water mold in kingdom stramenopila

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Mycology course, university of phayoa


The water molds

������� : SC 3202E-mail address : Neti_nu@yahoo.com

�. $%. &'() &�)'*�+,- Neti Ngearnpat,Ph.D.

Stramenopiles� Name means “straw hair” and

was introduced by D. J. Patterson in 1989 based on tinsel-type flagellum

� Presence of filamentous thallusin stramenopiles and Fungi is evidence of convergent evolution


� Also “Straminipila”, colloquial name ‘stramenopiles’

� Includes diatoms, chrysophytes,

� brown algae and

� some protozoa

������������ eucaryote ������������ flagellum �� ���������������� �� ������������ �!���"���#�$�"%��"� �� ����&�$������������ '�(���%�������)������*� ������+,����*�,�+�-.�&�*��*�"�/ &� �� �)0 �!���"��#����%��"� �����������!�(��*�"�/ &��()0���"%$��� (�/ &�) ���"� ( pseudofungi) ���"0$��&�������&���3�

� ��,4������������4+����45�'�(�� ����+����������,4�'6( � ��*� zoospore ����� flagellum 1 ��*��"0$�*��#�*��� �7���

� ( anterial flagellum) ���������� 8 (tinsel flagellum)

� �� 3 &���

� 1. Phylum labyrinthulomycota ( net slim molds)

� 2.Phylum Hyphochytriomycota

� 3. Phylum Oomycota **

** ������������� ���

� Biology and Genneral Characteristics

� �� "�"0$����� '�( �45��4 ���45��,�'�(�45�����

� �5�� ��%�3 2 '�� �,� 1. ���� parasite �� algae,fungi '�( �3%��(�� 2. ���� saprobe ��7�+,�7��3%�

� Thallus ���!�(��*�"����� Phylum Chytridiomycota �,� ���7����,�+�-.�������"%$� zoospore 7�� �����)���,������&�* ���"%$� motile cell '3$�(���%��'33$� � �,� 35�'#�$ '�(������ flagellum

� �� single anterior flagellum �������� tinsel

� Asexual reproduction ��*� zoosporangium '�( zoospore&�$+� sexual

Phylum Hyphochytriomycota

� Biology and Genneral Characteristics

� thallus wall ��(���*%" chitin '�( cellulose

� thallus �� 2 '�� �,� 1. holocarpic thallus ����+%����"0$���7����� host (endobiotic) '�( �����"�'�� �0��$� ���� zoosporangium �4 �7��� 2. eucarpic (epibiotic) thallus �(���(�� rhizoid #�,� rhizomycelium 7�� ���$%���< �������%"%(�,�+�-.� 7�� �� 2 �!�( �,� monocentric '�( polycentric

���� ��*� '��3$� 8 �� ��,4�������".$���45�Holocapric

EucapricMonocentric Polycentric

zoospore encystment germination


Eucarpic/ monocentric


Thallus types in hyphochytrids

���"��% ��%�3'�� $�"8 �,� ��,�� zoospore )0��$�"������ zoosporangium '�*%�(%$�"�45�&���(���%3). ( substrate) #�,� host '�*%��(��*�=�%( Cyst ���4��(����>���� thallus '�*%��*� ����zoosporangium �#�$


�Phylum Hyphochytriomycota

��� 1 Order �,� Order Hyphochytriales

��� 3 family �,�

1. Family Anisolpidiaceae2. Family Rhizidiomycetaceae3. Family Hyphochytriaceae

�Family Anisolpidiaceae

�• thallus ����'�� holocarpic – �� "�".$���7����� host(endobiotic) '�( ���������"�'�� �0��$� ���� zoosporangium ��"&�$���$%��� somatic ��$� rhizoid #�,��$%��� ��*��" ( hypha) �#�,��"0$��"

� Zoospore �����*� �"0$=�"��#�,�=�"�� zoosporangium �&�*

� �� ������ "����#�$�" ��$� Anisolpidium sp.

