wasp removal sydney call 0423688352

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Wasp bees Removal Sydney Call 042368835


Wasp Removal Sydney call 0423688352 and Wasp Extermination

Searching for a wasp nest and planning how to exterminate it can be done safely by a qualified wasp exterminator. How this can be done would depend on a number of factors like the time of year, nest location, and the type of wasp that you are dealing with.

Considering all these factors, dealing with a wasp infestation does not look as easy as many may think. This is one of the reasons why there is a need for wasp exterminator help. Removal of any wasp nest therefore requires very careful consideration.Many people believe that a wasp nest is used over and over by the colony by coming back at the next season cycle to the same location. This however is a myth, in general wasp nests are never used and reused by any wasp colony but are rather abandoned once the summer and spring cycles are completed.

A wasp exterminator can help educate you in the life cycle of wasps which will show that they are actually not yearlong threats. However, this does not mean that you will not need wasp exterminator help to deal with the problem.Danger of Dealing with Wasps by Yourself

There are some who feel that dealing with wasp problems can be easily done by themselves primarily because they do not agree paying wasp exterminator fees. Unfortunately, for most of them, they fail to realize the degree of danger that dealing with wasps can bring. This is especially true for people who are allergic to wasp stings. Taking into consideration the ability of wasps to sting over and over (unlike bees), the danger can be truly elevated.This is one of the most compelling reasons why the services of wasp exterminator is more preferred and recommended. Moreover, a wasp exterminator has the adequate training to deal with virtually any type of wasp ensuring that the infestation is dealt with correctly. Furthermore, removing wasps is not as easy as most people think a wasp exterminator has the necessary protective gear and equipment to deal with the problem.Considering Classification of Wasps

Another compelling reason to avail of the services of a wasp exterminator is that you have to consider the classification of wasps when dealing with an infestation. In general wasps can be classified into two main classifications, solitary and social wasps. How can these classifications affect the way wasps should be removed?Basically, social wasps are those who are responsible for building nests where populations can reach as many as5,000 to 10,000. This holds true especially when it reaches the height of summer where they can number the most. Considering this, ask yourself, are you adequately prepared to deal with these many wasps?A wasp exterminator definitely can take care of the problem easily. Solitary wasps on the other hand venture on their own and can be dealt with easily even without the help of a wasp exterminator, unless you are afraid.The Need for a Wasp ExterminatorIn the context of considering the services of a wasp exterminator, one of the most common reasons to call on these types of specialists is that a colony has been spotted in an area where it can potentially or is already causing problems.Usually, this means that pets or even people are getting stung regularly by wasps which also indicated that there is already a need to deal with the problem seriously. And what’s more serious than securing the services of a wasp exterminator.Keep in mind that the dangers posed by wasps are as real as it gets. This is especially true for people who have severe allergic reactions to the venom of the wasp that may lead to anaphylactic shock that requires professional healthcare treatment.Even if you ask environmental experts and officers, most of them would recommend that the services of a wasp exterminator be availed for safety. Make sure that the wasp exterminator has enough experience to deal with the level of infestation that you have.Wasps: Nest, Removal and Exterminators

If you decide to deal with wasp removal by yourself and forego of the more practical and safe thinking of getting a wasp exterminator then you have to consider the work you have to do as well as the type of equipment and protection you need. To remove wasps nests without a wasp exterminator:

Track down the nest by observing where most wasps return during the night. This is the best time to do this because they are already settled in assuring that you get the right location.Wear as many protective cover or clothing that you can as possible. This is a safety precaution that you need to do in place of the protective gear used by a wasp exterminator. The thick cover or clothing will protect you from any potential sting that will be delivered by the wasps. Keep in mind that wasp stings have the ability to penetrate majority of fabrics which leads to the need to use thick clothing.Depending on the location of the nest, you may need a wasp killer that is capable of delivering projectile spray anywhere from 15 to 20 feet high. Usually two to three hits are necessary to make sure that all wasps have already been killed. Make sure that you visually inspect that no wasps are coming out of the nest. Remove the nest from its location and destroy it completely but take care to avoid possible surviving angry wasps.

