website audit & report - intrigue media · when designing your website for mobile, you want to...

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519.265.4933 |

Website Audit & ReportAugust 21st, 2018



| 1519.265.4933 |

General - Backend

General - Backend

What Content Management System is being used?

Is Google Analytics installed?

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Your Website

Your Website

Your Competitor’s Website

Your Competitor’s Website

• Wix

• Yes

• WordPress

• Yes

Your Content Management System (CMS) is the platform that you use to run your website. We recommend using a platform like WordPress that balances performance, user-friendliness, and customizability.

Your website is using Wix as its CMS. This platform has problems with limited customizability and funtionality. Many users of the platform report limitations when trying to update and maintain their websites, as well as having limited options for design tools. We recommend rebuilding your site using the WordPress platform to solve these concerns.

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Google Analytics is a free analytics and management tool that allows you to track the results of your marketing. Over 70% of the top 1 million sites on the web (by traffic) use Analytics.

You’re doing a great job. Analytics is installed.

| 2519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - Page Speed

How long does the homepage take to load?

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• 4.5 seonds • 1.5 seconds

Website pages should load in less than 3 seconds (2 seconds for eCommerce websites). A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. The aim should be to get all pages loading as quickly as possible. This is particularly important for your homepage as this is often the first page users will view.

We recommend reducing your page load time. Page Load time is affected by many things and solutions for improving page speed can include the following: - Improve hosting services - Reduce image size - Minify CSS/JavaScript files - Delete unused scripts

What’s the average time for service pages to load?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• 4.5 seonds • 1.5 seconds

User Interface / User Experience (UI/UX)

| 3519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - Page SpeedHow many images are over 100kb?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• 6 images

• Ranging from 200KB to 4MB

• 77 images

• Ranging from 200KB to 9MB

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Images should be under 100kb wherever possible — and always under 300kb.

We recommend optimizing the image files on your site. Many images on your site can be compressed to be much smaller without losing quality. Taking up less room on your server will help to deliver pages to users at higher speeds.

UI/UX - Contact FormDoes the form stand out on the page? Is it easy to find?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Does not stand out on the page.

• Have to scroll down below fold on

contact page to find it.

• Does not stand out on the page.

• Have to scroll down below fold on

contact page to find it.

Industry Standards & Best Practices


44% of website visitors will leave a company’s website if there’s no contact information or phone number. Forms should stand out on a page as a clear way for the user to contact you.

Your website has a form, but it does not stand out clearly on the page. We recommend moving the form higher up on the page and customizing the style with CSS to draw more attention to it.

| 4519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - Contact FormHow many fields does the form have? Are they all necessary?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• 5 fields

• Yes, all fields are necessary for

basic lead capture.

• 14 fields

• No, there are too many fields.

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Reducing the number of form fields to 10 or under increases conversions by 120%. The latest best practice data indicates that forms with 4 - 10 fields perform the best, if the fields are relevant to the user.

You’re doing a great job. Your form is in line with best practices in the industry.

UI/UX - Contact FormDoes the contact form appear to submit?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Indicating that their form has been successfully submitted should always be made clear to the user.

You’re doing a great job. Your form submits properly without error.

| 5519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - Contact FormDoes your contact form go to a thank you page?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• No • No

Industry Standards & Best Practices


An optimized thank you page is an ideal indicator to inform users that their form submission has been successfully received. It will also provide helpful options for tracking leads through your website and can lead to increased conversions.

Your form does not redirect to a thank you page. We recommend adding a thank you page to your website and ensuring the form redirects there upon completion. This will allow opportunites for tracking conversions through your website, as well as create a better user experience for your customers.

UI/UX - Contact FormDoes the contact form send an auto response to the user?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • No

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Sending an auto response to the user’s email after they submit a form entry will reassure them that you have received their submission. It also adds a nice personal touch.

You’re doing a great job. Your form sends an email to users upon completion of the form.

| 6519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - Mobile UXIs the website mobile responsive?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


60% of users will not recommend a business that has a badly designed mobile website. It’s vital that your website is mobile responsive/mobile friendly.

Although your website is technically mobile responsive, some work could be done to improve the design and stucturing of content on smaller screens. A web developer can do this by writing responsive CSS targeting specific screen sizes.

UI/UX - Mobile UXAre key elements displaying on mobile? (Call-to-actions, forms, etc.)

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


In order to engage users and enable conversions, your website must have forms and CTAs (call-to-actions) that are mobile responsive.

You’re doing a great job. No key elements are hidden for smaller screens.

| 7519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - Mobile UXAre buttons and links large enough for all users?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• No • No

Industry Standards & Best Practices


When designing your website for mobile, you want to consider the ‘thumb zone’ and ensure that CTA (call-to-action) buttons and links are large enough for users. General best practice sizes are 48x48px with 8px margin minimum.

Your website is not mobile optimized for links and buttons. We recommend adjusting the design in order to boost user engagement and conversion.

UI/UX - General UXDo all external links on the site open in a new tab?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


External links that open in a new window can reduce bounce rates compared with external links opening in the same tab/window. While external links may be helpful to the user, you don’t want to overwrite your webpage with an external page and risk losing your user. It’s important to keep users on your website.

