volume 27, no. 4 volume 29, no. 8 august, 2016volume 29, no. 8 august, 2016 grow serve in christ...

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Volume 27, No. 4


August 7 and 14 worship will

be led by Pr. Mark Roock. The

preacher on August 7 will be Pastor

Rebecca Boardman from the Luther-

an Campus Ministry at Washington

University and St. Louis University.

On August 14 school chil-

dren will be invited forward for a

“blessing of the students.” August

21 brings the welcome of new

members to Christ Lutheran. The

two-service Sunday schedule will

resume on September 11.

Christ In the Country A Day in the Country

Saturday, August 6, the con-

gregation is invited to the country

home of Joan & Bob O’Brien, for

swimming, fishing, floating on the

Meramec, trail walks, a game of

washers, cards, fellowship and plen-

ty of food.

Activities begin at 9 a.m. and

the day ends in the evening, follow-

ing a delicious fish fry overseen by

Bob himself. During the afternoon

there is the Fishing Derby for the

children - if you don’t have equip-

ment we are certain to have some

on hand for you. Bring food & bev-

erages to share at lunch time and a

salad, side dish or dessert to share

for dinner at 5:30 (be ready for

fish). Sign up in the Fellowship Hall

and list what you are bringing.

Need a ride? Contact the church of-

fice (314-962-6011) or Joan O’Brien

(314-991-4616) so arrangements

can be made between drivers and


Potluck and Praise Night Returns Saturday Aug. 13

The second Potluck & Praise

Night will be held on Saturday, Au-

gust 13 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.

The evening will include a blessing

of the backpacks so children should

bring theirs to the event.

This is a family-friendly even-

ing of good fun, food, and fellow-

ship. This is the perfect event to

invite another family or friend to!

Katie Ciorba is planning an activity

for the children and needs to know

how many will be coming so don’t

forget to sign up either on the bul-

letin board downstairs or on the list

in the narthex.

Like the first Potluck &

Praise, this event will extend the

savory and sacredness of our Len-

ten and Advent dinners throughout

the year. This is a great opportunity

for us to grow in community with

one another and God. We will ex-

plore different themes, styles and

traditions of worship. This is a

chance to experience “church” as

early Christians might have. BYOP

good Lutherans, and come!

Volume 29, No. 8 August, 2016







314-962 -4810







9:30 A.M.


9:15 A.M. TO 1:15 P.M.




9 A.M. - 4 P.M.


























Pictured above, Noah Hornbeck talks about the Synod trip to our Companion Synod Papua New Guinea of which he was a member this summer, with Pastor Penny during worship on Sun., July 24th.


Happy Birthday to You …

And Happy Anniversary, Too

Wear your birthday hat and get ready to

celebrate August birthdays and anniversaries

on Sunday, August 7, after the service. Come

for food, games & fellowship.

August Mead Center Use The YMCA uses the upper room of the

center for its final "Off Broadway" Drama

Camps and final production, “Dancing through

Time, “ held on Thursday, Aug.4th at 7 p.m..

A four-day “camp” for soon-to-be sixth

graders on phone etiquette and safety will be

held in early August. Along with the students,

their parents will also be attending class, all

from 9:30-11:30 and utilizing the Fellowship

Hall and the lower level classrooms at Mead.

And, of course, there will be private

birthday and celebratory parties in the Mead

center during August.

Christ Lutheran Holy Throwers The church's co-ed softball team, the Ho-

ly Throwers, did very well this summer. The

team finished the season with only one regular

season loss. They won the semi-final playoff

game 9-4, coming back in the last in-

ning. However, they were not able to come

back in the championship game against the

BLT's, and lost 4-1. It was a good season of

fellowship and playing. We thank Megan Mead-

ows for being manager this year. See a picture

of the team on page 10 of this issue.

Forum on Finances and Racial Disparity

Webster Groves’ churches are sponsor-

ing a series of forums on racial disparities. The

first forum will be at Holy Redeemer Catholic

Church on Wednesday, August 17, at 7:00 p.m.