With this overview, you can now decide if you are willing to do it yourself or call on a wasp exterminator to do the job for you.

There is a reason why a wasp exterminator has the right training and tools for the job. If savings is all you are concerned about, you should also consider the price of getting yourself stung by a wasp. Over all, a wasp exterminator can guarantee that the problem gets dealt with accordingly without sacrificing your safety.

Finding wasps' nests and planning wasp extermination depends on the time of year, type of the location, and type of wasp. Wasp removal needs careful consideration.Contrary to popular belief, wasp nests are not used year after year and instead are abandoned by the colony once the spring and summer cycle is complete. Understanding the life cycle of the wasp will reassure anyone that wasp colonies are not a year long threat.

Firstly, there are two main types of wasp - social and solitary. Social wasps are the ones that build nests in which populations can reach between 5,000 - 10,000 by the height of summer, whereas solitary wasps, as the name suggests, are loners.


In NSW every more than 15 people are stung by wasp every day and if you are allergic you can die, 1. It is best to exterminate a wasp nest when it is built too close to a play area for children or near a heavily used door. These stinging insects can become pests at times, especially when their nests are built in the wrong places. Social wasps can be extremely dangerous when their nests are disturbed if you take into account their stinging ability and the huge number of workers occupying a single nest. Some wasp colonies can take more provocation than others. It depends on a couple of factors: colony size and temperature. Colonies tend to be milder-tempered when they are small and the temperature is cool. Though when the colonies are large and the temperature is high, you had better watch out! Hot weather seems to make social wasps very irritable. Plus, the more wasps there are in a single nest, the more activity there is. This means that the temperature inside the nest goes up; which makes the wasps irritable.2. There are many different ways to get rid of a bothersome wasp colony, I will only discuss three easy ways to exterminate three types of nests. First of all, you need to determine which entrances are being used by the wasps. This is best done by observing the insects during the daytime. Exterminate nests at night when the colonies are quietly resting. You should make sure that you are wearing protective clothing such as long pants, long-sleeve shirt, and gloves and veil hat during any of these procedures. Also, never shine your flashlight at a nest while you are exterminating it because the angry wasps will probably fly straight up the light's beam and sting you. Your safest bet would be to place a piece of clear, red plastic or a red filter over the light. Wasps do not see red. So, it would be safe to use the flashlight to see the nests that way.3. For underground nests, I would recommend approaching the nest very cautiously and pouring boiling water down into the entrance hole and immediately tossing several shovel fulls of earth on top of it or securely covering it with a heavy-duty glass bowl which is flipped over onto its top. You can also gently puff some "sevin dust" into the entrance hole with a dispenser if you do not want to use the "boiling water" method.4. For nests in walls or attics, I would recommend contacting a pest controller since colonies in these locations are more difficult to treat.5. For aerial nests, I would recommend using a good brand of insecticide spray which is known to kill wasps and hornets on contact. I prefer to use wasp and hornet killers which have jet sprays that reach nests from twelve to twenty feet above ground. These sprays work very well on exterminating aerial colonies. When you spray a nest with any of these insecticides you should not position yourself directly beneath it because the wasps or hornets may fall on you.

When this happens you might get stung. You may have to treat the nest a couple of times before you can safely remove it. Wait at least twenty-four hours before removing the treated nest. It is not recommended to keep a nest after extermination because the dead larvae and pupae will rot inside the combs and STINK to high heaven!

*Note: You cannot get rid of a wasp or hornet colony by simply knocking down the nest because these insects would just start building a new one, usually in the same location or in an area nearby.


I would like to gratefully acknowledge "EnviroSafe, Inc." for allowing me to use their information on my website.

"This has been the greatest bee year I have ever seen. Not only are there a lot of bees, yellowjackets, hornets and wasps but they are far more aggressive than usual. Okay, so what can we do to resolve these problems?

First, please remember that these creatures are beneficial insects and not every one of them has to be eliminated. We need to remove the ones that pose a threat. Second, we can not solve the problem of bees flying in through open, unscreened windows.

