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In Information Technology industry, the professionals should be competent enough in their language and grammar skills. As employees, they should be aware that English Language invests a lot in their field.

In this article, we are going to elaborate the importance of adjective as a part of speech in the Information Technology industry.

Adjectives help them in describing or advertising their products. Once they endorse something, they need to use words that are tickling to the ears of the customers. In this way, the customers or clients would be persuaded while they are endorsing their product.

In this article, we are going to elaborate and make visualizations of the uses and significance of describing words towards Information Technology.


As we can simply define, adjectives are describing words that modify noun or pronoun but do not modify verbs, adverbs, and other adjectives. Adjectives usually precede the noun or pronoun that it modifies. Adjectives answer the questions what kind? Which ones? Or how many?

Example: Rozen bought a new laptop.

(“New” describes what kind of laptop Rozen had bought. The underlined word is the adjective that modifies the noun “laptop”)


Three, red, small, antique, and Japanese are all adjectives but they are not in the same kind. As to sort and classify them out, Adjectives have several types.

· Descriptive Adjectives

Descriptive Adjectives names the quality of the noun or pronoun that it modifies.

Example: old net book

Gray computer

Slow connection

· Proper Adjectives

Proper Adjectives is the type of adjective that is derived from a proper noun.

Proper Noun is a noun that is used to denote a particular person, place, or thing, as Lincoln, Sarah, Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Hall.

Example: Korean invention

Japanese telephone

Brazilian computers

The underlined words are proper nouns that acts as adjectives and modifies another noun.

· Limiting Adjective

Limiting adjective restricts the meaning of the word it modifies.

Examples: this keyboard

that document

the screen

· Interrogative Adjective

Interrogative adjectives are the kind of adjectives that is used to ask a question.

Example: Whose adapter is this?

· Coordinating Adjective

Coordinating Adjectives are composed of two or more adjectives separated by a comma instead of a coordinating conjunction. To determine if you can replace the coordinating conjunction with a comma, see if the adjective can be reversed or if a coordinating conjunction can be added between the adjectives without changing the meaning.

Examples: The PC had a shiny, smooth screen.

The PC had a smooth, shiny screen.

The PC had a smooth and shiny screen.

As you can see, even if the adjectives are interchanged and separated by the coordinating conjunction ‘and’, the meaning of the sentence remained.


Some noun or pronouns have many attributes and characteristics that cannot only be described with a single adjective. In this way, adjectives should follow a proper order. The table below contains the proper format of the order of adjectives. Familiarize the sequence and apply it on your own examples.


Quantity or Number

Quality or Opinion





Proper Adjective






Mobile phone














The table above is the format of the proper sequence of complex adjectives present in a sentence.


Adjectives do not usually stay in their absolute form. These are the attributes that are greater than the others and are gradable. Adjectives are divided into two degrees, the comparative and the superlative degree of comparison.


The noun or pronoun that is modified by an adjective is compared to another and is usually denoted by the word ‘than’.

However, in comparing adjectives, there are rules to follow.

Rules: There are several ways in comparing adjectives.

· Adding –r to words ending in ‘e’

Ex. Free- Freer

· Adding –er to the words that contains one vowel and one consonant at the end and double the consonant and add –er to the word.

Ex. Big-bigger

· Adding –er to words with more than one vowel or more than one consonant at the end.

Ex. Hard-harder

· Adding –er to words ending in –y. Change y to i and add –es.

Ex. Easy-easier

· Adding ‘more’ to words of two, three or longer syllables not ending in y.

Ex. More reliable

More important


This degree of adjective is used to say what the noun or pronoun that is being modified has the most of a particular quality with the whole group or its kind.

Like the comparative degree, superlative degree has its own way of forming.

· Adding –est to words of one syllable

Ex. Long-longest

· Adding –est to words of two syllables ending in –y. Change y to I and add –est.

Ex. Easy-easiest

· Adding –est to words with one vowel and one consonant at the end. Double the consonant and add –est to the end of the word.

Ex. Big-biggest

· Adding ‘most’ to words of two, three or more syllables not ending in –y. it is to be placed before the adjective.

