virtual sussex school games - st margaret's primary · mental maths sumdog contest! the west...

Post on 15-Dec-2020






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Year 6 Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning Year 6

Hope you all had a good weekend and made the most of the sunshine. It is brilliant to

see so many of you using Google Classroom – well done! We know that some of you like

to have a little guess at which teacher has written which part of your work. I wonder if

you can guess who is writing this?! Remember there are four teachers! Share your ideas

on Google Classroom.

Please remember that if you use LEXIA, you should still be trying to complete your 60

minutes a week. Some of you are very close to finishing; it would be fantastic if you

could finish this before we come back to school!


Reading I do hope you are making good progress with the

book of your choice. I said I would upload a photo

of my favourite place to read right now. Here it is

in the garden. I’m not so sure I shall be out there

for the rest of this week though, as we are meant

to have lots of rain. Oh well, more time to read

indoors – and we can’t complain as the weather

has been fantastic. Perhaps you could put a photo of your favourite reading

place on Google Classroom.

Looking at the spelling task below, start a spelling list of words containing the

letter combinations below from your reading this week. Are there any words

that are new to you? Work out their meaning from the context and then look

them up in a dictionary. Challenge: write a sentence using any new words you


Spelling From your English SAT’s revision book complete page 60 – revising words with

ei, eigh, ey and ay for section 1 and words with ie and ei for section 2. You

might want to use a dictionary to help you. Remember to read the rules and

complete the questions.

English task I’m still enjoying ‘Malamander’. I know we have spoken to

many of you about your book choices. Did you create an

interesting character who could be included in your book last


Task One

Imagine that any one of the characters you have come across

so far in your book has to pack a bag for the next part of

their adventure in the story. What items would the character

of your choice pack? You can pick between 6 and 10 things. Would he or she

pick something to remember the past or a family member of friend? Would

there be something useful for the next part of the story? Would there be a

practical item or two included?

You can present this in a way of your choice. You might like to draw the bag

and the items that would be included – even the style of the bag might reveal

the personality of your character.

Somewhere on your work, include brief notes to explain why your character

would have put each of these items in the bag.

Task Two

We have worked through comprehensions (questions to answer, which show an

understanding of what we have read) in school. Now it is your chance to write

a comprehension for your reading book – or something different at home,

perhaps a gardening book, magazine article or information leaflet that has

been posted through your door.

What kind of questions could you ask? Remember some questions are about

finding the information (retrieval) such as, ‘What colour was the puppy?’ Some

questions are about an understanding such as, ‘Why is a puppy given different

food from an adult dog?’ Some questions are about a deeper understanding,

using clues from the text and working out an answer (inference) such as, all of

the family members behave in different ways towards the new puppy in their

home. Using your understanding of the characters, explain why they behave in

these ways. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Write your comprehension using a range of questions – at least two of each

type of question. Do this in your red book. You could then type it up to make it

look professional and post it on Google Classroom or email it to your teachers.


Mental maths SUMDOG Contest! The West Sussex Maths Contest is on 24th April – 30


April. It will finish at 8pm. Come on Year 6! Give your friends a nudge if you

know they haven’t logged on yet.

Currently, Arundel are in 11th and Bramber in 33

rd. In the top 50 are

Toby in 2nd and Connie in 5

th. Well done you two!

Unable to access SUMDOG, please complete the next double page in your

Mental Maths booklets.

Self-mark using the back of the book. The answers are always helpful if you

get stuck on a question. Look at the answer and then return to the question.

What do you need to do to get that answer?

Maths task Coordinates - SAT’s revision book pages 52 and 53.

Mathsframe has some fun games on coordinates. This one is called Alien


Subject 1:


This half term we would be looking at the workings inside the human body. We

are going to start off with a quiz on Google classroom to see what you know!

No cheating now!!

Subject 2:


Bonjour mes amies !Le Café Français will be opening in Angering Village next week and will be offering un menu à emporter (a take away menu) delivered to your door (delivery charge £1.00)Your task is to choose at least 4 items from the menu and place your order (in French) on an order form adding up the cost (to include the delivery charge). BON APPETIT !

Je voudrais commander (I would like to order) :

L’addition (the bill)

PE The Virtual Sussex School Games launched yesterday – it is not

too late to get involved. We would like to see as many of you as possible

representing the school from home (there are prizes for individuals and

schools!!!). Get your grown-ups involved too as there is an active adult

competition too!

Check out the opening ceremony at

Here is the first challenge for this week

Why not have a look

at Google Classroom?

This week you will find the science quiz and a section of the book ‘Deadman’s

Cove’ read aloud to you. It also provides a great opportunity for you to catch

up with the news from your classmates – and share some of your own.

Your next learning will be on Thursday 30th April

Take care everyone

With love from the Year Six Team x

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