�A. octocarpi +����� parasite �"0$=�"���7����� brown algae (Ectocarpus) ���(��

Anisolpidium sp. ������������

2. Family Rhizidiomycetaceae� thallus ����'�� eucarpic ,monocentric �,���#��� ������*� zoosporangium 1 ��'�(���$%��� somatic structure

�#�,��"0$• ��"���(�� rhizoid #"� ��� &��� substrate ��� apophysis(���� epibiotic)• �$%��� thallus ����"0$=�"�� host ��,������>�3������(�����"�&����� zoosporangium • �� 3 genus &�*'$

Rhizidiomyces , Rhizidiomycopsis , Latrostium

����4���� parasite �� oogonium �� ���45� �� family Saprolegniaceae '�(�� green algae Vaucheria


Rhizidiomyces apophysatusHyphochytridiomycetes; cell wall of cellulose and chitin, flagella (anterior and hairy), plasmogamy, resting spores

2 apophysis

2. Family Hyphochytriaceae� thallus ����'�� eucarpic , polycentric

• Zoospore �����*� �"0$=�"��#�,�=�"�� zoosporangium �&�* • �� species �� resting spore • �� genus ���"% �,� Genus Hyphochytrium 7�� +����� parasite �����4��0 '�(�� algae #�,����� saprobe ��7�+,�

� +�%$���@�����3����*�%�+�'�(+,�#��"8����

Hyphochytrium catenoides

Eucarpic, polycentric thallus

Growth from an infected pine pollen in two days on nutrient agar (X 50)

� ���"��%8 &�%$� net slime mold #�,� ����,��(�� (marine slime mold) ��,�� ��&7�3+���7���7�����,����" �(#%$� ������$� '#

� �/��.�����" ��,��$� '# ( slime net)

� �7����0��$� ��*�"�(�%" �����)���,������&������$� '# &�$+�����*� ��.33�4 ����4

� �!�(�5��>�,� zoospore ��'������� �� ��*�"�%&�$��$�� ��*�"�%����'������7� ��*��4�����'��%�+���

Phylum Labyrinthulomycota

A Labyrinthula sp. enrobed in the ectoplasmicnetwork through which it glides.

��+%��4�$%��#>$�� "�"0$���45� '�(��(�����45��(�� ��"�� "�"0$�$%����#�$�"���!�(�� saprobe #�,� parasite

� ����#�%�#�0$ '�$ ������ 2 ������� �,�

1. Order Labyrinthulales���"%$� Labyrinthulids #�,� �7���#���#�� �����)���,������&�*&����������,��#��"%��(��@��$� '# zoospore ���.���*�8������"%$� eyespot

��$� Labyrinthula sp.

Labyrinthula zosterae $���� wasting disease ��#>*��(��

2. Order Thraustochytriales

���"%$� Thraustochytrids �������.��*%"�",���� 8������"%$� scale '�*%�� #$�#.*����4��*%" ectoplasmic net &�$+� eyespot

��$� Thraustochytium sp. �� "=�+�����5�&��+�(���4" �+,��A��3��&��� ����� +����"� &�*'$ ����*�-3 '�(����� '�������"��


Trophic cells surrounded by ectoplasmic net

Ectoplasmicnet formed from bothrosomes; trophic cells have a single layer of golgi-derived scalesLabyrinthula

zoospores contain a dark eyespot, but lack surface scales

Thraustochytriumthallus wall composed of layered scales formed by golgiapparatus

Zoospores lack an eyespot and are surrounded by a single layer of scales

� Wasting Disease.� Like the bubonic plague of seagrasses, wasting disease was responsible for the

disappearance of 90% of eelgrass in the 1930's along the Atlantic coasts of North America and Europe (Muehlstein, 1989).

� cause infection is a marine slime mould-like protest

� Labyrinthula zosterae

Thraustochytrium vegetative cells attached to the substrate with ectoplasmic net extentions.


� Ectoplasmic net and enzymes produced by thraustochytrids can grow into and degrade aquatic plants, mollusk shells, etc.

� Schizochytrium and Thraustochytrium are used for commercial production of omega-3-fatty acids


Jose Rainuzzo shows off a powder

consisting of dried micro-organisms

that are rich in highly desirable fat.

