June 30, 2014, includes all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast.

To receive registration information and full details,

Visit or call 912-927-7272.

T he FORUM New sletter is looking for WesternRegion New sletters, events and stories from Crew s,Ships, Post , Councils, Areas and the Region.

Keep Venturing, Sea Scouting and Exploringact ive and send the FORUM your art icles.

T hanks for a ll you do for youth.

Bob “the BEAR”FORUM Editor

Send to

MAY 26, 2014American Legion Post 280 E. Pasadena, CA May 26, 2014


ARE YOU TOUGHER THAN A VENTURER? Join us and find out!

Mark your calendar … The WRVYE and DAC X-Games will be held August 29-31, 2014, at Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch located at 7,000 feet elevation near the town of Elbert, CO. (Peaceful Valley is 90 minutes from the Denver International Airport.)

X-Games is a late night event (Friday, August 29) where the youth split into 4 – 6 person teams and use their orienteering skills to go from station to station. Each station is a fun, scored event, and at the end of the evening the scores are totaled and the Crew with the highest score wins the coveted ‘Traveling Trophy’. This is a great place to meet other Venturers and put your skills to the test. Learn more about the Venturing Program. There will be a banquet and lots of open activities, tentatively including: climbing, repelling, scuba, mountain biking, rifle, pistol, shotgun, muzzle loading, archery and disc golf – as well as the Venturing X-Games Friday evening. Dates: August 29, 30 & 31, 2014

Place: Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch – Elbert, CO

Cost: $60.00 per person (includes X-Game fees, camping, food and most of the open activities costs)

You can contact Scott Elzas at or 303-868-2774 or Dave Whitner at or 720-266-2101, or the

National Exploring Venturing Sea Scout Region Venturinghttp://www.crventuring.orgNortheast Region Venturing Region Sea Scout Net Region-Venturing Region Sea Scout Region Venturingwww.wrventuring-bsa.orgUSA Scouting Service-Venturing High Adventure Base

Yahoo GroupsCentral Region Region Region Region

The FORUM is a National cluster conceptand a friendly way to help Scouting Leadersexchange ideas and programs among ourTroops, Crews, Posts, Ships, councils, areas,regions and national..

The FORUM is shared by Volunteers andProfessionals across the country.

“The FORUM” has been published month-ly since 2003 and is not an official publica-tion of any Council, Area, Region orNational. It is the Leaders and Professionalsnewsletter. Help support our teenageprogram by sending us your Crew, Ship andPost stories, Newsletters. Council articles,By-Laws, Questions and Best Practices toshare with others.

As always, articles, questions andcomments are welcome. Promote Venturing,Sea Scouting and Exploring by promotingyour Unit and Council. We are seekingsupport from anyone interested in workingon the newsletter .Thanks for all you do!Bob "the BEAR" Monto—Editor in Chief

TO SUBSCRIBE to the FORUM:Email Bob the BEAR at rmonto@aol.comUse the email account you want to receivethe FORUM and give Full name andCouncil to play you in the right email list.

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