vnm small business magazine

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Established in 2011, VNM Magazine started out as a small A5 magazine delivered free to small businesses around Melbourne.The primary objective of the magazine was to provide a print-media form of service and advice to business owners and incorporate business opportunities for those interested in enteringthe world of small business owners.


small businessVNM magazine



BEAUTY SALONSIndustry Report


30+businesses inside

for sale today

small business



EditorBetty ChristofilakisCreative Director

Betty ChristofilakisPhotographer

Mario PinedaArt DirectorMario Pineda

Advertising DirectorElena Likopoulos

Marketing ManagerElena LikopoulosSales Manager

Elena Likopoulos

Graphic DesignerLee Panagiotidis

Web DesignerLee Panagiotidis

WritersElena LikopoulousLauren Margaritis

VNM Small business magazine is published by Visual Nett Media Pty LTD

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copyright of Visual Nett Media Pty Ltd. Any reproduc-tion without prior permission is strictly prohibited.

Although information in VNM Small business magazine has been derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate, no liability is accepted for any opinions

expressed or for any error or omissions.

EditorWelcome to our September issue of VNM Small Business Magazine. We have had our ears to the street and heard the big buzz word is Migration. We cover the “Hows” and “whys” and tell you how this is so good for business! Be inspired by our “Success Story” where we sat down with Mauro Cantelmi who shared exclusively with VNM what he did to turn working from home into an international business. Paying too much Rent? We’ve got 5 secrets our guest writer and lawyer Nicholas Agetzis Corporate Lawyer LL.B (Hons.) says landlords hope you don’t know about. Looking to buy? We’ve got you covered with some of the hottest business buys available now!Editors pick-Neil Perry gives us the dish on Spice Temple.Have a question or a topic you want to see covered? Send us an email at and tell us what you want to know! All this and more in our VNM small busi-ness magazine!We hope from all the staff here at VNM magazine that our truly unique and in depth magazine will help you in your needs and wish you all the best for this year .

Betty Christofilakis editor & creative director

VNM contents

asian migration

30+ businesses for sale




australian tourismnot prepared for influx of Chinese visi-tors

overseas investorslook to franchises for Australian Busi-ness Visa

indian studentsare on the rise






next stop - AustraliaWith economic turmoil and war around the globe- the line to enter Australia is becoming longer and longer

facts on migrationInformation for small business





portrait of a masterMauro first created Dezine By Mauro in 1998 as a sole owner

hairdressing reportHairdressing and Beauty Salon Indus-rty Report

neil perry’sThe spice temple

The 5 SecretsLandlords dont want you to know

AustrAliAn tourism not

prepAred Australia’s federal tourism

minister, Martin Ferguson, has told a Tourism and Transport Forum (TTF) Outlook confer-

ence that the country is underprepared to cope with the influx of Chinese and other Asian tourists which Australian immigration can expect. Federal Tourism Minister Martin Ferguson says Australia has much to do to be ready for an influx of Chinese tourists. Mr Ferguson said serious issues within both the Australian visa system and the tourism industry will struggle to cope with a surge in demand from newly wealthy Chinese tourists travelling abroad for the first time. Mr Ferguson’s warnings come after global tourism bodies claimed the Australian tourism industry was facing the ‘Asian Century’ which, if handled successfully, could yield the country millions in rev-enue and thousands of new jobs. Chi-nese tourists already contribute AU$3.5 billion (£2.4 billion) to the Australian economy; a figure that is predicted to reach AU$9 billion (£5.8 billion) by the end of the decade, if Australia can cope with the demand.

The tourism minister said several infrastructure issues, particularly Sydney’s sole airport needed to be addressed. “For too long Sydney’s second airport has been put in the too hard basket,” said Mr Ferguson.

Suggestions made at the conference also included greater investment in Australia’s hotels, more nature based attractions and greater numbers of Indigenous staff at exist-ing natural sites such as Ayers Rock. Australia’s mining boom has prevented the country from following most of the world into recession but it has often come at the expense of the tour-ism and hospitality in-dustries whose staff have flocked to high paying jobs in remote areas in Australia. Mr Ferguson said there were currently 30,000 vacancies in the tourism industry; this figure is expected to almost dou-ble by the middle of the decade.

Chinese settlers first rushed to Victoria in large numbers hop-ing to strike gold. Most were men contracted to agents who sponsored their voyages, and they faced years of difficult repay-ments. They also sent money back to their families in China.

By 1861, the Chinese community was already thriving, making up nearly 7% of the Victorian population. Melbourne’s Little Bourke Street became a bustling centre for Chinese cultural and business activity.

As the gold ran out, many Chinese settled as market garden-ers or farm hands. Some set up small grocery stores or fruit and vegetable-hawking businesses in country towns. Others worked around Melbourne in a variety of pursuits, including import-export businesses, laundry operations, cabinet making and in medicine. Many Chinese religious and cultural organi-sations were established, and Chinese New Year celebrations became a highlight in many towns in Victoria.

Chinese immigration had been restricted by Government policy from as early as the 1850s, but it was the 1901 Immigration Restriction Act – often called the White Australia Policy – that significantly hindered the entry of non-Europeans, including the Chinese, through the use of a dictation test. Residency con-ditions were also strictly controlled.

The Chinese community actively protested against prejudice, however, and activists such as Loius Ah Mouy and Lowe Kong Meng highlighted the important economic and social contri-butions made by members of their community. Finally, policy restricting the migration of non-Europeans was lifted in the 1970s, and trade links with China were subsequently strength-ened.