Ex. Most reliable

Most important

In order to create an effective and correct comparison, the rules above should be followed. However, not all adjectives follow the same rules, some do not have their regular forms, and these are called irregular adjectives.

Observe the list of irregular adjectives in the table.
















Compound adjectives are adjectives that consist of two or more words that functions as one adjective. A compound adjective could be hyphenated or separated depending of its position in the sentence. Hyphenate the compound adjective when it comes before the noun it modifies. On the other hand, do not hyphenate the compound adjective when it comes after the noun it modifies.



We are living in a high-technology planet.

( the compound adjective high-technology comes before the noun that it modifies which is ‘planet’. Therefore it should be hyphenated.)


We are living in a planet with high technology.

(The compound adjective ‘high technology’ comes after the noun that it modifies which is ‘planet’. Therefore, it should not be hyphenated.)

In endorsing or advertising products, there is so much need of oneself competence in order to be productive. As employees, you should be skillful and prolific in your field to help people in your surroundings and to be able to write effectively. To write effectively means to perform effectively in a given task.


1. Today we will have an activity.

2. Find a pair and prepare for a one half crosswise.

3. I will give you pictures of Softwares and Hardwares and you describe it by using an adjective. You may describe it on how it is used.

4. What you need to do is to give the best definition of the picture shown.

5. After showing all the pictures we will check your paper.



DIRECTIONS: Read the questions properly and identify the best answer. This test includes the entire topic about adjectives that is elaborated above. Write your answers on the space provided.


1. There are (old luxurious black) PC’s used in that University.

2. The (long printed two) documents came out quickly from the printer.

3. Percival is suffering from the (slow unreliable) internet connection.

4. He repaired the (destroyed small black) mouse.

5. The world nowadays is composed of (many brand new useful) inventions.


6. One such (cutting edge) innovation is the concept of the cloud.

7. Perhaps the most influential inventions are relatively simple (labour saving) devices.

8. The pace of change in the computer industry means that hardware can become (out dated) or even obsolete within the space of two years.

9. She composed a (190 page) document in Microsoft Word.

10. The newly bought phone has a (one year) guarantee.


11. The job of a software engineer is ________ than a system analyst. (difficult)

12. IT industry has a ________ range of job titles compared to other industries. (wide)

13. System analysts provide the _______ solution in business problems. (feasible)

14. Business should be the ______ of all, since his work starts from identifying the needs of the clients. (careful)

15. The new version of the phone is ________ than the old one. (reliable)



A person's vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.

Definition and usage

Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a particular person". Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as merely being able to recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge that are used to measure word knowledge.

The importance of a vocabulary

An extensive vocabulary aids expression and communication.

Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension.

Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary.

A person may be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary.

Wilkins (1972) once said, "Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed."

Writing Vocabulary

The words we can retrieve when we write to express ourselves. We generally find it easier to explain ourselves orally, using facial expression and intonation to help get our ideas across, then to find just the right words to communicate the same ideas in writing. Our writing vocabulary is strongly influenced by the words we can spell.

Think about it: When reading, a child with hearing will say all the phonemes related to a word to sound it out. They will then guess a word they know. This is dependent upon their lexicon (mental the following information was based on information from Judy K. Montgomery’s book: The Bridge of Vocabulary: Evidence Based Activities for Academic Success (NCS Pearson Inc, 2007) dictionary). Children would not guess a word they didn’t know. Deaf students do not use auditory memory to sound out a word. They mostly memorize spelling patterns. Therefore, students who are deaf typically use a reduced variety of words in writing while they are learning.


1. Group yourselves into 8 and form a circle. Each group should have at least 6 participants for our activity today.

2. Divide the board to into six.

3. Form a row facing the board and I am going to read you a term or words with meanings. These words are restricted language used by the Information Technology students.

4. After reading the word with meaning I will count from 123 and you go make and write a sentence you've constructed in the board.

5. I will only give you 2 minutes in writing your sentence. When the time is up, finished or unfinished go back to your respected circles.

6. Then we will all check if the sentence construction is right and if it is right you will have a point and if not then you will have no points.

