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Anna MooreJour 4300Prof. Bowie10/16/12

Publishing Plan

Title: Vagabond

Mission Statement: “Real life inspiration, innovation and thrifty travel tips for the

young, adventurous travelers of today.”

Calling all the dreamers, the doers and the free spirits of today! There is a big

world out there and you only have so many years to experience it. The best things in life

are free— but travel can get expensive, so we at Vagabond are here to help you explore

without breaking the bank. We understand that life is not about how many stars your

hotel has, or how many Louis Vuitton bags you take on Holiday. Life is about riding a

smelly camel in Egypt, and carrying that one backpack full of only the essentials so that

your arms are free to embrace each new culture.

Audience Description & Proof of Need:

There are currently 1,190 separate consumer magazines in the United States that

identify themselves as travel magazines, proving that there is a vast and varying audience

of American travelers. However, there is currently a void in the travel magazine niche for

young (18-35) travelers who do not have a lot of money to spend on five star hotels. If

you look at current travel magazines you will notice a trend: Travel and Leisure, Conde

Nast’s Traveler, etc… All of these publications have a glamorous feel that is not realistic

for the younger, less-wealthy population of audacious travelers. I want Vagabond

magazine to make traveling not a luxury, but a reality for those who aren’t afraid to try

new things.

After studying and traveling in Australia and New Zealand, I was exposed to an

entire culture of low-budget traveling that is very popular in those countries. The culture

of backpacking and no-frills traveling also permeates throughout Western Europe in

countries such as Germany, France, Spain, and the Netherlands. It is very common in the

United Kingdom for 18-20-somethings to take an entire year, also known as a “gap year,”

to explore the world prior to entering the formal workforce, or University. The low-

budget cross-continental travel lifestyle is not as common in the United States at the

moment, but it is growing among young people, especially students.

The option to study abroad is also a major selling point for many American

Universities and during the 2009-2010 academic school year more than 270,000

American students chose to study abroad, according to the Institute of International

Education (IIE). Also, post-graduates are continuing the traveling trend and Gen Y, those

born after 1980, currently make up 12 percent of all U.S. leisure travelers and those

traveling in this group take and average of 3.9 leisure trips per year according to the U.S.

Travel Association. (

With the ease of travel and a growing population of passport holders, Vagabond

will fill a void for the young, possibly first-time travelers along with those who have been

bitten by the travel bug. Not only is Vagabond’s mission to aid experienced travelers, but

also to inspire young Americans to venture beyond what they thought was possible.

According to the 2010 Census, 18,337,716 Americans held some kind of residence

abroad in the previous year— proving that Americans are exploring places outside of our

country’s boundaries. Also, one-third of the population, or nearly 110 million out of 313

million Americans now hold passports. That’s more than double the number of US

Passports in 2000.” (


My target age demographic is 18-34, which accounts for 71,769,123 people

( This is a perfect age-range for the magazine that will focus on no-frills

exploring. This age demographic is usually still mobile in their careers and family lives.

They are less likely to have settled down or hold a high position in their field of work that

would require them to stay close to home. The education level of my readers would be

college age to college graduates with the globally embracing theme of the magazine.

Speaking economically, Vagabond would appeal to those who are unable to travel

in luxury. According to the 2010 Census, the median income in the United States for the

year 2010 was $26,059. With the average income being so low, it is important for

Vagabond to give a voice to those who still wish to see the world, in the most affordable

way possible.

Also, the ability to up and go without being stuck taking care of a household or

children would cater to the 79,625,958.666 adult Americans who are not married, and do

not have children. Not to say that Vagabond wouldn’t welcome couples to travel

together, but in the bigger picture, single agents would be more inclined to explore with


Vagabond’s mission would be to altar “American skepticism and/or ignorance about

international destinations, a work culture that prevents Americans from taking long

vacations abroad and the prohibitive cost and logistics of going overseas.” According to

a CNN. Com article, "American culture doesn't emphasize knowledge of the world," and

that "Americans are more skeptical of it because we just don't know about it." I want

Vagabond to change that perception, starting with the fresh out of college population.



Competition Analysis:

Budget Travel: has a circulation of 452,074.

Subscribers to a magazine that offers money-saving, intensely practical travel advice.

35 percent male, 52 percent female; average age 44. MEDIAN HHI, $69,500,


Although Arthur Frommer is known for having some of the best travel guides, this

magazine caters to an older demographic, often including best family locations and

activities for the kids. Vagabond will be catered toward the more independent, free-

agent, youthful traveler. Instead of articles about what coloring books and activities to

give your kids on a long car ride, Vagabond will give games for the driver and passenger

for their hour six of a twelve hour drive in a camper van through the Outback.