Between 1986 and 1991 the China-born population in Victoria more than doubled to over 20,000. This number was largely due to the many Chinese students seeking citizenship and asylum after the repression of student demonstrations at Tiananmen Square in 1989.

In 2006, the census recorded 56,560 China-born people in Victoria. In recent years many professionals have migrated from China, including scholars, doctors and business investors. Many more live in Victoria temporarily as students. They have contin-ued a long and proud history of a Chinese community that has made an important contribution to Victorian life.

History of immigration fromCHINA

look to franchises for Australian Business Visa

“The franchising format is proving increasingly popular for overseas residents entering Australia, particularly those from non English speaking back-grounds.

Chinese nationals looking to migrate to Australia are buying small businesses in increasing numbers, new research shows. Research house 10 Thousand Feet, which works in businesses with distribution channels, released a report on Australia’s franchise networks that showed 35 per cent of all enquiries from overseas residents came from China, followed by India and then South Africa. Ian Krawitz (10 Thousand Feet head of intelligence ) said there has been a steady increase in interest in being a franchisee coming from Chinese residents because this allows them to apply for an Aus-tralian Business Visa to migrate as well as gain valuable business support for their new enterprise.

“The attractive lifestyle of Australia and the proven success of franchise models have lead to many Chinese residents applying to buy Australian franchises,” he said.

“Rather than starting a business from scratch in a new business environment, franchising provides a great opportunity for overseas residents to fast track their learning curve on the service culture, marketing practices and regulatory requirements of operating a business in Australia.”



The Small Business Sector in Australia has seen an influx of overseas purchas-ers and analysts predict the trend is far from dy-ing down. With increasing demand to enter Australia- visa applications are under heightened scrutiny.

on the up

NEXT STOP! With economic turmoil and war around the

globe- the line to enter Australia is becoming longer and longer. Australia welcomes applica-tion from all over the globe and prides itself

as a Nation that holds no discriminative views regardless of racial origin, ethnic origin, religion or sexual preference. However this does not mean our borders are freely open and migration can sometimes be a very daunting process with many having no clue where to begin. Prospective migrants have quickly realised it is best to appeal to Aus-tralia’s priority of allowing only those who are believed to benefit the country’s economy. Hence more and more are applying for a visa under the “Business People Stream”. This is an option that allows business people to apply for a visa to conduct short business visits, invest in Australia by estab-lishing a new or existing business. Within this stream there are several subclasses (sponsored and unsponsored) and all of these are firstly “Provisional” before a permanent visa is granted.

There are many figures circulating in the form of agents, bro-kers and legal advisors consulting with prospective migrants and family of migrants charging money for false or misleading advice, which can sometimes set the applicants back -both financially and emotionally. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) began an investigation of a woman af-ter receiving a complaint from one of her clients and found her acting without accreditation as a migration agent for dozens of individuals or businesses on temporary skilled migration matters. She is suspected of earning more than $100 000 by charging fees to both businesses and visa applicants for migra-tion services (DIAC 2012).Information on entering the country is public access however for successful visa grants it is important you consult with a registered MARA Immigration Agent that will be able to assess you or your relative’s situation and advise you which visa path you are most eligible for and steps you would need to take for a successful visa approval.

Guidelines can be obtained from the Depart-ment of Immigration and Citizenship ( however it is important to under-stand these are just guidelines set in black and white- however there are procedures for irreg-ular circumstance which a migration agent can advise you with.

about MIGRATIONWhat are the requirements for migration for the skilled visa categories? Do I need good English language ability to qualify for skilled migration? I am over 45 years old. How can I qualify for migration to Australia? What is a permanent resident? I would like to visit Australia before lodging a business migration applica-tion. Can you arrange a temporary business visit?

about MIGRATIONApplication can be refused due to insuf-ficient supporting documents or tech-nical errors. The best way to prevent this would be to seek the professional advice of a migration consultant before lodging your application.

Your nominated occupation should have been as-sessed by relevant Australian assessing authority as suitable for migration, have satisfied the English language requirement, have no less than 12 months

work experience in the past 24 months (unless you have ob-tained an Australian degree, diploma or trade as a result of a minimum 2 year study in an accredited school or university in Australia within the past 6 months), and no more than 45 years of age. In addition, you need to pass a point test to be successful. You will need to have at least Competent English to qualify for skilled migration, unless you apply under the Skilled Regional Sponsored category; Unless you are a native English language speaker; or you nominated a Trade occu-pation; or have completed a degree, diploma, trade qualifi-cation in Australia as a result of 2 year study; or work legally in Australia in a skilled occupation for at least 2 years, you will need to sit for the ILETS test of English language ability.

If you are aged over 45, you are not eligible to apply for skilled migration. However, you could consider any one of the following options:

If you have a spouse, your spouse can be the main ap-plicant if she/he is under 45. If you have an Australian eli-gible relative, you can get 25 points for relationship if your relative/sponsor lives in a designated area of Australia.

If you have an overall successful career in business, you can look at your eligibility for some type of business visa to Australia.

If you have children who are Australian permanent resi-dents or citizens and living in Australia or eligible New Zealand citizens, they may be able to sponsor you for a parent visa.