7. The group who will gain many points will be the winner of this activity


Instructions: Write in the space beside the number the correct term of the definitions given.

Perl Patch Proprietary Cookie

Elegant Code Hardware Shareware Java

Kernel Python

__________ 1. Physical things that make up a computer, such as a component or a peripheral

__________ 2. Privately developed and owned technology

__________ 3. The fundamental part of an operating system responsible for providing access to the machine's hardware.

__________ 4. A software update intended to fix bugs or security holes in a software release

__________ 5. Proprietary software which can be distributed freely but is limited by features and/or time limit until a full version is purchased

__________ 6. A text file created by web sites which contains personal information about an end user

__________ 7. Concise, clean, and clear code which allows other developers to understand and extend it

__________ 8. A high-level, compiled, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.

__________ 9. A high-level, interpreted programming language written by Larry Wall in 1986 and typically used for a wide variety of programming tasks including system administration.

__________ 10. A high-level, interpreted programming language developed by Guido van Rossum at CWI in the Netherlands.



There are many tips in order to write a Formal Email:

· In writing a formal email, you should first consider your username. It should be proper and neutral because if you use unprofessional username in composing email, your receiver might not believe you or might consider you joking. Remember that in communicating with clients, you are communicating with professionals.

Example: (This is an example of an informal email.) ( This is an example of a formal email )

Be sure to provide a concise email address in order to catch the attention of the client.

· Use a short and accurate subject header. Do not overwrite and use keywords instead. Be specific with your keywords and make sure to include the whole thought.

Example: ‘Meeting regarding the damaged monitors in the café on March 12th’

· Use a proper salutation. You can use the name or surname of the recipient. In addressing the person’s title, you can use ( Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms). If you don’t know the name of the recipient, you can use Dear Sir/Madam followed by a colon (:)

Example: Dear Mr. Elizalde,

Dear Sir/Madam:

· In the first paragraph of your message, you may introduce yourself and include your purpose of why you are messaging that particular person.

· The body of your message should be summarized and it should convey the exact message and is direct to the point. Break the message up into pieces in order for the reader to easily grasp the exact thought in the sentence.

· The sentences in the paragraph should be short and limited. Avoid informal writing especially using contraction (e.g. can’t, don’t, isn’t and etc.)

· Use the correct form of leave-taking. The form of leave-takings depends on your level of intimacy with the recipient.

Examples: Yours Sincerely,

Yours Cordially


· Sign with your full name and include your job title in the line after your company. You can also write the company name or website.

· Make sure not to drop any important details in your email.

· Revise and check your grammar and spelling. Make sure not to commit any mistakes in sentence structures.


In writing emails for your clients or customers, you must be knowledgeable enough about the structure of your sentences and paragraphs and even the use of punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks are essential and are a highlight in your message. It helps the reader understand your message easily. In writing emails, you have to consider that the reader has only what is on the screen of the computer in order to understand your message. Punctuations basically helps to determine the pauses, stops, rises, falls, and etc. Punctuations helps you in conveying your message with clarity in multiple situations. The table below shows the different kinds of punctuations, its symbol and uses.





(Applied in Emails)


Show that something is owned by someone or another thing (possession/ownership)

The computer’s memory



To introduce something that is to follow which maybe a list.

Hardware is composed of: CPU, monitor, mouse and keyboard.



To mark a brief pause with in a sentence to separate word in a list in a sentence. In email writing, commas are usually used in headers, and leave-takings.

Dear Engr. Riego,

Truly Yours,



To create a pause for dramatic effect introducing something unexpected.

I saw the assets that you have invested- it was great.

Full stop/ period


At the end of the sentence to show an abbreviation (shortening)

I felt glad hearing your feedback on our products.



To join two words together to make a compound word.

We are selling brand new ink-jet printers.

Question mark


Used in asking questions.

Is the connection fast?



To link two sentences and turn them into a single sentence when a full stop would be too abrupt

We never failed in impressing our customers; consequently, we gained a lot of money this year.


