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Post on 22-Sep-2020






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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYIn this advertising campaign for Beaumont Youth Soccer Club, our

purpose is to discuss all the services that the soccer club has to offer, and

which would be the best way to advertise these services in order to get

more attention from the target audience. We will talk about the creative

process that brought us to the creation of the ad, and we will also

proportion a detailed study of the budget that we will use. Moreover, we

will explain how spending this money in our advertising campaign will

really help to attract more people to the club, increasing the amount of

money that the club makes.


Beaumont Youth Soccer Club is a soccer club that is based in

Beaumont, Texas. The club offers a couple different programs based on

the age of the child and the skill level. For children age 3-14 there is a

recreational program. The program includes practices and games, but on a

less competitive level than the other programs. For children age 8-10,

there is what they call an Academy program. This program allows kids to

play soccer while being trained and coached by professionals. The last

program they offer is a competitive program for children age 11-19. This is

for older soccer players who are serious about their development. The

teams are coached by professionals, and they practice two to three times

a week. They play games on weekends, and every now and then, they will

travel out of town to places like Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio to

compete in a tournament against teams from all over the state of Texas.

These teams are put together through a tryout process. The players go

through a series of training sessions to determine the skill level of the

player, so they can be placed on a team that will help them develop into a

better player.

Beaumont Youth Soccer Club is located on the Northwest side of

Beaumont. They have a huge soccer complex called Cris Quinn Memorial

Complex. The complex includes several full-sized fields, many small sided

fields for the younger players, and an entire indoor soccer field. At the

complex, the club holds practices, tournaments, and games. The complex

can be found at 9000 Dishman Road, Beaumont, Texas 77706.


We attended a board meeting that the club hosted, and during that

meeting, we found out several things about the club. We found out all of

the different programs that they have to offer. We learned about the

process of tryouts and registration. We learned a little bit about the way

that the club is run and what it is all about. The most important thing that

we learned was that the club’s board members are willing to do whatever

it takes to bring more kids into the club.

We learned that the club gets an increase in business in the months

of February and June. This is due to the fact that sign-ups for the new

season happen in both of these months. We will address these months by

increasing the amount of social media post in these months and placing

the Billboard a month before the February signups. The Billboard will draw

potential customers in during the winter signup period. The social media

will draw attention to the tryouts during the month of June.


One of the major strengths of the Beaumont Youth Soccer Club is

the fact that they are the only youth soccer club in Beaumont. This is a big

advantage for the club since they can obviously offer some services that

no one else in the city can, so if they use the right advertisement to

attract people, they will be able to broad their number of members and

become a big soccer club.

The biggest weakness of the soccer club is that they are not very

well known or easy to find. The club is not really reaching people, but

instead, people are the ones that need to do research in order to figure if

there is any soccer club around the area. This is obviously a weakness

because probably there are many parents and children wanting to play

soccer, but instead they play other sports because they do not really know

about the existence of this club and its services. Another weakness is their

attitude. When we walked into the board meeting it felt almost as if we

weren’t taken seriously. It was like they didn’t want any help with their

advertisement. They need to be more open to people and friendlier.

Realistically, a big opportunity for the club would be us. Meaning

that we are their opportunity to really reach people and make the club

finally have a big name in Beaumont. We have gone out of our way to

choose them as the company to put this ad campaign together. It is up to

them what they plan on doing after we finish.

Threats to the club are all the other sporting clubs in Beaumont.

There are many different sports for children to play in the area. There are

some clubs for tennis and basketball, and even more for baseball and

softball, and if the soccer club does not do anything to stand out, probably

it will lose many clients.


Residents of Beaumont are unaware of the fact that there is a youth

soccer club in the area. People are unaware because the club has not

advertised to the public very effectively. There are already a few

advertisements scattered around the city, but they do not really illustrate

all the values and skill that children will learn if they join the club. We plan

on solving this problem by making our advertisements more visible to the

people of the city. We will highlight the fact that children have a future in

this club. That the children will learn valuable life skill through a sport that

is fun.


The target audience would be both the parents and the children. We

need to be able to connect children to the game and get them interested.

We also need to make it appealing to the parents of the children. They will

be the ones that pay for the program and take their kids to all their

practices and games. It is important that we get both the parent and the

kid interested.

We want to specifically target active families. Families that love

being outdoors or going on hikes or love sports. They will be the most

likely to sign up for the soccer club. If a family is not active, then the

chances of them wanting to be outdoors or run around are slim. That is

why we will be targeting families with active lifestyles.


The objective of this campaign is to make more people aware that

there is a youth soccer club in Beaumont Texas. We want them to feel

confident that the soccer club is the best place for children to play a sport,

and to learn important values in life that will impact them in whatever

future they decide to pursue. Whether that future pursuit is to play college

soccer or working at any other kind of job, playing soccer at this club will

help with any future endeavors.


Specific - We specially need to increase the number of consumers.

We will do this by getting the name of the club out to the residents of

Beaumont. By doing this, the amount of people interested in the club will

be increased.