There is no age limit for temporary residence through business sponsorship and you can qualify for permanent residence through business sponsorship if you have evi-dence that a person of your level of skill and experience who is under 45 is not easy to find.If you have an Australian spouse, or eligible New Zealand citizen, you may be able to apply under partner migration.There are a number of other visas which do not have age restrictions on them- feel free to send us an email inquiry to discuss your options further. It is a right and privilege for you to live permanently and work or study in Australia. You maybe entitled for some spe-cial benefits as well, but you must be a resident in Australia for a minimum of 2 years before qualifying for social welfare assistance. You are not permitted to vote as a permanent resident in Australia. After 4 years, you can then apply for citizenship, entitling you to an Australian passport and enjoy the benefits of being an Australian citizen.It is recommended that you should apply to visit Austra-lia and explore business opportunities- with the help of a business broker before considering applying for a business migration visa.

Dezine By Mauro

From the moment you enter the mind of Mauro when stepping into his studio on Brunswick Street- you are taken on a journey into a portal of timeless elegance.Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman epic style romance captured from his lens.Mauro himself is charismatic and engaging -to meet him once is to feel as if you had him as a childhood friend all your life.Mauro Cantelmi sat down with us exclusively for an insight into how he first created Dezine by Mauro in the late 90’s and shared with VNM his secrets into turning his business from home into a Studio that now completes more then 20 shoots a month.Mauro first created Dezine By Mauro in 1998 as a sole owner “I would always recommend doing things on your own if you can, to prevent any problems or issues that could later arise.” For the first two years he worked from home establishing clientele through word of mouth and saving money to later open his studio. “ I got my name out there by advertising in magazines and from there referrals- word of mouth is by far the most effective form of advertising”. In 2000 Mauro got his big break by opening his doors to the public from his Studio in North Fitzroy. “Timing was great the economy was very strong, people were spending more. The studio was in a promi-nent position and the word was getting out there that we provide people with amazing photos, albums and great service”.

Dezine By Mauro

Dezine By Mauro

At the beginning there was no glamour with Mauro putting more then 80 hours a week into establishing his business- “I had little time to spend with my young children, now I’m able to reap the rewards and enjoy more time with my family, I also take 2 months every year to travel with my family. This is great family bonding time.”

Mauro’s initial dedication, discipline and business savvy has now paid off, putting him in a position where he can employ staff to do much of the tedious work he used to do himself- “I am not so hands on now as I had to be in the earlier years, and am now in the position to be able to employ people to lessen my load. I can now concentrate on marketing my business.”What sets Dezine by Mauro apart? In order to succeed in selling a service or product- you first need to sell it to yourself. You need to truly believe in what you’re doing and that will transpose to your staff and down to your clients.If you could give advice to any small business owner or entrepreneur based on your life les-sons- what would it be?“Be very conscious of sticking to budgets when starting out, I think you could easily get over your head and put yourself under extreme financial stress that you may not be able to recover from. I’m seeing so many busi-nesses that open and are forced to close after only 6 months”.

Neil Perry’s

“With the undeniable success of Spice Temple in Sydney- Neil Perry knew it was necessary to introduce the sexy modern take of regional Chinese flavours to the foodies of Melbourne.

The Ponytailed culinary genius worked hard to create an expe-rience that excites every sense. The room is perfectly designed to reflect exactly what Perry

has created in his menu- contrasting textures and tastes wrapped in a sleek, modern oriental package.

“With the dusty aromas of dried spice and the intensity of chillies - dried, fresh, salted, pickled, brined and fermented - Spice Temple’s food is cooked to excite, yet the balance and harmony is never lost. This is the cornerstone of truly beautiful Asian cooking,” says Perry.

What’s Perry’s “cherry on top”? Spice Temple has a wine list of EXACTLY 100 Australian and Imported wines all de-signed to best accompany the intense flavours on the menu. “Every wine has a reason to be on the list and when a new wine arrives, another leaves.” Perry

the spice temple

Neil Perry’s Due to the global financial crisis, industry revenue declined in 2007-08 and 2008-09- contributing to the low 0.9% growth rate in the five years through to 2011-12. The good news? Revenue in the industry is expected to increase by a further 2.3% in 2011-12 accord-ing to IBISworld research.

Of the $4billion calculated revenue of the year- Haircutting and styling services account for the overwhelming part. Beauty services are coming out on top from the drops seen in the past due to worldwide economic pres-sures- and seemingly seen as a necessary luxury by many in the population.

The industry is highly fragmented, with most enterprises being small, owner-operated busi-

Hairdressing and Beauty Salon Industry Report

nesses. Some chains exist (usually with no more than two or three shops) and a number of franchises have emerged, a trend that is expected to continue.

There are no companies with a dominant market share in this industry.Despite the number of competitors, the slightest differentiation between operators can protect profit margins, for example an emphasis on quality. More professional operators concentrate on providing quality service and results to clients, with high levels of customer satisfaction and repeat visits, rather than attracting clients through price alone.

IBIS World reported 23,487 beauty and hair service businesses in Australia - with over 70,000 employees.

Nullam eu tempor purus. Nunc a leo magna, sit amet consequat risus. Etiam faucibus tortor a ipsum vehicula sed hendrerit eros suscipit.Donec pellentesque, enim ac gravi-da congue, lorem velit aliquet turpis, non adipiscing mauris dui at nisi.


