vol vi. dover, morris county, new jersey, saturday, … · vol vi. dover, morris county, new...

Post on 19-Oct-2020






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nntiKiitD Ei-mr SATUHDAV r<


03CB on Morris Strent near Blookwell.BUBSCiUFTIOB

I UllO ?'"• - - - - - - -5 i , M u i t t h n , - - - - - _ - - l . O I

! t a m i t l i i , - - - - - - - 6 1


LivorpoDl and Queenstownon Hie rollawlns 8t(tumBliIp linen:


Draft* uu £DH1BII<1 and Ruja; Hank of Irelamli»w««l rfttcfl.• LlSDSUiV 4 BON, AgonU,

Blacbicll Btra.t, Dora. K . J .




Counsellor at LawAND



Carpenter mid Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended to.Siois on BLACKWELL fit., noat to Gage

' llil»iij'« lumber mill.Contract, tahon, and maLrial funilulioi].

v r . i v s i i w v H O U S E .

Cnn ic r o f BlacLvTcll a n d SUBBUX R U .

DOVER. N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

ifurBOij and Carriages lo Lei.



flllku la the National Union Bank Bulldlug

3LACJ"riLi.tST., DOVER, N. J .

VTBiaiioovn A Q M I T I I ,


Cor. Blackball and dtiiwcx Bts.




Counsellor at Law,-DOVEA,, N. J.

OlHeo no iccond floor or Ilio National OnionDank Building. • • MMf

C A. OIU.B.V,, Ort .cral


EIONER OF DEEDS,AH order* promptly atUiuded to.

) C. AlAtilH, Jr.,



Oor. Blaokwoll and SUSBQX Sts,'-Cm - D O V E R , N. J .



ffleo uver A.17-ly

itLAt l lurcc, .V. J .

Carriages and Sleighs,Of E r e r p Dt»cvl|illon.

Cur. Btackwoll and IfcrSen «•«> DOVEB, N . J .

Particular attention paid to rcpiirhig andfainting, . 2-ly


ABBBJB and Atul.vaoa of all description, ofORES AND MINERALS

CA1U:VULLY M A D !ftlsto/vliargcairill be fnntiiliodon application.

Xi. C. BIEIlWIimi,Doror Morria Cimntj N. J .

Allen Palmer & Son,Carpenters

AW). ' Builders.

DOVEK, V.J,Jobbing promptly attended to.

S. 3. PALMER, Architect.W-J

PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

Repaired and Tunedlumpily, In altf part or KorrU Ounty . Ad-dress W. S. WMOHT,'


t onu D. SMITH,






DOVEK, N. J.' loo place ban boon entirely refitted la a neat

mauncr. Tha i c r j best brand, of i v

Foreign and Domestic SegarsALWAYS ON HAND. srur



jana or EVXHT DEacniiTtoN

DESIGNED»na oseaalca,>Dd material furalitod.

d contracts taken for all work.Tha Ust rcfonnccB tlven u to capacity in

ctery branch of tlio huelncBi, and all work






•V. B, BAnn iTT ,


It. A . BE2VKHTT, AI. Jt> ,


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,(OppoBito Dover Dank,)

D0VEI1.N.J.,DlneiBt-H uf Women ami Children, and of tl

Eje And Eat specialties.OmcoHonni:JtoOA.M.1 l to8iind7lo8P.M.



SURVEYOR.Surveys, Lovcls and Grades

tnailc for Pnlilicauil Private Imnnrt twenta

O m r j p : SUSSEX STIiEET,

[Kcar ilio Cnoal UridKC-l

8 J DOVEH, N. J.


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

B O C K A W A Y , N . J .





Orders loft i t JI. II. Dickcrnoii'M stem, o nmy rtuiilo;icu will receive prompt tit ton tlun.

BOOMO B u r r p « i ^'iigyt«eco


OUlcc oil' Blackwell Street,DOVEll, N. J.

Colkolione atteuded to with dililfonrc.Alio, Acontforllie bcatljfg ani lHrgbeur.cc JumiianlcB. U-ly.


O F Moimia c o u s r r .

Oflluo ovrr GEO. IlICaABUStt Co.'fl aX


Dl f , J , IV. COLLINS,

UFFIOE end HEBIDENCE njiiionite the



?ricis voi-v low, Cill nt P . A. DE11UV8 si ore

RA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Contracts tattan tar all kinds of Uaaon Workid Joubln;. .

UMJ1, PLA8TEH AND CEMENT,' Tumlahud At short nutlco.

llllce under "Tbe Iron Era OIUou," Do7cr,I.J. IMS

S. R. OSMTJN",Dentist,

MOIIIUSTOWN, N. J.,Solo Vnpnotar tor Uoma Coos ly tit Volt

Patent IUi!e«.Gold Fil l ing It Specialty.

Innltl Nitron. Oililo Uaa, &c, Afiv *eM-JI'.

Grandin House.10 VABD3 FEOMD. L. * W. DEPOTB T i U I B O F I l , KT. IT.T. P. GRANDIN, Prop'r.

EicolloDt accominDtMlono fur tranalout DrpormaQent boardore, nlio a livery aud uoardiDgtabte »ttacbcd to tho UOUBO. PaaaoDRcra takon

and froni lludd'a lAke and Lake llopatcongreaaonauto cliargotf. 'J&~ll

W. 8. &. H. t'l UeCAMF,


For Iron Oroa and Mineral Property,


P. O. nt LOONION, N. J.II. 8 . DBCAUP. Pit. P. DIOAMP.

a-iy • • • •



PORT OEAM, N. J.p o r t all t to principal lines or aloannllra-

* from flow Turk tuLtvormiol at LOWEHTKITES. AHo DIIABT8OS 011EAT UMTAISITEH. AHo Diu



RESTAURANTur ladica aod Kontlomcn, DLAOKWELL St.,)OVEI1, N. J., oolvrcan 8uMei and Mnirla 8(B.

A PIXB BILUAED H00Mlacliod. vllb two ulecant tablt'H. Si-tf



Jottlea Later, Alo and P r a t e . Fo.li.all, Par-es and Piu-iiici sniipllcil prompily, at wholo-

abraleB Orders M at Ilio rlllcklo He::!?,3over, N. J., attended to promptly.





Hardware, Iron and Steel,


UA11BIAOE MAKMl'8 OrOnS,Con. IVAHnisoros AKD DAX» SittEETfl,


IVootlcn.Ware nndHousekeeping Goods.


PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,and Uannfastnren* Artklot ganerally.

Lime, Cement, Plaster,«.»dE e. voonirrss. »AM3 B. ToonntwMotrhtom, Sept. 2M, 1871.



MANY ywirR In tlio clothing uuKini™

and mcrcaBiiiR tnulo and now Icada tlio city]111. line with Ibo Urjroxt atorc, Urfiiat Nl"ckbctt ivurtnuui ami low urlcM.

Men's all Wool Double an

Twist Sulu only - - 81O.UI

Good Heavy Suits - - 6 00

Working Paula - 1.00

" " eitla 1.50

Gooil Wo

extraPaiitn Double




a>Horlim.iil ol VKV. CLOTIIIrlO fJIHN, JOUTIJS' and 110VS.


Dun't fall to cdl aud IUO tlio BARGAINS anbn antoniBlicd nt Ilio low prleca Tor frond chilli'


The New EmpireJIsl-Air. Gas & Iinsc-lMi'ii-


Alan, a Largo ARBortutont of otlicr Btvloiur Cooking Hlom, llaii|!CT. l'arlor

lituveB, Ac,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Also, B choice stock of

Hnrdware, Cutlery,Una, Wuodcn, Copper, Plain and JapanunO


Oil CloUia. Cupola, LampB, Paluta and Oil.ulru Ciffcji, Fenfliri-a, l'rutt'i* Astral Oil (uoiusnloitki..) Alan,


[tooling, Pinmliing nnd JobVtork promptly ot tended to.


k'n SCHICB nt Mnmtfac-

O.J Iran. Copper, Draws, I^»d, JJugn andauubaoks Ulicnlu uKchnngu for gnuuB,

JAMES II, BMJEN Ic Co.,Iluokuway.lUrcbl, IH7D,

uiiiictft Ifult*^ Floiveri , t'eut«t"8i Itiltbuns; Lncvi—rcanuil inii tntion«Nt'cliU«s

nnd Uou's, Colhti-H.Luce unit 1JIIII<II

Sets, Cmi.eH. niiitimiiig BonnetniidllollB.

A flno nisortmi'iit ofChignons, Switches, Braids, &c.

Alfiii, a vory litrfco variety o


LtulicH* Kvurflliy tin' m

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,UlackiVotl Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,)f the latest and must improved ttylofi, forvarmlag public and private buildings. A hrgr

aistirtraont of Sloven, cheap for cash.COOK, PARLOH, HEATING

STOVES, RAJSTG-ES,tto.' Also s> virloty of



A fill n tutor finest of



-EADK11S. and aU kinda of JolUns In mj lino,tono ia tlio UEI niannvr and at tUo aburU-nlnotice. Illgheit prices paid /ur old Iron.

• Copper leal and powtor taken In uxchango

'""" '" ALEXANDElteccnibei- 21tb, 1670.

M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS,




Jobbing in General,DtocinLiiraitb 1870. 1-jr.


3ST. OT.

Tlio BubKr.bbr tibci pfrasnrfl in innaanclaci tlio rcilduntfl or Cbestcr and vicinity Hi at

Jin dmR Bloro 1* non cntnpiolurl willi a froslinock or the pnrcHt PItUOS that tlie nurkctuTonln. Fincyand uiorulTOILETAUTIOLES.t c , &o. Parii Grt-pn, for tlio (kit ruction ofhi: Cnlonilo Uootlc-llie only roliablu rcmoJy.Tlioucat of Hnfa Wttm wtfli tlw flncst ot

ivru|ii, frcib ana cold, right from tlio rnuntain.I Inpo I? strict; altcntlnn (• buBlncus andjlialila gouilH ID merit your patronage.

P. N. JENKINS.Clicik-r, N. J., Mny 2Tlli, 187(5. SWf


UHOOKSIDE, is', J.[UR dottirniliu.il lo eugsgo lu tha undcrlali.

tap; biiBin.>», «(inld reipcctfolly Inlnrm ilioIbllo tliai lio liaa puroliaaod aNEW onil HANDSOME HEABSH,

njjotluT with b o m s and all tlio nceeiwaryinlpuiL-nt. fur tlm .ucco.sliil .nrr/mif

un of tbo bu'llioifl.


Jnlnslotliolrado. I alia" wato l l ro j t aa -MM lo Kivo my ptrHonat ittetllinu [n all CBBCB

when called ami win cadcavor to meet allrtqnlremiuts in the lirat manlier, at Uio low-

" " ' " • IT. P . DIOKERSON.

JI-IJI1S3,hrriinil..r<- •£5. I»r«|>-J';..l'..'••

si s

Cme (Morotwdof M I • " tV- ' - i . . . ! ].i

c u u l r r . J r . . Uf vUrv, .price. Addrcis

Homeopathic tlieaioino Co«reODoani Dcrnt,Mu.«:i «uo.iiw.,, Hw Vu«V

i't bl hf ll VnigUu

nd at J. II. MtOWN'S Jrug stnro, nornor nUUekwuIl nnd H\mcx Hit., and Vciifilit ft Kill

, noir corner drug itoro, Dover, N, J,

MRS. A. BEEBIEBIB nnu' ready iritli all tho nowHtjIcn fur

SPRING- of 1876.Fashionable Millinery

ANDC a O o d t S .


Latest Styles & Newest Designs


[NO, DOV£tt, N. J.

Tlio JargL'tit ami n»mt complulu etuuk or Illillll'itncy Qootlp to lio fuund In Duvu

Tlio JargLtiwry nmll'itmi.iprin.ng

I a flno «t»ck nf

•s Gomls,of t),u Iwst miturlul 6|ii.mci|u u?

t G l t i l t

E. J. EILEYIIQB jitHl openod ii new BAKCHK tin

SUSSBX fiTUEJST,wt lo Hoiltir'H Ojnm UnUKf, whoro a call In.vitod itnDi Bit nld frleiulu and cusliimurjd tlio fivnr or ilm Riiiiuiul paulic. At alltwos a Tnll nnd fri-uli pi)[ij>t,v of


IJUNS, CONFECTIONERY, mDnmeullo Brcail a Kpccialt.v and hot corn

IUIQUB ovoiy tnurnliiR. Hpoobl punt) mil Ialien tn ulm-uo all hotli an tu quality and frW-

m-lliii _ ^ _


IB now rcudv aunlti for tho Pall an4 WintiTradu with a hrjely iucrtacjed dock of


LIGHT AND HEAYI.l-lo3. IlicVor?RuoUK,7-aiol(.A. ltlm», 7-3toaj. Bhnft*, llglil

l l n ; ftlnotvLuul lautu

linBimro Truo

t4l»icli ltnunurn. C

iplit fltiJ Heavy WKino, all kiiu.it of


Ifnving hurt a long oipcrfonco in lliu Carriage



rictn BB can bo obtained at any oilier placo.Order* hy latter Tor Cttrrlaga and Weigh Or-

union!i will bo suitably filial by stitir ' -


. Opposilo Davor Depot

17*76. 1876.

Agricultural Implements,WEDS, FEUTILlZEItS, CULTIVATORS,


810 WING MACHINES, ] (arw IbU-n, Haycdilorn, Ac. LAWN M01VE11H, ltr.Vont, Wir*

Worli,I.BJ.oB,V«acB1ono<}i!ET,.ti!: (Iriiidstonoi.

well curbs, cncuinhor ))iimpi, .Vc. All tl:

! L 0 V E U , T I M O T H Y , A S D ALL oi'HEit


A full nraortment TlinitUURN'S OAItDENEBD3, LIB'JEIl'B ami ALLENTOWS UOSB,P. LIME, illnmilvetl bunc, blond nnd lunn-an guano, double refined iiimdruttt1, pliiHtcr,c, at lowust trada prices, -.

Yoorhees Brothers,HAHBWABE MBE0HA2J B,







uvc, per tan


Tt.wn dullve

uo nliolonale





. par

}•, J3 clfl.; Mine Xlit

n inl roUil i lualeni in



, 60








'LAO BTONES, CUIHIINU, CELLAH BTEfW,c o r i N o , BirjjS, L I N T E L P , L A N D P L A S -

TEIl, l'HOSPIIATE tnd HONE DUKT.rilun nuy bo addrciioil UiroiiyU tliL'ToHlco Lock Kor 28, or loft at A. Burner*! office

in Blnckwoll itrcot, neir Sussex.ni ncc ian . j . G. PALVCH. H. n. riLUEtu


CHAFTER CXXVII.ill act in relutimi tn tlm (inwctii or eonn,ittiuiiom appuhiluil tu jmrnliaBO ti.ll-t-uu<lx(ilJrJHil.C.

coinmlBBioticri. liavo bcun lioreloloro uj pollcd lij Ada uf tlie JWlsiatnre to purcltimu ectain turnpike, plt.uk or nincodmtiiziHi ran tinmid wliurtas, naitl cuminiBHluneru allufju llulthey linvo beeu Horiuindy GuiLurraSKtd otdelayvi byreaiou ul Jt-Jfolu JJJ thoarlBit,poitititiR tliuni, In Ilio iiLTformunca uf tldutl.it whicli Hiuyliave IJ-U. aworo tociot-nwiioreby coiiHiduritblu iititiccfiBgry cipmtaclias l>L-on incurred • and vlnnu. it in ctoniru-lilc UiatxaldcotnmiHEiouoriSHhuLildtn iliHclj«rfio Hu'ir dutitia witb all <dj.putch ; tlujreforo,1. Ihiil eRiKtitd !,.v tLo Urtmtu oud Oonnmlusetnlil/ or thu Htutc nr New Jemey, TintLett- ruuimimibiiorH tiovi) bii'ii liwutolunii|iolnteJ in any cDunly of tlitu Btalu. hy BI[ lliu Icfilslntlirt1, uitl lierotuturo reiicale'1, nluthfiritv to puruliiiHO any Inrnpiuu, plankinuDdnmizuif roaJ, micli eiminimsiniiors B,I..

cotiKtltute a hoard, aud eiull Uaw jiitwor t'i f\\Miy vacancy oceurrliiK by rt>as,in or tlio*oatli,nullinatiini, diwibilily or rtiimal to Berro of

2, An-! be It riiactcjCTint rnioli boatdinlBHiuncn! bliall I I S L pobvoi', by ILo vutinujurJty nf ail * • ' • " * — — ' — ' — *— ••y f


Baiuitnr It

K: - • - • . - - . --mm^-ttnm Un own mem.hum, and to employ i f fHui tliocuinptnfialiotifoHccnilary. CUUUBARII BIICII nthcr BROUIiBmiy bo ncnuuBary tu unablo it to-spuodil

tlie purpUiee f<ir which it was a|). u> tiotlun renuireil to bo publlutiui

or L'lvitn liy aueli ciiuitni>RiciiiL-ra aliill bo avalid and cJkctml (n IB.V, trlum HfRueJ by si'iprurtiiluiit and w^eri'lary, ON ir BIIEIKIII bv endand Bll of Biiid coiuraiaBioners.

. Alii) lw It <jiiMt.il, Tliut tha pur dlcnnjance gf n l d copituUNioiiora l)eroloforid by law, ami lim e'jinnuiitiiit|iii| <)f tliul

. .vlofpro oritcrtJhftei mcitrrtnj, Blitii 1/&p&iifraii, limit to tinia, by tho routur cullcctor otlio count; in whiob auoli cimiinlaiiontra ri'tililupon tho order uF thu president mid BecietararoroBniU.

i, .\t)il ho It pnncU>[]. ThBl wh< r° «iiJ C("«-


a lmvotlun

ljltlt they rceldc, thev shall nut bo.obliged I_ iy more than uno such roml; but It ahull boUwful for them, by tlio VOIUH of a uutorlty ut-" '.licirmctulifin, rurthu limo boins;, t obn j, . , . ono pr moro uf Uu1 tu l ' r o r 'BttthorUtd to pitrcliaiu,

a. AndhoiUtnaotcil, Tbut Inroad ur loll rnnijg olnnj/ij to pur....counly under anil liy virtue uf auy aclB ur tho.............. JI • .in,,, |ttWrul f(ir tho hoard i

__ra of mid) poutity lo pnv fctliu Bitiiu liy A icmpmarjr Inan, lo lip paul bydirect tai , Iniliovokr rullu^ltiR iiuoli imrolmsoliiBteid of hy theiiituu of turn a B, if HIIUII liuardBliflJI prefer eo to Ha,

0, And ho it enacted, Tlml HIIH not shall lodocmed n public sot, nod iliaII \iUo effeot itn-

ApjVuvJtl April l£»lh, 1870,

CHAPTER OXXVIII,An Bet roBporllni) chosen freehoWtii-a,

1. lio it ennctcJ by lliu Heaato and Gi'iiertmenilily of lliu Btiito or Now JerHoy.•i. Ami bu It (Jiiautt'tl, That any ruling <lirc<ira it Im'ne.of any tiuord of clioiou riccholik-i

^jay bo appealed from at tlio time ul HIICII rtiinj; by any two mcmberB of tbo jmanl nv.xttilch ttaig pvttttliling; sud upon sdeh ai);«.'albomg atiBtaiuQd hy a iw.i-lbirjn roto or all lliuinoniVrii of said bonnl, tho director n t b r r e•hull bo rovereeil BH to BUCII ruling,

a, And ho it Qiuptcil, 'i'lujt |n rase §\K\\ dircL'lui1 s i larcp glmll ipto »i|y rcuulgiiiiif papHchy Ilio hoard over wliieli lip in ]ire(.ijlu«,uv atippoiijtmenl msjo by HB'III Imaru. thu Kaiij

id veto, bv n tffU'thiiilri vutu' of all itio inutuinil of tiaid board | iiroviilodauiliiii be rnh<ild veto by said board m itm wuim tmKli veto In received hy lliu b.mrd nr Pfit regular UluOlltlU llicrrnfli.r.4. And do It t-nautcil, 'J

InctB.Incons.muit wild IlifiHttnio nrc licri-by rupualcd.fi. And ho k ctucteJ, Hint thia ncl MIIU!) tali

ciTuclii uillatuly.Approwd Apill UHb, 1870.

CHATTER CXX1X.An set for tlm relief of ndinol dint fid a lnviiiK

nohiinl linildlti^B in (Jonrda iwitliin tlilabtaU',1. ito it unnolotl by (bo HonnliHHonihlvof tho muto of N«w4<rtiDy, Tlmt amjority ul Iku |npril if (runloos (uno uroliiiiit

ilmll bo tho dixlriot ulcrk-ruf any BCIIOUI din-Ms Btj(.,liovJiig ia thaiilifftriat a nohou]

„ iii CPIKHO of Buptlon at.tliu,lino ufIbo paeaii;o nr thin ant.'Hn4 mil liaving mini-{<iot)tint>iio.v \a tmn|ilo|o I|ID. pupic, sncill Mllut puniuBo have pnwur mill aru licrpliy itutlioriiinl to Irfbuc, iu the namo or t|(Q Inlinlii:.inta or BUOII di Btiici, con pun butiila nut fnooct]\ng ten tljoflsiiii] dnitera In IIJO flparcgate,pnyatilo at BUQII timen BB (lie Huld trmlei-n mayIctormlno, with taffil IAICB »t In leu-si, pnynlilt-senil-iinni.allT; pnivliled, tlmlnnt moio tUlira tlinuiuiKl dullnri of IUUII bond* xliallinado payablu in any onu yoar, anil tho flipayment ur nil iho boudi ibull nut - iiicoctmiiHj yean; provided furlher, t int thu ?alftotids flholl nut bo Dt'Kutialcd, no Id or tliKpoaci.rut)uuHtlitn thuir par value, and Ihat tliuaid board, or tuajoril'v llioin, nlmll RIVO to tba^habitants of said Bcbool (lintnct a good anil.ilUdenl hona fur tlio lull and faiFlilul pei)rmnnce of Ibfirdn-y In mnnrrtlnn tberewlt..}r twicn tbo smounlof slid bonds do proponed} 'io {BIUCII, trlilcli bond iliatl bo approved Urmajor! iy nftho lonn Dommlltoo nf tha towti.

hipinwhluh still ichool illHtrlct ia BfttiRto<>,Dr Ilia common cnunoll fit tlm nitj- or huruuirlio wlrioli said nohool district in ultuatoj. o> tineonn may bu,wbiolinppr(ml«littll bo Iud lie for.Biid loud* ibail be IKMIOII.

9, And bo it PDBCIUII, 'Jliat for DIG vutposiof providing for tbb paytocnt uf Ibo intorcB•xnil Iho principal of tsitl bondit as tlio; uha\severally becomo Jpe, tbo dUtriot olork of sin

iU district •Imll notify tbo nnesaor or ABKH*a hiivitiR jurlKdicliou tli ur el a, annually,'nro tho llmtdiy of July in each end over

. j r . of ilia ammiut ofinonoy that will luequiied to IMV ilia (ntoTCSt anil principal ofiiicli bonus BH thor *b»ll iBvi-rally hucamu due,mil it ahnll bo liie duty of s*id Bueinor or

DttBora to tFnoii tha satno upon tha taiitblr. .ipnrly In aald district in thu mtuo manner ai

all otlior taxes arc naaossed. and it shall ho tinduty of tbo colleoior or colloetom uf unoli OIBtricl .ocoltectitie said.titon In tbai&meinzunor as all other taira ire mil looted, and pay untbo lanio upon tha orJer Bifrncd uy a inujtiritynrtba truitpos of eutli district, ouo u; nhotii

inllho tbo diatrht olork.9. And lio it emoted, 'J,'lint thin nci »hali tahc

iffeotimmedialolv.A/>prnvi?il Apn\ 2011), 3870.

CIIAFTBU CXXX..further nujiplomunl to tlie act tti titled "Ainet to rufiulnt'} fees, apiimvcd AptII ilfii'uiitlioiglitccn IniitJrod nml riirty.ftii.1. Ho It ernii!lt!(l t>.v tbu rtnnia and Ounnral

sut'tnlily «f lite Hutu tit WawJvrwV, Thathcinn'cr inont |||iui <nnt .•seomiuii tiliall boiMUuiluiit »rilienil|. * 'pou miy iiidp.ititulherein, cacli HlitirtQ io KIIIIIII such cxuiuitiouliail Iw directed and delivered cliull hu ciitilluilII oolloet BUII rfcmvo fnitn ilm .lerymlmt orvfuiidiotH naoiciUnimob uxeuntion ttiu feuiHim iii liy IMV lor tuukluf; a lavyand return•id Btatcuiont thereon, or for HIL'II other nur-icee an may be actnnlly pirfornieU uy liitn, andlie HlieritTwIiD shivll colliicl tlio amount nnmed

In B&iil ciccutiou nr ftiiy part tlior:of, Bliall boehlitluil to Ilm lesjiil parcuntnf;'] upon wlintevuBmount nmy he so ciiJIacUul by blta. but in ensnayHiu-f) Jutlfjun-ut fliaCI hu tettkd liuinceiLe partii-H anil lliu uinmint dnc thereon nlinl.iotl»u collectL-d by i'llhor Bburiff. tlien the per-

' ;o<ili ttio ntmmnt cirfk-cted ivli'ch lroulil• tint Hhcnfl Iliurcini iti euro (inly one

lltm bad b-mi I-JMIU.I HIIILII bo eqnultjlivlclml ullHitiK tin. nuvuml Hlu-illTs in whual

jrrnlhm in lliv mnm vame via)

'"2." Andliu it unnotetl. Tliat llilit aot elialltqkc•flbct immedlntelv.Approved Aprll20th. 1HT0,

CIIATTJin CXXXI.ttapiilcniput ^a an act omitted "Au act toincorporate bonovolont ftnd clioritnlifc niieoiciat'miB," approved SUrnli ninth, <ino tliuu-nanil eight luindred midllltvtbreii.'iiKiiKAh, lu and by an net cntUlod "An act lonicorpoialo btmevuhnt And cluritablu UPHO-clutioim," approved March nlntli, one tliuu-Band Hi lit Intndroil and flrtr-tbrco, itBand Hi lit lutndrod and tlftrtbroo, it wus IDand by ilia first neetion enacted at folloivi t" 1 . KviTvjgit.c!atoin oIiiaraotis.noL cicned.i Ilioumnd in number, nanooinlej f

t d l t a b l u i n r p i s bu n

1.itijItniItniLvoldittht'j aru lio

ti r

ioumnd iit and tl


nd i nund tlnritabbr autli'iri


.. ...irpoiuK, bu am]uriEod, at any regular

(.'ting nr tiu-u nsaociation, liy a majority utin. todlect hy bnilot such and to tiiaiiTccrH nf suoii as«miln lion m Blind do ili'imiei]

...jcBxaryi ivhlclmntd t M MU I at tun and Bitchother pet-nans nx may bo BRUQclnltd withihem, aroheniby eotmtltatel a body nolittciud eoiporntu lu hn-, by tvbitovor name thi'yiball astni[.o,Bi!d oy souli namu shall hn>etiiccciiiiioii and coiilit.iuuuo, anil bo tajiitilen tet oT»ueingand being mod, dctentlingiud hm«H ilofnuJud in all conrti atiil jiloeetrhatdver, and ninytiavo unj uio a couititiiumnlaud alttr ond rontwtbo nuini> at ptuuH-irc. ami liy tholr namo AS aroronu[d aniljndcr tlmir cowmen tcul, may make nndcoltr Int.i, uecnte md cuforco any contracli

ccriiluB tbo objects offlnld corouralimi j " now1. llu HcnadL-d by tl.o He.nic and Qoniitalitcwbly nr tlio Mtafo of New Jamoy. T l l l l t snl11

ctlon licrpinbe'uro recllcj Lu ami thu namehereby amended by drlkitig out tlio nordiimi tliouBAinl." nticro tlio FIIDC occurs In saidctfon, and insert in t thu words " two tljoit-n i l ' ln ilia plnco tlioroar, to flint Ilia Bfrfclolion will f t ud , wlioo EU Dtncndod, m fullmvti:

'livery amsoulatlon of pcrmns, not oxccL'il t nlion sand In nutular, nsBwlatud Tor benevolentin(lcbftrflabh>purpnHOH,tio and tlinv arc Imrolivtutltnrizcil, at any regular mooting ofmcli

relation, by a majority nl rot on. to elect byJlot BUCII BiiJ un many eflimr* of euob HBBOl&tiou AN Bbill bo duoniuil npoesii&ry l MIIIQIIild aiBDclatiDii and intb utber ncriana BB nnvo nsHot-Utcd nlth tliem.stc hereby ounttilnti-abudy politlo and carpanto in low by whatever

io ihvy aball niunic, aul tiy Buch tunic,..JI linve Bua'OBblon and oontlnuanca. nnd ba

capablolni&nor«ncInRBiiill)oiaRBuciJ,d(?rund-tie a^l bclnc dofvoded In all courti oud plrcci

HI) may hum nwd n.w n com ar mid uuuw tbc UBIIIU a', ulcaauliBTiio m nfmoMnld, and onder tb

K , _ t i n 8 ) r csi ietndii

ii. Ami l>u it uiiu' lud, Tliat (i-ITVcl ininiuilintt'ly.

AjipK-vcil Ajiril' UOlli, 1H70,

'"'H tu iJ*t t i t |

HiBuliduic tliu Buvural aoti IiiidKinufflilV't

y-fuuiJ. Uo ituiin(!liii by

rincinl)ly nt tbe Mtatf of New JcraaT.'TliaJ_JI;1!UII tlvo nl Ibo net lo wliicli thin inpiemen I, and ivldi'li rmtls an fullotva;

an "lull oxpime Air uilu or linvn uola

, i (wlm.cn itio llrnt 'diiT of «ay anJirm duv or OelobiT, In any yoar mitli-r a likiiiutialtv, tii ncrubv rtip(4iilu«i.

I. A'lid bb it ona'etid, lliat Ihi*. net ahall take

Ajiprofcd AprViiOlh, 1B7(J.

C]!ATT£UCXXX!II.Auast tuprovidu for tbe paymimt of iutoi

(111 tOHBBblp bollllH.1. Do It enacted by tlm Huuftto antl QOHL.-

ABKCmbly of tbo Htitu of NHW JnrBoy, Tliat theicvsrai tufttiKlilpconmilUws of tbii ' ' '

u powillwirin llui roBp

l l

pconmrd':r tlr

clivoivo lat tl


cnlluc...^oiyusJiijjB, JMJIIMUJ.', 1

if?rintnlCDlli^tmanner that oili p u

g d and colloutotl, «uch tuin« an in tboliudgmcut may soeni ucctH^arv lur tho unifinloreit on my towntibip fkindt at namtixl or vrblch may im Imreafler locally Issued,

3. And La Itcnacla] , Thatall acia or nar'aif acts condiitUnff «ith tlifu act bo and th

nro bcroby ruiicakd.3. And bo It enacted, Tbut Una act ahull LopuMio tut tin] tube fciTt^l l d U l lAppruvfJ April aoili, 1B7«,

supplement to "An act fonr nriinuH," njipro^wl Ap

b q d vHi

II)o puufalitneia.xi{u>iitl,I.tiiell<

blurred nu . . , . , .1< Ho lloiinptoii Ij tb« HuiBto ind Osnoral

AisonibiyorthcStafo of Mow Jersey. That Ifany employee or penon or rwrMcuiB having tliecontrol uriniiiagcmimtuf any institution, tliomaneya lor tho uuvporl of tWiiuli are th&ven Inwlmlo or in jnrl from the n-wnury ot tlio stale,shall bo ilfrucily or indirectly iuiurcBtud In fur.

f;uodti, ulintlidw, iiupiiliL'8 or prop-' • • - ' - - - o T O P j o o r rnr Urn .

wliicli nmy Im in «1Kiiiinoprintloii, pnld ilie, BUCII - ~

dormudunilmvlmiun tl|L>

unliilltidbv flullara, or im]

BiiiHiiun, "men mny nu in HIKIKjtarlfil liy Biiinoprintlon, pnld ouf at tlie flute, anrti pcruiju, UOIL-OIBU ba doi-mud uililty uf & mindu- - — ivlmlun .liL'ruor nha.ll h(

leritat l|nr>l labor lor ntiy<(•'< ••<•> >«ici'iiiuii >»ia yuor, or both, at Hiencrotion of I lie oourt.•J, Andbo it (.unuicil, Tl>nt Ilila net uhall take

cfK-ct inmi«([lnlL'ly," April seOtli, 1876",

K suiiplctin-nt ' o Ilio sot onlltlcd '* An aot IiiiiLin-iwratu truBtieH of ruligicjun EODIOIICB."1. !!•> il finm-lt'd by tlm tjcnttu knd Ooncr.

.BKeinbl; nf tho ftlnto ot Nuw Jernty, T in t tinIrnt Boi'lmti of tbonot towliicb tbU !• a uuiiiluuiunt.wliiuli ruadn nn lollnwo ; " Ihat bvcrjL'tiuioaH tocluty urooiictticallun uf Christiansiiilllloil ID protcctiun in tlio trtu use of tlu-1•(.-liKiou by tliu tonatituliou >nd |uwa of tMitatu, are hcrobv authurizad to aauonililo titheir UBiial piano of nicdliiR for miblio *r—it miy limp by t!it<m to ba aumoa upon,it W»t (tit oiy,1 notice or Ihi) time ami

of jem;nililinj{ by en advortincinaiil BUI<i}n!ii \lw at or nenr'sui;!. plncu uf iqoclfi,.wlittn ao iiHscniblod ii|ay, My ul\ualll] of vi

ii or I lio ualilf h

ait,v iiHniUtwwbty or o

; wlicl

w oMngi-ttniUtr not vaiMng

ii, to tel d

. . _ , ... _nngruKBtlnr ttio Huino : which laid trualees am

Ibi-lr tnn'rejtHnr-. In dllleii Brelmroby eonstitlllitH hm\ puliih'nnil corpnratoin luwbv whatever

•tlVvHiiuii MFun»,RRm»blo'ta tlio di-UBiif tbis ncl," Uo Mutinied BO that tbouliall read as rutlons; that everj roh|>loitBy nr cmicnuoliun of eliriwtiatia utuillcditedlou iu fieo uxe ot thuir rxllgtun by

.... joiibtltulloii and lawi of tbls stale, BIliuruby authorized lonsmnblo at Ibolr imil.placo of HIM ling for public worship. Bt auyime liy Ihein tu bu eanuH upon gl

cf oucniblfiii-, by an arivurflietucnt soI]IMI view at <ir nenr llui Kiichplnco »r n .vbuiipojnsfiiiblcd niayln|iiurallty qfvi

. j-.nsrir,t«in»uri* in i

».-tiytiumtjorriftlit!in to bt iriiBttcu sin!?, which (aid trttstucijfllt-a aro herttiy poid'cDriWiatP ,\t\fav h

id Nudulytholr RUC-and their

red Apiil'JDth.ma.

CHAPTER CXSXVL.ii netcoticeruInK county Jails.