The speaker will be Ray Boshara, addressing

the topic, “Thrivers and Strugglers—A Growing

Economic Divide.” Boshara is senior advisor and

director of the Center for Household Financial

Stability at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lou-

is. The center conducts research on family bal-

ance sheets and how they matter for strength-

ening families and the economy. Refreshments

will be served. Christ Lutheran is among the co-

sponsors of the forum series.

Confirmation Class Meeting Seventh and eighth graders and their

parents are asked to attend a 2016-17 confir-

mation class orientation meeting on Sunday,

August 28, after worship. The meeting will be

in the Conference Room. Plans and goals for

the year will be outlined.

Sunday School Update As we approach the start of another

school year, we also welcome the start of an-

other Sunday School year. This year has

brought with it a lot of changes in the Sunday

School teaching volunteers. We have 14 new

Sunday School Teachers who are ready to take

on the challenges of passing on God’s word to

our children. The Sunday School teachers will

be meeting on August 21st, to review the sylla-

bus and plan for the coming year. We have de-

cided to stay with the Whirl curriculum again

for this coming year.

Dads 1 Group to Meet August 19 The Dads1 Group will meet for book dis-

cussion, sharing and fellowship on Friday, Au-

gust 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Steve

McCarty. If you are interested in joining the

Dads Group here at Christ Lutheran, please

contact either Steve McCarty (954-557-1513) or

Bryan Dopuch (314-368-8552) for more details.

On The Move Joan and Bob Rivas have moved to an

apartment on the grounds of Laclede Groves

Senior Living. Their new address is: 719 Imse

Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63119 and their new tel-

ephone number is: 314-274-7181.

Shepherd’s Center Issues Call for Volunteer Drivers

Through the first six months of 2016,

Shepherd’s Center volunteer drivers have pro-

vided nearly 300 rides, logging over 5700

miles! They were so busy that, unfortunately,

they had to turn away some callers who were

looking for a ride. The increasing popularity of

the transportation service for senior citizens

has created a need for more volunteer drivers

All that is asked of a driver is to provide one

ride a month; more will gladly be accepted.

Drive orientation sessions are scheduled in the

coming weeks. Please call 314-395-0988 for

more information.





Congratulations and Best Wishes! Your Christ Lu-

theran family wants to celebrate you! Every

month we will honor anniversaries and birth-

days with a special cake, party fun and decora-

tions after the service.


08/17 Karen & Brent Wood

08/20 Carol & Richard Emery

08/22 Sylvia & Mark Rogers

BIRTHDAYS 08/01 Charles Schneider

08/03 Katie Schneider

08/07 Emily Knapp

08/07 Susanne Reimer-Fey

08/08 Sharon Hallowell

08/09 Harrison Ringkor

08/12 Harry Brightman

08/12 Janet Roock

08/15 Judy Koepke

08/15 Bill Scholle

08/18 Cheri Fortney

08/19 Marc Horn

08/20 Alan Richter

08/21 Carol Arrington

08/25 Jacey Joern

08/28 Keith Lissant

08/29 Ray McIntyre

Pastors to Attend Churchwide Assembly and Gathering

Pastor Keith is the elected clergy dele-

gate from Area 10 (far eastern Missouri) of the

Central States Synod to attend the ELCA

Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans from Au-

gust 8-13. Reflecting the upcoming 500th an-

niversary of the Reformation in 2017, the

theme of the assembly is “Freed and Renewed

in Christ, 500 Years of God’s Grace in Ac-

tion.” See the Pastors’ Word for more details.

Pastor Penny will join Pastor Keith on Au-

gust 10 to attend Grace Gathering nearby in

New Orleans. It offers several days of learning,

action and reflection on the theme of living out

the gospel message of the Reformation. It is

associated with preparations for celebrating the

500th anniversary of the Reformation in

2017. Participants in Grace Gathering will join

Assembly delegates to hear keynote addresses

by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and Nobel

Peace Prize winner Leymah Gbowee,

In addition to attending their own workshops,

participants in Grace Gathering will join Assem-

bly delegates for afternoon trips such as visit-

ing Project Ishmael which works with migrant

children and visiting nonprofits working to alle-

viate hunger in the city.

Pastors Penny and Keith will be on vaca-

tion August 2-7 and 14-16. If pastoral care is

needed from August 2 to 16, please contact the

church office.

