vocabulary chapter 2 word tiers

Post on 06-May-2015






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Building Vocabulary

Chapter 2

Word Tiers


Every lesson is a language lesson regardless of the content. Academic outcomes are hugely influenced by whether language is taught arbitrarily or with intent. The purpose of this chapter is to explore word tiers. Word tiers can guide educators in choosing target vocabulary.


Participants will demonstrate understanding of the purpose of word tiers.

Participants will demonstrate understanding of Tier 1 words.

Participants will demonstrate understanding of Tier 2 words.

Participants will demonstrate understanding of Tier 3 words.

Participants will demonstrate understanding of the overall benefits of focusing on Tier 2 words.

Word Tiers

The divisions between the word tiers are not precise. Thinking about tiers is a way to guide choosing what words will be targeted for instruction.

(Beck, McKeown, Kucan)

Word Tiers

Tier 1: Very basic words that rarely require direct instruction

Tier 2: Useful words; add quality and productivity to a student’s language ability

Tier 3: Low frequency; very content specific

(Beck, McKeown, Kucan)

Because we will focus on Tier 2 words, we will briefly look at Tier 1 and Tier 3 words first.

Tier 1 Words

Tier 1 Words

Tier 1 words are very basic, higher frequency words that rarely require direct instruction.

bed sad

happy cold

dog hot

mom hungry

scared drive

These are words we generally acquire through basic interpersonal communication or natural exposure.

Tier 3 Words

Tier 3 Words

Tier 3 words are words that are context-bound, technical terms. These words are acquired during the learning of an academic concept. Tier 3 words are tightly interwoven into the context.

mitosis integer estuary

igneous genocide alliteration

isotope isthmus thesis

imperialism cardiovascular

Tier 3 words cannot be separated from their context.

Tier 2 Words

Tier 2 Words

Tier 2 words should be the focus of direct instruction. They are more precise forms of words that are already familiar, and have the most leverage in language development.

Tier 2 Words

More precise forms of words that are already familiar

– Maintain or sustain rather than “keep going” or “continue”

– Benevolent rather than “patient and kind”– Lethargic rather than “tired”– Robust or resilient rather than “strong”

(Beck, McKeown, Kucan)

Tier 2 Words

Words that have leverage and power

– Appear frequently across many contexts– Add to students’ language quality and productivity– Help students build connections amongst other

words and concepts– Useful words; high utility

(Beck, McKeown, Kucan)

Examples of Tier 2 Words

Think about how these words (and their derivatives) could be used in a variety of contexts:

approach conduct approximate

derive consume predict

distribute exclude emerge

correspond proportion contrast

adjacent react retain

alternate contribute concentrate

variable coordinate impose

acquire sequence generate

secure parallel capacity

Deliberate instruction in how to apply these words across many contexts helps students build a web of word knowledge, and helps students develop a broader base of language skills.

Choosing Words for

Direct Instruction

Choosing Words for Direct Instruction

“There will never be enough time to teach every word that your students will need. In fact, doing so would be boring and inefficient. Some words are easy to pick up from the context of a reading, a short explanation, or a translation. Others are learned through natural exposure…It takes only a short time to explain a word, but expect to take considerable time for students to practice using the word, negotiate meaning, and reflect and comment on word use. As a general rule, it is more useful to explain, recycle, and practice a small number of well-chosen words than it is to give a longer list a quick treatment.”(Zimmerman in Word Knowledge)

Identifying Tier 2 Words

Tier 2 word identification considerations:

Importance and utilityInstructional potentialConceptual understanding

(Beck, McKeown, Kucan)

Choosing Tier 2 Words for Instruction

Is the word relevant to a current topic, concept, or work of literature in your classroom?

– Is the word presenting itself naturally?

Is the word important to the current topic? Does the word have leverage and usefulness?

– Can the word be used in other contexts?

Will studying this word help students

develop their overall language skills?

Effective Instruction

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” –Chinese Proverb

Instead of giving students a list of words to look up, teach them how to interact with and apply words. Those skills last longer than some memorized definitions.

Chapter 3 discusses vocabulary instruction.


Word tiers can be used as a guide for targeting vocabulary for direct instruction.

Tier 1 words are basic words, learned through natural exposure, that rarely require direct instruction.

Tier 2 words are high-utility words that can be used across many contexts.

Tier 3 words are content-specific, context-bound words.

Direct vocabulary instruction should focus on Tier 2 words because they add quality and productivity to language.

Further Readings

Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction by Beck, McKeown, and Kucan

Word Knowledge: A Vocabulary Teacher’s Handbook by Zimmerman

Fully Grasping ‘Tier 2’ Words by Doug Buehl http://www.weac.org/news_and_publications/education_news/2004-2005/read_tier.aspx


• Collins COBUILD Dictionary for English Learnershttp://www.collinslanguage.com/shop/english-cobuild.aspx

• Academic Word Listhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/resources/academicwordlist/sublists.aspx

• Visual Dictionaryhttp://www.visuwords.com/

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