1. lioil cinetoj by Uio rieuate aud Gem

._ , tithuGunnty Jails; pro-•Itlrd, tliat tlio prico HD IUIKI xball not in anyt3io meted tbe Btnmnit now find by law ininv county.i. Aud bo It cnnoli'd, Tliol Ibis HL-1 sb tit laltn

Aj>ril'20tb, 1$7G,

[i act \Q dofrny the Incidental eipotwes of thoNtW Jenoy LoRlBlaturu ror thu ICBHIOU of —llioimtul clfilit hnndrcd ntnl iiovuntr-tii.1. Ito it enactotl by the Senate and OonoraiSBrmlilT of Ilio Ktalo of New Jel.ev, 'Dial it•all bo lawful Tor tbo treamiter ut tin* Btato olow Jcrtry |a pay, upon tliu warrant of the

:omptro1lt!r, tn tbo Buvtral porsom berelcc"inied, tlio follovlnE amounti. vie;Hum No. 1. To A. II. HicUy. ftrirchmotit ralla end prtparin^ onllia a!icuibrrs nnd offlccra of mi|iate nnil

Itom Nn. 3, To David II . Campboll,>r aciiivuit In nttcnrllne thnelcuiricalBI inaehltio In tliu NQUBtQ and Rem-rHlariftn.i.y eliBiiiijtrB, one limnli^tl dol-nit. - fHim Nn. 3. TnWlllUm .T. Ilntce, f,.r

"nler* «« flurk to unb-comaiiihv imtmatlon, urjiilul TOmnli.lUi;, thlrtr-flvndollars, , - '•

Il«-in No. 4. to Writer Wulen, forBBIIIUK ripittMm fursenulu olmiiibcr

- • mwintilj, ono lumdrtd

r \t*ln.ilkrn,lloni So. D. Tn Wrs. Wnltflr ivnsliing towels fur BOIIBIOI _.nl tioiiHD of i«fomlily, tirty dollainItem No. G, To Ellen Sleloy, Tor cli-au-•j snialc eliamlmr and lio mo nf

jK'mulv nnd cummilleti rouius, tvin[iit],lr«*H dollar s, f

if* dono for BU li-oo mm it tea on coaii titsnii<utcoininlttcD, Approved by joint

cnrnmittfi!, tirtcou dollara, IIk-m Nu. 8. To Phil. I). Piers on, fur

irricei «s copylctof unh-comnilttee onmid. nf jiitnt oomnitleu, nnprovnl liy

lia-nitim of joint cmnnitllw, iWf.Ivu

ItcpiVo. 0. To Tlinnui. B. Starr, furincrnRicil uiUfl. a» npprrm-d by aniilmmmlMcd, four lilmdrcd ilnllam, f400 00I!«ni No, id. To Jobu L", Miirplir, forslionerr fumlsUoJ sei-f-eaiU-:it^rianTbouseof a»L-mbly. Ino Imndred andnetocn ilollnrn unit ttvMvn runts (210 13Item No. 11. T«J Join U Murphy, for

lalfunery furniMicd enf;r.iB»K.ffi!iLrt(liouso nr auMomlily, ono hundrod KIIJvcntv-fWo dollnrH and Iblrlv coiitu, f 173 80I,(,m No. 1J, To John L. Wiirphy, f.i:

tHlioiim rurnlHlicd tlio oicrk or tltiiniihf) or nKnamb!y, t«u lutftdtcd am.wcnty-lno Jollnrs anil cl^bl coiils.Item No. ia ToMldiaol O'Nral, foi

Vom' Ko. » . To Tvina X L*lor. fui' qei for stato prlanii coinniiltue

irol L'JioIrmniii t wen Iy-tlvo ilol

'item Net. IS. Ta UiiiB & Lalur, fintrriifiCH for comnillli'" "" snlilln™1

lildren'Blnimt', by ordi

o. 10.fur


0 . Allen, fopi a i '

illdron'R home, liy order nf chairman,tv dnllarn, ' IjO 00lloni No. IT. To Ivinn J, LOnr, for

carrinKM for cornniitlci! on IndustrialHCIIOOI Inr fiirln, by order ut cli^trnian,nnecn iioltaw, ' • W3 00

lloni No. IB. To IVIHB A litilnr, furJinot.'!* far cammUh-c on lunnliosvlum.by oiiltr of chairman, thirty

"ltmit'No. ID. Tu J. W. Elllwm for' *10 °C

TviC'ia i'f-iidert.-d Kub*tiutr.mitlL-it imlections of jtiint cnmmlttee, ajiprnvod

olKinimn DftiuWotumlUf,-, iwutityi) ilollnin, (^3 00

Horn Nn. 20, TnllrenrlujJtStc.il, Tnritianery tarnished fo,- roninnttcuinif of lofildfttoro and f»r bill n k irnifilicd nu ordur of Btatlunery'coin- - -tton, Ilirou liunilroS a iiil v[iiuiy<mnullanaudti^htcoDtn, tnQ9 03Hum No. SI, Tu Join. L. Murpliy, for

alatioiiory fiiriinlicd icutenry of non-ale, ttiri-o * Imndrt-a BII.1 tlilrlji>ncilollflrstnd cifflitecn emits (331 IB

Item No. 2£ To JobnX. Murphy, forstationery f urn lulled eURroiniHjf ulurlt•rBoimto. aud oleilt nl (jninuiltlDo unonerumcu bills, two luindred mndsev*eaiystrtiti dollar* nail liTtf ccola ^277 SO

Hen No. U To Naar, bay & Xnar, .for Blitliincry fnralBlKil Auttiii II. rut*terson, lato clerk of liutiso o[ assenibly,Mr nee at hint no of nnsoralily fur uoitiiiiiiiuf ODD tiionunil eiflbt hundred nndnefoiHy.Hlx.nltK'tl-ilvoilollatBaiuirortytiro oPlllfl . |05 41

Itom Ho. U. To Jiiiill II. Fell, net-{•i! an t o I-a rnu ul borneof usi-'nibtv fortowel", luiiiblcm, brmliuit, nutclien nn 1oilior iusldcutuls far lion mi ol tinscmblyono liumlri'iL nml Huvcutv-ttvu ilollatitand f]flefnCMitn . (179 15

Item No. US. Tn Arlhur II. Noll, forcopying for iu£>-wnnniltcn OD ilicrifff,

rjoint eainmJItfP, upitravei bv cbnuu ofBub-coniiiiittic, Illlwu Uulllk-ut No. 20. lo Adam Carr, for

tiiHcs lucurrc^I in cuiitesti'ii tiucli nme, Carr va. HupiKT, fuurtten Lund re a!iiU-ifjtitd(.illiir»u[iJ niuoty-fuurtui'lH tl.-I tutu No. 27. To Joint IloppiT, for

qmnstg iiuiurri'd iu eoutcutcilfkeiion

f Mi.; adtlitional(13 00 tlie eojiii-B lu

net diructcii.•L And bo It onac

milomont In

. Bi!cast, C a mdollars TI,

Item N'o. IB. To tlm clergy of the d lvifTreuiuii, sach lou dullars, fur w.i-.'kfJB in opL'iung lliu SUBBIOUB of ilmIcgLdature n t h prayer. In tbu year uno"louuaud eiylit hiuidrca and HCVCIII.V-

Itein No. 23. To Auattn II . I'otterw.n,iscjili 11. Crammor, J. J . aarrabrntit

-juiuel \V. Moll, Charl.-s J. J'urkjr,Albert E. Vuudorbilt, L'liBrlfK Hnrti«,Hired Vdoliunu auu llcnjitiiiii Tuylor.md Charlen Jay, L-QCII t in ilulbrH, foricrvici'iaa iifliei-rs of tlip mmciubly ofiKbtet-ii hiindiuj otnl dt-vuiity-llve, furerviciiH of IIIULBO nf BxttL'inbly uf iti^li-euti huiidruil and Hevenly-Ike, fur H<.T-

if BeBufnn uf cluhtL-cn 'hutidrid anilevwitj-Hii, out! bundrcd dollora (1I turn Ho. W. Tu nix pages ur lioilso nr

mtvnibf/, fur oitra HL-rvfuo*, Hltyiiul-irBeacfi fbree liumlicddullarH (3Hum No. SI. Tn Wi I llu in J.Iiruc-o, for

erviceB to joint couinutteci of BL'iialL1

aid ooinmiUmf|fthirty.'live dolUrij" " (Hum No. 32. To I>. I.o,]or , for CIIDII-

uVJier /ur aMemhiy eimuihur, tmhrtili>y tho imuKD at nnminblv iwn liundmlnudlorty-llvtidolhirit (2

Item No. 03. To H.T. Cliainpimi, scr•eaul-at-nrnlii (ifBcnnts^nr HicUlenlsIs]riil»l>t:i| furui-e ornjimlt-oiie liUiKtrt-d[id etghty-uiylit dulloirt and ciglity

Item Ko, 'Si. Tu Alpaufch ATliompwujr c<j|)j of Hindi's tlixusi, funiislied tiy

order of Bcuatv, twelve dulmrfl $12 00Item No. M. To lliearley mid Sloll.

or purita rurulHbeilHitrjjenut-Bt-armaotIIIIIHK: ul nuBumbly, 11 rtetu <lollaru

Ili-m Nn. 80. T» Jum-nh M«lr-•rvlwa (o eiimiiiltfccH, (jftv riollimItem No. U7. To Kdmomf 11. Hmltb,

^rvlceBtoCdiitiiilttfeg, tmydollori fJU WItem No. 38. To lLll!n W. llidfiway,

Tor Hjrvleeis aa ci>pyibit, o! mili-eommit-puoliciiiBlriettun, .ifjoitit com-

• ipproved by chninu»n of Joint

(1B8 80


iR, fur120 DO

150 00


iomu)i\he, uwmy dolingIteniNo.a!I.ToJi)Heiihl'.A

txira survice*. (Ifly dolixraItem Ko. H). Tu Juln, k Mnrnliy, Tor

ilatbnery furnished neertlar? of sen at uItem u-fllam -Item No. 41. Tn John L. Muri.hy, fur

ilatmneiy ruruinhfii. Jobn It. Fell,

.V/tlilrl'v-mio^lonarB'aiid^wt?!!?/^"!*Iti'in No. 12. To John J,. Mnrpliv, for

'atiounry turnirihcd F. f. I'attuVrinu,iKruBBinR ulurb ur tlio noun to, furtvJllari and lllly tents ' }J0 GOI ttiu Ko. j j . To Itlehatd Siitphm, forirr.itgog fur conitnillcc on tsuHiern'dklrju'a li(iiue,approvud byclmlrtunu


ly-t.ro dollail

oimnllteiiHum No. 11. Tu>rvli!cB|o jijint cid hoiiHc ni n

$10 00

9. Amieffect iui


i It t m eudlatuly.


Icil, That (bin act HIIU

owned liy individual's and iiuliicorporaU-d

1. llu it etweleil liv tlic Sunate anil OenenHee."bl;' oftboMintii orKow Junuy, Tlmt aiijumon ivbn Bliall unlay.1 till Iy Rnd wilfullytgtroy, it)i|lilftt«> iluftiuE), lnjnro,or rcmnvo payitltl'! inonutiient, pravcntono, bnilillug, or

far'Sli* biriaf nlaUu'lhli Htata/w'etinift.nlrItlliy and IYIIIHIIJ1 cut. bark, break, injurTomcivo, or du'ntro.v auy treo. Hhrub, urplai.Ibunrin, or uliiill .iilfully hteik, injure, ilefaco,foniove, ur dcBtniy tlie fence, huilue, or ralUnfiIICJQHIII^ MIILII CIUVO yard or buriftl IIIUIH. Bhal

tin decnitd Riiilty uf a inimleii.wmor, and micliuliender oUall \\m bo Habit) in an ncliouIrespafiHi lo ho broitgiit liy ilia owner or owoc:opayallBucliduiiiaKi!st1rihbTebcuuoci.'aiil(iucdjy ii!a ur her Bald niiluwfjl acU.

2. And bo it unacted, Tint utiy person nlioilmll bring any dog or doga, cpitiltliiii tbc liuitiaof any cra\u yard oi

i t in this Btato, sliaU lor ovory offoti _,...~jtvi<v'.({|n thoi-iiCll«jfproa imUro 61 tliopesco^ lliu cp'tiiity" nbcmu'sultl oQunco Uiall beortiii.HU'd, forfeit anil jwy tbo BHIH of two dol-irn lor 'lie iito of the pour of tbo toivtisliip orurd, and shall aluo bu liable In an action of•cBtmnB at tliu unit of thu twuoror owners for11 uamages cotmit'ttcd liy bald dog or ilog'i

"if. AnTbo U'unaotetl, Tliat this act alull Uto

Approved'Aiiilfiaih. 1370.

ClIAl'TKIt GUI.Huppldmont to au act entitled "An actiiJalo and oBtalitlKh a uaiAinn ram «fc—^ -for legal advertising hi Now Jersey," approvedMarch tweoHolh, tlaljl(!on hundred aud fitlyBuven,1. He it cnaoted by Uio Sonato and Oonorn

Aimemblr ortho Btato or New Jersey, Tlmt tinidluir, proprlotor or publiiihar of every uowa-

ijjcr Iu Ibis Btale, uliall print upon and publishitb every advcrtluotiieui require! by law tp bejblfshed In ono or more nowepipora in tulainti-, a. ntoteiiiont nl tbo price cfrabllribod I TIW for such advcrthoiuout, wliicli prico aballio the Inpfll amount duo ror nucli advertiacmentiir tt.o ivlitilQ Icn^tti or time tlmt tho ninne In(jnlrcd by Inn lo bu pub 11 shod ; and it uballJI bo lawful for tlio owner, oJitor, proprfefor

nr imblitbor or auy newxpapor to charge orriMH'ivo tuu price of such advcrtlBcmont or anypart tborcor UIIICBH tbu said btatemtat «r t ieirlcaoftiucliBilvtirtUomeut ibsll he publishedi heroin directed.2. And ho it enacted, Tliat this act shall tali

'Oc'Ct imtncdiitolf.Approved April lStli, 1B7G.

Act cntiaornlQK nuwnUllona ot Incorpora-ion* fur Ibo tatablisbnifi.t of Lyceums,JlimrlDB oud Literary and HcknllQc Boclotles

1. lio ft eiueteJ by (ho Nonale Bad General" of the UUIq of New Jersey, That

Ibo directors or trmtocr, of anyrccum, lihrarv, lltemry or scientific association

rporatlon wbkli m;vy baye bceu littrelo-

111. n V h l 1 b | | p.lBBBB UbW.H •

.. . _ _ tlio cjpiwl sturk or Buobincorpora lion, &nd BIIBII, a t any rrgulietlus uf stieli directors or trustees, raol'

..t IUCII increaBo la iH-ocasary, and ipoclfy tbomount oftmed tacreaHC, tlio said directors or•unti'rs shall thereupon make a. eertillealo

ireul, umhr tha handH of tho rrosldout and•reluryor tre«iur«r ol wiob niBociBtion oroqiurntiun, wllli thoenrpurata Btial tbeieofached. |liereto,and file the Barao in ttiu ofllceibo Hccrctary »T ul*lu; and upon said ccrtifl-

licltiB BI) matlo ain\ tiled, tbe Bald capUaje tteinc sock (il itafdi d

ma .c(,rporirtl

tu llic amo

(llod, the Bald capitalU or aHBOcIallon shallunt tncutloued, in Biid

•A. Ami Im Jt enacted, That far all ctnUtlnek wbicb niiy ho iiaued mulcr and by virtuoHiidi curiitlUKlcn. Iho Esaoctatlona or incor-

irallouK, Itiu dimclurK or truitoea of whichill file such ccrtilicstcH, and tba tllrcctora oruBtnm unit Klm-klioldnrs I hereof, BIIAII bo oii-

liltcd to nil tlm bntK'Uttt nnd suhJL>cL to all the)JnbJ)llic-arj«li.WrrriTiiac(l contained lu tbe acteu Li tied "An net to incorporate associations foi

io mtaDllslimtint of kceunifl, libraries anillerary and eclonlilio fiucietien," and also flhall

->!ititli<d tn Ihu nanit) beui'flts and loblcct to_ name liabilities, to which tha I'ti^iuai utoel-

uldiTH lu BUCII uEjociitionB or incorporation!)i uuLiiluU ur mibleci under ami by virtue ofi provi*iwi3 of tlio ttbeoEal net unuur nnd bvik-li Midi flBituclalioi or ineorporaliou wbalt

I, And bo it enact el], That any stick ast>oc!a-n or iiiuoqvorutiun may Incnman tbo trUBlccadirectors tlicreof to any number not exceed-

j nrteon ; provided, t bat tiuti.eror two vtekaIK-OS week of Ilio Inteulloa tD.nuko such

:rcarte, uball bo inserted in ouo or morunupapom published in tba tonuBliip or cityuio rniob inisorpomtioE — "' ' - 1tonnBlilp or

associationb b l i h1, orir no nuttupapcr bo publlalicd ia

ishtp or city tlieu In ono ur worqiwBpapcrs publlibed ID the comity wbero tholid asHociatlou' or Incorporation is situated;nd after BUCII notico shall havo beta fiiven,lio tlitin board ot trtislcos or directors mayleot.byballot, tlio trnstcos or dtrcciurspro-niod to l>o added, but all elections thereafterlin.lt bo bail lu tbu ruinner provided by lair.4. Aud bo it enacted, That this act Khali be

;d and taken to be t public act, and flhallCTcct lramedialcly.

Approvt-d April 13th, 1870.


Sapplcmeul loan act entitled "An act to pro.Tidu fur the compilition and publication nf

- " vi nil tho Public i i w i of tlili„,_..., U1,praved April thliil, eighteen hun-dred and Buvcnty-tliroo.1. lie it enacted by tha Ron Mo and Qeuor*.scmbly or tbo State or Now Jericr, That tliow Boctiim of the act to which this la B> «ut>->mcnt, which reads aa follow!:'Jit It enacted by tin Senate and General A>-nbly of ihoHUto or New Jerssy, I t iat Jubn

nod of Caradcu, bo and lio IB hereby oulbnr-* to compllo aud publmh a e'lmpfntfi Ludci

tlio pulilio lawi or tlilfl Btato, includingpaused by Ibo colonial (jovcrnmont, lo Lu

ranged In thu same manner, as near as nay, m mid lluoiVs Imioi of Corpormiena or tlitaite; Khld work la bo done Wider Ilio Jajwr-fon and subject to tUo appr.ivtl ot tho chief

nulicocf tlio Miiprema cuurt," be amendud soitor tad as follows I

ho it t-nacted by the Sonata and General As-...niblyof tho Slate ur Now Jersey, Tbi t JolmHood, or Carailon, bs and bo is bcrcby author-

1 lu runtjillo aadpobiiih a complete index ol,„„ tmblio and prlva-..! lam of tbisitate, iticluil-iuc itioso nBBButl tjy tho colonial.gotcrumcnt,HU far an tho BBtne can bo tiBCfirtaiued lu UioInto library anil utllco ur tbo Hcurutarv of etatn,o be arranged and printed in tba tamo min-er, aa near OH tuny be, to tlie Qenoral Index oflioLawBof thofitalmif Kow York, preparedv T. K. (lillett.aiid puDliBhcil nt Albany inicliUcti hundred nml' filty-nlne, citopt thatliu fiiliinlnl lawB m»y be arranged rhronoli.pl-nllv, nnirt from the other IUVTB ; said nark toO iloLie tinder the innm vision nnd anbjoct tihe Approval of ttieclilef Justice of the Bnprcra

. n u n ; nnd the Btato treianrer shall bo and Ihereby aatharitcil to pay to itf.d John BooJ

jiiKviito luv the compilation and iiubllualluu •nn index or a II thu public la<vn of tl.is atuto,1a]i[irov(id April llnril, ciulitceii lmudri.il uiKt'TL-Jify-tiirtJo, vbicli uupiifomtnt wan aupruviJlnrch nintli, eiglitccn hundred and seven:;

n, bo ami tho batiiu js herea. And ho it enacted, Tlia

Doct iminediaicly.Approved April 13, J870-

An Aet ii

1. ])., i

CltAFTER XCYIlt.tijiK to NotlMM or f Uinjj I

Afwesaiuntj. ciincted by ibo twin to am] Gciuf tin Mate or New Jersey, Thu

vlioro, imdor tlio pruvisiuuH of auy laile, noiicOi! of riliiii; roports ol nnflrtfi

lieiiofltn and at hvartuu ohteciiuuIberelu are reqiured tu be pivon, thd said nutlceu HimII elu.irly mate tlio character or tliu wi

fur wlneb Hiieh HBBe»sineiiaul and a deitcrlptlun of tb<

Ihb uaiaii* ojf tiu owners of tho IBJIIIB[I nnd Ibo mnp aud ittcct nuinbent shall me rt'tjuirud to be puUlinlied, and two or moreBwsDiuentu muy bo included in cuo notice;rorided, lioivover. tlmt in caaes of i

dent properly ownurB tvliono nroi-orty Led. ncujiy el nald nulico ebail bo mailed Iibum poRlSRu prepaid, at least five dava ptlo;o Ilm contirmaUun of any imsfifiimei.t f liereoii

If Hticli non-resilient property owner rliall liavBled in lliu (.ilL-c nf tfx, ,'jty clc-rk at any Mm'-'"•• ,to MICU MitesumtMit his name and pua

uldrotu. 'Lnd bu it ennclod, That all notices of aaisiit liuretofuro pub I is lied in cunfunnll

with tlw prorleliua ol cite pwnons »eotiovn nnet. Biflco tlio Qrat day of January, clubhundrod and suvauty-flii, aro ltercuy de>

&nd tbatthix icl'nliijlnn-d tobo nuiiiuiuiii.. alakt) eiTecr immediately.

Appi-uvod April 18,1870.

CIMrTEfl XCYII.tiupplemetit tn an net entitled "An Actcuruiug Judgments," approvoi) Marcu t'ty-BQvuuth, dj-bttun lnmdrcd ami scvonty.four.1. Ho It enacted Ly ttio Bonato and General

Assembly or tho Btato of Now Jorsej-. That inviy Mctha brought or io bo bron^bt ju iho MJ-

court or Bny circuit court or court ofn OIOSB iiithbi sUto, irUereln JudqnienlLVU becu ur may hereafter bo re cover DIttvoortnoro dcfeDdints thereto, am

tho party in whoso ravoraald Judgment is runtkred uhall liavo received uifiiifaetiiH, thcrcbfrom any (lefondeDtordefondautsloBi than thowholor.umlHrofderoudautB,ltBball and mayIHI lawful for tho person BO receiving Bat' 'lion, either by himsolf or bin attorney, toin BCkiiuwlcdgniBnt or istieractlon ta l<leftiidaut or defendants Iruin whom Hat

iu thereof sbnll have been roccned; uponu record of gild judgment, or lu caso tbeJgincnt filiali not liavoVep made up ami ro-rduu, tbciiBuvb nillBfiction may be enteredtbe mlnuliii) of Iho court wbero such judg-

iteut cball Invo been rendered, and BUCU BCE-iwlodgnient of aatjbfaetion, whoti BO entered,tall not oporato ana rcleaia or diuchargo orlid Judamont ai to any defendant lhblo tbcrc..i primarily lo or boaally will] Ibo tloiVwIiinl

iirdofondaiiUaHtowliumnucliaclinoffludeniotitat BallHfaotlDu ihall bava boun enlareit, billmay bo B en I sued to BUCII defendant or delcnd-unto as bavo natuflud thu sitnc, and lio or theyRhallliavo full control of said iudfiiuout, andmay IBBUD ticcHtioti thereon njtaltul r ' 'cndint or defendants BB lo wliom ttiicen no satiafactioii oukrea tbo Bumhero had been nn pnymant vhatevLr. uuu n»itisfaction had been entered; provided, thatieli dofondant or (lofnmlanti ilmll only rncov-- OD nucb execution tboproporllonil sliaro i>fji.lJndRmciit fur ivliicbfbo dofiiiidiiiln no tohorn BUCII HatlBlactlou has not been entered

' "led Im '

it for which it nbainBsuoBbnli have beeLoilby ajiidgoof tlio court ont or wbicb sai:ccuilou nball to leuiitJ, npon application <

2. Ami bo it cnictea, That this act shalttakirfuct imtiifcJlatcly.Approved April 13,1BT0.

CHAPTER GSXXYI1I,n Act loprortie nays and wotm la delay the

I. Do It enacted by Tho UPDO to and QcneralBuombly or tbs State ut Hour Jcmcy, Tlmticm BIIB.I1 ba aiicHecd, levied and coliecled

bo real and person*I property ID tills Btato,...xhiblied by tho abeiracla ufratablea from the- Ye m] counties, mtJeoutby tbOBOvora) bonrila

ajteaaaia.for tho year-onu tlioutand cloutinilrcd and ioventr-fivo, and filed lu the ufficotho comptroller of the treasury, a ntate taxono and oiie-l.»lf mills on each dollar of tho

,luations contained in tliu said abstrncti! andjoprocecdfloflho injd tux aro hereby appro-

prlatod and thill bo applied as follows, to u l l :llicw EiiaK lio pM to the cooim.Ba.nnora o'lUc•inking fund ouo hundred thousand dollars, ti

that porllouof tho principal foiling duo u_ . first day of January, otiu tliounud OIRII.

hundred and B.cvei.ty.Eovau, of a loan autt.on-zod by io Ret cutilltid "An act authorizing %loan for tbe pnrpoiteB nf war," vtcetora, ap-proved Nay iuiili), two Ihuvanndoight bujidroi)ami mity-OBD, ami tbo several BupploraeuUthereto, snd llioro Bliall alxo lio paid to thtisaid

cominiaainiiors tlio r ' "~ —• jrtlouortbcli . _

j the first day ur January, ono tboaiamlIght hundred and ucvonty-icvon. anil oa thokBt day or July, cno thottaand eight litindrodinu lovonty-ievcn, BI tbelncameof Itio Blnkingundfor tbuihcn current year •liallnot tmfflcei pay, and tho roil duo of HID p rowed a of said

ix (ball be paid Into tho >Uto fund and aballbo appropriated lor and applied lo tbe purposo

uGiravlnif tho ncwumvry oinonieH ot tliolUtoi veUcii Ux and tho sums required tn lie•aiW for ennuty, dly, (ownsblpor other publicin rposeH uhall IM lovlod, agiosncd and collei" "iu tliu persona and property,and in tliomsi

I. And ho it cnaclcd, That it flhall lio thelyot tbo rc-mpiroJJor to »}>pcrljo» tho said

ix, and at tho rate aTorcMaid, among the sovo-J countioB, in proportion to tlio amount or!&l and personal estato taxable in said conn-.•a rtapectivcl?, aa ebown b y ibo abstractsBpiictlvoly an nforepaid: aud it shall bo hiiity io transmit, wllbln thirty d&ys after tbiiprovalor pasngoor thlBBct,to tho count;llcttor of ouch county a statoraoat of itiouount of said tax apportioned to said county:id tho sail] count; collector shall Uy Bulclitciuout before tho atiBcpaora of tbo towuBhipt;d wards vrltbln his couuty, at Ilieir ociteotlng,-to apportion tbo toirnsliip taxes; ando sild BMOBinn shnll tliereupuu proceed .toKOS« sild tax sccordng to hw.3. Andbo U enacted, That It xhall bo tbe

uty Df the camptrollur io furnish to thu col-ictoriof tlioiuveml counllon, print ml funma nliioblbo hnarda ot aafCBSora Bliall makoicir returns or tlio amount of ratabicB of their

iccllvo counties, upon which forms I hero^JIIH) printed tho oatb which tho assossorse required by b v to take, and no abstract ofio amount ot ritables sball lio deonjod lo have

won made nacordinn to law unleaa said-oalhihall liavd been takeu by each member of tliojoard of aBsoBBitra; and no assessor Bliall boDtitled to receive compensation for his irrTiy nntll ho uhall (.avo talen and Bubscrlhed tbi,UI oatli BH herein provided.

comptroller _. _.tliev ar^ hereby authorised to tJierono ot or

uugentiy Boouritiog now in tha Btate rand,hcnnTurit miybo Ia their judgment, or lo

• •** imdiotit[fioli *

Q It cnactod. That Ibo eovemor,and troifluror ot this t tau be and

nnTurit may ha Io their judgment, ojudgment of a majority of them, expeditvciiitury io Aa so in arato to meet, lfio I

d th t d thnn.ands upon tho troainry, and tho proceedg- n ? Bocuritios so dfspoaed of or pleaded ahallipplicd to the pofpoao of paying approprm-s mails by the icglHUlnre, and To defraying

o othernoceiBary and Unlnl.state expend.-

5. And ho It enacted, That all act or parts ofsta luconatatcnt nill, this act bo nnd tbo tame

hereby repealed, nad that this act shall tako_it iromed lately.

Approved April ^,1870.

CHAPTEft CXLIII.furthor Sttpplcmoht to an act cntidei! "Anact cdiiceriilnB «inior«lloiiB" (roviulou), ap-preved April Bovcntn, eighteen nnndred andnovontj-uve, autliQrlztng oiteniionor corpor-ato cxtilcnce.l . Du It enacted by the Senato and GeneralBseuihly of tho Stkto of New Jersoy, ThatBJJ«|} halHtlul Tor toy eorpoTttion hontoJcrn

r hereafter created under or by vFrtao of anyiw of tbla Btate al any timo boforo ibo etptra-nnolitu charter, or of tbo period named in

ucrtiUcato or organiffltion, to file in thoice of ihOBQcrolaryofilatoaedrtiflcatOtindtfrcommon ical, aticnteu by tbo Bleoaturo ofpresiding offlcet1, declaring ita desiro tbat

J period of ilBCiiBtonco atiBuch corporationill bo extended for any time therein monllr-, lint exceeding fifty years. 'J. And bo it enacted; That upon' milling aline; auch certificate,. th« period ot tho oi•neu of moli corporation ahall bb oi tendedpcluod In such oartiflcita ,ai folly. »B If Hieid period litil teon named fa tbe originalarler or certificate- of organualion of auch

irporaliun.3. And hu It enacted, That nothing bortin

timed xbill ba conslraoil to tntorforo withright of tbo stitoor KeW Jsrtey reBoned by

, l.w IIIIIT or bcrciflor etiating tb acquireIO p.r:,'wr(i-and /ranpliiioi of *ny focli corpo-.tloa.or at IBT llrno to nbollih r»r rep«al,»lter

tnentl tbo charter of tb.8 same, nor snull. . act bo comtrood to contiuna any irrcpeal-

ibie or other contract with the aUlo conlalned*ny ubarUr bcyoud tlio time originally Aicd

r IIB oxplrallon.0. And bo It enacted, That this act shall UVi

Tect immwliatoly.Approved April 21,1875. . .

Supplement to Ihn BCt entitled "An act toruetiMlo olpctionN,"approved April oightecntliclgbtoon hundred ami eevcatyeU.1. Bo It enacted by iheSonato and jtaneraj

RhalTb/lavfnl for tlio mayor and'commoncouncil or board of aidi'rniro cr tue Bovcrai

' and borunctiB, and llrt) towmhip commit-r"ho i m r f l t o'wnsblps or ihla atlite, wberocifou>]jill haw beoa held prior to tho

first iluy nf Niivcnitjcr, eighteen hundred andncvi'iily-Hix, feir lurmiiurHuf election tioartlu asprovided fur in tin.' art lu which thia is a sup-irlemeul, hfvrratlv u nppuiut twti iuNpccturKmill nue jmlgtuftlccttiin for each ofthotonn-H1II[IK, wenlH, ck'cti.m dlstrictu ur procincls--' .ruBUfb cieclinti Kliail nut have bucn held

j fore said, nlio thai) be reiiiJeiitBOftho towii-thhiH, Ktida at- election tHitrktuav itrccitictn innlncb they are snpuiutnii, and wiio flliallsurvo

itii thdr Kucceuxui'H nru ck-ctcil or appointediderHtoactto wbicb this in a Hupjilcineiit;

...e paid InspeetorBBliall nuthflong tn theBBUiupolitical parly.

Approved April 21, 187C.

CHAPTER CXLVt\ .Sujiplumuiil lu tlio act entitled "An act co;i-

ccrniiiK ei.rporatiium," (revision) oppnivedApril cuvculh, eighteen litinJreil and uevutily

1.'licit eniictudhv tlie Butuio ami Gonnrali»*fjul,lvuf Hie Ntato of Neu Jcrttuv, Tl:*t itbbntl not hj ncceesaivhercartcr for moro tliana majority i>r tho UiiGul.irs of ntiy plank roadcompany hereto faro or larcalUr orgaolzod- l J c r Ilio net to nliich thin lx a nupplour-' —

Appmveil April'31, 1870.

CIIAPITITCXLVI.An act Tor Ilm protection of blaek basa in tbo

rivers of New Jorwny.1. lie it enacted by tbo Senilo and QenoralliBombTy of tlm Slate of New Jcnoy, Thai fur

jo bettor protcctiun ur black l isa In tho riversnf tbo uUle of Ktw Jcrtey JuriiiR tbeir upavvn-

1-jon, that it Khali not be lawful for any1 or (lursotis to calcli or tako from BaldLy net or ueine, nr bsvo In poHBCision, or> for nalo eny black bmu during thoit ot April, Hay or Juno ct each year,

milcr a pcnubiy (if liro dollars Tor each andsvery bass to taken or exposed for talo.

2. And bu it ctiafttr.il, That a n ; fishermanho, in fishing for ihad during tho months ofpnl, Muy and Jtiuo in any or tho rivers of tbo

itale, may Inadvertently catcb any black bassJV not (ir Duiim, Nbnll nut \>n subject to tlm ]»>n.ilticaproscribed by tbls act : [irovidod, theyluru lulo tbo rivers again any bhek 1JBB> BOtakon sad cauglit by net or Heine.

3. AnJ be it t-naiUod, 111 at it nhB.lt bo thtiiutv of tbo fish wanleni of tha sovural counties

of tlilB atato to enfureo the proviBlons ot tbia

4] And be It cnaclcd, Tlint all act* or imrtsTacts ineonniBtcct nitli tuiu act,bo and thoinio ato hereby repealed.5. Aud he it cnadud, Thitt this act shall take

Juct Immediately.Approved April 21,167C.

CIIATTERCXLTni.n net locnabieGrnngcsof thoortlcrof 1'alroni

of HuabanJrj to incorporate.

IUI|IUU4| bkBim.J , aa.lflLI.Lk BJI •IB.'U4U|U|11U, U | ljUUirrlcr of natrx/DS of husbandry, which is oricroafior may or abill bo duly fnstitutod aud

uhartercd according to the constitution of thonational gmngo or tbo order of patronn of tun-

dry, and aball bo desirous of having thooQteniiia act.H Bliall and may bo hWaltbo memben of sued graiigo. a t tny regular'ting thereof, held in acooriianco with thojtilution of tuo national graugo aforOBaid.iu conformity io ita own conBtltutlon and

.ana, and in piirisunncn of notico given auditorod on tho minutes of such grango of BUch

ilwl aclion.at a previous regular meBline,...jet tbreo trUBlecs; a cerlillcato or wliiol)

lection sball ho inn do and Bubscnbod by thananlor, overseer nnd secretary of such grange,inder tlioir hand a ami seal, n tiling therein tha

no and placo cf Rush el net Ion, tbo regularityorcnf, tlio naoipg (,f iho truslecs. and theuno and number of said gnnge, whlob cortiB-to nil all bo acknowledged or ti coved and re-rdod, ft« other ecrUQcatos of incorporationo by law required to bo reeorilati, la tho oBicortbocleikof tbo county wherein such tnoet-ig uli all liavo been held, and *flor boins BO re-inled uball bo fllcd in the ofllco of the uccre-iryufaUta; p.orldml alivayu, thai the corll-:ato IBBUIOB lrom tbo elato grange of New)i-noy, iball bo recordod in tlio cllleo or tliolerk of Mercer county; tlio Bald certificate orcopy thereof, duly certified by said clerk orttretary, aball UQ evidence iu all courts andlacci for and against any such Rraago.1. And bo it enacted, That Bald trustees andair aw elates anil successors In udico, shallconstituted and declared a body corporato

d politic, la fact and In lav, mind shall bonown by Ihelt- nmio and number of eaiil

'*, ffllli pOTver to have a conimnn seal, and.. . . and change tlio iamo at pleasure, and

1th full power and autlioritr to BUO and ba1, lopuroliase, accept nod reculro bygltt,

_Jt, bequest, doviio or ollierwlgo, and to Dolt!'uch real aul personal nstatoas ahall bo deemedicveastry, ana to improre, cbnngs nnd fillerhO'BDtna for tho purpoicB of «ald corporatiou.ndlhoiamoor miy part thereof; to BOII andoovoy by deed or mortcago, loaso or otlicrwinoflpoBooflt, or any part thereof, undor thodi-etioo flt Bach crauk'o. %

3. And ho it cuacted, Tbat tha capital itock.if tlio said corporation shall not exceed thumm of twoaty-nvo thousantl dollars, In tbo casa

tho Btato prance, nor. tha sum of tncntT3UBand dollara, lu tlio caao of a potnona,jnty, district or subordinate ennge , wblch

ifd capital stock, or any part tliercor; may Jiovliled Into gharuB nr such acaqnntB, nnd tram-rablo in such nianaer and upon inch comli-

Olid, as sncli corporatfon hy iii b/-.'aiT» shall

4. And bo It enacted, TliBt said corporationill ham power to maleo and adopt by-laws1 regnUtiona Tur tho oloclloa of omcen, andprcscrlco thoir duties, and for tlio gonerSlnagoiuutiL oflU utTttlre, and from limo to

mo may alter nnj rononl tlio KBUJO,5. And bo it on&ctcd, Thut thin act uhall bo

deemed a publla act and tako aflact immdiately.Approval April SI, 1BTG.

.A(!t(OCL._ ._ ...rating /arm IBUIIB Vporatcd cities.1- Bfiitocacted by iho Sonata and GeneralSBomblyot Iho State of Now Jcrsoy, That all,rmi and tracts of farm lands containing five;rosormoro In ono endoBtro within tho Haiti' tho Incorporated cltlca of this atatq, tbativo EIIICO tuo Incorporalion of aald cities, res-

icclfvely, been and still are naod for farrainc orn&rkot pardoning pitrpoeca and not o(horwlee,nd that bavo not been iuid out in city Iota by

or oivncm thereof, and on which thoiwner or owners havo not laid out or graded

it, thai! for the purpoies of taxation bo. . J atd assessed at ibolrtruo TBIDO by tbo

a nndnotoibenrtso; prorided, Hint Ibis sotapply to nny incorporated city containing

nd inhamtantB acoordins to ibo.isua.

3. And bo it ensctod..That all acti and partiFacts incosBiitont with tbii act, bo and theimo arc ho re by repealed.8. And he It enacted. This net all all take

itllatoly. . :"-"21,1870.

CUAPTIsiToSLIXact for tho bailor preservation of tbo peaco

upon the promises or camp mooting asaucla-

llu It enacted by the Sonata and Generaliscmbly or the tjtato or No<v Jorser, Thai it

II be lawful for ibo govcradr, on iho appll-an ID writing of tho boardortrastoesof anyip meeting association duly incorporated

Jor tlio lawn or tli is state, or any other in-•rtioraled aasoclallon for tbo roatn'tonenco ofubjje vtarstip, la the open ifr. (a camntitiiauio or tnoru poraonB whom such trustees sball

loilgnato and request, not exceeding six inlumber, as pcaca officers, for tho pnrpose of;eeping ordur oa tbo camp grounds end promi-es or aucli Incorporated asaociatlon vtoresald,rhith ofllcew eball have, when on dtitT, tho

>r, aulbonty and immonitioi whichand otlior peaco oSiccn nodor Iho

iwaof tblsBtatepoBsoss and enjoy, and Bliallold their said offlcoa from year to year; they

all alao hatfl power fa enforce obcdlanca onid groundi. end. premises, to t&v rule or regu*:lon or siid trttstcsi for Ibo p'roicrratloa of

diet and pood order, and Blai to enforce alllie provisions of "An act for suppressing vfcond Immorality," and to arrest for tbo commla-ion or auy crima in nil respcti.U. And lio It cnaotad, That ono of tho said

ifficorB ao designated, shall bo specially com-nisilonod as aforesaid for oach or any one of

" -^atlonFi.fla BB to poKaess within tboin property aforesaid, all tbo poncn

idjuriidlctto-i in criminal C«»OB wkioh policeiBticcs now or hereafter may bo authorized toLGiciso within any town or city In tbia state,- fur tbo enforcement of tho act In the prcccd-.g aectlou mentioned, or ot any otlicr net

"ing to tho preservation of order.And bo it enacted, Tbat fluilipeacoofUcers

_.l ho entitled to have, for their services,acn fees as ctnstablcn and police ]UBticea aron titled to receive for lilto BCIVICCB by them per-Lirrocd.

4. And holt cnaclcd, Thatsucb peace officersicelally commitaloncd aa Bforctatd to flicreiso

•arUdictlon orpoltco justices, ai oforcBaid,havo tlio riobt io tabu racegnfutnecs fron

, jrscna brnucht boforo them, both to keepopoacf1, and lisa to appear beford tbo courtgeneral quarter actions of tho peaco of Iho

mnty wherein suck prcmUos lie, to aniwer to



countyall procly br trequireipl and diiposed of as

It enacted, That thin act shall tain

"Ap'prevc'd AprU'a'l, 1670.