Senior High Pool Party and Send-off for Graduates On Sunday, August 14

Senior high youth are invited to cele-

brate the end of the summer with a pool party,

hosted by Anna, Deanne, and Brett Bussler at

their home from 2:00-5:00 p.m. on Sunday, Au-

gust 14.

Youth graduating from high school are special

guests and will be given a “send-off” to their

next adventure at 5:00 p.m. Each youth is

asked to bring a snack to share and a 2-liter

bottle of soda. The Busslers will provide hot

dogs and brats for all. They live at 312 Gray

Avenue in Webster Groves, 63119.


As stated elsewhere, I have been elected

to be the area's delegate to the triennial ELCA

Church-wide Assembly. I am honored to be

have been nominated and elected to the posi-

tion. It is the first time I will have served in

such a role in my years as an ordained pastor,

and it will be my first time in New Orleans.

In terms of business, the assembly does

not have a lot of big issues to decide. There

will be an election of the first vice president of

the ELCA, as well as other numerous elections

to other church posts. The main item of busi-

ness anticipated is to adopt a proposed official

change authorizing non-ordained persons to

serve as ministers in special situations.

Leadership in the ELCA is becoming in-

creasingly aware that the landscape of the

ELCA is changing. There have not been as

many persons entering ordained ministry as in

the past, and a high number of current clergy

are quickly approaching retirement age. Also,

the financial reality for many smaller congrega-

tions is that they will not be able to support

full time pastors as in the past. These factors

together mean that those looking ahead are

looking at a time when there will be a need for

some congregations to be served by non-

ordained persons. The motion is anticipated at

the assembly to allow for persons trained for

ministry to be give the ability to minister in a

congregation including presiding at the Eucha-

rist. This would be an appointment of the

bishop, and it would only be for the place de-

termined. The "minister" status would not

move with the person to other congrega-

tions. This will be controversial to some, but it

is anticipated that most will see it as a way to

provide religious service where necessary and

that good order will be preserved. Pertinent

wording of the motion is below:

"Licensure and Synodically Authorized

Ministry. When need exists to render Word

and Sacrament ministry for a congregation or

ministry of this church where it is not possible

to provide appropriate pastoral leadership, the

synod bishop—acting with the consent of the

congregation or ministry, in consultation with

the Synod Council, and in accord with stand-

ards and qualifications developed by the appro-

priate church-wide unit, reviewed by the Con-

ference of Bishops, and approved by the

Church Council—may authorize a person who

is a member of a congregation of the Evangeli-

cal Lutheran Church in America to offer this

ministry. Such an individual shall be supervised

by a minister of Word and Sacrament appointed

by the synod bishop; such service shall be ren-

dered during its duration under the sacramen-

tal authority of the bishop as the synod’s pas-

tor. Such an individual will be trained and li-

censed to fulfill this ministry for a specified pe-

riod of time and in a given location only. Au-

thorization, remuneration, direct supervision,

and accountability are to be determined by the

appropriate synodical leadership according to

church-wide standards and qualifications for

this type of ministry. Authorization for such

service shall be reviewed annually and renewed

only when a demonstrated need remains for its


At each assembly attention is paid to the

context of the event. The New Orleans venue

gives many opportunities to inform the

church. The city's rich musical heritage, it's

dealing with human need and reconstruction

after hurricane Katrina, it's ongoing social pres-

sures, and it's reckoning with changes in

its geographical situation due to glob-

al warming and the nearby rising bodies of wa-

ter are ways to teach others about how to reck-

on with such challenges.

Each delegate is able to choose three

educational visits. I expect to take in these:

CARE FOR CREATION: Our Christian faith

compels us to the care and redemption of all

that God has made even as it calls us into rela-

tionship with those who suffer from the im-

pacts of environmental degradation. Partici-

pants will learn about the intersections be-

tween environmental and economic issues in

New Orleans while rolling up their sleeves and

helping to care for God’s good creation. How

can we act in solidarity with God’s creation?


ans is known for its music. Participants will ex-

plore how music has been a catalyst for social

The article is continued on the following

page, see page 5.