AFAR: “Appreciating the unfamiliar— cultures and moments.” AFAR magazine, which

focuses on experiences over luxury has only been in existence for a few years and has

108,923 subscribers. AFAR Magazine guides and inspires individuals who travel the

world seeking to connect with its people, experience their culture, and understand their


Off Track Planet – This Low budget strictly online magazine boasts 1.2 millions readers.

Hands down, Off Track Planet magazine would be Vagabond’s toughest competitor

because of its no-frills, all fun theme. They are established and have a strong online

following, but they lack the quality of travel guides that backpackers and wanderers

purchase for the long term. One major difference that would set Vagabond above and

beyond would be a less vulgar approach. For example, Off Track Planet has departments

that include: Broke Ass Travel, Partying+Sex, What the F*ck, and Travel Porn. I like

their gritty approach, but the trashy factor is unacceptable. Vagabond would never

include tips on where to get the best alleyway sex in Amsterdam. Also, Vagabond would

be mostly distributed in hard copies instead of online.

Production Strategy:

Sizing would be ideally smaller than most magazines in order to be more travel-friendly.

Just like a pocket-guide, Vagabond can easily fit in your purse or pants pocket.

Paper Size : 5 ½ by 7 inches.

Paper Type: 100% recycled materials and our ink would be soy based. The matte finish

of the ink mixed with the grainy, earthy tone of the paper automatically sets Vagabond

aside from other glossy publications. Being environmentally conscious and sustainable is

also another theme and selling point to our audience.

Page number: 98- Six signatures will give enough space for content along with a fair

amount of advertising space. Perfect binding will also allow for some possible fold out

sections that would be like maps.

Color: 4 color printing to give a full range of colors to our fine travel photography.

Stitching: Perfect Binding will be necessary

Cover Strategy:

The cover is meant to put you there! We will feature a person being shown actively

traveling on every issue. The aesthetics will be very relatable, personable, and nature

oriented. A toothy tanned and toned model in a bathing suit is not what we are about.

The covers will be colorful and vibrant on a heavyweight paper to simulate the feel of a

travel guide book. Here is an example of a photo for Vagabond’s cover:

Taglines will be used but not exploited. The selling factor of the cover will be the eye

candy travel images along with a hip graphic design quality. The feeling will be modern

but warm, inspiring and relatable. Title will also have subtitle.

Publication Frequency and Pricing:

Vagabond would publish every two months.

Another selling point about Vagabond would be its circulation rate. Since so much about

traveling is seasonal and has to do with special festivals or events, it is important to keep

travelers up to date. The Lonely Planet book brand is a great resource for my desired

demographic, but their publications come out on a yearly basis. Sometimes what is

included in Lonely Planet has already come and gone. Vagabond would create a more

seasonal approach to destinations and experiences that are off the beaten tourist track at a

quicker rate. Also, with the incorporation of a strong online community of travelers,

there will be a constantly updating source for readers in various parts of the world.

Cover Price: $ 4.00

Subscription Price: 6 per year, so a discounted rate of $ 22.00 a year or $11.00 for 6


Distribution Strategy:

We will distribute the magazine to businesses with high travel rates such as in hostels and

travel agencies. The magazine will also sell at newsstands in heavy travel areas such as

train stations and airports as well as in large university bookstores. We will also be

available by subscription. Also, collaborate with Universities and their education abroad

offices to have Vagabond be a recommended resource for first time travelers. Freebies

would be given away at festivals or events that would draw a large tourist crowd. Pairing

with advertisers and travel-friendly businesses. Synergy between travel agencies, airlines,

bus companies, outdoor outfitting stores etc… will be essential.

Advertising Categories:

Travel Agencies: Expedia, Hotwire, Kayak, Travelocity, STA…

Transportation Businesses: Buses: Greyhound, GoBus, Contiki, etc…

Airlines: Delta, Jetstar, Quantas, SouthWest, etc…

Hospitality: YHA,

Outdoor Equipment Businesses: REI, L.L. Bean, Mountain Gear, TREK, North Face,

Hurley, High Sierra, FiveFingers,

Education Abroad Businesses: AustraLearn, IES Abroad, GlobalSemesters, CIEE


Other Specific Advertisers:

Nature Valley, Kashi, Luna, Cliff, Honest-tea, Sobe, Aveeno, Burts Bees… Also Smaller

local businesses from features and travel destinations that are featured. For example in

this issue an advertisement for a Nepali Sherpa company could be in the department The

Clothes On Our Backs.