CIIAPXEli CL.jt Supplement to an act outltlcd "An

BL't relntlvo to sales tif .and under a publicstatue, or by tirtno of an; judicial pruccod*ing," approved March tweutj-sevcDtb.clglBonbundrcil and mTcnly-rour.

tbo proviafoni of tho first sect ton of"nd lu tbo title of tbli act, and Ihuact


ltoa lu tlio title of tbli set, and thuof iho act amendatory tbervof, ap-il i t h ighteen uundroil and

advertisements to bproved April ninth, - .. ~icvenly-llve, require advert!icmcots to bo^ublisbod In tho county In which tha landsarc ailuato, at leait four necks lucceisively,onco a week, tiexl prvcsdlDn tbo time appoin-ted for selling tbo same, of which ODD in all bea newspaper printed and published at tliocounty scat ot tbo county In which tbe landadvertised to bo sold la a Una ted, rvbicn pro-vislonjhftvonot l&aliCBBCBbeon knaimamicomplied witli, whoreby title* of certain lands

, p M t j

THE IRON ERA.IC"1II:XJ. II. TOUT, Editor anil Prop

Saturday, July i!(,

• CAMilltlCSLt-iTiJ n : on* tliilling !

[rr":i on

tiiUniMiUt tllO liujis iluriui

* l

rii-* ul

i,kni|,l >•!>• *< I i " HiB


t Sunt!>iri.(i '-.ak.1 »iil, ni l I- 1

iiit..ni,.,:ic>i "1 lyur C-m<

ill'-' , illtilKllt ,11 u! Vllil'll..uit ,il..u! ill-- liiht i,f An^iiM.iv, -t ,,s nh» Iroin tin- lUr

, . , „ , Hi it >l,o l.iitfc,Miilii.i«illWl.iri!,>lvri,.1,. iiwui Hit- l.',il,,ir.\,i;;u

Hit-i tb tin- iuili-

-l t» 1'bilu-the |« rio.l

t i M l

Hof M.i.v. iillt-r

in J'Iiihu1flj.binl :«J ll

' fX Will St. Mi.ttin s lilt

cill.j iill

vilie7lli X.--.l in tin; iniif


ii lljc" iilatt-.ui luttly ocYorkr«-j;imfUt. The

na nf I!J»: n (,;nk iirmy

i lliirtv tI

il tli

w.u t w l y f jrco iut]c-»i iit-ing 'ho

I" hnv •.».• il-'v. They nillIIIVH unti will rotur" 1'J1 mil.

p.il Gnshf.ni, «.[ tLe l*u*\uAiiLi roiuniithimi, ut emu tiiut:

ciiiuiMiiy ami n m-jihtw uth Win.

C f C i t tlhe latentivc Cdilfi ('-•iik-nnii.l r o

ininl InurJ nl riim-uiwe il wiw n-Hchvnn visitiiif,' I IK- Exl

f t t l l

mfirciire Ciitli-u of the L'nilm-vJ.m iitnl Ilio Ci-n-- 11C1.! Lul Sit



oitGAXDiEs, LA tens,LACE WORK, P. K.,

MARSEILLES, He.a! jh .u t l ia l f l ib lv t i r 'M I-ridH.

W- S BAI3BITT-| iiuii: i.i">i'njiiiiuiiB£iiits

"if. a. iiABiurr.Jlurdil.fiv,,, .till, J7I1,. lbCT.


00!) I511OAD S i !fllAZEl), CO.VKET *i Co

SHERIFF'S SALE!kale of tuurt(*»eeU preiuiaej. \VLtrelD libeln e r MtintaKm- jk i-ou]j>l»iii»nt, aurj Julia tt'.llucliatisn Jii-ujaimii O. titunm, DiviJ MLugou, Mri. UaTid I I . Lo^»n bi* mfe, Tinflint S i t i u u i ! IJ*nk uf Murri*IUHU, TinAiu^r iun Trust Couijuuy ol Hew 3en<<*. «acCharles C.L*ihrop ure titftuilinlb. I'.vlunial .k la Uclubor Term, A. V. ltiTE.

JOS. ¥. HANDOLI'H,fiiilr.

By virtue or tlio OUOTC i la iea writ or flcrfjeuulii nix btcdk, I shall cxpt>oo fur Bali

at I 'LULIC YENDUK. at Ihe Uuil td Sial.-iIIuti-1, ia J lomstoirn, K. J . , on

MONDAY, the '28th thy <;f'AwjustA. D. lcTG, beln-ceii tbo bours of 13 M. ni "

• -luck P. SI., lliat ie to cay, nl 2 o'clock in

ict nr nxrc^l of laud BTIII rremii ' '*, IJ'LIIving aud brine in ibo tnKUbbi]) or Ittuliiirthe County of Morris mid S u i t uf Ni-w JL-r. i B . _ » I . . . / B I . I . T -

ndcd »o followi: Tlic same belnj, lilunt

d, anil >K!IIK a tract rwordL'U in tlio Hi' flico t i v r t i A U I T I b k is


IX LLAMA LACK POINTS.1 Sitld al 8<Mn> I t tJnwil to CO,


I.\ LLAMA LACK SACQITGB.*io],l B t 10.OC -'• .Itcdueed t

(*t 10 p ut,t

. l Vall u


itill II

«IR! Fancy Gri'DKciiiici ouiiide ol our job lowhich aru i.fler.a i t C, 12| sail 20 el*, per yTUb.t inv^rl i .m.i t^rnii ' ice LIGHT, DAll

L*HI 10 cti . lilctiihi'tl UuBlin in tlic wurlt

u y(if fill Midi vi,ilM

liist I.P

n I ho

y rrisiKimoiii IK; mluiitlt-

lll f lllCH.uti t'o)f.r.iiVi.stiiti>

er fsca|tuijit-Ht itrticlu o

nil 1


ill iJ'hti


.1'1,'k f!

Juv oftli"Tile 1

,:!,„• it t<wc-i-hi


ist is Ii ft. 'I


•uiorii fur

fi'lipdih|)by of Rnin, eoru ISfcHljiKti,olhrr {,T.L»-, t»!l in juvimrtinn, iv lili" fHnplnynf mijiL-mk Write, ut«., IIMIM thin one of themost if not tho nuwt intercstiny State Imild-jtiK on tlii! grounds. ]t is <|iiite ne:ir to NewJersey Hlnto bnijtliiif,'umi will woll rci>;.ynucTor tii.H lime to look it up, an on« of tliu jilacrlo bo Keen nil Hie lint visit lolLe Kihibiiini

This mouth, up to Iiiht ThtiraOny, tbo 'JUtli,V.x1 iiml soiiH! of tiin linlti-a wfiitiier llitK cilylias known nr hoard of from the nUlcut inhab-

iH In 11X1 iiKnti-frl,-uini; thii

•i tinitan,ruJr, nuvthiuK lower wiisn Krattftil e jce jAlKtullti: M. uftlmtcvt-iiiiiij tliii <-ity,Miiitlicrii part more (KiKciulIy, wiw vitiilcl byiiuevcre f,tortn of wind, thuu.l..-r ami li^bt-nini,'. friylitoiiiiiiijoimyntiilolil ; i imny JIDIIK-CH ivtre uiirwiri;.) umi t'twn broken off vr lift-ed ou t hy the rootn. Tlio amoimt of itiuiiif;iildDC ninritmtt'd to $.1,(KJO,(iO0 by wjne f-KtituittcH given in our im]H'iii l i uv . Tin- c w

t i t ddi.nothe th


t-Htiiuutid ; thot tim


riniet, muring fniin TO tu. . . . „ . . . . _ -JU Letter teiiitieratiire inliirh lo viKit the Eihibitioii. A dn.Tuw in

ik-nth nit«3or2G7 from the previous weekin Rrcut piirt lie cretlittitl In thu l>ur)jiii|'U of the Hlomt uiiil on

, July I22d, 187(1.AIAX.

VK WIBL Tu-D.vv.~Tis inatlncsM to nc^kct t,coii(;li, however Bliglit. L'oDBumpllnn way ful-lim.'nnd though Ur. Wnlar'H Da i i im or WilJChCtty baa frcqucDtly cored tlile much dreaded<iyeftne, it almost intoriably curci tho priintidiacam-H or tlio throat, lnm,'» and clwii, W ctunit ft a Iwttk-j Isrfju Lotllua mucti tbc chcagM-

[/'Vowi the Toledo Matte.]

Specialties in Medicine.• W o publieli cm our oh-lifh VSRO E Icn,.arlltlu UoHLTililiiu tliu sysiL-m ni (he noted Kpc-ciaiiot. Dr . ]t. V. Tierce, of lliilTalu, N. Y., itiwhich IID stits forth with eou*ii1er»l)lo farco t u dnloaniceH hit rcasona lor iluvating I'lB wLoleI1 mo and atU-iitiun to a sing to Oc|>itrimcui ofI11 cdIclti£^—t ho tro&t inoii t of liii[?oriiit? c}ironicdiflcafttM. Tlio same nrticlo aim ta ' i ts tip Ihonibjccln nl&\n%aa\.\st mutlioilsur coninltatioomid trcntincnt, o t c . u n d wilt \m round to enn-tain ninnv valuable liiiiU tn Iho Inrnli'l. Dr,I'iercu ia thonull i t i rofa work wliithliaa alreadyattained a lorgo circulation—"Tliu l'corile'aComiuoti SCIIHO Stc-dlcal Advintr*1- '-•'-Homo niao handrnd mi moron sly-yW*, ttii'l dovotcO t o tnetliciiio la all Hbrandies , a work well calcalatcd for tlio guid-ance aud instruction or thDpoojilo a t largo, amiwhich may \m liad for t l .56 (po*t-j.sid) V ad-druHHinR lbs - tuhor . Dr . J'icrco liag now bcflnlioJaroUiouOEoral public lonccnou^b to ti 'tlic fornmtlun or a careful cal imatcof tintiL.ney of lils Irca'raonl and Li« mt-diciiic-ii, „_tlm verdict, vo nro fihJ to ktiov*-, lisa hcciuuirc-reaJly farorablo to liotli,

T im AuxtucAit P e o r t t — No puoplo Inworld BHITLT a i mncli willi iijijwpBi'sAmcricauB, Altliongh yciru of ciiierR-nccmulinnu had failed to iccom|)li fli a certend suro roriujdy Tor tli in dineaso »ndrffeclf, such an Sour atomaeli. Hcartbuw a c i - b n u l i . Kick Ilcaihchc, CoHtivcnt.iralpltatioii uf t l ioHear t ,LiwrComplaint , com-ing up of tbo food, tow spirits, utnuml d t l '"•via., yut HIIIUO tlio introtluctiuu tif OuiAUGfirr FLOWER wo bolicvothcro iu no enDjuptpnia that caaoot bo immcdiktcly relieved,afl,u)0 (IOKCU sold last j e a r wiihout HOC canocilIvloro reported. Go to your DruKKiid, Vgnght•t Kil'Koro and got a wmplo bottle lor 10 cent*and t iy It. Ttv« duett IVIII rL-liuru Mm, Keg'n laml to 75 cents.

VEGETINEPurifies the Blood, Renovate

unil I n v l i f o r u l " " " " ' ' " I f H>itrm.



cipi t i t lusivclr from the juicca

and so ntr<n'iLplri:<fui.'(ii!lr«tui. that ft will effecluatlyira<ltL'Htulroiii tliu svttt-m ev«ry tunitHcmfule, fen bilking Humor. Tunion, Cinc<

•tiam Humor, Kryni|K.-Iia, Hall libcmilliitc DiKii&niH, Canker, Falutucss at tbilai-h] ami nil diupmuM I hut arise Ironblood. tic!»tica, Inllsmmatory and Cbi

llhfiiNiatUni, Kuural|iluiiild, cau only bethe bliMHl,

Kuuralgia, Qmmatoryaiut and Sjnnal Com*

ll ured ibroagh

Tor Ulcers ami Eruptive dineiI'tiHluIi^, P imnke , lllotclica,Hoalilbead and i[ ing worm, VEUFTf i l d l fltt t

TO PARENTS'.I t in a well-known fact that Omniu

chilJrtm dioannnally from the c i r « U of *Oi produced bv tliom, while tl iol 'ar-

jsnorat T th l Thcsaind


d (j o r a u t >T thu real caoac. Th

active and raluabla pdnt ip lo of Worm seed (,K-bicli tUQRt of lha nauseunti Vcnnlfu^J hiIwtn inailo) b Bflutooln, wblcli we lavo unc-cccded in patt ing ID such aform tbat ctiilUrciwill take Jl as roadily as other candy. I'an-ntiaro caiilinim (as they HIIOUIJ be) abont wbithi 'SBlm tliclr t h lMren ; we, tbcreloro, makuuoKocrrtof tho prctKratlon. Experience hasproved that Adults t u t o r from the Mine camand Hiany caws or Indigi-Htion, DvupepsL

World", aud can lie cnr«J by nsinv tlio NantouiiWorttt Conations, Try t ffi8

s n n i o a a or WOHJM IN CitiLDRKx-IUstlmnew B.H-1 jfrintlinK or Ilio tectb nhila as'ecjiraricil uppctild ; tuilden plunging of tbo cmintcnaiicii cspoclally Iwcominc jisllid about tin

er lip and noso; f r c r at tim d tlh

n p c a l l y Iwcoupper lip and noso; farflay, JmUbtetiemi, andnhfdi mout t t h

thertimci 'hmns tlio

ijnintoliar Jl

y, J t e t i e m ,nhfdi mout tnt>thcrn ara familiar. Jlo careialnml n^k Tor OOODALE'S SANTONIN W'nnit Contra-

• TIO.SK, »na tuko no oilier. Kohl by all Dnig-RUIH. I'rico 23 ccntn pnr box. I 'r ipirtd bv

J.ctlcis remaining unclaimedin tlic Post OlUcc at Dover, N. .1

J L ' L V 2 8 U I , 187G.

hcn ISonuoll, M B T J . Douoline,l r i d AmJlii LincolD, *

Jano A J ' nJjernanl riood.^llzaballi Oir, Jano A.Win. H. VandorhofT, II.-WelhToobtalaany of tho tboic Jctlers nay "ad

rprtined" and giro dato or thli list.A. DEE3TER, P. SI.



TntL. a t tho r c l n c o o f t l i a t r l d a .UpB."Cliainp\aa and Annie C,l of Port Ontm.

V»PEPPL,E'S STORE"M" oriniaTowN. -•" •

-;Closlnff out Mb of SD1IUER DRESSGOODS, La wni, Organ JicJ.Grotmlioei.LlannBiTfH, TarloloDi, to be fold irithoot rc«»ttl Iccoul to make room for FALL GOODS.

Uarcaini in all klndn of P i t ! (iOODS for thenci tTI l inTYDAia

>M • , xv. B. n.inntTr,

GAHFKTS .REDUCED.PESTliY and DnUSSEt CAHPETS ro-(looedrrDru»l,25pcrr»rdtoll. • -

in Cariictfi reduced. JLittliifri rodRccd,

-"'"W; S. BABBITT.

EKD23cl«. to 0 . P . IIOWELL A Co., NowyorJt, for pamphlet of 100 pages, coiiUin-

fC llalfl of. 8.000 now«paj«-r)t, nnd efltimate*bimiiiir cott ofadvcrtlaine. ' 12-ly


diBciFCBof tlieHkBoilit, Tf t

, igworm, VEUfailed lo tfltct a j iemuncnt cm

For Pains in the Iiick. Kidney Comp|iinlro])9j, J 'unato WfakDces, hmcarrltast, ari iif f« i« inUrnal ulcoratioa, and u tc r ia i .d i .iw* and Otnend DehiUty, YEOETWE »ctf

J r tc t ly upon the c iu ic t of thogo complain tn.I i iiivlKoroten and hlrtnijitjeiiB the whole I J' "~, actH npoa tho gccrctire orc*n", allay* i_._imotion, cures ulcerotiou and regnlaiea tbuwuli.

~'ur Catarrh, Dynpcpfla, l lnbitaal Costiis, Palpilation of tUi l H » r l , l l c a d . e b c , P i k

..^voufliK'Bi and Ouncral Pntatratiou of the

.Ntrvoua «Tfltem, no mediclno hm erc r pi—TII jMThTt BatufaeiinD aitheVEOETHE., -riUfct the blood, cle»nB<?B all of tliQ urgiaud poswswS a controUin!; iwwer over the

Tbo roniarkntiln tn rc i tftcaUHj by VEOETIM&VC iudart<l mauj pbjuicJAiiB and ftpothwiriirtioai Bcknow topreacribfl a n d u B o i t i n then u familki.Jn fact, VEOKHHE is tho beat remedy yet dl

UTL-rcd Tor Iho above diucaxett, and \n tho OulDiablo IJLOOD I'L'KlFIEIt yet placed beforeIL- uublic.

rr.EPAHED iiyII . I t . 8 T E V E X H , Uoa ton ,

What in VEOCTI.NE?—It is » coropounJ e i -'acted from btrk*. rodtt and burba. I t iisturc' j l teinwl) ' , I t in perfectly harmleHs from

any bad efTuct upon tho svilero. I t i l nouri ib-id atrcnfitheniDg. I t »cl« directly opooliiod. l t q u l e t i llic nurrons t j i leoa . T

givci yoa Rood, Btrcct deep t t night . I t Ii;teat nanacei lor o u t »EOJ fitliera and m o t b t n :

for it uivcg them i trcngtl i , quiets tlicir nauaj-ireii them Nature 's iivBel Bleep—Ibeen proved by m»ny »u »ged persou. I t

»iiJloodI' t iriuer. H i * isootbiBK r t— our chilJrcu. I t Latt rcliuTed and carci

thouunilH. I t in vfirr p l i ' l u n t to take ; t»crchild likes it. I t ruikvot anJ cures all dim e n originating from impure blood. T ry tin" OEIIKK. Give i t fair trial for yonr c..wints; tliFo TOO nill say lo your trh

neighbor and acquaintance, " t ry i t : it tins ct

ho compUbt i for which it I,reeonimimded, itthnTinc s larger tale thronghout thu Ucitci) Hlilci than any other one motfelon. WUjT T u r r u K M l U euro lbe»o com

PVAXUABLE INFOEHATION.Borrox, December 12lh, Is03.

OtXTLKaEN — My only oLjtut In g t t ingyon.his tLHtiinunial is lo spread Trimble Infonia-

Mivniff been bidly ifflicled with Haltand Ibo whole snrfico or my akin Uciiwith pimples »od eruption!, roanj

which caused me great pain and snnoyinctr i l knowing I t to bo a blood disease, I Uxmany of tha adTcrliKd blood prepar&tlon.amuHg which wai any quantity of Marunail l i i ,without obtaining a n ; bonc&t nnti) I com-mcncL-d takiag tbo Tco t r tHt , and bcroro I badcompleted tha first bottle I MT that I had gottho rk'lit E led i d DC. CouKqaontly, IfolIuwL-don witli i t UDtil I bad taken scrcn uottloi, t l i wI n a s proaoaaced % veil man, am] my skin I

ETISE . Tolcncf l t ttaoao afflicted with Bheimaiibm, I v,ill maka mention a l w of tbo VCRLtine's wonderfol power of curing mo of this

o complaint, of nhtcb I haro coffered t ointensely.

<!. I I . TucittB, Put. Ag't Mich. C. n . Ii.CO WsNbmcton 81. , Boston


Warren Boiler Works,I'HIIXIPSIIUJtU, IV. J.


Stacks, Heaters, BackeiB,



On Hand and for SaleOne 30-1I..P. Return Fluo Boiler.One 15.II.-P, tprlebtDoiler.One B-K.-r. Cpriifbt Iloiler.One l-ir.-P. Ilnriiontal Bollor.OuaEO-H.-P. Iietarn Tubnlsr Boiler. '





The Old Reliable Market in


J. R. BEBMERtvlng rvrauTcil liia mirktl—tlio ol.lcat in

Dover—to M B

NEW BUILDINGn SUSBEX KTI1EET, t n ' d o o n >onth or Ho

old slmil, will lurcaner /urniali cbolcoMEATS AND VEGETABLES,

(CHEAPEn TH4S EVEn.)Jff . irornm, IJMD,OilK, VEIL, BiOTEl

CINCINNATIrliiS" '°.. lh0 "»*"t Wo n.ko « ipecMlTf Mil eg • a m n i m,u, «M Uinlbn »ooiBtltiHorUiBbul. AlltinasofVHGOTABIiHB,

cploii b u a a h

is, Y « l Sldm and Bhecp Hkins, b o i c h t>-!»>• Cptlomcrs KntiplJMl by wacon

Ii a n day a and Katuritava,

pond, ..„ -ir's cfllco ai jv r t i i Auibuy In um-on [ u p i

...., uJjoimng the nei-ouJ Jii,f c,r iln, Iy,Kaotract imiludiui,' 1'ilm-y nioaddir. besinning at aLlark nsh iitmiip in tliu Eceoml lino nnd on Bftmrett HOIItli ihiny-tWL- d ^ r e e s nnd i x s t din-taut fivo chains and fjfl*' liukii froin Mic Gr.condcomer of tbc n i J Lo^an tract, and distant onechain onacourBf.fioiUhUftf-tm'dcKreeMhirt.Vminutes Wf«t from (hi- largetl rock in IIJuurliiid near lliu oulU't ttl Laid tDeadon* t lbi-ncmuiiing (1) wiuib thirty-iwo dtgr ten wt,ttreutv-tiicht chains and llfty links ; thence (2south" tUi.vi.-iKbt (li'crfL-i o i l tuu chains anfifty-tlrco l i u t» ; tltenco (3) flortb fbirly-lwcdiLTi'iH ffli-t tneuty- i icht chi ins snd flfi)link*; Ib tu i* (4) njrthfif lr- t ight degree* irciltou fhaiua auil Uflj-thrui tinkw t o " 1 " ' — -bi-KintiinK, cunlaiii'iof- tliirly utrcirenTviuK out uf tbu tame honuiToners, Junior, alt tbu mined, n




DOVEIt, K. J.,



nil liii. riiciiiLH ut:d tliii i Li

al publiclie bat. Iabnn.Un

t l

with th« liririll/go'oi (iis'rtia amcver the said John I'uiura, Jr.

portn bn Lois r a B i t l 'itiyoihiT „

. Jl'cir^in'btuw l'r°«cT5r blid ^tua't'/t'."'tun:n.bipnf Jtoihury, cuuntv aod tttatu afoaiid, and Iviu t adjoining to the anorcdcBcril- -act and bounded as f.iTloi "

jp (jf°whot j tVlIed M u d " W - . _thence (I) north fourteen di'gri'us vicliaiua; th'-ucc (2) north ttn dejjrcnB -_-. ..clmiliK; Ihwicft (3) nnrlh iiinCil«'Hniej;n'e« L-si-Ten chains und icvenlf-.HL-veu linaa; thei[4) uurtliflliy-one deqrptB wt-it tiifirt tin.ind thirty.clj;lit Imku; thencu (S) noi'lh flflv->!i;lit ileiirccs iroil tiroli-,i ehiins and lit'links : thence (G) north titty-four degrees iro.Iwo chains and eigiily linliii; tht'iico (7) uort

nurth ih'Tun IU^TPIS trtst Keren' rhiln's tiJah.on D. Canflcld's line; IIICRCC (9) noil

fonr ctaiiiB and iiincLy-foiir l ints; thence (IU-rth tiilj-ltinu dtkieea tail three ul.amt miirty-fotir links) thenuo (11) north ufiy-niurftcamid Dliein minute* cast thmccbaii:id Cfiy llnl:H ; tliencc fi"-') north thirty-thicogreen and rnrty-fito minutue ODHI tiroelinicet-nee (13) north Gfty-thrco degree* and fort'uTnlnuteS east four chains aud Bi'Vuntv-fou

. ilia; thence (U) nor Hi thirlj-nvodcsixei anfortj-flYe iiiinntoii KPI>I right thai tin nnd liftlinks; thuiicu {15) north ii fly-flic degrcea weten chains to mo marked cheituat iprouiicar tho edge of tho gr«at pnnd ; thoncc (1Clorlh thlrty-fevfn decrees ram to • rock h>

of the aforesaid pond being a corneiipon by Henry Milliard and Caleb Dietid ion; thenco (IT) sou tli tUtr-scrm

def-rt-ei eaiit forty-firo chijim and lirty linLa Iia stone heap on Ilio cant hank of the outlet o:

•y nieiiiow ueur a large rnch ; Ilienco (Ifl;

Loronty-tlvo linki to ths ipniDiiInc eorn<uiiiog one hundred and clclil oorui of Imio same more orlotu, being the same Irscj

t h s i d o ragreed ti[>


John \Ylanan by Elisha C. Jonc i . '

PIERSON' A. Fi lEEMAS, Bhrriff.Dated June 19lh, 1H7G. [flH.I



MEN'S FURNISHERS;oox naojiD St..


$7.00 SILK HATS at $8.60,IG ilo. M 13.H1,15 <!r>. a t J1.S0. MES and BOYI

Soft, Stiff and Straw HATS.

at tliu Mum libtTftl IIUIJI uf d i u o a n l .



SHTETS and HATS to order.A arimLTT. IVecall iipuia


iadu i'<{asl to BOJ coslom uLEtt. Bt tlio 1(price of !!.:& L'BCIJ. or I7.2S per liBlriloz. hoi

iniplcs, r m m p t nttcollon to onlvm.



B. Stontenberg & Co,, Clothiers,S. A. MEIUllTT.'


E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,alUIElUL HEK Jt5D LITE

Insurance Agents,Office, Old lion Bank Building,

Morristown, N. J.EDITH Hoss, Oto. II. How, STUIIEX QUCKBI

A. J COE, Collector,DOVER', N. J.


American Hntual IDS. OO., of FewarkN.I. , Ai icuoer $1,00.000

irobanta* Mutual Ins. Co., of Rew&rkH. J., Awouovtr 600,000

'irenen'ti UntHa] IDI. GO-, of Hewark,N.J., Anils over 500,000

lennanla Uutual Ins. Go., of BewarkK.J,, Capital, 100,000

!tna Infiaratioe Oompaa , of Hartford,Oonn., Mt'M, . 6,000,000

intinental Imaranco OompAny, of HewDtlc. Capital, 1,033,00)

stnal BeneCt Ufa Ins, Go., ofllimark.N.J.. Asseti, 6,000.000

HARDWARE!ncoQiplcto nUxkot

lUILDEBS' H A n u W A K E ,

Moohonios* and Fanner's Tools,





Blauk Kef a nml Ke B FittedAT

S. K BERRY'S,Ihckwell St, near Morris,

D O V E R , N. J-Durcr, August Mlb, 1873,

ADJOUBNED SHEHtIT '8 SALE 1Chancery of Now J c n e j - F i . f». For I&IQ ornorigncea prcmlsea. V l W l n I M 'J l» lUkbcr II. Tiitrp, d l lTtiarp, dcc»Bctl.Iroala I*na and

Cancery of Now J c n e j F i . f». For Irnorigncea prcmlsea. VlWln IM 'Jl»rp aniUkbcr II. Tiitrp, Admlnlilratori of I'nltyO.Tt d l l l l t , anil TL

ropunyla Irnn<Unli. Jkioro^blo to OatoUir Tetm

187S. Noannonu A BUITII, BOI'H..„-i tab on twlwlf of Ibo aboTH-namttt n*r-

. tici, ti adjourned toUko pUco at tbo Man--x Hoosa Hotel, In Xlorriitown, N. J,, on

MONDAY, AUGUST 21st,D. 18TC. l>filween tho haute or 13 M. *nd 5

JESSE H0FFMAS, Lalo BHtriff.a ( l J 3 G t l 1 8 7 C

A CUMOSm:-* ten Jr iUr bill at m o BI

I Btrcct, Heir York. 2anln


OYSTERSrvL-d ill t-Ttry xivlc, nud eulti l iyl l iolmndi

or Ihuu taud . ' Tlie dioicet t brands of

FOREIGN and DOMESTIC SEQAKS,may OIHUVH be found ai mv place, as well

UlNEltAL WATEItS, CONFECTIONERY, (II'articn, Bills, lVNtivalu, ul'c, supplied wi

3vik-re, Cream, Conf'.-rlinfcrr BOII oilii-r d t•nck-H, umt hiipiicrsat n-ducoil ruICH fnnii>.hiit ihi.- Jk'staumiit.

ESPEOIAIi NOTICE!HavliiL' litt-ii oppoiiilnl .SOLK AOEST to

.hiavicinity for


b of ICE CIIEAIInnnn, and irill ^naiaii^-eil frftJoin (tarn auiuiynnc

, I etiall mnko tin



s. TS.



l,n host KL-I- or ARTIFICIAL TEETH, wilrniiliiKiimB GUMS and TOLSOJl-S TAT-

EST n iDOi ; illaclioil tor


l>,-r»ru In llic lililurv of this city could n


S. R. OSMUN, Dentist,


OFFICE ON THE PAHK.. Pcbrn i ry l l l l i , 187C.











-&.T COST! -




m i l B miUcrilwr, luvlnB dotcrmlncd to cloatA nut till entire stock of Furniture, offwri 11 f«r» l c , AT COST,on md alter tLia dale, aiilil tbowbolp Block U sold. Tbii is not iatondiMl lo

enslomt'm and tbeu fell »t old ptiect, tintcnulno offer, tbo anbscrllMir Inlondins toi from tlie ruruitnro business and r 'another enterprise.

o .C'lIKSTEll, ?J. J .

tnSTDERTAKING.Eodici presorrcil with or wf tliout ice, ami »1!

tliomutrrialBofthoLiiainoHH furnUlict] »t tbnlUorlem to t lce . Being poanejied or all tiinuodern apjiIianccH pertaining to tba ttado, nndlayinBooniUIorapIeeipcrienCf.Ifcclcoiilldcno pcrfona i ts dut ici satiifactorlly and foiaonibly toward tlitwo nho rvqnlrc iiuclf ncrvicea.




DOVER, M. J.u-iKorAcriTiic^a o r


TANKS and 0EE BUCKETS,conetautly on liaml.

REPAlIlINa PROIIPTLY ATTENDED TO.ifer lo Slorris Count; Machlan &. Iron Ci.


BOOT and SHOE STORECo tho lariio flue attiro TWO DOOIU AMOVEIS OLD BTAND. (Utoly occaplcil by J. W.

Thompgon) olid ouo door from Molrortl, Son A.'fl clothing fltororwhnro ]io will ha plcanod tui all hiB old cnBtoracM anil many uow ODM.

SOLE AGEST Df l l o n m a T O W N

FOU T H E SALE O F E . C . l T O n T ' S


iustom Work and JobbingritOMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

G-eo. W. DRAKE.

H JL. X^ 3XT 33 S &



X) 0 V E I-!, JST. J.A larfie ana well u cite ted t to .k of


- HORSE CLOTHINGcm, Curry Comlm. nrmilicn, Hors

IIoutR, ut nil difccriptuing Ixilli fur ruad nmtrack, All kiudeuf lieavv "" " " "H..H .t_a..^.1.i j * . . t r . i.

pfl Uil«, Door Oi, liku till rteo \htlall iu prico nml u

A fine variclv or »armeul^, Tlic a W u KmtiincH, havu timl •> licat

OctnbcrSlul, mi.

A L L E N &





bull. pnrtaUo umi l.rl.h w t . WJ2 ALSO MAKI


A HPECIAI-TV, (.lid tnijilnj only practifur iliisbrniiclMirtlit trade.

i-UNtl, UUTTKKS, fcc,

Wood and Iron Fnmp3 and Pip


DEAINT TILE, nil rizw.

Fltl iug^ (if all k'udu for DIHVES WELUS

Our ma tv yrarB esperieiwo in tho nbovu Iraitimblfa UH lo nssert nltl i conildtnco fnr uhltilto do any and all work ID Ibis Imo of trailnthe cnl i ie wtfefjctioD of llic cniiiluycr.

ALL "WORK aUARANTEED.fiiHsfiotorj Tchrcac?. K ivtu nheu rcjulre '


1876. 1876


Merchant Tailor,MORRtSTOAVN, S. J . ,

rr ii wll It a fircnt deal or ptcntmru tlmtannounco to my filiiddi aud uuiucrou


QUARTER OP A CENTURY,I IiflTe been able to mfuislcr to tbnir tvanti Intlic liao of CLO'lilINU wiili n in all jiroflt bul; tea t pk-nsuro to royielf, sndwl tb increasincutiafactioa to t l icm; and that ] am now nrn[tared with B full I inu or NEW GOOCH to a\vitlicm better BAltOAISH Ilian cvur before.

QOOIIJ nrocheaper now t l an tlmy liavL'ror v(!trH,anil yon hnvoonlv to Bloii >nandi look at mjFIN'B CLOTHS and 1IANDU<J i t i t l l l E i a i J (u mbko you target all ah on

HARD TIMES.The HPIUS'O 8TVLKS karo t t l a t n n i

happy medium for Icnethit aud mzo tliat i....need lit nit a to about orifcriiiff jtanntulii Tuariu?tbc* wlK lie o a t of tosljlon m a reiv munlllH,

For duablobrci i te i l I'rock fain, tlio Fruiicand English diagoaAl wo in led aru Iliu iiiu

BUSINESS SUITSall s l u e of PLAIDS and CHECKS aro In vogu

SPRING OVERCOATSire cot lonft, and niaJo or Black anil Oxford

mlacu dlijonals. Tlio

CUTTING DEPARTIWENTitillc-onlinneg ninlcrmrownpEHBONAi.cn,inJ linill bomytitmostonduvormtliofiitu.c

fniiro Ktliiraction, boili in ?l!e?tUmi ind mak-tiKortbdrginiiciits. KlIirrHniadatoor

i d s * fall lino or OEKTR' SDII.M8HGOODHon hand. A U a CM>I3 liaortnici11EADY-AIADE CLOTH 1 NO Ttry cboiip


rrlttown, April 1*1, 1H70. 19-tr








Hover, N. J.

'rders for Sawing and Planing

prompU.T Mounted.

FOItCoughs, Colds, Hoarseness,

And All TlBront DlBcaBc!),


A TRIED AMD SDEE ItEJIEBY.For salo by DruKEiatl generally, and

JollMRtOM, 1IOUAKTAT * UO., Tllll., Ta .



'HINTED ami DELIVEllED. Thli paiwr wigglit for cash a t I'aulu IViccu und !• oITtirciliper thnn it can lia liad In Non Vorli. Eng-

ili Qntiiito Mot Paper la tlio finest, moatl l f l l l








Unilors iu



S'TI.V [>>' UAM) TMounts




mrkct. For ttlu Hi tho] n


:ilOCKEKY, Tin, Wooden andWillow Ware.

Groceries and Proviisioii^.

•,IIK>V Gtoevnvn, Camie.l nontid, DAcdFruitf.,Tt'SH, Cofll-c-K, hiiKais, Hjiicea mid e t e o -

tliJDj; iii tho ( l i o m v lilit?.

P L O U l t A N D 1?JEKJL).


HARDWAKE:Iron, .Slfd mid Slininc Matmuls or nil tfiidx.

'iiwilcr and 1'uflf, Hit-tni and Oa^ l'ipo umifit t ln^x, Cu t KVIIH, l lni lckra 'Hardware, lllnck-Bniijlis.mid Cariieniera' Tools, Stmin I'aL-kiiiBuf all kinlx.

Boitigjartto^jliojmile Utytn, wr iue Dnal.1td


i)OY121t, X. J.Jloir l* County Buirugii t t ' j tiir.ee.

MAY 23J, IS71itlie nut Itsr or William H. Allen, Ailmiuihtra-trr of Maurice Allen, ilntt'mieil, Surrouatu'iijJrdcr to Limit Creditarii.

/~\S nppliuotioii uf tbo iiboro-named Adinln-J iKtratoritlsordorcilby llmSurrorito Umi

haidAtluluUtnlurRln-pnblio uirtlra to tlioTtiHlom uf tlio CHtato ofuniihleci'dent tiil)rinL'ii Ilicir il<'bttt, (ScminilHSiid cluimn BL-I'IOHI (lielaiin?. tinder until, witliin niou inoiitlm fr-nntbisitiite, by Mjlting tip a c'ojiy of thin '•"''•••witlim twenty da.vg liercarttr, in " mUr,

f tlioBB ALILIIl 1 TI V I I fa » faltt I B g l L H i l l LI! | , JIJ 1] V U (11 I IU

moat pu l l l c ])!nec-H in tliu Comiiv orMoii-In furUvuiiionllifl, niid OIBO nitliin thu BaTd tnciil;


h BaTd tntmiyamolu tlm IKOS Kit*

ril i laSlalo, r.ir tbi; namea t J t l f

- I t . " 1 • r»."> V.UIJI 'V.1BII.A BIIU niBlll | r L [ |UU UJ IJI9IUlUoliltiB, jiublia nolleo btin~ ^iv,-n m nfureauld,Ructicreillturnliall IID forever debarred of lila>r her action tl.prefur ujjtlnut tho Mid Ailiiriu-i tn to r . A tnio craty fmtn tlioiaimilefl,2W01T R E . W I L L I S , 3arroK B le .

Glass IVar

Wood & "Willow War


Iron and Steel.

nsPjpc nnd. Filiiii^Sj



Powder . Fnso and Minii

Materials constniitly on


Cor. Dlacltwoll and Morris Slreo



iivliii-o n m Unit y.mAVir ltuul:

, l a a U m l Wiookinuw in and wDBiitvcr luiii-iK'wmpli'tc In t-vciri'Kpi'Ct limn at prcKuut. En'i.v ilcairuUlc BlveriadiL-ir*. «uiitB', HiitiWB'. yontli'fl nnd elilldicn

.•oimtaiillV^u'linnil" l l l ' c ! HUJlV's^'liotB 7ciKiftadiiiilviitO. W. UHAtWH Clican ]!n

" Mli'« Htoip. nuai 'OM IVOIII. mid Jolibl" ' j i l i tor f rmnHuKi


^ ' •WATCHES.WAITIIAM. ELGIK A. HOWARD WATCHES.Trices rcdnccil twenty tol l i i r ty ncrconl . Newcatotnguo witli vrice» o n 144 Amu-lcai. Wotcli.M . a ' t o liTim. H o w t o Q D t a Wnlch mitlioiiimiiuy tuadvunto . Oall or wrltu rurnoivprii[Ut. J N . H . WHITIS, Ho. 411 Kroa.l »trco





BEDUCED PKI0E8 for 1870.