“The Wideness of Our Church”


The Wideness of Our Church, continued from

page 4

Change in the past and enjoy the diverse and

vibrant sounds from musicians from the South.

How can music be used today to inspire us to

strive for justice and peace?

RESURRECTION: Delegates will explore

New Orleans 11 years after Hurricane Katrina

and the breech of the levees. They will focus on

the process of renewal of a community and visit

the areas impacted by the hurricane. How

might we become ambassadors of hope when

the journey is difficult and justice seems far


The program is a large part of the expe-

rience. Vital, large group worship with the par-

ticipants of Grace Gathering should be inspir-

ing. International leaders will speak to both

groups together. There will be significant input

and resources for planning for the observance

of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

I expect another benefit will be meeting

new people from around the country who are

part of the ELCA, as well as getting better ac-

quainted with people from our own synod. No

doubt I will run into others I will have known

from other synods, college, and seminar-

ies. Each delegate has been paired with a pray-

er partner. I am in prayer partnership with a

Rev. David Parsons of New York City. I plan to

meet him there in person.

I expect that the experience will be sig-

nificant, and I look forward to sharing reflec-

tions from it when I return. I want it to be a

blessing to Christ Lutheran that I am able to


God be with us all.

Pr. Keith

Write a Letter, Save a Life! Bread for the World Letter Writing

Sunday, Aug. 28

One letter may not save a life, but many

letters can! On Sunday, Aug. 28, after wor-

ship, members of Christ will have an oppor-

tunity to write letters to Congress. The focus

this year is on women and children. The goal

of this year’s Offering of Letters is to urge

Congress to support at least $230 million for

international maternal and children nutrition

programs. This would fund critical programs

and would require just a fraction of the esti-

mated 3.95 billion dollar US budget.

Relief programs make a difference. Ac-

cording to David Beckmann, president of Bread

for the World, because of relief efforts the

number of hungry people in the world has fall-

en by over 200 million since 1990 even while

the world’s population has increased. Unfortu-

nately, the young and vulnerable still suffer.

In Africa almost half of all children under five

years old die because of disease and starva-


Members are invited to the Fellowship

Hall where information, writing materials, sam-

ple letters and addresses of Congressmen and

women will be available. The letters will be

collected and mailed to the appropriate Con-

gress members.

The Offering of Letters is an annual

event sponsored by Bread for the World, a col-

lective Christian voice urging our nation's deci-

sion makers to end hunger at home and

abroad. The director of Bread for the World is

David Beckmann, and ELCA pastor and class-

mate of Pastor Keith’s. Bread for the World

was established in 1972 under the leadership

of Rev. Arthur Simon, son of a Lutheran pastor.

Feed My People “Manna March” Walk for Hunter It’s almost Manna March time and they are sharing this year’s details. The walk is designed

for everyone’s participation: you can walk 1 mile or 2.3 miles in support of Feed My People’s Man-

na March Walk for Hunger at Jefferson Barracks Park, Sunday, September 18, 1:00—3:00 p.m.. Af-

terwards go to one of the 5 museums located there. Or your can sponsor someone or be a virtual

walker. Get more information and register now Contact Jane at 314-631-4900, x312 or go to feed-

my-people.org, click on Events and then Current Events, for information or to register.


from your Christian Service Ministry Team


Malnutrition is a critical, global problem

that impacts millions of vulnerable children

each year. It kills more than twice as many chil-

dren as HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. Yet,

there is a cost effective and proven solution

that can eradicate severe malnutrition in our

lifetime. Project Peanut Butter, a revolutionary

therapeutic program founded by Dr. Mark Man-

ary (Dr. Manary and his wife Mardi of St. Louis,

is the most effective method to treat severely

malnourished kids all over the world. Help us

save millions of children!

Project Peanut Butter produces RUTF in

local factories in Malawi, Sierra Leone, and

(soon to be) Ghana that are internationally ac-

credited. Their produce adheres to strict nutri-

tional, microbiological, chemical, and organo-

leptic standards. PPB distributes this RUTF at

their own mobile clinics and also sells a large

amount at the cost of manufacture to multiple

governments and aid organizations in order to

reach more children in need of treatment.