ON THE RISEThe number of Australian visa applica-tions from Indian students has more than doubled in the last 12 months, according to recent figures, prompting some to claim that Australia is regaining its appeal as a great country to study in.Australia’s reputation is recovering after attacks on Indian students led to protests in India, Sydney and Melbourne

The Australian High Commission in India reported that the number of Indian students applying for an Australian visa had increased by more than 100% in the last six months of 2011 compared to the same period in 2010. “During the six month period from 1, July, 2011 to 31, December, 2011, a total of 5,342 student visa applications were lodged offshore by Indian nationals,” said Shekhar Namian, a spokesperson for New Delhi’s Australian High Commission. “In comparison, a total of 2,605 student visa applications were lodged during the same period in 2010. This represents a year over year 105.1% increase in the six month period in 2011.”However, after new measures were implemented in both Australia and India, the attacks have since ceased and Australia’s reputation as an international study destination is beginning to recover.

The number of Indi-an students studying in Australia had been in sharp decline since 2009 after more than 20 allegedly racially motivated attacks on Indian students dur-ing 2009. The intense media scrutiny and perceived lack of in-tervention from Aus-tralian authorities led to protests in In-dia as well as Sydney and Melbourne.

“The Australia authorities have taken strict measures to control attacks on Indians in Australia,” said Gulshan Kumar, former president of Association of Austra-lian Educational Representatives in India (AAERI). “They have tightened security and nomi-nated an ombudsman for Indian students in their country to whom the students can directly report in case of complaint.” The addition of employment allowances introduced by Australian immigration authorities combined with the UK, traditionally the most popular destina-tion for Indian students, restricting the number of visas and removing the ability to remain in the country after graduating are also thought to have had an effect on the number of Indians now considering Australia. “The recently introduced lax work permit norms for students studying in Australia is a major puller for aspirant Indians” said Mr Kumar. “Since the UK introduced tough norms and withdrew the post-study work facil-ity, Down Under is the destination of choice for a large number of students from Gujarat,” said Rughuvirsingh Khush-wah, a fellow member of the AAERI.



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Written by Nicholas Age

track. Before you move into the premises, you should obtain a detailed inspection report (including dated photos). Land-lords have been known to try and blame faults on the tenant to stick them for the cost and all too often I get cases where its word against word which can be extremely difficult to navigate around and will end in money lost for both parties. Under the Act a Tenant must return a property in a reason-ably clean state with no intentional damage. The Act takes into account wear and tear, any depreciation, and the general standard of the property before you moved in. Some Land-lords have a very short memory of what the property was like when the tenant moved in “The carpet was old but I swear that big stain was not there and that’s the reason I need to lay new carpet”. In a case like this the revised condition report can squash this issue in a matter of seconds- “refer to photo dated 3 days prior to lease sign and not stain on carpet”.

2.It happens to all of us- we want to buy for a steal but sell for a diamond! Landlords are no differ-ent- commonly the landlord has a mortgage on the property and depending on how much the

repayment is- usually affects the price of rent. Here is where you need to tame your excitement and try and be realistic about how much you’ll be making and when you would like

In my experience one of the biggest obstacles when selling/purchasing a small business is the Lease! When venturing into the world of business you seem to be so caught up in your own plans and anxiety that you have

little or no time to think long term effects of anything else. One of the most important ingredients to a successful busi-ness is your space i.e. location, size and lay out. When you finally find the place that “feels right” you are so relieved that you practicaly somersault over to sign the lease so that you can start painting! Not until the euphoria has worn off do you realize “the guy next door is paying half the amount you are” or “you got the price you wanted but the Landlord blocks your sale”. All the anguish, loss of profit and money spent on legal teams can almost always be avoided at the very begin-ning by clearly reading your Lease and knowing your rights to make amendments. In Victoria entering into a commercial Lease provides responsibilities for both Tenants and Land-lord under the Retail Leases Act 2003 (“Act”)- your rights are public information yet so many of you have no idea what they actually are. Here are the 5 most common rights your Landlord hopes you don’t know...

1Many Landlords have an unrealistic view of how their property should be returned once you leave the premises. By spending some time in the begin-ning you can save yourself lots of money down the

The 5 Secrets

landlords dont want you


Written by Nicholas Age

landlords dont want you

to sell. It is always better to work on a worst case scenario i.e “I know I’ll be making $10,000 so $2,000 rent is fine- but if I make $3,500”? There is nothing more damaging than high rent- it drastically lowers the sale price of your business and leaves you with hardly any money in your pocket. Ideally you want the right space for minimal rent and long term lease- if you find the business is not for you this combina-tion will make your business easier to sell! This doesn’t mean when surfing the net that you should avoid looking at spaces that ask for rent out of your budget- so many people seem to forget rent is not a fixed price- especially in this economy. Do your homework- find out what people in the street are paying and the leasing demand in the area and then present your figure to negotiate from there.

3Many Landlords get into Retail Leases without learning the rules of the game. Imagine trying to play football without knowledge of the rules. You would not know what a rule infraction would be and

it would be impossible to win. Translated into Retail Leases for Tenants, it’s no secret: knowledge is power. Knowledge of the Act and Regulations can make the difference be-tween a profitable venture and a loss. Familiarise yourself with the Act and you will know that the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; VCAT which deals with Tenant and Landlord disputes is pro-Tenant So often I see disputes that result in Landlords reluctant to repair or put up money- yet the Act demands it. Landlords don’t want you to know that they have legal obligations to undertake urgent repairs or to rental reviews and can be quite rude. Hold your ground and don’t let them intimidate you -Don’t hate the Tenant, hate the game.