. LINDSLEY & SON, Agents,

J. T. BETTTLEYnow e n o e c d i n cflnvasilnff I)nvcr andodldcent towns fur tho NEW 1LLUSTHATED

flTII BBFEnKNCEd, printea Trom an entirelyew BM of olcctrotyna plates, coo [ainiui? over00 pawn muro or tlio teit tlun an? nrilinaryluorloJJiHj pnbllHlied, and emticlljalied willi

Ltlv TWBLVEIIUNDHED ESOIUViNaS onio.lan<lKtrel. I t in tto graiid.;nt DIUlo "

^ world, and is a cnmplcto oncvclopedla ...ibllcal knnwleclco, and cgntainn uniong oilierlings an nitmlratetl Prouuuui'lng Bible pic-unary, wllb 600 cnfiravliiRB ; ComnrebennlvoIclpsto tlio Stn.lv or tho Iliule, a complctoIlKfaOry ortho liooliHDrtliolJiblo; Citl .aTtlioliblo ivitli Hngmaccnt Views mid Deacriptivo2cnc»; JldlRiniiH Tlfnon-Jnatlone and Creeds; tlie World Mlllillral Hatorsl Hlntory and

icenory ; RancurdRDte. Shrelnal ItofwciiccB •1'naltnsin JMra ; Famllr Itecnni; Fac-simllcsT Ancient UBmiacrljiti; Ptrnblw, Ulraplou andftvonraoB of Ohnal; Scripttiro Dldlciiltiea'ni . ived.Uipi , ana many oilier lUngn, em-


on« BtyleBof btnclinj. from CJ GO to 12AlBoaHiitorhrEc tjpo

QUARTO BIBLES' t t prices from H to t7.C0,

intalnlngtho Concordance, TsalmBln ll i t lro,Itli tiblci), Family' liccord, e tc . , belter illiiu-ilcd U i n n a u j otliorclicap Bibles. '1 am also able- to procure tbo'LHJUAIIY OF r O E T K V AND S 0 N 3 ,

my othor of J. B . Ford k Co.'a pnbllcatloDH,J in fact, any work ofan j wollkiiown ant*publlslicrii prices. ig




F I L L I N G , i = . •'•

"O ndtUUonal cliarfio for extracting wlinronow teeth an innitrtod. Woare mm niaU-

iH'nntif ul sola of tcetb lur

FIFTEEN DOLLARS.LL WOI1K WAKKAnTKD.'er,8opt«nbcr25lli, 1S7S.





ddrtJA \>j mall . 3l[f


Sussex St., Dover, N. J.willkcfjia ftill»D4«HL'ot »[otkorRnotl* coinprlnl

WATCHES, CLOCKS.TEWliLIiy, ROLID GOLD JUN08 , TLAI1EnKrftved and Kngiiie-tunieiJ, LatliCH* ainentH Oliatiw, BETH of JHWUL11Y ail now d

' - 1 and at cmiBEilorablv icdneod pricilien'K aud MIBBCB' Enr llli>s« in

Ould and iilatea Sluda and I.v,,n, at reduced flgnrtn. HilverTliluiblcK, l inbber and lliblion Chal.mL.r iiz.uoiid cmtB. AIno a clioieo aolectloii of SILVUPLATE!) OOOUH, of the novrcil nnd. mobeautiful dentffimfroin IttiRora* noted New Yofaetory, cnrwiHtiittt of O.ASTOltS, CAKE HAK-fnCilUTTEWDWIIEtLBniU^OUl ' t f .OllIIIEUB1VJ-IIM, F l l U I T 8TANDB, TEA 1'OTtTiVnilerH, Bjiwin Uoldcra, OolileU; TirlubinuClips, TascH, Call Helix, Pia Knivos, Knnidi:ItlnpB, Kmnklni; Hot», Knives, 1'nrkn, SnnoiiaClilldrcnH1 Knives and ForhN, Ac, Alwava orhand a tin* assortment of Bl'EOTACrjj'a nKYB QLASSEH. A tlno lino or Q O L B l ' E !ifd.florcnt innkcu. Ttio mont corerul altentiinitb a view lo HKILL nnd I'ltOJIPTNE.1

jivon to l t E P A i m x a ur U'atclica ami J e W ol

dncod prici« (n t r e a t wr.d Bicevo Dul




FIRST.JJoemiHc tlm atoek iii k r g o (it nil lime

F K E S H fl»,l HALT F I S H , nml nil k i n d .FUUITHnnilVJiGETAnLESiut l ia i r i jensoB

SECOND- •IlccnnHo cnpectnl pniun arc tnltan tlint tl

twk nlull-im nlwujni "fl tESII, GOOD Hi1LEAN, tho Vegutiiblon lioiiiR received rlni

A noon us they nppcnr in tho New YorMarkets, and KOW HO rapidly Hint an KtiiligoodH nro u \e r iciinil nliont tlio premise

THIRD.iccnirtcsy in wuiting nn cnslomcni

— • - ot' tlm mmlti>t, nil ciwUimorn be ingtrffttoil uliko, m i l iimioliiuien beinj; JuHi

FOUfiTH.Hcauue the IICIIVH iico ninila to «nit Ilio

poclict booliH of tbo pcr>i>lu in Ihctie linmH

a libeml (IIBCOUUI beiiiR ninilo to IIIOHO wh"bny a quantity nt a time. . •





Liverpool, quccnstomi, Cliis-

llristol or CnrilifT.VnrTIOICETS anil Taillunlitii OMJy tn


~ ^ JO ;

W l i v p i s m L1VE11P0OL mid ilioUOYAIi BANK ot 1BELAND nt LOW-EST KATES.


Stovo and Tin Waro Slore,


SUCCASU2SINA, N. J.r P n ! i n"1,™1-"""' '»»»• rloBBnro I n l n t o m i n sX Iliu dtlzcnB or g n z m n i i o a nml Mirroun,^li.pt oiniitrr, tliBt III h u uubllBlioil a »luveami lia wnro calnlillrimicul R t tho nhovo Rlandiindcr Iho Biiptrvl.lon of Mr. J . SMITH m l i

*?un B5nan " i w i e n e e i ! Blovo Joaler nml Hr,..lullli. Tli» nlocu or gooiU coiiFinlltig ,,r thoIntcHt ana tuo3t improred

'AKLOIl Sc KITCHEN STOTES,ra .ml BEATEI1S, linvc lul l lieon nut

in now, nnd clira^ Cniui^l at-roii

JOS. jT;ncwBnniia. N . J . . Oct. fliit, 1R75.

porila.Tatlin, _ _ "ortii U im..

Co., Poriranii, Moinc, '


On tW ulil cllunmpuiciil <if 100 yours 11( 0, jionriug rod liot shot into

tlio XEWAIIK CLOTHIEUS, knocking their yricos

Cdmgaro Yourself i i lie -Coavincefl!RICES QOUTED by j on I n DV

NEWARK. HOUSES. | OULU D IAll V ool Suit, * 9 M. L. FJELI--& Co. for $8.00

Silk Mixed Cnsslmcro, « " " 8.50

AlllVool Chcviol, 10 " " 9.50

Fine Black Mixed, 12 " " 11

New Style Plni<l, U " " 13

Worsted rinifl, 1« " " 15

Black Diagonal Prlnco

Alljert•Suit, $18 to 23

Working Pants, 1.50If ilicKO PBICES, wlion eompftroil, (lo Hot com-ineo tlio peoplo u\

Morris County tlmt they enn do bettor in the old hintorio town tlmrtlicy ciin !» NEW AUK, juut let tlieni drop into tho


Tlic same snit by M. h.

Fell & Co. from $12 to 18

M.L. Fell & Co. for $1.2 j

; 1ST. JT.,

nml look nt our STILES and PItlGES.

X. DAYTON BABBITT hns full clinrgo of tho CUSTOM DE-PARTMENT, •vvlipt'o ho will bo glml to moot his olt) frionds nml BIIOW

tht'iii the liugest stoi-k of FINE aouna ever introduced in the County

TAKE NOTICE. The Largest Stook ot Beys'and Children's Olotliing in the County.lHlmvii, K..T., May 2JI1I , 1870. ' . 21-K


Clothier and Merchant Tailorit: lliiH jihcci Ims fliicccmied hi sclenting a superb atiHortnicht o r


FOKElftN ASD DOME8TI0 OASSMERES FOR PAHTS.mmiilolo lino ot DLVC1ONALS tor COATS nml VESTS. Tho Meat >tjlo o(


MACK CLOTH tDOHSKIN \XSTrN'nK rf All ricecriotioiiK. A nijillliranlcod lo every piroui!nniUBU.tlin.liol. built. Ilo IIB> also iramro.l T 1 ' " ~ " " • "

intl tlio C I I E A P K S T cret-Kwn iu Uiis or any oilier plneom t l o Union. Dofjinft »H compo-it(.rn, lie only desires a cull to natiafy all bofiitn Kiiing dxonlicrf. Tl,o apodal i l tcnllon or l i emLlio IH fnllod to Ilio fact tlmt lie '<t i riimlniiLly mi l.m,4 n lull utodc o^tiioUtcBt atylca ofGENTS' lHIItMSIUNG GO^J^S, Aiunvrnioa. ','J

6E0EGE FEDER, next floor to tlio post-bfi.0%' DOVER, N. JDover, Stny IHb.lBTO. '


O R E S S G O O D S of fashionable styles.3:^fsr AND s*^i.Xia"o"S" CSI-OOIDIS,




i"ANOY GBOCERIES: Teas, Sugars, SpicesCoffees, Canned Frijits and Vegetables.

LWAYS A^PULL LINJG AT BEASONABLE PRICES.C A L L A N D S E ' E ' o t T r i - ' • • • • . ; '.'



PUBNITU-BE!RKidley&Sons303, 311, 31IJ ( Jn . lM>s i . , Vi-w Vurl*.

Tlio lnrxfwt nuil brat nlootea Rtnnk ilmericn of ils kind Tlio IH^CHI eKtnltut of ild kiiul, rovoriny im nrcii 01



.% Liulien and Biiyn. Also, tlno Eng-Ii, Ilulgiau, Ocrman nml Fro i i ch HniHlic(n, received ]ier hlcmiiera from Enrol!il-wt>ol;ly. i imniED JIONNHTH,

HniMEti Kuvj- j / rm Sl.GO, Si . S2.fi(i, f l .nr,o, ssto $Sfi, MihuKEnT HILKH.

GOODS!!'.eul OiittHiro I^ccs 11 ,10 , 20, 2n, 2i), imu'''"• » )»« '• V»E U c i a , 0, B, 111, 13, IC,20 upwwiDs. AIHQ T n i l E A D , M.VLTIiSK

»1 A P P U Q U I ! HAI1BES.

ncy Gsods, PerfumorioB, Soaps, &o.osiEliV i I ^ l i c j rind Oralu Umlcnrenr.

iliee, AUNSCH, will CUlUlraii's Undermir-nl«, Snll», ,Vo.

Parasols, Sun Umbrellas"

OHDEKS BY MAIL.«'• Into l,l™,iimv}ujuilifjini,jiartk»ro-

t ft ilislnnco tlwt oiir iiicrennod fucllityUS lo (111 all « i l™ will Ilio lllmojli

. RIDLEY & SONS,300, .111. 3 l l jOIUND8r. ,

'•». «H la, 01. (!B, 118 ami 70 ALIEN SI.w NEW YC1IK DITT.

TO LET;»Ife ronnu ovir J. IL A O. Tlnnmi'iinnvnn Jlliiekui-11 HI., Dovtr, N. J.tonnis nio ntteil up in firaUcluss Ktjln,

J.H.Aa:piM&wr;™o*r.iivcr, SrnyClli, 1B70, ' - 2 3 : l f

FKEEMAW, GILLIES & Co.,20 ft'JiST Iltli St., DETVBEH Bth and CiU ATE1*.



--vlilcli'vo arc.offering at

GEEATIiY'EEDUOED PEIOES.inliiDR to jmrobadu a single j'lcco or»ura «tUbft» money by gldng nid d i will eond B p

l l l J


& cull. By ndJrcusiuK an wo wi!l"eoti(f B Pliuio-t'rapU of anv trticlo of furnitaro dcnircu. wiili

im, nr plAittigraplis ol seta uf furniture.Via Lave i h o Iho Sargent flioortnient of

.rncltntu, Wall Foeki'tB, KHHOIS, Moiio Blnnilu,Fancy TibJeaand Chairfl to ba foapd In tbc cily.

T i k o tho OhrlslopliM "•" ' "" "lioncofrom root o ( ,0[:arn t o onr tloora>- :J •


BlQokwollSt.,.iiWir Sussex, Dover, N. J.


For (luntriptioiiB orrropnrlr unil p•nqolroattheoaiac, 1" •" '



TORRENT OR BALE I ,m n E lomo and lot on Horrli itreot, noit » |

L inyproHcntreBldenco. Tliebojiiocoi]itaiu |Btruorourait.-teiiiiloi kltchBp, 1* In oxcoller. |



'rL'Ml a-M p*U : E*Ht<'u

i r ,«A>ma S p e c U l , 1 . 3 0 A . M . ; D o v e r tt»-' ! w A . M . i I l K l o i i B U m D M a l l , 7 . 3 0 A .

K ' ' i M o u E x p « s » , 8 . 4 0 A . M . ; W n K l a t n p t o r, o , l 7 ] . . j [ . ; T l i r o n p l i H a l l , 2 . C 1 P . M .K i i i p r e a * , 7 . M P . M . ; E f i B l O H A C C D U Ia n , 8 . 2 7 P . M .

C H E S T E R B R A N C H :

ndralt of the luiinj- or a Hiimnicr Ticetlmi atLong Urancl).

Tlio funeral of tlio Into Mn. J. llarslmllLotcy, on HoDdaj.^rlDcoil tbo renptct fit nliic

uns bald by tho wbutc communlly, tbiclmrcli boinp liiitirclr filW wiib avnat con-coniootlribnilfl.



i v w '

fi'tilujsi; in11.) 80.11C.OJ


S i i c e s m i n i mJtisCBinnvilloM.&K-Juncliol 'w l OramDover



I 'MD.GS4.1fti.ao4.40

IV 056.106.125

WeeklyStatementoflronOre3 TUB HA.CKETT8TOWH BCALEfl, VIA

51, k & R. R. T 0 PBNHBILVANIA, von


j^lySO, 1870.nossynotf. TOW. cwi.s?. ; . . . . . . 1S1 09

Cif,7cr Jl.lt, (Hnrtong, Corwin'H,Bucraniuiiia, VaualU nnd Chea-t s Junction SUllmiB.)

Port OramSi»nbi>F» ' " " •llai-kcttBti



10Q17. 1,38110-

10 ti70 IS

. 11 DO

1,091 07


l%»»lu of flonueli ihUireck.Aiold India-rubber cucumbwH.Tiic l»nnarccomplutod IbU week.» fork your cjobrows," is iu vojjim.

, Kiuilft kwmllci north ofui on Sunday Digit,TU dulfoit thing iu Dover cicopf [fiutfoiei-

Dh.fi V. Mock in falling. Ia llio Centra)Imring III

Linn JrciHoa wo In order, worn by maiden*ill rur lawn,

Tic Hiillp TillTarni, Mt. Freedom, hasbecitoM lor $3,000.

Tuo Inks Viuw HUUBO, take KOIHICODR, U KiboutluU KUOFII.

Erery body is falking of gting ta l>lilk<ld-IiliialuSejilcrabur.

E ]B1I IVInuot, br Doiivlllr, won on Muntlijim.led for uliillerj.

Uaniel Sniltli, OUD or llio olJ rcaidotttB ortiovor, dfrd rfitordsj".

I t . Fred. L'-'port i>rop»tcn going lo iho Coilleuiiial in a row boat.

TLORUBIOX milk tralii killed Tour COWH neiiWaterloo tliu other ovenlug.

TliamiB J. Knight and vrltoorDnkerilhlutriROtio lu tho Coil tonnial in a vranon.

Tlm agent of Olapp k Jonoala rnduavorlng ':•nil a now (iloamer to Pbltlipaliurg.

No, 9 furnace, at Glendon, will bo torn Hornilttricff tlie sornlog Full to be re-hnllt.

Tlia LnUienMi Church nt Qorniin Yulloy ftWliurcd to lmTO boon fouuduil in 17U.

Tho fut tnon of.Dover congralulato eachnlhcr on tho deellna lu tbo thnjiuomalerr

X"Blaelap;rBktivrl"at Chatham hat woe*neiud $200 tor tho Icncfi't uf Hit cliiircli.

l?«nk Miller hi» fcwn appointed BRont of thi 'now Iioiifiwood Valley road at Qoratn Valley.

ThnFreoMothodialB will bold » lliroo daya*grove moDllngtlBtinkopc, com mo no Ins Sept.:

I'liitRport lo-morroir (Bunduy) afiornaoiincncins at 81-2 o'clock, a t wliicli tho uulTO invited t« attend. ]Uiv. U. H. WinaiO U l l d l l C t t i l l ] I l l l J L ' i l l l & f .

l i o o I l l c o r H o r t t i » n i - w A x y l u m a r e : K u p e r i iI n u t . D r . B u l l o l p l l i ; A i s l a t a n t F b ; i l i - b i i, ficnith » n J J t c D o i m l c J ot r r i i i « ' t o u ; 8 I « "

, r d , I t . » . M o u r o i - -, M a t r o n , M r B . S t i r y K n v r cm o r l y o f l l i o T r s n m n A * y l n m .L f » i r » t i J f c i l l v n l w i l l b e b c l d i n I l i a S u c e ii n n M . E , C l ' i i r c h , b y t l i o l a d i o s " i f I b o e o i' g a l l o n , o n W c d n i s d a y i f t o r n n o n a n d e v c t i -;, w l i e a a h o u n t i r u l B i i p p l y o f B I I t h o i i u l i c a -

: ! O B o r t l i o s e a s o n w i l l h e p r o v i d e d .

H i c V p t l B l o i v n H e r a l d l a i t w e e k n o t l c e Jt b i t W i n , A . B t r j k e r i > f t i w < ] t l i r o u R h H i n t .

g a i l y n t l i r o d i o a b l u e a l i i r t n n d H n p t J t t n e k -i R i . i n B i s l v e w i l c u c l i a i i i i n d n e c l i u ' o . " Tin u t l i » ¥ t ! l i u o n h r a l h c r s c a n t y c o a l u t n c .K. l i t t l e s o n o f M r . W i n . H o B o i m l d , o f C l u

: e r , b o c a m o m i B a i n g l a s t S n u i l a t i t l e r n o o u . nI I D w h o l e c o n i m u n i l j " t i i r H d o u t i n H e a r c b u fi n t , l i e j t l l n j - t l i o woatU, ilragffios l l l ° pon&hk . H o n a a H u l i B c q i i c n t l y f o u n d o n H i n o H i l l .

I b e B Q d i l e v e n t o f l l i o n e c k i n D o v e rl i r r l B B O o n T l u i m l B y « n - n l n i 4 o f M i .

3 l i e a f r , w e l l k n o w n f r o m tab I n b o r n n r a o n g t b or a i l r o a d raoti i n I h e revlvalu o f l a » l i r l n t e r . a n d

I n . J o t i c t , w t i l o w n f t b o l i t o E l i s h a O , J o u c i .J k n i p o t l n D T h n n d a y d T o n l n f f l l i a t S a n m c [

l o a n W H B d B n i l c o u ^ d s m i i o c s u i t e i n o n t f u r am o , b u t p r o v e d n n t r n o , b i a n m n u l i n v i i i K b e e na o f o u u d e d w i l h t h a t o f C o r n o l l u B V a i i d e r l i l l i ,i e ( j r i - B t r a i l w a y m n f i n a t e , w J m c l t e J t h a t flrcn-

t t t . V t e i W . U n g « i l « r R , w e l l k n o w n f r o m h a si n K B o r W c o n l l l i M r . H a l r l i o u t i P p t b o J i w c l u r . t i B Bj i n o T t i l l o C l l n l o n , K . J . , w h e r e 1 " > w i l l e B l a b -« | j s htiBliieaa l > f ) i U o w n . W e l i n t « o h o I b e• i i t l m e n t . o f a b a s t n t MeoAt w l i c u w o w l s b

i l m B U C C C B B .T l i o J c r B e y m m B O J - U I B I o i i a l o t o w n e d b y

V , a . L « t l i i o p , » B b o r t f I l B l B M O c o a t o f S o o i i t o i i ,n n B o m o v e r y o l d R T O T O a l o u e i ' T h e

i t d e B t o n o t h a t W B S n o t i c e d b o r o ( l i o ' i l u l o 1 7 3 1 .p r o b a b t r n s o d b y t h o p o o p l o o f B l t w t -

i a h u r y l D B g r o n i i d , y e a r * B g o ,T l i e J e r n o y n u n a n d I l c p n b l k M i a r e l u u i i c l i i n f ?

h [ i l 6 « b t t l i f t t p r o m l i o B t o m a l o t b o &\nl[y I > o f o r t l o n g . W h y d o n ' t t l i c r d r a w J t m i l d ,

i d fiay n l c n t h i n g s o r fiach o t h o r - f o r i n B t a n c o jj c h a n b r o t h e r O a r r l R o n u j i o f n * . I t i l o n ' t iI n j i p a v l o h u r l a b o d y ' s " f u e l h i B . "

R i o l i a r d Q c i ) r ( ? o , - E i « j , m i l l a f r i e n d w e r e. . . J I r o m a c a r r i a f , o n n M o n d n y n e a r D l c k -• l o n ' B b r h l i j c . M r . G e o r g e Tins q u i l o a o f c r e l y

[ B e d a n d t l i o W B B O » b a d l y d a m a p o d . I I l > .o t l o n g m t i c o M r . C e o t R o b a d h i e n n k l o

i t u e d l i y A s i m i l a r a c c i d e n t a l f l i t a p k e s . jM r . J a c n b S k i n n e r , o f M l . O l l r c , w h o d i e d o n

i t l i o f J u n e , a t l l i o a g o o f V f l yeara, rraa^. f a r u r a l l y o f n h i a b r o t h e r i a n d B i s t e r * , a l l •

i v m g I n A p r i l l u l . w l w i e u n t t o d B R O B a g d r o B B -s d 0 6 0 y c a n t — o r a n a v i T j g o o ! 7 3 y o a n e s e n .»en aro BIIII living—two glrlB ond fl?o boys.Tlio hdies ecuncettd with 8t; Tatnck'Bnrcli, Illbernla, will tioM a Rriind pio-ulo »tat ptneo ou Saturday, Aug. Ctli. The attrno-im coniist of a bountiful gupply of rortoih-

netilB, tnuslo liy an excellent band, and an In-•eBllnggamuofbaiohsll belwoon two local

oll mil .liter, of Oonnin Vat* vak*ilinn la tlio Hmtoye

HOT. E. P. T I' Icy aro enjoytaHtato. - . , . , j

It 1B estimated tint the'datnage to tlio farm'-en of this county bj tlio drouth will amount to '1100,000. : ,

Dr, J . U. Btrtblc, of Htanhopo, lost a flnrliorae on Rundny, 'Ttio ijniplonii wore iUo»eofpaitou.' "' ' ' - • '

rJbo SffCiUsh people, RUJ tbcro are many inCover, oiilebntd tbdr (outtliCtntouhlal on tbiMill proximo,' ' "(" " ""

Der.D. E. Platter, of ItoctairiyVtliisVeclinjarleil upon itigVumraer vatitfon, wUdi trill/ w ^ w t i u Olito, - - - . .

Mr. fob (j. Jjasroijoe, the mrTPJor, t in ra-tnrnad from fclianramor Taxation and 1B ngulnrocdy forbaalnaw.

rrlTiito liuiinois raattora U U uld will pre-vont Mr. iToLart from bcinfi Iho comjvotitor olHr.Cutlorttilaycar. -

ItlaUBrd TieToiiUn. Brroricil fur auiuU an3l»ttery4 Ina been nnvcndetrd "by bli hthtr,

ID Clanleil SoUoo1

will glvo tbo drama "Down by tha 8oi," onWfldnaBdiy erenlnc aext.

'XUo now Longwood Valley lUUroad is already^anyiuBiuorupaBBongera to Bchoolej'd Mono-lain than tbn ttUff.

Mr. V, P. fiindarion will con duo i tlio pra;mmectlnirof tboY. IT. 0, A,'Wn)orro,v aflcr-hooalnlhoM. E.CUorcli,

Bcarcoty a diy pusca but tboro is an eionr-Hlon gooB from town to Lako Hopalconfi.ttudil's lake, or some older resort.

WiyorlltcUrdB aa Baturilay bonglil all lutproperty o r Mr. AlexanilGr Elliott io tbis' place,wlilcli was offered it Waiter iBilo.

A largo number ot probillonon will bo ra-tfdred Juto/wlUwuMtlOQ m tho H. E. Cunrolifit Uiji plinp.on Baadiy, Auput fltla.

'fboInrrcqairoa'thadiilding.bBfofa Uialaioi Aagnit, Inlii hva elMlfoa dlstrlcta, alt town-riblpB polling a told of oror ilx liundrod.

The ippeiraneo of Bt. U»rj't(^meb libcitiff conslderabij improved by Mr. Andre*BoOoror, wlm IB pulntlng tha niaion work.

Mr, John H. DuoBtcr, of EerntrdaViilo,tiougbt $tf) tons of •ntnic laat yoir, and ezpco U(o purcbua M grcit an amount tlila yaar.

Tfao PofiDannoQ flaMtew* JloanracntM,767,1J3, am) tho aam t s i Iwoa railed and abalanco of tlH.33 rcwiina in tlio Ircianry.

Tho maps drawn by tlio papili Qf tboBoveriicbool ctceujpy i prominent position in tlio N. J.sihcniioBal Jepailmentit Ilia Ctntcnolal.

fwenLy-flifl men wsro dlicbirpcd at tha B,t . i >T, s i r Bhopi i t JlftBt DOTcr list Btturdavflight. Often are wo goin^lo reach tlio end?

A pirty ineladJiis ^aite a cntnuer oryonn]flttttlBmcnorifettUn nud Ifr, Fred, tcport otlila place ara camping out at Iplu Qopilcong

£<3. Blancbard, of Millbroot, for ta iflianlonCiiii.Trowbrldgc.cf the lane placo, wuon Tuesday put andcr' (300 ball by Jt *Qnge.

Tba l&aiei of tho congregation of the Schoole / t Uaaattin Chapel tro alreidy roiling prep-arations toe » fair to bo held on Wcdna ' ~

&ot.Ur,Sobl«if»in held rellgioua Bat Camp Tabor ON Baa&tr- I" t J j 0 'thcrawmBiproyer meeting in Un,FHnia'icottase. ' .

JUuaiorUcDaTlt li ra^UIr complctlos WtT O * , Tha flgnroa or tha dnplieala anil tilDninW» of i t* poll list will hsra to " tako(umllo" thii jeir.

M. n . Dlokenoa t u a fa* more Wiles' Lin-en BuiU bit which will U sold i t greatlydnccd prices. How U tho lime to Tuny itholisuits from W.EOtp. • •

A Somber of boyi, cli»rgoil wllli atetlitis »I>ptcn from tbs depot lot, wero onLrontht hcfoia Joitlco Gtgo. "I '" discharged(fachn with a leprlmand.

is conjroBatloaof Uia Dorsr fr^bylcrlanIjjnwb. will meet In tb9 ebtireb on Wcdnosda:renlng nszt, i t half-put .seven o'clock,

"mi, call for a pastor.£lshteen mlnera from tbla vleinlly left to

"foursaaj morning with icontrwlor who camso aaarch of mtn to work In a. tnnnolirConnty.rcnnijlYanb.

fTho bam or Mr. Klngiton, near Far«1pr>if<Ith a. largo amonnt of bay anil Brain, 1

Dinmotl on Wsitnosday ntRbt. Tbs IOBI IS fcuonljpiaUcovered br aa ininranoa of (I,OCa.

BiotTaerGurlBonof tbi Boll el In writes op¥llorri<town letter from tho Horriatown paper

in inolbor part of hli paper tbiIOQO who debts by chtnglDg lbs phratoolocyfaowifotflfa* wortu tWof toaa lie "ho akth

U K T u n s i n v . Borao would c*llllifcbet^bntwauota it a beautiful oTidunco

I tbactiidorofourtiiQCliroBpccltdbrotlier. .

T l i n b e r r y c r o p t h i n e o m i u i n i n o n u o [

' r a l l y l i i i L - d w i l l i ( l i c k f r * , W ! K » u r n K i n d l o

i t l M H C i : l i r l l i i s u i E i i i s i n l l i b i t u l i a r d 1 [ [ Ul i o l m t u l a t i a U i i o m o i i l I g n i t e o n U U u l

. u t , i l i n j i r o p u r l j - < > r C l . a s . W U I I K H I , m iH u i n h y a i H l i t r i i r - S i i l r . E n d p u r d i n « ; : d b y, A . W i g M i n i . w l i o | u , V f t | l , t l U O n n d v m


i r e t i t u o i , ; U u l Im-Jfr. It. F. Q

•t J B <

" 1 K b

will i i » grove atf

Elopement Extraordinary!A LAKE HQPATOONQ SENSATION-

D i f f e r e d h y K a t o r o w i i b a n t u l l h c f p l c t u r -i q u e h c a u t r , L a k e I l u p a t c o n g i i d c s o r v r d l yj c o n i l n g p o p u l a r , a n a h a s a t t r a c t e d I b i i R u m -

m e m g r e a t e r n u r a u o r o l plaasvrotwukorg Ipouc r b e r o r o . T h e L a k o V i u w l l o u » u , ' u l l b u i i g l )b r R ( : 3 t o n e a r l y d o t i b l o i t n f a r m e r c i p » d l T )

s o i t l o l i a i o o v e r c r o w d o i l , m i l t i i u r n l i m o r ea n l l i o U N U S I n u m l i o r « i f p a r t i t a c a m p l u g o u t

i U f f u t u n t l u t a l H l e g o n t l i o a h o n i o l t b o l a k o ,T h e s m a l l c r a f t o f t b o I s k o h a r e r e o u f v e d n u -m c r o i l i B d d i l i u n a . a n d b c B l d o n t h e u s u a l n a v yu f r o w b o a t s t b o r o n r o t o r a a h a l l a d o z o u u e w

l i d v e r y p r c l t y B i l l b o a t s t o he umn B i l l i n gb o u t l h o W I U I I B ,

C O D O J I T U D m o s t n t t r a c l i r u * l t c H u f T x r u d T u ra i D i i l o f o u t i u a t S U r p ' n H o o k , » u d n o I c mI I B U f m i r d l B c r o n t p u r t i r * I I B V O a v a i l e d I l i u n i -o l v « 8 o f t h o a d v a n t a g e s « r t h o s i t u a t i o n . T b aI r s t M m p l a c n m i i o s c d n f i i v e r a l y o u n p : ( ; o n -I t m & i i o f N u w t o n , a n d o n r y u u n j f f r i e n d M r .

[ ' r e d , ] " i U p o r l , w ! i o l H i M l i « T f t f u n < i c o n f l [ d e r a b l *u j j i i y n i e i t d a n i i g U i o p a s t w u e k . T h e n e x t I *b a t o f t h o A p p l u t o D H I B I I O D o t U r o o k l y u , N . Y ,"" I b l r d i n c a l l e d t l i o ^ S u v c r C a r a p , " a n i l l ii b e C B i a b l i B b i n u u l u r M e e n re. M a n n i n g • " < ! E u "

i c K l r k p a t r i o k , W a r r e n B t v n r . B i d . I I . U r e e a .i O u l d n n i a c b m a n . H e r o t h i - t i o g e n t l e m e n

l l v i u g i n g r a n d B t y l o , e n j o y i n g e t x i l b r c c r u B

c o m f o r l i h l y n i g h t i i n i t c a d o l t o s s i n g i n h e n t o - 1i , a n d s m u s l n f j l l m a i s e h e i b y i l n b i u f i , l i u a t -

a u d l u l l i i o f f ' y e s t e r d a y " n o e n j o y e d al e ' a r l y m o a l i v l t l i I b e m , t h o n o T o l t y o f I h o s i t u -

t l l o u B l v i n g l t a k e e n r o l i t h . T l i o f o u r t h

T b e l u r g e s t b n o c l it o C o v

l l i a t p r o b a b l yb r o u g h t u p b y j . W o a -

if bai

f SammlB, on TbuwiUy. I t volgbod elgiity-t ponnJs, in<l the fruit on It wero of an aver-3 weight at hair i poUbd*. Wbcn po ret a sedWBB B&id lo littvo boon the largest In tho Newirlt markotB,Atlonlbn lidlrtolod to tlm iiovr adTortieo-jnli nf W. 8.Babbitt title wach. Tbla lionnootieorihaboitanilrnnit relUbioin Morrli-VD, ma havers will Hod (a Mr. UxbbiU aittt, consclontioni dealer, who never palmnon R. enatomer & poor nrtlclu by nicani ofBrcprtttonUllun. - -

Brotbor aarnsonoUbeBulloUa IB ta uo com-jJed far hlu energy, Tl» »rtfc)o in lattilt'a paper aboul tho captun* of "dm " Wsb-*BB pnbllBbod In iheEn* not more than four I

rocks iBo/and it IB not quite i year since wembllalied tlio sketch of lho ronurkoblo womin

toniisbip.Mr. E.irVinnlorlia* coinraoncaa tho con-trnoiioa of Ills Bna new liotel at Sue-

It will 1» 8Q»78 foot in dlmcn-[nns, and Including Frondi roor and tiBcmcntill bo five itorica In hulght, ilottldier, ot! « « * > tho iwbltMt, n d Mr,J,J,Vreo-

land, Qf this place, baa Iho building contract.The nowctil tblnft nut Is Knapp's root bocr, autanU hcaitltful «,nd rofrcihlDg beveraRCit Juat meets tba wants of tblraty liumanit.«the beatnd son eon. I t !i drawn cool and

irkilng Irom tho lannlal- of YotiRbt & Kill-'i,ro, who will pteaie accept onr thanka for

• • - - - • - iffico forhalfa

Wo stc uotl.liiR in tho Bnllotln this wcok ofho tlolnqs of Brolhd Oarrlsoa, *-:'tob gi^ei

papa* qnile an ritcred apn.*ran o. Btil.ill ia not in It should be, ivf tue pnbl ic aro increated lu Ilia great gelf-snOJolimt bei d mouk

DooutQii, yjlio, when be goes out of • >>yi clironiclea tlu) fiul [ff tba mo>t ImportantrtoMhBpapor.

K Lrakoraan on No. W, nameil" Rcxt" Wacr,is fatally Injured at Btavortown on Thnraday.

[• stepped bobind the loconiotlvo, Illnllnj Iti RoiDC forward, bnt ft bflcked inateid, and

itriiing tifra urnahoilt t o to fa lilt lids. Horss removed to bli faomB st Dcnville, but »t

laitucooanis Ibo pbyilclan In clmrge hadnispeorblnrcfiOTory.

Woik WBI iiwqod In all ttio peal miaci or tinJcrtnton rwion on TueBday: Tbp Iprnlpf.RopuhllcBB, or Scranloo, dpctkinfr en mthor-Ity, liredlcis tbB ipocdy dlsiolntlon or tbo coaenmblnatlon, ind tliinka " I t i hreaklnn x>\rould ho followed wltb Rood remit* far thi

raotnrltie Bn4 raining Intorcnls of tbilonutry." So any wo t\l at na.

A tornblo thunder Btonn paaiod ovrr the•tlon of country *l«nt Ruinmlt on Sunday

nornlcR, Tolcertpli poles were (track byllBhtnla?, vires tors ilowo. * Urco mill Blrucli

liglitnlng nnd ereatly damaHed, throe l)arn«..swnilown.orcliBTdiand foncenawopt away,anil tbo standing onrn rainoil. Tho lotil damage in tbat vicinity iseuUraiUnJ a\*12,000,

It ii really comical to nollco with what iviaVIty th« boys pick np llio stray com and hurrythem Io ibe pound. Krery oaco to « whitewhole cavalcade will go flying acroBBtbB cam_...„(! near Ibo lock up, a lnekloaacow bsadinibe procculon, tho nrchim forcing liar at hiboa paca, Tor fear ibe owner will overlakothem. Tho lo ts beat some Pf t|»a p l« |^flniDolon.

Parties nho tlilt tho Bullotla oRtcs eoinplaiu:

that tboy cannot do to without bulug liorci} toden'-hbytbesclMuflstcdcaitfliwnainRUitbointil thn nonicnse us has writtos for lyoar paBt,Onr groat respect for-Brollier Oarrltoa'a abili-ty, sncT rot a. spirit of Jealousy or maheo, ludn-

;•!•- D r . T u l l l c , r r u B H U ' D t n f W n l, m i l ( U ' l i v c r i. l i l h l m i o l t t c r n i mU n ^ i y l ' r r s h . v t c i i i m C b m r l i o n

' I ; i i u t i i ' i i i l a Ke u m l l i a u i l x i

a m - m i l l l o c k l i n n J * a t K m t o u a r tl i e n I h t r o h i i o t a p h n i r o r 1 n k -! r « f J j « l u » u f ( l i e / J a w ,

j V o n d e r l i i l t ,

i i i t v , n m l a i i o \ i \ u

y U ! u ( t ,w h o d i e . 1 u n T l n i r p J a y o v e n i u g , w a s a c o u s i n o lV a t i d c t L i t l , I h u o l d D u i i t n s r k fiiilicruaii,• c i U c a l D i b i n D o v e r Q c c a s l o D » i l y , » n i ] w L i

b e e n i u i b o l i o b i t u( v i s i t i n g N o w Y u r ki u t c r - r c l u v n l u g c a t b t i m n w i l h a l i b e r a li p p l y o f m o n e y a n d t l o t b t a . .

i l e t t n . F r a n k K c n u t l u r a n d I t . D . C b a in o c i i g s g o d i n t l m U u d i b l D w o r k i n t u -s l r a c t l n g & c h s * o f a b o u t A d u s c n l i u j *

I J B U C I m a t l c , a c i d f o r i l i o i r cSi/rU A t -

t b u y v i e l t o d N o w Y o r k a m i p u r c h a s e ! »c o m p l e t e a c t o f O I I D b r i m l i i t l n i i m i n t i i f u r t h eb o y a , a l l o f o n o m a n u f a c l n r c , a n d a i M r . l l r u w i i ,

b e ( I n i g t ' l a t , b a a M n d l y a l l o w e d l l i M n t h u \ wi f t b c r o o m o v e r I I I B B t o r o f u r j i r a c t f e a , w o ran)'1 0 0 ' n c i p c e l t o l i a v u B o u i e g o o d m a t o i i a l ffliorc-r v i t i t t o c o n s t r u c t a n c i c n i l c i i l b a n d .