Learn more about Project Peanut Butter at their


You can help fight this major world-wide

problem with a donation to Project Peanut But-

ter this month. A gift of any amount will greatly

improve the life of a child in this battle against

poverty and hunger. Your check should be

made payable to Christ Lutheran Church with

“Peanut Butter” written on the memo line.

Christ Lutheran will send a check to Project

Peanut Butter from all of us. May God bless you

for sharing the gift of an enhanced life with the

young children of the world!



Canned chicken Beef stew

Brown rice Canned Carrots, low sodium/no salt

Canned, low sodium soup Cornbread mix

Canned corn (low sodium) & fruit (in own juices) Canned fruit in light syrup or own juices

Tea bags, iced tea mix or lemonade Powdered milk/shelf stable boxed milk/soy milk

Return to Church by Sun., Return to Church by Sun.,

AUGUST 21, 2016 SEPTEMBER 18, 2016

A meal a month for you, a meal a month for your neighbor. Please fill a yellow shopping bag or two

(available in the Fellowship Hall) with food items and return them to CLC. Any donation is appreciated.

Thank You for remembering your neighbors throughout the year.


Carolyn Crowe, Faith Community Nurse and Director of Senior Adult Ministries, will do

blood pressure and blood sugar screenings on Sunday, August 14th You can find her

in the Fellowship Hall after the worship service. You can also make an appointment

with Carolyn for a blood pressure or blood sugar check up, by calling her at either the

church, 314-962-6011, or her by cell phone 314-277-2164.


JULY 2016 Council Meeting Highlights

At its July 19th meeting the Christ Lutheran Church Council:

--Heard the treasurer's report showing expenses to date of $211,415 and income of $217,089. It

was noted that a special gift helped covered the air conditioning repair in June. A special circum-

stances loan made to a person this spring from the Special Assistance Fund has been paid

back. The treasurer was given permission to use electronic access to the ELCA Mission Fund.

--Christian Education reported on upcoming VBS review, Sunday School, and Adult Forum planning


--Christian Service led a discussion on how best to communicate the needs and blessings of the

Green Envelope monthly special offerings. An additional tab is to be added to the website to distin-

guish active service projects from monies raised for benevolent causes. Discussed how best to com-

municate about causes and projects supported by the congregation on Sunday mornings.

--Outreach Committee reviewed a recent meeting where ideas were brought forward to give items

to those who visit the church on Sundays. They are beginning work on guest packets and a new

brochure, and will work with the webmaster and Facebook leader.

--Property Committee reported that the church van will need repair after a recent no fault acci-

dent. Electrical repairs and upgrades are necessary at the Mead Center and an electrician is being

contacted. The Hawken House has agreed to forward names of people they are not able to accom-

modate to Christ Lutheran for potential use of the Mead Center. This will include a small "finders

fee." The retaining wall on the west side of the parking lot needs repair. A charter outline for con-

sidering renovations for the church was reviewed as well as a list of names for a potential renova-

tions committee. Goal is to report first steps to the 2017 Annual Meeting.

--Stewardship Committee is setting a date in August to meet to plan a stewardship educational

event this fall.

--Worship Committee reported that those who have volunteered to perform special music will be

schedule this summer.

--Among other items, the pastors reminded the council that the 120th anniversary of the congrega-

tion is in 2017.

--President Saeger reported that area meetings called by the synod office are looking at anticipated

demographics of ELCA Lutherans in the area and considering new ways to serve congregations uti-

lizing both ordained and lay ministers. Next meeting is Sept. 7 in Washington, MO.

--It was noted that communication had been made with TLC concerning childcare up to four hours

in the summer.

--Stephen Ministers recently watched the video, "Fish Out of Water" concerning welcoming the

LBGTQ community. The DVD will be shown on July 21 and will be available to be checked out as a

resource for continuing conversations in the congregation.

--Job descriptions drafted by the Mutual Ministry Committee will be amended as necessary after

speaking with congregational employees.

--Agreed to co-sponsor with several other congregations a series of forums on racial disparities

hosted at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. The first one is August 17 on "Thrivers and Strugglers--A

growing Economic Divide" by Roy Boshara of the Center for Household Financial Stability of the Fed-

eral Reserve Bank.

