watch valentine postals - 21/ballston spa ny daily...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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tm mamaaaa BAXiLSTON S P A DA1I-T JOTJBKAL, *£XUUAfcY 4, I t t l*.

Watch Repairing

We have a thoroughly equipped mechanical department whieh ia fitted with all the latest tools and appliances for the repairing of all kinds of Watches.

We repair Watches iu the most painstaking and skillful manner.

Come to us with all your Watch wants,

N. ANDERSON Jeweler and Optician

9uU$t0n$|>u fails Journal P D > ' i a i i i > i t f i >



C. ti. UK08K, r*UBLi»H«ii Tbcroaraaiis entered la tae aaiiatoiSpa

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T B E DAILY JOURNAL will con­fer a favor npon this office by noti­fying us at owes.

Unless any irregularity in service is reported, it is assumed that all subscribers are receiving the paper regularly.

Blanket and Comfort Values

All Wool Blankets Reduced

From $6.00 t o . . . . . $ o , 0 0 From $5.00 to $ 4 . 2 8 From $4.00 to $ 3 . 6 0

All Cotton Blankets 10 Per Cent Discount

Comforts Reduced From $2.75 to $ 2 . 3 5 From $2 50 to. $ 2 . 1 9 From $3.00 to $ 1 . 6 5 From $1.50 t o . . . . . $ 1 . 2 9 From $1.25 to $ 1 . 1 6 Fiom$1.00 to , 8 5 c


arm ruinnruv*» ru. uu t xruxruxruxn n o p § Oar Motto: "Quality and Frumptnemi" 5

Scientific Optometry Service

Scientific optouaeity service means the differeuc. between haphazard method.- of fitting glasses and correci methods. Efficient and tliorou t examin­ations of each eye --parately, are the safest e> inations.

o f this at; « aeeorea aent relief rrTTT all eye

strain. For this kius< of ser­vice consult

C. P. HASKiNS J e w e l e r a n d O p t o m e t r i s t

. 38 Front street, Ballaton S p a . *.

l i /u u\nnruirinxauiruinjxri/i nriruuxra

W e a t h e r Fair and colder Thursday.

T e m p e r a t u r e a t J o u r n a l Of f i ce L o w - 33 above High—42 above.

Coo^ffi 4 -

Do Not Send A w a y For


Seeds We will sell you

lAll New Seeds 10 to 50 ^ e f ^ " Cent Less than Catalog Prices

[Write or call and get one of our new catalogs

"housands of satisfied custc* mers can (vouch for the

germination of our seeds

No Better Seeds at Any Price

rour Money Back If Not Satisfied

•arly Seeds Pepper Celery Letiuco Parsley

Tomat; Cabbage Radishes

Seed Specialists



—E. B. Gat ling's residence has been connected with the New York Tele­phone. The number is 240—J.

—The Women'a Society of the Bap­tist ohurch will meet tomorrow after­noon at the home of Mrs. Philip Young on North High street.

—At the close of the regular prayer meeting at the Methodist church this evening the regular meeting of the of­ficial board will be held.

—Photographer Wooley tbia morn­ing took pictures of the men who pleaded guilty in court yesterday, for the use of the District Attorney's office

—The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of the Metho­dist church will be held on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank Brower on Chapman street.

—Another of the large street lamps has been placed on Front street in front of the i- ans Souei block. This street and Milton aveuue are now well lighted from Bath street to the Steiner corner.

—Election Commissioners John B. Smith and H. A. Sh lefler, and Supt* of ffleetiOHs McOarthy went to Albany today to attend the state convention of county commissioners of election. The convention will be in session two days.

—Last night a large number of the ladies of St. Mary's church met at the parish hall to arrange for a Valentine Party to be held on Friday evening, Feb. 13, at the parish hall. There will be progressive euchre and other games followed by dancing.

—Yesterday afternoon Mrs. George W. Gardner entertained a number of ladies in honor of Mrs C. E. MoOmber A pleasant soeial time was passed after which a fine luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. MoOmber returned to P i t t s ­burgh today after spending several weeks here.