4By employing legal maneuvering and making part payments you can avoid eviction. Landlords always enforce the terms of rent payment based on the Lease and can charge you for late payments and

fees. However, what Landlords don’t want you to know is that if not enforced, the Landlord runs the risk of creating a dangerous precedent that may cost the landlord dearly, and save you money. If business is slow and for some reason a Tenant fails to pay rent for two weeks, then legal notices and actions must be initiated as soon as the law allows. Make a part payment to your Landlord and if he accepts this then you may have bought yourself some more time. The Courts and VCAT interpret receiving partial payments from Tenants as an acceptance of terms by the Landlord. Any eviction process is terminated for that rental period while Landlord’s costs increase. Landlords will cash your rent cheque a flash, but will take 24 hours to release a Tenant’s security deposit.

5Trading through a Company may protect you personally if the Company signs the Lease. If you are a sole trader, then the Lease would be in your sole name, If you are in a partnership then the Lease

would be in the name of the partners. By having a Company as the Tenant of the Lease, you may be able to limit your personal liability, unless you sign a personal guarantee. It is easier to wind down a Company then to become personally responsible.

Written by Nicholas Agetzis Corporate Lawyer LL.B (Hons.)

S e a r c h i n g f o r a B U S I N E S S ?I n t h i s s e c t i o n o f V N M M a g a z i n e yo u w i l l f i n d a l l ra n g e s o f b u s i n e s s e s t h a t a r e c u r r e n t l y o n t h e m a r ke t a n d r e a d y t o s e l l .


Buying a business is a

huge step! Have you been

in business before or will

this be your first business?

How much do you have to

spend? Do you have a trade

you want to utilise? Have

you owned or managed a

business in the industry you

are interested in? Do you

know how much you can

spend? What do you expect

in return for your invest-

ment. Being a business

owner can be very reward-

ing, but you need to expect

that it will involve dedication,

hard work and sometimes

long hours.


retAil store REf: 5467.32Currently generating around $12,000 per week and partly managed. Located in a very busy local shopping centre and established for 20 years, 17 of those with the current owner, this business has stood the test of time and still thrives despite the current climate.

retAil store REf: 6950.02There’s no denying this retail store will be sold fast!In the heart of Melbourne CBD’s Bourke Street MallShowing good takings of $8,000 per week, With excellent rent of $1,125 per week There is no better exposure than the heart of the city, locations like this don’t come up very often and go fast!

ForkliFt sAles & service REf: 7865.03Currently turning over $850,000 p/a with strong net profit, this successful operation is a fantastic invest-ment opportunity! Based out of the south eastern suburbs, it services all of Melbourne via field ser-vice vans that carry out repairs onsite and features a large showroom on a major road

HAir And BeAuty REf: 6110.07The business currently averages $6,500 per week takings, open only 5 days and that is with the business owner only working part time as she has recently had a baby. with 7 workstations, 2 washba-sins and incorporate the beauty therapy side with 6

souvlAki/FisH & cHip REf: 6947.05Currently the business averages $10,000 per week in takings. It is located on the bottom food court of frankston Bayside Shopping Centre. It has been established for over 20 years and continuously keeps outclassing its competitors.

cAFe Business REf: 6990.06Huge foot traffic right from the early morning with school kids, office workers and city commuters.-Current average weekly takings are $3,500-Rent only $334 per week including G.S.T-Lease 3x3


$50 ,000

$99 ,500


P.O .A

P.O .A

cAFe/restAurAnt Business For sAle reF: 6900.01Established for four years, it generates a staggering approx $21,000 per week in only 6 days of trading! This one MUST be looked into by serious buyers only, as this business needs an experienced opera-

mAternity FAsHion retAil/online store Business For sAle reF: 6953.17This maternity ladies fashion business, targeting a niche market, is a well established industry leader located only 5 minutes from Chadstone Shopping Centre within a cosmopolitan hub, minus the high rental price tag.

tor to take on such a massive cash machine!The list of great features of this business is end-less... Cheap rent of just $1,549 per calendar month, a super lease of 3x3x3x3x3 and a general liquor license leaves any serious business persons mouth watering, just like the masses of customers which frequent this business daily.

Offered for sale is this retail store and thriving internet online business, featuring 1st page Google ranking within the industry.The store is very well located in the heart of a busy main street, located and presents an outstanding opportunity for a motivated individual or astute investor to acquire a well established, industry leader business.

P.O .A

P.O .A

BeAuty clinic/sAlon Business reF: 1900.01

This beauty clinic located in a very busy local shopping centre has risen to become one of the busiest in the area. The belief that their customer’ needs are number one and the entire team being committed to meeting those needs, has resulted in a very high percentage of regular repeat clientelle!

The bread an butter of the beauty industry is your repeat clientelle and with the vendor only working the business part-time you can be sure that much if not all of the current clien-telle will stay.

Currently generating approximately $6,500 per week, boasting 5 treatment room plus a kitchen room (hard to find these in shopping centres) completes this very good business package which is ready to be snapped up and taken to new heights by a motivated individual with plenty of drive and vision.

fISH & CHIpS REf: 1900.01

Established for over 40 years and located in a busy little retail street in the Geelong region, this business generates turn-over of approximately $3,300 per week and willing to trail on this amount for 2 weeks!Trading only 6 days, rental of just $1,050 per calendar month and a strong 3x3x3 makes this a complete package! Shop in need of some renovations as it is a bit dated however everything is still in excellent working order.