Verb has four basic properties, the voice, person, mood and the tense. Basically, in writing emails, the most useful property is the tense. In writing messages to your client you should be conscious of the structure of your composition. The tense of the verb acts as the time indicator of the language. It helps the reader analyze when the action had occurred, is occurring or will occur.





Tells when an action happened. Simple tenses use the past form, the present form, and the present form with the helping verb will.

Ex. Encoded


Ex. Encode


Ex. Will encode

Will endorse


Perfect tenses show when an action happened in relation to another action. The action in the past perfect began and ended before the event or time it is being related to. The action in the present perfect began in the past and continues up to the present or has ended by the present. The action in the future tense will be finished a particular point in the future.

Ex. Had encoded

Had endorsed

Ex. Have encoded

Have endorsed


Will have encoded

Will have endorsed


Progressive tenses show that an action is or were ongoing or continuing at the same time as something else. The present progressive tense is used to talk about something that is happening right now.

The progressive tenses use a form of the verb to be (am/is/are, was/were) and the present participle of the verb.

Ex. Was receiving

Was offering

Ex. Am receiving

Am offering

Ex.Will be receiving

Will be offering


Perfect progressive tenses are a combination of perfect (completed before) and progressive (ongoing) tenses which show that something began, continued, and ended before another action mentioned.

Ex. Had been advertising

Had been decoding

Ex. Have been advertising

Have been decoding

Ex. Will have been advertising

Will have been decoding

In writing emails, you are communicating with your client or customers. Without them, your business would not be possible. In order to persuade them and keep them motivated in your business, you should please them by showing your competency to them. In this way, the clients will be able to stick with you and trust you in different situations because of your skillfulness.


· Put students in pairs and ask each student to write an email to his or her partner. Students will read the email from their partner and respond to it accordingly.

· The email should contain the proper use of punctuations and greetings as well as correct tenses of the verb.









Directions: Given below is a sample email letter. Fill in the blanks with the proper punctuation marks and with the correct verb tenses.


April 27, 2015

Dear Sir (1.____)

I would like to 2.________ (express) my gratitude for our meeting yesterday. It was both enjoyable and informative 3.___ your insightful presentation 4.________ (contain) several innovative ideas that we are now considering for our new advertising campaign. The committee 5.______ (ask) me to express our sincere appreciation and to invite you to continue to 6.______ (share) your expertise and advice with us as we formalize our course of action. With your permission, I 7._______ (notify) you as soon as we schedule our next planning meeting. We 8. _____ (look) forward to 9.______ (see) you there.

Truly Yours (10.__)

Rozen E.Montefalco



I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Select the correctly punctuated sentence.

1 .a) Computer has computer hardware; monitor, keyboard and hard disk drive.

b) Computer has computer hardware: monitor, keyboard and hard disk drive.

c) Computer has computer hardware, monitor, keyboard and hard disk drive.

d)Computer has computer hardware. “monitor, keyboard and hard disk drive.”

2. a) A peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality. Examples are a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and scanner.

b) A peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality Examples are a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and scanner.

c) A peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality: Examples are a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and scanner.

d) A peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality. Examples are a mouse keyboard monitor, printer and scanner.

3. a) There are many different peripheral devices, but they fall into three general categories. input devices, output devices, and storage devices.

b) There are many different peripheral devices but they fall into three general categories: input devices, output devices, and storage devices.

c) There are many different peripheral devices, but they fall into three general categories: input devices, output devices, and storage devices.

d) There are many different peripheral devices, but they fall into three general categories; input devices, output devices, and storage devices.

4.a) When most people refer to peripherals, they typically mean external ones.

b)When most people, refer to peripherals they typically mean external ones.

c)When most people refer to peripherals, they typically mean, external ones.

d)When, most people refer to peripherals, they typically mean external ones.

5.a) Cyveil and Potiphar just bought, a new computer and, with excitement, they unpack it and set it all up.

b) Cyveil and Potiphar just bought a new computer and, with excitement, they unpack it and set it all up.

c) Cyveil and Potiphar just bought, a new computer and, with excitement: they unpack it and set it all up.

d)Cyveil and Potiphar just bought a new computer and with excitement they unpack it and set it all up.