—PostmasterWaterbury has received notice from the department that here­after all miscellaneous printed matter, weighing over foar pounds, can be taken at parcel post rates. On and af­ter March 1st, all books weighing over four pounds can be shipped at the same rate.

. «~On Tuesday, Feb. 17tb, Ballston-i;uj8 wilt have a rare treat in having Mi»s Lena M. Smith, a graduate ef Emerson School of Oratory read "In the Vanguard," Mrs. Katrina Trask's latest writing. The affair will be un­der toe auspices of the L'Amoroaux Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church.

—Manager Komaine has arranged a big attraction/or Monday evening at the Art Theatre when the singing and tfwmgpictures will present the opera * Rigoletto," sung by the grand opera stars Caruso, Scotti. Severinaand Bern-bricb. Also Harry Lauder in ''Trixie from Dixie," and the professor and musical (ramp speciality ax played by Bunter & Bpenear.

—The All Professionals, of Troy, will play the Monitors on Saturday. This is one of the fasti At teams in the Collar Ci'y. Last yfar playing under the name »t the Tip Tops they defeat­ed the Monitors twice, so that the boys are going in the game on Saturday to get back at them for these defeats. The Capitals and the Bigh school fives will play a preliminary game that should show some class.

—The tuberculosis hospital commit­tee of the Board of Supervisors, Messrs Densmore, Hatchins, Batead, Chase and Shaw and the county building committee Messrs. Merchant, Witsey and Fitch, were in arssioo here yester­day. The county building committee made a final test of the fire fighting appliances at the county almshouse and accepted the Work The system was inttalled by Thos. J. Tracy's Son of this v llage.

— Hundreds of Ballitonians ware de* lighted with the musical motion pic­tures shewn at the Art Theatre last s i g h t It was the first appearance of

| this e'lisi oi pictures in this village and the audiences came away delighted with the eiperi«Qce. it was a l s o s t at good at being present at the actual jjsjtfnrtuaf ea m minutely di*l the piet-


Saratoga Burglar Sent to Dan-nemora— Several Excise

Indictments and One Murder.

A s a result of the week's activity of the grand jury over thirty indictments were found and yesterday afternoon twenty-seven persons accused of crime from murder in the second degree to violation of the liquor tax law were ar­raigned on indietmente bafore Justice Kellogg in Supreme Court. A large number of those indieted pleaded guilty and were sentenced, the Court being very lenient where it appeared that merey might be beneficial to the accused.

Among the important indictments was that of Pasquale Parlente, accused of murder in the second degree com-mitted at Waterford where he shot and killed another Italian in a dispute over caids. Through his attorney, William Palmer, be pleaded not guilty.

Giovanni Polsinelli was indioted for assault in the first degree. He is al leged to have gone home in a jealous rago and smashed bis wife in the face with an ax, so that her life was dis­united of for some time. Tb rough his attorney, William T. Moore he pleaded not guilty.

Bapoh Fortpnati was'rodioted for as­sault in the second degree. He is ac­cused of slashing a foreman on the rail­road at Mecbanicville on Nov. 11, by sneaking op behind him and ontting him on the face with a knife. James Loury appeared for bim and he plead­ed not guilty.

Matthew Slater pleaded guilty 'to bigamy. He is a traveling salesman and married a girl in Brooklyn in 1911 and Miss Anna Sequist in Greenfield last November. W. J. Miner appeared for him bnt had little to say in extenu ation and the Court was at first in­clined to send the young man to Danne-mora but on his plea was sent to El-mira.

Robert Ireland and Burt Cbilds pleaded guilty to burglary in stealing chickens in Moreau, Nov. 26. Ireland was sent to Dannemora for not leas

. . . - • • " * ^ — * ' -

and six months. Child's got six months in the county jail.

Isaac Hall pleaded guilty to threat­ening the life of bis wife. He is an old soldier and on his promise to re­turn to the Soldiers' Home at Bath and not bother his wife he was allowed to go.

Peter Eles pleaded not guilty to as­sault in the second degree in cutting 8, Levo with a knife.