P.O .A

P.O .A

BAkery Business For sAle neAr tHe BAy reF: 6999.02This delightful bakery has serviced its loyal custom-ers for over 30 years, providing them with a warm welcome and delicious produce varying from breads

to sweet and savoury treats. Nurtured by the same family for so many years, the time has come for it to be passed into fresh hands to pick it up and grow it further as the current owners are tired. Currently taking $10,000 per week with excellent net profits,

industriAl tAkeAwAy Business For sAle reF: 6111.01 This delightful shop is located in the west within a bustling shopping precinct and sur-rounded by lots of industrial businesses and offices. The spacious shop is immaculate with seating for 40 plus inside and another 10 outside.

Very well equipped with a near new everything, cool room and commercial kitchen, the shop is nicely laid out with a modern design and has cheap rent for its size of only $648 per week with a good lease of 3x3.

tAke AwAy/cAFe witH residence in indus-triAl AreA For sAle. reF: 6905.07

Perfect for the first time business owner, this indus-trial cafe gives you the typical and highly sought after lifestyle of short trading hours with the good

profits that come with owning an industrial cafe.

Turnover $2.100 per week

Rent $1.468 per calender month

$60 .000

P.O .A

P.O .A

e - c o n n e c t i s t h e m o s t a d va n c e d s m a l l b u s i n e s s s e a rc h e n g i n e , w i t h r e a l t i m e c h a t t o a g e n t s o r b u s i n e s s ow n e r s .

HAir sAlon Business For sAlereF: 69550.01Here is an opportunity for an astute buyer to pur-chase a hair salon which is not only in a great loca-tion, but has a top-end reputation, enabling the salon to charge accordingly for their services. Established for 13 years, this business has risen to become one

BeAcHside cAFe Business For sAlereF: 69e3.17Stunning one-of-a-kind beach front locationRidiculously cheap rent of just $10,500 per annum.Great average takings of approximately $13,000 per week.

of the high-end hair salon brands in Melbourne. Currently trading only 6 days a week and taking $5,500 per week with excellent net profits and rent of only $738 per week

Trading 7 days 8am - 4pmEstablished and owned for 4 years by same owner.Massive lease of 21 years!

P.O .A

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Pedders Franchises For sale

reF: 6960.06

Extra income from propagating and selling at loThe pedders organisation began back in 1950 and has grown to boast 116 locations Australia wide, most of which are franchised. Pedders has recently expanded its export mar-kets to now include shipments to distributors in Korea, Mauritius, Thailand, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Malaysia, Cyprus & the U.S.A. pedders employs over 330 people Australia-wide and has suspension products for the majority of vehicles on our roads today. Why would you not want to become part of a industry leader and have a head start with an already well established clientelle which this business enjoys?It is simply time to move on from this owner and now your chance beckons!

Save the hassle and hard work of letting people know you are in town, here they already know!

Heidelberg - vic

Turnover $925.000 per annum

performs in the top-half of the best performing stores in

Australia and being backed by its highly recognisable

name, surely ensures its longevity!

lilydale, vic

Turnover $200.000 in just 4 months of trading

Asking Price $180.000

ravenHall, vic

Turnover $225.000 in just 4 months of trading

Asking Price $180.000


Busy asian restaurant/takeaway Business For sale

Very well located on a busy street only 5 minutes from the CBD with ample off street parking and sloe to pub-lic transport, this business boats a 3 bedroom dwelling upstairs which boosts the profitability of this business and ensures a great business package, whether you choose to keep it as it is or transform it into your own dream, the business is completely set-up with a full commercial kitchen. Genuine buyers should contact Lee panagiotidis on 0433 296 438 or Chris panagiotidis on 0433 582 533

Turnover $8.000 per week

Rent $2.944 per calender month

Trading 6 nights per week

Asking price $149.500


Bike sAles And service reF: 6900.01Extra income from propagating and selling at lo-cal markets. Zero carbon footprint former Austra-lian Open Garden Rural Water. Extra income from propagating and selling at local markets.

pet store For sAle reF: 6921.08This great little business is well situated in a busy lo-cal shopping strip with masses of customer parking. Established for 5 years, this is a regrettable sale with the vendor having to move overseas for family reasons.

Turnover $5.500 per week

Rental $3.025 per calendar month

Turnover $4.000 per week

Rent $2.133 per calendar month

Asking price $60.000.00

P.O .A

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Busy nAndo’s FrAncHise store Business For sAle reF: 6222.01Nando’s famous cockerel landed on Australia’s shores in 1990, providing the lucky people of Tuart Hill in Western Australia with a taste of Portuguese-

BABy clotHes/Accessories Business For sAle reF: 6955.00This outstanding baby retail outlet ha all that one would desire plus more from a baby store!perfect for an owner-operator with a strong passion in this field and a strong passion to succeed.

style flame-grilled PERi-PERi chicken. Nando’s has since spread it’s wings creating more Nando’s ad-dicts as it opened restaurants in Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales. Turnover $12.500 per week

Located in a good location on a busy local shopping street, this business generates income of around $3,500 per week and trades only 5 1/2 days!Established since 1981 is a true testament to this businesses viability and with the internet market not even touched yet by the current owner.

P.O .A

P.O .A

Poultry/red Meat ManuFacturing and wholesale Business For sale

An outstanding business are the only words to de-scribe this this establishment.

Trading for 7 years it has come to generate very im-pressive turn-over well in excess of $1m per annum.A leading wholesaler supplier of poultry and Red Meat products to the retail and catering trade ser-vices.

Supplying from case to pallet quantities to many cus-tomers around Metropolitan and Regional Victoria including butchers, catering companies, takeaways, hotels/pubs and restaurants.

