vol. 20 no. 9 first presbyterian church of fairbury september, 2014€¦ · september 7holy...

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Vol. 20 No. 9

September, 2014

First Presbyterian Church of Fairbury










Mike & Michelle O’Shea, Paula Brown, Mark Teske, Jeanine Perez, George Fyke, Margie Meister, Gary Leak, Pat Moore, Richard Roman, Dick Willis, Doug Travis, Kathy Adams, Susan Beye, and Shirley Payne.

September 7 Pat Kafer Shirley Payne September 14 Todd & Becky Webster September 21 Phyllis Tipton Jeanette Franklin September 28 Kelly Kinate

Holy Communion will be served on Sunday, September 7th by intinction. Home Communion will be served on Tuesday, September 2nd. Deacons Preparing Communion for September 7th: Shirley Mitchell and Donna Roman

September 7 Volunteer Needed! September 14 Gene Leffingwell September 21 Sandie Moore September 28 Pam Moore

September 7 Volunteer Needed! September 14 Ron & Lori Peters September 21 Jenna Kilgus September 28 Donna Roman

September 7 Kayl Hoffman September 14 Phyllis & George Fyke September 21 Sandy & Rick Dawson September 28 Sara & Isaac Okai

Regular Worship Schedule September 7th

Starting on Sunday, September 7th, we will return to our regular worship schedule:

9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:15 a.m. Worship

Great Fall Kickoff Sunday, September 7th

Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 7th for our annual Great Fall Kickoff! We start off our new year with Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 a.m., followed by worship at 10:15 a.m. This year’s theme is “Lessons from Fairbury.” We will be having a “block party” to celebrate the start of the new year. There will be inflatables, face painting from the Zoo Lady and the Deacon’s weinie roast after worship. You are encouraged to represent Fairbury by wearing your “Hawks” gear. If you aren’t from Fairbury, feel free to wear apparel from your high school. Please invite your friends and family to this awesome outreach event!

Food Pantry Sunday Sunday, September 14th

The Deacons have designated the second Sunday of every month as Food Pantry Sunday.

Please help us fill the Food Pantry box with crackers and snack foods (popcorn, jello, etc.) this month. This is a very simple way that we as a congregation can make a very big impact on the lives of several families in the community as we reach out in love and serve in Christ’s name. The Deacons thank you for your help with this project.

Grocery Bags Needed

The Food Pantry has also requested more paper grocery bags from Dave’s. If you have some you can donate to the Food Pantry, please put them in the Food Pantry box in the narthex. Thanks for your help!

Sunday, Oct. 26

4:00 to 6:00 pm

2014 Save the Date!

PW Coordinating Team

The next meeting of the PWCT is scheduled for August 5th at the home of Alyssa Homan with Michelle Clemons providing devotions.

Officers Sandy Dawson, Moderator (815-692-3658) Michelle Clemons, Vice Moderator (815-692-Lisa Kilgus, Secretary (815-692-3956) Ann Lage, Treasurer (309-723-4043)

Together in Service Committee (Mission Opportunities)

Alyssa Homan, Jennifer Stuckey, Anna McKeon

Search Committee Alma Augsburger, Sara Okai, Donna Roman, Wendi Zimmerman

September Birthdays 3 Nathan Addis Steven Zehr Michael Kilgus 4 Heidi Forestier 7 Casey Lage 9 John Dunnett 11 Kelli Schmidgall 13 Janice Broquard Sean Sutherland 20 Matthew Kilgus 22 Deanna Canonge 23 Lillie Hogan 24 Jamie McKeon 27 Mark Teske 28 Kevin Jeffries 30 John Enderli

September Anniversaries

11 Ron & Lori Peters 15 Keith & Elaine Jeffries

If your birthday or anniversary has been omitted, please

contact the church office.

September Baptism Days

4 John Munz 4 Martha Meister 16 Kyle Dawson 28 Krista Rutherford

PW Fall Gathering Monday, November 4th @ 6:30 p.m.

Mark your calendars for the PW Fall Gathering on Monday, November 4th at 6:30 p.m. Food and fellowship will provided. Following a brief meeting and installation of new officers, we will work together to assemble school kits for delivery to Presbytery.


Sunday School Begins Sunday, September 7th

At 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School for the year will begin on Sunday, September 7th at 9:00 a.m. All children ages 3 through senior in high school are welcome! The Sunday School classrooms are as follows: Ages Under 3: “Star” Room (Located upstairs, overlooking the sanctuary) Childcare during Sunday School Teachers: Ashley Snearly and Erika Wenger

Ages 3 through Kindergarten: Purple Room (Located downstairs in Friendship Room) Teacher: Jenna Kilgus

Grades 1-3: Red Room (Located upstairs—big room at the top of the stairs) Teachers: Robin Buchenau and Sandie Moore

Grades4-6: Yellow Room (Located upstairs - the old nursery) Teacher: Alyssa Homan

Grades 7-8: Blue Room (Located upstairs-in the middle of the hall) Teacher: Ryan Zimmerman

Grades 9-12: Green Room (Located upstairs-at the end of the hall) Teacher: Pastor Homan

Wednesday Bible Study

This group meets every Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the church fellowship hall. They are studying the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha

World by Joanna Weaver.

Sunday Morning Adult Class

The Adult Sunday School class resume on Sunday, September 7th in the Friendship

Room. The new study will be distributed at that time

Christian Education News

John 3:16

This group of couples with children meets once a month for fellowship and study. Free childcare is provided. They are studying a video on marriage called “Love & Respect.”

