we welcome work - aicuzabarlad.ro filewe welcome work online apprenticeship simulator for...

Post on 13-Sep-2019






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We Welcome Work Online apprenticeship simulator for introducing work

strategies to teachers, students and companies


The Funding Programme

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and

the exchange of good practices

Action: Strategic Partnerships

Field: Strategic Partnerships for vocational

education and training

Monitoring institution: RO National Agency


• The new EU programme for Education , Training , Youth , and Sport for


• Erasmus+ will support transnational partnerships among Education,

Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation

and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills

gaps we are facing in Europe.

• The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as

well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work.

Project identification

• Project Title: Online apprenticeship simulator for introducing

work strategies to teachers, students and companies

• Project Acronym: WWW - We Welcome Work

• Ref. no.: 2016-1-RO01-KA202-02471

• Project Start Date: 01.09.2016

• Project End date: 31.08.2018

(24 months of implementation)

Project partnership

CIPAT Florența, Italia


Colegiul Tehnic

"Al.I.Cuza„ Bârlad,



Fundația EuroEd

Iași, România


Private Institute


Centre Nicosia,





Knowledge Köln,





Valencia, Spania


Pixel Associazione

Florența, Italia



The We Welcome Work (WWW) project meets the

growing needs of high school students/young people who

live in a very mobile environment, where time, education

and employment are challenging issues.

The Council of Europe has repeatedly stated that it is

“committed to building a Europe with and for all young

people, who will have access to quality education and

training, to decent work and living conditions, as well as

developing the conditions to enable them to contribute to

the development of society.”

Despite these commitments, the supply of apprenticeship

and traineeship places in the EU continues to be under-

developed. A lack of workplace experience and the

related skills and competences is one of the factors

contributing to the "skills gap" in the EU today.

Aim of the project

The main aim of our partnership is to offer non-formal

opportunities for young people to acquire employability,

entrepreneurship and digital skills to support their

transition from school to the world of work thus achieving

a better skills match and career orientation.

The project’s main aim is to facilitate students’ induction

into the world of work by connecting the theoretical

knowledge they acquire at school with the world of work.

Specific objectives (1)

- Investment in technical and vocational education, training and

apprenticeship programmes by introducing free and easy access to

interactive simulation job related tasks.

- Synergies between the consortium teachers-students-companies with

a view to bridging the gap that students have in their experience.

- Creation of a data base of support resources: job profiles studied from

different perspectives (most wanted jobs for young people, professions

obtained in non-formal ways, jobs in which young people from

disadvantaged groups can have success)

- Equipping teachers and schools councillors with interactive tools to

tests and evaluate the students competences and skills and guide them

based on their specific needs for they career.

Specific objectives (2)

- Involvement of students in an interactive training session of

apprenticeship, simulating various jobs situations in the form of animation

problem-solving game.

- Practical activities with students and development of various

competences: workplace skills, problem-solving, teamwork, foreign

languages, IT and social media skills, communication and cultural skills,


- Involvement of companies to become promoters of skilled workers

among young people by offering real practice training sessions and

motivational testimonials.

Project target groups

Direct target group:

- Teachers and school counsellors

- Students, including students with disabilities,

students with learning disabilities and foreign


- Companies – VET staff

- VET institutions

Indirect target group:

- Schools

- Education and training centers

- Educational public authorities

- Public at large

Project intellectual outputs, results (1)

IO1 – Job profiles and best practices promotion

Research, identify, create data base on most wanted jobs for young people; what

professions can be executed without high qualifications or obtained in non-formal

ways; jobs in which young people from disadvantaged groups (young people with

disabilities, refugees) can have success

Promotion of the collection of best practice actions in field of bridging the gap

between education and employment


- 50 job profiles from 5 countries (RO, CY, DE, IT, ES)

- 25 best practices previous projects or activities implemented on job career


- 50 students involved in testing the resources and provide feedback

- 25 teachers involved in testing the resources and provide feedback

Project intellectual outputs, results (2)

IO2 - Toolkit package for teachers and school counsellors

The project intends to equip teachers and schools counsellors with interactive tools

to tests and evaluate the students’ competences and skills and guide them based

on their specific needs for they career and job profile.