Measurable - We will be able to measure the increase in customers

by adding up all of the new people that sign up for the club or call for

information about the club.

Achievable - With the population of Beaumont being 119,114 people,

we would only need between 60 or 70 new customers to sign up in order

to double the amount of money that we have spent on the advertisements

Relevant - This advertisement is relevant because it does exactly

what we need it to while staying inside of our original budget.

Time-bounded - Our advertisement will run for one year long. We

would start the advertisement in January due to the fact that most people

want to live a healthier life at the beginning of the year, and the new

season starting shortly after that. We will run the advertisement all the

way through the year so that it will be on people’s mind all year long.


Beaumont Youth Soccer Club has many different programs for many

different levels of players. We have research all the programs that the club

offers to its customers and have come up with plans to reach the target

audience in order to create interest in the club. We have learned the

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the club. All these

things that we have learned, we have put into our campaign. We believe

that the club will have increased business over the next year.



The big idea for this campaign is to focus on the future. We believe

that soccer and this club help develop skills that are useful not only on the

soccer fields, but also in day-to-day life. This club teaches kids life skills

such as working hard, working as a team, and being a leader. These skills

are all useful to the children in every day life. That is the reason we are

focusing the advertisements on the future.

We also believe that it will appeal to parents because parents want

to feel like their child is preparing for life. They love the idea of their child

being active on the soccer field, but they also want more out of it. They

want their children to improve their life skills, and this club helps prepare

kids in that way.




The first two advertisements above are both directed toward a

billboard advertisement. We have come up with two different slogans and

advertisements to give the club a couple of options. We believe that both

advertisements will work well, but we know that in the end, it is the club

that will be making the decision as to which advertisement they are willing

to use. The last advertisement above is for flyers. It is more of a

promotional advertisement that will be used during peak times to increase

interest in the club.


We have chosen to use a billboard due to the fact that many

residents of Beaumont have not heard about the club. The billboard will be

located on the corner of Delaware and North 11th Street. This billboard is

located between two parks that are more central to the city than the

actual soccer park. Based on our research, this will attract all the active

families that decided to spend an evening in the park or enjoying a Sunday

afternoon picnic. The billboard location gets an average of 32,697 views

per week. It is the perfect place to get the active residents of Beaumont to

be aware that there is a fantastic soccer club in the area.


Social media is one of the biggest areas for advertising. It can be

anything from paying to have your company on the site to just having a

social media presence. The plan for this campaign is to just build the clubs

presence on social media. This will be done by hiring social media

managers for big events, such as tryouts and tournaments. This person

will cover the entire event posting picture, videos, and updates about the

event. When there is not an event going on, the social media account

could be run by just about anyone that is already on staff. It will not take

very much work. The most would just be to post a couple of times a week.

This will help with keeping players in the club. They will see everything

that they are doing and learning on their Instagram or their Facebook, and

they will want to keep playing for the club. It is something that is simple

and will not take much money, but it will be very beneficial in the long run.

Instagram will be used to reach the high schoolers. Since Instagram

is popular among the younger generations, we will use action photos,

upcoming events, and anything else that the club is working on.

We will use Facebook more for the parents. Since Facebook has

recently been used more by parents, we will post general updates about

the club. This will help keep parents informed because parents always

want to be informed about what their child is doing.

Lastly, we chose Twitter to appeal both the parent and the

teenagers. Twitter is a social media that is used by every age group. They

have younger users as well as parents. Here we will take the best content

from both the Facebook page and the Instagram page and merge it all into

one platform.


The last type of media that we plan on using are basic flyers. We will

print out some flyers that can be passed out around school and work and

church and anywhere else that the players and families go. The flyers will

be given to each coach, and the coach will then hand several flyers to

each of their players. The players will then take the flyers to school or

church or wherever and hand them out to their friend or just random

people. This will help because it shows that the players love the club so

much that they are willing to take time out of their day to advertise for the

club. It gives the club a personal meaning. People are more likely to take

suggestions from friends than just from random people. So, handing out

these flyers will increase both the credibility of the club and the number of

customers interested in the club.


We will need $10,000 to complete our advertising campaign. Most of

this money will be put toward the billboard advertisement, and the rest

will be put into creating a social media presence. The billboard will be

$710 a month. When added up for the whole year, it will total $8520. With

the remaining budget we will hire a social media manager to come in and

run a social media account during a big event.



We will base our evaluations on the number of players that sign up

for the next season. We will look at the increase in customers, and we will

also check the increase in interest. The interest in the club will be based

on how many phone calls or emails or people coming in to ask about the

club. The customers will be based on how many kids show up for tryouts

or how many younger kids sign up for the season. We will take all of that

to determine how effective the advertising campaign has been. With our

calculations, we expect to see the $10,000 put into the campaign

multiplied by two. We expect that we will bring in roughly $20,000 for the

club based on the number of people that we have reached, and their

likelihood to sign up for the soccer club. At an average of about $300 per

child, that would mean that we expect to bring in roughly between 60 and

70 new players. We believe that this advertisement campaign would be

well worth the investment, and we can’t wait to find out how it all works


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