I f f u Ulo

N. J .ltut tho point ft interest a r omul wliluh goa-p iiuwconfrevtt' tba Luto id tho ApptetonIsslon enmp. TIID Apple ton MiBsiaii, wondn»taiid, isau Bnnocjation ur Brooklyn, N,., which derives Its uumu from Its patnui, Mr-. Ajipiclon) Hi" unliient pubtlBhcr. Ila mem-

iiorahlp la principally composed ur bushesion, and Us object 'fl t)i« prumotion or wlsiloiitrk in tbat city, Dtiiolniiiatlooally, it 1B aalilbo Methodist. Auuut n month ainoo t'tesotilltmea, with tl.fir fuflilll»fl, ni,tiiblUhudclr camp here, Ilia lad leu remain lug all the

lnnt atuiiiio nfiilliimED spcudius llicir Unli-jiua mob other pottlom-of tho week

,»tUelr bnilnon will allow, DartaK tbnithatkavopiesnd tiiuco tbeti Ihryhavc,

ippnrently, been enjoying ' hansc lm hcnrlllj,lolUIng roligio'iB tenfen every nlglit anil

morning, anil on tlio Sabbotli*, hcqaeiitl?:colvluB vlailoiB from tlio other camps aticli-ttutvicfiB on tha hllv|-'d-i.v. Tho enmpanBiatBortour Bnu uloojiliiR ten In, a (1 III ill Esot, anil a rough bonnl kiU-hcu, and lho vlowrliichltcomwaiids ui tho lake ia a clinrmloymo. Tliu factotttm nf HID kitcliou is a loqua-

cious darkoy, who rren,uently vlalt* tlio otlitrcaaiprra, amtiBiug thuin -"Ithhin ecceiil.leltlca,aua reUHins cboloo hits or gosBlp. Tli» wli»l«party conslsti of BIFI.IH ton ndnlls nml Binnehalf dezen children. f

Tho acknowledgL-d head of lho i>s I a bli ah men Ii a Sir. Jordan, who lincl In Ills boiuoholdavoly daughter of about eighteen jeare of IRO,anted Etfma, vho ii ik'ncriLcd ns poiseiBiiif;

iltractlvQ laatnrcB llioiigli npt gt nil pfHy.| Two other porsouaBeg vrrru ft nj»i(. b / ibo ^an

ifLlttle, Iwciijy-flvo yuan oMtKo, and ln» irtra,liiuVfcainrMl wpmao, nppsrt'titly nbuut

a'balf doion ycaru IIIB senior. Klnuo he hiiecn fllopplng hero Llttlo Appaara tu baiiccn rot; xcatans In bis rcligioua tub or a, aotne-IDIOI vliltlng lho m-taliboring imuipiandlurling the dciiizL-im in live a religions life.

At nn experience mealing on Sunday bo u ld bebad IMOO i convert aovon year*, and tcaUQod.lio amuunt of good religion bad dono for him,jutnotirKliBtindJo^all tltishe sootasio hnvi

crested nn unfavuraiilc impri-Bahn In tho vichrtj, Ttio details cf the fnilonrlr-g tlngulir at-

fair iu tthlcb ho ami t lua Jurdmi ttnn to bo


I t i s n i m e c t - B B a r y f o r m « t o r e c o u n t t b c v i e -m e g f i f ' I m i t o n a u d P r i u c e t o n ; l u t , a t t b l «r i i n t , u r a j b i . t r U f i i d a w o l l - a u t l i e n i i f i t c t l f a c t'jinvhig v u trhat l i t t l u t h i u g t i h o g r e t t tivntitui l i i » t o r y B p i i a r u i i t l y d e p o n d . I t i « g o u o r R l l } -l u c e r t t d t h a t t l i o v i c t o r y o l T r e n t o n , o u t l i el o r a i i i g o r t l i o t w i - i i t j - O f i b o r D c c c m b c - r , 1 7 7 0 ,Q B t h e c r i t f i a i i i D U r n a t i o n a l d e s t i n y i b u t f t ^ wr e a w a r e h o w n e n r U i o b e a m o r d u i t i t i y w a s l u

( l u c l J i t i j ; a d v e r s e l y t u m . T I I Q a i i e c d u l o I h a r e

l i a r l c a 0 . J t i i C L u B i i o y , f u r m a n y j n a r » t b u i e -i n i p l i i b c d H c c r c t a i y c f t l i o B l a l o , f o r N e w J t r -

i o j . H a t e l l s m o U n i t t l i o t w o - s t o r y b r i c ku i o i i< s t t l U l n n d l n c i t l l i o K e i r t l i . i t c u t c o r n e r

W a r r e n o n i l fiiatc-BtrsctH, i n T r c n l u n , i nl i e l i C o l o u o l I t n l i l , t l i e b r n v u l m t d i H a i p a l e dn i n n n d ^ r o f t h e H e l i u m , « l l l i a s e l e c t c l r -• o r f r i e n d s , B U S H ' j c m l l n g t b a l C h i l a t n t a a

. i g l i l i n d r i n k i n g a u d g a t u b l i i i g , n e v e r d r e r n i i -ut danger h u m thnMsplrlU-ti m u m y hUtingl l i o o t h e r x h l o u r I h u D - l a W M c . W l i l l n t

e l i i i i j j l i i n n u d 1 1 1 4 t r u L ' j i f w c r o c o u l t u d i n gi t l , , i h e 1 1 1 o n - o k l o m i o f > w v a n d b a l l a n d t h nl i l l l n g lev f l i i l i l a o r l l i c D u l n w a i o , H i t n i u r c u n -

i r y , I t a b l , n a i d o i n g a o u i c t l i l u g q u i t d d i f l u m i t ,r w h i c h A m e r i c a l i n n g r u n t r u a t u n t u b u

l a u k f u l . A T o r y o u t h o J o r i s u y e i i l o o f l h ov o x d i s c o l o r e d s i g n i t n b i c l i l t d b i m t < i m i p -) a c t h a t W a a h i n g l g u w a s c t o s n i n R r u r a n o l > -c t w l i l r i i c o u l d n u t w e l l l o i n i H t a k o n . T U Po r / w r o t e i n h u r t l o t t i r , n o r n i i i i j l U t i l u f h i ai n g u r , a m i d i H j i o t c b t d a n i u H i u n g e r w i t h I t ,r c c t i n K b l i n l u g i r o i t l o n o O I I D L u t t h o I k s .a u C o m n i i n d L ' r . O n i n q u i r i n g n t l i t a d - t j n a ir « f o r I t a b l , h e w a s d l r t - d c d t u t l > i < l i m i n a i nl i i c l i b o w a s c * r o u i l t i p . A n e g r o n c r v a n t

i | W ( i e t l t l i o duac, b u t n t m c < \ t o admit h i m , a j -B t u e x p l i c i t ( l i r e c l i u i i B i t e m H u l i l l o a O -

i l t n n o l i o ; h u t , a s I h u . i n f o r m e r K t - u i u e d s ur g u n t , l i e p r o m l i i L ' i l t o ( h i k e r I h u n o l t i ' t o l i i u i ,m n i i d i u l e l y « u d a c t u a l l y d i d d d i v c r i t . T h i sa a I n a m p l e t i m e t u h n v < i p r o v m t c d a. a u r -• i i o , t u t w o n t f o r i u n i t o l y , j u e t H i t o , I i f u l n lu l i d r i i i U n r , h e w a s d U l r i l i u t l n j r t h e c u r d sr * f r c a l i E n m f , a u d I l i r u i t l n g i h u o w i n o u B

J I O I n t o l i i i p o c k e t f i i i g o l I t . I l i e H O I I I O I I O H B ,l u i i v e r , w e r o b r o u g h t h i m a fun h i m r s a f t e r -

' a r i l , B i n l I n ft s b a p o n o t l » L f f t b r u s t i u t o h i s: k t t i . a n d h e f o u n d t o b f a s o r r o w t h a t I n n

r c c M e H B i i e B B b a d e n a b l e d W a n l i i n g l o n t o a L - o o m -l u h a b r i l l i a n t a c h i e v e m e n t f u r b h . m n r e -m n a n d t b a t i a l v a t i m i o f b ' i a c o u n t r y . I I I b e

e r d ^ c m d u n t t i t i t d e , t s l l t o lu&lreit R i f t u a{ , - i e H t f t u o d , t h i s w o u l d B o c i n t o b a - t h a c t a o l

A f t e r t h u D i t t l o o f T r e n t o n W s B b l n g t o t r D s a i ui f l i c u w i t h b i n n r t n y t o t b o W e s t b a t i U u r ( h o

l e k w o r a . T h o e n e m y w a a i n force a t M o wl a w i c t a n d a t T r i n c o l o n . T h o w e i t l i u r b i dm u H O c o l d l l i o L u n l i e u c c o u i l u f J a n u a r y !

b o A n i E r i c a i i B r e - c r o u s e d t i i o H V L T a n d l u u kB L x K i f T r u i i t o n , O n t b o t h i r d o f J a n -

i i n r y t l i o e i m m y fltlad;t-d W a n h l t i g t o u o n t h ej l i t k , n h l e h r u n s t h r o u g h T r e u t o n . ' b u l

vro r i ' p u l l c i l w i t h c o n n l d u r a b l b I o n . T l i a ti l g n t I V a a h l n g t u n c i o c u l u d a b r i l l i a n t m a t < ( o u - 1

a i n » m a s t e r l y m a n n e r . T h e c a m p - C r e e 'i r e k l n d l u d a l o n g I I I H t v l i o l e l i n e , k n i t t h e b a t -

. l a n - o r o i D b o r e i i o w e i l i n t l i c m u i i i l i i g ; b u t t h eQ i u r i c n i i i u l l c n l l y p i t b J r o w t o w a r d s P n n c o -m , l o i i m | . i ; tit* fourth t i t January a m o m o n -

l i l i n V o i i i c i i k ' t t t , a t t h u t i m o c o n s l i k r o d D i n -e i n a l i i 1 . ' l l i o p n i ' t r a l i o f Q i o i ^ o t l i u T h i r d

- a u t d t t i o W B I I B o f t h e U i l l c c u C l i a p i - i ; m i dt i i l d t H i e o i i c w y p i - r t i ( U - T u n d M i K t l i R u m c l v e a f n

Ibey wcrcgl renl ^ l t f l (I«tnfir(p(l from

ius ta Drooft-

I, we rolntiOn Wodppadajie cnmpanylng tint

lyn, where it Is Bald he wai soon tho simo day.Tlio tamo oTonlngtlio darkey cook tayt UlBtJordan directed blin In call bur at tlirea o'clock,

ijlDgiliewUlicd to row np iho lake lu Uau-[Ud'saDdeDllomoinllb. This be (]hl, and aimt o'clock on Tbnrsday mom lug too ilarkil

bsit.-ftnd wcirimt her gold *i l th nnd cbnlnSot rotarnlng In aaveral bonm l i e olhorB n

ip began lo aurtufBO that Boinutlilnjt vaimoEg, and BeUiagiattt tba cthir hoatg ettitei.offin search of her. OffCboiti " - •and a. halt distant , tho boat Initarlod was found, empty,

rear teal crashed. Tbuhat mere also found floatlog u

n, rfiilo frojri the boM, Ofoourso th<" - • • • , | a , l y h * ,3 q f ) ]

ratlmpreBalpn w>t Ibat thp beondrownedrh.nta unlneqiiout doTclopmonor faola probably ebipcoil tneir opinion, fatbrowaBDs learobmido to discover tUe ro

a J n s , • ,Y e s t e r d s r m o r n l E g t n o f a t h e r o f U l i s J o n l a

a m i r r o m t h « c i t y t a U r n c u n p a u d l i o u l c a m e *« i t h L l a f r k n d s J I * r t l c u 1 n r ) / w i t h

l o o k , J L c c o n l l n B t o i h a t l o r l e a c f t b a c o o k t b o b « -J J c f o f f b * p a r l i e s I s t b a t L l t l l s r e t u r n e d a n d m e iU I s i Jofita ( « r "" "a t e r f l r i t fljlng t li r i t o b e k l v l n g t h a t t b p y o p n g l a i i j W M d r o n e dT W « i s u l i o t t « * s t n e r * l l m p r e a » a p ot a l l a b o ut l i o l a k o . I n a c o n v e r s a t i o n j n U t i t j M r . W U 1

t i e d I D O D D v h o l n f n r m f i l n ^ ' l h i t ( * « n d I U Ii w e r e t r u e , a n d t l i a t t b a m a p e c i a d c o u p l e h m

t n c e a , t l i o u g h n o t d i i c c T c r c d , • n o r l e u l oI L B U k a . H e raid l U o t h a t l h B e l r l « u b u t m

[ a i l i l a u s b l B i . y t t h e w o u l d r a t h e r fcaia l e a r n e dr d a a t i i t h a n h e r d l i g r a c e . . Y e i t o r d D T a t U i

B o o n N r s . W l t t a , ) » c o c o p a n y w l i h i o m e i t i t a U t ,tail r o r i i c f f i p j o o fym o f p r r t o t | [ l » , L f f g i ( , i o * ,w w f u l c o q i i t e ! i a n i : « 1 ) « ^ 7 | D B b p r g r c t t • f f l l t U o i ) , .'

T I I B B t r » n 8 o B ( f » l r U i t » « m e t o p i o o f c o n * ( r > » U O ( iI b a n t t b s n c l i b l w r l i o o d , M i l t b c n e h v e m a r n e v eb t a ! t h a l e q u n l , S b t r n ' i B O B * w i l l u a J n v p a t o < l T f l t l

t t n u l t i i o u t i n t w m p r o b a b l y l a s t f o r c o m e H m o '

At ouo o'ebok on Thursday nrtnd woman, aDawcring etnctly tho dcnrriptlonir tbo mumlng parties, oppcirod at tlio homo orMr. Tone, near ibo Drakovillo illation. Tbi

QBD mid (he yonpg Inly was a Btrangcr to him,that, bo b«4 foun4 htr ejejt by t ) | d l d

i l ( M& Ut j

doBireill. conveyance (oh t l TbdhUflU* h TbojrppngliidyBalil gholiad

been to a pta-iilo, had \a»t bcr bat )<f ll)i TfaUr,[and Jo vsndcriujj aronud hid bceonio lo<t,

b d t P l d Olhim ibis bint. It boeomDs ti

irfti)e to bosr ono eternally blibli own trumpet,

Tbo NeW*rk hoaXmea »ho piwed tbrcoDover on ibelr way to Phllndolphla liavatamed borao after a flvo wooka* crnlao,golnff tboy ran Uio waters of Ibe Morris Canal,U«« HopaUoup;, tlio Tehanetoonf; ind tboDolawam river from above tbo Water (Jap toPhiladelphia, fa rolorntop; tlioy piasodthrongb ibo Dolanara and narlian oaaal, andIUraUn and Fassalo rirors.

Aimthordiaeb»rgao.f«boutonB huDdreiUndthirty men Ii rcportei from J(t. IfojM, wbicbloaves only flfly or sixty men employed nt (behundred* tbat once found work i t tbat placo.We Borely cannot get nmea nearer tbo bottomthan wo n o now, »rwl we bopo tbi tlino

Her bomo, sba aald, "A»nt Plnndork h l i d d b t IdrcBatd very pkhily indeed, but bad with hor

largo bnnd1a. Ur. Touo took then lo tho MiCaloBvlle hotel, wliero tbey engaged s, convey

lo tflko them tn Flanders. Arriving

lot bo long i to cbrnnicligreaompltotJi. Tfaia r*suUr tun ot thing!

iao way l> e"Ulng to bs iponotononfTbo rover Exprcia ran over and lillod an

lid man by tbo tmno or Baithobmow Clark «tSOQUI Orango aa Tboraday mornlug. Clark,

Boction hand, WBB cngBftad in, when the train cam ft ncarliim,

anaiotupfidontoflhe wav, leaving IIIB gatigoin tho track. EnRiDoor Carter nayi that aabowaa very OOK him, ranniiis at the rato orforty nilea »n boor, Olark ipraoR forward,wited tho gauge, and was wilbin a faw (netieaof being cl"r , whea |uat tho ontaUo or tbe!pilot Btrnck him, omiblng in binkilling him almost loitanlif. -

F to Jbi l ie .


jjo l plsno Mr. Ltlllo nnd a Jordanr p i 4 . l !

took • iootl)W*rd tigiin4 M i o p l j g qValley IUilroml, and irpnojr jirpbubly prtjoyliijtbn attractiann or the Centennial,

A pTbo lender in ilia Bonn tan }!uliMn liwl

;cckeoniiiHtcdof nn orb I mil poetical offa.sinn cran'l. LcmiUfnl nnd toudiiiiR. Xhorignoaiingcr, however, tbdtimy of Urn ill

b ill t th li

Brother CIHITIHOII lion tiio illEenso jni« iu JIJc,nnd It HcetnH tn be oorrawpnnfliliRly Be?oro.IlbM overy Hyiaiptoin o_f n futnl CA«O.—Jersty-

Wu hoc Joflva (o iJiffisrwitlt the Jt'nieyniJli.andilo qot Ut.n\hl(* to cbnmoteriie tho ulmvi

„„ .iocnjin'rly hi-iillimt in'i|i» ry .....cal proilnotioiw, ani wo Omibt ijot tin* n WnBardatnra SOJHP limtitntlnri will llltluely no-Offnho hiH goiiiUH by the bentown.1 of a Iwu-dfo to M* wime. We lionQ tho JornysuaiivmoniionH will nut permit lum from pvitu Mine "f 'I*'1 ? M t i y ^n i l ! l» * ° l lU s n u m

rdirt i . . - ^ _ , < < r ^ - < . . ; —

Somuol Blcwnrt, .Tr., of Hndtetlntawn, hc, SUOO borne kille«l l>y lieblningon the ovcing of JnlylBih. .

(I'riivjncc wlicn «ba WM hut ouo year and[ nld. .DOCUWMI ApriJ 2l«t, 1772, aged Ir» aud ou« niont,V I always unduwlouibofmnily.by trat'itiuit from IHT, (wbaf

ill, hariug lir<.-d in i) U' *a"'i hiauw with horwith my rnnnli . in .ny emttiiriitiler'* faui-

•t l i i irdiathmidbrrcoit,) tlnllmr fathiltd trom England when ti'eio wn» a UIIU'ITWrvad ol KturtilriB Top^y and |*m(iitiuiirto vuira tbforo the del 111 nf Charts tli^cond, A. D. IC82, and two / c a m Ijctore iewiou of James ttio Second, in. lCMjtbat whlluding liii Bood«, J'lilliilelplil'Bi bu lull rrom

bolwceu tbu ubip .uJ llie aliorvV Jcaviiig a fuuily or ymmE clnldrun In tbo ivtldurDMH; that

had mim-al children byborllrdt Iitittband,iio namo was Ford, lint nouo 1»T b^r eacond

iDHbanu, ttboio namo was Liudiloj, at whuiieath klio irai taken mlu tho funiily of horil. Jacob I'ord.Seu., and t run toil villi fllinlaaerwma Ilm rojuaicinff yuws ur iior llfu,

rbiuli were niMiy. I inn hi tliumih vear (nincorj hbt) ut my Ba", bi'iii|* buru lu 17IW.ia iiiiruuyoirs uld al her dualli."

Trouble in MorristowihT h o t l r i n u f T a f n i n d K e & d > . , o f C o u r f i

I r e u l , N e w Y o r k , p u d < l o n l y o l l n p m i o n T ll a y o f l i i a l w e o k , w l i o n I t s n o t o n w o u L t o

l e a l . T h e y n e r c d e n k r a I n v a r i o u s k i n- t i c l o H , p a r t i c u l a r l y I D c t w c i u L i a l o i l i - , w.itig b e e n l a r g o l i u y u r a a n d j i r o ' i i p t p a

i d r c r e d i t v . * n i n i l l m l l r < i . O f I L i n t l i o y• n l H l t h c m a c l v c a i n f i d ' n s i v o l y o r l » t e ,

I i s a i d t l i e i r o u t f j l a n i l n i ^ c b l i R a t l o n n o t ni 1 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . T b o i l t m I s M i p p n x i

t mtn ibu wiuad tn tbuiilotnf I V l i

ndoml Dm

I t l H H a U U h a l t b u j i u r l r a l il i i u g l o i ) nnvr o c c n p i i B I h u v e r y f m m oh U h t l i o l i u n d h M f i O u n r g o t v u s m m i l e l *

J L - H I B J .

" W e e p i n g m a y c n . l n r o f o r A n i g h t , b u t \oji n o i l i i u l l i u m o r n i n g } " t l i o r c t r c n t t ! i r n n S l io J c r w - y s . c a l l o i l t l m " H u d I t o u n d K , " b yoxu who usncrlunc'tl ill never* hardships, wasD fore-imnii-r ol tbo victories cf Trent on, Aa-niilnli, anil Princeton. Furiliwitli, we find a

loro cheerful touo m WuHbitigtoc's Istlors.liilul rt'trtutiDB, ho dudared "tlie conduct of

lie Jorsi'jtt linn boun uiuxt iufuniuuB," not mak-g Biifnckut alluKBtico for tbo furrul prcBuurouircuiuHlancQii} but oa tho QftU or January

>, In cffccl, n-cnlla tbo lianh eiprcatiioic righlCL-titb of Dt'Ccmbor: "These tloto-si ," l io«U, "bavo Orvd tbc Eiulcrn Ioat a with ardnr lo protract their tortm of icr-co;" "and llio JliHtia a\o pojiririff 1 rrommrlot-a, ond (»'|yjriiit( veteran tmopg |o 'e

licm p))i<->,'''bo LiiL'Uiy havo evacnatfd<the

nitry Uiluw | ibpy went off in the greiurryaml fon'ruklon."—(fi))nr|{ii<« WonLlni

It will nut lio out of pbcu to ttata litre, thatnny of tilt' caplarud Ilotaiam wcrtt Bent to

IllTuront partfi of tho conn try, to bo pnt tow nrk. Thirty or them were employed hy JoinTacoh raeaclt about bin rumaco, Bt Slonnt

\ fn Morris Couiity, tlio Qorcrninent bav-\ag tamltthsd him witlt mualicls SDffirieol forMs American workmon to use in keeping thoirlBonersatlbclrdnty. Bomo of these priso-ier» died nnd wcro burji'd qt ait o!4 gniTpjSBnl 9n

bo Went filnpa «f |bp Srq(i||t UORP ranjjo, half, nilla \reniof tba ITOIVB. Bereril or tbom ba-anioaltaeliodlo. tlio coqpli?;'an.4 concli*i|o(I tocnaain. Tliuir diMtCflndftnla «ro foittlil la thlilay hi (bu rlul|i|ly "f Hookinray.Knniu uuppiuo, anil nn state, that no pnrlloi

or tlio Amentum Artsy was. encamped !u tho vi-urZljnUu.w tiolll J.'I CM bo JlattlDo!

L'tnti I but mi tlio iwoulliHU of pecombcr,177(1, Wsslilotitfiii wn>le to tbo I'rosldrnt of

n-BK tliat ho bud "illrectci mo ihrco

fnJcrBuy (iTlitro I iinilvrnUnd abouUighta Milittn bad oullacti'it), la order to iniInlmbltaiitu, and as far *t poiallilo, to s

bslpart«r Ihu Ninniry." 'limw wure "Eatt-:i'Kiuii3ul*»"Iea to llorrlilcwn ntider Ibeland or ColunulYose, about tlio wtdilloot

Dvcemlcr. In n letter to WaKliiuijtcn, dalcdDecomueriatlltllTtitfl^irSl ?!l!pHUil>l> tWho pirpfl (q MqrriBlOtf Hi thp ilaj afjcr Qcpcral~ WMonplnR3(]al fianltmi(Jfio, v,li[pli was oi

tlililtcntli of tUt monlli \ mid tbat VOEIarrived at Mnrrlntown, "dav lioniro yoitortUy,'wlilch vat tliestncnloo!)thi>tt>ei>i>mbm: Pron

imo letter no luirn t lat COIOIIDI JacobFurd, Junior, hail al (bai timo under bla comIIBRUI »6Toa ban<lrcd Militia. Tlio thrno Eailirtl Ilogtinetitu wero "Grealonn llJRlmpntabout 250niRiiJ IJoml'ii do., IMj roitt'1'1 C,u.

ftl^lflpR ^ tt, tbu COHLTOI Oftictuldd bj Qaneral lYil!|»m M««P'I «finly, tfawjerpty, 'flip pnnfilt oDT

Conntyffor«i;rciillJ ntarmod, and \\M\ mb Tur I'bdiiiuO Fuitl'a M1IIH4 hniltn un<

j g t u l irllh tlio tliBuiy at Hprniflltld," oitlio four toon IU of Pccoinhur; oud "be expcclciit would bo reucwed tho licit niormnp, tu gil

•'pan ot tbo'iqonnlaini.'1 Tliii enj;agein«iotrtnrwcd; but th rt Q;

orpl I /nth rvtmt>4 !'{*!In i|.i»fii-»M»i;»ee«>Pu''Comity ifilltU'

l r j t d Joijn


ptboClpvoi aymtnos-

QhiWpi,rtlcinal[i(lwUll e> <lstm>hincu.l QI HtttLfront soiftii; LJuwtfy, (Amciican Arcuj'T-.m^lS^ulBiiiBOKdi-ntDnnfnl,^) Tdct ,.nlur troopa ncro inkmtlod to join the Aimy olVanliinjrlon ; but ibo cnuuiy mado BUOII dmilrallons of tlieir dnigns to ro^cli Mnrnttvbero wai an Invaluable potrdur-uiill, that tbojTore ordered lorcmaln, to aaalit iu keeping tbomomyaway. Morrla County it thi

uutief\#tvn$i ftiiijup WMi , yiil*. .. .nnlly dlmmiabcU itfi ngoaus of ilcfenco; andtllji.-TUB ono reoBiin why «l|inRtpi) roilinthjt the tvvt Xty pi^)s*ltJ (wof* ^i'U'llmain at Worrlniuwn, P( A liitio wlim lin>.oithem eo fi'rcetly.

On tho tneuty-atoond ui DL comber, Co lornFnrd comlucU-d the MililU Irnni Cbnthat

litown; and, from tbo fact tlint btlio thirty-first ol tha ranutb, it

d dp a n d ohv!«!D*ir fli** l)Srt not **c«n iKsbnndod, pro)ly [hny M P kept tqt;e|l|cr (inltl WoKbipistrni? a'piveJ from the BMllp of Trilicelpn,In^nmullB" HiU gantlcnpi) lioro a liro

neui part in Hio njTaira at Jf.o (Staip, lift. Io llt i m l i i H . b i i ; been ImnRrpd wilieyfi»lr(i'p.(jt|ii|bloo(llco4 in tljcBlftto cud Ar

y, and, fnrlbarmoro, as the natno li conneodwilb that of \Va*lilngt on*!} WluliT-qnarters,In 1779-'BO, a lew fncla cmiceriiing him will IK

jn HID flp]\f o i l u ( O n t q n i i l J a c o b rd, •tim'rt't ¥**tho follonine entryt-"Tnt(a*iuv, 31 Jnu«,

A l k I t b 1 7 7 1 'y

waa laken I, In dm British rrarlae

tborriir«1771ot Awcric*,

inn lliuch wanled, ) pllplivcretl lo tbo morflbprs of pgngr


dci)o»ltcd, alter tho Itarolntloni BB public i; hut tboir room becom-W of pscli pr,iTl|i|io «i

ii "Tirn l(,tu Mil vbnt lliey oboia, proparatorj tn a bnrn-

or nil lho wi t ] Oen. Sfrhton VitVti a member from Kow Jersey, eulecti-dii tlio County of llnrrifl anil etntnii' yi

day a copy, vorbifim, or onu entry BI folioi\Vi||on KMsflbclli LMaloy, rpotlior of Opl, 4'

rj, wanborr»intbeCttyor Aiand; oamo Into Fliihvu'ulpbls,

wiionthero^ii'bot one homo Ip It; and '

'iii? Jailer Jiml ot Chatham, <inter, and although be


•htro hit i l l o di v a a g e n e r a l l y

d t n h a v e h o e u V L T J n c a l t b y , u p o nb i * c i i t n l c i l w a n l u u u d t h a t L I B p r o | i -

v o o t l i f r b r o t h n r i , A l l r e d n n d J o h n U . , l h ot i e r n f t t l i n r u l i v c a a l S f o m s t o H L , w e r e B l i p -i B D d t u b u t h u ' j R c a U o f t h e c o n c e r n .\ V l i t ' i i t h e c a l l a p n a c a m e c r c d l i o r i H p r a n g u p

n i l p i r l B u f t h c c o u n t r y . D r u g g l a t n , J e w e l e m ,i q n o r d e a l e r i , i n n n m h e r s f o u n d t b c m s H r c aI c t l m s , i t l i i l p o t i c p o o r f U l o w , n d e a l e r I n

• i t l a b c u i i i , i . « d H o l d t o t l u n i n l n i o n t l i l aI r e M » L k , i ' u r . . p r l B [ n f ; a b o u t 1 1 , 7 0 0 w o r t h ,i r r a a t T r o y ^ a g o n n i n k * r » h a i l » l n o n a l dm i o v c r a l t h o u m i i d i i o l l i t r a 1 v o r t l i o r

e l I d e a . T h e a e q u o 1 ( b r o w a H o m o I l ^ i l i t u p o t ti o w s g o m a u d h e a u ^ , p a r l i o i i l n r l y ,fiuveral u f t b e u t u r u a c t i v e h U i i i e c l i i i t f l l i a tc r v t b i n g n a n n o t r i g h t h o c a n t o m a k o ai r o n f o r t h e g o o d i . O u o j u r i r c m o o l o M o r -i t o w n o n F r i d a y o f l a s t w i - o k , p r o c u r e d I b nc u B a a r y l e g a l a u t h o r i t y o n 3 t h o n e i t k c i o fi p u f j S l i o n f l " I . W . C o r y , a n d p r o t e c t e d t on k o a i o a r e l t o f l b s p r n n l « , ' g o f J o h n H .i l m n i l g o , n e a r t L o D u n c a n i l o u s o , I n b i n

barn wero found soaps, whtlo land, oils, vanillaCBUH, etc, to tlio value or nbtmt 12,000, thure

ng about (GOO worth of tbi! Leans alone.o Klienft* at once took poatcsslou or them,j while tboy nero LciDK rcinovta in a drayin roturnud, and claimed them an bla (irlvatu>pcrly, BOJIUB; ho nas hut a aalfiBiuftu, t.-.a

had no interest lu Iho dafnuct firm. Finding-> titmtion ptiil lo hi* prnltal, lin bpRBn'»Uuff tho lioraca will a Hpario, lioplnff loIVB tlicm away, and |nd It Hut been for the

itcrvenllun of tbo Deputy Bherlff would havoknocked ilown ror his pains by ono of tho

iiatpcralad creditor*..

In Newark on IVcdiiemlay a Deputy Blioriffiizfd (7,000 worlli orKHOJB wlicli bo foaml ati.,02Klylit!i Avenuu, nud whloh Itla allegedfro cpEritwi a.'.ny from Kpff Vurk tjj tbo Tal-ail|>,i-ri. Homo of tho oi!n were vi ln'mi fll tl's?hi mitrn dullnN per OUIH-C,A carriage biilonjlns to Jiilm I(, Talm^iigonsfuunilatqitluiliy'i, vliora ||c left it lu beold. 1'hlu nrm aluo sold otic for bim a vlnrllum mice.Tbo whole tflkit1 ccrlnlulf hitu a pucutiur

1 cn/Oltorn do not hi-nllaic tuwliokualo robbery.

On Monday mnniing Wm. Sfnswnl!, a voting'lircionting llmacUaH nn ngont forT. D.•.ofMorrlstoivn, waat to James O'llriea'i

iflloo lu Watiwu street, near Plymouth, Jcrxcylily, a>.d ftckod fn'nt to rent 'sloragc raum ininllone'H shops, Mr. O'Brien being agent lorlr, MnllQnc, who oirm a. largo blacksmith

(hop, now unoccupied, on Warren St. Maxwelluld him ho .wauled to attire tlm guodt until

Ruptcmbtr, nbou tboy would bo ahtiipcd lorrUtown, whuro tlio owner lived. O'Brien

igreert tosturo tUa. RIMHIB at 4 ccnla per Ca JOper rooDtli. Tlio joinig niau promiaod to win)

ovoratoncp. Rb.Prll'pRpFiTqttldt'TOolia urtiTPij, littavHy loaiUd vitli vww,

which contained ofl of citrtmeih, rosemary,Hirof ro»OB, fancy anapa-atid oilier' articles,ill ill lJioorlg|ri»l[uo|tojc»fl!|nijx>rl<Hl, TIIOKO

o plucod lu tbo ujipor atery of the oid build-ing. Only ulity-flro .if tho !tO0 canon were soutla tho abop, and tbo agant WM oxpootlog Romemoro unlll Wvilnoiday. ITaiwcll went from-iero ta a vteant bnilfllng, 2rj- Wtihlut;ton St.forraorlyoicd BB n laundry, ami engaged it foritorago purposes. Another stock of goodssimilar jo tbo otlior HBB pltcod In it, amongwhich was a quantity or castor-oil, purclmfrom H. J. Dakor ft Bros., oii-manufnelurerv,corner o t luy and- TYmlilnfitoil Htrppta, Jprscy3|iy, Tli? t]P|PFtlTfa fPP1*1*^ by tbvtors, a|d.or| Uy Mciare, tltllwr it &>ns, of Hu>l>

DU plrepl. Jersey OUy, und Lonls Vu[otiakcn, two of* tho areHlton, were pal oi> thonok of tbo trucks which cr<mod lho Corthmlt•reel ferry, and soon trnccil them to tlicsono stores. Tlio aid or tbo Kltcriff ffa. cnllct

in on Tuesday, V^&iT 81mri(f Cronlii ipneil iwrit of alltcbnien.*- op O'litjcti in Mulloiin1

sbopt and took p.'Bio'.ilun. of tho (iml*, HiIs. icned * \trit (to tlm aeunt or lho \Ya«hlDg-OQ ittvoi *toru, ami pUcod Deputy Sliorlff Idin filator in clinrjjD, Buforo 0 o'clock ot

ToDKilay ovonlng Uader-Sherltf Cronln Iho'ughlMullooo'i tbop ail UDBafoplace to store so muchinBammabh niatrnal, using an old fraino build-

in bad repair. He tent Dopnty SheriffSlater with two trucks to have thn fioods•emoved to tbo Wasbington ihret place,Blatornuntto " *"""

j Marie County at tfie Centennial

• C a t a l o g u e u t t l i e C . i i l t a o i u l E i l i i b i t o f l h oJ w i l i > K i e a I K w v f y i . r > V w J r w i - y , " ( n » r u w b i d it e n i i t i c u t l i a t U o » r l ) - i . v t - r y L c a t i t y i l l M c i r r i n ,i u u B c x a n d W s r i i t u C u u n t k - H i s r u p r t t i o a t t d i n

t h e e x h i b i t . T h e l i s t I n l o o I m i R l i i . V I n t - C iu a l l , i u w o e o t i f i i t u o u r s i - l v c n l u t l ;

. j i e d m m w n n e i h l b i l h m f r o m l l » r r ! n C o u n t y .C u c i s r i - O n p i n i t u H t e t i.t M u i i d b a n i , o ni t - N t c r l l t i a d ; I l a t - t l c l i a n i y m i n u s ; r o o t w a l l ,\lr<mp!<! m i n e ; J i a i e r i l l a v , Mine , m i l ; D ,

h . A W . I t . I t . Q u a r r y , D o v e r ; T e a b o V e i n , K t .l u p c ; f o o t n a i l O k m l o u i b f t l t . N o . I , H i b o no r H t , « i i n « u l i o f t ; toot w i l l , K o t i i t t l i t m i h n r t ,i n . 4 , I l i l t t i i n l a ; h a i i g l i i ) , ' n a i l , U o t l i l s i il i u f i , K o . 2 , l l i l m r i i U ; J J c t l i U l i o r u i l i f t f t , N o .', I T i l i c r n i c ; m . n r C r t c t i 1 ' o n d m i n e i t ; S p a r t a

r i i n i k t , o n o m i l e i i n r t l i - n u n t o r I t c r k o b i r e. D r y ; M u m i n i t o i H | i a r l a M o i i u U i u ; i l i i r d l o v u

. p a l i t o m i D O ; l l u r d m i n e .l l d f k H — I l c d g u a m i n e , g p c c h n e i i s f r u

i g I T B I I , f u o t T V U I I , a n i ] p i u c l l b o t w s u i[ i , r « : T o o t w a l l , H a o d u l p o H i l l m i n e ; l i a i i j j -i K W » » , A l l i . i i u i l t i s ; i m i K i n ^ w a l l , T P H I I O V O I II t . H u p i - ; l l r i i i i u i u v t - l u , M L U o u o ; f o o t n a lL i h l e l i f i i i s l m f l . N o . 'i, l l i b u r n i a ; s u i t e f r o me a c l i O l u i i u t l i s c ; I ) c ( . ' n u i | > m i n e , I t n c k a n a y ;i l l o t r n m S a u s h r i g l i l n i h n ; Kaanhrlgo r d m i i i u ; H c h o l l u l d i n I n t . ' .M i c a f f c l i l H t - U B c k l c b a r i i r y m l i i c n .O i i f i « , w i l l i g r a j i L i t u - K f t a r M o n d b a i" i f , r i ' l i U j m l b l u — l I u i ' i J C , I t a n d o l p l i H i l l

u - r ^ i I t H i u r o m i i t o i i l i i v c r , I ' o i n p l o o .K y t t i l l u , w i t h m a c t i e l i t e — J i c l i H o n i n i u f ,

i p l o u .C r v H t a l l i u o L i i n c a t o n o — T w o u p c e i m e n s f r o m

[ . C . B a u d e r a ' q u a r r y , t w o m i l e s e a a t o r M u i i d -t i n ; J . J . G o r d o n ' s r j u n r r y , t w u m l l c a n o r t h

n t v i l l o ; i j i r r l n i o n i v i t l i h c i j i o u l f u u , f r o m

drew a rtyulvfr PA Platcfi ttdttr report Iho Vndpr-HlidriK, who tlwva down at cnc<.rrt-ntod O'Dnsn, who wan taken lu llio Qngorytreot Statloa<HouBC and lookuil op. Tlio n

wore rbuoved to Waslitngtoii street .until Hwould not coiilnlii any more convcnlenlly

Toty, and ihu rointtwlur WAS takou io Osr-ittsan it Itonhntl'H rlnlt. The gooijs nare til' Rood condition, CKMS'I*. * fw W 5 ^ ? 1 ! '

mul tliuVlilup o

rt"1W,u«l. Xho somlo" wove al- ' SIimiatown.N.J.

