weekly poultry news - paoz · currently, in angola, there is high demand for imported products in...

Post on 10-Jun-2020






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Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

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The thriving Angolan economy and a growing middle class with rising disposable incomes, coupled with

good political relations between Harare and Luanda, presents export opportunities for Zimbabwean

businesses. Angola, a fellow member of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), has a

population of around 30 million, according to the World Bank. Its gross domestic product (GDP)

currently stands at US$110,2 billion, which translates to a GDP per capita of US$3 666. Angola imports

most of its consumer goods and utilities from countries such as Portugal, Brazil, China and South Africa.

These countries have established their own niche markets which, to some extent, are difficult to


However, given Zimbabwe’s capacity to produce high-quality products, there is scope to penetrate

Angola’s market and increase exports into the country. To enable local companies to take advantage of

these opportunities, ZimTrade — the national trade development and promotion organisation — will

conduct a market survey in Namibia and Angola in November this year. This market survey will identify

strategic avenues for local companies to supply the Angolan market with several products in sectors such

as processed foods, agriculture and clothing.

Currently, in Angola, there is high demand for imported products in fast-moving consumer goods such as

meat and processed foods. The market is aware of good quality products from Zimbabwe, and this can be

used as a basis to introduce new products and increase distribution of existing product lines. There is

scope to export meat (chevron and beef), which is in high demand. However, regional countries that are

currently supplying Angola are failing to meet demand. According to Trade Map, the top five meat

exporters to Angola in 2018 were United States of America, Brazil, Portugal, Belgium and Argentina.

Local producers can leverage on Zimbabwe’s proximity to Angola and existing trade agreements to

increase meat exports. There is scope to focus on value addition of specific products such as chicken and

pork, which can perform well in the market. Further, there is potential to increase processed foods such

as tinned foods, fruit juices and cordials. These value-added products will position local producers to

potentially earn more value from their exports and at the same time increase job creation and economic

activities in Zimbabwe.

Dairy products have huge potential as reflected by the price difference between retail prices on the local

market and in Angolan shops. Currently, Angola imports these, including long-life full cream milk and

yoghurts, from countries such as South Africa and Portugal. Products with potential in the FMCG sector

also include poultry and table eggs. In terms of poultry, baby chickens are in high demand, as well as

ordinary chicken. The poultry business in the Southern African country has been affected by stockfeed

shortages, among others, which presents additional opportunities for local firms. Established retail chains

such as Shoprite can be conduits through which local products, particularly FMCGs, can be introduced

and distributed in Angola.


14th OCTOBER 2019


Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

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Agricultural production is minimal in Angola and their local produce accounts for less than 15 percent of

what is available in their supermarkets. Fresh produce such as vegetables and fruits have a ready market

in Angola, and local suppliers can aim to meet certification requirements that will make market

penetration easier. One of the key focus areas for the Angolan government is investing in agricultural

production and processing to diversify the economy and avoid over-reliance on oil and food imports.

Growth in the agricultural sector is causing rising demand for agricultural implements.

Local exporters can target specific agro-based solutions such as plant and equipment, as well as

chemicals. There is demand for farm implements, especially ox-drawn implements, in the northern parts

of the country. In addition, the agricultural sector presents opportunities for exporting technical skills.

Zimbabwe has a wide range of skill competences in areas such as horticulture, agronomy, veterinary

services and crop sciences. SOURCE: Allan Majuru is ZimTrade’s chief executive officer.



Mycotoxins: How important are you first 11 days of a chick life to later productivity? Safeguard your


One of the largest costs of poultry farming to a producer is feed. Feed cost consists of approximately 70%

of total production costs in poultry farming. As a result of this, farmers are mostly inclined to sourcing

cheap feed or cheap quality feed. Cheap feed or raw material ingredients are usually of low quality. Low

quality feed poses a challenge of abundance of mycotoxins. Storage conditions of the feed also affect the

presence of mycotoxins in the feed.

What are mycotoxins?- These are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain fungi; they are

secondary metabolites and are toxic to humans and animals. Produced by certain species of

fungus/moulds that contaminate food and feed- There are abundant types. The major ones are aflatoxins,

trichothecanes, zearalenone, ochratoxins and fumonisins. The moulds grow on a variety of different crops

and foodstuffs including cereals, nuts, spices, dried fruits, apples and coffee beans, often under warm and

humid conditions. All poultry ages are affected by mycotoxins, but the risk can be particularly

devastating to less than 14 day old chicks, unless proper risk management is implemented

Why are chicks particularly at risk? The first 11 days of a chick are in both the short and long term

because: Immune system is not yet developed at this stage. Development of an active immune system is

the central foundation of a healthy bird’s life. Low mycotoxin doses can combine with environmental

stressors. This combination can result in invisible losses, with subclinical effects that include: Disruption

of gut health,greater susceptibility to disease, more serious immune problems in later life and further

losses to economic performanc

What is the solution to mycotoxin contamination? With the ability to minimize contamination of feed

ingredients (crops and crop residues) being out of the control of the poultry producer, the only most

efficient mycotoxin risk control is the use of an efficient Mycotoxin Binder. A mycotoxin binder is a

substance that is added to animal feed in small quantities in order to trap mycotoxins, preventing them

from entering the blood stream where they can cause serious harm to your animals. Bupo Animal Health

has developed a product that efficiently counters mycotoxins namely Bupotox Plus.

Bupotox Plus: A broad spectrum mycotoxin adsorbing feed additive with high affinity for Aflatoxins in

ruminants and monogastrics. Also has affinity sorbent spectrum for Ochratoxins, Zearalenone,

Fumitoxine, T2 toxin and Deoxinivalenol (DON).

