voyage y9 & y10 château d’ebblinghem - leventhorpe … meeting xmas market... · voyage y9...

Post on 10-Mar-2018






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Voyage Y9 & Y10

Château d’Ebblinghem

St Omer ~ France

samedi 29.11.2014

lundi 01.12.2014

AIMS develop students’ cultural

awareness by giving them an opportunity to experience the French culture

encourage students to practise their language skills (speaking, reading & listening)

encourage students to use their L@L skills

The Château is located in St Omer, on the Opal

Coast, just 45 minutes from Calais & 55 minutes

from the Eurotunnel terminal.

Le Château d'Ebblinghem is NST's very own 19th Century French country house set

in Northern France

There are 3 separate blocks, each

designed to accommodate one group.

We will have sole occupancy of our

building with its own dining room &

meeting room. There is also a communal

games room.

All bedrooms are bright, modern & clean

and feature a private shower, washbasin

& toilet.

Students will be in rooms of 4 & will have

bunk beds.

Who in which room?



1er jour ~ samedi 29 novembre

Voyage en bus vers l’Eurotunnel ~ départ de Leventhorpe à 8h10

Eurotunnel à 11h40

Arrivée en France à 13h10 (1h de différence!)

Visite d’une usine de chocolat à 14h30

Arrivée au Château à 17h

Dîner à 18h

Activités du soir ~ quiz en français et crêpes!!


2ème jour ~ dimanche 30 novembre

Petit déjeuner à 8h

Visite de l’usine de bonbons Becasuc

St Omer ~ Travail de groupe

Lille ~ Visite du marché de noël

Retour au Château à 18h

Dîner de noël à 19h

Activité du soir ~ Chasse au trésor


3ème jour ~ lundi 1er décembre

Petit déjeuner à 8h

Visite d’une boulangerie

Visite de ‘La Coupole’ ~ un bunker-musée de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale

Eurotunnel à 16h20

Arrivée en Angleterre à Folkstone à 15h55 (1h de différence)

Arrivée à Leventhorpe à 18h


Informations importantes (1)

Departure 8.10am Saturday 29/11 ~ please arrive by 7.40

so all students can be registered by their group leader

50 students split into 4 groups for registration, counting,

information… For visits & at Château, students can mix!

4 French speaking teachers ~ Mr Frost, Dr Cusick, Mrs

Boyd & Mrs Lynch

We will allow ONLY 1 bag/ suitcase per child

We would also advise each student to have a small

backpack with them in the coach during the journey

Breakfast should be eaten at home and a packed lunch

provided for that 1st day

All EHIC & Passports by Friday 14th November at the

latest please (to Mrs Hibbins)

If needed, travel sickness pill before departure

Informations importantes (2)

Bring a towel, toiletteries & warm comfortable clothing

including scarf, gloves, hat as well as comfortable

walking shoes

All medicines should be clearly labelled with first

names & surnames and handed to Dr Cusick on 29/11

with clear instructions ~ please take 2 spare Epipens/

inhalers (1 for Dr Cusick & 1 for the student to keep at all

times, especially during visits)

Take a continental adapter plug if needed

Bring a pencil & an eraser (translation headsets will

be provided in La Coupole & you will complete work at

different times throughout the weekend)

Informations importantes (3)

Pocket money ~ maximum of 40-50 euros (money already changed into euros please)

Mobile phones/ cameras… ~ if brought they are the students’ responsibility ~ these must not be used at inappropriate times

NO Ipad, Kindle or other tablet please

Entertainment for coach journeys (I will bring DVDs… in French of course!)

Bilingual ‘Safety card’ for each student with address of the Château, Château emergency phone number & school mobile number provided on 29/11

Seatbelts MUST be worn at all times on the coach

Data roaming ~ turn it off! It costs money & uses battery


Have fun


‘Bon Voyage’!

Are there any questions?

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