John 3:16 will meet on Friday, September 26th at 6:00 p.m.

at the home of Spencer & Alyssa Homan 313 E Wanda Lane., Fairbury


A faith, food, and fellowship class aimed at 40-50 something’s meets on the 1st Friday of the month.

Koinonia will meet on Friday, September 5th Time and location TBA

Check Out Our New Classrooms! There are have been some big changes upstairs this summer. The room that was once used as a nursery has now been transformed into an additional classroom know as the “Yellow Room” for the 4th-6th grade kids. The classroom they used last year is now the Junior High Room, and the nursery has been moved across the hall to the room that overlooks the sanctuary. Take a minute to go check them out!!

Handprints Needed!

Attention kids—if you haven’t already put your handprint up on the wall going upstairs, make sure to let Robin Buchenau know! We will be putting up hand prints during Sunday School on September 7th. We want all our Sunday School kids to be included on the wall!

Christian Education News, Cont.

Spotlight on Sunday School

This Month’s Focus: In the Beginning

Memory Verse: “Lord, you have done so many things! You made them all so wisely! The earth is full of your creations!” - Psalm 104:24 CEV

Sept. 7: Creation

Sept. 14: In God’s Image

Sept. 21: Noah

Sept. 28: A Time for Everything

Sunday School Curriculum for 2014-15 Ever wonder what the kids are learning about in Sunday School? This year, we are introducing a new curriculum for the junior and senior high classes that teaches both classes the same lesson, but in different, age-appropriate ways. Likewise, we use a similar curriculum for the younger kids that teaches the same Bible lesson each week to all kids age 3 through 6th grade called “Grow, Proclaim Serve.” Throughout the year, we are going to try to keep you up to date on what the kids are doing in Sunday School. Each month the newsletter will feature the “Spotlight on Sunday School” that will let you know what the younger kids will be learning about that month. If you have any questions about the curriculums we use in Sunday School, please don’t hesitate to ask Robin Buchenau or Pastor Homan.

September 7, 2014

Great Fall Kickoff 2014

Bible Presentation Sunday, September 7th

Bibles will be presented to Sunday School students on Sunday, September 7th during worship. The Jesus Storybook Bible will be presented to all preschool and kindergarten students. The Deep Blue Bible will be presented to all the 2nd grade students, and NIV Life Application study bibles will be presented to all 7th graders. Other students who do not already have their own bibles yet will also be presented with bibles at this time.

Attention College Students (or their parents)

If you have not already done so, please send your new or updated college addresses to the church office to ensure Cookies for College packages will reach you at your new address. You can email address changes to:


Presbyterian Student Assistance Fund Scholarship funds are available to any students who meet the following requirements:

1. Be a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Fairbury, IL. Students must show proof of enrollment such as photo ID by September 15 of the current year. 2. Enrolled full time in an approved two or four year technical or college/university in the undergraduate level. 3. Not married.

Please contact the church office for more information if you qualify. The available funds will be divided equally among all the qualifying students.

Cookies for College Mailing Sunday, September 14th

We will send our first “Cookies for College” mailing of the year on Sunday, September 14th. If you are able to provide some homemade goodies, gum, or prepackaged snacks, etc., please contact Michelle Clemons. We would also appreciate help packing the boxes on the morning of September 14th during Sunday School if you are available to help.

Let the message of Christ dwell among

you richly as you teach and admonish

one another with all wisdom through

psalms, hymns, and songs from the

Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in

your hearts.—Colossians 3:16 (NIV)

Our Mission Statement

We, The First Presbyterian Church of

Fairbury, Illinois through

~ worshiping the God of love,

~ inviting everyone to experience grace through


~ reflecting Christ in our daily lives,

are working with God (the Holy Spirit) to make

life improvements happen.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

(Proverbs 29:18, KJV)

Here are some upcoming events through the rest of the year and into 2015. Mark your calendars for these important events!

September 7: Great Fall Kickoff after worship

October 6-12: Pastor Homan on continuing education in California

October 19: Stewardship Potluck after worship

October 19: Crop Walk @ 1:30 pm

October 26: Trunk or Treat from 4 to 6 pm

November 2: Daylight Saving Time Ends

November 4: PW Fall Gathering @ 6:30 pm

November 7-9: Lake Geneva Senior High Youth Retreat

November 16: Blend Acapella Group

November 23: All Food Drive @ 1 pm

November 30: Giving Tree Sign-Ups #1

December 7: Giving Tree Sign-Ups #2

December 14: Giving Tree Sign-Ups #3

December 20: Giving Tree Wrap Party @ 6 pm

December 21: Giving Tree Sort after worship

December 22: Giving Tree Delivery @ 8 am December 24: “Celebrate with Family” Christmas Eve Worship @ 5 pm

December 25 to January 1: Pastor Homan vacation

January 23-25: Lake Bloomington 6th-8th Grade Youth Retreat

Session Summary Session met on Tuesday, August 26th, however, not enough elders were present to meet quorum, so no official business could take place. Elders, please bring any outstanding business to the September 23rd meeting.


7 Months Thru July 31, 2014

Actual Budget


Pledges 80,014 86,646

Non-Pledged 5,543 4,081

Per Capita 2,665 2,500

Interest on Checking 17 14

Use of Church 130 91

Special Reserve Fund Interest 1,045 2,044

Bequest/Memorial Funds 15,408 13,485

Total Income 104,822 108,861

Expenses 101,174 107,983

Excess (Shortage) 3,648 878

First Presbyterian Church

101 East Elm Street

Fairbury, IL 61739



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