Control: As mentioned above, if possible make sure you have screens on your windows and that they are in good repair.

If the bees are getting in please DO NOT GO OUTSIDE AND PLUG THE HOLE THEY ARE USING. DO NOT SPRAY ANYTHING INTO THEIR HOLE. The best thing to do is to set up a wet/dry vacuum with soap water in it and let it run from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset. Remember do not block the hole with the vacuum hose. Place the hose end one inch under the hole.

For ground hives at home, wait until a couple hours after dark and place a glass casserole lid over their hole. Put some dirt around the edge of the lid. Leave the lid in place for at least one week or until activity stops.

If you flood the hole at night by spraying three gallons of water mixed with 48 ounces of Lemon Joy you will kill the nest. Do not attempt to do this during the

day, these are one of the most aggressive stinging insects. Please keep people out of the area of these nests until problem is solved.

Umbrella wasp nest or open combed nest. Fortunately, this species is not very aggressive - they just look it. These wasps just pick bad places to nest. They love playground tires, bleachers and corners of doors and windows. If this wasp is in an area that they are not bothering you leave them alone.

When control is necessary Lemon Joy mixed at 4 ounces per quart in a pump up sprayer will kill them. Please do this in the early morning or late evening. Also, it is important to knock the comb down and throw it away.

Dumpsters - please make sure bags are sealed. Make a two liter bee trap. This trap is made by removing the label from a two liter bottle and cutting the top off to form a funnel. Invert this funnel into the bottle and secure in place with duct tape. Place two inches of sweet pop in the trap and hang from inside your dumpsters or by your trash barrels."

Paper wasps are 0.7 to 1.0 inch (1.8 to 2.5 cm)-long wasps that gather fibers from dead wood and plant stems, which

they mix with saliva, and use to construct water-resistant nests made of gray or brown papery material. Paper wasps are

also sometimes called umbrella wasps, due to the distinctive design of their nests[1] or other regional variants such

as Trinidad & Tobago's use of Jack Spaniard.[2]

European paper wasp (Polistes dominula)

The name "paper wasps" typically refers to members of the vespidsubfamily Polistinae, though it often colloquially

includes members of the subfamilies Vespinae (hornets andyellowjackets) and Stenogastrinae, which also make nests out

of paper. Twenty-two species of Polistespaper wasps have been identified inNorth America and approximately 300

species have been identified worldwide. The Old World tribeRopalidiini contains another 300 species, and

the neotropical tribes Epiponini and Mischocyttarini each contain over 250 more, so the total number of true paper wasps

worldwide is about 1100 species, nearly half of which can be found in the neotropics.

The nests of most true paper wasps are characterized by having open combs with cells for brood rearing, and a 'petiole',

or constricted stalk, that anchors the nest (see image, right).[3] Paper wasps secrete a chemical which repels ants, which

they spread around the base of the anchor to prevent the loss of eggs or brood.

Most social wasps of the family Vespidae make nests from paper, but some stenogastrine species, such

as Liostenogaster flavolineata, usemud. A small group of eusocial crabronid wasps, of the genus Microstigmus (the only

eusocial wasps outside the family Vespidae), also construct nests out of chewed plant fibers, though the nest consistency

is quite different from those of true paper wasps, due to the absence of wood fibers, and the use of silk to bind the fibers. [4]

Unlike yellowjackets and hornets, which can be very aggressive, polistine paper wasps will generally only attack if they

themselves or their nest are threatened.[5] Since their territoriality can lead to attacks on people, and because their stings

are quite painful and can produce a potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction in some individuals, nests in human-inhabited

areas may present an unacceptable hazard.[6]

Paper wasp on a spider lily leaf - they are considered beneficial by gardeners.

Most wasps are beneficial in their natural habitat, and are critically important in natural biocontrol.[3] Paper wasps feed

on nectar, and other insects, including caterpillars, flies, andbeetle larvae, and they are often considered to be beneficial

by gardeners.[6]

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