--Adopted several suggestions of the Audit Committee. Among them are forming a Financial Ad-

visory Committee to the treasurer; keeping duplicates of certain church records off site for safe

keeping as well as employing the safe deposit box; shred appropriate past age documents, change

forms counters use, keep records of all money coming to the church during the week, oversee that

thank yous are made for gifts to the congregation, make a visual record of all church furnishings,

and see that there are sufficient members overseeing trust funds of the congregation. Further

checking will be done on unemployment insurance for employees.

--The next meeting of the council is August 16.


Central States Synod Offers Local Workshop on Caring for Creation

Saturday, August 20

Members of Central States Synod have designed a Creation Care workshop and invite all

ELCA members to attend on Saturday, August 20, at the Pallottine Renewal Center in Florissant,

MO. The workshop is designed to engage people in the work of creation care. Participants will ex-

plore strategies and create action plans to incorporate care for creation into these areas of congre-

gational life: worship, educational programs, property, buildings and grounds, discipleship of

members at home and work and public ministry and advocacy. Two previous workshops have

been held near Kansas City and this is the first for the St. Louis area.

The gathering begins at 9:00 and the workshop will run from 9:30-3:30. Members should

contact the office at Christ Lutheran if interested so part or all of the cost of $25 can be defrayed

by the Christian Service Committee.

2016 Holy Throwers Team finishes with a great season, only one regular game loss. They lost in the championship game but it was a fantastic season! Lower row, l-r: Tina Blechle, Patty Hopper, Megan Meadows and Kim Donermeyer Back row, l-r, Colin Meadows, Dave Clark, Kevin Blechle, Tom Hopper, Dave Hopper, Angela Bratcher, Corey Renfrow, Dave Donermeyer and Luke Bruns.


Cluster Youth Mission Trip participants, pre-paring to leave for a week in Hammond, Indiana at a Group Workcamp: (picture at top left). L-R Dave Hill, Ray McIntyre, Anna Bussler, Jacob Swan-son, Dan Hopper, Laura Swanson, Dave Cramer, Jessie Hopper and Clara Rush (St.

Thomas/Holy Spirit).. Picture top right: Work Team #9 with their host. Jessie Hopper far

right. Left: Daniel Hopper on the ladder doing win-

dow repairs. Right: The girls’ sleep-ing quarters with air mattresses, sleeping

bags . Bottom right: The church van loaded with tools, sleeping bags, air mattresses and duffle bags of clothing

for the week.

Above: At Lutheran Senior Services Day at the Ballpark, Flo Saeger who lives at LSS Laclede Groves, was selected by

drawing to throw out the first pitch at the game.



DATE: August 7 9:30 a.m. 12th Sunday after Pentecost Key Person Mike Hoyerr Assisting Minister Flo Saeger Acolyte Laura Swanson Ushers Mike Hoyer / Jadee Lauer Lector Kersten Horn Presenters Kristin & Mike Hill Family Altar Guild Janet Roock / Carolyn Lange Flowers Sandra Hoyer Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Jessica & Dan Gunther / Flery Langholz Refreshments Angela Bratcher / Harriet Scholle / Sally Wachtman

DATE: August 14 9:30 a.m. 13th Sunday after Pentecost Key Person Jerry Kuziel Assisting Minister Emma Austin Acolyte Paige Lauer Ushers Peter & Becca Jordan Lector Steve McCarty Presenters Donna Munger / Larry Hill Altar Guild Kathy Kuziel / Angela Bratcher Flowers Faith Moore Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Tore Stole / Bev Thompson Refreshments Melissa Allen / Katie Ciorba / Kate Dopuch / Jodi McCarty

DATE: August 21st 9:30 a.m. 14th Sunday after Pentecost Key Person Matt Bender Assisting Minister Carolyn Crowe Acolyte Calvin Ciorba Ushers Joan & Bob O’Brien Lector Brett Bussler Presenters The Bender Family Altar Guild Sarah & Matt Bender Flowers Sarah Bender Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Sarah Bender / Susan DeBusk Refreshments Ellen Mead / Melissa Rentfrow / Flo Saeger