6.a)I cant connect the computer’s mouse to the USB port.

b) I cant connect the computers mouse to the USB port.

c) I can’t connect the computers mouse to the USB port.

d) I can’t connect the computer’s mouse to the USB port.

7.a) The only thing Allan could do—if he could do anything at all—was to sit and wait for his boss’ confirmation to come in the mail.

b)The only thing Allan could do if he could do anything at all—was to sit and wait for his boss confirmation to come in the mail.

c)The only thing Allan could do—if he could do anything at all—was to sit and wait for his boss confirmation to come in the mail.

d) The only thing Allan could do if he could do anything at all, was to sit and wait for his boss’ confirmation to come in the mail.

8. a)After the installation procedure has been completed and the setup wizard has terminated, reboot your machine before launching the newly installed software.

b)After the installation procedure has been completed and the setup wizard has terminated, reboot your machine, before launching the newly installed software.

c)After the installation, procedure has been completed and the setup wizard has terminated, reboot your machine before launching the newly installed software.

d)After the installation-procedure has been completed and the setup wizard has terminated, reboot your machine before launching the newly installed software.

9.a)To perform a hard or cold reboot, turn off the computer 10-15-seconds after pressing the power button.

b)To perform a hard, or cold reboot, turn off the computer 10-15 seconds after pressing the power button.

c)To perform a hard or cold reboot, turn-off the computer 10-15 seconds after pressing the power button.

d) To perform a hard or cold reboot, turn off the computer 10 - 15 seconds, after pressing the power button.

10.a)Rebooting is sometimes necessary to recover from an error, or to re-initialize drivers, or hardware devices.

b)Rebooting is sometimes necessary to recover from an error, or to re-initialize drivers or hardware devices.

c)Rebooting, is sometimes necessary to recover from an error, or to re-initialize driver’s or hardware devices.

d)Rebooting is sometimes necessary to recover from an error or to re-initialize drivers or hardware devices.

11. A ____ ____ ____ adapter is a circuit board that plugs into a computer and gives it additional capabilities.

A. Long, white, connectible B. White, connectible long

C. connectible, white, long D. Long, connectible, white

12. A ____ ____ ____memory card is used to expand phone storage.

A. small, black, thin C. small, thin, black

B. thin, black, small D. black, thin, small

13. A ____ ____ ____arrow is found at the top of most browsers in a PC is a Back Arrow.

A. little, round, green C. green, round, little

B. green, little, round D. round, little, green

14. A cursor is represented by a ____ ____ ____ image indicating where you are pointing and is controlled by a mouse.

A. mobile small black C. black, small. Mobile

B. small black mobile D. mobile, black, small

15. A ____ ____ ____ bar is found on the right edge and bottom edge of a webpage called a scroll bar.

A. movable, rectangular, narrow C. rectangular, movable, narrow

B. movable, narrow, rectangular D. narrow, rectangular, movable

16. Which of the following can be considered as an informal email address?

A. C.

B. D.

17. The following tips are to be considered in writing emails except

A. Use a proper salutation

B. The body of the message should be summarized

C. The sentences and paragraphs should be limited

D. Use a funny username

18. Analyst programmers perform a ________ role in the field of I.T.

A. More critical B. least critical

C. Critical D. most critical

19. Some ______ solutions are less reliable than the technology they replaced.

A. High tech C. hightech

B. High-tech D. high – tech

20. They _______ to a business course today.

A. Have been going C. were going

B. Are going D. goes

21. “Oh the system unit is bursting” What do you think is the lacking punctuation in the sentence?

A. Question mark C. Exclamation point

B. Colon D. Comma

22. He _________ advertising that product for two months now.

A. Is advertising C. will be advertising

B. Had been advertising D. will have been advertising

23. She owns the ______ version of I phone.

A. Latest C. most latest

B. LaterD. more later

24. ________ your home button settings already?

A. Have you checked C. are you checking

B. Had you been checkingD. do you check

25. Input and output devices are ________ to be familiarized by the students.

A. ImportantC. Much important

B. More importantD. most important

II. Matching Type

Directions: Match column A to column B.


