wanted the prosperity bandit

Post on 08-May-2015






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WANTED: The Prosperity Bandit – He’ll tell you to fill in your email, watch the video, get started and follow the 8 core commitments… and if you do that for 90 days, you’ll gain financial freedom with an abundance of time - AND IT’S TRUE… so DON’T DO IT!


WANTED: The Prosperity Bandit by Michael Leedy | on March 7, 2013

Please be advised that there is charming/charismatic man know as the Prosperity Bandit on the loose. His goal is to change people lives by helping them to break out of their shell and realize their full potential. He’ll tell you to, “<<Click Here>> fill in your email, watch the video, get started and follow the 8 Core Commitments while focusing on only (2) $25 signups a day… and if you achieve this for 90 days in a row, you’ll gain financial freedom with an abundance of time”

AND IT’S TRUE… …so DON’T DO IT!! Don’t trust people who are currently making $15K, $30K, 100K+ a month following the above procedures, working less that 4 hours a day… they have no clue what they’re talking about!!! Instead… you should trust local officials making maybe $100K a year!

Follow the rules that were created in the 1950’s like you’ve been trained to do by your media (TV, RADIO, NEWS) and education system: Get loans ranging from $10K to 40K a year to educate yourself, work 50 to 70 a hours a week, only go on vacation for 2 weeks a year and try to save enough for retirement by 55/60!!!

THE EMPOWER NETWORK HAS ONLY BEEN PROVEN TO PAY AFFILIATES WHO FOLLOW THE 8 CORE COMMITMENTS. AND come on… why would anyone want to be RICH with FREE TIME!?!? Fear change and fear trying new things so that you’ll never find out how the 1% live.

…They like you where you’re at… with the rest of the 99% Granted, if you’re ready to say “eff’ the system”… take a chance and do what he says: “<<Click Here>> fill in your email, watch the video, get started and follow the 8 Core Commitments while focusing on only (2) $25 signups a day… because if you achieve this for 90 days in a row, you’ll gain financial freedom with an abundance of time.”

To be continued…

I’m Michael Leedy

For More information on how to find this masked bandit please visit michaelleedy.com or email me at info@michaelleedy.com

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