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Week beginning 27th April 2020Some Ideas for School Work

Hello everybody,Hope you are all well and that you are keeping safe at home. Remember Ms. Byrne & Mrs. Dwyer are happy to answer any questions you have about your work. So if you have any problems please get in touch with us. You could also upload photos of your work and email it to us.Our email addresses are or sorchad100@gmail.comYou can also send us photos of your work on Whatsapp. during normal school hoursMs. Byrne: 087 6822643 Mrs. Dwyer: 087 2903994Here are some suggestions for your parents to choose from.Your parents/ guardians will decide which activities are suitable for you.Ms. Doyle & Mrs. Kehoe’s group can continue to work away on their Learning Support Packs also.

School on T.V.R.T.E 2 - will broadcast “school on T.V.” each day Monday to Friday from 11 until 12. The show will be aimed at primary school children. They will also have it available on R.T.E Player so you can catch up if you miss an episode.

P.E. Active Home Week 27th April - 1st May You are welcome to take part in Active Home Week.There are lots of ways to take part.

- You could fill in your own diary of activities on a chart like the one below.

- You could send us photos or videos of you doing your daily exercises/ workouts. Ms. R. Doyle plans to make a photo story for the school website.

- You could design your own workout and call it “P.E.” with ……………………... ( Your own name here)

- Here are a few ideas to get you up and moving!

*Daily live workouts with Joe Wicks also known as “The Body Coach.” He broadcasts 30 min workouts for kids each day at 9.00 a.m. Monday – Friday on youtube

* – fantastic resource to get you active and moving to music

*Kid Friendly Workouts - Choice of workouts suitable for kids.

ENGLISH READING & WRITING:Let’s Go: The World of Primates.• Read the story on page 196 to 202Activities: • Answer questions B, C and D Extra Questions: 1. Our primate cousins show us a glimpse of what early humans might have been like. Which of the animals that you read about have come closest to being like humans?2. Which of the animals is least like humans? Explain your answer.3. Why do you think the opposable thumb is so important to humans? Experiment: • Try taking out a copy from your schoolbag and then try writing your name, firstly using your thumb and fingers. • Now try it without using either of your thumbs, only use the four fingers on each hand. Do not use your thumbs!• What do you discover? Why?Writing: • Finish the story:

My heart was beating wildly. There I was, minding my own business, walking down the road, when this huge gorilla jumped out in front of me from behind the hedge.

Look it up: Project Work:Use the internet or an encyclopaedia to find out about the following: • How many species of primate are there?• What do they eat?• Where do they live etc?• Do a project on Primates. You can choose your favourite one or select a few of them to research. Make sure you include facts like their country of origin, their habitat, diet etc.Poem: • Read the poem by Max Reif. There is no need to memorise it. 😉

A Gorilla in my Back Yard by Max Reif.There’s a gorilla in my back yard, I’m making friends with him, Approaching cautiously,As he moves towards my world.

He says a few words, Or what he thinks are words, To show me how ‘Human’ he is.He clumsily hikes a football through his legs.

I’ve taken a riskTo approach this great beast.Whose silver steel muscles Could crush me in an instant.

Venturing out of his habitat, He’s overcome his natural fear of the unknown.A great sharings taking placeBehind my house.Questions:1. What is the setting of this poem?2. What is surprising about this?3. What does the gorilla do in order to appear friendly?4. What is the gorilla playing with?5. Why does the person in the poem approach cautiously?6. What risk might the poet be taking?7. Do you think the poet feels it is worth the risk?8. Is the gorilla taking a different kind of risk? 9. What ‘great sharing’ is taking place?10. Do you think this event really happened? Why?

Spellwell - Next unit of spellings


MATHS:*Improve your Multiplication Tables with*Improve your Mental Maths with the next two Tests from Brainteasers*PLANET MATHS ACTIVITIES - (Write the page number at the top & always number your questions)


A Pattern - is a regular arrangement of lines, shapes & colours

- we often need to spot a pattern to predict what will happen next

A Sequence - the correct name for a pattern of numbers

A Term - each number in a sequence is called a term

● Page 130 A) - Record the next 3 terms in each number or letter pattern

B) - A Tricky Word Puzzle - you might have to get the whole family to help you with this one !

C) Here is a better 100 square activity - Draw a 100 square.Remember- the multiples of a number are the times tables of that number So the multiples of 4 are 4,8,12,16,20,24, and so on.

Colour the multiples of 3 yellow i.e. (3,6,9,12, 15,etc.) Colour the multiples of 6 orange Colour the multiples of 9 red Colour the multiples of 12 black

● Page 131 To complete this page you would need to photocopy it, so that might not work for everyone.

● Page 132 A) Write a sentence to explain the word “pattern.”B) Finish the patternC) Maths PuzzlesD) Test out your family’s memory skills!E) Figure out the Roman Numerals

Here are some optional extra Maths Problems for all the Maths Wizards in the class!

Can I find missing numbers in a sequence? * use a comma to separate numbers. Explain your predictions for the missing numbers.

Example: 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68 the rule is ADD 2

85, 82, 79, 76, 73, 70, 67, 64 the rule is SUBTRACT 3

a) 15, 17, __, __, 23, 25, __, __ The rule isb) __, 33, 38, __, 48, __, __, 63 The rule isc) __, __, 26, __, __, 56, __, __ The rule is d) 91, __, 81, __, __, 66, __, __ The rule ise) __, 62, __, __, __, __, __, 2 The rule isf) __, 85, __, __, 79, __, 75, __ The rule is

g) __, 75, 78, 81, __, __, __, __ The rule is

h) 34, __, __, __, 50, __, __, 62 The rule is

i) __, __, __, __, 28, __, 18, 13 The rule is

j) __, __, __, 87, __, __, __, 123 The rule is k) __, 84, __, __, 66, __, __, 48 The rule is

l) 13, __, 27, 34, __, __, __, __ The rule is


Cúla4 Ar Scoil will broadcast from 10 until 10.30 a.m. each weekday morning. This programme is aimed at children from Gaelscoileanna but it might be helpful for us also. It’s worth a try anyway!

