wbcsd mobility for development

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Mobility for Development

Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



What is the WBCSD?

A CEO-led coalition of some 200 companies with a shared commitment to Sustainable Development via the three pillars of

economic growth, ecological balance and social progress.

WBCSD Regional Network


WBCSD areas of work


Eco Patent Commons

Urban Infrastructure

Eco Patent Commons

Urban Infrastructure


Energy Efficiency in Buildings



Electricity Utilities

Forest Products





Mobility journey at the WBCSD


M4D Final Report

Sustainable Mobility 2030


M4D Facts & Trends

2000-2004 2007 2007-2009 2009

Dialogues & Case Studies


Dar-es Salaam


São Paulo

Mobility for Development Project

Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Historic shifts: Population & urbanization


In 2050, 85% of the world’s 9 billion people will live in

today’s developing countries

In 2050, it is expected that 70% of the world population

will live in urban areas

State of mobility: Transport activity


Per capita transport activity

North Americans • travel: average of 40 miles/day (car and plane)• emit: 6 tonnes of transport-related CO2 a year

Brazilians • travel: average of 7 miles/day (car and bus) • emit: 0.7 tonnes of transport-related CO2 a year

Tanzanians • travel: average of 3 miles/day (foot, bus and bicycle)• emit: 0. 1 tonnes of transport-related CO2 a year

State of mobility: Vehicle ownership


Vehicle ownership is

rising at a rate of 15-20% annually

in much of the developing world

State of mobility: Transport costs


It costs $1000 to ship a 20 foot container to the UK from Accra, Ghana, but $2300 to transport the same container next door to Liberia.

State of mobility: Road safety


Around 1.2 million people are killed and 50 million injured in

road accidents, most of them in developing


State of mobility: Congestion


In Bangkok, Manila, São Paulo and

Shanghai, downtown weekday traffic

speeds average 15 km per hour

State of mobility: Energy consumption


Transportation uses ½ of the world’s petroleum production and produces 20% of GHG emissions

State of mobility: Pollution


Urban air pollution causes 800,000 premature deaths each year.In the most heavily polluted cities, economic losses from air

pollution are estimated to reach 10% of GDP

Sustainability Mobility 2030 concluded:

“Today’s system of mobility is not sustainable. Nor is it likely to become so if present trends




The sustainable mobility dilemma


Sustainable mobility:

“The ability to meet society’s desires and needs to move freely,

gain access, communicate, trade and establish relationships

without sacrificing other essential human or

ecological values, today or in the future” (WBCSD


Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Mobility is an enabler for economic development

Lack of access to transportation and information are symptoms of poverty

The Mobility Divide is widening in and between countries

There are business opportunities in helping narrow the divide: new products and services to enable access to sustainable transport systems and means of communication

The “Mobility Divide”


M4D project - objectives

Raise awareness of the importance of mobility as a driver for economic development

Investigate ways to narrow the sustainable mobility divide, including business opportunities

Discuss sustainable mobility solutions for rapidly growing cities in the developing world, including a strong business voice

Global context Mobility challenges in four cities:

Bangalore Dar es Salaam São Paulo Shanghai

Lessons and barriers to progress Key messages to stakeholders

Mobility for Development final report


Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Dialogues and case studies


Dar-es-Salaam,Tanzania• Dialogue: BP

• Case Study: University of Dar es Salaam

Bangalore, India• Dialogue: TERI-BCSD India, Renault

& Toyota• Case study: TERI

Shanghai, China• Dialogue: China BCSD &

Michelin• Case study: Tongji University

São Paulo, Brazil• Dialogue: Brazil BCSD, Brisa, GM,

Michelin & Petrobras• Case study: TTC

Engagement of 3 Regional Network partners: Brazil BCSD, China BCSD, TERI-BCSD India

Snapshot of the four cities


Bangalore• Increasingly dispersed city; strong IT industry• Majority of travel by bus (41%)

Challenges• Aging infrastructure – cannot meet demands• Long travel and wait times

Solutions• Introducing bus rapid transport and intelligent transport systems to reduce congestion and accidents

Dar es Salaam• Growth of unplanned settlements; high unemployment• Most of public transport provided by privately operated minibuses (dala dalas)

Challenges• Lack of paved and all weather roads• Road accidents; vulnerable travelers

Solutions• Plans for high capacity modern bus system• Driver education and regulatory enforcement

São Paulo• Dense city; most growth on periphery• High income inequality

Challenges• Congestion due to increase in vehicle ownership• Personal safety and security• Affordability of public transport for poor residents

Solutions• Ban 20% of fleet from circulating each day of the week• Emission limits and fast lane bus system

Shanghai• Rapid economic growth; urban migration• Majority of travel by bus (41%)

Challenges• Major increase in car ownership• Lack of high speed rail options for short distances• Stretch on energy resources

Solutions• Metro system; emission limits and parking charges

Bangalore – mobility snapshot


Public and paratransit transport:

Bus travel makes up 41% of all travel

Vehicle ownership:

Automobiles: 40 per 1,000 people

Motorcycles: 204 per 1,000 people

Expenditure on transport:

The poor spend15-25% of income on travel per month

Public transport basic fares:

