welcome to health. what will i need to pass this class??? composition journal internet access laptop...

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Welcome to health

What will I need to pass this class???

• Composition Journal• Internet Access• Laptop or Desktop Computer• Time-Management• Motivation

Why do we need health class???


• To learn about ourselves (what makes us work and function as human beings)?

• To learn how to better take care of ourselves and those around us

• To discover why is it important to take care of ourselves right now instead of waiting until later

• To gain knowledge about good, healthy habits that will to help you grow and develop appropriately

• To give you the foundation to start new healthy habits that can last for a lifetime.

STANDARDS 1.5.2- Evaluates how nutritional requirements change The student will be able to evaluate changes in nutritional needs 1.5.3-Analyzes the effectiveness of various nutritional products The student will be able to analyze purpose, effectiveness, necessity of

nutritional products and supplements as well as compare/contrast diet plans 1.5.4-Evaluates how healthy and unhealthy eating patterns impact the

function of the body The student will be able to the following: Evaluate eating patterns that impact body function Compare/contrast warning signs and behaviors associated with eating

disorders Give examples of health agencies within the community 2.1.1-Evaluates dimensions of health and relates them to personal

behaviors The student will be able to do the following: Evaluate impact of neglect of elements of dimensions of health Critique health and fitness data Make predictions and recommendations for lifelong wellness

2.2.3-Evaluates hereditary factors affecting growth, development and health The student will be able to use a health risk assessment tool to evaluate a

person’s health risk and develop a plan based on the health risk assessment. 2.3.1-Analyze personal health practices and how they affect communicable

diseases The student will be able to analyze prevention, causes, transmission, and

treatment of communicable diseases and analyze how personal health practices, environmental factors, polices. Research and health care resources affect communicable diseases

2.3.2-Analyze personal health practices and how they affect non-communicable diseases

The student will be able to do the following: Analyze prevention, causes, transmission, and treatment of non-communicable

diseases Analyze impact of poor nutrition, lack of sleep, inadequate exercise and

substance abuse on non-communicable diseases Analyze impact of non-communicable diseases on local and/or world populations


STANDARDS 2.4.1-Understands types of abuse and risky situations and how to respond

appropriately and safely The student will be able to do the following: Describes emotional triggers and identifies responses Describes strategies to prevent, manage, and resolve conflict Identifies adults, peers, and community resources that might assist in school

and/or the workplace Understands appropriate/inappropriate use of technology Understands type of abuse and appropriate resources Understands laws, resources and reporting procedures in school and community 2.4.2- Evaluates emergency situations, ways to prevent injuries and demonstrates

skills to respond appropriately and safely The student will be able to evaluate emergency situations, ways to prevent injury

and how to respond appropriately and safely 2.4.3/2.4.4 Analyzes stress and how it relates to personal stress management

strategies and creates personal stress management strategies The student will be able to compare the stages of stress, describe ways to prevent

or reduce stress, and create a plan to reduce, prevent or cope with stress

STANDARDS 2.4.5/2.4.7 Analyzes the stages of addiction and dependency and the

impact on the individual, family and society, treatment options and recovery processes

The student will be able to do the following: Analyze the stages of addiction and dependency Analyze the impact of addiction and dependency on the individual, family,

and society Compares and contrasts the physical, social, and emotional indicators of

possible substance abuse Compares and contrasts the physical psychological stages of dependency Compares and contrasts types of codependency

Examine this picture carefully and answer the questions from the next slide in your Health Journal

Journal Entry #1.1

Welcome to health

1). Write a detailed paragraph of what is going on in this picture and the message that it is sending.

2). Tell me three-(3) consequences that may be the result of the messages that are being portrayed in the picture.

3). How does this picture represent America today and what, in your opinion, will be the consequences if changes are not made?

We are a society on the run, in a hurry and…

Welcome to health

Examine the pictures on the next slide and briefly describe what is going on in each of the four (4) following pictures and what we could do to change poor habits.





Journal Entry #1.2

Not very healthy because of habits we develop very early in





There is hope, it takes 21 days to change a habit, what are you

waiting for???

Let’s set some goals today and make some positive changes that

will last a lifetime!!!

Why do we need health class???

Watch the following video series and write a six-(6) to eight-(8) sentence reflection on each in your Health Journal.



Journal Entry #1.3

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