With a product range encompassing chicken, duck, turkey, beef, lamb, goat, mutton game, offal and glazes/spices aswell as hard to find exotics.A genuine business with a proven history of strong trading awaits your inspection and will surely not disappoint.

Serious buyers only should contact Lee panagiotidis on 0433 296 438 or Chris panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

P.O .A

wHolesAle Jewellery BusinessreF: 692220.01This jewellery wholesaler specialising in 925 sterling silver and semi precious gemstones is an incredibly rare opportunity to acquire an exceptional business that is currently thriving and still has so much poten-

Florist Business For sAlereF: 99953.17This long established and very well known florist offers a fantastic corner position in a major road location with huge exposure in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.With a warm and inviting ambience, this shop is

tial for growth! Established for 9 years by the vendor, this business has been built on genuine top quality products backed by exceptional customer service and years of hard work. It currently boasts a huge pres-ence in the industry with a database of over 1400 active clients and a strong reputation. And the biggest bonus? It can go anywhere!!

spacious and offers selected giftware in addition to their quality fresh cut flowers and arrangements. This shop features a good size cool room and large preparation area ideal for creative utilisation. This business is a registered Interflora member and has also featured in Melbourne Wedding & Bride magazine, as an advertiser and and a featured supplier.

P.O .A

P.O .A

chicken takeaway Business For sale reF: 6933330.01

This business is a perfect example of how a chicken takeaway operation should be run. Established for 4 years, this perfectly presented shop has made a massive impact on the local market, becoming the most popular business in this busy strip of shops.

Churning through 350 plus chickens per week it also offers roasts, salads, famous pasta meals, burgers, souvlakis and coffee. This only means that it can cater for a wide range of customers!Rental of just $1,788 per calendar month! (no, that’s not a typo!)

Secure lease of 3x3x3 gives peace of mind to a business perfectly suited to migration applicants or a partner team, to continue this great business and reap the benefits of being your own boss.

Buyers should contact Lee panagiotidis on 0433 296 438 or Chris panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

P.O .A

landMark Pet care retailer Business For salereF: 643200.01

Very well located in a high exposure location on one of the South-East’s busiest roads. Established for over 30 years, is a true testament to the ongoing successful trading which it enjoys year in year out.Boasting a website which is yet to jump to inter-net shopping, which gives you instant potential for growth by concentrating on the web and staying with the times.Despite not having a web shop it still generates very handsome takings of approximately $680,000 per annum, with rental of just $2,500 per calendar month and a strong 3x3x3 lease. added with masses of parking, resulting in a very good business pack-age.Awaiting your inspection, this business will be noth-ing short of impressive for you. Genuine buyers should contact Lee Panagiotidis on 0433 296 438 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

P.O .A

cAFe/restAurAnt BusinessreF: 62200.01We are proud to introduce this fantastic restaurant/cafe located in one of the most well known streets of Melbourne. Currently taking approximately $15,000 per week and a huge amount of profits this busi-

ButcHer Business For sAle reF: 6953.17Located in a very busy local shopping centre which attracts an abundance of local clientelle, proven by its consistently impressive takings. Business is run completely under management 4 full time staff and 7 casuals.Impressive takings of approximately $27,000 per

ness has it all! Seating capacity of approximately 70 seats, a liquor licence till 11pm, boasting a solid lease and cheap rent of just $2,700 per calendar month, all it asks for is a motivated owner to con-tinue and grow on the excellent work being done by the current owner.

week. Rent of $16,246 per calendar month.Established for 14 years!Located in a very busy local shopping centre which attracts an abundance of local clientelle, proven by its consistently impressive takings.


P.O .A

BAkery Business For sAlereF: 693400.01Long established for nearly 40 years with great reputation. Great takings of approximately $7,000 per week.

sports retAil outlet For sAle reF: 0953.17

- Busy retail sports store also boasting a popular online store. - Great shopping centre location with cheap rent of just $3,950 per calendar month which includes outgoings!

Sale includes 2 vans. Cheap rent of just $1,280 per calendar month. Strong 4x4 lease.Specialising in Turkish Breads.

- Online store generates an approximate extra $145,000 per annum on top of the $300,000 which the retail store acheives annually. - Established for over 8 years.- Owner only working part-time with a full time staff tak-ing care of most of the day-to-day tending of the store


P.O .A

caFe Business For sale - insPection a Must! ref: 69300.01

Occupying a triple shopfront, this cafe has made its mark on the busy local cafe market and stands a cut above the rest.

A stunning old premises has been very well refur-bished resulting in a unique fit-out which combines raw concrete floors, exposed original brick-work and distressed timber. All of this a stunning point-of-difference in a sea of “generic” cafes.

This obviously gives a great upper hand, and with continual improvements in service and product tar-geting, this business will continue to flourish!Already boasting impressive takings of around $7,500 per week with rental of just $30,000 per an-num making this a complete business package and very attractive for an astute buyer.

Genuine purchasers should contact Lee Panagiotidis on 0433 296 438 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

P.O .A

accoMModation/tourisM ref: 693400.01

About the property

Developed over an 18 year period, this traditionally designed English cricket ground (Hume & Hovell Cricket Ground) is situated in the renowned tourist region of Strath Creek in an ideal private location overlooking “The Valley Of A Thousand Hills”. It is just on one hour’s drive from Melbourne CBD and the International Airport.

The 192 Acres of land comprises oval, which is supplied by water from dams, tanks and a bore with an irrigation license of 12 mgl, (the bore pumps to two 30,000 litre tanks which gravity feed the oval sprinklers and travelling irrigators), a pavilion, bunk house, dwelling and sheds.