Dosage and Directions for Use: Presentation and packaging: 1kg bags

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ


Normal risk conditions 1kg per ton of feed

High risk conditions 2kg per ton of feed

Confirmed contamination 2-2.5kg per ton of feed

This product can be found at Livestock Services Cooperative Society.


ZAMBIA'S KWACHA REMAINS STABLE IN SEPTEMBER 2019 The Kwacha continued to trade flat against the US dollar in Friday’s session. Early morning trading saw the local unit open the market at the same levels it closed the previous day of K13.140/K13.190 per dollar. In today’s trading session, we expect a similar pattern and the local unit to be range bound. Liquidity in the local money markets increased to K2, 088.47 million from a previous close of K1, 497.91million. The volume of funds traded on the inter-bank increased to K465.00 million from previous K335.00 million. The overnight interbank lending rate showed no change and maintained 10.47%. Source Zanaco Treasury News

Source: Bank of Zambia

PRICES FOR THE DOCs REMAINs UNCHANGED The prices of day old remained unchanged for the

second week of October of 2019. The prices still

averaged ZMK6.58. The lowest chick on the market is

trading at ZMK6.50 and the highest is ZMK6.80 per

day old chicks, depending on location

There are no movements equally on the prices of pullets

on the market which are also trading at ZMK10.24,

with the highest being ZMK11.30 and the lowest

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

selling at ZMK9.5. The graph captures the national

average price trend for the day old broiler chicks. For

the pullets, most of the bookings are open between

November and December 2019.

Source: PAZ

LIVE CHICKEN PRICES REMAINS UNCHANGED IN THE OPEN MARKET The national average prices for the live chickens remained

unchanged in the open markets for the second week of

October 2019. There were some minor price movements

recorded in x-layers as well as the free range

The national live broiler bird prices averaged ZMK 46 same as

the price obtained last week.

The x-layers have also averaged ZMK 35.53 which is the

same as the price obtained last week. However the prices for

the free range chickens averaged ZMK72.07 up from ZMK

71.93 recorded last week

Source: Poultry Association of Zambia

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

WHOLE DRESSED CHICKEN PRICES REMAINS UNCHANGED The prices for the frozen chicken remained unchanged

for the second week of October 2019. The average price

for the whole frozen chicken in Lusaka traded at about

ZMK 27.39per kg for the past one week.

This is the same price as obtained during the first week

of the month. The lowest price in some chainstores is

still trading at ZMK24.99 per kg while the highest is

trading at ZMK31per kg. The chicken sizes are ranging

between 1.3kg to 1.7kg in different stores.

Please note that the prices are obtained from Pick n Pay,

Shoprite, Zambeef, Melisa Supermarket, Chopies and

Cheers Stores. Different outlets have different pricing

models hence the figures displayed is an average price

for all the sampled chainstores. It should also be noted

that these are Lusaka prices only.

Source: Poultry Association of Zambia

AVARAGE PRICES FOR THE POINT OF LAY REGISTERS SOME UPWARDS MOVEMENTS The prices for the point of registered some upward price

movements during the course of the week. The average price

is now ranging between ZMK75 to ZMK80 per bird

depending on the supplier. It should be noted that the prices

are leaning towards ZMK85 as the cheaper birds are being


Some of the major suppliers of point of lay include but not

limited to the following companies:

Yielding Tree, Great Gowen, Base Farms, Cholimba and


For the beginners who are interested in getting battery cages,

cage price ranges between ZMK3,700 to ZMK8000

depending on the capacity and also the sources of the cages.

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

NATIONAL RETAIL AVARAGE EGG PRICES MAINTAINS THE PRICE STABILITY The egg prices in the domestic market maintained price

stability in the second week of October 2019. The retail

prices in open markets ranges between ZMK27 to

ZMK29. There has not been any noticeable change on

the prices of pullet eggs and still trading between

ZMK23 and ZMK24 per tray.

Further, retail prices in some Chainstores have also

remained unchanged, averaging between ZMK32 to

ZMK35 per tray of 30 eggs depending on the supplier

and packaging.

The increase in the prices of feed is having a greater

impact on the profit margins for the farmers as the

traders tend to take up much of the profits from the


Source: Poultry Association of Zambia


The national average prices for broiler and layer feeds remained unchanged during the course of week. Broiler starter still traded at ZMK 300.54 per 50kg bag the same price obtained last week. In some districts like kasama, a bag of starter is now costing ZMK330. Broiler Grower avarages ZMK283 per 50 kg bag same price as last week. Broiler finisher also averages ZMK281 which is the same price as obtained last week In the same vein, there were no price movements on the layer feed. For those compunding their ownfeed, ingredients prices have also been going up with maize bran, sunflower cake, soyacake as well as fishmeal registered some increaments. Note that there seem to be some price stability in the feed market hoping that this will continue in the next few months.

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

Source: Poultry Association of Zambia




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POULTRY ASSOCIATION OF ZAMBIA MEMBERSHIP Are you an active poultry farmer and a registered member of the Poultry Association of Zambia? If not please

visit PAZ Secretariat in the showgrounds, ZNFU Stand just by the roundabout. Registration is free and make sure you obtain a membership card, and ensure that you come with a receipt of day old chick’s purchase to be registered. So the only requirement is a receipt showing you purchased day old chicks from PAZ affiliated



22nd October 2019


Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

Mulungushi International Conference Centre PUT THAT ADVERT HERE


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Hatchery: 0964533426


Head Office - 0971252593

Lusaka - 0960283016

Copperbelt – 0960282982

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

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Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

Note: All prices in this update are retail prices- for all your poultry information please visit the websit:www.paoz.org

Disclaimer: No one is allowed to copy or reproduce this information in any form without express permission from PAZ

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