1. Inside Addressa) Letter Hints and Tips

2. Salutationb) Information about the addressee

3. Complimentary Closec) Salutes the reader

4. Signature Lined) contains your message

5. Job Application Lettere) expressions that observes a degree of formality.

6. Check spellingf) Introduction of the body

7. Resumeg) first part of a resume that your reader sees is the Information Section

8. Achievementsh) provides a focus for your document in resume

9. Closing paragraphi) spelling errors, typos and poor grammar

10. Bodyj) refers to your experience in the field

11. Skillsk) a personal and professional summary of your background and qualifications

12. Objectivel) spaces after the Complimentary Close

13. Information Sectionm) used to state when you would be available to be contacted and interviewed

14. Work Experiencen) used to make an aside, or a point which is not part of a sentence.

15. Opening paragrapho) shows your initiative and successes

16. Referencesp) a particular ability

17. Education q) application for employment

18. Resume mistakesr) level of education you have achieved

19. Bracketss) most controversial and written on the last part of a resume

20. Hyphent) used to link words together.

III. Identification

Directions: Identify the parts of the given Application letter below.

Hannah McCornick

2467 Lockworth Drive

Lafayette, IN 47905(1)

765 494 9833

September 17, 2000 (2)

Ms. Julien Mouthe

Systems Development Support

Federal Express Corporation 4912, Suite 101(3)

4900 Outland Ave.

Memphis TN 38118

Dear Ms. Mouthe(4)

Your advertisement for a programmer in the August edition of Computerworld (5)

magazines describes a very intriguing development environment, and one that I am

interested in learning more about. If you need for state of the art software specialist

remains unfilled, my unfilled, my enclosed resume may interest you.

My experience in the U.S Navy has instilled me with a high regrd foe excellence and (6)

achievement, which I strive to maintain daily in both my personal and professional

activities. During college, I have worked full-time as a programmer to support my family,

and have managed to maintain a rear perfect grade point average. My programming

background using C and C++ as well as familiarity with object-oriented development

methodologies would be a positive addition to your Colorado Springs development


It would be my pleasure to meet with you to discuss how well my skills might fit your (7)

current requirements for application programmer, and what contributions I could make

to your organization. Perhaps we can also discuss your vision of those technological

advances that interests us both. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Hannah McCornick(9)

Enclosure: (10)

IV. Matching Type (Part 2)

Directions: Write the letters on the space provided the correct answer.

__1.Acceptable Use PolicyA.reduces window to icon

__2.copywrightB.single hand held point device

__3.desktopC.main work area on computer

__4.editD.collection of data to organize files

__6.folderF.change, improve or rewrite of computers connected protection for works display screen

__10.networkJ.Safe & Proper use of computers














1. Hardware

2. Proprietary

3. Kernel

4. Patch

5. Shareware

6. Cookie

7. Elegant Code

8. Java

9. Perl

10. Python


1.COLON (:)









10.COMMA (,)

Answer Key (Summative Test)

I. Multiple Choice

1.b6. d 11. A 16. A 21.C

2.a7.d12. A 17. D 22.B

3.c8a 13. A 18. C 23.A

4.c9c 14. B 19. A 24.A

5.d10. b 15. B 20. B 25.A

II. Matching Type

1.b6.a11.p16. s





III. Identification

1.Inside Address6. Second Paragraph

2.Dateline7. Closing Paragraph

3Inside Addressee8. Complimentary Close

4.Salutation9. Signature

5.Opening Paragraph10. Resume

IV. Matching Type (Part 2)

1. J 6. E

2. H 7. A

3. C 8. I

4. F 9. B

5. D 10. G


“English for Information Technology” 4 Work, 2016.Web.6 Oct 2016. .

“English Grammar 101”. Tenses of Verb.2016. .

“Free Sample Letter Templates”. Letter Templates.1996-2016.>.

Montgomery, Judy. The Bridge of Vocabulary: Evidence Based Activities for Academic Success. 2007. PDF File. October 2016.

Siddiqui, Fareed. Web blog post. The importance of English Tenses. Linkedin. 19 September 2014. Web. October 2016.

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