Uc Jnhn tl. TAlmaORC nitiwctoit tlio cooilim WednctHlav eqd retailed oouiiaol lu Jerni-y

Oily tn bc|[|n a rijilovlu Mitt, Ha denies allmncolloii with (Im firm uf Tnlmarfgo A Co,IID creditors bare offered botifia of iuilamnltj

io tlio HbcrllTaud say llicj will atoru llio t;»<Hlamill tho onnc»bip i« aottk-d hi cmirf,

Dr. Flafilfr Baya l|ia | \a t .b^ t V p d * «" " '• t l tmli j-Uli i i ,

I At ft iMWtiliB nf Yietnr W a ' , Nu. ~ , Iorp()odTi}.iipUrB,h(.'l(l In their Lixigu ltunm,

1 u Duvii', N. 4., Jnijr SUli, M i l lUv


iilu|iteu, .i V u i a i E i M , I I l i a t b p l e a H C i ] o u r l l v a i c n i y F u l b i

t n r c m i i T o I j l l s a t h n u r m t i e l i b e l o v e d ri*-M m . J . l U u s i U L L L u B E ^ w l i d U l j i i r c t J i

t i t m l y l o p r u m o t e t b o u s e r a t n e m o f t i l l sI n t h e C I U H Q o r t u r n p o r o n e e ,

- T h a t •'* - •

Ic^raVlkt^iiaro: btrpl „..._. ber. lliO luUB of "ffliOBe prpwnci} \i yets

Thai va will oyor hear lu mind UPI „ .ip(| worka apd endeavor to periHitnatu beiMemory wy laboring lor the eaiwo of Umper-n,fo oi unrnvatlv na ilio did trbon amoug us.

Tbsihw htwhinu" an Kadlylioreavod acd dt-nrhod of thocompanlonfiliip niiJ connsol oflior~hn kntb In hla d&ily walks ihrotiRb lire aa well

H In tbo Lodfio Itoora wai hia "Sapportcr,'* ~ '.a her littlo onciand to oil tier Borrowinglives wo eilout] our sincere and bq^rlf^lt

nTbaf•is?rnrlbcr iwvrS'qF nnr Borrow, IICtinrttr of IJIJB todgobo dnj'ned In, inoitllrina (Iho inaCoarOQiliys,

"-- ' ' -* oii|iy of ||)e alraro Prvamblo and H<... . ... IicougniatBdiw'l't'i'Bi'qtiHf totfiafriily nf nut- iloacarod ititor.lly nf nut iH i

TtiatiliolHota pnblUh tbo

s E ia b o v o .

ater.inrt IHDEX bo re



Al»i'j;o ETOVO moetlng was commenced liKumplo'a Krovcnparllttckcltrioftn.on Thur.day «f thifl week. Tho meeting nae preerdodon XVctlnmlty by a union pictih or tha SIffJudial and PrcBbylrrian Snldintb Sfb.Oflb nf Htok'ltlofftii A-IWflVKHBitt ilfttii ^aa arraiiBe

fur t||B BpcaMnff and soati crocli'd (pr iho ncpuiamojgtion of about 1,000 people, llavs. £!llaon, UlakcBlro, ltoonoy, Day, T*u UuIon, Slaytiera aud Decker ol tbu II, E. Clmrob.lUdMcCanli^.ortliormbjtorln-i, Wdic t»pci*illy invited lu i*i[t\\ in iUo aatfi^oa, and

of tbcaa Itava lioeo on Hanoi in the wot*.The Iblawaro, Uckawanna k We atom llall

road Christian Asuwiatlpn will tako chircthe'aorviccB to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon amevening, and an lotercatln^ time is otptctcd,

L - D u u s a l ' n q i i n r r y , M c n a l n n T l l l d ; W h i t o I W kt , D . f - . f t \ V . I I . I t . , o a s t u r D r a k c B r i i l E ;

^ i r d o c V n J j u a r r v , Qrven Fond J t o u u t a l i i -B l a t y l l u c k — U p p e r L O H R T I I X H I , w e a t s l o i > e o f

] n : e n P o n d M o n t i U i u ; w a t a l a p a o f C l r H i i i' o n d M u u i i t u l n , n e a r W o o J s t t c k f o r g e .

B a u d H o c k - U u n n t o n l i o n C o m p a l i y ' i t n n u dt , F k n d c r a .K o J i U l o - O r c o i i P o n J S l o u n l i i i n , ouo milou t b o l N E W F o m u l l a m l ; u o i r U i l l ' i i ) , i m r t b .« t a l o p c o t l k i n l l i i R O r u o n M o i i t i t a i n .Q a i r t M E B C o i i ( ; l o m e r a t u — L e d g e s n e a r O r o e n3 i i d m t m i B ; b o u l d e r , n e a r D c i i v l l l u ; b o u l c l w ,

U n g u o s l a n L l n i c n t f i i i o - . T ( . U t i P h i l l i < i w i < r ' Bl i n y , o n o m i l e n o r t h o f P c i p i c k ; K c n b l t i ' s .t a r r y , l l o i f t l q i i a ; O e r u i a n V a l U y .F o a a i l i r c t o i u L i m e s t o n e — U p j i o r L o i i f j w o o d ,H u d s o n I t l v c r m a t e - L e t l g u m > a r O l d F o r g o ,

j ' p j i o r L o D g w o o d ,B e r p c n l l n o — V i t e a p u c i m o m f r o m M u n l v i l t o ,

n o o f n l i l c h a r e c o m p o s e d c h i c d j o f M a n n n l i l o .D r o w n U c m a t i l c - a e r u i i u V i l l o y .S a n d r o r c a a l l t i g s , e t c . — l i o n u l o n I r u n C u m -

_ u y ' H p i t a a n d O a r u j ' s p i t s , F l a n d e r s .G r a p l i f i o ( b t a c k i c a d j - E n g c l n i a i m ' s f a r m ,

D a i - l ' e i p a c k .P e a t - M e n d ' s B a s i n ; p r e p a u i l a c c o r d i n g t u

E l a b e r g p r o o e t a .l l l u o i n o f I r o n — S h l p n c n u o r t F o r g e .

i p h l r a ) J l e p B - f l r o i i p o f I r o n m i H U Biear Dover, on a scale of tlireo inchci to theillc; group of Iron mines near Dotdr on ilaleofnlx inches to the olio.Mine Slips—Dit«r mino, Woldna mine and

a mini

Pert Morris,T l i e D r , i l i t - v i l l < - 1 J . l i . C l u b c a m e B p t o

Cv l b o I V , ' M u r r i u b o y n u g a m e o f b a t eI i m t l i u ; . ; < ' < m i l n r i f t h e O a k L e a r e a o l

K ! i i t i b o | i u , u s I d t - f e i i K i ' l t h e m b y a u c o r o o lC 5 t o 2U. T b . i t w i w p r e t t y r c u g b o a f o r ti l o n ' m , U I , J I M r t j i o r t o d t h a t t b o A u d o v c i. . ' l u b w o r e u o i u i i i K t " ( i t H u l i o t i a l o l i e u t t h e

O i i k L e i n f H b a t B u t u r d u y . T h e y f o r g o t t oc o n i c

T J i e r o in n h o t e l ( r . e c e u i o n t b e l u > t , u n di t m i b b e f o r e t h o o i f y o u l i k e ) k e p t n t

r . - e M t < n t l i y M r . finttnn, n t B r o o k l y n P o n dl o c k , M ' l i e r c t h e b l u e w u t c n t o f L a k e H u p a t -

o n g t l c H c c u d w i l l i e v e r y [ i i i w i n K m i u i l b c w i lt n o t h u f l i u w i o H o r r i M w i u n L T I H H b o l d i »l w u v u m i r e t o a c t n l i c o r i H O I n > m t h o Io u n t y c o u r t K n u d o f c o u m e , i n k e i r t

. l i u f t t o l a w . L t u t S i i l u r d i i y u i g b t t l i c y p l i i y -i i l O t h e l l o t h v r e , w i t h J S O B J O u f t h o c l w r a c. c r o l c f t o u L T b a j j U y h s t v d u n t i l B i i m '

f k - r u o o n B O U I O t i m o , h u l l i l o n ' t i n t e n dm a k e t h i n t t o r y •"* l ° n H IU* ' b o p l a y .

O t h e l l o n t i d l J c H J e r n o u a l i w l b c o u t n k iq u i e t d r i n k n t M r . B u l t o u H h o t e l w i n

j e y l o o k o f n o e j t o c o o u t i n t b o r o a d uJ t t l c t h i i i r l i l t l o d i l E l u t i l l i C H u c c o n l i u u ; t oi u r u l e s o r t b o p r i z e r i n g . O l L e l t o W M v i e> r i ( i H H i H i ! r i ) i i m l s u m l t i i o . v b o t h r e t u n i e i .i t l i o l t u r - r u o u i i m i l t o o k n n o t L e i d r i n k .

I P K ( 1 B I : K , U I I w i L u t u d a a t i B f a c t i o i i , w h i t r h O U i e Uj w i w t o n c l i i v u l r o u i i t r ) r r f U K D , n n J f i |i s y v i r u t o i i l h ) t h u b j y ] j w n y u u d r e m i ii n U i t t l o . T i m e , U i V . I I . , B n l i i r d i i y i i i g b t .; la M i d t b o r c n i i l t o f t b c l i w t c n c o u i i t e r w i w ,

Hb-Aio W , I H m i T l o i l i n t o t h u b u m w i t h nt h i c k e y e , a m i D c i u l e m o i n w i w c a r r i e d t o t b o

b n r - r o o i i i , u\n\ h u d o u t w i t h t w o o f ' e m n u dh i w l l y t o r n g o w n . S o n i a t t y m p a t l i a t l c l u o k -

r o n , K B C i u e u . | > u i l o f w h U o v / i m i i i a t b oM m , g a v e ( h e i w o r b i d y n c o u t o f w l i i t o w a a b .I ' h n t u d i f f e r e n t fiort u r i i l u y B l i a k B i j e n r e

w o u l d l u r e v r i l l o n i f h o h a d H t i b t i t i t i i t c i lc r s e y l i g U u i i i g f o r I n g o T O t h e l l o j c a l o u f l

n i H b u d o u o u j j b — b u t 1 t i u p p u u o t l i o y d i d u o t: u o i v h o w t o i i w l e i l r f j t i w g r m i J i t i t l i o s o d n y B .) n H u n d i i y B O I I I O o f l h o I J U T B w e u t u p t h e r e- • - . * « a l i t t l o f u n . T b e y b a d i t A n o j o

• m t e l l s t h o u t o r y t l i b w a y : " S c / i t t n n dr c r a t h o r e i i t d t h e y c a c l i h u l p l e n t y o fu i c o . T h e y g o t t o q u a r r e l l i n g a b o u t

..— t r i l l i n g t h i n g n n d A n n l l y c n i n o t o b l o w s ,t e l l y o u u v c r y « » i e J e l T M t S c o t t l i e k n o c t -

. i l l i l t s d o w n . P o o r S c o t t R i l l i a i u n i c r o i ll i a d l y , t b o u g b I t h i n k i f k o l u u l n o t h n d B O

n u c h c n u n l w a t e r n n b o a r d l i o w o u l d h a v e ,i c k e d J c l T . A H i t W S I H t l i o y t o o k W m o f r |' ' r t l c s a a n d b n d l y b r u i u o u , i v l i o u I s a n c

>k n p i b n qmiTc] a m i w e n t f o r J e f f . H eg o t J e f f t l o w u o u i l p u u l n h B i l W m H o v o r c l y

l i i l f i , I m t t i i m l l y J c l T g o t o n t o p n m li l i l b n v c n i r n l o I t w i f t c h o l l e r e n o u g h i r

g o o d c i t i z e n h n d t i n t e n m e n l d n g j i i R t t h e nl t d t o o k h i m o f f . " F o r o b v i o u s r c a n o i i H , I

i n v o c t m u y o d t h e n u n i e a n f t h o c b n r n c t o r s ,i i o p o o n r U I K I I I C b r i R l i u n n o f e v e r y ( i c n o m -

i w i n c o u t i n u o I < > i m b s c r i l H i l i b c r u l l y" • • - • ' • • • C h i n i

* ] M J T 9 i b e r e \n a l i n t o f a b o u tt i r o b u n d r o t ] B p o D l m o n i o f m o g n u t [ a ( r n n o r e s

i r l j n i l t h i m i n e s a u d m a n y o r t b ofarms of Ibis county, which IN entirely loolengthy for us tfl publUh.

Tlm catalogue also acknowledges tba follow-ijr BB loaned br Frtil'k A. CanfioM, M. £.,from the tmlcjuo and maitnluccnt CnnOuld

Dllcclfon at Ferromoiit, near Dover:"Ituuppurltu^Stlrllug Hill, Susaex Co.Amphlbolo-BllrlitiKlllir.

and JelToraouilo-Slirliiig Hill.itc-StirlinsUllt. '

j—Nowloa, SUBBOXCO.A Urge and temarkahly BtroiiR, natural

iiiaguol, (loJfiloue) from tbo DlckorBunmlao.Another catalogue sent us la a "List of Woods

—mring irild in SUIT Jersey." In It uro furtytciniiim from tliftt Bcctlon or SUBIOI niiiliisalc connlicxhorduriiig on MorriH, eatliorodE. i l . Wright, otfltoclibolm. Murrli Is rep-

resent c.I by apcoimcni or Kin Oak and Hirer!Birth, frum hmla of .T. II. nml M. M. Cook, of

At the monthly onncort or tlie Presbyterianumlay tiphool of Siiccaianna on lait Suudnyfining, a collection ot arttclos having a greatDal or tfcirlptur*! InLeroat about thorn, andattierod by llio late Hot. Dr.FlaU while In Pal-

oitlno, wero nxbtlillca, oonsislliip; of tpeuimomif slono frura Uotbel, where Jacob satr tbo vis->a of DID ladder intending from earth to hear-n; Dun from llount Carmul, otbo'rs troin Jer-ibo, Jacob's Wall, btc; an Ink horn of tho do-

scrlpllun given iu tho lllblo- p, gliophcnVti piptsed fur calling tbelr flocks togolher; au earth*a lump, similar lo tbo no meil twa Uinnoara »go by the JowUl) pciipto ( ft Itbylaolery;piece of pa,ra(iiriont on ivliich aorao nor/p

sritcncfa vero nHtlon lu Houretv; nanda1jiiudlo, iilontlenl vitb ibat incntioncil In Prov-•rud, Glut iihHp., liUli verao, an<l tbo mil ftor uniform or au Arab Chief. Ur, Stoddaril

o a brief description of tbe articles BhoivDtho places from which they \rcro \*\c

iwultlng at Bomo Icn^tt) on \\\o gplmllo aauifllt mpiillcmed In ooiiUL'utloii vritli It ._liaplorflrProvci-liB' nburo indicated, tino,

on tbo I'liyUlory, Un orlglu and uao, from thureference* iff 11 In Dcilt., Bth chap. 71b, 8th ami01 li VCTBCM, nml in Matt. 23d, Slh vcrno.

Slnca bearing Ur, filoddnrd nu tho Arab*,ila charautorletlcH, etc., I bivo formed an on-irulydlGcrtint opinion ot that part of Adam'sirogony ronrcnroBonted by him, and tun in'

cllnedto thfnb tliat if no better uudurtlopdbcrbraucucHorthebmnati fnp'U f WO vuul^ivoa bolter opinion (J-tb* crowplnn work ciia-A.lmlf{lily lUn vo luvu, tlioupb Ihttt workay luve BrodHjf doterbvaled. Tim doat

outs of Iiliouci « e bold op aa the iiloal of bo-" [Drbiicy Budlntractabilitynbonro coriBlantlr

, tho alert to politico Oa their neighborsleave tbom In tbo condition iu which the GoodSamaritan futud tbo unfortunate traveler

)ii his wiy from JaruBalcn\' tn. cri<Hut it «DU1(1 fcuiq (li«i ^fVfl^^l #wt aa l ieTab in, hecanbu Bobduttl aRd cl^rUiiai

hy llaH\\iiitx and ;avablo of obtaining ta as ci-nlMam^loii1 (Hf*Ui'nc<i SK piiy otUrr mom-licrg of tha hwtty, '

Tlm U\g buuiR IQ be trcctcd by Clmrk'B Van-il<ir, Ksq., nlituli I ruentioned uomo uontEis

ago, h ifRiitniDfl ia takoa aubB'nnliat furnt,11 unsold tliat tbo oollsr nail has lieun laid;ud tbo contraoia for ilia carpenter and masunvoik has been jet, and non no doubt t)io wvlll^u uu »j>ijly tu €oianlultb*ii *^A hoii 1*Wl It will bo \i\fi » I'uity a,u orj a hill.v" JTlie la^ejpf thu l|t..n fciinrob, liaw tnntio

ai^tmbtittfor hulding a. f»b;ai)<l ffEtUnl,Yudtici!aay«oM,Am'Mat 'At.

U U vmmmw 1" M J ibai ti« I»»IICB bHWr Uli 'Q lilikc their unlcrtawniont* of wb.il-ivcr character tbey moj lie, both agmc&blu nnducccBHrul, ami tint particular fcataro or that nto glVcn oa tho «icQid 'lay of AURIIII vrill bo i'(Jonlcimla( a'oii Parly." All inioronto.1 will)1D»HU ivmomhertlio dale.

At Drskovlllo cvcrylhfiiij is mifcf. Ibu fewdays of cool weather In beginning to mils tboboarders here hel unujy, qi it liiownl^o, per-hipB, wllb n\fm «?I4 VPAT^11^ a r " 9t«pplu5'

The prta flr^tJ Hoed of liavsc.Bcvcpt] yoapi iigo, wbm our town was in

llio bclcblb of \\a iwwporlty wo mlvocAtodtko extmiliflhiuout of A iunuufiicttirlu{; intcr-ott, nnd on novcml noouiioni) sine* hnvo epo-kDn lo tbo tmtno purpooa. AVbon tba ironInvdo \mn Rooil, it wiia of itsolf nufllclent loiniiport tlio plnco ; but oven then Us. nvvteti-il iiitereBla tniglit Lavo been cMV^ilonibly en'bnncod, bccnuso ^e. l^d tboi; a home nuirkolTor mu.HY llt'Ula ofmnnufactarcs, Hod any-tiling brtMUK>ini!o.cea'stftr|ctllUl>ai1wowoul(!not fcvl tha pffectfl at tha mniOas (hey n refelt to-iiny." Whnt then vmtVX Unvo boeu ftmhtabiG nnitllnry )» now nn Itnnontlv:o«a|ty, imd tlio KOOUUF tbo pooiilo roooL -.Ihis Ihet tbo Iwttor it will bo for them. Oa.tiuo (trout need then is n luanuCicturlng CH-InlilUlituont Unit will utilize tlio elenicui nowKeeking labor. I t would tide u.u over Unemergency in wbfeb, TVQ D^? iiowrV"o4, a:lonku DM tho raoro ppwjjf roi\n in tlio ovout

refininplioH of tbo iroiiUnluMry-Tbe*;o \x purely notlittlR lo prevent tlio <

hibllHlimeut of RIICU nu nntcrpriKO. In IbiBrut placo tbo lntflin«w immpcrity of over;pcrsiiii in tha ]i)aca, from tlio luurclwnt tdtlie inechituic, deiutiuiis iL Tlien walwvtnu nbundnnca of capftul witpttwuled. Uinlwould mnko it n> Hiicgea* (f it worn onco en-Ihtcd. Hnt llli>|0 tlum M tbo greater porlioiof tliQEo who rxwfless tho cnpltul of Dover nnmen or btwiueiB tiuergy nuu litninn, who haveobtained wealth by rtiuou oi HIORO ftomrnvplUhuiontB, nnd who iicvbr U\ in nuy bustnoss project lliey mulintiJio, MU] wlio, 'their onoruitH w m ouco ongsmoil In tliwork, would ntrvke tlio town noted for ilmftiinfuotunis. Will tiioy ilo it ?

Tbo l«t nitnnM lucutin^ tiOunnty lliblo EJocicly will W1'rcHbyierinn clinrob., (J1 Stownrtsvillo,ThnrfldAv, AURIUI 3, Ib7fl, enmrncuciup;11 JL s i , ' The Itcv. TfiomaB B t a l y wpr,<t\ch \ to nnnoi\l spr,mo«,'


tjniifwlonuries to Cblnti nudmd out.nmuug llio poor beuiglitcd

hil BCCUCH liii^ these go on underiu th l f fuwif d

dw U , while B C H liii^ these g underliuir vory UOBCB iu thu cuuiilyuf fiuwifii nnd\aleot New Jewey,'Tell tlio littlo children wlio go to Suiidny

lohool bcurt-rendinc HIOI-ICH of how tho•"eejco Islnudcrn used to cook tho imor IUIHS-•mule* aud cat tbom, nud fie air tboir littleicnuy collection)) to tbo Foreiuu Mlenionarj' My, while our own Otheilnn nro uiturti-

1 their lodicH wttb bad whiskey, aud JeffaUren Romotiinca go hungry lo bed ; nudir littlo children nud miuucuinalu uu~the

;rcot nemo dny, iuet lcarniuc to tulk, with 11;rcfttbigmtbin llicir montliH, while tbeynvo lenrnod Boinothlug tlow nnd expent toi praised accordingly.IftboEtuweri) ta itfiut bnlf iho things

;hnt havo occurred at thin BooVlyn Pond.Dck bolel, iu they oconned for the lust UTO-Iears, you would he euert undor tlio "obsccLeUeraturo net."1 big tbat when a lkoino IB next eWeu tolinhotol, lUo juJgo wlio RMtitB it will Intistlot Iho nmn who keeps It tato the 3 R I I out ofin flblakoy, cipeoiallj what he BOIIB on Sunday.Mis. John llowlubr who foil out of tbe second

story window of Jiorroaldonco, Thuradny night,uok Bgu, is up tn<l aboat again. Ilor:lf boue struck on tho lilngo ol tho cellar•ra»klHR »Q ugly flounii on her faco. Theu WM broken. It irai next thing to t

mlraclo that her neck n u not brokci,Tlior<3 ncro BCVBTRI gentlomun preicnt tuellicr nlRhl when Kirry Letf, tho cons (a Ho at

South BUnbope, enme for mo this fmhion:" Yap UCLI abotit mo in tho*[».|>ur Usl week."

1 what way anld I . "Yon \noto it, yon onghtnow," Bail Harrry. Now It to happenou that

ihe hutibaiid of llio Udy nliutn tbo young man~ d to List ncufc Htlomjiled tu rub aa tho

ilghwnj, K»B prc^oit, ind I quktlj Riltod himbo did inform Mr. Lett or tlio faotB In tbone and ho said "ye*, md Mi'. Lott told liio

IB had to. go inlu tbo flood job then, but wouldct at aoott, ornisj-M ten o'clock." "It

lon't mak< any difference, you'ro »liar, you'reliar, you're a liar," Bald Htrr j . I don't knot

rlmtber ho tbougbt that «ort of vlgoroui En-gllnh would pruvubo ma into an attempt at

lit &ud uittory on tbe eiocntivo bw offlcerof tlie township of Monnt Olive n d Rive bti

banoo to pnt a bead on me. .1 am uatlsfiod'1th tko head I'vo cot. I hnvo letruod toblnk twlca boforo Bpetkinp; vuca I »m angry;ind Ilka Hark Tiraln, I can ho but I won't, if Iniw II, and I im bounu IQ aay tlut, thousa I;tvo UID coiatablo t\ Boutli fitnohopo llio beiit orpuUlahinK Lfa bravo ausorticms, I aid

it "lio about bini in ttio papor list weok." oranyuthor timo.

For the iadios.Thoro -nr« mmiy pretty iywelllen in 1A(

ion, Hcnrfe nml tho Uko. Some ofmnRlii..JIVQ tlio ondH Qtubraldered in white or col-irud ullk ftoiw. 'Xhwv icnrfu, three or four•urtlK \oa$, cxa very effeotivo over n dolicale

j\wn or miwlia drcsa, Tlioy nre pafisccluronnil tbo nock mid heM together witb aribbon bow; then tbo ends nre crossed ontlio obctit nml tied, loosely in tbo back. 6Uk

much nsod tbm wnrm wenthor;

CMH Indies prefer two-inch gros-Rmin rib-n, which they wenr knotted at tbo throat

[bur piece ia placed around (lie waist nodnod on tbo left. Tbo wai at rthbon isI in Hou of n snali, ami nlxQuld be from

tbroo to four, ynrda lnp^. IACO uockUicos,witli jicnilirnta, ^nvo Uoou intioducei], buldo

1 'n Hindi favor, probably owing to tbewlmvasivut prfceH naked for tbom.in color nml gmybecs, conliug from

Lwo to throe ilallira n yard, nro still Very fastisionnblo for polonolRo or overskirts ani!mctiucrt. They ore itminlly ornumcatcil vrithIIOWH to nmtoli tbo color or tho dkirt, nud nrovoty ncrvicivlile, OH tboy a m bo. worn withHUY garment by mepilx ^ u g t n g 'he trim-minu. SiucQtiiplutrpdcotiou of tbeao cheap;eodn, biuemivb W.-snre vo-ylittla used,md ou!j for gmnil occnaiouR, '

Tho clange to niopi slinplo fllylcs of drcRSins effected hn imprtaut revolution i s the

" ofttlimvy Jawelij". Wusaivobrocclotfi,nttin nuu other tlnuhy ornameutn are

worn by tho t%i>ilcs of tho day.Tho fiuhionnblo earrings ivro small stnds olllamoudi, jwurlsor Uoinan gold: undbreual-iiua c»n bo counted nrnong tho thloga of tbeust. .Hlioll nndjet aro nsud for ordinal^ oc-

CIWIOHH. I t iaftiitJ-tlmt ^W°QT rapoit" it-ir, nud uuiionliialy ^nsbloa does the same,r ivo MO juolijiblv drifting back to tba

Unu Ball.A pfck«J tip tilno or yotrne men from Do!

visited UcDilbnm on Wednesday ta play UID'lubortlmt p:ace. Tlio day TrasplonBDm/tbirlic very flne, and tbe Bover UOJB wenccouipanleil by quite a comlwr from tbliilnce. The enmo, thonsb not marked by anyirllltunt plijioCr was a plcnatnt one, waiiluypJ tiironghontwithout a Blaelo^(H»rnlnd rcsultefl In f4vor ot (bs £av?r hoys bycore of 58 to 13. In, tbe flrw| part of the gatno

It iris rnrv at\o-j>U\ed-Btaudins 21 to 0 at tbemil of Ibo scvi'iilli inning. In tbo bat twuniiiuta lowo\cr tbo Meudbaiu bds did^IOII. batting ^hlctb, asaUlcd by mnny orrois>n tho twrt nf Ibolr opponents, gavo tbea nltic•un«, FnllnnloR IB tbo score!

noTEU. n. n.|

lloach.p. -WPII, 3d t>.ItTram, U h.Oeoree, o. f,Ciln, lit b .Hlnol, I. f.lllolmrui, t,llodorer, r . f.


Deiu, p .Iio we 11, c.Day, 1*1 b .ApB.ar.Wb.aWnotaii,s.B. 2 3Hupe, 3d b.Tbompion.l. T.Park, o.f.

272S1 Total,JIU3B HI ISMSOfl.

The Iron MarketThe EnnluoerinR nnd Minicg Jonmnl o

lioUild,. navB of American pip;:Wo only team of a nale of 1,500 b u s ol

Port Oram iron on nilvnfa tarnn' :h iakcR out of tha market nil of thi....id, thu fnrnAco lmviujj blown out Al

throuph lumiiitHS is exceedingly qniet, fheinppenn to be Nome lirmncns among mnk-CTB, wbicb is tbu rofuit of a doctviwed uuilief ctiarttaeoH being in Mont. Tbojo in.Ruiiaml belief tbnt prices will go (.till lnna.•mt thiii cannot tAlto place until reduction!lmve boon niddo in too prices of coivl nm(reigbtn, wbicb geoni cow iaevitnblc, t unro likely lo be inndo much enrllur thtm biwbeen tratioipntoil. T h e n aro.no indilccmcnlfifor Iho majority of furnaces now ont of blmfta ro-llfilit, nor will Ultra bo any until a \inanent rcVirul of Imaincu* wta in. 8o limi Iho oxUtiii)t dtiiirctmion exists, tho canine*titionfvnmup Hellora will ho no Krcat thattlio ninrfiin o[ prollt will bo no ^rcutcr tunnr.t |irt«citl, LoxftUT urcid tha foiicessifUM itho prfocM (if frulRhtdaiid oonl iiuy bo. \Vcjunlo N a 1 fonudry nl S22; nuil gniy forgiat 310 nml $20.

Tho ranior Htnne for a new German Luth-eran ciinrcU in.riiiUItMbar?, vas hid oa. Utw t u . • • • • • . .

A n A C C O I H I U C M I B I I I I K T l i l t f .NifB Carrlo Urteac, of this place, wascr.

itic of the Jersey Oily ftrrim on Huturday, tin.6th iual., whin aho nns robbed of her i»clctook, eonUinlus about 15 in nionry, ft chod

nfjto of cmsiik'rablo amouutc, and otlipopets of MJUO to her. Suzac Icelanders c(cind tlio Ibiel ccinmit ttie Ibcft, and ga

;, but be encapod dotcctlou lu tbo crow11. AI (JILCB etoppod payineot on tbc check,;ftvc up any Lopu *f crer obtaining It

iockot Look. Oroatly toberHnrpriao, bovrcveLho Itiat jjocVfit hook cimo to her on Wtdnei

ay, with all it« TBlnallo panors intact. TliJIIKIIIR pick-pocket had merely appropriated> bid uao tlio few dollars In CBBII that It con-lined, nud some pout a go utatDpr. sud Joaiis otrntr'H name and placo of ruuidcuco

nopapurs, forwarduil to licr wLut wan (rlue to bim.

An Astronomical EventAn iulcrestiu^ DBtronornicjil eveut, j^j^irit

wl with iievp lutercHt by mitroncnieni, nilllj iievp lutercHt by ootrononipni, wilr iu August, On tbo inoniiiiR of Friday,uwt ]8tb, tho planet Veuun will l

l t t f Ih f hvery ncnrly to n ntur oflliefniirthliingnitudp„_. ,.„.„ the plauet will be a moruitigrising before tho Kim QIKIHUIIII' "

int front it to inruiH of Ibo itlmuo• ^utube.t eloHoly. T4iia will <H: before fotir o'clock. Tlie (lisuiuco enH from the enrtb being then about forlyquarter inilliong ofinilcn offen nt—

>pportunitita for tlie Mtrouuuierw to dote"'— eorlalu iinportnnt mattQW.

l i n gittle b

VICINITY NOTES.UnTucHiliLyGvcDing, Ifitli, when Mr. ilcii-' SciiytciiYL'H, nf rmjlipfiliurg, came homeam bin work, ho fanud tho houuo closeJ,id Ins wife iiowliore uuont After lookingirongb the first story bo wcutnp slAirs, mid"" horrified to find her lying on her bed-

u floor, life beiug totally oitiutl. Dr.e8 WUH calluil iu, und immediately pro-

duced henrt cliKciua lo havo bseu tbe cnuneliorJtalli. I t iH Hupposed tlint nhohnduo up bbiirH to get Bomo chthofl ont nf theiroim for hat (wo littlo clnlclrori, nnd slwnut lmve fallen ever nnd died Inntnntly

liilo iu tho act, an tho drawer waa linlf wiiypen. Sho WBJJ abont 22 yearn of ago.The fight for tho Democratic Gentilorinl[uiunllon In Buwex thin full will bo U-3uu Dr. F rmt l i n ' Smith aud Frank M.>rd, hotbofNuwtgu. Tbo fanner wiU bu

lacked by Jacob L. Bvrayzo, Euq., nod willirobahly bavo the Granger oloraout with him.'bo latt«r will-recaivo Ibo HUpport of lho lit-lo cotoria of Nrwlon politioians who for•ears punt have tnada tbo nomiuationa for*ic people of Hint «o«tly, wbo will BWOIIOWiy pill In the fihiipe of u, Democmtie uoiui-ition If It If: only encar-conled willi the np-

ironntioaof tlio "lcadcra."

The Wurron County Froolioldcre linve ie-icted tbo ro-nomiuation of Epbraim Dic-•ick by tha Btnto Board Of Etlacatlon auauuty Sui>oriutendont of Schoaln. Ho wasi ufttoicnt officer but was slaughtered forolitical rcimoiw. To bold thin ufflco—which" nil other* tdioult] bo beyond political con-nl—iu uilher SUFHCI or barren ono mmtro liio approval of thoso contemptible lit-clit)tion, (notable for nothing owo but thodiocrityoftboKo wbo cDmiwue them)coll-Iho "lenders."

An unknown tmtnp wont to sleep on llioirnpikuntnr Diilliribarg, nndrollod off tLo

ocks ft pcrjiendicular clfsfauco of 75 feet, HUB-taiuiug serious if not fatal injuries.

Tho Itnliiius who wero broucbt to Cobni-ia to work on the new railroad, returned theieit diiy liccnuHetlie pay was St.00 per dnyustcadof »1.H5, which they had be en prom-

woman wan recently lodged iu Uio Wnr-mOouaiyjail forfiUming a milroad (rniuom whicii sIio had boon ejected for refus-

ing ta pay fore.

Da IVatJuomUy of laat week John Daily, iiuId lesidout of Droadwny, foil through aridgo oh lho Morria & Eases Railrond, uearIroadwny, and runeiveil Injuries frofti which- died a short lima after.Tha Thatcher mine, nt Btewnrisvillo, in in11 operation. This mino j j QUO of the moatlualjle in tbs county, and in worked by theithlebeui Iron Company.

Tbo work of erecting ft now II. E. ChurchHope progrcKsoa freely. Tbo e " "

.ant fiuuhed oxtenmlly, aud tinork is being vigomnsly pi * * *Sooio of tho pudtllera nt Oxford uindo n

Irika laut week because the compnny cm-iloyed two man to wliom tho puddlur'a uu-~a objected. It Booms these two wen wereit In good standing with tho union,

A lad named Fislior wan drowned in thoclaware, at Roneborry'fi fishery, bolow B«l-idere, on tho lGth. Ho wns lontniLB to•iiu.

Pliiltipiiburg employs twonty-six teachers^kJla.public-tcliooK-l^yhig llieni $1,218monthly.

Onpt. Abnvm O. Wildiiek, or ULIIL ,gmduate of West Point, haa gono to the•--liter in command of two bnttorioa to fight


rrooi O«bllltf.

Vital ntinkncBs or dopredalon: & it oak o:II [oil feeling, no energy or conrago; thouli of monUl over-work indcicretloDCBBCB, or Bc.mo drain upon tba syBiom, isAVB carod tij HumphroyB' Hnmcopathloolfic No. S3. It tones up .and invigoratessvBlcmjdlBpcltttlinsloom &qdu*enpon(l<

inparti stiength and energy—stops tbo draininilrbjuvonatcB th'e cat Ira man. Boca UBcd20

porfeol Bxtcccea by thousands. Soldby dealers. Prlco t l por alnsle v<»l, or | 5 pelnacVaga of flvo vltls and t2 vial of powder,lent by mail on receipt of prieo. Addreai

i* Ilomcopatbie UCCUCIDO Company,How York. M-ly

To avulil tho d»nfior.or iufeotbu, tbo linon-, safforinF tttom Ma tftiomioB of a, er...-unturo Buould bo waahod -with Oloon's

_ —r Bonp, wbicli is not only •> remedy bav

.HILL'S IKHTANTASEOL1* Him DTK contains no— - " - p n l B 3 n t MMt?



a? A. V X C» XT 33 XI. TT,



Newspapers and Periodicals






Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.

CBOICF. nnAKiiH o r




it DOVER, N.. J.





It tic fnnU ut



MACHINE SHOPS,AI. llonfiluui!, Prr>|iiif(oi-.

ROCKAWAY, N. J.iiAMjrACTUitr.iiB o r

Chill and Dry Sand Itolls,H i i i t u i l k i i n f ^ ' f


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL BIZES OF


Hoisting Apparatusoralllftnilflappnrialit.v, and

Fui-nishcil nt SHartent Notice,

urned and Grooved io Order.




Trompt attontion gimi lollEl'AIIt WORK.




Spring Goods!


Thnn Ever Before Offeredin tills Market. -


Until You Look in.



CffUDH. IHOUR OF LlliS,Dover, Moy 61b, 187C. 21-tr


DOVEB, H. J.ie ienio70(l to bin now and comntudimu atbib

room on

BIACKWELL STEEET,nearly opposite tbQ Katloual TJoton BAtik,

Work for the Jlnemployed 1

WAVEttLET: HOTELSor American wtkt, and U " tbe b«it etiitiontho beat Enclieta 'nouliit." * Tba boou ailindinl, and will tellfor all timo. Tha no-.ilnalcal eiceutlon Is ol the bait.- Tbe prioo taOttlioloweil. AotEKTt WJUtTBD •CTtBIWHIRE, toHlioo liberal lernia ana ezclniLie ittntory troOffercJ. Tortrtlght rolamee, «rw«ciD/r tDO|)igrie»cu, KDd eonUmlnR1-neirlj 2,000 Ulai-ntionB, mil complete the acrlei. tiobacribersnppllcil with two Totamei (5 complete work)Donlbly.. Elotm month*' deliveries (21 vol.

jtnci) aro now rcadf. • Frica—io cloth, gillextra, ror VOIUQIO, »1.501 bait turkey, gilt ion,BJH 'Fw twroi, etc; addreis •

Y.. J. i tOJ- 4 BON. Fahliihorn.JMj • U

NEW WOOD aort COAL YARD in DOVER,I b o mrtiRCrlbcrhiuruponcu- «, acv jird

.... tho silo ot COAL and WOOD, on BLACK'WELL 8t., next to OAQE 4 UALSEYW Luta-hor YnnlH. ComUnlW CQ bund all kindi otCOAL i LSUiaiL HOnAHtOH AUD M T p .UIKOU6 COAL, DELIVEnED TO ANY PAOT

o u vic iNrnc . W O O D , uoih»» and lUME, TLAQRAIKOFA

M I D « t lC E M

nTC.t l b s y i r dMEMT

or.lollTcred.FEED AND

•ojlftj'iulnk VpcrfecfkBoirlcdgo of It, m

Win. mLL.,,ct,A« BlU.Wt.

wlpto jou 17111 fiul tbo beat aiaortmcnt o[

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,tlio most eluKaut dcsFgnsof Silreririro imllm-



B»a nrilclM rot TABLE USE «t QHEATLY11EDUCED rr.ICES. E<rooill «11BH«OD

i> Elvtn to llio


4 R C I I ( T o r t l i o H u v i i r i l , E t f ; l n , W i l l l i i u n , LHQU i i r l n i j l l o l i l n n t c l i m o v e m e n t . .