Frank Stevens, Reuben O'Brien and Charles Bradford were indieted for burglsry at Saratoga Springs, Deo. 22. Stevens pleaded not guilty; Bradford and O'Brien pleaded gnilty, the former being sent to Elmira and O'Brien re­manded to jail until this morning.

Bernard Stgler and Samuel Labella were indicted for burglary third degree tn stealing furs in Halfmoon, Deo. 12 Sigler pleaded guilty and was paroled in custody of Officer Squires. Labella pleaded not guilty.

Irving Hitchcock was indieted for burglary in breaking into colleges at Saratoga Lake. He is a young man of nineteen and Justice Kellogg decided to give bim a chance and suspended sentence,,

James Ford and .Vincent Bran nan wero sent to Elmira, pleading guilty to breaking into a clothing store in Me­cbanicville, Jan. 27. I

A. B. Chuck was caught with a re volver and minus a license. Bo is a mere boy so sentence was suspended.

John Laracy pleaded guilty to enter­ing a house in Saratoga Springs in the uight time, carrying an iron bar. He was sentenced to not less tban two years and six. months or more than nine years and six months in Danne­mora.

James Priest pleaded not guilty to assault in the second degree on Paul Kinnion, in Ballaton. »

Thomas Mullen pleaded not guilty to burglary in the third degree at Waterford, Jan. 19v

Cbarlea Randall pleaded guilty to stealing a horse and carriage at Cor­inth and soiling the same. He was sentenced to Elmira.

Indictments for selling liquof on Sunday were found against John W. Hlckey, Owen Golden, William En-right, Mecbanicville, William Bennett, Eugene J. Sullivan, Waterford; Henry Simon, Ballaton Spa. All pleaded not guilty through their attorney, James Leary.


Esra Baiea, town superintendent,^ Ballaton, was in town, on business this morning.

F H. Beach has returned from a business trip to New York and Phila­delphia. '

Mra Fred Armer has gone to Kings­ton to visit her soli Biley N. £> rmer and Mrs. Armer.

Anthony Hicks, of Kumford Falls, Mi'., is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Fred Cbapleau and Mrs. John Mulleu.of this village.

William F. Jones, late of Johnson & Conde, left this morning for Granville, N. Y. to visit friends, before leaving for Butte City, Montana. We wiab him success.

ore conform to the voice. The pict­ures are shown from the a n a l place while the voice is thrown from a graph j apbone in front of the pictures, both connected electrically so that the unison is perfect Manager Komaine is to b» congratulated in securing this attrac­tion and the coming of like exhibitions will no doubt attract equally crowded house*.


More Arrests in Milton Than Ever Before Since Record

Kept—Many Vags.

State tramps broke all records dur­ing the month of January in the town of Miltoa, seventeen #of these gentry being arrested and sent to Albany pen­itentiary at a cost to the taxpayers of nearly tw > hundred dollars. Besidea this there were twenty-one airests of vagrants. The town is evidently be­coming as badly infested with these knights of the road as in former "good old times,** when the town was paying $6,000 a year for protection.

Of the total of forty-three arrests mode during the month thirty-eight were vags and tramps and five for in­toxication, no other misdemeanors be­ing committed in the town during the month. The arrests thus classified arc:

Vagrants. . 21 State tramps . . . . . . . . . . 17 • Intoxication 5

The case:; were disposed of as fol • lows:

Albany penitentiary 17 Sentence suspended . . . . 16 County jaU * 6 Paroled ' . . . 4

Biz prisoners were arraigned before Justice Mann, five before Justice Kil­mer, the others in police court. Ar-

first colua.n before police justice the second before justice of the peace: Chief O'Brien 12 0 Constable Conner 0 3 Deputy Sheriff DeCora 7 0 Officer McCarthy : . . . . . . 7 0 Deputy Sheriff S i m o n . . . . ly 2 Depuiy Sheriff H o v e y . . . . . . . . 2 0 Under Sheriff B u b a o k . . . . 2 0 Deputy Sheriff Garling 0 1 OfficerParks.. •. 1 / 2

CASTORIA Far infants and Children

In Use For Over 30 Years Always beers

Signature of


Contractor Must Pay for Brok­en Wrist—Suit for Fire

Damage by Railroad.