Bus: US$ 0.004 - 0.4

non-motorized = 18%

Increasingly dispersed city with few options for suburban rail travel

Aging infrastructure and lack of urban planning Exploding population and increasing number of people on

the road Severe traffic congestion and environmental pollution The city’s poorer residents suffer disproportionately from

the negative effects of transport activities

Bangalore – mobility challenges


“I look forward to the formulation of a practical policy for this wonderful city which should include views of all stakeholders including government, industry and the people, and a practical implementation action plan.” (Participant, Bangalore dialogue, 12 September 2007)

Bangalore – towards solutions


Infrastructure development: Public transport

improvement Intelligent transportation

system Pollution control

Dar es Salaam – mobility snapshot


Public and paratransit transport:

9 000 Privately operated minibuses (dala-dalas)

Vehicle ownership: 16 per 1,000 people

Trip frequency: 4 trips/person/day

Expenditure on transport:

9.7% of household spending

Public transport basic fare:

1 dala-dala ride: US$ 0.19

non-motorized = 50%

Dar es Salaam – mobility challenges


The city has grown much faster than its infrastructure Chaotic and poorly planned conditions for pedestrians,

drivers and public transport users Congestion, accidents and pollution are growing problems Vulnerable travelers are disadvantaged by the lack of

mobility opportunities Rural residents face even more severe mobility problems,

with lack of all-weather roads and transportation The majority of roads have no functioning storm water

drainage“Mobility is a crucial aspect of sustainable development. It is more so for developing countries like Tanzania which need to move faster to achieve economic prosperity.” (Participant, Dar es Salaam dialogue, 3 April 2007)

National infrastructure improvements

City planning Public transport

improvements Education & regulatory

enforcement Greater coordination

among institutions towards an integrated approach

Dar es Salaam – towards solutions


São Paulo – mobility snapshot


Public and paratransit transport: 32% of travel is by motorized private transport means and 37% of travel is by foot

Vehicle ownership:Automobile: 314 per 1 000 people

Trip frequency: 2.1 trips/days/person

Public transport basic fare: Metro or Bus: US$ 1.3




ed =


Rapid expansion in automobile ownership and use Public transport use is falling Investment in new roads has not been able to reduce

congestion Reported cases of attacks on personal security while

waiting or riding public transport

São Paulo - mobility challenges


“We have to reinvent the city to create areas where people are closer to what they need.” (Participant, São Paulo dialogue, 15 May 2008)

São Paulo – towards solutions


Cleaner fuels and vehicles Cutting congestion Private investment in

infrastructure through private-public partnerships

Improving public-transport Growth Acceleration Plan

Shanghai – mobility snapshot


Public and paratransit transport:5 metro lines with plans for 6 more lines by 2010. 25% of travel is by bike

Vehicle ownership:Automobile: 39 per 1 000 people

Expenditure on transport: 15.8% of total expenditure compared with 3% in 1990

Public transport basic fares: Bus: US$ 0.3; Metro: US$ 0.4

non-motorized = 56%

Poorest sectors pay the greatest price and receive the least benefit from Shanghai’s urban development

The city is in danger of having the world’s biggest traffic jams, worst air pollution and most dangerous roads

Limited rail capacity Stretch on transport governance capacity Stretch on fuel resources

Shanghai – mobility challenges


“Many of the issues related to land use and transport integration in Shanghai are similar to the rest of China. There is a feeling that if this can be solved in Shanghai, the outlook for sustainable mobility in other urban cities in China may also improve.”(Participant, Shanghai dialogue, 14 November 2007)

Shanghai – towards solutions


Infrastructure development and planning

Governing for mobility Transport demand

management Environmental controls

Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Improvement in the range of mobility opportunities available to the general public

Widening mobility divide between rich and poor

Major problems with traffic congestion

Growing transport-related health and safety risks

Cities promote public transport yet they struggle to adapt and meet the needs and lifestyles of residents

Lessons learned from the four cities


Inadequate stakeholder consultation

Lack of coordination and integrated planning

Weak capacity to implement

Lack of capacity to finance and maintain investments

Barriers to bridging the mobility divide


Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Provide innovative products and services that create value for an expanding number of customers

Reduce the mobility related impacts of own operations

Engage with other stakeholders from the earliest stage of mass-motorization

Educate, empower and incentivize

Key messages for business


Key messages for government


Take an integrated and inclusive approach to urban land use and transport planning

Ensure mechanisms for stakeholder education and collaboration

Align incentives with goals for sustainability and encourage individuals to make safer, more efficient and less environmentally damaging transport and travel choices

Build effective capacity to implement national and regional policies, regulations and urban plans

Learn from other cities

Introduction of the WBCSD Sustainable Mobility context Mobility for Development (M4D) project

– Dialogues and case studies

– Lessons learned and barriers to progress

– Key messages

– Advocacy and outreach



Reports and case studies available on the website


Montly Sustainable Mobility e-newsletter

Executive summary translated into Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese

Launch events 2009-2010: Brazil, Portugal, Washington D.C., India, China and Tanzania

WBCSD initiative on Urban Infrastructure

Advocacy and outreach



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