Gaeilge: Bua na Cainte 4

*L. 152 Sa Ghairdín Léigh an scéal Foclóir - Read & Memorise the new Vocabulary

ar chúl an tí - at the back of the house

- ar an mbord éan on the bird table

- bia do na héinfood for the birds

-ag léim go hard - jumping high

ar an trampailín

- spóirt agus scléip fun and high-jinks!

- canna uisce -

- Chabhraigh helped

- spád & - barra rotha

- ag baint fiailí (fee a ly)

- pulling weeds

- Go tobann - Suddenly

- Ghlaoigh -


- Thaispeáin -


- seanchiteal -

(old kettle)

- nead bheag -

Thaitin na héiníní go mór leis na páistí.

(little nest)

Learn this phrase - Thaitin …………… go mór leis na páistí. (The children really loved ……………………)How many sentences can you make with this phrase?

*Bua na Cainte - L. 154 (see link to a Powerpoint on the bgns website )

*Bua na Cainte - L. 155 - Ciara sa Seomra Folctha Léigh an scéal - Déan cartún den scéal (Tarraing & Scríobh)To make your own cartoon of the story you will need a page with 9 blank boxes. Use your “Foclóir Gaeilge” if you find any tricky words. You can copy what’s there or you can change the story and put in your own ideas.

*Bua na Cainte - L. 156An Nuacht - This is a great exercise to help us revise our verbs Have a go at this quiz on your own, then check your answers below. 1)Tháinig = 2) Bhíomar = 3) Bhí …… againn = 4) Thugamar = 5) Bhíomar ag léim = 6) Bhíomar ag cabhrú = 7) Chonaiceamar = 8) Thaitin …… go mór linn =

1)Tháinig = came 2) Bhíomar = We were3) Bhí …… againn = We had …... 4) Thugamar = We gave

5)Bhíomar ag léim = We were jumping 6)Bhíomar ag cabhrú =We were helping

7) Chonaiceamar = We saw 8)Thaitin …… go mór linn =We loved…

An Aimsir - Tarraing léarscáil agus tarraing agus scríobh tuar na haimsire(Draw a blank map with some weather symbols to show the weather forecast)

Foclóir a Fhoghlaim(Vocabulary to Learn)

an ghrian

teocht níos mó nácúig chéim déag

> 15 ℃

scamaill mhóra dhubha

ag stealladh báistí teocht níos mó ná aon chéim déag Celsius > 11 ℃

teocht níos mó ná sé chéim déag

Celsius > 16 ℃

go hálainn - beautiful

ag cur fearthainne teocht níos mó ná dhá chéim déag Celsius > 12 ℃

Art / Music:Art/ Music:DIY Mini Banjo’s• These may not sound like the real thing, but they look adorable – and you can decorate them any way you want. They’re perfect for a pretend band! You will need: • Icecream or lollipop sticks• Elastic bands or string• Colours• A jam jar lid• Glue or Sellotape or masking tape. How to do:• Place four elastic bands over the lid• Secure in place with a piece of tape• Next you’ll need to decorate your lollipop stick. Decorate it with whatever colours or paint you have at home

• Use plastic gems or a marker to draw the little tuning knobs on the end of your banjo handle.• Attach the lollipop stick to the lid when decorated.• You should have a very cute little banjo at the end 😉


Religion:Lesson 2.

Scripture: Gifts from the Holy Spirit.St. Paul, who was a follower of Jesus, wrote to the people of Corinth, the Corinthians, to tell them about the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit brings, Spiritual gifts are gifts that help to serve God and to live in the way God wants us to live. One of the gifts the Holy Spirit gives us is the gift of service, which enables people to serve others. St. Paul’s letters are read at mass so that the followers of Jesus today may also hear St. Paul’s message.The following passage was what St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.‘Gifts from the Holy Spirit.’ (Cor 12:4-7)There are different kinds of Spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. These are different ways of serving but the same lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives the ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all. Questions:1. To whom did St. Paul address the letter about the gifts of the Holy Spirit?2. What did St. Paul say about serving others?3. Where would you find the Scripture passage?4. Have you ever served anybody using your talents or abilities?5. Did anyone ever serve you?6. What gifts might you need if you were looking after someone who was sick?7. What gifts might you need if you were helping someone with their homework?8. What gifts night be needed in your local sports team/school/parish and in your community?

9. In what ways could you best serve other people at home/ school/ parish etc.

Read page 66 of your religion book.

Art Activity:• Make a poster In the poster show your talents and ways in which you have helped others.

History: Important Message!Folens (Book Company) are now giving online access to lots of their textbooks. This is a great opportunity to use their books especially for Project Work.You will need a parent to help you register but it’s very quick and easy. Here’s how it works:

❏ Google - ❏ Click on Folens Online Welcome❏ Click on “Register”❏ Parents are asked to register as a teacher to get

all resources. ❏When they ask for a Roll Number you type

Prim20❏When you have set up your account you have

free access to all their online resources❏Search the website for a series called Unlocking

History❏You need Unlocking History for 4th Class

Here is an idea for a History Project about The Romans

You can get information for your project using some of these sources:

- Unlocking History for 4th Class (online book)- Click on History / Ancient Rome- History for kids / Ancient Rome- Youtube - A year in the life of a Roman Soldier - by Robert


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