“To put it very simply, you could say

that we are trying to produce fish feed

and dietary supplements from

seawater”, says SINTEF’s Jose

Rainuzzo. More precisely, the

Peruvian scientist and his colleagues

are exploring the properties of a micro-

organism that lives everywhere in the

ocean. The organism,Thaustrochytrids,

has characteristics that place it on the

boundary of the plant and animal

kingdoms. SINTEF scientists believe

that it could be a possible source of

Omega-3 fat for aquaculture and for the health

Making food from water--Invisible but invaluable: raised in steel tanks, a tiny marine creature is capable of producing Omega-3 fat, a product in great demand.


Labyrinth ------>

� ��� ����%�3��&�����4 ���!�(��C��'�(�����5���#����*��0$��*��"�*%"%�-��0�7�� (absorptive nutrition : absorption) ��*�"�/ &�'�*

� �/ &���&�����4���"0$ class ���"% �,� class Oomycetes � �4��� ���,�����>%$� oomycetes

� ������"���� pseudofungi �*��������"%$� �� ���

� �����"� ��������� ����%�3�.$��#>$ +���%&���'#�$ �45��,� �45�����'�(��� +%�� "�"0$���45��()0���"%$� ���45� “ water molds “ +�����'#�$ �45��(��� �45��� ����7�����0

Phylum Oomycota


� �������� zoospore ����� flagellum '33$� ��� ��*�

� ��� ����(���� A� �7��� ���� ��3*�-�0'�� '�(�7��0��� (link� ��#�$�")

� �����,�+�-�'���� "�+ ��"����*� ����� heterogamous

��*� �7����,�+�-�������0��$� 3$� � �+ ���" (Oogonium) =�"���� Oospere '�( �+ A0* ���" antheridium A������,�+�-, &�* Oospore

� �7�����%&�����%����"�'����++��" (2n)

� �������� zoospore �� '��

1. Primary zoospore, apical zoospore ��'��������� ��*��*��#�*� �0��$� �7�����*�"�0'+��

2.Secondary zoospore, laterally zoospore ��'��������� ��*��"0$�*���*� �0��$� �7�����*�"�����)�%

� ��,4�����&�����4�$%��#>$��*� zoospore ����� ��*� zoosporangium

� �� ���� ��*� zoosporangium '�*%����>���� ��*��" (germ tube)�5�#�*������*�"��������" ��,��'$��(#�.�&��*���0 ��$����� �45��*� (downy mildew)

� �� ���� zoosporangium �5�#�*������*�"��������" '3$�%���( � �(��� zoospore #�,���� ���"3� ��4���=�+'%��*�� ��$�����������% (white rust)


Phylum Oomycota

�� 5 Order �,�

1. Order Lagenidiales

2.Order Leptomitales

3.Order Rhipidiales

4.Order Saprolegniales

5.Order Peronosporales

Order Lagenidiales� ���.$���4���� parasite �� ���45������,�� ��#�$�" �3%��������

� Zoospore ��*� ��). (vesicle) ��� �������zoosporangium

� Zoospore ��@�'�� secondary ��$��4� ���"%$� monoplanetic

� ������'�� monocentric holothalic

� ��$� Lagenidium giganteaum ���� parasite ���0�45�".


Lagenidium giganteaum

Biological control !!Commercial Availability!!

Order Leptomitales

� ���.$���4���� saprophyt ��'#�$ �45�

� Zoospore ������,������&�$&�* (aplanetic)

� Zoospore ����'�� primary or secondary

� ������ ��3�������*��"���&�$��A� 4� '3$�(+� ��"��� ( constriction) �����("( 3� ��"�����4�(�� *���� �� ���+% &�3��'�(�0'�� ( cellulin granule) ���.��"0$�5��#*�.��*�"%$���A� 4� �� ���"%$� Pseudoseptum

� ��$� Leptomitis sp.