DATE: August 28th 9:30 a.m. 15th Sunday after Pentecost Key Person Keith Lissant Assisting Minister John Hoffmann Acolyte Sam Allen Ushers Ray McIntyre / Roger Rose Lector Jodi McCarty Presenters Alan Richter / Bev Thompson Altar Guild Nancy Lissant / Harriet Scholle Flowers Nancy Lissant / Harriet Scholle Nursery Lynnae Tanner Ruff Counters Dave Austin / Joan O’Brien Refreshments Ann Frillman / Sharon Hornbeck / Carolyn Lange


August 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


11s Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship 6p The Exercise Group


10a Pastors Text Study

3 4

7p YMCA drama camp II play production—Mead

5 6

8a Christ in the Country at O’Briens’, Fishing Derby & Fish

Fry 2p Non-member



79:15a Childcare 9:30a Worship service 10:35a Refreshments & Fellowship-August birthdays & anniver-saries

8 11s Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship 6p The Exercise Group 7p ELCA Cluster youth steering committee—Conference Room

9 10a Pastors Text Study

10 11 12 13

5:30p Potluck & Praise—Fellowship Hall

14 79:15a Childcare 9:30a Worship service– Blessing of the Students 10:35a Refreshments & Fellowship—Blood pressures w/Parish Nurse 2-5p Youth Pool Party

15 11s Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship 6p The Exercise Group


10a Pastors Text Study 7p Church Council meeting-Conference Room

17 18

7p Stephen Ministers support meeting


7p Dads 1 Group meet-ing—McCartys’ home


9a CSS Workshop on Caring for Creation @, Pallottine Renewal Center

21 79:15a Childcare 9:30a Worship ser-vice—Receive new members 10:35a Refreshments & Fellowship 10:45a Sunday School teachers meeting

22 11s Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship 6p The Exercise Group 7p Stewardship meet-ing—Conference Room

23 10a Pastors Text Study 9:30a Bible study meets @church—Missouri History Musum & lunch

24 25 26 27

28 9:15a Childcare 9:30a Worship service 10:35a Refreshments & Fellowship—Offering of Letters/Bread for the World 10:45a Confirmation class meeting w/parents—Conference Room

29 11s Conscious Body Alignment 12p Senior Fellowship 6p The Exercise Group

30 10a Pastors Text Study


6:30p Outreach Team meeting



The Monthly Newsletter of

Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA

1 Selma Avenue at Lockwood

Webster Groves, MO 63119-3199


August, 2016 Sundays

Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Childcare 9:15 a.m. —1:15 p.m.

Coffee Fellowship 10:35 a.m.






AUGUST 2016 Highlights

08/06 9:a.m. Christ in the Country at country home of Joan & Bob O’Brien. Ends with 5:30 p.m. fish fry and

potluck dinner.

08/07 9:15 a.m.—1:15 p.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion; 10:35 a.m.:

Fellowship & celebration of August anniversaries & birthdays.

08/13 5:30 p.m.: Potluck and Praise event—Bring a dish to share, join in the prayers and other activities.

08/14 9:15 a.m.—1:15 p.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion, “Blessing of the

Students” ; 10:35 a.m.: Fellowship time and blood pressure/blood sugar readings w/ Parish Nurse.

08/14 2:00-5:00 p.m.: Cluster Youth Pool Party at home of Busslers

08/16 7:00 p.m.: Church Council Meeting—Conference Room

08/17 7:00 p.m.: Forum on Finances and Racial Disparity at Holy Redeemer

08/19 Dads 1 Group—meeting at home of Steve McCarty

08/21 9:15 a.m.—1:15 p.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion—Reception of New

Members; 10:35 a.m.: Fellowship time; 10:45 a.m.: Sunday School teachers meeting.

08/28 9:15 a.m.—1:15 p.m.: Childcare available; 9:30 a.m.: Worship with Holy Communion ; 10:35 a.m.:

Fellowship time;. 10:45 a.m.: Confirmation class meeting for students and parents—Conference Room;

10:45 a.m.: Bread for the World letter writing.

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