Editorial Budget:

*Main Cover Story and source for cover art is the third feature: Hitchhikers Guide to the

Universe- Meet three generations of thumbers and hear their stories of what it is like to

live day-by-day, ride-to-ride.

*Recurring Department names are Discover, See, Trailblazers, Thrive, Taste and Unite

*Features are listed 1. 2. 3. 4.


Full Page Adverts intermingling with the Table of Contents and the Letter from the

Editor and Reader Write Ins.


Where In the World…? The craziest destinations for the most fearless of Vagabonds.

Cave Rave- Glowworms. Not the light-up stuffed animal you cuddled with as a

child… Journey underground on a subterranean adventure at the Waitomo

Glowworm Caves of Southern New Zealand. Discover an underground labyrinth

of limestone caves and formations that are dripping with these little light-brite


Hello Earth- Fun popcorn-sized facts and photos to showcase something cool and quirky

about the planet (Lots of info-graphics and tiny pictures)

Antarctica is 90 percent of the total ice on Earth

There are roughly 7,000 languages in the world… Here is how you say, “Hello

my name is….” In about 10 of them.  Etc…

Gear and Gadgets- Easy and affordable ways to upgrade your travel gear.

The Best of Backpacks- Our picks for the best investment pieces that you can

carry with you for years to come!

Secondhand Sites- check out these used-luggage and camping gear sites before

you hit the mall.

Nothing But the Clothes On Our Backs- How to take back a new style when you return

home. The do’s and don’ts of travel wear and some really cool, and cheap ways to

broaden your style horizon.

The colors and textures of Nepal- From bright head wraps to Sherpa

sweaters, the beautiful way of life in the Nepali people is worth wearing on your




1. Spin the Globe: With a flick of a finger we send the globe in our office spinning, and

wherever that same finger lands, we send one of our writers to discover. Anywhere from

Kalamazoo to Kathmandu— we’re going!

Off to Angola- Bantering with the Bantu people… Becoming versed in the

diverse nation on the West Coat of Africa. Visit the Black Stones of Pungo

Adongo, the epic Kalendula waterfalls of the Lucala and take in the strange mix

of Portuguese, African, and Muslim architecture of Luanda.


2. Earth, Sea and Sky- A photo feature about the natural beautiful from above, on and

below the surface of the Tropics.

Trailblazers- Innovation in the ways we travel

3. Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe- Meet three generations of thumbers and hear their

stories of what it is like to live day-by-day, ride-to-ride.

4. Offsetting Carbon Emissions- What exactly does that mean? Plane

An Investigative look at what are airlines doing to reverse their carbon footprint.

Thrive- Incorporating health, fitness and fun wherever you go!

The Get Out Work Out- Are all those German Sausages, endless Korean noodle

bowels and amazing Irish beers making you feel less fit than when you began

your journey? Don’t let traveling get the better of your health and fitness! Try

our easy no equipment and site-specific workout!

Stepping it up… A workout inspired by the Great Wall of China.

There may be 5,164 steps of the Great Wall of China, but you can get a killer

mid-vacation workout with just two or three…Here’s a list of whole body

blasting exercises to make you sweat out the bad decisions of your journey… If

you happen to have the Great Wall- get to it!

Bike Across the World- A yearlong series about seeing the world from two

wheels. We will provide you with some of the most scenic routes and rides for

your next trip!

Biking Across the… USA! Yes we know it is cliché, but with the rising

travel costs and ever rising dollar per gallon, the trip across Ol’ Route 66’ is

becoming more and more expensive. Even if you don’t plan on riding from

coast to coast, we still think that seeing America on two wheels is one of the

most honest, and gosh darn American experience you can have. We have

compiled a collection of routes with cheap places to stay, camp, and hangout on

your all-American adventure.


Local Flavor- A round up of foreign flavors, odd delicacies and the most popular dishes

of far off lands.

“I’ll have the Stinky Plate Please”- Ahh, smell the yumminess of dinner

on the stove… Or is that the stench of your hiking boots left in your backpack?

One man’s gym socks are another man’s dinner! Here are some of the smelliest

dishes of China. Good thing we didn’t make this article scratch and sniff!

Last Bite- The best of the best eats from around the world and how you can make them!