Yesterday afternoon the. jury in the actien of Frank Lombardo agst. James Stewart & Co., Inc., brought ia a ver­dict in favor of plaintiff for 1200 dam­ages. Lombardo was employed by the company on its barge canal contract at Mecbanicville and was injured while tending dump oars on Aug. 22, 1913, one wrist being broken.

An action growing out of the buru-ing of a coal shed in the town of Clif­ton Park was brought to trial yester­day afternoon in the case of B. Brooks Bobbins against the Boston and Maine Bailroad. The aotion is for $560 for coal burned and damages for injury to business. Burton D. Esmond for the plaintiff and Jarvia P. O'Brien for the company.

The action of Frank O'Bara against James Stewart & Co. Incorporated was dismissed, the plaintiff not being ready for trial when the case was bailed. ,

Settlement was reported of the cases of May Hanna agst George F. Waring, Jr.. James B. Hutchins agst Carl A. Larson, Stephen F. Harris agst Carl W. Larson, Albert E. Grant agst Geo. F. Waring, Jr.

Cases over the term were Mary E. Cramer agst Benjamin Wilson, Mary E. Cramer agst Frank Brownell, Vin-oenzo Morelli as admr, agst Erie Bail-road, Frank Trotto agst Willis Pizai-gatti, John Trotto agst Willis Pizzioatti

At the afternoon session William Ireland, of Corinth, indicted for bur­glary in the third degree, was arraign­ed and through his attorney, James Leary, pleaded guilty. Mr. Le»ry said the young man admitted taxing the cow but changed his mird after trying to sell it and took it back to the own­er's farm and then sent word to him where it could be found. Justice Kel­logg remanded him to jail for sentence tomorrow,

Reuben O'Brien, who was remanded for sentence today, was ordered kept in jail antil tomorrow when the Court will take up his case.

reported-over the terse this afternoon were James H. Standish agst. Mary, F. O'Connor and another, Ella C. Packard admx. agst. Boston & Maine Baijroad, Nicholas Palmer and auother agst Edward Mullen.

Calendar for Thursday: 49, 1 3 , 1 4 50. 83, 51, 55, 25 ,12 and 127.

S a i l e d F o r I n d i a . Bev. and Mra Fred P. Wiley sail­

ed on Saturday from New York for India ty again taxe up mission work in the far east. They, go under the aus­pices of the Interdenominational Mis­sion of Philadelphia. An interesting service was held on board the California oa which they sailed from New York, led by the Bev. Gove Griffith Johnson former pastor of the Baptist Church here. Rev, and Mrs. Wiley have served seven years in missionary work in India. They go to Glasgow from New York and from there to Edinburgh and later sail from London for India stop­ping two weeks in Egypt. The many friends of Bev. and Mrs. Wiley in this village wilt wish them a pleasant journ­ey and success in their work.

Valentine Postals

K i l l e d B y T r a m p f, Troy, Feb. 4—Henry Lovely, aged

72 years, is dead as the result of an attack made upon him Monday night by James Maeruire, a tramp, to whom be refused money when solicited. Ma-guire is held on {be charge of ̂ murder,



H o w ' s T h i s ?

We offer One Hundred Dollars Be-wa'rd for any case of Catarrh that can­not be cared by Ball's Catarrh Cure.

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. VVe, the undersigned, nave knowu F.

J. Clieney for the last 15 years and be­lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to oarrj out any obligations made by his firm.


Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern­ally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi­monials sent free. Prioe 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.

Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-oat ion. i adv

B a n d C o n c e r t V o t e

The voters of Saratoga Springs are to bo given an opportunity to decide if they wish, to appropriate $3,500 for band concerts next summer, A reso lut ion authorizing a referendum vote on the question was adopted at last night's meeting of the Board of Trus-rees.



ELITE Theatre Universal Victor Two Reel

drama featuring J.