You’re doing a great job. External links on your site open in a new window.

| 8519.265.4933 |

UI/UX - General UXAre the phone numbers clickable?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• No • No

Industry Standards & Best Practices


88% of visitors are more likely to contact your business if you provide a click-to-call button on your website. If phone numbers aren’t clickable, you risk losing a customer.

Your website has phone numbers that are not clickable and do not dial straight from a click. We recommend optimizing phone numbers to be mobile-friendly (AKA click-to-dial) to encourage engagement.

SEO - General SEOIs an SSL set up properly?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


SSL is a type of encryption that enables the safe transfer of information (i.e. credit card info). If your website has an SSL certificate, it will display as If it does not have SSL, Google may flag your website as ‘not secure’, and this can reduce traffic to your site.

You’re doing a great job. You have an SSL certficate properly setup for your site.

| 9519.265.4933 |

SEO - Search VisibilityAre title tags in-line with SEO best practices?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• No • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Title tags are what users see when they look for your website on Google. Properly optimized title tags will rank better and achieve better Click Through Rates (CTRs).

Your title tags are not properly optimized. We recommend that you optimize your title tags with relevant keywords to improve your site’s performance.

SEO - Search VisibilityAre meta descriptions in-line with SEO best practices?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • No

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Meta descriptions are what users see when they look for your website on Google. Properly optimized meta descriptions will lead to better Click Through Rates (CTRs).

You’re doing a great job. Your meta descriptions are within best practice guidelines.

| 10519.265.4933 |

SEO - RankingsIs the site indexed on Google?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes • Yes

Industry Standards & Best Practices


It’s important to ensure that your site’s robots.tst is properly configured during setup. Improper setup may mean that your site is not indexed by Google and won’t rank for any keywords.

You’re doing a great job. Your website is being properly indexed.

SEO - RankingsDoes the site rank on Google for industry keywords?

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• Yes

• Lower than competition

• Yes

• Higher than you

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Many websites are only optimized for the business name and don’t show up for relevant industry keywords. You want to make sure that you have keywords in the proper places to get your site ranking.

Your website is showing up in search for certain industry keywords, but you are further down the page than your competition. Many aspects contribute to your site’s ranking on search engines. A possible reason for your lower ranking could be that your competition has a lot more pages and written content on their website, so there is much more opportunity to add keywords. They also have a stronger backlink profile (see next section).

| 11519.265.4933 |

SEO - BacklinksReferring Domains

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• 1 • 10

Industry Standards & Best Practices


The number of referring domains (AKA websites) is a key indicator of your website’s domain authority and trustworthiness. Backlinks are an extremely important Google ranking factor.

You have a low number of referring domains. We recommend that you try to earn backlinks from high-quality websites to improve this score.

SEO - BacklinksTotal Backlinks

Your Website Your Competitor’s Website

• 2 • 40

Industry Standards & Best Practices


Your website’s number of total backlinks is another indicator of your website’s domain authority and trustworthiness.

You have a low number of total backlinks. We recommend that you try to earn backlinks from high-quality websites to improve this score.

| 12519.265.4933 |

Recommendation Summary

Your website is using Wix as its CMS. This platform has problems with limited customizability and funtional-ity. Many users of the platform report limitations when trying to update and maintain their websites, as well as having limited options for design tools. We recommend rebuilding your site using the WordPress platform to solve these concerns.

We recommend reducing your page load time. Page Load time is affected by many things and solutions for improving page speed can include the follow-ing:- Improve hosting services- Reduce image size- Minify CSS/JavaScript files- Delete unused scripts

We recommend optimizing the image files on your site. Many images on your site can be compressed to be much smaller without losing quality. Taking up less room on your server will help to deliver pages to users at higher speeds.

Your website has a form, but it does not stand out clearly on the page. We recommend moving the form higher up on the page and customizing the style with CSS to draw more attention to it.

Your form does not redirect to a thank you page. We recommend adding a thank you page to your website and ensuring the form redirects there upon completion. This will allow opportunites for tracking conversions through your website, as well as create a better user experience for your customers.

Although your website is technically mobile responsive, some work could be done to improve the design and stucturing of content on smaller screens. A web developer can do this by writing responsive CSS tar-geting specific screen sizes.

Your website is not mobile optimized for links and buttons. We recommend adjusting the design in order to boost user engagement and conversion.

Your website has phone numbers that are not clickable and do not dial straight from a click. We recommend optimizing phone numbers to be mobile-friendly (AKA click-to-dial) to encourage engagement.

Your title tags are not properly optimized. We recommend that you optimize your title tags with relevant keywords to improve your site’s performance.

Your website is showing up in search for certain industry keywords, but you are further down the page than your competition. Many aspects contribute to your site’s ranking on search engines. A possible reason for your lower ranking could be that your competition has a lot more pages and written content on their web-site, so there is much more opportunity to add keywords. They also have a stronger backlink profile (see next section).

You have a low number of referring domains. We recommend that you try to earn backlinks from high-quali-ty websites to improve this score.

You have a low number of total backlinks. We recommend that you try to earn backlinks from high-quality websites to improve this score.

| 13519.265.4933 |

Need someone to help you implement the recommendations from this audit?

Contact Intrigue today!

(519) 265-4933

Stefan Wiesen

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