website redesign strategy

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Lack of a website redesign strategy. Do not start doing a redesign without thinking about how it effects their standing on the Internet. Besides the look and feel for an effective website strategy consider the following: What assets does your website currently have? What content management system are you going to use? What do you want your website to do to increase your bottom line? Before you engage in a website design, one of the first things you should do is take stock of your current website. How many links does it have from external websites? What keywords bring traffic to your website? How many pages is it? These questions and more should be considered prior to redesigning any website. The system you install should be SEO compliant, provide the ability to share your website on all the social media networks and above all be easy for you as the company to make website changes as you need them without calling anyone. Do you know how you want your website to make them money? If you have an eCommerce store, it's a little more cut and dry because you want to sell things within the store. However, if you are a B2B, or don't have an ecommerce store, it's a little more complex. At this point the best thing to do is create easy ways for visitors to become leads. Beyond the ubiquitous "Contact Us" page, what else can you offer? A free book? A PDF of case studies? A webinar? All of these things are great examples of getting people interest in your website and product who may not be ready to buy. For more strategies on your next website redesign visit or call me at (805)467.6777


Website Redesign Strategy


Every website redesign starts with a


There are seven stages to accomplish that vision

First stage: Strategy

The most crucial, and often overlooked, steps of a website redesign

The next seven steps will outline your strategy

Step 1: Benchmark Your Current Metrics

Analyze your existing site in areas such as

Number of visits/visitors/unique visitors

Bounce rate

Time on site

Current SEO rankings for important keywords

Domain authority

Number of new leads/form submissions

Total amount of sales generated

Step 2: Determine Your Goals

It’s not just about how your site looks, but how it works

Step 3: Define your brand

Step 4: Define Your Buyer Persona

Stage 5: Protect Optimized Pages

• Document your most search-valued pages• Create a 301 redirect strategy• Do your keyword research

Stage 6: Analyze the Competition

Analyze YOU and your COMPETITOR’S website and marketing performances

Step 7: Inventory Your Assets

Make sure you don’t loose the following assets when you redesign your website

Most shared or viewed content

Most trafficked pages

Best performing/ranking keywords and associated pages

Number of inbound links to individual pages

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