The partnership will collaborate and create 2 types of products:

- Tests to identify the competences and interest of the students

- Toolkit on the introduction and utility of interactive educational resources to

motivate and familiarize students with workplace situations


- 1interactive test for competences evaluation

- 1 toolkit for teachers

- 25 teachers involved in evaluation and feedback

- 50 students involved in piloting the competences interactive test

Project intellectual outputs, results (3)

IO3 - Online Apprenticeship Simulator

- Set up the job field, collaborate with companies and create the scenarios for the

online job simulator (scenarios based on development of a CV , letter of intent or

motivation; tasks related to dealing with different work situations involving the use

of foreign languages, cultural aspects, teamwork, creativity, social media and IT

skills, etc.)

- Creation of animations of workplace tasks from different domains (tourism,

customer services, IT, medicine, teaching, etc.)

- Piloting the online apprenticeship simulator games


- 6 interactive online apprenticeship simulators, including various scenarios and

tasks from different job profiles

- 140 students, including with fewer opportunities: disability, cultural differences,

educational difficulties, refugees

- 35 teachers involved in working with students in testing the online work places


Project intellectual outputs, results (4)

IO4 - Motivational practices and videos from companies dealing as promoters

of young skilled workers

- Creation of a network of institutions and companies from the partners’ countries,

dealing with different working fields

- Kit for tutors on how to make a win-win collaboration with the young students

during their practical activities in institutions


- Network of 35 companies from different working fields

- 1 company tutor’s guide in career guidance and workplace preparation and

motivation for their future employees

- 10 promotional/motivational videos from companies on career guidance for

students and young people

Project Management and Implementation (1)

Start: 01.09.2016 - Finish: 31.08.2018

Leader: P1 + P2

The main aim of the PMI is to set& monitor the project workflow &fully and

effectively involve each project partner in the project activities in order to

achieving the project’s expected results.

Within the PMI a management team will be established to ensure the

efficient & effective management of the project. The team will be

responsible for the overall project by conducting thorough budget

monitoring, ensuring the effective use of time & facilitating the successful

management of the project so that it adheres to the time frame specified for

producing the agreed deliverables.

Project Management and Implementation (2)


1. Project management & monitoring documents

1.1 Elaboration of the periodically partners reports & interim, final


1st progress report – 31.03.2017 (covering 01.09.2016 – 28.02.2017)

Interim report – 30.09.2017 (covering 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2017)

2nd progress report – 31.03.2018 (covering 01.09.2017 – 28.02.2018)

Final report – 30.09.2018 (covering 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2018)

Project Management and Implementation (3)


1. Project management & monitoring documents

1.2 Elaboration of the communication system

Set up contacts list

Emails – Skype meetings

Dropbox folder for sharing internal documents

Project Management and Implementation (4)


2. Project meetings

Meeting 1 – RO – P1+P2 – 8-9.12.2016

Meeting 2 – ES – P7 – 07.2017

Meeting 3 – CY – P3 – 12.2017

Meeting 4 – IT – P5+P6 – 07.2018

Project Management and Implementation (5)


3. Project dissemination

• Project website

• Project Facebook Page

• 1 dissemination project plan

• Project visual identity

• 1 project brochure

• 1 project poster

• 1 PPT project presentation

• Organization of 2 national events/country

• Participation in at least 2 national or international conference or fairs in

the project subject area, with publication of articles presenting the


Project Management and Implementation (6)


4. Sustainability

The network of institutions and companies from the partners countries,

dealing with different work fields will undoubtedly contribute to the

maintenance of the project results after the completion of the project.

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