HAIR JEWEL1.1T,c i ) i i b l i i t i l I n ] c a i I i i i c p i t l G r n b o f l k i n a i l o t i > n n T e r

• t S H O U T K O I 1 C E . T l i o

FAmcanLD GOLD PEN,nn.urranacd forAiiuncy anil goiionl olccllcuce..

Aficnt for tlio DIAMOND . . , •


which >n> minntdctuwa from Mlanto CrystalPvbblDi, imltcil by raRlon and tlcrivo tlielr nnraodUnioaa on account nf their haraqoia and bnl-llaney.


ENGRATING. NEATLY b0KE tDoter, April aiit.lBTD.

i-1 fnr any iimunnt Lwytniil thuTiWliertf KlICU. jlllifc'llll'Ut -.llli.11 llUVrt hfiPDII' leinli'toJ oil tho verdict of u jurr or nily : tlio rqtoi-t of lvffm-.-s unk'w ihi- jutrtj:, | fiball, ut tlio time <>( LtLiiifj tlie IMIUH*

his j file with the jiiatirti uu affi Juvil urn do b.\





»U; andicca-ICtlt,st«-

V tO

l>y LiaaRoulll iS lint IU

id tb.it

.vir. bi*yK- s,'p'

tlio party, or in h:flstatiuL' tbat tbo eaiiilendol for tlie ](I»ni..iL- uf ileluv,tbu affiant verily bulk-re* tbat thp n]ij)fl-Uut lath n just auil legal ground of op-

. . . . . . peal upon tho merits of the cane ; which

.rder ; I atSdarit shall be scut up to Iho court ti

.-J for ; which tho appeal ia takou, with the othjiisiie*; or pawrs in the cause."f.t Iv ± And 1M? it enacted. That this ne

shall like fffivt itnuiotliatoly, ami shall

l the

»pp1r to all iielions iu which i

•ApjirotfJ April 12, 187S1

thereof.1. licit

l W

ruwssarr io makcwid l-ai jailftncotion fto* : «.A ^ ' *te title li> siiu Iran-

ciiiisfMiiiil prviHTty aforiv-uid sold thow-uuilfr, free and rk ' to f all hcus and inoumbranivspf f b

ua 01:1.1tbe 11.-1jwss :

r.uv; dueiaKiho al«

WO t l


CHAPTER CLI.Supplfiiient to ua act niiitlel "An oci

to PiitMurige (hi'catiihlisliuient of iiiu-tod loan, hoacsLiid ami buiMiup tw-si^iations." .ipitrnvi'il April uiiitli,ei hU-tfa bundtvil nail sevenlj fivi>.

; l.U?it onectftl l»v tbcSt'n.iteand QL*H-; b uo-j oral .Us*mlily of the Slate of Ntw Jer-

l pubtimtioa oi j sov. That Doiliiucriu tbe net to wbicbas shall l»di«c- j thw is a snpplcmcut KIHIII be construed

i said justice, j to prereot anjr assneiatioo,

,>i, l l lVol Miii'oli f..in Hi, •iv.l mul hislv-i i ino. I 'uiitntlli.'t' railrmnl v i l l i in tliiu i-lntc• L-iillctl Inum-li n u i l H . l i v uilli-.ir h'R'.iiw,' tiwiii, o r h

,-f 1 jiipi

tlint it may admit to bo du« fur stntp tjiron, uud Mich amount BO r.aiij slioll beL'teditcJ uu thu state tux us it blmlf ljclitiultj- dctcrwiocd mid ii*i!<l under thisact ; nnd tliu said cro.ljt KIJUII l)i) madeby tho comptroller, upon tho certificateof tbc n'uto treasurer, an to an idtui'iit, 11ml nu intoront Hiinll boii|)oi) (ho nuiouDt tli us paid and omi

7. And bo it enneterf, Thnt for Ier certainly it is hereby deulared

<lf t i l "

cLrtiiiityit h lierobv doulac4 llt9 net shtill not n|»j>ly to or Hfrtit any

t i l l c i l taxation ivbutMSlj-Il !county, muuicjiai ur luenl taxation

H. And bo f| cjuurteJ, Tliat tho

g «ther(litMii, whicht.l nailer thelax I'tlUI liv

ny under tlioii.1 net <if eighteen

Mi:tll Iv CODHit tnxoi b w i

1 ui ion Mid i hr-iui'li | - - -• •• • ,iici, an Ion" us llio i ti^llt-T, trcasurr-r mul j-'oiiitnlssiuiter ofloltViiilmnil'eiiiiipiiiiv j niilrourt Utxutiou filmll tako Rtiil tmis ..[ i-iiil 11c' til wribi'i nnd filu in tiio ofllro of thecomp-

.•.iiiiu-L-iriiuiwli.^l OB.1 Mitr-niiie bball j troller, the following until ur.afijniw-vc -] tlio ••i'-'-L"'ito aiii'iiiu't nf tlie tux- ' l l l l 'a : "* <'<1 «m'inu'y promim) nnuc? inioii fu-'i I11 Tm-h rua.la under this i s»'tlflf " r (nfilrinj that I will faltlifutlv,

' ' ' MH.]I nilru:id jiui|iartially uud jusllr porform nil tfio> Liilf of one [ t1«tii-'s imposed on tuts by (his net to thonf (heir u-orkt ! hf.it nf HIT cbilitv ami under Htindlng."


^•t.^uluC.ll,- r i t . - . i f r


!1 H ie »!i 1 property of any <ji

.'r'olKliS'lnm.lrodM> lull/; us thi* actami Mstv-Hiiic. nr sn luii;; i

.-Lull ivm.'iin in fore-'.H. And lie it fiinrtd, That on nr

fiff«tln-ili(.t il.iv <-£ r.-t»rn«rv in wyi'.ir, tin.- |)rL'.*idi:iit. sccmtitrv nr trciircr df evi-v railroad curiwjrationcunjinny sliiiU, mi o;<lli .,r i./Jjniiiitiimlii'ivtitni tu litr enm]>trolli'r of I.ntiito o! tliu tnti1 TIIIIIC of miid mail uof tiiii pi|iitpniPlit tiliil npiioiuhiKuj.sitiil nnlmud lifted by or itrloiiRiuKsiid col))'.ill ti DUN or com pa 11 i 0.1 111 tl;HliitoiT.?nrclivclv,'Hi)L'oifyiiig tlio itmUHII Im-aiily t h . W , and fnrllior HI.Uiii)[ tlm trim viilui) of mu] pi'upoiM'llL'H'Oll Mid Kl.itO tilX 13 laid IL!) ilftlJsaid, unneifyhijj its pm tieulaf itt-nirt allir irr 'mt; tlic ciimplrullri' KIIHII foil«illi tilfMiid rotuni in lii-i ofllcn, ntlicrnipnn tliusljita lus lo b* jmidnaiil railroad coiporatioii nr coinpuiiunder tli IN net, HIIIIII be immciliiilely d11 ml payable wiih inlcri'st thorcou frciliulUti i i iyofMiirrhut uml «ftcr tiralu of U'u rn-r conttiiii |itr unit«:iM tux uiiil I1IL> iiiU-msl then . ...]>Q Hud rL'iuiiiii u lion mi Iho fwncfiisi;nnl jirojjcrly ri'al, pnrsoiial andt)( Kiid curpuniliuii ur cumiJimy, nud llJicii of tho Ntiitc for Hiiid tititlo tn:intcrL'st shall be prinr to 11II other lie«f (ivt't-y nittiiro nnd descriiiliuii mi n.rfranchises .'Hid jirajtiTty.

y. Anil bo it ciiiieted, That tbo cointrailer, Irtiimirtr and o-tmmmiouerniilrnad taxation of tlio state1 Hhall ot:Ktitnto a bruinl of railrrtad uoinmissii.erii, end when any of Hie unit! railroair:oqioratioiiH or companies rripjiro^l 1,the BccuDd ccction of tbU act to inakorttnrn to tlm comptroller of the slaias tticrcm net fortli, nhall Uil to — 'Kach rcturu ai fherein required, 01m.iko urctuni tbat the coiiiplrolleliavc rfiwD lo believe in nnlrim •Gtifllcifeiit. tho Raid railroad commera bhall furwith proceetl lo citimatu lltruo valno of the ruilroail ot BUCII I<Ij)ontiou or company, cud Ibu true valiof tlio cqiiipmt'iit nnd appcnilugessaid railroad med hy or bolonyiHBsaid curporatiuo, iu this stnte, aud till:also ascertain aud statu Iho amount«i:ilu U11 duo tberuun ut and uftcr t•rain of uno half of on ft por cniutnm upsuch true value; and such estimatetruo value and tho amount ot the staletax thereon bball ho eertillml tothem aa lullotta : "Wo hereby eertltliut tho nbovo CHtiraato of thu truovalof tho railroad of (hero insert tbo unuietlio corporation or company) anil of 'equipment and tippeudnguH, and li.Htutotux duo thcreou for tho year (hciiiisortyear), is just and truo accordito the befit of our kuowlcdgo and belie ,they bhnll sign wild cortiliciito and tilnaiil estimate, cLatemont and ccrtiticnliu Ihc ufQco of thu comptroller,thereupon the Etalo tnx to ho paidsaid railrgad corporation or compniunder tbis act, HIIQII ho immediately dimid payable with iutorest thereon Iro:thefirfitdoyofPebmary.atand aftirnto of ton per centum per annum,said tax and tho internal Mioreon abalhe nnd remain alien on tlio frnncbistnnd property, real, personal and raixeiof said oorponitiuii or com|uiDy, ami lllieu of the tttnUi for HIU<] MUIO tuxoa on.interest shall be prior to all other '.'.-.nf every iialuro and ileEcriptlon on n.ii

4. And he it entitled, That itrnilroiid corpoi-atiun or conijmiiy Himfoel nggricved by tlio notion of snboard of rnihoail commisHioncrn,Bball liavo tho right nt nuy timo withton dnya after ho ahill'liavo filed s«id ctiinnte, Etutuincut and cortiilento in t!ofQco of tho comptroller,* to uppcalthfircfrotn, ton jnstieo of the wapro—court, whoso duty it trtinll be to sninmilyhcnrnnd dmiln eaid nj^tcnl, uptlppositious, or iipou tividenci) takouliioifielf, anil lie uny compel tho attendance of •witnesses beforo a sapremicourt cammissiouer or himself uud ]>uiish them ns lor a contempt upon ibefm'hro to nppenr or nuBwct ; and 1KII all ciiutrol and regulnU) tlio procccuings upon mid appeal BO tliat lio can ilc-ciilo paid appeal within thirty dnyr11 nlcM tiO ehafl cxtond Iho time by cci(iflc.iLo under his linmi, wliicli cert*iDo:itho sliall fllo with tbc clerk of thesupromicourt find slato therein tho tiino of sucleitoaeiou nnd the reasons therefor; tindecision of wuid justice upon Raid nppcuslint] bo certified by Mm tindoi- bis Larand Died with the comptroller ; nndwiid juslico aball reduce the amount 1naidstnto tax an certified Iu by BUIboard, he ahull r,tatc tho amount of eaireduction nnd llio reasons therefor, nr.(hereupon tho comptroller sliall givo nucliniilroad cor])oratious or coiiipaniL's crec1

it to tho amount of the wiiil rciactioibutthoDiuunuh cif lax an fixed nftcr GIKrcdiictinti nlmil be ituinediutely duo an.payable nntl slial! hear Interest from thenan! first day of Jfaicli nt uud after tberate of tcii jier crattiin por annum ; andquid reduced tax and the i 111crest thcro-nu tliall ho and rpmoin ti lion on thefranchises any property, real, persona]end mixed of eaid corporation or compaiiy, nnd tlio lion of llio Btalo for Haitireduced strtto taxes and interest shall heprior to all other lions of cver^ natureand description on said franchises andproperty.

5. Ami bo it enacted, Tbnt vrhenevo:any railroad corporation or companyLas/ailed to pny ilsatatc taxes for tendays nftpr tho sntnn lias ficcomo duo nnipayable under (his net, it shidl lio tinduty of tlio sttorocy general to forth•with apply to a justice of tbo supremecourt for an order tbat Iho said stale tax,as roturaod by EHCII railroad corporationor company, or ns.icf»cd hy tho board of

. railroad commissioners, or so rovistdby- ajnsficc of Uia supremo court, and the

interest duo nu such tax and n ronsona-bio sum io bo certified by snid justice to

t bo paid forflioexpensoof mid proceed-ings,' nnd fcr fbc Bcrviccs rendered Uyfintu bonnl, and said attorney'generalaJjall bo mndo n record of tlie eapremoconrtonc] iadgoment colored for saidtat, 'interest nud reiuonnblo earn, in tho;

I! have power tintliuiiiiitur cnllis nud uflirniationH to anypurson tu ascertain nny fncts proper for

to know iu order to enable tlierathe duties of theiri> properly porforui

jfllt'c, mid the* mayI t rit

ired tico thoi tate-mid the* may red tico thoip state-

to writing, nud requiro them toibi) and Bwcnr tlitroto, and n/ay

i/s-])iirte u|.ply for mid obtain from nijiiNtifo of the en p re mo court an order

mpul uny person tu submit to nut-heiiuiitii)u in reference to such mutters

mid such justice may uuuish any part;as for ii coutewpt vijo s)ja|l disobey an

dcr made by salt] (ufitiuo in Iho ln-; and auy person fuluoly swoarlnR o\ming in refereoco to nuy eiich mati i d f by nuid bond or iu il

11 not to provont tl)O wjllftil pullutiouof tlie waters of any nf the creeks,pomh, or bruoltn of tliie atute,1. Be it oiiai-tud by tho Beiiatn nnd

General Assembly of the State of NewJersey, That jt any person or norsotisBlmll tiirQW, pai)HD or permit to bethronniuto (bo waters ot any monk, pondbrook, of Una state, tho waters of whlare UBcd to Rupply nuy fitjiieduct or reeryoir lay distribution for juiljtie u<any carcass of oi^ydcnd, nninial, or DIoffal or oiYoasivo ujatter wjiulsucvur, pal

11] to ran<lur said wutorti!- -• •

idi<ut und BIICIIpomtioii wu3mul shall

idwit, 1


vitbiuum>ll J l l i ' :i . ' •

derit.i common h,-.il'fiiMrifyinK Hi;'mil U>L- u;imi-ftor* in thestato ; nud

that Midi suh' .in.] 1Elmll in

rights of iiuy'pi'rstMia p.irty tu tlio uuit 1suoli tlecrac i>r L'set.issued.

2. Au.l be it cn.ii

mid 0' by li

'Ifi tulbj its pni(at.; 1 .f the or^mi

of ita presidentClce t J t h c sucrt-jiruviduil frn-t liui.uvcviiucG and or-o WHO ufleet thir cDriiorutiou not

u-rii-m in which

_ ...... _ Jed , Thnt (his act?ulu|Bha11 Likii ttliet irurueOialciv.

Approved Ai»iil, 21, 187C*

CHAPTER C.An Ad for tbo preservation of nsli.1. Ik- it winded by the Sunuto mid

OOHLTUI A'isi-iuhlv «f tbo SUte of MewJersey, Tbat lierouf ter it abull not be lifill for any person ur JIITSOHS, at: tin,»tiuia wliatovt>r. dtticr by day or ui^lit.to i>ut, place or li.itil any giM, drift, lil cor uthur lict iirntlN|i)r nuy eel ]i[K>U. basket or has!;ofs, or other contri-ratwps wliatovnr, fur Ibn hiking;atcbiu^ of fish, ill IUIV of tho wutera ofthis tituU', nbarp liili! water, or to beepnuy pill, drift, iific ur other net or 11 eta,or any tol put or pats, buslfut or b.is-kpts, or other CitntrivAtico whatever, furthe taking or catching of fish iu any ofsaid waters tuontioiicd ; nud nny por-tut ior ptT.soiis who shall tako or eiitoliaayiifih in tlio tiuinuor nfurcsaiJ, ubidlll[)uti convictiun therL*of, be fora any ji;=-ice of tlie ppuc.i of thu comity in nliiuhlaid offuueo is cinninittod, be putnabudby iniprisnaincqt ia tbo cutiiniun juit ofthe comity li:V tlie term of leu <laya, orhy a Quo of twenty d.nllav.1, for enoli und,ivory offi'uoij, otiu-lmlf of miid lU'O to liemill iuto tho treasury 0/ tbe state, uudlie lialunee to be piiiil to the jieraou or•craona making com]iUint and prosecut-

ing siiph nffu'iiJer pr ofjondt rs ( nnd wljoiiany line is iinjionml by virtuo of tbis act.Ilio oUfink'r .shall Htand ccmmlLtcd untililuo aud coatfi aro paid : ]ii'<*,viJcil, ibatsaid pciMllj PIIUII iiutnfiply lo tho limil-jtiuto t.ikilig i»r cutubiug of ii-1I1

Hem's, joiiriiiij-i iind n;!udi>ml priuting papewi'iiiy-cijrtit in '.jze


> c:i l-i1 l i v i

'd. :1:1dmv-livo|vi! !


IUWH, !li:>HamuViMi"md to weigli nut les.i.0 the roitm «t four utheuts ; for the lii!!.s.aip jmp(-r, wcifthliif lbo rp;tiu ; tliu jiiionuieh paper shall bo>er jiuimd at wbiuli |lapcr dealfra in Nf H.ibiii durifi(f tlhs tlr ;tand Kitiffuctury pviil.

ny j>:»U'Jli

.! III:.l',1 tllilliL-etit !.-•: :n

; I en 11 uv s


t ' iuhtv<ul II ll-

be tul ;tei'twt i

i» t ,

SHERIFFS SALE! ^rv, • 1 8 7 f :

i l l l l i P ^ mm m SUMMEB!

It t ! i i ' IdVTi-ht r : l t l ':»• iwiiu' is M.ld byl'firk nr i'hilHild- j

luid d.-iu:ifi.ls millliwiiHod Kliitll liCftb.! deposit andand nlKjHei. Dinuml thfl iut.-iv.it r

l l

neii lEitortv.t1 .11 -.ill uthfi- cliiir^.-s'roryiuwnbroUvrlliui)

11 proper rrcoi-ii ofK'aiplioa of (ill gooilsmniiit luanotj tlieronuargi-d, find shall give

proper d. ' '

4]to«reqttih l i

a t o i i n j ] ,s or ofjensiye amells,

l t i hKhali eonueiit uuy ii)t nhml with an;jcwur, ur other nienna wlioruly tlia POItents tliereof uiiiy lio eonvejoil to onInto any such creek, pondorl>roolt, nm[Xiraon or porsops Hhall bu doeniCil pu:y qf a iiiisjejjieauor, and 011 eonvicthtlisroof, Bball ijo puuibl.nd In1 n Iluo nexceeding cue tliounuuii doiiurs, u ''raprisoniaeut not ticeodiug twoyijrbotli,

2. Aud ba It ommtoA, TlfHt tllia uiLIIU.IL tabo effect i mined in tciy,

Aiipmvml Aftiil 21, 1870.

affir g i refereoco to nuy eiich matIcra inquired of by nuid bonrd, or iu ailovidence given before auy justico or mprcuio court couiaiisHJonur under thinot, ahull he deemed guilty cf purjnryaiiddu fiuavictinn thereof uliall l>u Hubl<to all tho pnnnltioff prescribed by la<therefor.

10. And bo H enoutcd, 'i'hat jf am noi[tomtinu ur company filial) be in dafouluiKlnr this act, in ]inyrrjont of tho ntntotai aforcsniil, uiiy person having a inortgngo or other lieu nu its franchise* o.property, may pny tho state treasuroiih t fIhc amount of sucli state tai, nud the iu

[•st due therooji, and reccivo frarasiti'il treasurer a cortiilcato of snob pay-•;ijt, qj|d such person Bhallthewnpor

enlilled (0 Ite repaid tbe amount olmid tai, und interest thereon at thi•uto of ten per ecu turn pejr apnura. out 0be ilrst proceeds of nny sa\a of tbo frau.

cbises or propsrty of said corpomtioa 01cotujiany, aud nunlt tax nnd ten per can' in interest tberaon ahull ooptinue

>n on tho franchisos and property piIho con'orition 01 company for tho bon.eilt of sucb morlgflRCfl or lelnor untilpaid by said corporation or company 1from tho mile of ita fraocbisefl or procrty j if (iny procecdinga hoTfl liocn taen by the oltDrjjcy gennrftl to on forttbe payment of said o!a.tj tax and intcicst tliereon, then anch raort^ogijfl orot!cr loiuor paying aiich tax and iut«r&shall pay Riicli additional amonutoHjustice of the supreme court shall certify to ho proper and ruaflonallo to pafor tho cost and expenso ant] sof ipoa pitbo proceedings ta far as tlioj liavQ lire-rcRHGd for tho collection e( aaid tax t

iterest tliereon ; upon tho piymontsaid lax ond tbo interest tliereon (...additional nmount, if nny, all proccftd:—Iherounon ccaso for the oollectioi

liiJtax. •

__. And ha jt eunotoj, That tliwshall take effect iinnjadiatoly.

Approved April Iif, 167$.

o duty of tiiocancel all bonds iioor which they miy'Uh

An act lo amend an act entitled "An 1conBtitutiEg Courts for tho TrialSnail Causes," (reTim'on) npprov...

March twenty-soTenth, cine tuousanteight hundred nnd seventy-four,1. Bo it enacted by tbo Senate nni

tfeuern) Assembly o f t u o St&to of No1

Jersey, Tbat sentiun povonty-nioc of tlinet entitled "An net constituting nourlfor tbo trial of small cauBea," which no'reads as folloirs, to wit:

"Prom auy judgwaat which may hiobtained before aay justice of tbo pawixcept sucli as ahull Imve been given bjonfesaion, either party may appeal tl

tlio court of common plena of tbe county to bo boldon next after ttio rendering•f Hiich iudgmont: which appeal tbisaid justice is hereby Oiiovtcd to gniuLva Iho following, and no other terms,thatia to saj ; thopartydeinandipRanoliippeid uball enter into baud to tho othcitarty, with at leant ono sufficient surety,iwtig a freeholder in tlio oouuty, und inImibls tho sum for whiah such iudg-uout wan givon, conditiouud tljat tha iij)-

jisllant aball appear and proeacuto tbosaid appeal in tlie said court of commonple.13, aliall bland lo uud abido tbu juOg'nient of tlio said court, anil pay auohfarther coats as shall he taxed, it tboiudRinont bo nfflrmod ; provided always,hat no appeal (ball be p-anted to re-ovo a judgment ranilercd upon the ver-ict of n jury or oa the raport of rofcr-

:ea, unlcaa tho party donjftiJtliDg tho at)->PD1 filial], at tha timo of tf.ing tho ap.ponl honil with tho justice, iitso fllo with11m an affidavit mado by said party, be-nt) nuy justicu of the penco, statingiat tho Bnid appeal is uot iatendod foric purpose 0/ dolay, nii'd that ho verily

believes that Iiu imtfi n just ond legalground of appeal upon tho inorits ot ihe•.•ILIO; iThichsnid affidavit the said jus-jt:o nhall cause to bo aunt up to tha courto which tha appeal ia tokeu, with thojthfTpapers in tho cause," bo nnd tboiamo 13 hereby atnemlcd so at to read asfollotni, to wit:

'70. From any judgment which mayobtuiuod botoru any justice ot tho

_ co, except such oa slmll hnvo beoo;iven by confession, either party mayVpeal to llio court of common pleas of10 county to ho bolden next after tho

•endoring of BUCII judgment; whioh ap-iea! tha naifl justico ft'Uonby diroctad9 fjnint, un the following and 110 othererms, that is to nay; if tho judgmentippcaled frcm bo one onUJred amiDBtlio party demanding tho appeal, or ifitrobein the action an oflW ogainatIB demand, tlen bs BUBII file with tbe

inslico uhond to the other party, with•» lout oao a'affldent sccnrily, boinc a

;elioldor in the county, ana Ia doublw


ho Bmount of nocli judBmoct or sotofl,anditioned tbat tlie appellant Hhall ai£icaraua proHccute tlie said nppeul in

jf common picas, ahull.tend to nnd abide tho judgm^Tof Ihoraid court, nnil paj BQCII cojta aa ahullJQ taxed ngainiit him if the juJgmcut boaffirmed; i/thojadgmentapjiealod from'•o in favor of tlio party demauaing tho

?pea], and tbero bo no offset iu tbo nc-~a ngaiust his demand, tlien no appeal3d flliall bo required, but t i e appeal,11 hotakon by a notica in writing,

(jned b j or in behalf of tho nppollant,nofly describing tho judgment and slat-iB.tuat tbo party appeals therefrom to10 next coart of common pleas; pro-dod always, Ibat no apoeal shall be•anted ttf remove aoy judgment entered":—it tlie party demanding tho appeal j

CLIII,An Act relative to tbo appropriation

money devoted tn thestnLtiiig fundcertain cities in tliia Mate.

WHEREAS, tliere exiBt in certain cities/Lin Dtato, bv virtuo of various ICRIHtfve npln tJiPiei>(| commiBsioner*ifnkfqg fa^ijs Qf cnift cities to wiicarc nlodged mid npprrtptlated by snnets cortitin moiiiiyu for (Im pnytuc.uf tlio principal nnd iotnrest of thibonds authorised to be laanod frortimo to timo hy the leginlnturoof thlitttto; nnd whereas, it mny happeiHint tfifi popimiasionera of nny ono tHie Biul-ihj (untJa cstqblighcd tut nfnnnaidhave now, or may liavo horonftifunds in tlieir ponsoMioa anflloioiit Imeet tho said bfluds pnytibte, out •.said money anprojiriatDtl as aforesaic.together with interest thereon, bo for 1Ihe maturity of the mine, and upopayniDub thereof no moans aro ltuvpravideri hy law for tho use ami nppliiiitiuu ni tfjo Bftiil money so devoleiiiu aforesaid to' tlio ifOij ujIsaifjiiBts uBliid Bin king fund; thcrofora.1> Ijo itounntnd by the ftuuate mu

Qonorul Assombly o( th" Rtnto of HJersey, That whom tlm siid oommiaiili.,era of nny stalling fund of uny oitj iithis state, have caw or nil all btive lien

fter fuud* in tltoir poHHranioa BIIQOto pay, beforo aialuiity, tbc bonds jed by authority of law, and payable __fit Baid nioiicv pledged to said com mis-BtoijorB toe tim nfiyinntit llicrcuf, it shallbo the duty of tbo Eiid coii}ii,J5»i(Jr)cj-.« If]

.llJ'fl'l)o^':3^«ii'__ v _, _,_ tiblo to ptoi)iir(Uyp.urchasQur etchango, of any ono cthe tBsncq heretofore authorised by lavSlid not horflUifoto pappoljoil, nud bsurplus romoining in tlidy lianth flft|'the bonds Waned nt afora«ni<l. with iitereat thoreon, sliall Imvo lint-i) paid nilcancollod, filial! ho davotud to auuti ulli1

ing Ainu1 as the mayor ami common 0011,oil, or elber governing body at raid citor any lioard of fluauco of any clt'wlioro Bticli u Irqnrtf extut^. shnll Ah

2. And hoit'criiioted.'flMiiftfir thinr-eumulation nf funds sufUoibu't \q \ptil) tha e/iji] ljQD(|s authorized f,o 1;Q im

i d , ' ' " !ll*"^Irf flffOTlhpldi,ors to lTliom tuo said n)oneya have bam,sppropridtetj asaforasaid, it ehall bo law-ful for liio mayor wnfl cpninjon oouccil,or othor Rovornliig hody of i d tily, vany hoard of dnaneo of nny city wn«iBUCII board eilgta, by ordiuanttu to a][iropriato any surnlua remaining aftiproviding for tho payment of said uoniiiand tha i-evonues beforo anproprictad ttha .sjqktng fund thus discharged, to airother einklng fund of said cityplodgi'tor tljo payiaent Qf itaobligntlonn, nnalter tljo piflsage of each pr<(inanao tl]ravonuoa so nj/propriatcjl uball no!vcrtod to auy othor use or purposa tint:there shall liavo acoumalatoit aufiloieraoneyn to pay tbo obligations to wbiinuali BlnkinR fund was piwlgod, wintho anrno shall bo appropriated by ordipnncoas ofortwaiil, to eomo othor einlins fund of mid city, BO long as sai.city Iiu any ontetaijdjDg bonds for thipayment of which a sinklo/r fand cjisU.

$. And! be it ounotcd, That this ar*flliall tako effect im mod iately.

Approved April Sil, 1870-

CHAPTElTcLVLAsa^plemcnt totlmnntentitlotl "An at

to.iocurporato nsaociationa tor tbo 0;tflbliaUmcnt of Ivceiims, libraries urnlitorarr lied Miaiitifio «ooioties,"(ro.vision) approved April ninth, eightvciihundred and sweaty-five.1, Ba it ennctod by tbo Saante an

Geuorui Assembly of tbo State of NoJersey, That i t shall and may ba Inwfu.foraoy lyflcum in this state to connect

jwitli a pirijulatiug library, underrogulatiana as to- tlia said lycoum

sooin proper,- And ho it ennctad, 'Hint (or tlo

tabliahmont, moiutoimnqo nud incrausoif such library, tlio noiil lyosnm shallliavo poifor to accept And roaeive gift?,grants, boquesta ouddcvlsca of real andlerso'nal property by deed, will or othWise,8. And bo it enacted, Tliat at each nu-

lunl oleotion forofltord of euiii lyeeuui,bore ehall he olootcd, a board of trus-

loea for said library, constating of sovonmomherg of said lyooum, whoso Jut leaihall bo anoli na may ho assigned by the)y-kwsflf eaiil society; ond that untilho next annual election in tho monthi( EoooD]bGr, m t!)0 jearof our Lordmo thontanu eight liuadrad ami Boven-iy-six, tho prosident of said lyocunj flhniltppoint sold hoard of trqsteos,

4. And ba it or.aalod, Thnt tbi a not•all take effuot immedlntely.Approved April 21,1870.


luppltment ta the act respecting rail-roads and canals, approved iliirelitwen ysereath, ciglitcou hundred andsfl7onty-four. ' • •1. Be it enacted hy tho fleuata nudinoral AaBemblyof the1 State o( Ne\?

rcraoy, Tlint' whdnevcr any turnpiked or steamboat company in Ibis stateJlhave boon Bold, or may berenftorsold or conveysJ, vudor or hy virtuoany decroo or exeputfon of uuy cir-

itt court of thus stale, to satisfy unyortgttgQ thereon or tho bouj namedorein or aeoared tborcby, such saloid oonvoyanoe eunlj bnvo tho Bnmo

area cnil effeat, and tbe pnroliaacrpuroliaaora tborcof, and their as*

elates, shall thereupon become-body* politic, nnd bo entitlednil tlio corporate rights, libortfoi,

irivilegea and franobUea ot thosaid oor.jrution so Bold aud oomeyed, end baibjcot to all tlio conditiops, HnjitaUona,cst notion 3 and ponaltias of nnd oon-icrniug tbo said ooriioratinn, t!io sumois if said sale and conveyance* liad beenmade traitor or hy virtue of a decree of"IB eoart of ohancoty of this state J pro-idea, nneh pnrolnRow slmll orgauixoitbiu three months after tho msaagethis not or within ono Tear after nny:

lo ucrcufter mado hy tbo name of said,

inch tntppi-H v iil.ii, Hi,, awl p,.rioil dibosiitiiuitloil Hi tin- c miplnilliT bedtho ullumiuiM bv I.in ,,f iiur bill for ||)erou wlueli uuy piibliu jirinliiijj slilw e i t cu lc j ,

S. Aud be it t:ii.ic[f!il, Tliat nil im's;Ses, pamplilfLt, II 'IL.IH or uther dm1

iiifiiU which vi-tj t],.,-i,i,.d nt KiiiauiL-pnblic importMiiM tu hj printod sun!uontid for pifiu;rvaliini, hbiill hi'mifliJn euibmci'.l in <niu VNIIIIIIP, nikltr tliitlo of "Luv;iilativi" Jj.iciiiiifiita ;" nndia doemnuni ( . r repoit NIIUII IHJ I'uitmi.'d in Kuid voluiin', iiiiluu hu (inlcrod 1tic joint uommitieo i m printing; nullrheusitid joint cDiumitleo hlmll ordermv ilucumctit tu bo juinted in llio KUIIIomme uf doiMitimits, [hero shall be ono

thoiiHiind copies tden>uf printed, whichlociiineuta slinil bo numbered in llio or-lur in wbicli they nre ordered lo bu

jrintt-iJ, mid the gdvt'raor's annual inDs-sngo slmll be uluwsod 11a iloL-uuitut iiuni-bcr one iu oniil voluniu ; ivlion miv don-UUICJIHIIUII bo oniarul to 1» uriutcdmore, than iini'o, nt pi-ridda more thanfour (IH.VH IIIMII I, tlio printer thereof almllbo tintitled t<i charge for rouipoHitinu usabove provided for cuuli liina Ilin docu-iiiontfibidl baBit minted, mij in no olh-ercjsp Hhall liiuiC* (ban onu niuipositionbo paid for the print ing of such reporta

• document*4. And IJO it cimctol, Tlmt in con-

formity with H,o act approved April six-twntL, one tljoimaud cifflit Ltmdrod nndlurtr-wx. it *li:ill bo tlie duty of the clerkot tho goiu'hd assembly nud the sccreta-

>i thu Bittiiitnlci do

or perlong or

HKiun; u|tiiu, JIIB, i|tr, »r llioiroivn Jund.-t.if Muiiie of tliuiibli auratiylit iiro K»II1 "frxposod (or Bidu; uml cacti aud overyperson ficllinp orcx]>03in;< for sate llsticaught bv any cuiitrivanec jiroliihitcdby tliiH act, nliall be liable therefor tothe [icunltic-suljovG proscribed (or illctmltlsliiiiK'i and iironldijtl furllior, thnt flicprivilege1) beroin granted bliull not boextended to any person or peraoiis otlit

tllflU t ] | b . . . • .

nlqug t>hi<j!i unv atUCII Jlshing wilh n

i on ;t l

uu) mnyl nets limy oriiroviiled fui>

h h l d I

throng!) ur nlqurun wbeio BUIsljnll bo O r i u ] ; ul v ltbo.*, that tliia nut bliull nut ha hold Iapply to (he ]Ji>litw<i{'Q river, mid jirivalpomid, tho prujierly nf privnto owner-which nro not liiiuiwujd fur migrate:iahoj, anil tlio uwntirs o[ HUUII .HOIIL-ihuil not be fiiibjrct to Ihc |ii>iui1tic3 hereiu prescribed for fishing in such pond'>vitl] (•i.'rh npiiliiiucud as they nv.ij nc< 'to ii^br

2. AndboitfiimU'tl, 'flint uuu IIAEfllmll b» nppoiutdj iu eanlj o.muty in tbstate to be ilsli wardoiis, llio jurist]itiof oaL-liofHiud vvardeiiito L'ttuiii] l lmugall or any of Riiil cuunticfl, and ituhnlho tho duty of miid wardoua on viewinformation, to enforce tlict.foiling laivitliin nil ur uny of Rijd onuoties, hv nirosth? nnd itmraoallng tlio offtmilor 0ofTuiidtT-i; naiil oillcem shall bo cntitloiltn tlioir pay 11? w^tiidwoa in snob casel l l h they ho oomplninnnt-a, an

i^ Blin.lt Imvii n right to rcmo\uud dentroj any like, net, ml pot, ilalbaHlift «r brush nut, illegally placed 'tl}(; nf/aroni<int}nntt<! patera j ihfi nufd <fjcors may. ii| the UiauhaffiL' of tboiL-'dties, call in tho ujd qf aiiv jioraqii'or pel

i l n DOQCHHnry, nm] HUOII pprani) <ulinjl i|i)t fju liiil)!o' tfl prqaepii-oqdorinff^uith uiij: any poi-«o

Duto Liking or cntd.ing of H-tli wilb r j c« lUOBBUiitolc. ilulircr oj>iCK noin-ioolinii(i Ifrii. r,r lvlllj' W . Hijo nnd Pletd fftlm jonnuils nT tlioir n«|>ttitivood, nor to tlio oatWug of flail wltli | !^»BWv tathonomHWeuiiiltiyoa Io print

drift or dragnets, by any paraonson iiu iTutt'riirunniiijjtlirough, a

me, vftliiu thio cf tho fccssi

find in tbo event

or r e u s il l l f

h uiij: any poi-«oito iud whoii tlm

f i t t d l lulott iK or reusing to iud whoii tl

called upon, nlmll foifoit toil dollars,be recovered by nctiou ot dabt, hofo:utiy jiiHtiuj of tbo peaco of tho countytlio Kiid upecinl oftieorH thus uppoiud(hull lio!J ofllco fur Ibroo yoara, unljqquor j-t'ijioval, or until tlieirfliicuossorf) nmiiyinttui nm) iiuati(la4, r,i((] \\$\ h

duly'Hwm-ii linfmv nny jtistloo of th<peace, or njudgoof tho common plea!to llio performniioj of their duties; Ibo

I I I k an animal report to tha com'l . p ; ijf QsiiQi qa, flu <>rb,tjfarii thii(rnt dny nf rfuvciqbaV iii cncli year," aui

mll rt'ooiyo ihroo dollara fqreaoli ilaj(boy I'nnd tlitit .'s.iltib l t b i l b

f id in tlieh-HpL-ijicr diem oon


Dial duti

Jiuvurur oftbo statoupon an niitboiitia°to(l BUitcraont of tbicommidaionera of lUhorioa ; provldodtbat in no OMLJ Hlinllany ofllcoi* roooi'

fljii;} fjf-v (lotlun for Ilia Bti-\icea

fj. And tja jt Mi)nqlo4l'i'hat(iljy wniJon ffl|(i ii])all wilfully noftlocftlio per-oLHHiii|co <)fl||a d.*>t}oa irnpoagi] 1liim by tliia nut, sljall fgrfoit tlig euu .fifty dulliirs, lo ho recovered by nuy pelanq wlju ulinll aqo fur tlio minio, in ai) nO'tion of diiht, befaro my iuHtioo of tl)ipouoa of tliouuuiily in wuioh said waiden roaidoa.

i. And ho it uuaoUid, That tha goi.ornorHluill u{i,>oltit tlio Hsu wardens rt

[iiircd by tlunnct, and tlio said fish warlens AO appointed EIIUII bo subject to tbi

onlera. rules nud rognlationa adopled b;tbo Ijuli oonjiniaainnoiaof tlit3 ntuto.