Street Snacks of India: All About Chaats! Chaats are the salty and spicy

snacks sold on the carts throughout India and they are crave-worthy in any part

of the world. We rounded up the best Chaat recipes for rich Dahi Puri, spicy

Aloo Tikkam and crispy Samosas!

Another Round- The coolest pubs, bars, and clubs for a big night out or an intimate brew

with the locals.

Ancient Brews: Get to know some of the oldest spirits in the world when

we hit the historical moonshine trail of the Incas, the Ancient Egyptians and the

Vikings. Every antediluvian culture is different, but the love of the drink is

universal. Discover the cocktails of the past and meet the newest brewers of

these prehistoric brewing techniques.



What is it like to work at a Hostel: Sarah left college with a small bank

account, but a big dream to backpack across Europe. Her bright eyes and

adventurous spirit weren’t enough to sustain her financially, so she has been

working from hostel to hostel. A life of endless backpacker parties and late night

conversations with interesting foreigners was tougher than she thought.

Living in… Explore the unique ways our world lives.

A Box: With China’s ever-expanding population, the mega cities of

Beijing and Shanghai are coming up with new ways to fit their people into

smaller, inexpensive, and stranger apartments. With less floor space, people

have to get creative… Here are some of the tiniest and coolest apartments of

urban China.

Celebrate: A calendar of the coolest and most affordable festivals, carnivals, and global

happenings that we think you should add to your must-see list.

Winter Festivals-

Underground Raves in Paris- The catacombs aren’t just for the dead

anymore. They are being used for killer dance parties

The Citrus Festival- Ever dream of seeing a cathedral of tangerines?

Check out Menton’s Citrus Festival in February? The festival takes place in the

city of just over 28,000 on the French Riviera, near the Franco-Italian border,

where its beautiful gardens are known throughout Europe. The lemon is its

symbol, and in 1929, when it was the leading supplier of lemons in Europe…

Carnival- Get weird in Leipzig Germany… A hotbed for cheap student

clubs and radical new Art galleries for those who like to interact with their art.

Caravan: Links to other travelers and their stories. A write in of hilarious “How did we

get here,” stories from our readers.

Guide To… Meet _Sven_ Your Personal Guide To: Stolkholm

Sven will tell you a little about his favorite spots and will hand-draw on our fold-

out a map of Stolkholm to get you to the best of the best bars, hostels, and other

cheap/awesome spots in the trendy Swedish city!

Suitcase Treasures: A little ode to the strange little souvenirs that followed us home and

the stories they will always carry.

*Final page adverts and links to our digital content.

Additional Cover Stories:

WOOFing 101- The Worldwide Opportunies in Organic Farming organization has been

giving Vagabonds a real world way to live, eat and earn money when traveling. Meet

some WOOF’ers and see what life is like on organic farms all over the world.

*Cover art could be a beautiful shot of someone farming in an exotic locale.

Running Wild- Get in touch with your inner athlete as we spend a week with the fastest

tribes in the world. Based on the research of minimal footwear and the book Born To

Run, we will experience every aspect of the Tarumata tribe of Mexico to see if even we

were “born to run.”

* Cover art could be a group of runners, some native, some obviously not- all running


Ain’t No Mountain High Enough- Stories from novice to expert climbers who have

tackled the Alps. What you need, and how to prepare.

*Cover Art: A scenic shot of someone setting up tent on the side of a snowy mountain


Letter From the Editor:

Within each of us is an explorer, a mountaineer, a disco-tech dancing, red wine sipping,

campfire sitting, lover of all things new. There is a big world out there, so why not

explore it? Vagabond is here for you to get you going, going and gone! We understand

that travel is not about first-class flights, yachts and fancy suitcases. Traveling is about

feeling the fresh air off a new sea, burning your tongue on fiery Indian curries, climbing

to the top of that ancient temple and not being afraid to get a little dirty. For the

backpackers, the exchange students, the hitch-hikers and all those who are unafraid to

expand their world-view, Vagabond is here. We share your passion for the human

experience, and we want to connect you with real life tips and a community of fellow

travelers to make your next adventure, your best one yet

Digital content: A compatible website to our issue with even more detailed links and

multimedia to add to our existing editorial.

Take Me There: A live photostream (Instagram, facebook etc…) that allows travelers to

post there location to show others. They will be able to post captions, and then branch

out to people in that location.

You’re our Travel Guide:

Feature reader bloggers who are living their travel dreams. Giving our readers some say

in what places and events we cover by allowing them to cameo on our online page.

A map App to allow our readers to post comments to destinations as well as links to

Couchsurfing sites, hostels, and budget travel websites.

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