webby’s day out!

Post on 28-May-2015






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This is an attempt to show that Tables are hazardous...


Webby’s Day OUT!

A standard story

This is the Story of


Today is His

1st Day at

School had an Announcement

2 Leggers have Built a Web Larger than one built by Any Spider.

To Improve Spiderville, A new course is being Introduced:Development: The Human Way

Proceed to classes

Day1: Webby Learnt How toMake A..

Webby GoT an Idea!

Wow this is so cool! I never knew Creating aTable would be this easy!

I should Start onMy own Web HOme!

And he started Renovating!

How Pleased wouldDad be, when he Sees my Work!!

Knowing nothing abt floorsHe started making Platforms..

A Table for everything

He Created sets..

And Stacks..

And Mix and Match..

.. To unstoppable limits!

Then He Heard something..

“Webby! What in the name of Peter

Parker are you doing ?”

It could only mean..

Wobby, Webby’s Dad washome..!

Dad! Look!!I’m MakingMy Own Home!

I can See That! But you Just can’t Build Everything Like a Table!

Oh Yes I can! I can Give everything In TheHouse Its own Pedestal!

Its Very Easy!

Look at This Funky Tea Tray!

Now This is Just Crazy! You must understand

one Thing...

Sure Tables Are Easy to Make

… but They Are Tough to Manage..

… And a Nightmare to Update!

“ So I did all of this for Nothing?Such a Waste..”

Oh they do have their Use..Use Tables for Dining, Studying, Keeping Coffee..

.. Just Not for Everything in Life

TaBles are Just the 1st Step in Making your Own Web Home.

You Still have a LOT To Learn

Here, Whenever you get in DoubtYou can refer to Standards.

Gee. Thanks Dad!

JourNal –Day1

• With Gr8 Power comes Gr8 Responsibility..

• How to Make a Better Web?– Use Tables only

when Necessary!


Support Web Standards

PS: The Advice For Using Tables where Necessary works for World Wide Web too..

Check Our Web Standards Here

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