Order Rhipidiales

� +����45�'�$� ����� O2 3�5����� facultative anaerobe

� Eucarpric monocentric thallus

� Zoosporangium �"0$�� substrate '�*%��*� &�7�"����*�&��0�7���#��=�"��

� �����)��*���� biological indicator �� �=�+'#�$ �45�&�*

� O2 �0 +����� leptomifis, Apodachlya

� O2 3�5� +����� Aqualindevella, Rhipidium

Order Saprolegniales� ���.$���4�5�� ��+ '�� saprophyt '3$�� ������������3'�(��� ��"�6+�( �3%�

�45�����+�(���4" &%* ��$� Saprolegnia parasitica, Aphanomycesinvadans

� Aphanomyces spp. ��+,����� ����3�5���"��+,��4��0 ��$� �*�" )�%


� Zoospore ����'�� diplanetic

� �("(�,�+�-�'���� "�+ ��,����$�" zoospore &�'�*%�(��*� Zoosporangium �#�$7*���"0$��������'3$ ���������� ��,��"8

� ������*� Oospore '�%���"�"0$�� Oogonium =�"������#���(����@�*��8�"0$3������� Oospore

�("(�,�+�-�'���� "�+ ��,����$�" zoospore &�'�*%�(��*� Zoosporangium �#�$7*���"0$��������'3$ ���������� ��,��"8

�������� 2 families

1. Family Saprolegniaceae ������'�� eucarpric ��*��"&�$��A� 4�����>'A$��@��.$� &�*'$ Saprolegnia, Achlya ,Dictyuchus ���������������� ����������������� !��� �"� ���



Primary infection or opportunistic infection **����� Saprolegnia spp. (S. parasitica, S. diclina, S. ferax)


Typical water mold infection “Cotton wool like”,

Saprolegnia are present in ALL aquariums and ponds

Saprolegnia spp.* (Typical water mold infection)

Saprolegnia cycle

Order Peronosporales� ���.$���4�5�� ��+ '�� saprophyt, facultative parasite, obligate parasite

� ���!��#�$�����%�� �&��'�()#����(* ����� �+�� !,� ��� �������� root rot, ��������� (Damping-off) , �����������(downy midew), white rust

������������ • &�$��*� &�7�"�� '3$��*��"�(����>�".$�(#%$� �7�����*��*�� (

intercellular hyphae) '�( haustorium �+,���0���#�����D�3�

• Secondary zoospore • �����.$����%�%E�����0 Zoosporangium �5�#�*������*�"��

�����" �"�% ������ germ tube ��"3� • ���,�+�-�'���� "�+ ��"%�-� gametangial contact

A����&�*�,� Oospore �"0$�� Oogonium �����&7�3+���7���*�����

��*�!�(�� *���0 sporangium '�( sporangium ����'"'������

Order Peronosporales

'�$ &�* 3 families1.Family Pythiaceae2.Family Peronosporaceae3.Family Albuginaceae

Family Pythiaceae

� ��*� sporangium �����"��*��"3����%�� ��"�����*��"��(����>",�"�%&�&�*��,��"8 ( indeterminate growth)

� Facultative parasite )*���������3 �(����*��"���'��&����D�3� &�$��*� D�������"�

� �+������������%���,4��0

� �����������%���5��>�,� Pythium '�( Phytophthora ��(*���������, ������+*��*( ���.*%�/

� ������ � arterial occlusion #��*����*�*��*��


Pythium� Facultative parasite '�( saprobe ������ �������#3.�����$��(������� �� 3*��*�, ��������$�, ����$�

� ��*� sporangium �0��$� �� �� �������� ��� germ tube #�,���*� zoospore ��4���=�+'%��*��


several Pythium species, including P. aphanidermatum, P. irregulare and P. ultimum, are known to cause damping off and crown and root rot in greenhouse cucumber, pepper and tomato crops.

Phytophthora� �$%��#>$��@� parasite �� +,�

� �������#3.�����$��(������� �� 3*��*�, ��������$�, ����$�

� P. infestans $��������G�� ... Late blight of potato

� ��*� sporangium �0��$� lemon-shape (papilllatesporangium) ��*� �����"*���� sporangiophore ��"�( ����������� +,�����������

Late Blight of Potato and Tomato

Victims of the Irish Potato Famine

The Great Irish Famine (also known as the Great Hunger and, in Irish, An Gorta Mór or An Drochshaol) was a famine, and its aftermath, in Ireland between 1845 and 1849. The famine was caused initially by potato blight, an oomycete that almost instantly destroyed the primary food source of many Irish people. The blight explains the crop failure but the dramatic and deadly effect of the famine was exacerbated by other factors of economic, political, social, and religious origin. Its immediate effects continued until 1851. Much is unrecorded but estimates are that around one million people, about 12% of the population, died in the three years from 1846 to 1849.[1] Most of these deaths were the result of famine-related diseases rather than starvation. Another one million people are estimated to have fled as refugees to Great Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia during the same period, increasing the Irish Diaspora

Potato famine (�����'�����#�����������G�� 7�� ������#��#��� ��%����&���'����+����������(����6�3�"#��)

Phytophthora sp.