Warring Kerrigan in

'Tiie Dread Inheritance" A stirring crystal Dr<ima featuring Carl White in

"The Norwood Case" One of those John Comedies

that makes the whole world laugh', entitled,

"Mike and Jake at the Beach."

ART THEATRE Special Today

A special show of dramatic __._—L. .-_-•— features

Kalem Presents

"TheJnvaderB" t

Adapted from John Lloyd's famous n o u l a speotaonlar feature in two parts portraying one of the roost dramatic episodes in the history of the west the Bustler War fought in the Hole-in-the Wall Wyoming in 1892.

Vitsgraph Co. Presents

"Daddy'a Soldier Boy" A Dramatic feature

Biograph Drama

"The Law and Hie Son" Pethe Drama

•"Hie Blind Gypsy*'

Have You Seen' The Prices ?

50o and 60c Tea 3 0 c , 3 5 o

and 4 0 o lb.

A 2 8 o Coffee, can't be beat for 35o

Soya) Dutch and Ltptoa's Coffee

D i s c o u n t P r i c e * o n Sp ice s , E x ­t r a c t s a n d o t h e r A r t i c l e s

N e e d e d F o r t h e T a b l e

One call will encourage you to come again.

E. H. GARLING 218 Milton Aveaaa 'Phone No. 249-J

Floral Designs and Wedding Bouquets My Specialty

S p r l u g F l o w e r s

Flowers of quality, now in season, such as Tulips, Daffadills, Hyacinths,

Narcissus, Sweet Peas, Car­nations, Lillies, etc. '

Also Potted Plants, of all kinds in full bloom. Ferns, etc.

A t C h u r c h A v e n u e F l o w e r S h o p

Richard Schafer, Florist 138 Church Ave. N. Y. Phone 230-W

Lincoln Postals

Six For

Five Cents

FEENEY\S Valentines

Cornstalks for Sale For »ate a small stack of cornstalks. Apply

at DeRidder & uunyan's store, Bath street. H. Uunynn. - 8 ten 8-t

Watch Lost A lady's sltyer watoft lost, between Chariton

street, and High school. Valued as a keepsak". Kinder will confer a fa?or Dy leaving at journal Office. Sfeb s-t

Stove for Sale Oak parlor stove tor sale cheap. Apnly to it,

L. carter, Milton avenue. a ten 8-t K f f

Wanted Everyone who wants pictures at reduction tor

the month of February to give me a call at my new studio first house south of Baptist chm-ch sipperlfs. SljaaM

—— Just Arrived

Two c.nrs ot slate. Don't wait for muddy roads, draw your*s now on sleighs. Ask for our bargain Hat of lumber, eto.

8TH8EV8K LUMB8R COMPANY, Pidasant street,

n y m f

Fert i l izers BfiSJ potato, taooo; raoaptuie

toti cash, w«. M. Da?idg«, 'Pbone «7 P-18. tatlston Spa. ivjan tf

Nurse Wanted An experienced nurse wanted at ones at the

Infirmary at County Parm. _ Address, 8. W. IVnrs". NUDortntendeot. * Pearao, superintendent. s r j « U

Maxwell $ 7 5 0 Five Passenger If you are interested tn a low

priced, high class car, notify me and 1 will show yon that H it worth the money.

Charles O.Sehaeffer Local Agent

254 Milton Avenue, Itallatou Spa. aBH

T a k e n t o D a n n e m o r a

Sheriff Qrippen and Deputy Sheriff : Meiaaioo this altersoon left for Dau-j nemora with John Laracy and Hooert ' Ireland who were seBteneed yesterday.

MOTOR VANS mm wftia

Distance Moving W, CADY SMITH

f l i i t cb lns* P i a n o H o s p i t a l

4 2 8 S r a i t h « t „ S e h e n e e t a d y t N . Y

Practical Piano Tuner aud Bebuiider.