It boasts five pristine turf wickets and 1 synthetic wicket, four synthetic practice nets, award win-ning pavilion with a large verandah, internal viewing room with seating for up to 60 guests, open fire, bar, kitchen, split systems and ceiling fans.

There are cricketer’s change rooms with full facili-ties, as well as separate B&B Accommodation.

The building set up as bunk house, has accom-modation for up to 26 guests with two bathrooms, kitchen, combustion heater and air conditioning.

The pavilion Café Bar & Gallery is run as an inde-pendent business and provides a rental return of $200 per week plus 10% of the total turnover to the Landlord.

The main homestead offers 5 bedrooms with large kitchen/meals/living area and open fire place. Master bedroom with ensuite and B.I.R. There is also a carport and balcony entertaining areas.

Outstanding features, too numerous to list...

About the Business.

Income derived from bookings from cricket clubs, corporate and other groups and student accommo-dation.

Rental($200 p/w) from cafe plus 10% from takings.

Value of equipment is estimated at $150,000.

P.O .A

Fruit & vegetABle Business For sAlereF: 2200.01Located in a historical business in the centre of town that offers the business owner around 400m2 floor space. All of the floor space is being utilised, with the business featuring a cafe and gelato bar.

wHolesAle/BAkery cAFe reF: 33.17

- A stunning example of a well oiled business trading successfully for over 14 years.- Generating approximately $50,000 per week.- Open 7 days with the cafe open 7am - 5pm and the wholesale part of the business operating 24/7.

On weekends the current owner has just started to do live shows like musicals and comedy nights as there is plenty of room for it. The business currently boasts an annual turnover turnover in excess of $850,000 and has been increasing in recent years due to population growth within the area.

- 16 full Time staff- 35 seats inside, 20 seats out and going through around 15kg coffee per week!- Rent of just $4,995 per calendar month and a strong lease just tops this great package off.

P.O .A



videostore reF: 934550located in Boronia, this video store has been established for 7 years and all the hard work has been done. with a good name behind you and an established clientele database that’s still growing, you will be able to walk into this busi-ness with an easy take over. currently leased at $2,842 p.c.m inc gst it is extremely low for

a shop with this size and position located on main rd this business is positioned with plenty of exposure. this business is run successfully by a family plus 2 casuals on the weekend. you do not need any experience to own a video shop and owners are happy to show you the ropes. All documents are available upon request includ-ing last three years financials, lease agreement

M.A .O

So you've decided you want to buy a business? Well you've come to the right place! With a dedicated team of professionals, Absolute's agents have been in your position before and can offer you the best advice and guidance to help you achieve your dream of being a business owner. All of us have purchased, owned and operated our own business before so we speak from experience.

Buying a business is a huge step! Have you been in business before or will this be your first business? How much do you have to spend? Do you have a trade you want to utilise? Have you owned or managed a business in the industry you are interested in? Do you know how much you can spend? What do you expect in return for your investment. Being a business owner can be very rewarding, but you need to expect that it will involve dedication, hard work and sometimes long hours.

Our job is to help you find the business that suits your experience, your lifestyle and your future plans. We pride ourselves on honesty, integrity and transparency, and we will endeavour to guide you to the most suitable business for you, and give you as much information regarding the business as we can collect. We work collaboratively as a team, utilising our advisors and each other's experience to add as much value to the transaction as possible. We put the highest value on ethics and respect for both our vendors and prospective purchasers, and remain impartial.

Utilise the efficient search functions on our website to find the best business for you!

HAir sAlon Business For sAlereF: 11200.01- This hair salon is at the edge of hair design and concepts in the Melbourne hair industry.- Well located in a busy shopping area with an abun-dance of local foot traffic.

skip Bin Business For sAle reF: 133.321This fantastic business hiring skip bins within the outer south east is a rare opportunity to purchase a thriving business and reap the rewards. Armed with 45 bins of various sizes and condition ranging from 1.5 – 4 cubic metres, and 2 trucks of 3.3 tonne and 1.1 tonne capacity (both with Marrel style lifters),

- fully managed, this business employs 2 full-Time staff and generates approximately $4,500 per week.- Well established for 3 years.- A genuine business opportunity perfectly suited to an owner-operator or partner team wishing to maxi-mise profits by doing the work themselves.

your ability to earn depends only on how often you can get your equipment hired! The business currently turns over $200k with the current owner working approximate-ly 5 days, but so much more is there to be earnt!The current business has 20 bins onsite as a part of cor-porate/builders agreements earning steady income, plus a website with top organic rankings in Google



Fernwood FrAncHise For sAle reF: 434550

Grab yourself a slice of the fitness pie, which is growing by the day. Add a reputable franchise name and you have yourself a winner!

Home delivery service BusinessreF: 093321- A Melbourne based home delivery company that delivers fruit, vegetables, dairy and bakery items with a pipeline including nuts, flower, muesli and juices.- Old fashioned goodness (fresh food) delivered

- Leading health club franchise for women only.- Established for 9 years.- Trading 7 days per week.- Taking approximately $13,000 per week.

straight to the customer’s door.- This business concept is perfectly positioned to re-spond to the needs of this niche market. - Huge potential for expansion (currently only within 10km of the city).- With 500 customers on the database (self sign up not a marketing database).

$85 ,000







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WWe are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists.

We know our area, we know our industry.

Our goal is not to be the biggest, just the best.

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