Phytophthora root rot, a form of ‘dieback’,is a disease that affects many native plants

and ecosystems, important crops and horticulturalplants in Australia and throughout the world.Its global spread has been the consequence oftrade and human migration. In Australia, the

disease infects an especially large range of mainlywoody perennial plant species and is also a majorthreat to some rare and endangered species.

Family Peronosporaceae� ���#3.��� ���45��*� ( downy mildow) ��+,�

� obligate parasite &�$�����)�+�(���4" &�*����#��� ����(#�

� ��*� '3�� *���� sporangiophore '�(�� ��� spore �� sporangium

� �����������%���5��>�,� Plasmopara, Peronosporas, Pseudoperonospora ��+


� ��*� sporangiophore ���� ����� germ tube ��"3� '�( '3�� �����.�6� sporangium ���0��$� ��

� � �� ������ �� ����� (Plasmopara viticola)

� �*���3*��3� �*���.��#�,� �(+��."����%�� ��,4��������5��%��� ��,4����(��*��5���""���5��#*��* ���*�"&�*��*� '�(����,4�������%���.� ����$����(��������%���$����5��#*'#* '�(�$% �"$� �%����%

Plasmopara viticola

Plasmopara viticola

Nearly ruined the French wineindustry in the late 1800swhen the fungus (Plasmopara viticola) wasintroduced to Europe fromAmerica on rootstocks to curean root aphid problem

Discovery and development ofthe Bordeaux Mixture byProf. Alexis Millardet savedthe wine industry


Peronospora� ��*� sporangiophore ��'3�� '������( 2 '6 ( dichotomous

branching ) �$%����"*���( ���"%��* sporangiophore �( ���@�germ tube ��"3�

� � �� ������ ��������������� (Peronospora parasitica )

� �(+��.$��� ��,4�������A ����%#�,����������3$����*��#� ���(���'A����#�,� 3$����������45�3�� 'A��$���*� ��������#���"����&�$'�$��� ���(�#�,� '�('#* 3�" ������"0$3���$� 8 �(��'A����$�� '�*%����(���&�" ������0 %$� ��3*��$���(�������'A����#�,� ��������4" '�(��(#�.��$% &� ����(�5��#*3*��3���3�*� �����$��'�'�(3�"

Peronospora parasitica

Family Albuginaceae� ���#3.��� ��������% ( white rust) ��+,� A�.* ���� (#��5�

� obligate parasite ���+�" 1 ���� �,� Albugo

� �(����*��"���'��&����(#%$� �7���+,� ��*� D�������"� �+,���0���#��

� *���0 Sporangiophore��*�"�(�� ��������.$��� epidermis �#*��* �0� ���"%$� Sorus Sporangium ���" 3$�������0�7$

� �����'�����.����#�,� ������� ����%��$%����� �� 7�� �(�$�" 8 �"�"�#>$��4� )� ��*�A$� 0�"��� ��(��� 5 ��. �$%�3*��3*�� � 35�'#�$ ���"%������'��(�#���.�����%�%� 3$����(�"�"�#>$��4� �����.��0���������+0 '�(�����"���������% ��,������>�3����� �(������(�5��#*�������#�,� '�(���'#* &���%�4 �������(����&#�*'#* �����"�������*���

White Rust of Crucifers Caused by Albugo candidainclude broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, radish, rutabaga, and turnip

sexual stage

2. Phylum Hyphochytriomycota

3. Phylum Oomycota **

Kingdom Stramenopila



Order Saprolegniales

Order Peronosporales

•���������� root rot ���������� (Damping-off) ,

•Phytium , Phytophthora (Late blight of potato), •�����������(downy midew)

•��� ��������� � �� � (Plasmopara viticola) Peronosporas•white rust ��������� •Albugo


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