6. And bp it pnoptcd. Tliat tbo npl 01tltleij "An not fur ll|u mqaGrmtionfish iu ooitnln wnlora within tlio StntoNew Jersoy." nmirovcd April eight..eighteen liuudreu anil flovcuty-fivo, nniniracts or part" of nets inconamtout willthis aot, ho and. tho same are burabvpealed.

(3. And bo i t enacted. That tliiaia]l tuka effect immediately.Ajiprbycd April 1^, 1870.

RAn Aot I'ulntEvo to pablio Printing.

1, He it eunotril by tho Hmintn nQeuorul Assembly of Uio ttlnto of Not.Jorsoy, Tfiat tlio laws cunctad nt oacbsesaiou of tho lugiiiliiluro tdinll liercaftcho printed in tho saoio general stylo iwhich tho volume of laws wag pifhtod iithe year ono thousand night hundred nnifiQVGnty-oj|o, excGjitipg thnfa, the law!shall ba eollutud und iiftjcici] under tlthrooheads of goucml pnhlio -nets, B[}0:dal ptiblioacts, nnd privaift noLi ; nlso,"iat tlio IcgiBlativo documents shall bi

?reafter priuted ia the samo ntvlc itlpiph tho miiil work was done iu th<

iCarono fliouaantj cijjl)t liundrod amrenly-onn [ alao, tlint tho journnJH q.

io aeoatonndiainutosof tliojoiut meat-lags nnd oxcoutlvo sossiona, nud tlio mm-jtiis of tliobouso of nssembly, shall boprinted hereafter iu a compact nnd work-

nlika style ; ulao, tli.it tbo pulilta hillsd b itl h d f l I i I

nanlika style ; ulao, tli.it tbo pulirdored by uitlior hrandi of tlio

hll b i d dij In-ti

d d y tlior hrandi of tlio Icfiij Inure ahull bo printed on good writing

jnper, with pica type, oachpagoto COD-taiti thirty 0110 liuea; and tlie prices to* a paid fur Bfijd printing shnll bo aa fol-

i\V8 : fornriulingtliieathousaHiloomfiiiftboacaaiou lnwu, tho sum of thirtylolJara per alicot of eiiteoo pages : forpnntinp ono thoussud cupica of tho juax-|a) of tt)Q senate, wilh the minutes olho joint mootiiiKa, jini] QUO thousand

copioa of tlio mioutea of tho l)ouso of as-aotnbl/, tlio snin of twenty-t^o and one-half dollars por sbcet of ei^toon pages ;Tor printing ono thousand aopios of theIcgialntivo doomncnta, at llio rati1 of sov-ity-llvo cents per tliousand ema forimnositioti, nod scvonty-Qvo aouts pariken of two hundred and fifty iiujiros-ons of aiitcen pages, for prcsawork ;

'or printing two hundred copiua of tboniblju hjllM ordered hy cither bnnah ol10 logialutitro, nt tho rftto of ({vn dollarsid twenty-flva oonta por shoot at foil

aolscnn pnflesjnnd for printing tinamplileis and other pupcra ordered by10 legislature, at tlia nitoofflevenry-flvo

cents por tlouaaud L'mafor oompoaitiou,- id aoyentj-fi^o ceuts per Lotion of U o

ludrcd nuJ flfly injprowioiiB of si^iooniges fur tbo pressnork; providoj. tbntall caspa where mlo ami figure workrequired, the fries for composition

hall bo (louhlo tho rates nbovo stated;nd wlioro matter irqairpi two, ]'natiHc.i-

JIUB, without rules, ono priou anil olijilfj

shall to" t d

und provided furlltor,cjtra per p l l l h

al to jnid; und provided furlltor,int ono dollar cjtra per p&go sliall hou'd for printing till itlOujas nnd'tuhlcaoontauts sot m bourgeois typo Iu tbo

jession laws, journnU ol Boaote uud iniu-,tf!S of ho lioaao of nsasmblr,2. And bo it unnoted, Tint the abovo

iiccaslioHiaoladaotl tho cipensoa iu>iiloattotho printing-and dolivpry 'to10 state treasurer of all doatimonta or-trcd, except folding nnd stilcliing,itch Ehall bo of good quality and of

1 thirty iliija nft«r theiiou "f Iliu leginlatuvo :

...t «.f Iluuuid «lt!fk nudecorctiir.y fniliiiff to dulivw Mich ouitiiw-a uruyii^d fur in thin Muti'uii, tbeyball forfeit t« l ip tiwtsuror, for tim two>f the stulo, one buuuml ilollitre cf llieiralary,C. And bo it cn.lWtP'1, Tliat tlta lnil|-

cea to iho pntyMliltit laws'; to tlio ioiirnalof tuoBL'nalo, the minuted of the lionaoof asHumhly, oiid tbo Icgisltitiru dufiii-—mt.H, fhall ho hi'icaflt-r mado out by

3 person or pii'doiiM it'upcitlvoly v,-l)uinay ba employotl to execute snid jtrint.ing, und tho mini i'f <»ao liniulrai dollarseuob sh'ill lie allowod lljo snid iirinioraf«-r oompiliug n;ml iudiuas; juovidedtimt. suid indiooflHliall be printed in sol-id .Hiurgoois Ivpti, anil bo nmdn unt 11Ujiliauolioally timlerone heailiiitf. in tlioBtylenf the .iiJkscs* runpcctivoly of tliopamplilet laws uud llui Minute juunial furtho year ono tliuuiHind cigbt hiiudradandBCvnuly-ono,

H. AadbalU.nnGt«l ( Thai Clinrlw ff.Pulf ell, oi Mount ltdlly,1 dudi be DDJ-ployed to pniit tha icjinrrs of tlm treas-urer and C(jui!>tr<d|in<if tlpo *tatc, tlio rurport of tliOKtnto bunrd'ofniliiPiitiai^niHitbo i'C|ior!s rclatiiiir In fTin K(H(U uonuiilschool nnd the state jiriBtm, tluri»n litecurrent year,

7. AmlboitoniiDtod. TltntWIlllnm B.Sharp, of Trenton, nltnll bo employed topriut five tuaiimind enpicBof Ilin amend-iid constitution uf thfe ntate, with the in-d « , a r lately published under tbo au-thority of tho department of ulutu,

8, And bn it onuctcd, Tlmt ,Tolm Ti.Murpliy, of Ti,ont'on, Klmli b.o t-fiiijlin-i'ilto print tlio seqa'ta'nml nHsomblv II'IIIH,pamplilets, tepqrta of n!«te tifllticra {orprofiontntiou tq Ll|0 lc?la]iitur*i, nii4 siiiihoilier niiitter as t i m \\& ovdaifd' by t!)o

[if ii3Hoii|bly, ni|i] notKuim,Gaiid liothorujtibcfoie jt

tl A d h

icd fur,t d X'lII. And ho itimaoLed, X'lmt S. AV. Mil-

lar, Junior, o( Huluin, bd employed topriut ono tlionnnml copies of thu iniiiutos«f the house of umnnidly for tlio currentyear, in oomiwiet form, an nor minutes0/ ono Uiotimiud eij;ht htiudmtl nnd eir-

10. And bo it enaetei], That W. V.Sigmnti, ot Cupo May, be omployedprint ouo tnoiunud copioa of tha jour,of the Huuntfl aqd, mimitea of tlia joiniootlu^a ani] cxcmiliyo atasious for |enn-uut year; in' cumiiiwt fcriii, 'us jiniinutoB o( ouo tlitmsind. oiKl(t'Imildiinnd bixty.Hvo,

I t . And bo it nnacto.1. Tlmt P.mborn, Diinning & Danr, uf Joi-noy Cilba employed tu print, imo tlmiwaio»pie3of tho legislufivo dticnniithe current yctir. •

12.' Aud bo it mmcloil, ' r i iatBtX*ric;tli,,of Newarlf, bo employed topriisittilf i'Q{iojita us iipty ho orderoif ii) Uil)|an during tlin pru^ciit Icnii,

lit. Am} l l Pi t pnacted, l l tut Obisw* )Vurt3, of PatorsDn, bo employedprint Iliroa Umnaaml oonioq nf tlia Inienncted at tl)0 prcHouL sBHsion of the leialuturo, whigli copies sliull hodclivGnlo tha atnto tr^nsuror within UTO meafter the said Ohlavell & Wiirbi. n.-.liavoreoeivil tbooopy thoroot, nnd onfaiuro thereof, tho auid Chiswell A Winsliall forfeit the sum of ijvt- hundredlure, which sum tho Raid treasurer istliorizcd lo withhold and deduct fi..,tbo amount duo them for printing saicopies.

1^. And. bo it pnnnlflil, Thnt jt sb,altlio duty of Uio segrotnry nf ulato to _liver, orcatisotobodoliverod, to tlia pcson or porous who aliall bo employedprint the copies of tho laws, n copyuvory Inw piiasod at this session of tllonrJHluturo, within thirty dayo after tlpnsfiaga of each law, and on fnihiro ther,of fibull bo compolled to pny to the pe:nonor persona employed tu print tloopios qf thu ln\ys nny aurn >vliiolIb6y may hnyu fnrfoitod liy :BUCll default,

15. Ami ho it minotod, That nil noli. -parts of nata conflicting tvitli tlio proviiions of this nut ho nud uro lioruliy nponied. '

ItS. Aud bo itcnactoil, That thin maliall take ulfeot immediutely.

Appruvod Anril 32. 1870.

tieki'l, and thai the said record bball boiMutimtuIlr open tu j>ulica inspection.

i. Andbo. i t eniicteii, Tlmt if cooihi|.lrda«i or pn^iira to aliy suuli pawn-broker slmll ri'inuiii Uinedwoiuml, nnd noiulfivsi upon tlic loan thcroonshall Imvebei'ii paid fr.rllio apace of mm rear, mitrbS'MiU nuy then Iiu sold by said puwn-brok-r, but notice uf sncli mile shall bogivi'ii by udvarltHtHnent in uv lensb tw.»ui'w.s'.il>p« JiriataJ nud published in saidcounty, fomtieust two weiiltii prior tol u t t

le, and sai.l t l! be, d sai.l tale dial! beut imb-liovcuduo, t>j tho bighust bidiler, nud in

fi. And ho it enacted, Tint this netbbnll unt apply to inuuicipulitiea Iinchiirter regulutioiia tih

ii And bo itall take effect tanittdiiilnlApinoved April 12, 1870.

ppy p IinviuKgulutioiia respecting puwu-

notcil, Thnt this netd i l

I J-J bvUHhiv.VhJk rV!..M ,M

inmitl audcljuii wiiliin tlio x;ml 11.1i1.1l uf'tiiiii-

htiultir, A triH'Viitiy?ri!tii"tli(. ii'imiii''!- ;MUIV Ji. I'.. WXI.I.1M, ynrii.riiito.

Morris Ooanty Surrogate's 05:2.JULVStli , JSJii.

i Jin; Hialtcr «r K.liinni.1 J). II .]>,-v und V/ili.U.iki.r, Ktci-utoix ,,r Wiili.mi'11. Jl.il-:.ili-CL-aSfd. durruTutu's orj.-r t.» Jim:: i-tvd

OS D[»|)];U.,r.lU ..f tl>0 Bl,.IV,-ll:l»ir.l K-VIT-iiliirs. it U onifivij li>- thu i*iiir.i»iit,.- ili^t

An Ant niUtivo to Oflleiitl AavorUso-menu.

1. Bo it cnnetccl by tho Suimio nmtGeneral Asaombly of tho Slnto of NJersey Tlmt nu ndrerliscmout of nny

do of luiiils by m j y ocinnnltsiunor, ooro-ar, BhorifTor mnslei' iu ehiiiK'ory, or ail-yrltsctnent of niiv tuuujvipnl notice, or-

iJinanoi'ii, order nr rciuihitiun vrhioh ialoquired by luw to bo printed and pnb-p pub

jiuper of ihh staten f hli

q y Inw tiubud ID auy nowfijiuper hh stateiud win: u s now in ooursu of puhlic;i-ti<iii, dul l bo dnemed or hohl to bo in-valid or insufl^cient becnuao of

iaufiu it) Hits jinmo ,>£ UJ,, nuwaiwHor•hioh Buoh nilvertiHement is nriiitiut such iidvcrlinetuent BIIAII he, inuaiiocta and U. thu namo extent, UB I c a l

such chmgo 11a nfurosaidd U.

nhd us it undf,

2. Ami be it enuotod, thnt this uiliall bo doomed nud*iukiui to ho n uulili

aot, and elmll take olToct immedintdy.Approved April 18, X87fl.

A aupplomont to an apt oulitlod "An notrelativn to sales uf limda uuderu puLliufilatiilo or by virtue -if uuy jiidioiitipro(.GC1diiiE,"(rovis!oo)n|>i)rovo(lPlnrohtveutj^aavAiitli, one tliuusaud oightluuidved nnd florouty-four.1. Ue it Piiaolod by tlio flonato und

General Asstmihly of the Stain of Newleney, That it shall bo lawful for uuymuster of tho court of chunccrv to whomnny execution or order of sale of nuyInnuH or real estate is now or horenflermay bo directed to continue such sulo or

by public adjournment, subject tolimitations uud ronfi-ictioun 11a uro

or may ho provided siioeinlly tlierofor,"itlmr in porfn,, or hy mW\lS in writ,ing uiidoc U\n baud, und com mission ing:ir iij»tioititii|g 11 muster of said paiirt, orslioriifof tliopoiintyiuwhioli mdli hindsiro Hltuntoil, to mato anoli ndjunrunicutin tlio iinmo and ateiid of flio mnal"r toivliom such writ or order of mi!o is di-

lotcd, add HUCII authority for EUCU ad-. itiminenfc nlmli bo loturnod by Hindmns-tor with the BUtcmont mado by himot the proceedings timler nud by virtuo'if any vrit of eiecittiou ur order of siloi<i nforemiNil,

2, And ha it tiuauted, 'i'bul tbU auliball ti|l;o cfiodt imincdiutoly. '

Approved April 3, 18C0.

leih 1)0

:u 4.yt to reguhito and ;bmkoitj,

1. lie it cmictea by tbo Hoimto niaeiioml Asemblj of tho ntato of NiJersey, That tho judges of tlio court ,.comwou pleas, or a majority of them, ii" •" county it) tiiia ntnt« niny, upon up

lit JQu b.oi»(f inudo to aud court, grim Imi]BQ to oiirry 611 the Viaincsa of

pawnbroker lo unali person npplytDR f(tho auinn, in Buoh pboo in tlio said COHLty m uhill ho nnnietl iu tho application>ud upiuovod l)y will court; provideiho application therefor he accompauii

with n bond, to bo ' -by 'Hucbli] suretie

lI, with two freehold sureties

factory to tho court, in tlio sum of on>' "n^inA ; l t j I l t>rs each, conditional f<

fultliful perform an QO und ubicrvmibt31 Iho requiramonta of tlis 'net nnd fuiIlia ni'lemniflcauon of nny pei-aon 01jioraon Buffaring losa tlironL'li the violntiou of tha proviaioiis of tfeia net j nmiroyidw] liivt))cp. tl|nt uo ncrann filialjarrv on ttio buaiaoss of a pnwnbrnkiVitlim thiH filnte unless liconaed neeor-l~ tho provisions of this not exeonbsvith

munioipalitioa having ohnrtar nmilqmu TespeotniK [mnnbrukcrs. anil m

innon Bbnll o.irry on tlio linsincui opawnbroker n-itliin this state uuloa lioen-aed u providad for in (bin Hcction.

2. And l)o1 it eunotod, That tho liconaortio Hhall bo ilfty dollars, payuhlo to thi;!erkoftlioc3iirt of conimcu iilens o-ho pointy vl,nroii| minii liCoi|3n js, enn-ml, »i|d anoh ii0J l l 8O loo f 0 BioJip^""10 i.pj»lioaliun 1 tliat no poreon elinll hoititlcd to ubiam mich liconni nnloss10I1 i ianoi shall bo a midont of tU,

.tale of Now Jersey cud within the juris•tclioa of the cuurt where aiiiilloatinu islada fur buob llpauao fUP A j M ; i H t l i l Q•rm of « * months prior Ui tlin data ofid apniiontion 1 tbut tlia penaltvfn,

folatinsllmpruvhion, if thfa 'St. Sitfier orihom, shall bo t^ntyfivodol^rs for Iho flret offence, nnd liftv dollarsir tl,o H«iOnd and each subsequent cf

unD»,tol)tra»ircro4i by mi utioa r.lobtbeforflnnyoourtofoonipL'taiitjiim.ictiDii, such notion to ba broiif-l/t hyl0 bonrJ of chosen freeholders of tuomnts wltonln mteb jjawnhraker was H-DnBedorliasoari-induti il|ohiiatucs.i ofpawnbralier, and HUOII tionultv when?novorod to bo paid to the oollootor ofiid county for the U£Q of n\$ comty^8 And bo it enitctrd, Tlmt nil goods

pledged or pawned wbnll bo kept for (Loiorm of one year hy tho pawnbroker re-

Harris County Surrogate's Office,JKfSii Idlli, 1x70,

1 tlio iimlln- ot DCIIIIU 0nb4rnt Ksn-ntiir <.rJuliaDutkcrHdn,UuovuHod. tiumi^tu'xuKlurto limit croditum.

"\\* opjillcall.iu <.f Ibo nbovu niiuml KxccutcrJ H monlprnl h j tlm HunTKKto th t t tdoMLwcalnr RIVII 1.11MI0 imtiuu |q lliecrctli.

. rHitrtliacitlatudf unto dcw(!eiittulinnir InHiiilr ilL'lm (V'miiiiil-1 aJtl 'vUitua' nKainnU'loh«niU( iiuauV tifttti,' vitliln i.inti IIUSIUH lilliiHiHlu.byiiitliliir; up n unpy t,t this orwittiln twaiil.v Ai\n Imruaftor, In llio cifmost public |)laccn in tlm couutj ul MorrisUoimmtiia.niKl nlso within Uin taitl twnliny* liy uilvt-rihinir tlio fmim ji| (tin jnoM fi

VM'lt'l" iiawdnj|.or« t r Ililj Buto fur ..._.nui »MCO uf thi)fi'jtl.p HoAitfatitJIUIRIUR t n jii-llitr not U'u to ho iiiuiufCHKiirv): ntiil if nir

ciwdltar iball IIPEIW. t P biMi\t hU ar lieikltl, tjuuianil auil ulnlni ivitlilu tlm H*M iicclm

arorvalil, aui-li i'iwJihirnlit.11 bo/orJvc? lurrc,"MHII or IUT iiuliiiii lliyiefur a^aiunt thu «:ii

E. E. WILLIS, SurrORMo.mo copy ftom tho lufiiutid. • SH-lOw

ii!«t"t "IL

) i i l l i H r r ! m '

IUT ,|.,1--, .Ktu:

A trneriip.vfriiin tliu tniiiHirn. Ilj-liii

Morris County Burrorate's~oSce.Jl'I.V IO1I1, JH7K,

.Iti'rnfJacdli A. Khjiiiici-nm] l^nii"'tiKxciMihmu.fJiirKliSliiniMJ1 ilii-Mt.-'Bl)nk-rl.»J, 1 U-i-diii •-.


l l

l l '


! i ' l.M:l1lhL). lh(i-t,•(.rJi.r

• I iliu |>irl

I ' " 'i-'Fi


ft 1.(1



..id ,,r:ii<l Cli

-, ilaliil JI

1 'litin 111

in 1

r <-f l i

ii.llll I,

ami n -



l l l -L i


a hiuy



UVi1 K-

H},\,aisi,IT III

a iid(rlli-

i l l l l f l l i nN. h k i n ib


inn lilt«


<l IJV 1 tic

m* I'nlili»r»ii,l.!i

tl' JHllu'NIf u,,y fi,

liii i-uiivi-yi (I hy i-iiH J'ltiiiit l> Ira C. C'tKiju'r byil(.-tlfjl.\]iril |.iiji, ln7J; I IKII IT [2) nlmiK tb<f.mrlli lint! ,,f K'ti,l hi si 11:11m.,! lot nnrlli iiiriy-

ftiiWlic Inn*ul lul (itiiulur four in Riiil Mod,

I.Lr ilir.T, rui,v.'Vi'il Iv m\{\ 'j'ntiiH in ,I[IU Win.Hmitii bv (U-nl «V Ai..':i 1st, IH7J; tliunco (U)

Miiiifi fiirty-uiie ami a ijii:irtrr ili'L-reos cnilHivi-iily-llvL' f.cl Imi enrn- r ufmul Ll rnnnlHT

ay'nirri-r: Iliviii-u iil'>n« saul ulrivt l i n e d )mill l-.i-ty-iif-M nnd ihuT-fjuiirtcr 'isMiiR'liitlKlri'.lfveltullii-pl.u'ifiirli

I).iU-U Miirdi 2SI!i, 18TC.

Assignee's Notice!l l i i H Wwtnlu or Will. 0.

N ulTrMi^jiLN'. !n- i:ii>n t.i tlie ornlilnrs nlWilliuiii (I. Dutiii'-liiu- or JJnvir, Munib

• nv,;j.j.,..ml tu tliu

mi <li lu'lori (•VL-lllh. .lllV

ni j - fnr' i

ig (Jctn, wlinm

in I of


ll,a,|, an, ,w,,,,l,,,,.k-r iV-iut, A. U 1S7U.

Bvat J'tiIn Mi

' I'irliiiTlll-IlH

UlIlL- V

) <if tl.;.



. r.l.dvt'lilj'

T. LKI'OnT, SJIV.v litnli-il V.it* nfl l '

t ' N i t c i l S i a ' l i ' d 'llX

MONDAY, the 21st day August

isitSSUS:,,:':^1:;?film null IOII.II fiwrlrrn

i"l risen tdfiioe

SHERIFF'S SALE!cryorNcivJunoy, Ti, fa. Fpr

l i a WtTuio(UJo^pti janc, . . . . . . Jlnry Juno Wb<

uml AIIIOB a. Vuirtveitim aro .l.ircndttDta.Iktuniablo lo OttuLurT«rii>, A. D. 1S7U.

II, VALENTINE, fiol'r.1 nf tlin nbnro iUtu.1 writ nl fieri

'lifthdK.1 • "* fut PUj


Hiitnl, In ilorriitDTiii, N. J . A

MONDAY, the 7th day of AugustA. D. 1S7S, lutmon H A lioon tif 12 11. and Io UIUBIJ I ' . jr u , a l in K J M J , a t a o'clock In tin«rtvnio«i DfMld UB.v,nll tliiiflilluiinit doRcrlluitracl ur parcel or \at\i\ nnd nrummon, citualc,mti(! and buing in tlio tciwiiMbii) ofWatlitouliii)

-lieninittjrar Matris mill « | U Of HavSor-ibntKidnrii! itiimiiH tl* ft.lk.ipij' ] W | H -a d t (i iiorm'i' In Hip p.-tnt riiiiii leflilinc)n«li tlio Tiling or UlfpliL-imtiiirif, he!> iv imniLT In a lul olhnil ivilliaui J.Hlmv!

wilo miiivoyotl lo Atfrcil hto|iliPiiH, j

lino and Hit . . . .ma liltv-viL'lit ||

lat;tlwnM*j2)i" mtr annino-tuini'iy uud nino-tetitli linku or


FUHnn.HMiTH.AU'v.n of Iho RjHivn Mtnl«l writ of llf

MOHDAY, the 14th day August' " i A p . ISTO l t ti i


hi' DrttliR'is' fimrt cf .11.. f.,i- n (iiri.t'i-mi of tIiu w'ti'l O»rn sn- runliL-r nullllul Hi:IH iii-niii!,! Iho Kuiil Willlui

Dulirijidlljf will I)L tlli-.l litih Iho t.i.L-CiiiuiK-.if M'IITIK \u-hro IIK-UIIKT Id'in of Iliu t-;:ul UHIIIIIIH' ('txt'iitiliiiiiii mny li>- Dlcil Ut tint' lit

ti il. .J.-UIE.S A. tiOulJAl.!., ™.D.iicil Juno Mill, 1S70. H'J-5\V

"DOVER *BANZ.lNco]iro]un:u JIVTIII; HTATI: o r KEV

JG11SLT.Succmsor to Scaur 's Haiilc w:.tl o l l i t " I iilon l lanK ill U o i . l . '

Capital, - $100,000.AT'l'JiNTIOK RIVKX TO TIIK FL'nCHAMGI;I,1 Filoornll Ilnuib-trt Hie rulloiillou (if nilXolt-H.UhirU.Ai!. Al<KiAt;i.i)lirorthoMl0 rlI J r i . .« . i l J . « . Morgan,',-iii..].(ii.«l.iii,i:i]H|Uii(l,ill 1 ll-lljiiii Jlaiiliiti^Ciniiiiany, trvlaiid.M. H . DICKKHSOK - - , r n - r f i l i - n l .WMlUm Hl l f lCl l - . . . CiihtiU-r.

I J l l t K t T D H S ;

ir. II. nrcKKiwcix. JOIIN* HASCE,UIM.i'llAIvliil, JAM1W1J. Jj:WJS,I.L1. \VUlTl.ni:h*, <l. n.l'.\/.MKH.^.-tf H1I0X SIKEli.

Dover Savings Institution,*



- - PniHl.l(4il

T l l U S r C E t t tJdhn l!;ii

h d , U.Alos. WmJiw. JiiKli

Itavi'l IS.Svlvi'iHisillifhnni tUut iniP.II. 1'. Sillli l k J

II. N<-i"lils.M.Tmii•IIMI ft. ftn

u Mi ii>. A. n.K.iblo,

5tT«-.iii, liiL'lianl iMtkliiH,'!tcu», K. N. Korinnu,im, fiwirpo I'lowoti,"•ii, • Win. II. MiiltaTi ,L-ILniicr, Miti-tiii V. H.tViii

M.U. ftlutlncli. .

Jier In tlio'rcnwV't'lii-.idL'grcQs wpBt tlir™ i-lmf:


Capital, - §200,000.p.l,kli,sl,,,,,,,Coma . , .„ .(„! r . , , , Vm ,

limit,, .cd.lMMm.blp.por. Jr»fl». cbccka, ic.

. . . . TOLTO1DUS BEACH, 1'ros'l.JAY. a. TREAT, C«»hiot.

HIltECTor.S.ciB IjionuiDB, E m i u m Lismmv.

Auiisnr 11. llin CI ( j W. Smn

1 . 1 . DICBESIII'S.OWil (JOOIMJ and VllWEi an,,*!







Liulics rcmly-nuido SD1TS !u


ot lidn,™ I,, Wmatt »,1 TAIIIEIl- „,MILL tln-j cun'l to bual.

Children's Carriagesv

Boys' Wagons,

Hobby Horses, &c.:o;


-»: .

Tha Celebrated LISTER BRO.'S



. WJtaunCorojinra

Tirosus A

. . . . . . _ , . . _.„.„„„„ , . ,^u (4) aloneilddloorthoiiaiil rnsd tiortb twenty nmf(>nrl|i .Infjrnca V n t ainply —•' - .1-*- .—

ilnkmir sixty ftfit in tho \VMccmtaiiiii)^ twuntv-tlireo li untilijriand.LiMbo.Hmonioro or loss, llio nlii

bud lot of land tva*i oonvoytd by Williwnrland ivifu to Mary J i m Moolvurlito or Amoa G. WMITCAOD, tlw deed Lcftr-

i»K datu HID tiTouty-sciiDiKl day or Fouriinry In"•oril olio tliuueand eight liun-

rcil and six FT-I wo.. l'ililtKlW

Daloil V*s l\M,\K.SIirrilT.

'(l'r, f. tf.p.

SHERIFF'S SALE!a r i l reuiui. tfhelfred SlillH, Esecutje T. (tobb, ili-o'd, wow|ih A. Hujtmid &\r

ff a»,l | u u M bu

Fi. fa. Forsnloofrcin Mar; A. CuUir ur lilt! will of

oiL-nli A. Hm [d ' U i \V.

AiinmVlicr IiiiBliaiid. wpro (iofnmlantititrnablu li> Otlotier Turin, A. D. 18TU.

UK.uftcnuntiu.soi,IVr l r lno of llio ahovii ptato<l writ ofJ t.clmi in my handB. I Blmll OIIIOHO foiPabi o Ycndne, ut tl.u Vnlud huta JMorriutown, N. J., on

MONDAY, the 2Ul day of •August

The Minors' Surings Bnnlt



H I mndo n


TIIK 0nuts l'osii lUiumsii CUUPANV.

BVTirluo nr unnrdrr to mo dlrpclcl M ..by tho Court or CknvwhiTn'i, ii,

inu tliOTOln dupenilltiff, WIKKID Hamai.-I lUai.ill Jr and ntnara am c m I l t d

. D. 18TC, tic 1 ween tlio Uoura or 12 JI.ulinili 1>, M., t in t ia to say, nt 2 o'clock

.... aftcrucinn pf aalil <my," all tlioto twoa or narcciH ct hnil ana premises, liert-in-I)«niculorly dcBcribed, Hituato, IJIIIR ana[ in Uialavnihlp oflloilury, iu iliocomily

,„ ""B nnil Ktalo or HBW J C W Y ,'1|(C FuwT-IlPKinolnff at n Etufeoami lioan oroi.es oaMwnrilljr rnrni tho lioimo a corner ornd formerly ot llio Widow Jcnnlnci, rniwL'nient O'aiy, mid ruqnlnz tlicnco HOIIIII milyo (1,-gncH ana thirty mlituloH oaat iniirucnin in ond forty links lo a corner or land* for-;riy nr Aliralinni Day, btit now nf tlio hoirs orIm JtcCpnl. d-i.-aim.ou, in lliomlddlu DMIIO

Hid Miat k-mla t-^m Aaron CIBO'M to tlio liouxo* 'iDlonRint,' tu Jalifxli Tronbrid^c; tlmticu


Uty-otio WuUa to a wliilc unit trco • liotivcnrlli mxly-nno dtRrcm and thlrly luinulcH

' w chains and tUy-Un Iliikx: UieDco. . . ._ -vt-ntiuii iWroi-v east flirn cUum* nndirtyiiifttit ibfcu iRruwknrtii (iuy-orm dc--'ca ami tlilrtj IUIIKIIUH wml "

'cniy-liitb lo R Btako n mrmit Jonliim C'nio, Hit father

ln dupenilliff, WIKKID Hamai., d ntnara, am cimijiIalniiitB, aI'niui lLiilnmd.Cjmi'auv" nn!! d

Uio t i v t t i k l


is Kiiwro«sur,ASii, 310111113 Co. m

THUIISDAY, August 17«i,A. D. 187(1. a t 1 o'cioiik in l],f, nrivi-nmin nil

vaj 1 IIIUULLndc.rilianl;rM ni,,l ,.1,1lino liniidrcd ui

iliivanthctuiil^tlyl.l III,,™ runql l . i l i j

. iiManc-n or tmrl r«irl>'.tiro Ti-ut Li


fOpen..UlIy*In>iu B o'clock A. •cli v. st.


Kl'HllAIM LISDSLliY, ViicPreFldeNtJAY H. TI.KAT. Troasurcr.

!iivor, Tub. 17,1873. i i . tf

-PLOWS and ;

Fanning Utonsils."©a


Tlio IU.ULH nud ccnllcmuii will IIIV-HHO bimr iiimind that Ii. J. ItOUEUTU'


f'tliavciw IIUKI In tlin worH." ril»onr fn iw'hli, nnd gnernil in utrnpo ; nlso UOfiEltTS1









nralotoibm!r Aonra Com

lity-ike clcjjrw* wcrt livo clialnn nio links ioJiiBlitiaL'ii«i'(icr>nier:tliPi^unu,mi'••f-ronr ilocrce* WCHI fortv-two cliolnj aU(]

ilka to llcnhnilu Onmlii'i } m i tlience..ly-r;.» Hutu lo lnnj«mlii n l l a oi Ilirate

mil, .nrnlMlni VlOTM mil |l,hly i i i lmSi'M cicvon ch.iifiM mtit BQTonty |lnl:a fo ftnid

l'H Binii-r In tlio s m n i p ; ll hy |

m n i p ; llictffuntyBlx

ndo north

\ ijselffbt iivffn-i ,"•Biimiiiff, cuitinitiln. ' uiOy-rinn' Motlens.

l'i;n Bn»m>-DcfilMiiii(, at ttio mniil willy Pdrnir of land Into or lilniiiCimilit ...io of Innil Iliat lltrliaiil HtH.idl bunRlit c.riieitim .vlnittlit; tlmitEO MIUII tninlv-fmirrceismi tliirtytnbiif- - - - " " "• •«ialio In K.-iid


l Camlilni]i and( 8 n t

o p u i n laroliHui||1.li«iiiH> m-iul.oii chains ind Iwonlynrlli Iwunlyruiir I

i hains ind Iwonrlli Iwunly.ruiir I

H wem tliirtutn nljattj trru in fillUvcllV ll d ll

l i ; tlicniirly rtlluilt

lylitilin iiiu luai n illUvllV llmsnorlli orifltyn ilrjifDixi nnd Ililrly mttJ-

a-t luivn uliuwi and ll,lrly..is ifa* iu

riEIlfiONA.il Juno Ulli, IHJB.

Jersuy; alion luaiioli Iluc'oftlii-- •' -.i-n-nly-tivo feet in ioiiglh

«liu mi ..fJuo LuilJInjr ai iruub wak ; tJuiU^rHi'li sundry luni of loose li-.i'i, tin., four Ur-row*, tools fur retiring trnoh, Ac, and all thu

Groporty uml appiiilitiinii^fl nr tvii-y dcucriu-on ur tho uf,J liiliroatl! b'longlnR to s" j

tliuaieun- Panil nitlnnd 6umptiiyt inolttainRi in riclit (if way turn liiitidretl fufct wirto nltnijilio ontiru 1niSUi(tr nialn lino ami hraucl^snlik-ut, huiYnvor, m n'lmtevur n'auiu iliolandpwntrH maj iinvn lur jmuiioiiMtiuii ftrtiaidunlit ur May, BII.I iteopUno nil ntlli of nriy-al-liunndniicrj-anl tbat uny lio In ttio truck ri»n tlio right or my or daitl Gri-rn Pmid Itai™*[ i ««»> nm l»lnnBla(r in tliu Stiw ,lcncWi.llnmlllailwuyOmiMiiy.liavIiiBWiiuIoailcby I lien to tlie 0r.en l'unil lhllnwl L'unii.M."ami BnWi'et tu runuvnl.- *

.ANTHONY JONES,Hcncivfic OisutaPusiiIt, I

Sow l-'oiiu:llautl, Jaly Ulli, 1BTC. UWw


ISnj'nSii!l« |rCliildni.'n SiVi'iirliln:,' Tan

wear will cfTerI T ruicr.fi, U l

• *7.nn id VCKIM, 7.50

- - - O.WI- - - 5.00

iiit.v] 3,r,o

Hiora to'(lIlulVH i

In S 18.00

" 12.no" ' 12.00" 12.03

" a.co


Tlio liandsoraoHt n

ALLEN, iPALME^ £ Sfjtf,'

trnreirarctl vith oitra ftcilitUs for pat-n HLATIC UOOFINQ In nil tho TariomnnlioiiHorsti'loaandtoloni wblch'mtr bocil or rcimlrca and wbicli Jloofing Slstoii

iiiently .luMlllcd toprodnco,l»Bt quality or Slats will bo used nnil

nrk wftrrontcil tu inndLffi ll t l ]

Dover. M


tENTENNIflL HISTORYnulls r.ifiti'r tliannnv oiliir bmtU. Out nL'.ntldHlcupioilnui.o.W. Komi rur ouruilra"'", Io WMli. NATIONAL 1'UDLIHHIKG

Gents1 Piiriiisliing Goods.

Jxnwlinaly W , MI l] a K t .1 1 ( .M , l i l l l l H . l l l R 1 . . ; , r


Worsteds. Vcstlcgs, &B,,

THI: PFJIUVUNKYllUl' Vltallzuif aoni^incbca tlia Wood,Touei up tlio SvBtetu,Builds ti]i tlio I)raken-Dowit.Carei Oy»\"P-tln, lltblllty. Uroiu•r.CMIlatind Fev_•t«l Cnrotilo Dlni-

A-o. ThouBatiilfl liavo boon clianffwlbj tbo nioin tltia ictticJy from weak alulilr "siifforin"cnmtarci, ta Mronc. uealthV. liapw S a n ainmoii;an( ItiTallUa cannot reasonably ue«u;» tolo fpve i t a (rial. ;

6111U1'" (unt reruTfan JJarl) sola I T dir»»y. A Ba-paso pnmplilol, contiIHD mi Iron a. a inuulcal Dgcnt aiiuo [mrmrH,to»llmonIaln from dlstln

' " c l 1 "ml tnnrfifcr .lied , L W j , n „., „„, r,,l.B1.l,u,0 „,„..„.r»»,.i,i|! lLwrer.

WM. SIMON";SUSSEX Sl.,'nrwBlnckwiu.

o « t r N J A l l

Men aro earning HO lo tl'id per week 1 i c i /nS

OUR COTOrTRY^AND IVA ItF^OUItCES. Complutc in IUirilllna liiHtorp of I(H) evcnlful Jtlm [treat "UXfillimON,"—crapdllotiuTour. mklity roeonrces in .„cwmintrfu, uiiimrals, m&nu fuel urea, natctwoimcru, cnnnmtlo, Dte..ctlrlchl;ttla&(nttcwA "Oeul iirj" M«p tud •lJllrtI'<-Eyo View" fre lBella marrolloHslj raut. l.fKJQ Dloro apoDtTWin toil qhlckk Tar thii and our itundarj"LIFE UP LtVIXa3T0N£" 00,000told, alao ninDibUv 2,000 iilnatnttioninocqnal. Fureitra(ermawritoto •: -q rextrale


top related