..Afgatoeto Newanrt s»«ond IHE,'i-i»no« usah paMfet •ecendaasfl eiai.ot

Lett*-' orders with Mis* LBey.W&li*

* Horses for Sale Ten horses, 1 marohPd pair, weight from

1.000 to 1,300. At tne Joseph Cole place 2 miles west of Ballaton .Spa, out West Higa sticet Harvey Jones. it Jan 1 inn

House To Let corner Bath and Washlngten streets, inquire

ot Mm. c. K. ifuoham, as E*at High HI., nj-tc

Wanted Hood homes waateQ for boys ana girls under fourteen years of age, where they wtll be re-wived as memoers ot the family. Apply to Children's uept.. State Charities Aid Asanela* Moo, 889 Fourth avenui.New Vorfc City.


8 for • • • • 5c 6 for • • • • 5c 3 for • • • • 5c

u 2 O

Valentine Place Cards 2 m

Everything in Valentines

Fancies, Drop and Pall Valentines £*•* These Run from Ic to $2.50 >fi


— A T

Lillies Department Store

1T*8 well to* understand theory, but actual practice accomplishes so much more. Act today—Start an account with us and acquire the habit of regular


Interest Comppunded Semi-Annually




mssm^ws^^m^sm^mi^ ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT.

AX̂ gctablerVepamionuTAs slmilatiitgtftcFocfJantfRejjula ttngtltcSioiiraclisaniiBi

CASTORIA For Infants and Children,

Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria

. i« j

To Let A flat oa Ralph sweet, newly papered and

painted. $».f>0 a month. Apply to MOCreedy a <;<>., Minor, arena*. sfleo-tr

To l^el Store No, T8 front styes I, Manogae, Bath auett

l>OB»^fSw?CHltl>]Rffl, Bears

ttim fes Dig,estiori.Clie erfii-ness aud Hcst-Contalnsuciiter Opium.MfirpluEie mrUmsk N O T N A R C O T I C .

BmvkiuSitd-JtaSmm* Adrih-U'S-Arise&td*


Apetfect Remedy for Goroflr* tlon»Sour StoBHCkDlarrtwa WorrasfonvukifJitsilEvam nessmidLossorSiJaai

RicSiniile 'signature ok*


Atb months old


Guaranteed under the •

Exact Copy of Wrappsr. CASTORIA

TMC o«trr*u» eoMMNV, new fSSSl •**».

- L » *

Do You Use Olive Oil ? I! so we would be pleased to have you try the Marquis Brand. This is an exceptionally fine Oil pure and of excellent flavor for table or medicinal use. Gallon $3.o0,quarts $1 .pints 50c

n. W. Rood Phone 232-W. Hilton Avenue


InqoJre of •!).

Money to Loan We Save money to it*t on village arnt ram

Property, MeCreedy a O0„ 48 Mflton afmat, Bftilftttm apa, M. V. soot-tf

Fireside Smoke . Tosre is the b#tt of satisfaction after

din tier to sit by thesflre and ifltoke a 4 Han; mood1* Pnff " or •* 8atisf»itlet»

. flte Olsjar FOE fk!« %j All Oeai«ra.

PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH It is easy to lorertise but it is not so easy for some to do what thaw

advertise tbey SIMIO. We make it • point to advertise aot whet wiTl perhaps attraot the public eye,* but ratter we aim to tell the aessible aud intelligent elaasee eaaotly what ©an be done for thaw by a thor­oughly rebabte and eompetsat dentist,

Svery dentist in our office has bean instructed as to the proper manner to treat every condition found in the month aud will do your work in such a Aanner as to give entire satisfaction. Our workmen always have three aims in oaind *

fftfts—Work matt be beantirni inappearano*. Heooed-Work aisst be aserai te tbepatMat. Tftird—Alressonabieia nrfoeMpossible

when you consider that avary ease mut • leaves oaraenee lit ally ffaaraateeer? a MfCalaiy will a s m refref ba*laf eeasnlt** is. M i l I t i f S W T A l Cr\ * • * ••ate «!#••», SCBKyxovat»V.J | .J n i L * L * L f C l v i i f t L . W U , , im&T A••»•»«**«•.. 0.11. rkitae t a a w

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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